#Camilla Bryer
Some known benevolent dire wraiths:
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Back when Soundwave first met Rom, he had strong disagreements against the policy of killing wraiths on sight. Disagreements which as seen up here, he was not at all afraid to voice.
Unsurprising, considering his stance on equality and how you’re made/born not defining you.
Scarlett, of GI Joe is also against this policy too, defending a wraith colleague with:
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And there is substantial evidence in IDW verse too, that they were both absolutely right to protest against the “they’re always chaotically evil” belief.
For instance, with a warning for spoilers being given here:
The Greer family possesses two, Carl Greer and Carla Greer, a father and daughter duo who also both serve as “Doc Snr.” and “Doc Jnr.” is GI Joe respectively.
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Doc Snr. is not Earth born. He came to Earth some point but became attached and genuinely wanted the best for it. Hence his involvement with GI Joe.
His species was not discovered until he critically wounded himself taking a blow for a teammate.
Carla, his daughter, is however Earth born as well as half-human. Mostly, the result of this mixed appears to be that, she seems to essentially be a wraith - having the abilities and reading as one to scanners- just with a human looking default form.
Hence how she did not even know of her heritage until she was told. 
She now uses that heritage to aid her in Joe service, at least, as much as she can while upholding her strictly pacifist principles.
The categorisation of Camilla Bryer is more complicated.
As in, she was not born a dire wraith. 
She was born a human only to be later infected by a wraith and start to turn into one.
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But the infection was botched when Orphion tried to cure her.
Something he did after she and Rom worked together for a while, taking advantage of her new ability to tap into wraith minds. 
Her ability to control herself was lapsing and other knights located her after she was unable to stop herself from attacking Rom and intervened.
But the attempt to cure her was also botched.
While she was no longer being influenced mentally and that was cured from her, the physical effects were not cured. She turned out to still possess the physical attributes of and limited ability to access wraith magic.
Traits which she continued to use to try assist against hostile wraiths, once she got a better handle of them.
Ruan Sablik is an Earth-born wraith:
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He spent his entire life on Earth and viewed it as his home as a result.
He later on joined the US military, his experiences during which resulted in him having PTSD and having to join a support group.
That support group being where he met Darby Mason.
Ultimately, while he’d before had little to do with the wraith hierarchy and had just been getting on with his life, he was called up by them. They wanted him to target Darby and assist in the plot against humans.
He decided no, siding instead with his home planet and revealing his nature to and also offering to help Darby in her plight against the conquering wraiths.
Unfortunately, while the mission was a success and Darby was able to get the Solstar gauntlet promised, Ruan was killed in the process, the wraiths having no tolerance for a “quisling”.
Cons4eva, the online alias of a wraith possibly called Symbols.
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Much of his origins, particularly in comparison to others here, are unknown.
But, what is known is that he’s a follower of Temptorian religion and that combined with his Temptorian-esque four arms and scale suggests he was present on their home planet some point.
It’s also known that he’s a social butterfly basically. He wants to interact with and make friends with people instead of killing anyone.
This ultimately leads to him meeting Crankcase online, initially pretending to be a fellow decepticon, when he was so lonely and lost he wanted to find a way to leave the universe entirely.
When that didn’t work out, he went off on a journey of self-reflection and trying to see where he fitted in, declining an offer to join his boyfriend with the Scavengers.
But while the offer to join was declined, he and Crankcase do still remain long-distance boyfriends.
Stardrive is a camien, raised on Elonia after her protoform was rescued by Rom from a destroyed ship.
She later joined the Space Knights and worked to help fight against wraiths.
She went on to defect from them after being disillusioned during a fight which also lead to her meeting other members of her kind.
But now before she herself unknowingly contracted the infection, making her the only known surviving Wraith-Transformer hybrid:
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Skip forwards 200 years later, she has managed to retrain control of herself and having fallen in with Prowl, is attempting to use her abilities to work towards a greater good.
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