#CWRU maltreatment
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atltexts · 4 years ago
TRIGGER WARNING: circuses & clowns
NCO: On the last week of August, the tile IX office increased the sanctions on BVH at ATL’s request. The medical school sent an e-mail with a serious tone to both BVH & ATL setting a new set of rules. BVH was assigned to one side of the school & one side of the classroom, while ATL was instructed to remain on the opposite side. This was a command to stay as far from one another as possible, not a suggestion. If the rules were to be broken, as the e-mail states, there would be “serious consequences”, including being tried, undergoing yet another Title IX trial which would have undoubtedly led to expulsion. That would mean a 5th trial for BVH, even though BVH was cleared of all other charges.
SOCIAL MEDIA: In the same e-mail, they request that they cease all social media posts regarding the situation. BVH had never taken the opportunity to defend himself online, let alone post about it (closest thing would be his expression of relief: the 1-0 narrative).
BVH’S MOTHER FALSELY ACCUSED BY ATL: ATL on the other hand had already been posting a series of tweets and instagram posts, some of which she even falsely accused BVH’s mother of intimidating her! BVH’s mother does not know anything about ALT’s identity (including her name or what she looks like), but ATL stared them both down as she walked towards & past them during a lecture of some sort. BVH brought his mother to class because he was terrified of going by himself after summer break. BVH’s mother did not notice the girl. When he dropped his mother off at the airport, she asked “by the way, was that girl there?”
CLAIMS BVH HAS IT BEST: In other tweets, she speaks about how the school does not support her because BVH has yet to be expelled (they want him expelled, trust me — staff stands in the doorways to watch his every move, and the campus security checks on his IQ room after every break. It is a circus) and writes as though she is not receiving the praise she is receiving, and as though BVH is not the scapegoat in this situation.
THREATS TO PHYSICAL SAFETY: In a tweet that is a threat to BVH’s safety, ATL wrote that she “has to” bring pepper spray to school (confusing — you’d think someone who is afraid of him would maybe NOT stalk him, trying to make themselves as visible as possible?). Understandably, this makes BVH feel extremely uneasy and on edge, especially when she follows his footsteps. As anyone would, he fears that if she continues to linger around his personal bubble, she will eventually find any excuse to pepper spray him & potentially cause his eyes some serious damage. The school was informed of this serious threat with a screenshot of the tweet attached. They didn’t care.
PRECURSOR: Prior to these new sanctions, BVH avoided to be seated near ATL as he’d rather focus on his studies and not be distracted. He almost always finds a seat before ATL decides which seat she wants to take. He has kept his distance, but ATL would deliberately sit unreasonably close to him nearly every day in class. On top of that, she sends most of her mass e-mails about a health group she’s in only while they are in the same classroom. Since she has sent these e-mails while sitting directly behind him a number of times, I can’t see how she could possibly forget to omit his name. BVH, knowing there’s a good possibility that she is looking at his phone, would delete these on the spot (obviously other students can corroborate the timing of these e-mails). I don’t think it’s just coincidence that she waits for class to hit the send button on these elaborate e-mails that seem to be pre-written. ATL has tweeted on several different occasions about how BVH has been trying to intimidate her, when in reality it was the other way around. He has not given her or the smear campaign any attention from day 1. Seriously, he minds his own business. Being in a class with the spotlight on him, it is not enjoyable, but he goes anyway with one focus in mind: his education and avoiding further harassment. Not only does ATL try to sit near him, but she also stares him down during class, making it difficult for him to concentrate. When BVH leaves class, ATL is usually found at the bottom of the stairs (nearest to his IQ room and furthest from her IQ room) waiting among a group of her friends. As he steps down these stairs to exit the school, ATL & these friends will stare him down in a way that is very unsettling (some of these friends are part of the class leadership who circulated the petition with inaccurate and unecessary accusations — see previous posts). In these moments, he is purposefully reminded of how isolated he is, that he is not welcomed by his peers & that some people really believe he has committed these terrible crimes that he would never stand for.
This is where it gets even more ridiculous…
NCO VIOLATION #1: The very next day (Friday), after the New Contact rules were established, BVH couldn’t believe his eyes. He caught ATL slowly pacing around the campus on his side of the school. He discretely snapped a photo from the balcony for obvious reasons (he is never taken seriously, therefore he has no choice but to collect more and more mountains of evidence) & reported her immediately.
The administrator who sent the e-mail responded promptly & assured BVH that it would be taken care of. The weekend passed without any updates.
NCO VIOLATION #2: The following Monday, ATL was again seated an the area that she was commanded to not sit in. BVH, following the “serious” NCO, sat far back in the class all by himself. While the rest of the classroom was in a cluster, ATL sat in the same cluster with students but in a seat that would be closest to BVH in the dead middle of the classroom. She was drinking a soup casually as though she can get away with anything she desires (I wonder why), and BVH snuck out his phone to collect more photo evidence.
BVH sent yet another e-mail to report ATL’s second violation, also asking for an update for Friday’s incident as well.
MORE FALSEHOODS: The administrator responded with even more false accusations that BVH had actually broken the NCO rules, as reported by ATL. It was reported the he stalked her, when in reality she was shamelessly & openly stalking him. They know how cordial BVH is — he would not break the NCO. Either they hoped they would, or they took this as another opportunity to wrongfully frame him.
HOW DID BVH BREAK THE NCO? Well, first of all he didn’t. When asked, they refused to tell him how, when & where. Fair, considering how much they truly & sincerely care…. about sabotaging every area of his goddamn life.
SHOCKING!: Even though school cameras can prove that BVH did not break the rules & that it was, in fact, ATL, the school decided to drop the new NCO rules. Their reason was “you both broke the rules, so it doesn’t matter. We’re not going to investigate it” This is something that could have easily been investigated, but since it does not benefit ATL, it doesn’t really interest them. In other words, I am just going to assume the rules only applied to BVH & I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew ATL was lying, but saw it as another opportunity to frame him.
The school, in their signature fashion, made excuses for ATL. For the first violation, they said “it must have been an accident.” For the second, they basically said in a more ‘professional’ set of words: “never mind. This is not working out in our favour.” Of course, the administrator made sure to CC the Puppet Master MD in all these e-mails. You know, the one who decided to ‘step out of the situation’.
Had BVH been the one really violating the rules & not ATL, he would have most likely been penalized. Surely, the school must have had a reason to establish these new rules to begin with, especially given how adamant they were about the repercussions. Again, it seems as though they have no interest in keeping BVH in a safe environment.
BVH just wants to stay civil & get through his studies in peace. He is not entertaining any of the drama and is doing everything in his power to avoid further conflict. It's unbelievably absurd and devastating. They even demanded that he take the “Martin Luther King approach” (as though he isn’t already), so I am going to take the Martin Luther approach and post all their egregious crimes.
ATL, again, has stood at the bottom of the stairs with a group of friends and waited until BVH would walk down those same stairs so that she could stare him down. I am not sure what she was trying to do here, given her claims that she fears him.
SUMMARY: The Title IX office increased the sanctions on BVH at ATL’s request, even though BVH was exonerated for the accusations made against him. After the sanctions were increased, ATL broke the NCO on multiple occasions and the Title IX office refused to investigate it, despite photo evidence. BVH was accused of breaking it and was reported. His reports on ATL breaking the rules were passed as “accidents” even though she broke them on a daily basis. There is not excuse on ATL’s part, nor the administrators. They only dropped the No Contact Order once they realized it would only benefit BVH and not ATL. Again, seems like another booby trap to get BVH kicked out.
MORE EXCUSES, MORE “ACCIDENTS”: This is, despite ATL breaking the no contact directive back in February when she tried to FaceTime BVH, let it ring for a while, and cancelled before it went to voicemail. After the Title IX office “investigated this claim,” they determined it was also an “accident.” They also determined that all other No Contact Order violations were “accidents” even without investigation, again, despite photo evidence.
TO BE CONTINUED The next postwill be about what happens after the no contact order, how the subordinates of the Puppet Master MD proceeded to coerce and intimidate BVH into dropping out of medical school & to drop his Title IX complaints against ATL for the weeks of harassment from the text messages I have shown in previous posts (for ATL’s sake, I did not post the most vulgar ones, even though they are the most telling & revealing ones), even though BVH filed it back in November (before ATL ever filed anything!), and also his complaints against the Puppet Master MD.
& POSSIBLE PREJUDICE: Given the fact that BVH is a Filipino male, I do seriously wonder whether discrimination plays a role in this decision.
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atltexts · 4 years ago
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Damn, only 8 likes. We might be dealing with a one-termer. 🍿🤹‍♂️🎪
I can’t think of a better example of what an adult teacher’s pet looks like. Of course the deans are saying it “may not be factually correct”! They have nothing to back this up (& they’re the perpetrators being exposed here), but I do. I will be releasing even more damning information again when it gets on public record.
It’s very interesting that one of the students responsible for staring BVH down in the halls, kicking him out of the class group chat to further isolate him cutting him off from important class discussions (see 1-0 post), spreading the petition (also see 1-0 post) & vehemently spreading misinformation herself (again, 1-0 post) is now trying to silence a blog made for the purpose of holding the Title IX office and the SOM accountable. This is the standard for leadership at CWRU SOM.
Shame on you CWRU. What do you mean by “may not” be factually correct? This is your doing. You should know what is and isn’t factual.
Does this make anyone else scared of the way CWRU handles when people criticize their failure to follow their own processes and decisions?
I have everything backed up & if anything should happen to this blog, don’t worry, it will all be re-uploaded. I will soon be creating an anonymous petition to gather the thoughts of everybody who is reasonably terrified at the unjust and erratic steps that CWRU SOM will take to avoid being held accountable.
Thank you again to to the many supporters who have reached out & for the amazing response received so far. And thank you CWRU for giving this blog and its supporters a platform via the TuesdayNews. I am sure that will go over well for you.
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atltexts · 4 years ago
Because it seems as though the school is only interested in working against BVH (never taking his concerns seriously or wanting to listen) & work in ATL’s favour in all aspects (even things things that have been disproven! They’re just scrounging to use anything to use against him without valid or moral reason…perhaps to drive him out), the next posts will be about retaliation, discrimination, lies & the hypocrisy, and the bias of the Title IX process and how the school of medicine encouraged this to happen. They basically told BVH that because he is not as popular as ATL and does not receive as much praise as her for being “so brave”, he cannot have the same advantages. I say this because when he complained to several different administrators about how he was treated by students, they said ATLs complaints are more valid since more students reported him for the 1-0 narrative and for “feeling unsafe. Them feeling unsafe is not BVHs responsibility, but the school’s responsibility to stop silencing him from telling the truth. ATL, on the other hand, is permitted to spread false information without any repercussions, even taking it to social media on a regular basis (post to come). Had the roles been reversed, I promise you it would be a whole other story. Maybe thev enjoy the fact that their students are left in the dark and afraid, thinking they are studying in the same class as a r*pist. Who knows. They can do their signature sad eyebrows, but I’m not buying it. I love a good popularity contest though. Anyway… Health is bad today! Bare with me
TY!!! I want to also mention how the few people in the past who have shown BVH kindness have made him cry, in a good way, including the classmates who let BVH know that they did not participate in signing the petition & the ones who reached out to give him the opportunity to explain his side. Thank you. As BVH lays low, the school + ATL never seem to give him a break, it’s been challenging to say the least…
BE NICE: In all seriousness, please do not send any hate towards ATL. That’s not what this blog is for. My grandmother always said we act out of 2 emotions: love & fear. I can’t understand ATL’s perspective, but I know this came from a place of suffering. This is my higher self speaking. I think she is in a dark place right now, and I truly hope she’s not alone in that.
BUT NOT THAT NICE: The school, on the other hand, I blame them more than anyone for handling this situation so poorly and allowing behaviour that resulted in having to take on the heavy burden of writing this blog. Instead of taking BVH to empathy coaching, they could have taken ATL on a group date to accountability coaching. Instead of helping the situation, they made it worse. They know this. I tried to tell them how unacceptable their behaviour is many times. I gave them 3 chances. This could have been avoided. They knew better, they didn’t listen.
HOW TO HELP BVH: That being said, I don’t discourage anyone from writing to the school (especially those who campaigned against BVH, or any pages who posted about him). I think that would be really, really nice. I just want this chapter closed so we can finally move on with our lives…Doesn’t seem like that many people know about this blog yet so I promise it would make a huge difference!
YOU ARE NOT A METOO ADVOCATE IF YOU REFUSE TO LOOK AT BOTH SIDES ^ continuation: Based on what I’ve witnessed, it’s the only way the school take anything seriously. Rather than focusing on the victim, they deliberately choose to focus on the “general consensus” — I don’t think they act on true empathy, but rather what they think ‘humanizes’ them. It’s undeniable they know BVH is not guilty…they are smart people who have spent way too much time ‘investigating’ this. Be as passionate about this as you would with the #metoo movement if that helps — false accusations are just as bad IMO. As genuine #metoo supporters, we shouldn’t undermine the experiences of true victims by endorsing false accusations (duh!). We learn & we grow.
This has been extremely traumatic for BVH & it will take him a while to recover from what has been done to him.
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atltexts · 4 years ago
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OK... good morning
I can’t believe I have to seriously explain why this is not a r*pe score, but here we go 🥴
I was there the day BVH was exonerated in April. Waiting for the outcome, I stayed up all night, making sure I would be available if anything bad were to come of this. This wasn’t anything new for me. When the letter came in, BVH immediately broke down in tears. At first, I didn’t know what he was feeling and asked him a number of times what it said. I couldn’t make what he was saying, then he just kept repeating “not guilty, not guilty”
We really thought this nightmare would be over from there. This was a huge sigh of relief and as anyone would, BVH felt intense emotion in that moment.
PRECURSOR FOR CONTEXT: BVH was not a religious person prior to any of this, but on December 15 2020, he suffered from his first sleep paralysis episode. Sleep paralysis is more prone to happen to a person when they are either under immense pressure or are deeply depressed. He felt a malign presence in his bedroom & his knee-jerk reaction was to immediately start praying Psalm 91. When this happened, all the noise around him subsided, the presence left, and he was able to gain control over his body again. Since that day, he has prayed the rosary every night before going to sleep. This gave him hope, something to believe in.
CELEBRATING INNOCENCE? THANKING GOD? NOT ON MY WATCH, BUCKO: Just like how his knee-jerk reaction was to pray to banish the sleep paralysis influence, his knee-jerk reaction to being exonerated was to publicly praise god. He asked me “should I write this?” And i paused, thinking it was a little strange, but I also didn’t want to ruin his moment, so I said yes. It was benign! What could possibly happen!!
He was immediately kicked out of the group after a girl weaponized his religion to call him ugly (67+ students liked this!). Another girl wrote “finally,” and comments continued from there. Of course, everyone but BVH got off the hook and BVH was penalized for being “unprofessional.”
Not only was he penalized for being “unprofessional”, but he was also penalized for being happy! “How dare you be happy the day your accuser lost, you should feel sadness and remorse!!!” Yup… he had to go through empathy coaching for this. Wish I was kidding.
BEWILDERING INTERPRETATIONS: We later found out that this was misinterpreted as a r*pe score. “He’s saying he did it before and he will do it again.” Initially, there weren’t that many complaints (maybe 2-3), but when these students instructed other students to do the same, the number obviously increased greatly. So far, over 30 complaints have been filed — while the initial ones were about the Title IX investigation & the Group Me post, the last handful of them said “I don’t care if she couldn’t prove it, I know something bad happened.”
GLOATING SHMOATING: That night, the school sent a mass e-mail to all students about “gloating over the misfortunes of others”, but as they usually do, they denied this. I guess there are just that many coincidences, even though they themselves accused him of… ‘gloating’ over the misfortunes of others.
THE COURTEOUS ADMINISTRATOR: Also that night, BVH got a separate e-mail from an administrator demanding they have an urgent meeting. On this “courtesy call” as the administrator called it, he told BVH to “watch himself” and abruptly hung up on him. BVH was literally just chilling. At least BVH got his 5 minutes of relief before the distortion campaign got stronger over his praise for God, I suppose.
QUESTIONABLE PETITIONS: Soon after, the student leadership wrote & circulated a petition for “the expulsion of (BVH)”. I don’t hold it against the people who I signed it. Not knowing the depth of the situation, it’s understandable and also scary to be seated in a classroom with someone you think is unsafe to be around. In the petition, they suggest BVH is a narcissist (it really said “narcissist” in it), further and deliberately spreading more misinformation. They write that he is too unprofessional to become a physician and was “accused of gender-based violence”. Even though BVH wrote literally nothing about the Title IX investigation, this petition states that he is, again, “gloating over the misfortunes of others,” that he’s deliberately trying to intimidate, share people’s private information, abuse social media, lacks empathy, and “implicit threat of future abuse.” None of this is true (and it’s all written like it’s fact — which is pretty unprofessional). Just some more malicious fabrications in attempts to get him kicked out. It also says “reports of comments that devalue his peers” which, as someone who knows him well, I highly doubt is true. He cares too much about his education to put his peers down. The petition proceeds to say “gender-based violence cannot be tolerated”, suggesting their own opinions are fact, further strengthening the distortion campaign. Given the way the petition was carefully written, I don’t blame people for trusting student leadership and taking it seriously. They also say, as though it is fact, that the school’s inaction is jeopardizing BVH’s future patients…. Anyway, I’ll bite my tongue & move on.
MORE TRIALS, BEFORE MORE TRIALS. WHY NOT: The school sent him to the pious court of the medical school for a second trial. He had to explain the story of why he posted the Group Me comment, and for the 3rd time he was exonerated, but it didn’t end there… To this day, the Committee on Students is still having periodic hearings most recently because his empathy coaching as about “having empathy i ngeneral, not about the Group Me post specifically.” Why he needs empathy coaching, or why it’s called “empathy coaching” is beyond me.
OVEREXERTING BVH, HE MUST PAY FOR BEING BULLIED! MAKES SENSE TO ME: The medical school refused to accept the Title IX decision so they did an additional review of the investigation report of the title IX process. He has been assigned to do multiple assignments, attend multiple meetings, to the point that, with the added stress, I don’t think any other student would be capable of doing. He was barely granted an extension for his schoolwork or any accommodations for that matter. BVH doesn’t matter to them, they only do what benefits ATL (post with proof pending… there’s a lot to uncover). They even changed the rules of an assignment on him after he had submitted a really nice paper, so he had to write a new one.
IGNORING EMOTIONAL NEEDS DESPITE FILING “CARE” REPORTS!: The medical school is still, to this day, giving him an extremely hard time. I am a person with a physical disability & I had to drop out of school to be BVH’s support system to do what the medical school should have done. I am deteriorating by the day and this is how I am spending my life. I have read many books to BVH, teaching him meditation & mindfulness. I have found him the absolute best puppy I could find to help him cope. I have cried with him (makes the puppy cry too). I have been available every day to witness and experience this with him, and believe me when I say, every day a new issue arises. And believe me when I also say…. BVH is extremely careful, has done nothing but kept to himself & follow given instructions (other than quitting his dream to become a physician). I have called the school and spoke to several different professionals, begging that someone AT LEAST provides him an ounce of emotional support. I even filed an elaborate concern form (CARE report) I found on the CWRU website. All without BVH’s knowledge I’ve been trying to make things happen for him behind the scenes. Again, they know he is in pain. I can’t work, and I can’t afford to eat or pay rent on my own — I should be focusing on starting a business, but all my energy is going into making things right for BVH, because, yes, he genuinely has it worse. That’s what friends are for! I am not trying to victimize myself (anonymous person here). He never once asked me to do any of the things I’ve done. If anything, he feels guilty that I am still by his side. Without pay, I am doing their job full time while being bedridden and in excruciating pain. I am overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, and disappointed that the school does not stand by the values they claim to have… if I feel this way, if this is the only thing I can think about, imagine how BVH feels.
EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE NO CONTROL OVER THE SITUATION, PLEASE DO NOT FEEL GUILTY: I know that most of the staff feels for BVH. I don’t blame the staff who deals with BVH directly. I blame whoever is giving them these instructions. The person who is being CC’d on all the e-mails even though he chose to ‘step out of the situation’. Most likely, he will try to pin my actions on BVH, because that’s how the hierarchy of this school works. This is why no one can say anything, we’re all afraid that if we stand up for BVH it is going to hurt his education — BVH is even afraid to ask a question in class because he could literally sneeze and surely someone will google “the meaning of sneezes” to find a way to twist things, and the school will penalize him (totally OK for someone to call him ‘scum of the earth’ while he’s leading a discussion though). I don’t get why this man has such a hard on for BVH (with peace & love), and I’ll leave it at that.
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