communityinclusion · 3 years
Inclusive Transportation Planning: ICI staff attend Community Transportation Association of America Conference
This year’s annual Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA) Conference in Richmond, VA featured speakers and sessions about innovative technology, workforce development, communication strategies, funding, and regulations for community and public transportation professionals.
As partners on the CTAA Transit Planning for All project, ICI’s DeBrittany Mitchell and David Hoff provide guidance on the inclusion of people with disabilities in transit planning efforts. The goal of Transit Planning for All is to support communities across the US “in adopting proven, sustainable, and replicable models that include participation of people with disabilities and older adults in the design and implementation of coordinated transportation systems that are responsive to their needs.”
For 2021, CTAA focused on the “next normal” for public transportation during the COVID-19 pandemic. DeBrittany and David attended several sessions, including Mobility Management Forum and Equity in Transportation.
“It was an excellent opportunity to connect with project partners and demonstration project grantees in person for the first time in over two years,” David shared. “We heard from transit organizations about how much they truly want and need input from their current and potential [transit] users to determine the best use of the transportation resources they have available. This is an important message to the disability community regarding the need to ‘be at the table’ and participate in the processes for public input by transportation and planning agencies.”
We all deserve safe and accessible transportation. People with disabilities are central stakeholders and must be actively involved in community public transportation planning processes. Learn more about Transit Planning for All and the CTAA conference!
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DeBrittany & David pose for a photo at the CTAA Conference with frame that says, "My RVA Moment" (Richmond, VA)
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