#Camilla Richter
fumikomiyasaki · 11 months
🌧 for our muses to get caught in the rain together with Melanie and Rubina or Camilla or 🗓 for the sender to ask the receiver on a date with James and Julian
Random Symbol meme
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It all started as a little argument...To strengthen bonds NRC and HSA students worked together on a play Polisionalle dorm members mainly taking charge about how to go with it and organize it... but some Heartslabyul members weren't satisfied... especially Riddle and Flynn egged another on while Camilla tried to enforce Riddles wishes and Rubina told her why this was not good for the play... Sparks flew as people got more tense and between those groups, Melanie... who just got the main role and was worried about all the fighting that happened here. Eventually she noticed Rubina and Camilla step out of the theater onto the courtyard, to get their fight away from their dorm leaders and Melanie looked at the girls and suddenly got their attention.
"Miss Charment, you should rest, we can handle it all."
"Cami, are you trying to win her over to your side? Why can't you just accept how things are planned... all just cause your little dorm leader has demands on you."
"How dare you speak of him like that."
"Please... you two don't need to fight about this... there is a s-solution-"
As Melanie spoke up however suddenly the three felt some Rain pouring down... and as if forgotten about the Problem both Rubina and Camilla led away Melanie to Shelter for rain... the three sitting down and sighing with the tension a little away as Camilla spoke up.
"Miss Von Loketon, how come you been staring at those roses of our dorm with a hint of disdain?"
"My... its been bad memories I associate with roses... each time I look at them...I grow defensive... I get flooded by terrible memories and then I get snappy."
"I see, my apoligies then... also to you Miss Charment."
"Huh, why me?"
Camilla sat a little closer to her. "You had to endure all this petty fighting, not only that, thanks to us you could catch a cold."
Rubina sighed and also leaned closer. The three shoulder on shoulder as Melanie started blushing a little.
"I too heard stories about the both of you... it seems we all three have some burdens to carry."
"Can you two make up then?... I don't want you two to fight..."
As Melanie hesitantly spoke up both girls put their hands in the middle with hers and showed a small smile, except Camilla who just gave a firm nod...
Melanies cheeks grew warm, her crush on them was a little obvious but all three didn't want to spoke up about their feelings yet... it was fine huddling together and waiting for the rain to stop.
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Julian often visited RSA not only for hanging with Yuzuha but also because many students were easy to get flustered or played with... yet over time thanks to joined affectionate bullying he somewhat got interested in James moreso than any of the others cause some reactions to his flirts made him long for more, either in hopes to be strangled or get him red again.
On that day he stopped by his sword training and offered him a challenge, using two flowers, transformed into blades.
"Say Jamie, how about a deal... I win this fight and you go on a date with me, you win and you are free for a week without me bothering you.~"
"Why would I agree to that?"
"I know you are quite skilled with the blade... you don't have much to lose right... aside maybe that if you lose I might make it a charming night that get you weak for me.~"
James groaned in annoyance and gripped the training sword he has firmly.
"Fine but only if you turn these blades into wood so we have a fair fight."
"Of course.~"
Using his UM to change their form the two of them clashed into a long exhausting fight one where despite Julians speed and technique he struggled to keep up with the knight defenses... yet as he swung one blade out of the Demons hand he used the method of surprise to use the other blade and knock him down once before James quickly stood up.
"Heh... such determined eyes... I know why you are popular Jamie... its hard not to resist such a handsome face.~"
"Can you get serious?"
They took a long while untill eventually one mistep led to Julian doing a spin and actually knocking James down, sword pointed under his chin.
"I told you I was training as well... to not underestimate me."
"Who says I didn't let you win?"
"My but why would you do that? I aim to be a bother you slowly get used to.~"
James stood up as Julian had a smirk at him, both taking the others hand.
"A deal is a deal... write me the location."
"Don't worry... I will make it nice and comfortable.~"
He sighed... why did he have to have a demon up his hands... and why despite him being a pest it somewhat feels luring to get to know him more... James didn't understood it... but for now he had to accept it.
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beevean · 5 months
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Interesting how the concept of the gifted child and the consequences of being favored is at the core of all the major rivalries in CV.
Hugh seethed when his father gave the Hunter Whip to Nathan and not to him, which lead him to feel worthless, and Camilla used that jealousy to corrupt him.
Maxim wanted to become better than Juste, but for the sake of relieving him of his "cursed" fate, so he took it into his own hands... which lead to nothing but disaster. Of course, Evil Maxim implies that he was born also from Maxim's own resentment against Juste and the "wall" that had been erected between them once he got the Vampire Killer. I also find fascinating that the worst ending has Juste technically accomplishing his fate as a hunter, but utterly failing as a friend, cursed by Evil Maxim to hunt for the rest of his life because that's clearly the only thing he's good for.
Isaac was jealous of Hector being Dracula's favorite, but Hector himself hated being Dracula's favorite because it came at the price of his self. This jealousy is what makes him obsessed with Hector and wanting to defeat him, but there is also the irony of the favorite one being the one who threw everything away because being appreciated simply wasn't worth the turmoil, the guilt and the dehumanization.
And at first Albus is framed as being jealous that Shanoa got to be picked for the Dominus ritual over him, but in reality, he wanted to protect her from it - being Barlowe's chosen one meant that she was to be sacrificed. (I see the parallels with Dracula and the Forgemasters so clearly but I can't word...)
HoD as a prequel to RoB/SoTN shows well the cracks that were starting to form in the family. Juste's own theme is not called "Successor of Fate" for nothing. However, Maxim seems to be more concerned than Juste is: and while on the surface it might seem that the latter is not very fleshed out, to me he seems to be rather... hyperfocused at best, and in denial at worst. He wants to get the job done. He has no time for Maxim's doubts: they have to save Lydie. And after Lydie is saved, well, you don't want to trouble her, do you, Maxim? Let's leave all of this behind us :) it's all fine :) we won and now we're happy together :)
(which is why I find the worst ending fascinating, on top of it being utterly depressing. It's the only ending where Juste can't hide his own feelings: not only in the best ending he outright prevents Maxim from telling Lydie what happened, but in the "mid" ending, she convinces him that blaming himself is the same as blaming Maxim, so Juste can put on a mask for her sake. In the worst ending, it's only him, his guilt, and the rest of his life)
I'm not sure if Juste was deliberately meant to evoke Alucard as a character (Juste may look like Alucard 2.0 because that's Kojima's type lol, same with Hector being Masc Alucard), but Alucard himself was meant to echo the Belmont legacy and its issues, with Richter being the symbol of them - as I said, Alucard himself feels pressured to honor Lisa's wish, even if it causes him great pain. But while Richter eventually could not deny that his sense of self-worth is tied to his destiny to fight... Juste still has the chance to hide from what his name entails, and be nothing but the perfect Belmont successor.
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the-crow-binary · 11 months
Looking up CV names' meanings :)
Joachim: Established by God (Hebrew)
Walter: Commander of the army / Powerful warrior / Ruler of the world (derived from Old High German Walthari)
Leon: Lion (Greek. Fun fact: its meaning is said to be steeped in heroism and bravery)
Mathias: Gift of God (fucking LMAO) (Hebrew)
Elisabetha: My God is an oath, my God is abundance (Hebrew)
Rinaldo: Ruler's advisor (Latin/German)
Sonia: Wisdom (Greek)
Trevor: Great (or large) settlement / The large village / Wise (Welsh)
Ralph: Wolf counsel / A courageous counselor (Scandinavian)
Dracula: Son of Dracul / The devil (Romanian)
Isaac: He will laugh, he will rejoice (or "one who laughs or rejoices") / Laughter (Hebrew)
Julia: Youthful (Latin)
Sypha / Syfa / Cipher: The sword / Caring, Master of their own destiny, charisma / Freedom-loving, free-spirited individual (???)
Hector: Steadfast / To have / To hold / To possess (Greek)
Rosaly/Rosalie: Rose / Rose garden (French, derived from the latin word for rose)
Grant: Tall / Big (ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT) (English, French and Scottish)
St Germain: Holy Brother (French)
Christopher: Christ bearer / Christ within (Greek)
Soleil: Literally the french word for "sun" (...french)
Simon: To hear, be heard / reputation (Hebrew and Greek)
Juste: Just, upright, righteous (french, literally, like Soleil)
Maxim: Greatest (Roman)
Lydie: The seller of purple / (a maiden) From Lydia (French)
Richter: Judge / To make right (German)
Maria: Beloved / Bitter / Rebellious (Latin)
Annette: Grace / Favor (French)
Shanoa: Black cat (Castlevania???)
Albus: White (lol) (Latin)
John: God is gracious (English)
Eric: Sole ruler / Eternal ruler (Old Norse)
Elizabeth: God's promise / God is my oath (Hebrew)
Drolta: Knowledgeful / Inventive / Elegant (??)
Nathan: Gift of god / He gave / Given (Hebrew)
Hugh: Soul / Mind / Intellect (British)
Camilla: Servant for the temple / Free-born / Noble (Latin)
Jonathan: God has given / Gift of God (Hebrew)
Charlotte: Free man / Petite (French)
Julius: Youthful / Downy; soft and tender hair (Latin)
Yoko: Sun child / Ocean child / Good, positive child (Japanese)
Soma: Lunar nectar /Moon (Indian, though its mostly feminine) / Creation, genesis, origin + truth, reality, genuine (Japanese, can't find one precise meaning) (It can also have a Hungarian origin wich in this case means "dogwood tree" lmao)
Mina: Royalty (Greek) / Protection/Protector (German) / Eternity, permanence (Japanese, chose the simplest meaning but i'm not even sure about it because. Kanji. Someone help)
Bonus: Belmont means Beautiful Mountain in french <3 (very fitting)
Feel free to add more! Or correct me because some of them were very confusing to me :')
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laimabynight · 6 months
Epitaph 'LA by Night'
Name: LA by Night System: Vampire The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Type: Campaign Duration: 7 Months Storyteller: Teros Players/Roles: Flaumkönig: Franz Albrecht Richter, Tremere Strohhalm: Madeleine White, Ventrue Crapman: Antonio di Giovanni, Giovanni Me: Camilla 'Georgia' Soledad, Brujah Start: The Prince summoned four young Cainites to look into suspicious activity within a hospital. This leads them eventually to a abandoned church which holds something horrible. End: A radical faction of the local anarchs want to get the Camarilla out of the city, by force if necessary. The four Cainites find themselves in the middle of the fighting, and a bloody score is settled. Greatest Hits: 1. The relationships between the character. Fighting and forming a bond was great. 2. The beach episode. 3. The whole trip to Vegas. 4. Almost hooking up with the antagonist. 5. 2000s Tuner Aesthetic. 6. LA is just an amazing city for VTM. 7. THE FEELS!! Favorite NPCs: - Konrad Bremer von Bernstein - Daniel Megaloris - Lucy
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willofgamesposts · 2 years
My Thoughts after Beating Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
Recently, I had played Castlevania: Circle of the Moon via the Castlevania Advanced Collection on Switch. I had not played it before (only played around 3 entries), so I figured it was time to give it a go.
And now, having played the game on Twitch (didn't complete it), I can say for certain that it was one of the more frustrating Metroidvanias that I've played.
About the game
To lead into why, let me give a small synopsis on the game, to get you all on the same page. In Circle of the Moon, you play as Nathan Graves who, along side his friend Hugh and Hugh's father, have just stormed Dracula's castle to prevent his resurrection at the hands of Camilla (Carmilla depending on the game/media). As they arrive, Dracula is resurrected and separates the vampire hunters. From there your objectives are: reunite with Hugh and the master, and defeat Dracula.
With that stage set, you begin to explore the castle doing the Metroidvania thing; explore the environment, defeat enemies, level up (if it's an RPG), and find movement upgrades to explore earlier areas further.
So far, things sounds as normal as can be for a Castlevania game of the Metroidvania variety, so where do the problems start? The answer is in the gameplay--specifically how Nathan controls, and how it affects the rest of the game.
My Grandpa Walks Faster than this Guy
It's something that can be immediately felt when you gain control of Nathan after being separated. When moving, Nathan walks at a snail's pace, roughly the same movement speed as the Castlvania heroes of old (Simon, Trevor, Richter, etc.) and this presents an immediate issue as the enemies attacks, projectiles and movement speed feel more in line with a Metroidvania.
The game attempts to help in this matter by providing running boots early on, but that presents an different issue, one where you only have two modes of movement: being so slow that you won't be able to dodge attacks in time, or too fast and run into a hazard or attacks that you can't react to in time. 0 or 100.
It's an issue because having proper control is a fundamental thing you need to figure out for a video game, if the character you're controlling has movement speed that clashes with the how the rest of the game is designed, then there's something wrong.
The best way to sum up the problem is that controlling Nathan is like playing as a classic Castlevania character in a Metroidvania designed world, with enemies and bosses that doesn't match well with what the character is capable of. This even extends to Nathan's capabilities in combat. He only gets a whip to use for the game, as well as the classic sub weapons that the series employs throughout its many entries.
This movement problem became a particular thorn in my side in the final segment of the game, where I was having to get to a boss room by jumping around enemies that could take off around 10% of my health with their projectiles moving far too quickly for me to avoid, alongside another enemy that can petrify Nathan, which turns that 10% to 50%.
This would have not been as annoying if there was a save room near the boss room like the other bosses in the game, but I suppose Hugh's boss room drew the short straw and ended up with no save room.
If it weren't for the rewind feature that the Advanced Collection includes, I would have quit the game on my live stream.
Other Issues
The movement is not the only problem that makes itself known. I also found an issue with the inventory, not so much in finding equipment and usable items, but in their distribution. Let me present a question: if you are playing an RPG and you have an excess of a type of armor that you don't use or need, should you have the ability to sell or drop it to prevent inventory clutter?
If you answered yes, then you and I are on the same wavelength. Throughout the game you pick up different kinds of armor that can affect your stats and have some kind of passive buff. The problem here is that I ended up with so much low-level armor that it cluttered my inventory (55 leather armors for a specific example). It stacks thankfully, but with no shop to sell or discard items, it just makes the loot system feel excessive. A shop really would have benefited this game in another aspect: the limited ways you can heal in the game. You heal fully at save points (as you should), and enemies *can* drop potions, but that's the problem: can. In my playthrough, I counted that I picked up around 8-9 potions from different enemies. 8-9 through the whole game.
So to count with the issues of start and stop movement and limited healing together, it feels like the game is putting rocks in your pockets and telling you to swim.
DSS the (sort of) Saving Grace
There is something of a saving grace for the gameplay that can help with combat and exploration, something that I sadly did not employ until about halfway through: the Duel Set-up System. The Dual Set-Up System (DSS) is probably the most interesting thing about Circle of the Moon mechanically, and something that saved me a lot of frustration in my playthrough. How it functions is like this: you have two rows of cards, these cards can be found throughout the game by killing enemies (though they are very rare) and they essentially acts as Nathan's version of spells.
The difference is that the card system is based upon pairing a top and bottom card to have effects that can help in combat and exploration. These effects range from: the whip being replaced with different weapon when attacking, different types of projectiles that fire from the whip when attacking, to even my favorite, a barrier of varying elements that damages enemies *and* block some projectiles.
There are some things that could be fixed regarding the DSS, I would have preferred that the cards were in a fixed location in the castle and you had to find them instead of them being enemy drops. But DSS is OK as it currently is.
Would I Recommend?
I suppose for this final part I'll say that you really should only play this game if you're interested in playing the series in its entirety. It's not the worst Castlevania out there, but it definitely feels like a first attempt at a handheld metroidvania. Though there are some cool ideas and designs, I just can't recommend it. If you are still curious to try it, please get the Advanced Collection, it has that rewind feature that basically salvaged my playthrough from being a rage fest. From that collection you also get Harmony of Dissonance, Aria of Sorrow, and Dracula X. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I get that this is a little sudden, but I wanted to practice this kind of blog style writing, and I find that Tumblr is the right spot for this. I'm not sure if you could call this a review or a rant, probably just a guy talking about a video game that irked him.
Hope you all have a good rest of your day.
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slashrabbitbunny · 4 years
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Guess which dumbass forgot to post despite having stuff ready ❤️🐰❤️
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
ZOS’ short stories 6
Title: Cloud and Lucina’s Coping of the Multishipping Harem Hell, part 2
Lucina: Alright, so here’s what happened: I was walking out of my father’s home until I ran into Robin, who asked me for assistance. I asked what was wrong and he said that he needed help organizing all of his tomes properly because they were all scattered around on the floor of his office. After a good 10 minutes have passed, he thanked me and gave me a hug. I told him to think nothing of it and ran out of his office, only to run into Severa, who are glaring at me. I asked her “Is something wrong?” and she said “Yeah, we were supposed to be training for our next fight!” I was a bit confused from what she meant by that, but decided to oblige anyway. During our training, she caught me off guard by knocking my sword out of my hand and she sheathed her blade in victory. She said “Heh! I knew I could-” then tripped over to me and we both fell onto the ground. As she was getting up, we were both staring at each other face-to-face and her face start to turn red. “W-What are you looking at? Stop staring!” she said, as she quickly got back up. She held her hand out and helped me up. Then, Kamui appeared behind me and asked me if I wanted to go to the beach with her. I said “sure” and picked out a red bathing suit for me to go swimming. Kamui kept looking over me and said how adorable and gorgeous I looked. I was rather flattered by her humble comments until she licked my cheek like an animal. She said “this taste...this is the taste...of a wonderful woman.” I was starting to get all flustered and backed away from her until I bumped into Palutena and Camilla. Palutena said to me then to Kamui “Hello, Lucina. Mind if I steal your woman for while?” Then she grabbed my arm and said “Thank you.” Kamui tried to stop her, but Palutena teleported us away before Kamui could get the chance. Palutena and Camilla showed me to a hot springs and asked if I would be okay to join them. I said “sure”, grabbed a towel and we were both in the springs for a good 15 minutes. The two spent most of her time gazing at me, complementing how smooth my skin looked and how my father must be a wonderful man to have me as his daughter. At one point, they even huddled close to me, cheek-to-cheek. Camilla then asked if it was okay for her to wash my hair, only for us to be interrupted by Sakura from Hoshido walking into the room and asked me for assistance. I quickly got out of the springs and asked what she needed. She asked me to “pretend to be Marth” and take her on a date. I was a little weirded out by this request, but obliged nonetheless. I took her out on a picnic underneath a tree and the two of us began conversating about our families. At one point, she was slowly reaching her hand out to grab mine and I took notice. She apologized for trying to make such as “silly move”, but I told her “it’s okay” and I held out my hand for her to hold it. Her face immediately went red, grabbed my hand without hesitation, and said "Y-Your hand feels very warm and gentle.” Suddenly, she got distracted by something off into the distance and decided to check it out. I tried to follow her, but a black figure quickly stepped in front of me. That figure was Joker, aka Ren Amamiya. He asked me if I was interested in joining the Phantom Thieves, but I respectfully declined, saying that I didn’t want to leave my hometown and my family behind. He then said “then perhaps I’ll have to take your heart to change your mind...” and got in a little too close for comfort. Shulk then appeared and yelled Joker off. Shulk asked me if I was alright and I told him I was okay. He said he was worried that Joker was gonna do something rather funny and to me and offered to take me home. I accepted his offer and he walked me home, holding my hand. After walking me home, I opened the door and saw Richter in the kitchen, speaking to my father. I asked what he was doing her, and he asked me to help him on a quest to kill Dracula once again. I accepted his offer and we both stormed a big castle, slaying tons and tons of enemies. As we got into the throne room, we decided to waste no time killing Dracula head-on. After the vampire was successfully defeated, Richter thanked me greatly and offered to take me back home for my troubles. I accepted his offer and he gave me a piggyback ride all the way back to town. After successfully escorting me back, I ran right into Pit, who asked me if I was busy. I said “no” and he was more than happy to hear that. He grabbed my hand and we both went to an amusement park. We both had a lot fun playing games up until we decided to take a ride on the Ferris wheel. We were both looking at each other nervously until we heard a large explosion off into the distance. Specifically, the woods. Pit grabbed and carried me off to where the explosion was and we saw Link fighting against Ganondorf. The two of us decided to aid him and we successfully slayed the beast. Link thanked us both and gave me a big, warm smile. I couldn’t help but smile back at him until Inigo walked by and said “Ah! There’s that smile!” and walked towards me, wrapping his arm around my neck, chuckling. I couldn’t help but chuckle alongside him, although more nervously. Gerome noticed me off into the distance and ran towards me. He told Inigo off, saying “You’re making her uncomfortable!” and Inigo obliged saying “Okay! Okay! I wasn’t getting touchy with her. Honest!” Gerome looked over at me and asked if I needed another mask replace my old one, but I told him that I’m fine and thanked him for the offer anyway. I backed away from the boys (who were arguing with one another) until I accidentally bumped into Tiki, who said “Ah! Just the person I was looking for! Could you help me, Lucina?” I accepted her request and asked what she needed. Her face went red and said “C-Could you pretend to be Mar-Mar? Just for me?” Once again, I was a bit weirded out by this request, but obliged nonetheless. I put on my bravado persona and she giggled from my performance. She thanked me kindly, hugged me, and ran off. As I was looking around myself in the woods, I saw Samus, who was laying unconscious on the ground. I tried yelling at the boys to help me out, but suddenly, they were gone within a blink of an eye. So, I decided to take manners into my own hand and carried Samus to my home, bridal-carry style. She was slowly waking up from unconsciousness, looked at me, smiled, and said “my hero”. I was flattered by this statement and successfully carried her to safety with no problems whatsoever. After placing her onto my bed, I felt a dark presence downstairs and ran to see what the problem was...and I saw Grima. Possessing Robin. Again. He turned to notice me and I attempted to swing my sword at him, only for him to dodge, kick it out of my hand, and pin me against the wall. He looked at me with a malicious grin and said “Perhaps possessing a vessel like this was a mistake. Maybe...just maybe...you could make a better vessel than this one.” And right as he began to glow with an intense, dark energy, that’s when I woke up.
Cloud (eyes widened, which doesn’t happen often for him): Oof. Just...oof.
Lucina: “Oof” is right. Seems I wasn’t the only one coping about dreams like this.
Cloud: More like a Harem Hell.
Lucina: Is that what we call dreams like that?
Cloud: Perhaps.
Lucina: Then how do we cope with such weird dreams like this?!
Cloud: You’ll find a way. Me, on the other hand...BARKEEP! Get me something that’ll get me drunk fast.
*The barkeeper nods, hands him a bottle of wine*
Cloud: Thanks.
Lucina: ...Can I have some?
Cloud: You wanna drown this out too?
Lucina: Is this how you solve these...”Harem Hell” dream problems?
Cloud: To me, it does. If you wanna join in, then I won’t stop ya.
Lucina (completely naive to the concept of using alcohol to cope): Then allow me to join you! Barkeep, good sir, get me a bottle!
*The barkeeper nods, and does so. Cloud and Lucina clink their bottles together*
Cloud: To warriors who have had dreams like this.
Lucina: To warriors who have had dreams like this.
*Both take a swing of alcohol*
To be continued...
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graysonclarke96 · 2 years
Marvel: Young Avengers Protocol to Origins of Grayson Clarke.
Character to Actor:
The Clarke Family:
Grayson Clarke- Chris Wood
Zoey Clarke- Lily Collins
Sally Clarke- Kim Rhodes
Thomas Clarke- Christopher Cousins
The Stacy Family:
Gwen Stacy- Madison Iseman
Simon Stacy- Jacob Tremblay
Phillip and Howard Stacy- Freddie Highmore
Helen Stacy- Susanna Thompson
George Stacy- Mark Harmon
Jill Stacy- Emma Watson
Arthur Stacy- Sean Bean
Paul Stacy- Paul Walker
Miles Warren- Dave Annable
The Parker Family:
Ben Parker- Tom Cavanaugh
Richard Parker- Daniel Gillies
Mary Parker- Rachel Leigh Cook
The Morales Family:
Miles Morales- Jordan Fisher
Rio Morales- Danielle Nicolet
Jefferson Davis- Russell Richardson
Aaron Davis- Donald Glover
Young Avengers:
Rayshaun Lucas- Trevor Jackson
Kate Bishop- Hailee Steinfeld
Daisy Johnson- Shan Dodd
Bobbi Morse- Olivia Holt
The Fantastic Four:
Reed Richards- John Krasinksi
Susan Storm- Hilarie Burton
Johnny Storm- Zach Roerig
Ben Grimm- Conan Stevens
Luke Cage- Michael Jai White
Jessica Jones- Jessica De Gouw
Matt Murdock- Colin Donnell
Danny Rand- Josh Segarra
Marc Spector- Stephen Amell
Elektra Natchios- Julia Voth
Charles Xavier- Patrick Stewart
Logan- Hugh Jackman
Hank McCoy- Ewan McGregor
Ororo Munroe- Sonequa Martin-Green
Scott Summers- Sam Claflin
Jean Grey- Jane Levy
Kurt Wagner- Thomas Doherty
Bobby Drake- Brandon Flynn
Emma Frost- Josephine Langford
Piotr Rasputin- Daniel Cudmore
Warren Worthington- Alex Pettyfer
Alex Summers- Lucas Till
Sean Cassidy- Cameron Monaghan
Kitty Pryde- Danielle Rose Russell
Anna Marie- Elizabeth Gillies
Elizabeth Braddock- Michelle Keegan
Danielle Moonstar- Blu Hunt
Megan Gwynn- Natalie Dormer
Roberto De Costa- Froy Gutierrez
Illyana Rasputin- Anya Taylor-Joy
Tyrone Johnson- Roshon Fegan
Tandy Bowen- Virginia Gardner
Rahne Sinclair- Rose Leslie
Sam Guthrie- Charlie Heaton
(Various other students)
Brotherhood of Mutants:
Eric Lehnsherr- Dacre Montgomery
Raven Darkholme- Pauley Perrette
Cain Marko- Nathan Jones
Victor Creed- Liev Schrieber
Todd Tolenksy- Aramis Knight
Fred Dukes- William Berry
Dominic Petrakis- Toby Kebbell
Karl Lykos- Luke Evans
Jeanne-Marie Beaubier- Kaya Scodelario
Arkady Rossovich- Dolph Lundgren
Laynia Krylova- Tracy Spiridakos
(Various other Mutants)
Otto Octavius- Mark Sheppard
Sergei Kravinoff- Manu Bennett
Flint Marko- Dominic Purcell
Max Dillon- Aaron Paul
Curt Connors- Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Morgan Le Fay- Katie McGrath
Martin Li- Stephen Oyoung
Lana Baumgartner- Emily Wickersham
Victor Von Doom- Viggo Mortensen
Carl Creel- Brian Patrick Wade
Wendigo King
Aleksei Sytsevich- Andrey Ivchenko
Tony Masters- Jason Statham
Edward Whelan- Julian Bleach
Zebediah Killgrave- David Tennant
Benjamin Pointdexter- Edgar Ramirez
Melissa Gold- Maika Monroe
Morrie Bench- Ben Foster
Thundra- Rebecca Quin
Sinthea Schmidt- Phoebe Tonkin
Other Characters:
Tim Elwood- Drew Roy
Grace Elwood- Lauren Roy
Ava Ayala- Tristan Mays
Felicia Hardy- Marie Avgeropoulos
Morgan Tyler- Hartley Sawyer
Flash Thompson- Michael Provost
Elena Gold- Nicola Peltz
Riri Williams- Candice Patton
Kamala Khan- Iman Vellani
Dante Pertuz- Jake T. Austin
MJ Watson- Sophie Skelton
Harry Osborn- Liam Hall
Norman Osborn- James Redford
Mendel Stromm- David Dayan Fisher
Cletus Kasady- Jackie Earle Haley
Eddie Brock- Alan Ritchson
J. Jonah Jameson- J.K. Simmons
Jean De Wolfe- Sandra Bullock
Jennifer Walters- Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Yuri Watanabe- Tara Platt
Richard Rider- Liam McIntyre
Sam Alexander- Dylan O'Brien
Eileen Harsaw- Camilla Belle
Mikhail Uriokovitch Ursus- Olivier Richters
Rachel Van Helsing- Katheryn Winnick
Jacob Russoff- Kristofer Hivju
Eric Brooks- Duane Henry
Robbie Reyes- Tyler Posey
Kari Lyngley- Katherine McNamara
Jared Lyngley- Ross Lynch
Bruce Banner- Eric Bana (Re-cast)
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starkiddreamcasting · 2 years
A Big Update
Hey everybody! So I’m sure many of you noticed I vanished for a goodly amount of time (again) so I bet you’re wondering what was all about. Well I had to change my device again, which means I have to re-download all the images I use in these dreamcasts, which means finding higher quality images to use (which is hard for some of the Starkids who have been in less shows (and I know some of the images are drawings so I’m changing those too)). It led to me going through older dreamcasts and realizing I don’t like the current set-up, so I’ve come to a decision:
I’m overhauling every dreamcast I’ve done!
So my big issue is that the way I created dreamcasts so far is that they feel clustered and sloppy with the arbitrary order I use for ensembles and the listing of understudies makes them hard to look at without it seeming like a mess. So I’m making a few changes
All ensemble members will be listed in alphabetical order by last name (principals will still be listed by order of importance)
 Swings and Standbys (which I will be using more faithfully) will be listed in their own tiers below the rest of the cast list. An example:
Swings: Tyler Brunsman, Jamie Burns, Brant Cox, Ali Gordon
Understudies will be also listed in a tier of their own as well in order to declutter the ensemble list. An example:
Understudies: Jamie Lyn Beatty (Queen Elizabeth/Barbara Cartland), Tyler Brunsman (Charles), Jamie Burns (Camilla, Queen Elizabeth/Barbara Cartland), Ali Gordon (Diana), Joey Richter (Charles), Rachael Soglin (Diana), Meredith Stepien (Camilla)
I will also be creating something called The Starkid Archives in which you can find each of dreamcast roles for each actor with their own pages, and each name in the dreamcasts will link to them (basically see IBDB for what set-up I’m going for). And don’t worry about the current dreamcasts I’ll still be saving them under their own archive tag 
So with me setting this up and coming exams for the next couple weeks, I’m definitely going to be slow for the next while, and following that I’ll still be on the ball in creating new dreamcasts as well (so keep the requests coming). It’ll all be worth it as I enter the next stage of Starkid Dreamcasts, and I hope you all like it too!
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Camilla Richter
#camilla richter #fashion photography
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fumidreams · 3 years
This blog is mainly to create aesthetics for my own Twisted Wonderland ocs, their ships and AUs for fun.
Requests are Open for now, but only ships with my ocs.
Leroy Violet
Fantasy Au
Idol au
Henry Lakeside
Fantasy Au
Idol Au
Mellow Mildew
Fantasy Au
Idol Au
Brid Rolfe
Odel Aradia
Canon Dorm Students:
Carol Ann
Meyra Palledino
Kumo Starwing
Camilla Dawnrose
Fuan Abyssnor
Eiji Hiranori
Flynn Deradelle
Nanoya Naegi
Rubina von Loketon
Peko Chunya
Emma Yuki
Gregory Darknon
Tyler Nerington
Rachel Fuchsia
Gabrielle Ravenor
Tesadelle Ravenor
Andrew von Yltan
Aiden Renous
Media Chealean
Tenera Brawzer
Sindren Albright
Mythra Cenov
Feena Ebersol
Dragiselle Flamescourow
Inessa Winter
Taron Ferres
Barry Parton
Francine Dalton
Gilly Medeon
Osyron Lumina
Lydia Sombra
Fabio Vierunar
Saneria Guaenno
Ione Roonel
Lennox Riverway
Zariyah Hyacinth
Izar Nyxen
Agni Solartice
Kuze Toiyama
Yasuno Innochi
Erena Ryūjin
Belia Camton
Bethany Camton
Unosis Etrol
Beatrice Ombra
Marcell Blossom
Malorie Galea
Amalia Cavalieri
Valeria Diavello
Shadman Hack
Nakamura Kānēshon
Aino Okutske
Angelica Pannacotta
Kaden/Qaden/Caden Devengel
Erwin Fowler
Seraphim Astrean
Soyana Kuro
Marin Takeda
Fumiko Miyasaki
Other Students:
Fennec Grandwell
Lyla Atsuki
Eikichi Atsuki
Damon Erase
Eve Alternate
Bianca Weiss
Tiam Falldow
Kayne Saocheng
Quora Fritchup
Bolt Striker
Kome Nabusa
Beelby Zetron
Vanessa Pharon
Macie Gumeron
Ronnie Marxton
Eleafy Otoron
April Richter
Julian Richter
Taylin Sage
Grey Braynse
Emil Puppnella
Paula Parton
Zyan Desire
Brenda Goldwell
Serena Welsh
Elvira Parena
Joel Cummings
Yuzuha Aimon
Naomi Aqueen
Kaeru Suzanomoto
Louis Armarin Valentine
Jin-lou Chen
Sylva Mercury
Phobetor Matalon
Other None Twst Ocs:
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lobanhart · 3 years
i was tagged by wonderful @witchesconstellation! thank you!💛
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims.
gustavo santaolalla -- fogotten memories
lilli reinhard, k.j. appa, camilla mendes -- mad world
david bowie -- starman (2012 remaster)
muse -- assassin
twenty one pilotes -- the hype
malcolm mclaren -- about her
lindsey stiriling -- underground
apocalyptica -- farewell
first aid kit -- my silver lining
max richter -- november
tagg: @shelliechen @xbaebsae @dep-yo-tee @ziorre @minilev @tomexraider @red-nightskies
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mayxmariona · 5 years
And A And Be And Not by Camilla Richter 
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Hi, this is in response to your ask me things post. I was wondering what were your favorite gothic stories/books, and why? who were your favorite characters and why? and what do you read/watch/listen to when you have a not so good day? I hope you have a lovely day! ❤️
(by the way, this list is in no way complete… I’ve definitely forgotten stuff, & ask me next week & I might have 20 new stories or books on here!)
Wuthering Heights by Emily BrontëThe Bloody Chamber by Angela CarterThe Name of the Rose by Umberto EcoCollected Fictions by Jorge Luis BorgesFrankenstein: or the Modern Prometheus by Mary ShelleyHouse of Leaves by Mark Z. DanielewskiThe Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan DoyleHer Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria MachadoWhite is for Witching by Helen OyeyemiThings We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enriquez
Short Stories
‘House Taken Over’ by Julio Cortázar‘A Study in Emerald‘ by Neil Gaiman‘The Immortal‘ by Jorge Luis Borges‘The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe‘ by Angela Carter‘Our Lady of the Massacre‘ by Angela Carter‘The Husband Stitch‘ by Carmen Maria Machado‘The Immortal‘ by Jorge Luis Borges‘Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius’ by Jorge Luis Borges‘Adela’s House‘ by Mariana Enriquez
as for characters:
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson — placed together because how could they not be? 
Camilla Macaulay — I have mixed opinions on The Secret History as a whole, but Camilla’s intertextuality fascinated me. I think she’s the most interesting character in the book.
& others I can’t think of right now! 
and music:
whenever I’m stressed I listen to Jóhann Jóhannsson, Max Richter, or Ólafur Arnalds. 
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desenefaine · 4 years
Penny de la MARS Sezonul 3 Episodul 05 dublat in romana
Penny de la MARS Sezonul 3 Episodul 05 dublat in romana *Desene Animate Dublate in Romana*
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Penny On M.A.R.S. S3 / Penny de la MARS Sezonul 3 Episodul 05 - Spectacolul de talente! serial online dublat in romana
Domnul Richter nu vrea să-i dea Bakiei custodie asupra lui Pete, din cauza condiției ei fizice. Tom îi confirmă lui Freddy că el și Camilla vor participa în Spectacol. Penny descoperă abia acum că și Camilla e concurentă. Ea află că perechile vor fi amestecate pentru un episod. Partenerul ei va fi Rob, iar cei doi trebuie să lucreze pe un cântec hip-hop: o oportunitate să se apropie de băiatul care o curtează. Sasha o face pe Vicky să se simtă prost în timpul dansului lor. Supărată, Vicky pleacă de la M.A.R.S. Seb se întoarce și o suprinde pe Penny.
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hkafali · 4 years
camilla richter: et un et être et pas un écran pliant - https://two.keywordstr.com/camilla-richter-et-un-et-etre-et-pas-un-ecran-pliant/
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