#Calves Liposuction
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lasercosmesis · 1 year ago
Debunking Myths About Liposuction
Liposuction is a common cosmetic procedure for people who are unable to lose fat through exercise or a balanced, healthy diet. With liposuction, the lives of many individuals around the world have been completely transformed. This procedure can help get rid of unwanted fat deposits from the body. A number of the most common body parts for liposuction procedures include the chest, arms, cheeks, love handles, neck/chin, buttocks, hips, abdomen, and rotator cuff injuries. 
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Nonetheless, a lot of false information and misconceptions about this procedure still exist. In this blog, we will discuss some common misconceptions regarding liposuction and uncover the facts. To make this post insightful, we have gathered information from Dr. Medha Bhave, who is renowned for offering the best results at the most affordable liposuction surgery cost in Mumbai. Continue reading to dispel those long-existing myths about liposuction surgery.
Myths About Liposuction
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Fact: No, there is no upper age limit for liposuction; however, patients should be at least 18 years old to ensure that their bodies have fully developed and that they are mature enough to make such a decision. Nonetheless, adults who are in good physical and mental health and who have reasonable expectations for the results of liposuction might be candidates for this cosmetic procedure.
Fact: Since liposuction involves making small incisions, it is a surgical procedure and will leave some scars. But they are not noticeable enough to be concerning. Usually, the scars do not measure more than a few millimetres, and they are placed in extremely discrete areas to blend in. Moreover, the liposuction scar diminishes in visibility as the incision areas heal and gradually disappears after a few months. Thus, there is no reason to be afraid of having noticeable, long-lasting scars following liposuction.
Fact: The patient should view targeted liposuction as merely a tool to help them achieve a perfect body image, but it should not be their only option.  A healthy regimen that combines a balanced diet with an appropriate exercise schedule can help heal the post-liposuction process. It will also help maintain desired results even over an extended period of time, even though weight gain during this time can have unflattering effects.
Fact: It is a fact that cellulite cannot be eliminated by liposuction, as much as we would all like to think otherwise. However, by eliminating the soft, underlying tissue that presses against the skin and causes cellulite, liposuction can help slow down the growth of cellulite.
Hope we have been able to discredit the existing myths about liposuction surgery and help the readers gain a better understanding of the procedure. Liposuction, if done by a skilled surgeon, is completely safe and can provide wonderful outcomes. 
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If anyone wants to get the surgery done and is looking for the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai, they can consult with Dr. Medha Bhave at Laser Cosmosis Clinic. Her goal is to help her patients achieve their desired body shape and increase their self-confidence by using her expertise in cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures.
Original Source:- https://blogstudiio.com/debunking-myths-about-liposuction/
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haggishlyhagging · 1 year ago
"I did it for me," reads the plaque held by the woman in a Botox ad. There's a sense that she's presenting the plaque to us, the audience, and it's kind of unnerving. The makers of the ad are conversant in the basic language of both body acceptance and choice feminism, and this ad is an attempt to make an end-run around any existing skepticism about cosmetic surgery, by appealing to free, market-savvy choice and its result, empowerment. This woman who paid a tidy sum of money for a smooth forehead and nonexistent nasolabial folds is not a dupe of the patriarchy, dammit! She's not doing it for a man; she's not doing it for a woman; she's doing it for herself, and those are the magic words. Variations on “I did it for me” appear and reappear in ads for Botox and breast implants; they're present when Vogue suggests—you know, just puts it out there—that you could shorten your toes in order to better fit them into Jimmy Choos; they exist whenever morning talk-radio hosts give away free breast implants to the woman with the best small-boobs sob story. "I did it for me," "I did it to feel better about myself," and, "I'm not doing it for anyone else" are defensive reflexes that acknowledge an imagined feminist disapproval and impatiently brush it away.
It's been twenty-five years since Naomi Wolf wrote, in her bestselling book The Beauty Myth, that "The ideology of beauty is the last one remaining of the old feminine ideologies that still has the power to control those women whom second-wave feminism would have otherwise made relatively uncontrollable." For all the gains that various women's movements have made possible, rigidly prescribed, predominantly white beauty standards are one site where time has not revolutionized our thinking. Concurrently, it's also where the expansion of consumer choice has made it possible to bow to such standards in countless new ways.
Choice has become the primary way to talk about looks, a phenomenon that journalist Alex Kuczynski called "an activism of aesthetics" in her 2006 book Beauty Junkies. In the book, the cosmetic surgery industry in particular is portrayed as a kind of Thunderdome where the waiting lists for a new injectable climb into the double digits, impeccably spray-tanned celebrity doctors jostle for prime soundbite space in women's magazines, and speakers at surgeons' conventions end their speeches with a call to "Push plastic surgery." With a rise in options—more doctors, more competing pharmaceutical brands, the rise of cosmetic-surgery tourism that promises cheap procedures in tropical locations—the landscape of sculpted noses and liposuctioned abs has been defined by choice. The "activism," too, is one of individual choice—it refers to being proactive about one's own appearance, vigilant enough to be able to head off wrinkles, droops, and sags at the pass. Framed within our neoliberal discourse, an activism of aesthetics doesn't dismantle the beauty standards that telegraph worth and status, but advocates for everyone's right to purchase whatever interventions are necessary to achieve those standards. The individual world shrinks to the size of a doctor's office; other people exist only as points of physical comparison.
Though we often think of beauty and body imperatives in their prefeminist form—the hobbling footbinding, the lead whitening powders, the tapeworm diet—the ostensibly consciousness-raised decades since the 1970s have brought a mind-boggling array of dictates, standards, and trends to all genders, but most forcefully to women. When capri pants were the move of the moment in the 1990s, Vogue was there to suggest quick surgical fixes for knobby knees and undefined calves. Less than ten years later, the clavicle was the body part du jour, balancing the trend of voluminous clothing with reassuring proof that, under all that material, the wearer was appropriately thin. (One clavicle-boasting woman stated to The New York Times that the clavicle was the "easiest and least controversial expression of a kind of sex appeal"—not as obviously sexy as breasts, but evidence of a physical discipline coveted among the fashion set.) A handful of years after that, the focus moved south again, to the "thigh gap" coveted by a largely young audience, some of whom blogged about their pursuit of the gap with diet journals and process photos.
Though certain types of bodies have historically come in and out of fashion—the flapper dresses of the 1920s required a boyish, hipless figure, while the tight angora sweaters of the '50s demanded breasts, or at least the padded semblance of them—the pace with which bodies are presented as the "right" ones to have has quickened. The beachy girls-next-door of the 1970s were elbowed out by the Amazonion supermodels of the 1980s, who gave way to the heroin-chic waifs of the '90s, who were knocked off the editorial pages of the early 2000s by the Brazilian bombshells, who were then edged out by the doll-eyed British blondes. Meanwhile, the fashion industry selectively co-opts whatever "ethnic" attributes can be appropriated in the service of a trend. Black and Latina women with junk in the trunk who have been erased by mainstream glossies, overlooked as runway models, and ill-served by pants designed for comparatively fat rears were rightly annoyed to hear from Vogue, in 2014, that "We're Officially in the Era of the Big Booty" thanks to stars like Iggy Azalea, Miley Cyrus, and Kim Kardashian. There is no wrong way to have a body" wrote author and size-positive sage Hanne Blank, but that sentiment will always be contradicted by a market, and a media, that depends on people not believing it.
-Andi Zeisler, We Were Feminists Once
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3liza · 2 years ago
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this is an in-progress shot of the vtubing model I've been working on in VRoid. i haven't started learning blender or unity yet but of course that's the way to go if you take this stuff seriously, and I'll get there eventually.
VRoid Studio is more of a toy and has severe and often confusing limitations, like the fact that the "waist" slider on the Body tab changes the size of the hips and thighs. there is no slider to control belly size at all. most character modeling tools both professional and hobbyist just pretend no one would ever want to make a character that wasn't extremely thin, even though that's the overwhelmingly most common complaint in the Steam forum.
there are also interesting cultural influences that pop up, i mentioned the shoe thing in an earlier post but there is also no way to change the width of the models' extremely thin calves, which is a Japanese/Asian body standard we don't really have here in the USA (we have "cankles" but that's different): cosmetic surgery to shave down calf muscles is common in Japan and South Korea (this link includes liposuction for lipidema patients in the same category as muscle shaving though which doesn't make sense and is a completely different procedure/result), there was an argument on the staff of Silent Hill about leaving one of the female characters' "thick" legs alone (Americans can't even tell which character this was, and i now honestly forget and would have to look it up because it's just not something that looks unusual to us), so naturally a program aimed at making waifus would have an unchangeable stick-like shin because that's the ideal. Americans are like this with breast size, character editors will call an F cup the "small chest" setting. i also had to push the Eye Size sliders out of bounds to get the eyes on this model as small as they are.
anyway as usual it is incredibly difficult to just make a human body with typical variations and in the end it would always be easier to program the thing from the ground up to have sliders for each large muscle group or limb section rather than trying to get allusive with your slider names and what they do. but the programmers always go for the latter and it always ends up weirder than if they hadn't.
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drsandhyabalaplasticsurgeon · 2 months ago
Liposuction Surgery In Hyderabad
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Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan precisely and meticulously performs the most effective and safest liposuction surgery in Hyderabad. She is a renowned plastic surgeon with 19+ years of rich and extensive experience and the highest success rate. The surgery removes unwanted and stubborn fat from the targeted body parts. It allows you to achieve a toned, contoured, and aesthetically pleasing body shape. The targeted body parts include the back, stomach, thighs, arms, breasts, calves, ankles, love handles, and many others. The surgery could be performed using smart liposuction, power-assisted liposuction, VASER liposuction, and traditional or manual liposuction. Want to achieve your dream body? Consider liposuction and consult the leading plastic surgeon, Dr. Sandhya Balasubramanyan.
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myliposuctiondubai · 2 months ago
What areas of the body can be toned with liposuction?
Liposuction, also termed ‘lipo’, is a surgical contouring procedure used to reshape the way a person looks. If you are tired of stubborn pockets of unwanted fat, choose liposuction in Dubai. This body contouring is performed to reshape the body contours by making small incisions to remove unwanted fat from targeted areas such as the abdomen, thighs, knees, and hips. This procedure can also be used to remove a double chin and shape the ankle and calves.
You can undergo liposuction to get the body you always wanted by consulting with Dr. Parag Telang. He will determine the desired amount of fat removal to achieve optimal body contouring outcomes. In this blog he has focused on the body area that can be treated with liposuction.
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What are the main areas of liposuction?
Upper arms excess fat: Liposuction used to address excess fat in the upper arms, also termed “bat wings." It is an effective method to remove stubborn fat deposits that cause individuals' flabby arms after all other methods of exercise and diet have failed.
Liposuction will not fix loose or sagging excess skin after fat removal; hence, an additional method such as an arm lift may be helpful and recommended by the surgeon.
Breasts: Liposuction can be helpful for both men and women in the chest area. Breast liposuction is typically used for women with larger breasts having a breast reduction. This procedure reduces fat that offers women younger-looking and shapely breasts.
Breast liposuction can also be used in combination with breast augmentation or breast lift procedures to offer women desired results.
Men with gynecomastia can also benefit from liposuction. Gynecomastia is a condition of chest enlargement in men that mimics female breasts.
Chest liposuction surgery helps in the removal of fatty tissue in the breast to restore a more masculine appearance in men.
Fat deposits in the abdomen are usually difficult to remove with exercise and diet. Liposuction can help to achieve more extensive fat removal in the stomach or in the lower belly.
Dr. Parag Telang is an experienced plastic surgeon who can reshape and smooth out the midsection of the patient to create the right proportions for a more attractive contour.
Liposuction cannot fix loose or sagging skin after fat removal, so an additional method such as tummy tuck may be recommended by the surgeon.
Chin liposuction: This procedure is performed to remove fat on and around the neck that reduces the appearance of the double chin. It can bring a more defined jawline while giving both men and women a similar profile.
Liposuction can target a larger area to address a buffalo hump, which is excess fat on the back of the neck and shoulders. In most cases, liposuction can eliminate the excess fat to reduce the appearance of the lump and even prevent its growth.
Inner and outer thighs: This type of liposuction is used to remove the excess fat from the inner and outer thighs. It is a cosmetic procedure, generally the last step in a weight loss journey, because it helps in fat removal that otherwise has not been removed from lifestyle modifications.
Love handles: Love handles excess fat due to several factors such as weight gain, age, hormonal changes, or pregnancy. The flanks or love handles are present on either side of the abdomen area and lower back. Transforming this area with diet and exercise is most difficult. Liposuction can help break up this unwanted fat to make a more contoured and slim appearance.
How Liposuction remove fat?
Liposuction procedure uses a cannula device that is inserted underneath the loose skin via small cuts to eliminate excess and stubborn fat. The cannula device helps to loosen up fatty tissue in affected areas to then be removed. The correct amount of fat removed will be determined by the plastic surgery in Dubai to give the patient optimum body contouring outcomes. 
Liposuction procedure varies person to person in terms of duration and the number of target areas being treated. As it is an extremely versatile procedure used to tackle the unwanted and stubborn fat in the hips, thighs, arms, above the knees, upper back, and other areas. It is a safe and effective procedure for patients who need the right surgical care.
Looking for a plastic surgeon who provides desired body contours with liposuction?
Choose Dr. Parag Telang, an expert plastic surgeon, to provide safe and effective plastic surgery. He performed surgical contouring by using a liposuction procedure and provided patients with optimum body contouring outcomes.
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toursoman · 3 months ago
What is the vaser liposuction process?
Vaser liposuction is one of the techniques that uses ultrasound, which works by sending vibrations that melt fat before suctioning it, where the fat is dissolved by ultrasound first, then it is suctioned without causing any damage to the body.
Vaser liposuction is more and more popular than other liposuction procedures, and Vaser liposuction is performed through a thin tube that emits ultrasound energy, preserves nerves and blood vessels, reduces bruising, and reaches more precise places of fat cells.
Target areas include thighs, calves, ankles, hips, buttocks, abdomen, back, flanks, arms, neck, and under the chin, it is also a great procedure for treating gynecomastia (male breast reduction)
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nishagala · 4 months ago
Transformative Solutions for Confidence and Aesthetics: Dr. Guru Prasad Reddy’s Expertise
When it comes to achieving a naturally beautiful and confident appearance, Dr. Guru Prasad Reddy stands out as one of Hyderabad’s premier cosmetic and aesthetic surgeons. Known for his exceptional skills and results-driven approach, Dr. Reddy offers a range of transformative procedures designed to enhance your self-esteem and overall look. From addressing gynecomastia to perfecting your chin contour, his services are tailored to meet your unique needs.
Gynecomastia Surgery: Reclaim Your Confidence
Gynecomastia, a condition characterized by excess breast tissue in males, can lead to significant embarrassment and self-consciousness. Thankfully, gynecomastia surgery offers a viable solution to this issue. As the Best Gynecomastia Surgeon in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, Dr. Guru Prasad Reddy specializes in this procedure, which involves the removal of excess glandular and fatty tissue from the male breast. This results in a flatter, more masculine chest appearance.
The surgery typically takes about an hour, depending on the amount of tissue to be removed, as determined by pre-operative tests. It is a very safe procedure with minimal risks and downtime, making it an effective choice for those looking to eliminate the discomfort and self-consciousness associated with gynecomastia.
Liposuction Fat Removal Surgery: Sculpt Your Body
For those struggling with stubborn fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise, liposuction can be a game-changer. Dr. Reddy offers Liposuction Fat Removal Surgery in Hyderabad, utilizing this innovative technique to target and remove excess fat from areas such as the arms, thighs, back, abdomen, and calves. This procedure involves minimal incisions and uses suction to extract fat, leaving patients with a more sculpted and contoured physique.
Liposuction is not only effective for body contouring but also offers a relatively quick recovery time, allowing you to return to your daily activities with confidence.
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lasercosmesis · 1 year ago
Enjoy Slender Calves with Liposuction
Many people experience leg pain and difficulty to move. One of the common reasons regarding this is excessive deposit of fat tissues to calves. The bulky fat around the calves may cause embarrassment for many too. Calves fat is stubborn to go through adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine. In addition to these self efforts, Liposuction can be used to get the toned calves. 
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In order to consider liposuction for stubborn fat removal from the calves, vital information about this procedure has been taken from Dr. Medha Bhave. She is a plastic surgeon popular and offers successful and effective liposuction surgery in Thane. So if you are one of those unhappy individuals looking for an effective treatment for bulky calves, then consider reading this article. Before delving into the procedure, it would be beneficial to learn about the causes of bulky calves and their impact on the body. So, here is-
What are The Causes of Thick Calves?
Bulky calves can be experienced by both male and females. This may appear due to various factors. Some of them are as follows: 
Exercises building strain on calves 
Playing sports like football, hockey, or swimming 
Weight gain.
Thicker Calves may impact other body parts as well. Some of these include:
Discomfort to move
Issue to uplift the weight
Leg pain
Sense of embarrassment as they look thick.
Liposuction for Unwanted Fat Removal from Calves 
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Liposuction for calves is a cosmetic plastic surgery performed by medical professional specialises in performing cosmetic plastic surgeries. This method involves the procedure of removing excess fat from the anterior surface of the tibia which involves fatty tissue to the calf muscles. Calf liposuction addresses these fat deposits through minimal incision. The extraction of fat tissues and allows to make them toned.
The Benefits of Liposuction of the Calves
Calf liposuction provides several benefits for people willing to improve their size and definition of their calves. Some of these advantages of considering liposuction for calves include:
Reduced this size of calf
It improves the muscles of of the calves
One may experience almost negligible downtime which may include minimal scarring
It is speedy process which may require minimum time to spend in recovery
Liposuction, performed by qualified cosmetic plastic surgeons is a safe and effective way to improve the calves appearance.
What are the steps included in  a calf liposuction Procedure?
In general liposuction procedure for toned calves is categorised into three parts
Preparation for the Procedure
Prior to the procedure, the candidate has to undergo a pre-operative medical check-up. This check-up includes overall examination of the individual’s eligibility for the treatment. To rule out any medical contraindications, surgeons may plan more detailed evaluation sessions which may include:
Level of fat tissue deposited to the calves
Determine causes of thick calves
Examination of previous medical history
Any medical treatment or medication, if going on.
Liposuction procedure
A step-by-step procedure of this calves reduction treatment includes below mentioned steps: 
Marking on the fat pockets of calves
Administration of local or general anaesthesia 
Make minimal incisions near around the marked fat pockets
Insertion of micro-cannulas under the skin through incisions
The cannula will extract the fat cells (deep and superficial) deposited to the calves
After the procedure incisions will be stitched. 
Post-operative care
After this calf reduction surgery, the patient will remain anaesthetic for some time. Hence, the leg movement will not be performed. But, once that unconsciousness gets over, the candidate can take discharge from the clinic and take rest at home. 
During this post-operative tenure, compression garments are advised to wear. It will help to keep the treated area intact. To do so, this recommendation may extend to several weeks.  
After the procedure pain may be experienced by the individual but it can be alleviated  by taking pain-relieving medication prescribed by the surgeon. 
What Can One  Expect From Calves Liposuction?
The calves- the muscled area of the lower legs  are smaller but an unavoidable body part. Hence, the procedure liposuction is  customised by the surgeon carefully. So that it can effectively treat unwanted fat in this body part. The surgeon works around the thick muscles of this area to achieve the desired toned calves. 
Who is a Good Candidate For Calves Liposuction?
Some factors making a person a good candidate for this calves reduction surgery are as follows:
Stubborn Fat Deposits: The primary reason for calf liposuction is to remove localised, excess fat in the calf area that has not responded to diet and exercise efforts.
Good Overall Health: Candidates should be in good general health, without significant medical conditions that might increase the risks associated with surgery.
Stable Weight: It's important that candidates have maintained a stable weight for several months prior to the procedure. Significant weight fluctuations can affect the results of the surgery.
Realistic Expectations: It's crucial for patients to have realistic expectations about what calf liposuction can achieve. It can improve the contour of the calf area, but it won't dramatically change the shape or appearance of the legs.
Skin Elasticity: Good skin elasticity is important for achieving optimal results. If you have loose or sagging skin in the calf area, liposuction alone may not be sufficient, and other procedures like a calf lift or skin tightening might be needed.
Motivation: Patients should be motivated to maintain a healthy lifestyle after the procedure, including proper diet and exercise, to maintain the results.
Consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon: The best way to determine if you're a good candidate for calf liposuction is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They can evaluate your specific case, discuss your goals, and provide personalised recommendations based on your unique circumstances.
For people with calves' fat pockets that will not go away with exercise, calf liposuction can be a life-changing procedure. It provides a means of achieving a more balanced and defined calf appearance.
Calf liposuction can improve body image and confidence in the correct patient under professional supervision, leading to a pleasing aesthetic result. To get this treatment benefits and toned looking calves, get in touch with Dr. Medha Bhave, Best Plastic Surgeon in Thane, at Laser Cosmesis.
Book your appointment today!
Original Source:- https://writeupcafe.com/enjoy-slender-calves-with-liposuction/
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vegasliposuctionblog · 4 months ago
Nonsurgical Body Sculpting
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Nonsurgical body sculpting is not supposed to serve as a weight loss solution. It is ideal for people who have attained their desired weight but wish to get rid of stubborn fat pockets. Usually, this means excess fat that stubbornly resists diet and exercise. Nonsurgical body sculpting techniques work in one of two ways. Some work by freezing fat cells and ultimately destroying them. Other methods use heat to reduce fat in the targeted areas. The techniques are safe for use in a number of areas - Best Liposuction in Atlanta.
We can help you in the removal of unwanted fat from your body areas which cannot be get rid of through dieting and can get you in shape. The target areas could be upper arms, calves, abdomen, buttocks, thighs etc. For whatever reason you might have put on weight, we can enhance your shape and get your desired figure. Cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting: Cryolipolysis is a minimally invasive technology that relies on extreme cold to break down fat cells, reducing fat pockets. The surgeon places a paneled or cupped device on top of your skin around the area to be treated. The device then lowers the temperature enough to freeze the fat cells and destroy them - Laser Liposuction Surgeons.
Liposuction is a very common and effective technique for fat reduction. It is a method which provides maximum contouring with minimal scars. Liposuction removes the superficial layer of fat. Few body areas like buttocks, thighs and abdomen respond better to this procedure. If you cannot wear tight fitted clothes because of your bulging stomach, then do not think twice about going for body shaping treatment. As a result of weight gain in an individual, the size of fat cells increases. For more information, please visit our site https://www.atlantaliposuction.com/
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dramitkrchoudhary · 6 months ago
What Are The Benefits And Risks Of Liposuction?
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Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that sucks suborn fat from the body, making your body rejuvenated and toned. The abdomen, neck, hips, arms, thighs, and buttocks are the most common areas in the body where liposuction is done. For liposuction in Siliguri, you can visit the top cosmetic plastic surgeon Dr Amit Kr Choudhary.
While liposuction has many aesthetic and psychological pros, it is not without risks. This blog focuses on the benefits and risks of liposuction procedures.
Benefits of Liposuction Procedure
Improved Appearance
One of the primary reasons why people choose liposuction is to enhance appearance. Liposuction targets and removes those stubborn fats in your body deposits that are resistant to diet and workouts.
This cosmetic procedure gives you a more contoured body shape, which includes a toned abdomen, arms, thighs, buttocks, arms, and chin.
Better Self-Esteem and Confidence
Our appearance many times affects our physical, psychological, and emotional well-being. Liposuction works great when you have a stable body weight with stubborn fats that you can’t get rid of.  
This cosmetic surgery boosts self-esteem and confidence by removing those stubborn body fats from the stomach, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, upper arms, neck, and chin. After liposuction, patients often report that they feel more comfortable, confident, and satisfied with the outcomes.
Health Benefits
Yes, liposuction contributes to better health in several cases. When this surgery reduces excess fat, it actually reduces pressure on joints, which may improve mobility and lower joint pain.
There are studies that suggest removing excess fat cells can improve insulin function in your body, which may reduce the chance of diabetes. Also, when doctors remove fatty deposits in the areas of your body like the inner thighs, it improves movement, giving physical comfort.
Permanent Results
Liposuction removes fat cells from your body, giving permanent results. It is important that you maintain a stable weight to retain long-lasting results.
Since lipo is not a weight-loss journey, keeping realistic expectations and discussing it with your surgeon is vital. Consult a reliable cosmetic surgeon for liposuction in Siliguri, North Bengal.
Risks of Liposuction Surgery
All types of surgery, whether minimally invasive or traditional surgery, carry risks. Thus, liposuction has risks as well, like infection, temporary bleeding, mild swelling, bruising, and discomfort from anesthesia. Make sure you receive liposuction treatment from a highly qualified cosmetic surgeon.
Uneven Contours
Some patients might experience uneven fat removal, causing bumpy skin contours. Knowing if you are a good candidate for liposuction is very important. Poor skin elasticity or issues with technique during surgery may affect treatment outcomes.
Fluid Accumulation
Pockets of fluid or seromas can result from liposuction, which grows under the skin. In this case, the patient may need additional medical care to remove the fluid.
Temporary numbness is a common experience after liposuction surgery. If a nerve gets affected during the procedure, it leads to a numbing sensation. Most numbness heal over time, but in some cases, numbness can be long-lasting after liposuction.
Liposuction surgery needs small incisions, which causes mild scarring. However, some people have noticeable scarring based on their skin type and the maintenance after treatment. Visiting a board-certified cosmetic surgeon is vital to liposuction outcomes.
If you consider liposuction or any other cosmetic procedure, visit an experienced and highly skilled surgeon. Your doctor will examine your skin type, medical history, etc., and may recommend tests for more details.
Proper diagnosis and understanding your reason for liposuction help the doctor guide you and ensure whether you are ideal for this. Speak to the best liposuction doctors in Siliguri City today.
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frenchiebabyyy · 7 months ago
When I was twelve my biggest dream was getting a liposuction
Any other dream was out of the question.
I had a vision of later in life
where I’d take a knife
And slice off the fat of my thighs
Off of my calves,
Off of my shoulders
Off of my fingers
At the time, if I could’ve,
I would’ve taken a filter
To take the grease out of the butter
Out of my pastas
Out of my saliva
Out of my life, body and soul
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lipedemas-blog · 8 months ago
What is lipedema? It's Causes, Symptoms and Treatments
What is lipedema?
A long-term condition called lipedema results in an abnormal buildup of fat in the lower body. Usually, your thighs, calves, and butt are affected by lipedema. Some get it in their upper arms or hips. It has no effect on your feet or hands. Sometimes people mistake lymphedema or being overweight for lipedema, although these are two distinct illnesses. Nonetheless, lymphedema can result from lipedema. The body mass index (BMI) of many lipedema individuals is greater than 35. You can shed weight in your upper body through diet and exercise, but this won't change the portions of your lower body that lipedema affects. Do you want to know more about lipedema and about their surgeries then consult with best liposuction doctors in hyderabad.
Types of lipedema:
Depending on where your symptoms are located, you could have multiple types of lipedema at the same time. Lipedema comes in various forms. 
Type I: The fat lies between the hips and the belly button. Type II: The fat lies between the knees and the pelvis. Type III: The fat lies between the ankles and the pelvis. Type IV: Your wrists and shoulders are separated by fat. Type V: The area of fat between your ankles and knees.
How common is lipedema?
Particularly among women, lipedema is a moderately prevalent but frequently misdiagnosed ailment. Worldwide, it is thought to impact up to 11% of women. However, because of incorrect diagnoses and a lack of knowledge among medical practitioners, it is difficult to pinpoint the precise prevalence. The abnormal buildup of fat, usually in the legs and buttocks, is known as lipedema. This condition frequently causes pain, swelling, and easy bruising. For those who are afflicted with this illness, early identification and treatment can help improve symptoms and quality of life. Lipedema is arises due to abnormal growth of fat, so get consultation and advice from best cosmetic surgeon in hyderabad.
What are the symptoms of lipedema?
Symptoms of lipedema include:
Fat accumulation on both sides of your body in your butt, thighs, calves, and occasionally upper arms.
Lumps within the fat that give you the impression that something is beneath your skin.
Pain that varies in intensity, from moderate to intense, and that only happens under pressure.
A sensation of weight in your legs.
Skin prone to bruising.
Weary (feeling more tired than normal).
What causes lipedema?
Inherited predisposition: Since lipedema frequently occurs in families, a hereditary component may be involved.
Hormonal factors: Since the disorder typically affects women and might deteriorate during hormonal changes such as adolescence, pregnancy, or menopause, estrogen may be involved. Some researchers propose that autoimmune or inflammatory processes could be involved in the development of lipedema.
Other factors: Although more research is required to properly understand these interactions, lipedema may be triggered or exacerbated by trauma, surgery, or hormone imbalances.
Having obesity doesn’t cause lipedema, but more than half of people with this condition have a BMI higher than 35.
Diagnosis of lipedema:
Physical Examination: To determine the distribution of fat and any related symptoms, a medical professional will conduct a physical examination.
Medical History: A thorough medical history encompassing hormonal variables, symptom onset, and family history will be obtained.
Imaging techniques: To visualize the distribution of fat and rule out other disorders, imaging techniques like ultrasound or MRI may be utilized.
Stages of Lipedema:
For many, lipedema gradually worsens over time. Stages of lipedema include:
Stage 1: Although your skin appears normal, you feel as though there are pebbles beneath it. At this point, pain and bruises are possible. Stage 2: The surface of your skin is uneven and may have dimpling that resembles cottage cheese, a walnut shell, or quilted stitching. Stage 3: You may have noticeable wrinkles in your skin and fat, and your legs may resemble blown-up rectangle balloons. Walking could be difficult if you have noticeable fat on your legs. Stage 4: You simultaneously have lymphedema and lipedema.
Know more about stages of lipedema get in touch with best plastic surgeon in india.
Methods for Lipedema Treatment:
Compression Therapy: By using compression clothing, you can enhance circulation and lessen edema.
Manual Lymphatic Drainage: This specific type of massage therapy can aid in lymphatic flow improvement and edema reduction. Decongestive therapy is an all-encompassing therapeutic method that incorporates skin care, exercise, compression, and manual lymphatic drainage.
Surgical Interventions: If conservative therapy are ineffective for a patient's significant symptoms, liposuction may be a possibility.
In conclusion, abnormal fat buildup, mainly in the legs and buttocks, is the hallmark of lipedema, a chronic disorder that can cause pain, swelling, and other symptoms. Although lipedema cannot be cured, there are a number of therapeutic options that can help control symptoms and enhance quality of life. Through knowledge of lipedema's causes, symptoms, and available treatments, people can proactively manage their condition and lead healthy lives. Remove your abnormal fat with help of fat removal surgery in hyderabad. 
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nubodymx · 8 months ago
Liposculpture; the 3.0 option in monterrey
Dissatisfied with your silhouette? Would you like to remove from here and add there? Liposculpture 3.0 in Monterrey, by NuBody, is your best choice. We literally shape your body contour, and consequently, improve your silhouette. Basically, during liposculpture, fat accumulations are extracted from areas we wish to reduce and are injected into areas of the body we would like to enhance. For example, fat can be extracted from the abdomen and injected into the buttocks and/or calves to better shape both areas.
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At NuBody Monterrey, we believe in the precision and detail that an aesthetic plastic surgery like Liposculpture entails. We also want this procedure to be as gentle and effective for the patient as it is for the performing doctor.
Previously, liposuction was performed using cannulas that forcefully removed the patient's fat, which meant wear and tear for the surgeon and more postoperative trauma for the patient, as well as blood loss.
Liposculpture is a surgical procedure that seeks to eliminate deposits of localized fat in specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, or arms. This technique not only helps improve aesthetic appearance but also can increase patients' confidence and emotional well-being, giving them a new perspective on their body and personal image.
Thanks to advancements in medical technology, all these issues have been addressed. Now, at NuBody, we use two important technologies: Vaser® Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction and also Power-Assisted Liposuction using Microaire or PAL.
Let us explain why they are so phenomenal:
Also called lipovaser, it is an advanced form of liposuction that uses gentle ultrasonic energy to selectively break down unwanted fat, preserving other important tissues. It offers the following advantages:
Faster procedures
More effective results
Greater skin contraction
Allows for marking of all areas
Less bleeding
Does not obstruct blood vessels
Facilitates transfer
Allows for treatment of all areas
Minimal scarring
Faster and less painful recovery
Lower risk of skin burns due to ultrasound use
Fewer bruises
PAL® is the preferred and most used system as an alternative to manual liposuction. It offers the following advantages:
Proven viability of cells
Less bruising
Less swelling
Less surgeon fatigue
Faster procedure
Additionally, Dr. Gabriel A. Mecott and his team have developed an exclusive procedure for liposculpture that treats extracted fat to filter it, removing large amounts of serum and blood, preserving the intact fat stem cell. This way, when transferring fat to another area of the patient's body, the volume lost will be much less than that of untreated fat transfer.
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As you can see, the combination of all these technologies results in shorter surgeries with less risk for the patient, better results, finer point definition, less fatigue for your surgeon to pay attention to detail, leaving you looking spectacular.
At NuBody, you will find the best certified plastic surgeons in Monterrey, experts in these technologies.
During the liposculpture procedure, the plastic surgeon makes small incisions in the areas to be treated and uses a special device to remove excess fat in a controlled manner. This fat can then be processed and purified to be injected into other areas of the body where volume enhancement or shape improvement is desired. Liposculpture is performed under epidural or general anesthesia, depending on the individual needs of the patient, and can last several hours depending on the amount of fat to be treated and the areas to be sculpted.
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paslnyc · 10 months ago
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beautifulyou1 · 11 months ago
How does liposuction work?
In short, if you have fat cells that have increased in size and volume anywhere in your abdomen, thighs, hips, back, buttocks, knees, ankles, calves, arms, love handles/flanks, chin, mons pubis or chest (in males). Liposuction removes the number of fat cells in the targeted area, reducing the appearance and amount of fat. As cells are removed it makes it harder to regain fat in those areas, so although the results aren’t classed as ‘permanent’ as your weight may fluctuate in the future, it does make it harder and less likely for fat to increase after liposuction.
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toursoman · 11 months ago
What is the vaser liposuction process?
Vaser liposuction is one of the techniques that uses ultrasound, which works by sending vibrations that melt fat before suctioning it, where the fat is dissolved by ultrasound first, then it is suctioned without causing any damage to the body.
Vaser liposuction is more and more popular than other liposuction procedures, and Vaser liposuction is performed through a thin tube that emits ultrasound energy, preserves nerves and blood vessels, reduces bruising, and reaches more precise places of fat cells.
Target areas include thighs, calves, ankles, hips, buttocks, abdomen, back, flanks, arms, neck, and under the chin, it is also a great procedure for treating gynecomastia (male breast reduction)
vaser liposuction cost
Vaser liposuction cost varies according to several factors, and these factors are related to the following:
The surgeon’s experience and qualifications.
Geographical area of ​​the surgeon and clinic.
The patient’s health status and what will be done. Abdominal liposuction is undoubtedly different from liposuction for buttocks or arms only.
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