#Can a depressed person do this: proceed to write marauders x glee
Marauders era x Glee (performance version) pt.1
I feel like I need to explain my train of thought, these are how I imagine the performance to be because I refuse to write song fics but I want to share how I depict the scenes with them, mostly these will be just my reasons on why they fit and who would sing what, anyway, enjoy. (Also this was heavily inspired by this series of TikTok’s)
First up: Stereo hearts
This is a Jegulus one (like how most will be) but like, convince me that it isn’t the slytherin's skittles singing to James because Regulus paid them to do so.
Like maybe Dorcas and Pandora want the money for something, an art club or idk and they set this vocal valentines idea, recruiting Evan and Barty with the promise of payment or they just want to be in the club too.
So they set out in their mission, and Regulus had offered money before to support them but they didn’t want it just because, so he asks them to serenade James instead, because might as well and he had the perfect song for the occasion.
Same as the actual performance, they appear in the great hall where James was, accompanied by Sirius.
“Are you mister James Potter?” Pandora ask with a giggle and James is taken aback but it’s also intrigued, he nods warely. With that answer she chants the same speech they had done the whole day through the school with a big smile on her face “We are the Art squad here to deliver a vocal valentines to one Mister James Potter” and they start to sing Stereo hearts.
Evan would be playing the guitar and doing most vocals while Barty takes the rapping parts, Pandora does the first vocals and leads James through the whole great hall as they sing to him per request and Dorcas belts out the higher notes by the end.
James is in awe because Regulus isn’t a fan of big public gestures but he is, and Regulus just sent his friends to serenade him in front of the whole school, there’s even a choir in there by the end of the performance.
Also he finds it funny that he had to listen to Barty rap about Regulus feelings for him because everybody knows Crouch always makes fun of and like to tease James (Regulus did that on purpose, just to mess with them).
Dorcas delivers the last message as they get down the stairs and James smiles the biggest yet “Happy Valentines Day, Love Regulus”
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littleyellowtangerine · 11 months
Marauders era x Glee (performance version) pt.2
Next up: Somewhere only we know
Heart wrenching moment tbh, this is Wolfstar obviously, just imagine Remus and Sirius saying goodbye (like momentarily with Sirius changing schools again but still parting from each other's week days)
I imagine that Sirius changed schools (the first time let’s say it’s because of his parents forcing him to) and then meets Remus at the other school (where Regulus also studies in, he is friends with Remus actually) and they fell in love but Sirius misses James and his friends so bad that he ends up running away from his parents and ends up with Euphemia and Monty who take him in and change him back to Hogwarts with James, Peter and the girls.
And when he announces he is coming back, because Sirius loves drama, Remus, Regulus and the other school's glee team do the Somewhere only we know performance to say goodbye. Also, like, this is the first time James sees Regulus or realizes he is Sirius's brother (I might have another idea for this later).
Everyone ugly cries because it had been rough months for everyone, James missing Sirius and viceversa, Sirius' whole issue with his parents and wanting to be in two parts at the same time, Remus and Regulus parting from him and so on.
But at the end Remus changes schools too, to be with Sirius, leaving Regulus in charge of the glee team for a while until (inevitably in glee fashion) he ends up changing schools too (and dragging a couple of friends with him).
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