#Campina Grande
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uchihanitro · 10 months ago
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Campina Grande, Paraiba - Brazil
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luviasaluphotography · 2 years ago
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"The eagle of guidance"
Lúvia Salú.
Campina Grande, Paraíba- Brazil. 2022.
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luqalbuq · 11 months ago
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E hoje termina o 18 Festival Comunicurtas em Campina Grande-PB. A cerimônia de encerramento se dará no MAPP (Museu dos 3 Pandeiros) à partir das 20h. É sempre para mim uma honra ter meu trabalho selecionado nesses festivais.
And today the 18 Comunicurtas Festival in Campina Grande-PB ends. The closing ceremony will take place at MAPP (Museu dos 3 Pandeiros) at 8pm. It's always an honor for me to have my work selected at these festivals.
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arqbrasil · 1 year ago
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Manoel Belisario + OPA vencem premiação - O escritório Manoel Belisario Arquitetura, sediado em Umari, Ceará, em parceria com a OPA – Oficina Paraibana de Arquitetura levam o prêmio para a Requalificação da Feira Central de Campina Grande #MariaElisaBaptista, @oficinaparaibanadearquitetura, #OPA, @manoel_belisario, @santissearquitetura, @palma.arq, @nvarquitetura, #BrunoBranco, #Arquitetura, Publicado no Arqbrasil - https://arqbrasil.com.br/27061/manoel-belisario-opa-vencem-premiacao/
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mastermaverick · 4 days ago
MAC Campina Grande: Museu inovador traz cultura, ciência e exposições imersivas para a Paraíba
Com inauguração nesta terça-feira, 05 de novembro, o Museu de Arte e Ciência de Campina Grande (MAC) chega como um novo conceito de museu, pensado para ser um espaço inclusivo e democrático, aberto a toda a sociedade. De acordo com o Head do MAC, Lucas Olles, a missão do museu é ser um polo cultural e científico, agregando diversidade e oferecendo uma agenda cultural robusta, com exposições e…
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sharkspez · 5 months ago
Tumblr Biography: Pele ⚽️
"If you are ☝️ first, you are first. If you are ✌️ second, you are 🙅🏿‍♂️ nothing," said 🇧🇷 Pele. These words would resonate through the world of 🏀🏈⚽️ sports, encapsulating the ✨ spirit of a legend who always strived for greatness...
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ladybingley · 1 year ago
eu vi suas tags sobre a alicent e concordo totalmente! acho que a alicent foi pela lógica do "better the devil you know than the devil you don't", já que ela poderia manter (na perspectiva dela) o aegon na linha... acho que ela não imaginaria que ele seria tão terrível também né... e provavelmente teve uma sugestão muito forte do otto, que só pouco se importa com incesto se isso o beneficia kkkkk, vide sugestão de casar a rhaenyra com o bebê aegon
Sim! Eu acho que a Alicent sempre foi capaz de ver a natureza do Aegon, mas talvez no fundo ela quisesse acreditar que em algum momento ele iria melhorar e ficar mais próximo do príncipe que ela precisava que ele fosse. Agora, eu acredito que eles precisam respeitar minimamente o material base e pra mim é isso que justifica o casamento ter acontecido na série. Eu consigo ver a Alicent do livro fazendo isso pra reforçar a reenvidicação dos filhos, mas é mais difícil enxergar a Alicent da série não sendo relutante com a coisa toda. A série não foi explicita nessa parte mas eu concordo com você, deve ter sido uma das coisas que o Otto levou a filha a acreditar que ela precisava fazer . É uma tragédia realmente essa relação entre o Otto e a Alicent, e a maneira como ela nunca foi capaz de se recuperar da influência dele.
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gossipgirrl · 2 years ago
UFCG - Universidade Federal de Campina Grande PCI Concursos
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uchihanitro · 4 months ago
Campina Grande, PB - Brazil
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luviasaluphotography · 2 years ago
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"Running up that hill"
Lúvia Salú.
Campina Grande, Paraíba- Brazil. 2022.
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luqalbuq · 11 months ago
Meu curta "O Grande Jardim" será exibido hoje no 18 Festival Comunicurtas no MAPP (Museu dos 3 Pandeiros) em Campina Grande Paraíba à partir das 18:30.
My short film "O Grande Jardim" will be shown today at the 18th Comunicurtas Festival at MAPP (Museu dos 3 Pandeiros) in Campina Grande Paraíba starting at 6:30 pm.
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tecontos · 22 days ago
Muito bem atendida no sexy shop (jun-2024)
By; Claudia
Oi quero compartilhar com vocês minha experiência numa loja de Sexy Shop no inicio do mês de junho desse ano de 2024.
Eu me chamo Claudia, tenho 37 anos, sempre adorei sexo, putaria. Fui casada duas vezes, mas o primeiro casamento tive um bloqueio, casei muito nova sem experiência de vida, foi um relacionamento abusivo, possessivo de mente totalmente fechada e com essa situação jamais poderia se quer sonhar com minhas fantasias, meus desejos enfim. Foi quando separei, dei um basta em tudo e fui viver o que se tem de mais delicioso nessa vida, o SEXO!
Solteira, aos poucos fui obtendo o auto conhecimento, o amor próprio e procurando informações sobre produtos eróticos, em busca do meu prazer, todas merecemos, mas sempre com uma vendedora, por mais que adorasse tudo isso ainda havia um certo receio em entrar em uma loja de Sexy Shop, isso devido a consequência do casamento!
Já o segundo casamento era um pouco mais tranquilo, ele aceitava os penetradores, os gels, óleos, arrisquei de falar de uma fetiche que seria ele e mais um, não aceitou!
Solteira novamente hahah….
Logo já estava eu no Tinder, foi onde apareceu um garoto de programa e eu adicionei ele.
Um dia ele me enviou um link de um gel que ele usava com as clientes, passado na região clitoriana com um efeito vibratório, falando maravilhosamente bem do produto, opa… ali já acendeu neh!
Foi onde resolvi conhecer essa loja, entrei no site e é maravilho! Descobri depois de um tempo eles tem um grupo de whatsapp s�� para mulheres e curiosa como sou resolvi entrar. O grupo é delicioso , com muita troca de experiência e putaria. Então resolvi ver o produtos de pertinho.
Fui até Campinas toquei a campainha e chagando lá um homem todo charmoso que veio me atender, me cumprimentou no rosto com um perfume delicioso de macho mesmo sabe, o cheiro veio embora comigo pra casa haha … um homem lindo muito simpático, educado, super gentil me deixou muito a vontade me ofereceu uma bebida aceitei uma água que ao me deparar com aquele homem a temperatura já começou a subir esquentou mesmo, eu incomodada com o calor perguntou se queria que liga-se o ar disse que sim, fiquei encantada com a loja tudo muito sofisticado, bem organizado uma lingerie mais linda que a outra simplesmente maravilhosas, com um atendimento diferenciado mostrando cada detalhe de extrema qualidade e conforto, fui separando umas peças e ele levando no provador, uma difícil escolha todas lindíssimas, enquanto ele pegava as lingeries eu já estava com um desejo louco de agarrar aquele homem lindo mas pensei, calma vou me controlar.
No momento de provar as peças passamos pela sessão de brinquedos, gels….. UAU que delícia aqueles vibradores de todos o tamanhos, movimentos….. ai a buceta já piscou!!
Entrei no provador puxei a cortina e comecei a provar, e ele ali o tempo todo próximo de mim uuui… aquilo já foi me excitando ainda mais, o primeiro sutiã ficou grande e já passei pra ele pelo cantinho da cortina, o segundo ficou apertado, falei pra ele que estava apertado perguntou:
- muito? disse sim!
Não resisti… Abri a cortina e mostrei como havia ficado, eu ali de lingerie mega excitada na frente dele, chegou por trás de mim e começou a regular a alça do sutiã o toque dele na minha pele… nossa fiquei mais louca ainda, tirei aquela lingerie com a cortina aberta e provei a próxima claro já com a buceta toda melada, com um tesão absurdo vendo aquele homem pelo espelho me olhando com um olhar tentador que tesão, vesti uma calcinha que estimula o clítoris são umas pérolas que entram no meio da buceta e com o andar elas vão se mexendo e estimulando, ele veio com o famoso gel Vibration, que vibra a buceta, colocou no meu dedo e disse:
- passa!
Gente! O efeito é praticamente imediato que sensação deliciosa, te deixa loucaaaa.. esse homem me vendo louca, ofereceu ajuda e eu aceite, entrou no provador, puxa a cortina e vem com aqueles dedos na minha buceta toda melada pegando fogo, com movimentos que me contorcia de tesão pegou num ponto que mais um pouco gozava, perguntei se tinha gelo eu estava em chamas, foi buscar e volta com um penetrador de vidro, um pênis transparente com um líquido dentro, detalhe estava na geladeira, deu na minha mão, olhei para aquele homem, devolvi e disse;
- VEM!
Tirei a calcinha sentei num puf dentro do provador com as pernas bem arreganhadas ele começa a passar a cabeça daquele pênis gelado na minha buceta fervendo que delícia, eu enlouquecida, de repente esse homem cai de boca na minha buceta todinha melada e me chupa de uma forma tão sedenta com tanta vontade de quem realmente adora chupa uma buceta e sentindo um imenso prazer em estar ali te dando prazer, naquele momento fui ao céu e voltei!
Me chamou para um quarto reservado, todo cavalheiro ajeitou umas almofadas no chão deitei e já caiu pra cima com toda vontade de chupa, sua boca encaixou na minha buceta em um ponto e com sua língua aveludada que me levou ao delírio, chupando por mais de 20 minutos, comecei a me contorcer, tremer e logo veio o squirting todinho naquela língua aveludada ahhhhh o que foi aquilo?!?!
Não satisfeito pegou o penetrador de vidro , que eu havia comprado e meteu na minha buceta, vendo aquele homem delicioso metendo com força tive outro squirting foi tesão pra caralho…. Disse;
- quero foder seu cú….
Eu adoro da meu cuzinho apertado e claro que deixei aquele homem fude meu cu, ainda mais quem entende de tudo sobre sexo, colocou a camisinha e fudeu deliciosamente meu cuzinho ate ele gozar que foda, que tesão, quanto prazer……
Fiquei largada naquelas almofadas com as pernas mole até me recuperar!
Comprei as coisas, transei e voltei pra casa molinha e satisfeita.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Claudia
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burnhamandtilly · 1 year ago
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2023 Annular Solar Eclipse as seen from Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil
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dinodorks · 1 year ago
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[ Life reconstruction of Macrocollum itaquii by Márcio L. Castro. ]
"The missing link has just been found, bridging the gap between the earliest dinosaurs, which varied significantly in size from mere centimeters to a maximum of 3 meters, and more recent giants that could be more than twice the length of a bus and have so much appeal to the popular imagination. Macrocollum itaquii, which was discovered in the region of Agudo in the Rio Grande do Sul state of South Brazil and dates back 225 million years, is the most ancient dinosaur known to have structures referred to as air sacs. These bone cavities, which persist in present-day birds, enabled dinosaurs to capture more oxygen, keep their bodies cool, and withstand the harsh conditions of their era. They also helped some become giants: Tyrannosaurus rex and Brachiosaurus, for example. An article on the study that led to the discovery was published in the journal Anatomical Record. Two of its authors are researchers supported by FAPESP at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in São Paulo state. “Air sacs made their bones less dense, allowing them to grow to more than 30 meters in length,” said Tito Aureliano, first author of the article. The study was conducted as part of his PhD research at the Institute of Geosciences (IG-UNICAMP). “M. itaquii was the largest dinosaur of its time, with a length of about 3 meters. A few million years before then, the largest dinosaurs were about 1 meter long. Air sacs certainly facilitated this increase in size,” Aureliano added."
Read more: "Missing Link Discovered: New Research Sheds Light on How Dinosaurs Became Giants" by the São Paulo Research Foundation.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years ago
Apparently this is not on tumblr yet, but a bunch of instruments from Harry’s band were stolen last night. It’s everywhere on the news.
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envolvenuances · 3 months ago
Unofficial Translation of 'A Força de Uma Mulher [A Woman's Strenght]',
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Edinanci wonders to herself: 'Did I really deserve to go through that?'
Edinanci Silva, in testimony to Demétrio Vecchioli. For the Sports News series "Minha História / My History". Please check the original;
I was bored and still getting notes on that addition I made to @f1ghtsoftly's post metioning the case with a brazilian judo athlete. So this is a quick work of translating it with probably too many translators notes.
Published at the Newspaper UOL, in São Paulo.  Publication Date May 24 of 2024.
In order to get on a bus in the city of Campina Grande (Paraíba), which was heading towards São Paulo, more than 30 years ago, I told my mother I would return. But the journey that would allow me to earn a living fighting judo was a one-way trip.
Months later, I told her a harsh truth, about how I was thinking of ending my life. All our lives were already too filled with suffering, filled with pain, to be subjected to all that public scrutinity on top of things.
I alone know the strenght it cost me to remain standing. Do you know these social media haters? I dealed with them on the streets. Every day. Good press? Solidarity? There was none.
After what I experienced between 1995 and 1996, I closed myself off, so I could protect myself and heal the many wounds that were inflicted onto me. I carried on practicing judo, I competed in four Olympics, I won two medals at the World Championships, but my resentment towards journalists remained, my fear of exposure.
Now, I have accepted the offer to tell my story.
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I was born in 1976, when the Military Dictatorship (1964-1986) was strong, into a very humble family from a city named Sousa, located in the outback of Paraíba, where everyone suffered with hunger and drought. (TN: the brazilian outback, or Sertão Nordestino, located in th Northeast, is a region heavily associated with its drought, poverty and the violence exercised by both bandits and "colonels" - latifiundium owners with great political influence. Due to this social imagery, when the rural habitants move to the Capitals or the South-Southest region of Brazil, they typically face a lot of prejudice, comparable to stigmatized immigration. To this day, the city of Sousa has around 70.000 citzens).  The memories hurt so badly that from the year I turned 20, I have only returned to that place through the Internet, searching for news or seeing our old house in the André Gadelha neighborhood on Google Maps.
Until I turned 11 years old, I only had the chance to study for a sum of eight months.
Schools, leisure areas/third spaces, somewhere to play sports, all of that were fairytales for us. In my periphery, there was no water, no nourishment, there wasn't even a way out of crime. It's different from big cities. Only the ones who have experienced it know what it's like.
Besides that, I had family matters.  My father was extremely violent. He didn't accept the reality we lived in, and so he would lash out, take it out on us. I'm from a time when any politcal expression would put you at risk. My mother would often panic, because I repeated all the time: 'This Brazil is a shithole'
In Campina Grande, we had better living conditions. (TN: Campina Grande is the second largest city in the state of Paraíba, losing only to the capital, with around 420.000 citzens and an important industrial sector). There were five of us, counting my two sisters, living in an "embryo", a house built by the bank Caixa Econômica, which had a living room and a bathrrom. (TN: the embryo [portuguese: casa embrião] is a 15m² property commonly built as social projects in the periphery). Even so, quite precarious.
I helped as much as I could, but there came a point when I had to follow my own way. I was already training in judo and, when I was on competitons, I had to eat salad and not the usual rice and beans. But salad was a luxury we couldn't afford. I was a burden to my family.
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I never had any kind of vanity. Things like doing my nails, cutting my hair, putting on makeup, you know? I grew up in a very rustic environment, where children ran around around barefoot. I had my first birthday cake at the age of 15.
So my arrival in Guarulhos, in 1994, when I was 17 years old, was a cultural shock. (NT: Guarulhos, with over 1.000.000 habitants, is an autonomous prefecture that integrates the metropolitan area known as Greater São Paulo). People were bothered by my accent, the way I behaved, the way I dressed. 'Edi, put on some lipstick', they would say. But I don't like it, that is not a part of me. I felt like a fish out of water, but turning back, returning home, was not an option for me.
With the intensity of the training, the masculine characteristics became more visible, in a physiological sense. I had that crab-like gait of muscular people, you know?
That's when the talk began. Until then, this had only come to light for me through a friend of my trainer back in Paraíba, who had told him to take me to a doctor in order to investigate it. But I, oh the tomboy I was, I never paid it much attention.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Edinanci has been intersex since birth. She had internal testicles and presented an abnormal amount of male hormones. In April 1996, she underwent an orchiectomy, the surgery to remove these testes. Without the operation, Edinanci would not have passed the so-called "femininity test", in which women were made to stand naked in front of a "committee", a requirement for competting in the Olympic Games. The test was banned in 1998.]
The exams, which I was only able to undergo when I moved to São Paulo, showed that I was somewhat benefiting from the production of the male hormone, but that in 15 to 20 years this would turn into a cancer. When they told me this, I said: 'What? Let's do it right now!'
The surgical procedure and hormonal treatment were not for competting in the Games, they were for my health. Sport was giving me an oportunity to discover a matter that, if I had stayed in Paraíba, I would never have discovered. I used this opportunity to take care of myself.
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Between 1995 and 1996, my life became hell. I couldn't go out on the streets because I was constantly attacked. Not physically, but with words. In Guarulhos, when people recognized me, they would say: 'That thing is a man!', use slurs to attack me.
Much of this behaviour was the fault of the brazilian press, which had exposed the situation in a very sensionalistic manner. 'Is it a man or a woman, what do you think?' They turned it into almost an episode of 'Você Decide'. (NT: Você Decide/It's Your Call (1992-2000) was an interactive television program broadcasted by Globo, in which every episode presented a 'special case', and the ending was decided by the audience through phone votes. It has been accused of functioning as a 'thermometer' for public view of sensible subjects, from finding a bag full of money to abortion and female homosexuality.)
That got to me. Deeply. There was that thought in my head: 'Do I have a right to be this way? Is there a chance they are right about me? Everbody is saying the same thing, repeating it... maybe it's the truth'. It reached a point when, in a call I had made to my family, I told my mother: 'I'm giving up on everything'.
I seriously thought of suicide. The social media hater hurts this generation. But the real life hater is even more difficult to cope with. It hurts, you have no idea.
We keep on recalling things we've experienced, remembering the moments we lived, and before you know it, you are experiecing once again the same pain that you felt the first time. It hurts, and it's hard to talk about. So you keep it to yourself. There is no one to share the burden with.
I often used it to build results in the tatami. I would turn into the devil, filled with so much hatred, so much anger. But that causes you a lot of harm. You end up becoming someone you're not, some angry person who doesn't trust anyone.
It's not like I don't have scars, you know? I've tried to understand, but it's hard. Is it the grief? But it's not really grief. It's those things you remember and that make you wonder: 'Did I really deserve to go through that?'
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My beginning in judo was for survival, after I was diagnosed with labyrinthitis, which was already caused by the hormonal issues. I was 1,70m [5'6 feet] and at some point I weighted 38kg [84 pounds]. It reached a point when I couldn't hold myself on my feet. My musculature was reduced to the bare tendons, and even my fingers had atrophied.
So my family sought treatment and psychological support. My mother, who was a member of SESC, searched for a modality of sport there. (TN: SESC is a private inniative from the trade sector. The project aimed to improve living conditions for their employees and their families, and counts with social services, health profesionals, art projects and sports training). Influed by the movies that were popular at the time, I wanted to do karate, but the only spot availiable was for judo.
In the end, judo was the only sport that embraced me.
I started training at the age of 14, and my recovery was quite fast. Soon, my sensei started to place me in competitions, and that gave me something I never had before: dreams for the future (lit= life perspective).
I would wake up at 5A.M. and jump over the fence of the UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba) to run on a sand track they had. My physical conditioning was lifting bricks with my bare hands. A gym? Not even in my dreams. To perform the judo techniche repetitions, I would tie a rubber band on an avocaddo tree we had in front of my house.
One time, we travelled for a competition in Canoas (Rio Grande do Sul-South). I needed to lose weight, and I didn't have money to buy something to eat. So I combined business with pleasure and spent the three days of the bus trip only drinking water.
That's why weight loss was never a suffering for me. Once, I even lost 10 kg in one week, via two days without food and water. People would ask me how I managed and I would say that, in my head, it was easy, because I already knew how it was like. When I didn't want to lose weight anymore, I could open the fridge and I would have a Coke there, I could buy myself a pizza, buy water.
In my childhood, hunger and thirst offered no other options.
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This banning me from fighting tale began in 1995, when the prefecture of São Caetano do Sul, a city that couldn't beat us, tried to prevent me from representing Guarulhos on the Jogos Abertos. (NT: The Jogos Abertos do Interior [lit=Open Games of the Countryside] is a tournament between cities in the São Paulo state held since 1936, now with 192 prefectures and 28 sports, including judo)
My team said: 'Edi, if you want, we won't go in without you. We don't care about being disqualified'. I didn't want to hold them back, so all I asked of the girls was for them to bring the house down.
Guarulhos won. And the team of São Caetano was changed. In the following year, they invited me to join. But I said if they wanted me there, they would have to bring all of us. They accepted the deal so we all went.
Since then, I have defended the team of São Caetano do Sul in the Jogos Abertos for almost 25 years. I retired from the national team in 2008, but in the year 2019 I was still winning a gold medal for the city that tried to ban me. (TN: São Caetano is also located in the Greater São Paulo, with around 160.000 citzens)
I've always been realistic. When I got the support of the [Olympic Brazilian] Confederation, of the COB, to fight in the Olympics, it wasn't because they were pitying me, just because it was the right thing to do. It was because I was a real chance of winning a medal for Brazil.
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Throughout my career, I've always had a certain resentment towards the brazilian press.  All the issue regarding my hormonal tests was exposed in a very sensationalist way.
They took a delicate matter just to reach numbers, to hold the attetion of the public not for the judo event, but for the controversy.
That made me walk away. Everything I've done within the sport has always been away from the spotlight. I've lost many sponsorships because of this personality I developed.
When I compare my situation with that of Caster Semeya, the south african runner, I find the whole country was on her side. The entire country cheering for her, and damn the rest of the wolrd. You just go there and bring that medal back to us.
That was something I didn't have here. I had to fight against the brazilian people, against the prejudice, I had to fight in search of answers about myself in order to take them back to the press, and I had to fight inside the tatami as well.
In the end, I won.
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