julianobungus · 1 year
(Hope you’re doing well, get to this whenever you feel like it.)
Camiluz 🤝 Huntleb
^^^single parents with an only child who take advantage of that to fuck their kid wherever in the house they desire. Bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom, anywhere.^^^
They just remind them of their late spouses so much, y'know? It was hard to resist the temptation. But they also love them for who they are!
And now, their offspring are hooked on the activity, unable to resist the touch of their caregiver~
(Also, thanks! But you must understand how much I love these two pairings, I just couldn't wait ~ i should write fankids for them)
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pipwife · 2 years
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raizperuanadelrock · 3 years
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mumu1968sblog · 5 years
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Arrivato à hostal Camiluz, cactus Gigante... Comida resto del Pico Pollo
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soundworksrecny · 8 years
Los Dignos del Amor - Te Voy Amar (Official Video)
Los Dignos del Amor - Te Voy Amar (Official Video)
Sandra Kratc Video Direction Video Recording Video Editing Session Assistance
Neftalí Kratc Video Recording
Kamilo Kratc Audio Recording Audio Editing Audio Mixing Audio Mastering Production Assistance
Worked With: Oscar Pacheco Sevilla, Letras/Lyrics, Voz/Voice Jesus Pacheco, Coros (Chorus) Felipe Pacheco, Teclados/Keys Pedro Villa, Teclados/Keys Celerino Espańa, Guitarra/Guitar Leonardo Sanchez, Güira Laurencio Barrientos, Güira Oscar Pacheco, Bajo/Bass Raymundo Torres, Conga Eulalio Guillermo Ruiz, Bateria/Drums Invitado (Special Guest) Alan Barrientos Joseph Rodriguez “El REDOBLE”, Bongos Mauricio “El Moro" Campian, Guitarra/Guitar Camiluz Chirino, actor Alan Barrientos, actor Special Thanks to: / Muchísimas gracias a: Astoria SoundWorks Rehearsal Studios Brothers Taverna Cafe 23
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julianobungus · 2 years
Luz/Camila/Belos drabble
The dream was usually the same. It wouldn’t be anything tangible or concrete, just quick images and scenarios that brought her dread and anxiety; being chased through a dark forest or a cavernous hallway; being isolated by everyone and everything around her, leaving her to wallow in self-pity; even watching the ones she loved know her for what she truly was, and abandoning her appropriately. It felt like she was drowning.
Luz woke up with a faint exhalation through her nose. She didn’t burst from her bed screaming like in movies. She just lay as she was, looking wide-eyes at the ceiling and still as a statue. Her chest hammered and sweat was already forming in her pits and joints. And, like always, she fought the urge to weep.
She’d always had dreams like this ever since her Papi died. Not frequently, but consistently so. Sometimes she’d sleep peacefully for weeks before it happened, and other times she’d experience it two or three times in a single week before it abated. The small rational part of her brain knew it was just memories and intrusive thoughts, just her mind sifting through random negativities she held inside. But at that moment she wasn’t rational – She certainly didn’t feel like it.
Luz felt ashamed for what she wanted to do just then, as much as her better judgement told her otherwise. No, she thought joylessly. It’s pathetic and childish. You shouldn’t bother them with this!
And yet, she still got up from her bed and walked carefully towards the hall, holding herself fearfully.
Camila Noceda stirred in her bed, having been pulled from her half-asleep state. As much as she wanted to stay put, the familiar sound of her daughter’s voice – which had been warped with worry, she fast realised – was enough to bring her to her senses. She rolled around and sat up groggily, the shape lying prone next to her also moving a tad.
“…Mija? Are you okay?” She asked of her daughter. She wasn’t annoyed at being woken up and didn’t sound it either. Concern was etched into her question, and were the lights on, Luz would have seen it fixed onto her beautiful face. “What’s wrong?”
Luz stood by the open door where she was, closing it behind her as quietly as she could. Already, though, Camila’s partner was stirring within their giant, warm bed. Philip sat up with his long, scraggly hair trailing behind and around him like the world’s longest mop. Despite how he looked, he certainly didn’t sound dishevelled. “Luz?” His soft voice was music to Luz.
The young woman finally spoke up. “Can I stay with you? For a little bit?” It wasn’t just a request, but more a heartfelt please. “… I don’t think I can be alone right now.”
She feared the rejection that would surely come from the two, but was pleasantly surprised when-
“Oh, baby,” Camila cooed, opening the blanket up for them. “Come here.” Her partner, the former Emperor Belos himself, joined along in this request – one he was happy to carry out.
“Oh, Luz…” He told her softly as the girl made her way over. She hurried her pace as she clambered into the bed and between the two, who brought her in for a hug. Luz couldn’t stop herself from bursting into tears. She just couldn’t stop it anymore. She heaved out continuous “I’m sorry”’s as she cried into her Mami’s chest, all while Camila and Philip soothed “no no” and “It’s Okay” to her. She just let all the pain she had kept inside out. All the anxiety and woe and dread as she sobbed and heaved into her mother's shoulder. Camila, for her part, rubbed circles into her daughter's back as she soothed sweet nothings into her delicate ear. Philip pressed himself against the younger woman's back and kissed the back of her skull with soft, scarred lips.
It took about a minute for the two of them to ask what was wrong. Luz answered (as best she could) with how tired she was, how much it all hurt and how much she wanted to stop existing. She told it through gradually weakening sobs and heaves. Camila wanted to burst into tears just from hearing that alone, and Philip's centuries-old heart sank. All they could do was coo and sooth their mutual daughter-partner as best they could, telling her that it would all be okay and that a solution would be found. It was about fifteen minutes of stroking, soothing and caressing that led to Luz falling asleep; her breathing slowed to a steady, relaxed crawl as she just stopped talking.
It was at this time that the two elders chose to speak.
“This needs to stop.” Philip whispered to Camila, his voice only the slightest whisper amongst the nightly quiet of the Noceda bedroom. “I don’t know… much in the way of medical terms today, but… there must be more we can do. Or someone else can do…” His eyes never peeled away from Luz’s curly head of hair. Camila sniffed, keeping it together as best she could. “I know. I know…” She had stopped rubbing circles into her daughter’s back but held her close all the same. She could feel the younger Noceda’s warm breath on her bosom. “I just didn’t think it had gotten this bad, Philip. I can’t believe I… I allowed this to happen.” “Camila,” the older man began, bringing a free hand over to stroke at her face. “Camila, listen to me. You did nothing wrong. It was me, if anything-“
“Phil, no-“
She sighed, as did he. The two remained silent, looking down at their girlfriend. No matter what happened or whoever’s fault it truly was, they knew they had to put their own anxieties aside. For Luz’s sake.
“… Perhaps leave it until the morning?” Philip prodded at last. Camila nodded silently, a weak smile curving onto her face. Philip Wittebane returned his own, closing his eyes.
And Luz slept like a baby for the rest of the night.
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julianobungus · 2 years
We need Luz getting Camila pregnant... or Camila getting Luz pregnant.
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julianobungus · 2 years
Camila and Luz naming their kid after Manny
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julianobungus · 1 year
Huntleb/Camiluz doubledate
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julianobungus · 2 years
thank u 4 cumming 2 my speech
Buddy, I am GLAD someone else is in on the Camiluz agenda. I have such a brainrot for them, it's one of my favourite ships.
Just... the fact that they only had each other for the longest time - just them against the world. Even after Luz went off to the Isles, she never forgot about her mami, and vice versa. Sure, Luz can go on and become a witch, get together with Amity or Hunter, and move outright to the Demon Realm, but she should never forget where she came from, who was with her from the start and who supported her throughout.
Just... the idea of Luz choosing to stay in the Human Realm not because she's scared of disappointing others anymore, but because her mom wouldn't be with her if she left.
The two of them sharing a kiss after Camila's speech and Luz's realisation in FtF.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Camila and Luz on a romantic date together.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Weirdly specific but if Luz and Camila ever got to go on vacation, I think Luz should get buttfucked by her mom on the beach when no one else is around
Luz was always the most persuasive minx, seducing her mami like that and bending over at *just* the right angles and times to get her going. Camila then leads her down to the hot sand, kissing her all over and egging her into stripping off her bikini.
Before long, Luz can't even control her volume as she feels her mama's strap-on inside her anus. Thank God they chose to do this in the evening. They can have takeout later on the way back, hand-in-hand no less.
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julianobungus · 1 year
When Luz and Vee become sisters, I just know that they would have crazy threesomes with Camila. Camila herself feels very lucky since now she has two submissive daughters to fuck into the bed.
She's never felt so blessed, really. Two beautiful girls for her to pamper and have fun with. She loves them both so much, but she thinks they look a tiny bit better when they're sexed-up and blissed out on her big warm bed, begging for more of her soft, warm touches.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Imagine that when Camila and Philip started dating, Luz finds herself in the habit of hiding in their closet to watch them fuck while she touches herself.
She wants to join in, but feels too shy to ask. Luz didn’t even mean to start watching them, their door was cracked open one night and Luz got so into their intimacy that she kept doing it. At best, Luz thinks it’s for the best it’s kept a secret.
At least until one day, her wet dream comes true when Philip and Camila sat her down to ask if she wants to participate with their nights.
Man, lucky Luz - she gets to bed both Camila *and* Philip. But yes, Camila and Pip talked about how much they admired Luzura (as he likes to call her), so they got to talking - considering the fact that Camila already came out with her feelings for her daughter, and with Philip being totally accepting (and even agreeing wholeheartedly), why not ask?
So now, just picture an overstimulated, overjoyed and hapless Luz basically fangirling between the soft, tan body of her mami and the thin, hairy form of the older Wittebane. She's in veritable heaven, and her two partners couldn't be happier seeing how cute she looks taking Pip's cock.
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julianobungus · 1 year
Groomer Camila with Camiluz is great, I can see the woman convincing her daughter to do the most sinful things together when the others are asleep or just aren’t around. The others think that Luz is just sleeping in her mom’s bed to save space but they have no clue what’s going on behind those soundproof walls late into the night
(Nothing condoned IRL)
She can't help it (but she actually can, though) - she just loves her Luz too much, and she reminds her so much of her Manny. Any ill feelings she has about the affair, she simply swallows back down.
And within those walls, Camila is showering her daughter in praises and affection as she fingers the groaning young lady.
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julianobungus · 1 year
I just saw this post with Camiluz and I immediately thought "Camilla must have been surprised that Luz was acting like a newbie after returning from camp. And Vee didn't know if what this woman was doing to her was normal."
She certainly was, I love this idea~ "Luz? Is something wrong?" She asks her 'daughter' on the night she returns from camp, laying atop her and pinning her partner down. 'Luz' is oddly nervous and jittery, as though she's an inexperienced virgin.
"Y-yup!" She answers nervously, holding a thumbs-up. Reading the situation, she comes up with: "Just out of practice, is all..." Vee is quite confused, but accepts that this is just... what humans do with their kids? But she's not allowed to talk about it with other humans, apparently. Still, she can't deny how good this activity makes her feel.
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