#Can stem cells help vision loss?
lilflowerpot · 1 year
Hello! :> I've just found this blog after finishing LB, and've been pouring over your lovely posts about Galra biology/ phenotypes (thanks for that one btw, the inexplicable diversity of non-hybrids was always… puzzling), and my inner paleontologist got curious. What do you think the last common ancestor of all Galra might've been like?
I'm assuming the species would've already become obligate bipeds, but still with a reduced tail at this point. Is fur or bare skin their ancestral condition (ie. did Kyx/ Byal evolve their hair from a smoother ancestor, or did Aalk & Dox both disinherit their forebear's fur)?
From what biome did this proto-Galra emigrate (ie. from more resourceful, but competitive jungles -> to less hospitable, but unpopulated deserts... or the reverse)?
Kyx & Byal seem like sister taxa- more closely related to each other than to the other types (presumably only diverged by temporal partitioning?). Aalk & Dox, though both hairless, don't seem as similar... given the Aalk's increased size, loss of the tailed gene, and their unique dermal plating, could they be considered the most 'derived' type? And Dox, perhaps the most 'basal'? All this is making me want to draw a cladogram...
(That could be where the root of some biases about more supposedly 'superior/ advanced' phenotypes stems from...? Human prejudices can often fall along similar lines.)
Sorry for the overly-long ask, but your world is just so thoughtful! Thanks so much for sharing it. :>
((For the sake of both your sanity and mine, I'm going to do my very best to keep my answers focused and in the approximate order that you asked for them!))
All living people share exactly the same set of ancestors before the Identical Ancestors Point, all the way to the very first single-celled organism.[1] However, people will vary widely in how much ancestry and genes they inherit from each ancestor, which will cause them to have very different genotypes and phenotypes. [1] Rohde DL, Olson S, Chang JT (September 2004). "Modelling the recent common ancestry of all living humans". Nature. 431 (7008): 562–6.
My personal thoughts as to the appearance of the galra's last common ancestor is that it was a furred desert-dweller that, yes, must have been an obligate biped—a term which here means, for anyone not in the know, the form of bipedalism (walking on two legs) that is assumed as a habitual means of movement as in the case for humans and kangaroos, rather than being assumed on a temporary basis for specific short-term purpose—and still tailed at the time, though this was likely on its way to being evolved out seeing as it's a rare and recessive trait in the modern day.
Now I might be wrong regarding this next part (because I had to read up on what you meant by "sister taxa" so am low-key learning as we go) but yes, the Byal and Kyx branched from the common node of their desert dwelling ancestor. In their case, temporal partitioning occurred due to their circadian rhythms evolving to mediate the interactions between those galra sharing the sparse desert hunting ground; smaller galra were more successful hunting during the day, owing to their less-noticeable stature and swifter reactions, which lead to the circadian rhythms of larger galra shifting to allow them to hunt at night, when their dominant competitors were less active. Ultimately, this lead to the divergence of their phenotypical traits, with the Byal evolving a thicker coat and better night-vision to help them during their waking hours, while their large ears dispersed heat during the day to prevent heatstroke.
Importantly, the Aalk and Dox are still the same species as the Kyx and Byal (ie. they're all galra), but the two of them branched off from the common node immediately preceding that of the Byal/Kyx divide, though Aalk are indeed the most derived—meaning specialised—type, as their pheotypical traits stand the furthest from those of the proto-galra common ancestor. From their desertous origin, they migrated to Daibazaal's mountainous regions, triggering their fur to change from stand-alone strands to that distinct outer armor of scaled plates (formed of keratin like those of the rhyahl, though structured quite differently) to better protect their inner epidermis from the increased UV exposure risk of their new, high-altitude environment.
Other descendants of this same proto-galra migrated instead into Daibazaal's thick jungles, where they lost their fur altogether to compensate for the drastic increase of humidity, the sebaceous glands that served to oil their fur, emulsify sweat, and delay dehydration in the desert, evolving to instead produce a different compound comprised of two pigments (one red, one orange) that work in tandem to both produce a natural antibiotic and absorb harmful UV rays. This second group found new purpose for their tails as semi-arboreal creatures, and so natural selection maintained this recessive trait most firmly in those who would become Dox. So, no, the Dox are actually equally as "derived" as the Aalk, and of all the phenotypes it's likely the Kyx (despite their loss of the tailed gene) who would be considered the least divergent from their ancestral counterpart, and therefore the most "basal".
The historical prejudices of which phenotypes are considered "superior" came later, when the tribes started to actively war against one another, and those who possessed greater raw physical strength tended to have the advantage, particularly seeing as the majority of Daibazaal's terrain was so barren and so offered very little in the way of a tactical battleground. Notably, this is also where that idea of the Dox being "underhanded" came from: because their home turf //was// so diverse and difficult to navigate (poisonous plants, venomous fauna, sinkholes and swamps and terrain unlike anything the rest of the galra had ever known) they—knowing it would be a loosing battle if they were to war with larger phenotypes head-on—were able to fight tactically.
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Seeing Unclearly
The light-sensitive tissue at the backs of your eyes, your retinas, allow you to see. But your macula is the real superstar of your vision. This tiny part of your retina is responsible for seeing fine detail. In the eye disease, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), it's the macula that deteriorates. Modelling AMD is tricky as mice don’t have maculas, so researchers created lab-grown retinal organoids made from human induced pluripotent stem cells. These organoids mimicked the makeup of the retina, including the macula. Fluorescence microscopy of slices through organoids (pictured) revealed adding chemicals associated with eye disease caused changes seen in AMD, namely, loss of photoreceptor cells (green) and more glial cells (red) in diseased organoids (right) versus healthy ones (left). Further experiments uncovered how photoreceptor cells are lost – through cell extrusion – and that the protein PIEZO1 is involved. This model can, therefore, help unpick what's happening in AMD.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image adapted from work by Manuela Völkner and colleagues
Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, October 2022
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susantaylor01 · 1 month
How does diabetes affect the body?
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Simple Technique To Help Manage Blood Sugar
Diabetes is a chronic health condition that impairs the body’s ability to process glucose, the primary source of energy for cells. This inability stems from issues related to insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, which is essential for regulating blood sugar levels. There are two main types of diabetes: Type 1, where the body fails to produce insulin, and Type 2, where the body either does not produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. Both types lead to elevated blood glucose levels, a condition known as hyperglycemia, which can have widespread effects on the body.
1 . Blood Vessels and Cardiovascular System
One of the most significant impacts of diabetes is on the cardiovascular system. Chronic high blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels and the nerves that control the heart and blood vessels. This increases the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, and other cardiovascular complications. Diabetic individuals are more likely to develop atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to the buildup of fatty deposits. This can lead to reduced blood flow, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
In addition, diabetes can lead to high blood pressure, which further stresses the heart and blood vessels. Hypertension, when combined with diabetes, greatly elevates the risk of cardiovascular events. Over time, the cumulative damage to the cardiovascular system can lead to heart failure and other severe complications.
2. Kidneys and Renal System
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of kidney damage, a condition known as diabetic nephropathy. The kidneys' primary function is to filter waste products from the blood and excrete them in the urine. However, high blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the kidneys, impairing their ability to filter waste effectively. Over time, this damage can lead to kidney failure, requiring dialysis or a kidney transplant.
Diabetic nephropathy usually develops slowly over several years and may not cause symptoms in its early stages. However, as the damage progresses, it can lead to proteinuria (the presence of excess protein in the urine), swelling in the feet and ankles, and eventually, complete kidney failure. Regular monitoring of kidney function is crucial for individuals with diabetes to detect and manage this condition early.
3. Nervous System and Neuropathy
Diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system, a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. High blood glucose levels can injure the walls of tiny blood vessels that nourish the nerves, particularly in the legs. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, including pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness, usually starting in the extremities and spreading upwards. In severe cases, this can result in loss of sensation, increasing the risk of injuries that go unnoticed and develop into serious infections.
There are different types of diabetic neuropathy, including peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, proximal neuropathy, and focal neuropathy. Each type affects different parts of the body, leading to a wide range of symptoms. For instance, autonomic neuropathy can affect the nerves that control the bladder, leading to urinary problems, or the nerves that control digestion, leading to issues like gastroparesis.
4. Eyes and Vision
Diabetes can also have a profound effect on vision. High blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, leading to a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. This condition is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults. In its early stages, diabetic retinopathy may not cause any symptoms, but as it progresses, it can lead to vision loss.
Diabetes also increases the risk of other eye conditions, including cataracts, where the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, and glaucoma, a condition characterized by increased pressure in the eye that can damage the optic nerve. Regular eye exams are essential for people with diabetes to detect these conditions early and manage them before they lead to significant vision loss.
5. Skin and Wound Healing
The skin is another organ that can be significantly affected by diabetes. High blood sugar levels can impair circulation, which reduces the skin’s ability to heal properly and increases the risk of infections. This is particularly concerning for individuals with diabetic neuropathy, as they may not notice minor injuries that can quickly become serious infections. Common skin conditions associated with diabetes include bacterial infections, fungal infections, and diabetic dermopathy, which causes brown, scaly patches on the skin.
Diabetes can also slow the healing process, making it harder for the body to recover from wounds. This is especially dangerous in the case of foot ulcers, which can develop in people with diabetic neuropathy. If left untreated, these ulcers can lead to severe infections that may require amputation.
6. Digestive System
Diabetes can also affect the digestive system. Autonomic neuropathy can damage the nerves that control the stomach, leading to a condition known as gastroparesis. This condition slows down or stops the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine, causing symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, and abdominal pain. Gastroparesis can make it difficult to control blood sugar levels, leading to further complications.
In addition, people with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing other digestive conditions, such as acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and fatty liver disease. Managing blood sugar levels through diet, medication, and lifestyle changes can help mitigate these effects on the digestive system.
Diabetes is a complex and chronic condition that affects nearly every part of the body. Its complications range from cardiovascular issues and kidney damage to nerve damage and vision problems. Understanding how diabetes affects different organs and systems is crucial for managing the disease and preventing its complications. Regular monitoring, a healthy lifestyle, and adherence to treatment plans are essential for minimizing the impact of diabetes on the body and maintaining overall health.
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Expert Hair Loss Treatments by Leading Dermatologist in Vaishali
Discover the best dermatologist in Vaishali, Dr. Megha Modi at Twachaa Clinic, offering advanced treatments for hair loss including PRP, Lavatron RF, and stem cell therapy.
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The Best Diet for Wart: What will the best dermatologist in Vaishali tell you?
If you are presently consulting the best dermatologist in Vaishali to get rid of you warts, you must have been acquainted with the dietary treatments for warts by now. Many of us are not even aware of the fact that bringing about effective changes in our diet may help us with the “wart” situation. People who don’t have this cosmetic discrepancy (most of them) – at the best believe that warts can be removed surgically. Very few have knowledge about the dietary solution. Today, we will be exploring this particular attribute in the course of the post. Do read on in order to unravel details.
Dietary Suggestions for Warts: What the best dermatologist in Vaishali has to tell you
Egg yolks – to start off with – are a very effective treatment for warts. Today if you are consulting the best dermatologist in Vaishali you will be advised to incorporate a lot folic acid rich food in your diet so as to combat your warts. Genital warts are often believed to be the product of folic acid deficiency in your body. In fact, it has also been observed that people who have genital warts have noticed a sharp decline in the number of warts after introducing egg yolks to their diet.
Carrots? Why?
Carrots make for another effective dietary inclusion when it comes to getting rid of annoying warts. It has been consistently maintained that people who actually have a lot of warts in their bodies should consider consuming carrots on a regular basis in a bid to combat warts. The beta carotene rich vegetable is already known to bolster vision and immunity. It has further been advised that people who have the infectious plantar warts should consume three carrots every day. These can be consumed either in their purest form or else as juice.
How other vegetables can help
According to the University of Maryland, vegetables that are backed by vitamins can bolster immune system can help patients get rid of warts as well. Fruits are very effective when it comes to bolstering the immune system. They are equally effective when it comes to battling warts. Notably, the dark and leafy vegetables can combat HPV virus.
Talking about fruits – one can hardly not mention oranges when it comes to dealing with warts. If you are consulting the best dermatologist in Vaishali at present you must have already been made aware of the fact oranges with vitamin C are backed by very strong anti-viral capacities and are capable of boosting the immune system. Dietary inclusions that bolster immune system are known to fight warts simply because they are capable of resisting HPV infection or for that matter other viral discrepancies.
Settling for the best Services
Make sure you are making all efforts to find the best dermatologist in Vaishali. That’s not going to happen overnight. You need to conduct thorough research in a bid to gather important details regarding the credentials of the dermatologist. He or she can act as a constant guide on your way to a wart-free future.
Categories: Dermatologist
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drdudhbhate · 3 months
Understanding Retina Treatment-A Comprehensive Guide
Common Retina Disorders
Diabetic Retinopathy: This condition occurs in individuals with diabetes, where elevated blood sugar levels damage blood vessels in the retina, leading to vision loss.
Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): AMD affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp central vision, often leading to blurred or distorted vision.
Retinal Detachment: This occurs when the retina detaches from its normal position at the back of the eye, requiring immediate medical attention to prevent permanent vision loss.
Retinal Vein Occlusion: This condition involves blockages in the veins carrying blood away from the retina, leading to vision problems.
Retinitis Pigmentosa: A group of genetic disorders causing a breakdown of cells in the retina, leading to progressive vision loss.
Treatment Options for Retina Disorders
Laser Therapy: Used to treat conditions like diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion, laser therapy helps seal or destroy abnormal blood vessels in the retina, preventing further damage.
Intravitreal Injections: These involve injecting medications directly into the eye’s vitreous humor to treat AMD and diabetic retinopathy by reducing inflammation and abnormal vessel growth.
Vitrectomy: A surgical procedure to remove the vitreous gel from the eye, allowing surgeons to access and repair the retina, often used for retinal detachment or severe diabetic retinopathy.
Retinal Laser Photocoagulation: Utilizes laser to treat retinal tears or detachments by creating scars that seal the tear and prevent further detachment.
Scleral Buckling: Surgery involving placing a flexible band around the eye to relieve traction on the retina, aiding in reattachment in cases of retinal detachment.
Pneumatic Retinopexy: A less invasive method for certain retinal detachments, involving injecting a gas bubble into the eye to push the retina back into place.
Advances in Retina Treatment
Ongoing research has led to promising advancements in retina treatment:
Gene Therapy: Targets genetic defects causing retinal diseases, offering potential cures for previously untreatable conditions like retinitis pigmentosa.
Stem Cell Therapy: Aims to replace damaged retinal cells with healthy ones, currently in experimental stages but showing potential for restoring vision.
Artificial Retinas: Also known as retinal implants or bionic eyes, these devices convert light into electrical signals that the brain can interpret, offering hope for severe cases of retinal damage.
Dr. Dudhbhate Netralay and Retina Centre
Dr. Dudhbhate Netralay and Retina Centre, based in India, is renowned for its specialized care in treating various retina disorders. Led by Dr. (Name), the centre offers state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced ophthalmologists dedicated to providing comprehensive diagnosis and personalized treatment plans. Services include advanced diagnostics, laser therapies, vitreoretinal surgeries, and innovative treatments such as gene therapy and stem cell research.
Patients at Dr. Dudhbhate Netralay and Retina Centre benefit from compassionate care combined with cutting-edge technology, aimed at preserving and restoring vision effectively. The centre’s commitment to excellence in retina care makes it a trusted choice for individuals seeking specialized treatment for retina-related issues.
The field of retina treatment continues to advance, offering hope for patients with various retina disorders. Early diagnosis, timely intervention, and personalized treatment plans are crucial in managing these conditions effectively and preserving vision. With ongoing research and technological innovations, the future looks promising for improving outcomes and enhancing the quality of life for individuals affected by retina disorders worldwide.
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gastro-delhi · 4 months
Cancer Treatment in India: A Comprehensive Guide
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Cancer Treatment in India: A Comprehensive Guide
Cancer remains one of the most frightening health challenges worldwide, with millions of lives affected by its impact every year. Cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells in the body. Understanding cancer, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies is essential for everyone.
In this article, we’ll cover all aspects of cancer to provide you with the necessary information.
What is Cancer?
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by the abnormal growth of cells that invade and destroy surrounding tissues. These abnormal cells can form tumors, impair the functioning of vital organs, and spread to other parts of the body through a process called metastasis.
How Many Types of Cancer Are There?
There are over 100 different types of cancer, each with its own set of characteristics and treatment approaches.
Common types of cancer include:
Liver cancer
Lung cancer
Breast cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Food pipe cancer
Prostate cancer
Colorectal cancer
Skin cancer
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Bladder cancer
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What Can Cause Cancer?
The precise cause of cancer is often complex and multifactorial. While genetic factors play a role in some cases, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and exposure to carcinogens also contribute to the development of cancer.
Common risk factors include:
Tobacco use
Excessive alcohol consumption
Unhealthy diet
Physical inactivity
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation
Certain infections
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
What Are the Common Symptoms of Cancer?
The symptoms of cancer vary depending on the type and location of the disease. However, some common signs and symptoms of cancer include:
Persistent fatigue
Unexplained weight loss
Persistent cough or hoarseness
Changes in bowel or bladder habits
Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
Changes in moles or skin growths
Persistent pain that doesn’t improve with treatment
Difficulty swallowing
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Changes in the appearance of a wart or mole
Persistent headaches or vision changes
Persistent fevers or night sweats
Unexplained bruising or bleeding
Presence of lumps or swelling
How Do I Get Cancer Diagnosed?
Getting a cancer diagnosis typically involves a combination of:
Medical history and physical examination
Diagnostic tests:
Blood tests
Imaging tests, like X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Specialized tests:
Genetic testing
What Are the Different Treatment Options for Cancer?
Treatment options for cancer vary depending on the type and stage of cancer, as well as individual factors such as overall health and personal preferences.
Common treatment modalities include:
Radiation therapy
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Targeted therapy
Hormone therapy
Stem cell transplantation
Precision medicine
Treatment plans are often personalized based on the individual’s cancer type, stage, overall health, and treatment goals. A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including oncologists, surgeons, radiation oncologists, and others, collaborates to develop the most effective treatment plan for each patient. The goal of treatment is to eradicate cancer cells, shrink tumors, lessen symptoms, and improve quality of life.
How do I Prevent Cancer?
While not all cancers are preventable, adopting a healthy lifestyle and avoiding known risk factors can help reduce the risk of developing cancer.
Strategies for cancer prevention include:
Maintaining a healthy weight
Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables
Staying physically active
Avoiding tobacco
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Limiting alcohol consumption
Protecting against sun exposure
Getting regular cancer screenings done
Getting vaccinated
What Are the Key Aspects of Cancer Treatment in India?
Advanced technology: Indian hospitals boast advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment for accurate diagnosis and precise treatment delivery.
Experienced oncologists: The country is home to some of the world’s most renowned oncologists, who specialize in various cancer types and treatment modalities.
Multidisciplinary care: Cancer treatment in India follows a multidisciplinary approach, involving collaboration among oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, pathologists, and other specialists.
Affordable treatment: Despite offering world-class facilities, cancer treatment in India is significantly more affordable compared to many western countries, making it accessible to a wider population.
Cancer Surgeon in Delhi
Holistic support: Indian hospitals prioritize holistic support for cancer patients, providing psychological counseling, nutritional guidance, pain management, and palliative care services.
Final Words from Dr. Neeraj Goel
Cancer is a complex and challenging disease that requires a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, treatment, and support. By understanding the nature of cancer, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention strategies, individuals can make informed decisions about their health and well-being.
Cancer treatment in India has evolved significantly with its blend of advanced technology, experienced oncologists, multidisciplinary care, and affordable treatment options. Whether it’s access to innovative therapies, personalized care, or holistic support services, patients can find comprehensive solutions for their cancer treatment in India.
Dr. Neeraj Goel, renowned as the best Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, offers unparalleled expertise in cancer treatment. With vast experience and advanced techniques, he provides personalized care, ensuring optimal outcomes for patients. Trust Dr. Neeraj Goel for the best cancer treatment in Delhi, tailored to your individual needs.
FAQs on Cancer Treatment in India
What types of cancer treatments are available in India?
India offers a wide range of cancer treatments, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and stem cell transplants.
How experienced are oncologists in India?
India has highly experienced oncologists who have received training from prestigious institutions worldwide and are renowned for their expertise in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Are cancer treatments in India affordable?
Yes, compared to many western countries, cancer treatments in India are often more affordable.
What is the success rate of cancer treatment in India?
The success rate of cancer treatment in India varies depending on the type and stage of cancer, the patient’s overall health, and the chosen treatment approach. However, many patients achieve positive outcomes and improved quality of life with appropriate treatment.
What should I expect during cancer treatment?
Treatment plans are personalized based on cancer type, stage, and individual health factors, often involving a combination of therapies to target cancer cells while minimizing side effects.
To schedule an appointment With Dr. Neeraj Goel for Cancer Surgeon in Delhi, please contact: Name: Dr. Neeraj Goel (Cancer Surgeon in Delhi) Address: D-1, Hakikat Rai Rd, Block D, Adarsh Nagar, Delhi, 110033 Phone: +91–9667365169, +91–9599294453 Website: www.gastrodelhi.com
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nathfiset · 5 months
What is Batten disease (inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) and how cord blood banking can help?
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 Batten disease, also known as inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, is a rare and devastating genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. This condition primarily affects children, causing severe neurological symptoms such as seizures, vision loss, and developmental regression. With no known cure, Batten disease can have a profound impact on both the affected individual and their family. However, recent medical advancements have shown promise in treating this disorder, and one such advancement is cord blood banking. Cord blood, collected from the umbilical cord after a baby's birth, contains valuable stem cells that can potentially be used to treat a variety of diseases, including Batten disease. In this article, we will delve into the details of Batten disease, its symptoms and causes, and how cord blood banking can play a crucial role in the treatment of this rare disorder. We will also discuss the process of cord blood banking and its potential benefits for families affected by Batten disease. So, let us explore the world of Batten disease and the role of cord blood banking in providing hope for families facing this challenging condition.
Batten disease: a rare condition
Batten disease, also known as inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, is a rare and devastating neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects children. This progressive condition is characterized by the abnormal storage of lipopigments in the body's cells, leading to the deterioration of nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body. Symptoms typically manifest in early childhood and progressively worsen over time, resulting in severe cognitive decline, seizures, loss of motor skills, and eventually, premature death. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for Batten disease, making it imperative to explore innovative approaches to manage and potentially treat the condition. One such approach that shows promise is cord blood banking, which involves the collection and storage of a baby's umbilical cord blood at birth. Cord blood contains valuable stem cells that have the potential to be used in regenerative medicine and may hold therapeutic benefits for conditions like Batten disease. Further research and advancements in this field could provide hope for families affected by this rare condition.
Inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis explained
Inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, also known as Batten disease, is a complex and rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. It is characterized by the accumulation of lipopigments in the nerve cells, leading to their dysfunction and eventual degeneration. This progressive disease primarily manifests in childhood and is associated with a wide range of symptoms, including seizures, visual impairment, cognitive decline, and motor impairment. The condition is caused by mutations in specific genes that affect the lysosomal function and the ability to break down cellular waste products. As a result, affected individuals experience a gradual decline in neurological function and a significant impact on their quality of life. In order to better understand and potentially develop treatments for Batten disease, ongoing research and scientific advancements are crucial.
Symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options
Batten disease presents with a variety of symptoms that can vary in severity and progression. Early signs may include developmental delays, vision problems, and seizures. As the disease progresses, affected individuals may experience further cognitive decline, loss of motor skills, and difficulties with speech and coordination. Diagnosing Batten disease typically involves a thorough clinical evaluation, including a detailed medical history, neurological examination, and genetic testing to identify specific gene mutations associated with the disorder.While there is currently no cure for Batten disease, various treatment options aim to manage symptoms and improve quality of life for affected individuals. These may include medications to control seizures and manage other symptoms, physical and occupational therapies to support mobility and daily functioning, and specialized educational interventions to address cognitive decline. Additionally, ongoing research and clinical trials are exploring potential therapeutic approaches, such as gene therapy and enzyme replacement therapy, which hold promise for future treatment options.Cord blood banking may also play a role in the management of Batten disease. Stem cells derived from cord blood have the potential to differentiate into different cell types, including neural cells. Research is underway to investigate the use of these stem cells in regenerative medicine and potentially develop innovative therapies for neurodegenerative conditions like Batten disease. However, it is important to note that cord blood banking should be discussed with a healthcare professional, as its role in the treatment of specific conditions is still evolving, and individual circumstances may vary.
The importance of early detection
Early detection plays a crucial role in managing Batten disease and improving outcomes for affected individuals. By identifying the disease at its earliest stages, healthcare professionals can implement interventions and treatments that can slow the progression of symptoms and potentially delay the onset of more severe manifestations. Furthermore, early detection allows for more informed family planning decisions and enables genetic counseling to support individuals and families in understanding the inheritance patterns of Batten disease. Timely diagnosis also provides the opportunity to connect affected individuals with appropriate support services, clinical trials, and research initiatives aimed at advancing our understanding of the disease and developing new treatment options. In summary, early detection of Batten disease is essential in optimizing the care and well-being of those affected by this inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis.
Cord blood banking benefits patients
Cord blood banking offers a multitude of benefits for patients, including the potential for future treatment options for various diseases, including genetic disorders like Batten disease. Cord blood, which is rich in hematopoietic stem cells, can be collected and stored after a baby's birth, creating a valuable resource for potential stem cell transplantation in the future. These stem cells have the remarkable ability to differentiate into different types of cells in the body, offering a potential source of replacement cells for damaged tissues or organs. In the case of Batten disease, cord blood banking can provide a source of stem cells that may offer therapeutic potential for affected individuals. Through ongoing research and advancements in stem cell therapies, cord blood banking holds promise in contributing to the development of new treatment strategies, raising hope for improved outcomes and quality of life for patients with Batten disease and other genetic disorders.
How stem cells can help
Stem cells have shown great potential in the field of regenerative medicine and can play a crucial role in the treatment of various diseases, including Batten disease. Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into different cell types, including nerve cells, making them a valuable resource for repairing and replacing damaged tissues in the body. In the case of Batten disease, where neuronal cells are affected, stem cell therapies offer the possibility of replenishing these damaged cells and potentially slowing down the progression of the disease. Furthermore, stem cells can also modulate the immune response and promote tissue regeneration, providing additional benefits in the treatment of Batten disease. Ongoing research in stem cell biology and therapy continues to explore innovative ways to harness the potential of stem cells, offering hope for improved outcomes and a brighter future for individuals affected by Batten disease.
Potential for future treatments
The field of medical research is constantly evolving, and the potential for future treatments for Batten disease is promising. Scientists and researchers are dedicated to understanding the underlying mechanisms of the disease and developing innovative approaches to address its complexities. With advancements in technology and knowledge, there is hope for the development of more targeted therapies that can specifically target the genetic mutations associated with Batten disease. Additionally, gene therapy, which involves introducing healthy genes into cells to compensate for the defective ones, holds great potential for treating inherited diseases like Batten disease. The continuous progress in understanding the disease and the development of novel treatment strategies provide hope for the future, offering improved outcomes and an enhanced quality of life for individuals affected by Batten disease.
Family planning considerations
When considering family planning in the context of Batten disease, there are several important factors to take into account. Firstly, it is crucial to understand the inheritable nature of the disease. Batten disease is an inherited condition caused by genetic mutations, which means that there is a risk of passing it on to future generations. Therefore, individuals or couples with a family history of Batten disease may want to seek genetic counseling before planning to have children. Genetic testing can provide valuable information about the risk of passing on the disease and help individuals and couples make informed decisions about their reproductive options. Additionally, cord blood banking can be a consideration for families affected by Batten disease. Cord blood contains valuable stem cells that can potentially be used in future medical treatments, including those for genetic disorders. By banking cord blood, families can ensure that this valuable resource is available for potential use in the event that new therapies or interventions for Batten disease become available. Ultimately, family planning considerations for individuals or couples affected by Batten disease should involve open and honest discussions with healthcare professionals, genetic counselors, and other experts in the field to make informed decisions that prioritize the well-being of both current and future generations.
The role of genetic counseling
Genetic counseling plays a crucial role in the management and understanding of genetic disorders such as Batten disease. Through genetic counseling, individuals and families affected by or at risk for Batten disease can gain a comprehensive understanding of the condition, its inheritance pattern, and the potential implications for future generations. Genetic counselors provide personalized guidance and support, helping individuals and families navigate difficult decisions related to family planning, including the option of prenatal testing or preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to assess the risk of passing on the disease. They also offer emotional support and resources to cope with the challenges associated with genetic disorders. Ultimately, genetic counseling empowers individuals and families to make informed decisions and ensures that they have access to the necessary information and support throughout their journey.
Hope for families affected by Batten disease
Families affected by Batten disease face numerous challenges, both emotionally and physically. However, amidst these difficulties, there is hope. Research and medical advancements continue to offer promising possibilities for the diagnosis, treatment, and management of Batten disease. Scientists and medical professionals are tirelessly working towards developing innovative therapies and interventions to improve the quality of life for those affected by this devastating condition. Additionally, support networks and advocacy groups dedicated to Batten disease provide invaluable resources, information, and a sense of community for affected families. With the ongoing dedication and collaboration of researchers, healthcare providers, and support organizations, there is a growing sense of hope for families affected by Batten disease, who can find solace in the knowledge that they are not alone in their journey.In conclusion, Batten disease, also known as inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, is a rare and devastating neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects children. However, with advancements in medical technology and cord blood banking, there is hope for potential treatments and cures. By preserving cord blood, families can contribute to ongoing research and potentially save their child's life in the future. It is crucial for expectant parents to educate themselves on the benefits of cord blood banking and consider this option as a way to support the fight against Batten disease. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this devastating condition.
What is Batten disease (inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis) and how does it affect individuals?Batten disease, also known as inherited neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis, is a rare and fatal genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. It typically presents in childhood and is characterized by the buildup of lipofuscin in the brain and other tissues, leading to progressive neurological deterioration. Symptoms include vision loss, seizures, cognitive decline, and motor impairments. Individuals with Batten disease often experience a decline in their physical and mental abilities, eventually leading to premature death in late childhood or early adulthood. Currently, there is no cure for Batten disease, and treatments focus on managing symptoms and providing supportive care.How does cord blood banking play a role in potentially treating or curing Batten disease?Cord blood banking involves collecting and storing stem cells from a newborn's umbilical cord blood, which can potentially be used in treating genetic disorders like Batten disease. These stem cells can differentiate into various cell types, potentially replacing damaged cells in the nervous system affected by Batten disease. While research is ongoing, some studies suggest that cord blood stem cells may have therapeutic potential in slowing down disease progression or even reversing its effects. Therefore, cord blood banking offers a promising avenue for future treatments and possible cures for Batten disease.What specific stem cells found in cord blood are believed to be beneficial in treating Batten disease?Hematopoietic stem cells found in cord blood are believed to be beneficial in treating Batten disease by potentially replacing damaged cells in the brain and central nervous system. These stem cells have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including those affected by Batten disease, offering hope for regenerating healthy tissues and improving symptoms associated with the condition.Are there any ongoing clinical trials or research studies exploring the use of cord blood stem cells in treating Batten disease?As of now, there are no ongoing clinical trials or research studies specifically exploring the use of cord blood stem cells in treating Batten disease. However, research into various stem cell therapies for neurodegenerative diseases, including Batten disease, is ongoing and evolving. Scientists are continuously investigating different types of stem cells and their potential applications in treating such conditions. It's essential to keep track of the latest developments in this field to stay informed about potential future treatment options for Batten disease.How can families affected by Batten disease benefit from storing their newborn's cord blood for potential future use in treatment?Storing a newborn's cord blood can potentially benefit families affected by Batten disease by providing access to stem cells that may be used in future treatments or therapies for the disease. These stem cells can be utilized in research, clinical trials, or even potential stem cell transplant therapies that could help in managing or treating the symptoms of Batten disease. By preserving cord blood, families can have a valuable resource available that may offer hope for new treatment options or advancements in medical science that could benefit their affected family members.  Read the full article
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samsondupre · 7 months
What is Friedrichs ataxia?
Friedreich's ataxia is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system and causes progressive damage to nerve cells in the spinal cord. Named after the German physician Nikolaus Friedreich, who first described the condition in the 1860s, Friedrich's ataxia is a debilitating disease that impacts individuals at a young age and progressively worsens over time. In this essay, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for Friedrich's ataxia, shedding light on the challenges faced by those living with this condition and the ongoing efforts to find effective therapies.
Friedreich's ataxia is a genetic disorder characterized by muscle weakness, difficulty walking, loss of coordination, and other neurological symptoms. The disease is caused by a mutation in the FXN gene, leading to a deficiency in the frataxin protein essential for mitochondrial function. This results in the degeneration of nerve cells in the spinal cord, contributing to the hallmark symptoms of Friedrich's ataxia. While there is currently no cure for the disease, various treatment approaches aim to alleviate symptoms and enhance the quality of life for affected individuals.
Muscle weakness and coordination difficulties are prominent features of Friedrich's ataxia, impacting daily activities and mobility. Individuals with the condition often experience progressive muscle weakness, particularly in the legs, making walking challenging and leading to frequent falls. Coordination issues, such as tremors and jerky movements, further hinder motor function and can affect fine motor skills. As the disease advances, individuals may also develop speech difficulties, vision problems, and cardiac complications, emphasizing the multisystem nature of Friedrich's ataxia.
The genetic basis of Friedrich's ataxia lies in a mutation in the FXN gene, which encodes the frataxin protein critical for mitochondrial health. Frataxin plays a key role in iron metabolism and the protection of cells from oxidative stress, with its deficiency in Friedrich's ataxia leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and cell damage. The inheritance pattern of the disease follows an autosomal recessive pattern, necessitating the presence of two mutated copies of the gene for an individual to manifest symptoms. Genetic testing plays a crucial role in diagnosing Friedrich's ataxia and understanding the risk of passing the condition to offspring.
While a definitive cure for Friedrich's ataxia remains elusive, current treatment strategies focus on symptom management and supportive care. Physical therapy aims to maintain muscle strength and flexibility, improving mobility and reducing the risk of contractures. Speech therapy can help address communication challenges, while assistive devices may aid in activities of daily living. Additionally, medications may be prescribed to manage symptoms such as cardiac issues, diabetes, and spasticity. Research efforts are ongoing to explore potential disease-modifying therapies, including gene-based approaches and mitochondrial-targeted treatments, with the goal of slowing disease progression and improving outcomes for individuals with Friedrich's ataxia.
Friedreich's ataxia presents a complex clinical picture characterized by progressive neurological symptoms, muscle weakness, and coordination difficulties, stemming from a mutation in the FXN gene and frataxin protein deficiency. While the disease poses significant challenges for affected individuals and their families, ongoing research and therapeutic developments offer hope for improved management and future treatments. By advancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying Friedrich's ataxia and pursuing innovative interventions, the medical community strives to enhance the quality of life and prognosis for individuals living with this rare genetic disorder.
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zhaoneurology · 7 months
Navigating Through Multiple Sclerosis: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex and unpredictable disease of the central nervous system that disrupts the flow of information within the brain, and between the brain and body. With symptoms ranging from mild numbness in the limbs to severe paralysis or loss of vision, the journey through MS is unique for each individual. However, advancements in multiple sclerosis treatment have brought hope and improved quality of life for many. This blog explores the comprehensive treatment approaches for managing MS, focusing on the integration of medical treatments, lifestyle adjustments, and supportive therapies.
Understanding Multiple Sclerosis and Its Impact
Multiple Sclerosis involves an immune-mediated process in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks myelin, the fatty substance that surrounds and insulates the nerve fibers, as well as the nerve fibers themselves. This damage leads to a wide range of symptoms, which vary greatly from person to person. The cause of MS is still unknown, and there is currently no cure, but treatments can help manage symptoms and slow the disease's progression.
Comprehensive Treatment Approaches
The treatment of multiple sclerosis is multifaceted, involving a combination of medication, rehabilitation, and lifestyle modifications to manage symptoms and improve function.
Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs)
DMTs are the cornerstone of MS treatment, designed to reduce the frequency and severity of relapses, slow the progression of the disease, and limit new disease activity as seen on MRI. There are several types of DMTs available, including injectable, oral, and infusion therapies, each with its own set of potential benefits and side effects. The choice of DMT depends on various factors, including the type of MS, the severity of the disease, and the patient's overall health and preferences.
Symptom Management
In addition to DMTs, managing the symptoms of MS is crucial for maintaining quality of life. This can include medication for fatigue, muscle spasticity, pain, and bladder or bowel problems. Rehabilitation therapies such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy are also vital, helping individuals improve mobility, perform daily activities, and maintain independence.
Lifestyle Modifications
Lifestyle changes play a significant role in managing MS. Regular exercise can help improve strength, fatigue, and mood, while a balanced diet may help manage symptoms and overall health. Stress management techniques, such as mindfulness and relaxation exercises, can also be beneficial, as stress can exacerbate symptoms.
Supportive Therapies
Supportive therapies, including counseling or participation in support groups, can be invaluable for individuals and families navigating the challenges of MS. These resources provide emotional support, practical advice, and a sense of community.
Emerging Treatments and Research
Research into multiple sclerosis treatment is ongoing, with new therapies and approaches being explored. This includes stem cell therapy, myelin repair strategies, and treatments targeting the immune system more precisely. Staying informed about the latest research and participating in clinical trials can offer access to new treatments and contribute to the advancement of knowledge about MS.
Navigating the Journey Together
Navigating through multiple sclerosis requires a comprehensive approach, combining the expertise of healthcare professionals with the support of family, friends, and the MS community. Personalizing treatment plans to fit the individual's needs, preferences, and lifestyle is key to managing this complex disease.
While the path of MS is unpredictable, the focus on comprehensive treatment approaches offers hope and a roadmap for managing the disease. By leveraging the latest in multiple sclerosis treatment, along with supportive care and lifestyle modifications, individuals with MS can lead fulfilling lives, despite the challenges they may face.
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smarthospitals123 · 8 months
Have you ever found it difficult to see clearly in the dark or accidentally bumped into things because you couldn't see them out of the corner of your eye? These might be early signs of Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), a set of inherited eye conditions that affect the retina. Recognizing these symptoms early on is important for getting diagnosed and seeking help promptly.
Understanding the Retina
Think of the retina like the film in a camera, it captures light and turns it into signals that your brain interprets as vision. In RP, the cells in the retina that are sensitive to light deteriorate gradually, causing vision loss over time.
Causes of Retinitis Pigmentosa
RP is mainly caused by genetic mutations passed down from parents to children. There are over 60 genes associated with RP, each causing slightly different variations in how the disease progresses and its severity.
Symptoms to Look Out For
Detecting RP early is crucial. Be aware of these common symptoms:
Trouble seeing in low light (night blindness).
Gradual loss of side vision (tunnel vision).
Seeing dark spots or strings floating in your vision (floaters).
Sensitivity to bright light causing discomfort or pain.
Eventually, loss of central vision in later stages.
Treatment Options
While there's no cure for RP, there are ways to manage symptoms and slow its progression:
Vision aids: Special glasses, magnifying devices, and electronic vision enhancers can help maximize remaining vision.
Genetic counseling: Understanding the genetic aspects of RP can assist families in making informed decisions about future generations.
Advancements in research: Gene therapy and stem cell research show promise for future treatments.
Getting Expert Help
Early diagnosis and proper management are crucial for living well with RP. Smart Vision Eye Hospital in Chennai has a team of highly qualified eye specialists who focus on retinal diseases. They offer comprehensive Best retina treatment in Chennai, including advanced diagnostics and personalized treatment plans, as well as opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research.
Living with RP can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and timely intervention, individuals can make the most of their vision and lead fulfilling lives. Consult with Best retina treatment in Chennai for personalized guidance and support on your journey.
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punechelation1 · 9 months
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) – Why is it getting popular in India
Our body has an incredible way to heal independently, given the right nourishment and time. However, certain impairing like air bubble in the blood,  severe infections, or surgical wounds and scars don’t heal by themselves at times, and the body might need external help. In such cases, HBOT can aid immensely.
HBOT stands for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. This process requires the patient to breathe 100% oxygen in a special atmospheric pressurized chamber. Inhaling pressurized oxygen enables the oxygen to get dissolved in the blood plasma, which takes the oxygen level in the blood to four times than normal.
Why would you breathe so much concentrated oxygen?
Generally, the air that we intake has only 21% of oxygen. Therefore, increasing the level of oxygen intake not only has immediate short-term benefits but is also beneficial for the long term. The process results in innumerable advantages to the body, generating energy and suppressing upcoming inflammation in the body.
HBOT is majorly used to heal chronic wounds or infections like carbon monoxide poisoning, gangrene, or wounds that do not reconcile due to acute diabetes. So, in other words, HBOT helps the body to cure such persistent suffering and augments the body for a better revival. Along with increasing the body oxygen level to 1200%, it also leads to multiple benefits like ascended blood flow, stem cell mobilization, reduced inflammation triggering tissue regeneration.
What are the other occasions when HBOT treatment is used?
Brain Abscess
Severe Anemia
Crushing injury
Acute skin or bone infection
Radiation injury
Sudden and painless vision loss
Sudden deafness
Traumatic head injury
In the United States, HBOT therapy has been in usage since the 1940s, when it was first used for the treatment of military divers.
Now, in India, too, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is being considered frequently for treating various illnesses. It has thus garnered quite a lot of popularity in our country as well.
Benefits of HBOT that has made it a popular illness therapy in India
Beneficial amount of oxygen in the body
HBOT helps with hyperoxygenation. In normal conditions, only RBCs carry oxygen to the entire body, but HBOT therapy allows the lungs to absorb excess oxygen, which is then transported to the body’s fluids throughout the body.
Increased blood flow
Due to the pressurized oxygen chamber, your blood flow increases automatically. So, to fight the tissue damage in your body and to elevate your health condition, it is very important that there is a good amount of blood flow in your body. This blood flow is directed according to the medical condition you are suffering from. For instance, if you have a brain injury, you will be given more oxygen towards your brain.
Formation of new collagen
HBOT is a great therapy for regenerating connective tissues, skin cells, and stimulating blood vessels. Therefore, HBOT can be extremely advantageous for people with open burns, stubborn wounds, and skin grafting.
Improves immunization
With its unique treatment of increasing blood flow with excess oxygen, HBOT helps strengthen immunity. With this therapy, you attain improved functionality of White Blood Cells. Hence, it aids you in warding off infections, viruses, illnesses, or foreign bacteria from attacking your immune system.
Anti-inflammatory benefits
The cause of inflammation in our body is the leakage of fluids from our blood vessels. HBOT supports in controlling the blood vessels from losing too much fluid. As a result, it prevents our body from degrading early, thereby delivering longevity to our lives.
How is HBOT beneficial for sportspeople?
Increased endurance
Better performance
Improved mitochondrial function
Prevents early fatigue
Reduces the instances of muscle inflammation and soreness
During HBOT process
After your physician is done with your diagnosis and is sure that there are no contraindications, you will be asked to get into the oxygen chamber. When you move down to the prescribed depth, you hear an ear-popping yet pleasant sound during the entire session. Once done, the technician takes your vitals.
Risks are rare if HBOT therapy is undergone at a specialized center like Poona Preventive Cardiology Center. Our trained team of technicians provides thorough guidance at every step, ensuring utmost safety and efficiency. 
The Chief Editor & Author of the Compendium, also ‘The Nutraceutical Man of India’; Mr. Sandeep Gupta has described HBOT as a trustworthy and simple-to-use resource for doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, health enthusiasts, and literally every person out there who aspires to a healthier life.
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nexuseyecare · 9 months
Inherited retinal diseases (IRD)
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Inherited retinal diseases (IRD) are a group of rare genetic conditions that affect the retina, the delicate tissue at the back of the eye responsible for vision. These conditions are typically caused by mutations in specific genes responsible for maintaining the health and function of the retina. IRD can result in varying degrees of visual impairment, and in some cases, lead to blindness. They can be inherited in several ways, such as dominant, recessive and sex-linked. 
The most common types of IRD include Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP), Stargardt disease, Bests Juvenile Dystrophy and others.
Symptoms of IRD
The symptoms of IRD can vary widely, even among individuals with the same condition. According to retina specialists, night blindness, tunnel vision, and difficulty distinguishing colours are common early signs. Vision loss is usually slow-progressing. In later stages, central vision may also be affected, impacting simple daily activities like reading and recognising faces. Living with IRD often requires adapting to a changing visual landscape.
Diagnosis of IRD
Early and accurate diagnosis is pivotal in managing IRD. Electrophysiology testing often helps clarify if IRD is present or not, and genetic testing can help identify specific mutations for an accurate diagnosis and management plan.
Regular visits to an ophthalmologist or retinal specialist, to monitor the progression of the disorder, manage symptoms, and provide support are important. Genetic counselling may also be recommended to understand the inheritance pattern and potential implications for children and family members. Additionally, emerging treatments and clinical trials may be discussed with retina specialists as part of ongoing care. 
While there is currently no cure for most IRD, ongoing research holds promise for future treatments. Gene therapy, stem cell therapy and retinal implants are among the innovative approaches being explored to slow or halt the progression of vision loss. Additionally, low vision aids, orientation and mobility training, and adaptive technologies play a crucial role in managing visual challenges and enhancing the quality of life for those affected by IRD.
Support groups and advocacy organizations are valuable resources to connect individuals and families affected by IRD. These communities provide a platform for sharing experiences, accessing resources, and participating in research initiatives that aim to unravel the mysteries of these complex disorders. 
IRDs are challenging and often difficult to predict and manage. As science continues to advance, there is hope for improved diagnostics and ground-breaking treatments. Through increased awareness, support networks, and ongoing research, vision loss due to IRD may one day be preventable or effectively managed. It is important for individuals with IRDs to work closely with their healthcare team and retina specialists to address their specific needs and stay informed about available options.
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singhanubhav1 · 10 months
A Ray of Hope: Macular Degeneration Treatment and Cure in India
Macular degeneration is a progressive eye condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide, leading to vision loss and impairment in the central field of vision. In India, renowned for its advanced medical care, there are promising options for macular degeneration treatment and even the pursuit of a cure. Let's explore the innovative treatments and the potential for a macular degeneration cure in India.
Understanding Macular Degeneration
Macular degeneration, often referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a chronic eye disease that primarily affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for sharp, central vision. This condition can lead to blurred or distorted vision, making tasks like reading and recognizing faces challenging.
Traditional Approaches to Macular Degeneration
Traditional treatments for macular degeneration have focused on managing the condition's progression and alleviating symptoms. These approaches include lifestyle modifications, dietary supplements, and anti-VEGF injections, which help reduce abnormal blood vessel growth in the eye.
Innovative Macular Degeneration Treatment in India
India has emerged as a pioneering destination for innovative macular degeneration treatment options. Leading eye care centers in India offer cutting-edge treatments that aim to slow the progression of the disease and improve vision.
Promising Treatment Modalities
Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell therapy holds significant promise for macular degeneration patients. It involves the transplantation of stem cells into the affected retina to repair damaged tissues and restore vision.
Gene Therapy: Gene therapy for macular degeneration is a groundbreaking approach that aims to correct genetic mutations responsible for the condition. It offers the potential to halt or even reverse the disease's progression.
Retinal Implants: Retinal implants are surgically placed devices that mimic the function of damaged retinal cells. These implants can restore some degree of vision, particularly in patients with advanced AMD.
The Quest for a Macular Degeneration Cure in India
While a definitive cure for macular degeneration is still in the research phase, India has made significant strides in pursuing treatments that bring hope to patients. Ongoing clinical trials and studies are exploring innovative approaches to address the root causes of macular degeneration.
Benefits of Macular Degeneration Treatment in India
Access to Cutting-Edge Technology: Leading eye care centers in India are equipped with the latest technology and research capabilities, ensuring that patients have access to the most advanced treatment options.
Expertise and Experience: India boasts highly skilled ophthalmologists with expertise in treating macular degeneration. These specialists are at the forefront of research and treatment in the field.
Affordability: Medical care in India is renowned for its affordability compared to many Western countries, making advanced treatments more accessible to a wider range of patients.
Macular degeneration may be a challenging condition, but with the advancements in treatment and the ongoing pursuit of a cure in India, there is genuine hope for improved vision and quality of life. Whether you're seeking innovative treatments or exploring the potential for a macular degeneration cure, India's eye care centers offer a ray of hope for those affected by this condition. Embrace the possibilities and explore the promising options for macular degeneration treatment and cure in India.
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bhagwatiayurved · 11 months
Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna
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Know About the Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes
The diabetic disease has plagued people for eons. Our old Ayurvedic books refer to this persistent illness, so we know this to be true. While Diabetes mellitus is the accepted medical term, the Ayurvedic term Madhumeha is more commonly used. Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Sangraha, Madhava Nidana, Yoga Ratnakara, etc., explain the illness at length in their respective ancient treatises. They also help the Ayurvedic doctor know how to treat them most successfully.
Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna When treating a patient, Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna looks for and treats the underlying causes of their symptoms. Diabetes treatment in Ayurveda is based on similar principles.
Ayurvedic Medicines That Work Best for Diabetes
The top Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes are as follows.
It is common practice to use giloy as a Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna due to the herb's capacity to both reduce blood sugar and stimulate insulin production. The powdered form of giloy, as well as the leaves and bark of the herb, can be infused in water and consumed first thing in the morning.
Haritaki, Alma, and Bibhitaki are all part of this powdered mix. This powder was first used around 1500 B.C. Constipation is relieved, digestive health is enhanced, and blood sugar levels are normalized. It has a high concentration of antioxidants. People with diabetes and those predisposed to the disease may benefit from Triphala because it inhibits glycation enzymes. High blood glucose levels harm the body because of glycation, in which sugar molecules destroy protein molecules, potentially leading to vision loss and nerve damage. You should also know about Herpes Simplex Virus in Patna.
Turmeric is effective against allergies, cancer, inflammation, and even diabetes. It cleans the blood and boosts insulin sensitivity by making it easier for glucose to enter the cells. Turmeric and aloe vera are a great combination. Curcumin, a component of turmeric, shows promise as a potential aid in controlling diabetes. Several studies have demonstrated its efficacy in preventing weight gain, reducing blood sugar levels, and increasing insulin sensitivity.
Tulsi, a plant native to India, has been used as an effective Medicine of Diabetes in Patna due to its exceptional healing powers. It helps with a wide range of malignancies and bacterial infections, too. Tulsi can also be helpful if you suffer from a cold, cough, or sore throat. In Ayurvedic medicine, it plays a crucial role. You can eat it or take it as a supplement, and it's now widely cultivated over the globe. Every part of this plant, from the leaves and stems to the seeds and oil, has medicinal use. Blood sugar levels in both type 1 and type 2 diabetics have been proven to improve with its use. Consistently high cholesterol levels increase the risk of diabetes-related complications like vascular disease and stroke in people with diabetes. Holy basil has been shown to mitigate this danger. Tulsi enhances pancreatic beta-cell activity, improving muscle cell glucose uptake.
Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Diabetes
Patients undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for sugar dependency are closely monitored and guided through the process. In the early stages of diabetes and certain chronic instances, Ayurvedic Medicine for Diabetes in Patna has been reported.
Regarding Ayurvedic therapy for diabetes throughout India, Bhagwati Ayurved is among the best. We have some of India's top Ayurvedic experts treating diabetes at our clinics.Bhagwati Ayurved is committed to the implementation of each client's holistic health. If you want to avoid future health issues, please get in touch with us right away.
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spacenutspod · 11 months
NASA astronaut Kayla Barron works inside the Life Science Glovebox conducting botany research.NASA As of spring 2023, NASA has invested greater than $60M in more than twenty In Space Production Applications (InSPA) awards to U.S. entities seeking to demonstrate the production of advanced materials and products on the International Space Station.  These InSPA awards help the selected companies raise the technological readiness level of their products and move them to market, propelling U.S. industry toward the development of a sustainable, scalable, and profitable non-NASA demand for services and products manufactured in the microgravity environment of low-Earth orbit for use on Earth. NASA Selects Proposals to Enable Manufacturing In Space for Earth (April 15, 2022) NASA Selects Proposals for In-Space Development of Projects Including Optical Fibers and Stem Cells and a Plan to Enable a Low-Earth Orbit Economy (April 7, 2020) Advanced Materials Flawless Photonics – Fabrication of Flawless Glass Contact: Dr. Michael VestelFlawless Photonics of Los Altos Hills, California, in partnership with the University of Adelaide, Axiom Space, and Visioneering Space has been selected for their proposal to develop specialized glass manufacturing hardware to process Heavy-Metal Fluoride Glasses (HMFG) in microgravity. HMFG glasses are used in the terrestrial manufacturing of exotic optical fibers and other optics applications. Without convective forces present in 1g, HMFG made in microgravity are expected to achieve the ideal amorphous microstructure during synthesis, eliminating light scattering defects that limit lasing power and transmission over long fiber lengths. Apsidal – Intelligent Glass Optics Contact: Dr. Amrit DeApsidal LLC. of Los Angeles, California, is developing the IGO module to process various types of complex glasses in space from which optical fibers, fiber lasers, magnetic fibers, super-continuum sources, capillary optics and adiabatic tapers can be drawn. One of the key innovations is a custom Laser Doppler Sensor for real-time in-situ analysis and feedback control of the manufacturing process. Additionally, this technology is Artificial Intelligence (AI) assisted to be adaptive and to optimize production in a low Earth orbit (LEO) environment. The microgravity environment of space is needed as gravity-induced material convection and sedimentation in complex glasses on Earth subsequently leads to unwanted crystallization, thus creating defects which reduce performance. Market areas for products from this module include specialty fibers for low-loss and high bandwidth communications, high-power fiber-amplifiers, IR counter measures, supercontinuum sources, medical applications, remote sensing, X-ray optics, and laser processing. Fiber Optic Manufacturing in Space – Space Fibers Contact: Dr. Dmitry StarodubovFOMS Inc of San Diego, California, has developed a facility-class instrument for fiber fabrication in the microgravity environment to improve the quality of specialty optical fibers with the promise of up to 100x reduction in insertion loss due to the suppression of crystallization and phase separation. Two previous iterations of the facility have flown to the space station, with the third generation scheduled to launch on the 25th SpaceX cargo resupply services mission in May 2022. Mercury Systems Torrance – Fiber Optic Production Contact: Eric RuckerMercury Systems of Torrance, California, has developed a facility-class instrument for fiber fabrication in the microgravity environment to improve the quality of specialty optical fibers with the promise of up to two orders of magnitude reduction in insertion loss compared to traditional SiO2 fibers due to the suppression of crystallization and sedimentation. The first generation of the facility has flown to the space station producing over 90m of ZBLAN optical fiber from a fluorinated exotic glass preform composed of Zirconium, Barium, Lanthanum, Aluminum, and Sodium (ZrF4-BaF2-LaF3-AlF3-NaF). The second-generation FOP-2 launches on SpaceX CRS-25 in May 2022 using a nitrogen purge previously demonstrated in reduced gravity on a parabolic flight. Redwire/Made In Space – Turbine Ceramic Manufacturing Module Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the TCMM to provide proof-of-principal for single-piece ceramic turbine blisk (blade + disk) manufacturing in microgravity for terrestrial use. Launched in October 2020 on Northrop Grumman’s CRS-14 mission, TCMM successfully demonstrated ceramic additive manufacturing in space for the first time in history. TCMM was also the first demonstration of stereolithography ceramic fabrication in space. The project focuses on advanced materials engineering ultimately leading to reductions in part mass, residual stress, and fatigue. Strength improvements of even 1-2 percent, as a result of being manufactured in microgravity, can yield years to decades of superior service life. Market applications include high performance turbines, nuclear plants, or internal combustion engines. Redwire/Made In Space – Turbine Superalloy Casting Module Made In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the TSCM to provide proof of principle for polycrystal superalloy part manufacturing in microgravity for terrestrial use. Superalloys thermally processed in microgravity could have improved microstructure and mechanical properties over superalloys processed on Earth. This work expands utilization of the ISS National Lab into new commercial product areas not previously investigated. Delivered to space station on SpaceX CRS-24 in December 2021, TSCM investigates potential improvements in superalloy microstructure by heat treating in microgravity. Market applications include turbine engines in industries such as aerospace and power generation. Redwire/Techshot – Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory  Contact: Rachel OrmsbyRedwire Corporation Inc. of Greenville, Indiana, has been selected for its proposal to produce small, uniform crystals as stable seed batches for pharmaceutical and institutional research customers seeking improvements/refinements in product purification, formulation and/or delivery using crystalline formulations. Their Pharmaceutical In-space Laboratory Bio-crystal Optimization Xperiment (PIL-BOX) Dynamic Microscopy Cassette (DMC) will be capable of testing multiple crystallization conditions and providing samples to be returned to Earth for analysis. When grown in microgravity, crystals are produced more uniformly and have very low size coefficients of variation thereby allowing a more stable crystal growth, high concentration, and low viscosity parenteral formulation. The proposed innovation will provide manufacturing services to companies, institutions, and agencies pursuing uniform crystallization research. United Semiconductors – Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite Bulk Crystals Contact: Dr. DuttaUnited Semiconductors of Los Alamitos, California, has been selected for their proposal to produce semimetal-semiconductor composite bulk crystals commonly used in electromagnetic sensors for solving challenges in the energy, high performance computing and national security sectors. Together with teammates Axiom Space of Houston and Redwire of Greenville, Indiana, United Semiconductors intends to validate the scaling and efficacy of producing larger semimetal-semiconductor composite crystals under microgravity conditions with perfectly aligned and continuous semimetal wires embedded across the semiconductor matrix. If successful at eliminating defects found in those manufactured with terrestrial materials, United Semiconductors will have developed a processing technology for creating device-ready wafers from space-grown crystals. Optical Micrograph depicting the expected morphology of Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite (SSC) wafers to be extracted from space grown bulk crystals. The continuous semimetal needles embedded in semiconductor matrix will provide high yield of high-performance electromagnetic sensors. Currently this desirable morphology is seen only in a small fraction of the terrestrial grown bulk crystals. Space grown bulk crystals is anticipated to provide a significant volume of the desirable morphology. United Semiconductors LLC Optical Micrograph depicting the morphology of Semimetal-Semiconductor Composite (SSC) wafers extracted from terrestrial grown bulk crystals. Discontinuous semimetal needles embedded in semiconductor matrix leads to poor yield of high-performance electromagnetic sensors.United Semiconductors LLC Redwire/Made In Space – Industrial Crystallization Facility Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the ICF to provide proof-of-principle for diffusion-based crystallization methods to produce high-quality optical crystals in microgravity relevant for terrestrial use. ICF launched to the International Space Station on Northrop Grumman’s CRS-15 on February 20, 2021. It was the first facility to grow inorganic potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals aboard space station, offering important insight into microgravity-enabled growth processes for industrial crystals, which could yield opportunities for commercial production on-orbit. Market applications include ultra-fast optical switches, optical waveguides, optical circuit lithography, high-efficiency ultraviolet light production, and terahertz wave sensors.  Tissue Engineering & Biomanufacturing LambdaVision/Space Tango –Retinal Implant Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partner, LambdaVision of Farmington, Connecticut, are developing a system to manufacture protein-based retinal implants, or artificial retinas, in microgravity. The market for this work is the millions of patients suffering from retinal degenerative diseases, including retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness for adults over 55 years old. This effort builds on a validation flight completed in late 2018 that demonstrated the proof of concept for generating multilayered protein-based thin films in space using a miniaturized layer-by-layer manufacturing device. This project will further mature the manufacturing system, producing protein-based artificial retinas in space that would be returned to Earth for preclinical evaluation of the technology. This work will establish the necessary regulatory requirements for producing biomedical products in space station, including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP). The microgravity environment of space hinders convection and sedimentation in the manufacturing process, enabling more uniform layers, improved stability and higher quality thin films than can be produced on Earth. The team successfully produced 200 layers of protein on their most recent flight on SpaceX Crew-4. Using greater uniformity and better film deposition in microgravity to produce 100 layers of precisely aligned, precisely structured layers of bacterial rhodopsin crystals (vision protein) sandwiched between 100 layers of precisely deposited composite material with sufficient quality to enable an implantable artificial retina to FDA approval.LambdaVision Redwire/Made In Space – Manufacturing of Semiconductors and Thin-film Integrated Coatings (MSTIC) Contact: Justin KuglerMade In Space of Jacksonville, Florida, a Redwire company, is developing the MSTIC facility as an autonomous, high throughput manufacturing capability for production of high quality, lower cost semiconductor chips at a rapid rate. Terrestrial semiconductor chip production suffers from the impacts of convection and sedimentation in the manufacturing process. Fabricating in microgravity is expected to reduce the number of gravity-induced defects, resulting in more usable chips per wafer. Market applications include semiconductor supply chains for telecommunications and energy industries. Auxilium Biotechnologies/Space Tango – Drug Delivery Medical Devices Contact: Dr. Jacob KofflerAuxilium Biotechnologies with Space Tango has been selected for its proposal to develop a second-generation drug-delivery medical device to more effectively treat people who have sustained traumatic peripheral nerve injury. Auxilium’s Gen 1.0 NeuroSpan Bridge is a biomimetic nerve regeneration device that guides and accelerates nerve regeneration, eliminating the need for a patient to sacrifice a nerve in the leg to repair a nerve in the arm or face. Auxilium will use its expertise in fast, high-resolution 3D-printing to adapt its proprietary platform to a Gen 2.0 3D-print device in microgravity by adding novel drug delivery nanoparticles with the potential to substantially accelerate regeneration and improve functional outcomes for people on Earth. Lawrence Livermore National Lab/Space Tango – VAM Organ Production Contact: Dr. Maxim ShusteffLawrence Livermore National Laboratory, located in Livermore, California, in partnership with Space Tango, has been selected for their proposal to adapt their terrestrial volumetric 3D bioprinting device for use in microgravity to demonstrate production of artificial cartilage tissue in space. The Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM) technology is a revolutionary, ultra-rapid 3D printing method that solidifies a complete 3D structure from a photosensitive liquid resin in minutes. Because of the absence of settling and gravity-driven buoyancy and convective flows in the prepolymer, the cartilage tissues manufactured and matured in microgravity are expected to have superior structural, organizational, and mechanical properties suitable for use in long-term tissue repair and replacement. University of Connecticut, STORRS/Axiom – Biomimetic Fabrication of Multifunctional DNA-inspired Nanomaterials Contact: Dr. Yupeng ChenThe University of Connecticut, out of Storrs, Connecticut, in partnership with Eascra Biotech of Boston, Massachusetts and Axiom Space of Houston has been selected for their proposed biomimetic fabrication of multifunctional nanomaterials, a cutting-edge breakthrough in biomedicine that can benefit from microgravity in space to accomplish controlled self-assembly of DNA-inspired Janus base nanomaterials (JBNs). These JBNs will be used as effective, safe and stable delivery vehicles for RNA therapeutics and vaccines, as well as first-in-kind injectable scaffolds for regenerative medicine. By leveraging the benefits of microgravity, the UConn/Eascra team expects to mature in-space production of different types of JBNs with more orderly structures and higher homogeneity over what is possible using terrestrial materials, improving efficacy for mRNA therapeutics and structural integrity for cartilage tissue repair. In-space manufacturing of DNA-inspired Janus base nanomaterials for delivery of mRNA therapeutics and vaccines, and tissue repair and regeneration.Dr. Yupeng Chenu BioServe Space Technologies with University of Colorado – Expansion of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Contact: Dr. Louis StodieckBioServe Space Technologies and The University of Colorado of Boulder, Colorado, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, ClinImmune Cell and Gene Therapy (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus), RheumaGen, and with support from Sierra Space has been selected for their proposal to develop a specialized bioreactor that will produce large populations of Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) in microgravity to treat serious medical conditions including blood cancers (leukemias, lymphomas, multiple myeloma), blood disorders, severe immune diseases, and certain autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Expansion of HSCs in microgravity is expected to result in greater stem cell expansion with less cell differentiation than is seen in 1g. If successful, the technology may enable safe and effective cell therapy transplantation, especially in children and younger adults, where long-term bone marrow cell repopulation is critical to the patient’s lifetime health. Astronaut Thomas Pesquet working in the Space Automated Bioproduct Laboratory (SABL). This image shows two SABL units, one open and one closed. SABL will be used for growing and expanding BioServe’s stem cells on board the ISS.NASA Cedars Sinai Regenerative Medicine Institute/Axiom – Stem Cell Therapy Contact: Dr. Clive SvendsenCedars-Sinai Regenerative Medicine Institute, located in Los Angeles in partnership with Axiom Space of Houston has been selected for proposing to use cutting-edge methods related to the production and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) on the International Space Station. Cedars-Sinai will explore in-space production of stem cells into heart, brain, and blood tissues in support of regenerative medicine uses on Earth. While stem cells and stem cell-derived tissues hold great promise for use in research and as clinical-grade therapeutic agents, safe and efficient expansion of stem cells and their derivatives continues to be a major challenge on Earth. Generating, expanding, and differentiating cells at scale in the microgravity environment of space with sufficient yields of a constant therapeutic cell product that meets FDA biologics requirements may be the answer to overcome those challenges. Redwire/Techshot – BioFabrication Facility Contact: Rich BolingTechshot of Greenville, Indiana, a Redwire company, is developing the BFF as a space-based 3D biomanufacturing platform capable of printing with live human cells (autologous or allogenic). The facility contains an XYZ gantry with multiple print heads and a bioreactor cassette in the X-Y plane. Without the addition of scaffolding or chemical bio-ink thickening agents, attempts to 3D print with cells on Earth only results in creating a puddle. With scaffolding and thickening agents, organ-like shapes can be printed on Earth, but they cannot function as such. BFF prints in space with low viscosity bio-inks that only contain cells and nutrients, which enable cells to remain healthy and mobile – a necessity for creating solid thick tissue. Following a weeks-long in-space conditioning phase inside a special Redwire bioreactor, the tissue constructs are strong enough to resist gravity and remain viable following their return to Earth. In 2020, Redwire manufactured test prints of a partial human meniscus aboard the International Space Station for the company’s DoD customer, the 4-Dimensional Bioprinting, Biofabrication, and Biomanufacturing, or 4D Bio3 program, based at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. The program is a collaboration between the university and The Geneva Foundation, a non-profit organization that advances military medical research. A second round of printing in space for 4D Bio3 is scheduled for late 2022 after delivery of a 2nd generation printer on SpaceX CRS-26.  Redwire is planning additional bioprinting operations with the BFF, such as the Fabrication in Austere Military Environments (FAME) bioprinting program. Market applications include human tissue and organ repair or replacement. Redwire/Techshot – Cell Reprogramming Facility Contact: Rich BolingTechshot of Greenville, Indiana, a Redwire company, is developing the CRF to manufacture induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) in orbit using adult cells, then enabling the cells to develop into many other types of cells, that can be used inside the BFF bioprinter and on Earth for regenerative medicine, especially cell therapies. The first element of the Cell Factory system – the CRF – is in development now. Market applications include cell therapies for restorative health and autologous cell sourcing for bioprinting and vascular applications. Cedars Sinai/Space Tango – Stem Cell Production Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partner Cedars-Sinai of Los Angeles, California, are developing pilot-scale systems for the production in space of large batches of stem cells to be used in personalized medical treatment for a variety of diseases. The development of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) for commercial personalized medicine applications is done in space because the work to date on the space station demonstrates stem cells retain their “stemness” for longer durations in microgravity, allowing a delay of differentiation that has the potential to enable larger batches of cells to be produced. The pilot-scale systems, built for the space station to serve as a basis for future commercial manufacturing systems, will incorporate regulatory strategies to support FDA clinical trial production of personalized medicine stem cell therapies on the space station. Including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) conditions, required for the production of stem cell therapies for human use in patients. Sanford/Space Tango – Integrated Space Stem Cell Orbiting Lab Contact: Alain BerinstainSpace Tango of Lexington, Kentucky, and its partners at UC San Diego/Sanford Consortium in La Jolla, California, are working to establish a new on-orbit biomedical sector for stem cell advancement, with a fully operational self-sustaining orbital laboratory anticipated by 2025. The team is working to refine current hardware capabilities and process flows, extending the capabilities of ground-based laboratories with regular access to the space station via secured flight opportunities. Stem cells differentiate into tissue specific progenitors that can be used in microgravity to better understand aging and immune dysfunction, providing an opportunity to accelerate advances in regenerative medicine and the development of potential new therapeutic approaches. The target market for this orbital laboratory is a new approach to stem cell translational medicine. Wake Forest Institute of Regenerative Medicine/Axiom – Engineered Liver Tissue Contact: Dr. Anthony Atala Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM), located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, has partnered with Axiom Space and BioServe Space Technologies to pursue a groundbreaking initiative. Their proposal takes advantage of the microgravity environment to develop and validate a platform that supports a ‘building block’ strategy for in-space manufacturing of vascularized and perfused liver tissue as a bridge to transplantation. This is a continuation of the NASA Centennial Vascular Tissue Challenge, where WFIRM teams won first and second place for creating metabolically active thick liver tissue that retained function for thirty days. The overarching goal is to enhance the formation of a microcapillary system within a perfusable 3D bioprinted vascularized engineered liver tissue constructs for biomanufacturing clinical-scale liver tissue constructs that allow integration into the recipient’s peripheral circulation for the treatment of liver disease. Once validated, this platform technology can produce multiple tissue construct types, including kidney and pancreas, among others. In Phase 1a, the team plans to evaluate various 3D bioprinted designs for vascularized tissue constructs to be evaluated in microgravity to identify the optimal parameters to produce liver tissue that is suitable in size to serve as a bridge to regeneration or transplantation. Phases 2 and 3 will involve biomanufacturing liver tissue constructs of the optimal design for human clinical trials and process scale-up for future commercialization. Keep Exploring Discover More Topics In Space Production Applications Low Earth Orbit Economy Opportunities and Information for Researchers Latest News from Space Station Research
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tips-from-john · 1 year
What is Sight Care Exactly?
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SightCare is a revolutionary eye health supplement meticulously crafted with 100 percent natural ingredients, aiming to combat and reverse the challenge of poor eyesight. This nutritional supplement is dedicated to fostering and sustaining optimal eye health at a time when vision issues have become increasingly prevalent in our society.
In a world where a growing number of individuals grapple with vision problems, there's a pressing need for a comprehensive solution capable of completely reversing and restoring vision. While over-the-counter medications, treatments, and procedures may offer some temporary relief, they fall short of addressing the root causes.
Enter SightCare, a game-changer in the realm of eye health. SightCare comprises a thoughtfully selected blend of key ingredients, each backed by years of research and known for their remarkable benefits in enhancing vision.
How Does It Work for Your Eyes?
A recent breakthrough in scientific understanding has unveiled the underlying causes of age-related vision loss that affect numerous individuals. In response to this revelation, SightCare has been meticulously designed to offer a solution that not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the root cause.
Each capsule of SightCare is a powerhouse, containing eleven crucial nutrients that play a pivotal role in stimulating the production of adult repair stem cells. These remarkable cells possess the unique ability to trigger the generation of new cells within the eye, including those in the delicate retina.
This innovative process leads to the replacement of old and damaged cells with fresh, healthy ones, resulting in a rejuvenated vision and the restoration of your innate capacity to perceive the world with clarity.
But that's not all; SightCare goes above and beyond by providing soothing anti-inflammatory relief to the ocular system. This multifaceted approach naturally paves the way for achieving a 20/20 vision restoration. With regular consumption of SightCare, your vision improves both during nighttime and daylight hours. You'll experience enhanced clarity in discerning colors, images, people, and even small letters, reaffirming the transformative impact of this remarkable supplement on your visual perception.
Sight Care – Ingredients
Vitamin B12: The formation of red blood cells and maintenance of the nervous system are the main benefits of vitamin B12 for eye health. Shuffling these systems can cause vision problems. The nervous system connects the brain and eyes, allowing us to see.
Eyebright: The antioxidants in eyebright help with eye health. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that damage cells and cause age-related eye diseases, including macular degeneration and cataracts. Its antioxidants (flavonoids and tannins) protect the eyes from oxidative stress and inflammation.
Quercetin: Quercetin offers many eye health benefits. First, it neutralizes free radicals to protect the eyes. Second, quercetin reduces eye irritation. Dry eye syndrome, cataracts, and macular degeneration are often caused by inflammation. Copper produces superoxide dismutase (SOD), an antioxidant enzyme that helps neutralize free radicals and prevent eye damage.
N-acetyl cysteine: NAC is a modified cysteine, more stable and easier to absorb. It is a popular antioxidant supplement. NAC has been examined for its effects on respiratory, liver and mental health.
Blueberry: Blueberries help improve vision in many ways. First, the antioxidants in blueberries reduce oxidative damage to the eyes, which can cause cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Vitamin E: The antioxidant vitamin E is fat-soluble. Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of free radicals. Antioxidants protect eye cells from damage caused by free radicals. This prevents and treats cataracts, macular degeneration and glaucoma. It improves eye circulation, which is important for eye health.
Lutein: Lutein filters out high-energy blue light that damages the retina and causes AMD. Blue light from smartphones and laptops can cause digital eye strain. Lutein filters out blue light and protects eyes from AMD.
Zeaxanthin: Plants produce the carotenoid zeaxanthin. It is one of two carotenoids, the other being lutein, which is concentrated in the macula of the eye. The macula of the retina controls central vision and color. Zeaxanthin must be consumed or taken in supplements like Vision Care because the body does not make it.
The post SightCare Reviews was first published on Courtney Channel.
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