#Caitlin will cling onto the frumpy cat to get her through bad bad writing until something better comes along
motheatenscarf · 2 years
Story spoilers for FF14, I was largely unimpressed with the Scions until it suddenly didn't matter anymore lol.
So, the Scions aren't very interesting yet, and I was hoping they'd get the chance to make more of an impression, but I guess they're all dead now except maybe a few of the main guys. So... lol.
As a whole, this group kinda gave big "bored nepo baby brunch club to make political connections" energy where they sit and talk about big goals but don't, aside from Y'sthola, have like... plans?
Gideon Emery's voice is wasted on Beard-Elf, who had like 2 lines and is maybe I think dead now. Elf Twin boy annoys me and is Sam Riegel who is a fully grown ass man and it is deeply unsettling, Elf Twin girl is fine, I guess. Thancred is also fine, he made no real impression on me, and Bunsen and Beaker... they have names, I forget them, they're Bunsen and Beaker, are kind of annoying, but also fine. Nobody here has a strong personality and it really shows the weak writing and weaker acting in a lot of places, sorry Taliesin Jaffee, but even you are only as good as what you're given and he wasn't given much to work with. The strongest characters were all the goons and chuds who hung out in the supply room, which is uh... well, I mean, I liked them, but it's saying something when those are your most likable characters in the hero organization. Their leader, Minfilia, had also been previously languishing in mediocrity, with her writing not standing out as anything other than "boring" and her voice acting as "wow, that had to be the casting director's niece or something."
But BOY, has Minfilia made an impression on me now! Just... GOD that is some weak writing, she immediately surrenders WHILE her people are being slaughtered behind her, does not wait for them to accept her terms of surrender before they put handcuffs on her, and they immediately go back to slaughtering her people in front of her and her only reaction is "Confound it!"
So, she, effectively, immediately surrendered under no protest with no resistance in order to save only herself.
Where I come from we call that cowardice, and it is generally frowned upon in one's leaders, and if they don't execute her or torture her to death, I'm going to kill her myself.
The little BABY Slyph who showed up to be a personal envoy to the Scions did more to protect these people and this organization than Minfilia did and she died for it. She got her tiny tiny body punted into a wall by a roundhouse kick from the lone woman among The Bad Guys, and it was kinda awesome and very unintentionally funny, but also very sad and heroic from my poor little Slyph friend.
Anyway, I'm going to go find my buddies now, I guess, and maybe the game will make me rescue Minfilia. I accept this only on the condition that the game let me loot her corpse for tokens of office so I can give them Y'shtola who should clearly be in charge. She's a frumpy nerd who is very smart and competent and has no patience for tact or decorum or the politics of busywork, I LIKE her, she's the ONLY one I like, she's the only character so far who's made an impression on me aside from the Slyphs for being tiny and cute or the bad guys for being hammy and scene stealing.
So yeah, I guess Y'shtola is my favorite character so far
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