#Can you imagine the vaugeposting if the dalefucker haters see this one.
funeralpartyclown · 25 days
Do you think Dale would have a piss kink? Like watching you, you know, yourself because he didn’t let you go
Well,, I don’t know. Maybe…? I can see him being into anything you do just because it’s you.
From an anatomical standpoint I think he’d never be disgusted with anything just because it’s your body.
Seeing you completely embarrassed and freaking out would definitely be entertaining to him. And If you were into that and asked him to do stuff with you I think he’d be fine with it no questions asked, again, no limits or shame from him ever.
To be completely honest. I have no problem writing about this but I just don’t know if I can bring myself to put more of it here I feel like I’m going to be hunted with pitchforks.
(Non-sexually, I think he’d just follow you into the bathroom to continue your conversation because nothing grosses him out and you have to shoo him comically with a spray bottle)
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