#CQ University intakes
9jacompass · 2 years
Apply Now: Destination Australia Scholarships at CQ University, Australia 2023
Apply Now: Destination Australia Scholarships at CQ University, Australia 2023
Destination Australia Scholarships at CQ University: With over $500,000 worth of scholarships available to international students, there has never been a better time to consider studying at CQ University Australia’s regional Rockhampton campus. The Destination Australia Scholarships are funded by the Australian Government and are available to international students studying at CQ University’s…
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New Study: Obesity Increases Risk of Dementia
In my career and personal life, I find myself repeating this message endlessly, “If you want to stay healthy—physically and mentally—make sure to keep your weight under control.”
You don’t have to be skinny. You don’t have to turn into an exercise freak or spend your whole life dieting. You don’t need to demonize this or that—sugar, bread, alcohol, fast food, soda, or whatever.
Controlling Your Weight Isn’t Actually That Hard, It Just Takes Dedication
But you do need to consider those things “treats” and not staples that you consume several times a day. You do need to figure out what combination of activity and food intake allows you to keep your weight in a healthy range. Hundreds of studies have shown that being obese increases your risk of many diseases—heart disease, various cancers, kidney problems, bone and joint ailments, dementia, to name just a few.
This may sound obvious. But remember that science is like a mosaic: Each study is like a tile that allows us to see a larger picture as it emerges. Each tile is a bit of proof that makes us more confident that we understand the world correctly.
Current clinical guidelines suggest that obesity is a significant risk factor for dementia. But the association has remained somewhat unclear due to conflicting findings from different studies, with some suggestions that obesity could even be considered a protective health factor among older adults.
Taking Care of Your Body Now Means A Better Life as You Age
Recently, another study confirmed that obesity increases the risk of dementia in later life: A team at University College London, collected data from 6,582 people aged 50 and over. This effort was part of a more massive undertaking, the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (cq). They found that people who had a Body Mass Index of 30 or over (an obese level), faced a 31 percent increased risk of dementia compared to those who kept their weight within a healthy range. The risk is even higher for women: 39 percent increased risk.
So if you’re having trouble getting motivated to change your behavior, here’s one more reason to get your weight under control.
Tune In Saturdays at Noon (PST) for High Noon with Dr Liz + Friends
Check Out Our Upcoming Workshops
Personalized Telemedicine or One-To-One Education
  from ElderConsult https://ift.tt/3h8oWSu via IFTTT
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morsefallscale · 4 years
New Study: Obesity Increases Risk of Dementia
In my career and personal life, I find myself repeating this message endlessly, “If you want to stay healthy—physically and mentally—make sure to keep your weight under control.”
You don’t have to be skinny. You don’t have to turn into an exercise freak or spend your whole life dieting. You don’t need to demonize this or that—sugar, bread, alcohol, fast food, soda, or whatever.
Controlling Your Weight Isn’t Actually That Hard, It Just Takes Dedication
But you do need to consider those things “treats” and not staples that you consume several times a day. You do need to figure out what combination of activity and food intake allows you to keep your weight in a healthy range. Hundreds of studies have shown that being obese increases your risk of many diseases—heart disease, various cancers, kidney problems, bone and joint ailments, dementia, to name just a few.
This may sound obvious. But remember that science is like a mosaic: Each study is like a tile that allows us to see a larger picture as it emerges. Each tile is a bit of proof that makes us more confident that we understand the world correctly.
Current clinical guidelines suggest that obesity is a significant risk factor for dementia. But the association has remained somewhat unclear due to conflicting findings from different studies, with some suggestions that obesity could even be considered a protective health factor among older adults.
Taking Care of Your Body Now Means A Better Life as You Age
Recently, another study confirmed that obesity increases the risk of dementia in later life: A team at University College London, collected data from 6,582 people aged 50 and over. This effort was part of a more massive undertaking, the English Longitudinal Study of Aging (cq). They found that people who had a Body Mass Index of 30 or over (an obese level), faced a 31 percent increased risk of dementia compared to those who kept their weight within a healthy range. The risk is even higher for women: 39 percent increased risk.
So if you’re having trouble getting motivated to change your behavior, here’s one more reason to get your weight under control.
Tune In Saturdays at Noon (PST) for High Noon with Dr Liz + Friends
Check Out Our Upcoming Workshops
Personalized Telemedicine or One-To-One Education
  from ElderConsult https://ift.tt/3h8oWSu via IFTTT
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livefreeshop · 7 years
Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Universal Docking Port (UDP): The crew completed a test run for the SPHERES UDP payload. They loaded the test software and performed the session with ground support staff direction. Objectives of the UDP session are to demonstrate a reliably successful docking through running multiple, repeatable docking maneuvers using both global metrology and docking port cameras; perform joint maneuvers of docked satellites using the thrusters from two satellites to demonstrate controllability; and test an algorithm for docking to a satellite which is tumbling in a slow, known manner. The addition of the Docking Ports is a critical upgrade to the SPHERES facility aboard the ISS. With the new ability to dock and undock, SPHERES provides a test bed to address many of the challenges of combining autonomous spacecraft. Mated spacecraft can assemble complex systems in orbit or combine sensors and actuators for satellite servicing and repurposing missions. The SPHERES-UDP enables testing of complex tasks through optimal and adaptive control, autonomous decision-making processes, and real-time image processing. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Exchange: The crew performed the first of two days of operations in support of the JAXA ELF Sample exchanges in the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack-2 (MSPR2) facility.  They removed the sample holder and installed the new cartridge into the holder. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.  Story Time From Space Light Demo: The crew narrated and recorded a video to demonstrate the spectrum of the light from the sun and the attenuation of the light intensity as the sun is viewed through the atmosphere. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related childrens’ books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. The narrated demonstration is based on the childrens’ books Max Goes to Mars, The Wizard Who Saved the World, and Max Goes to Jupiter. Multi-Omics Mouse Preparations: In preparation for the JAXA Rodent Research experiment hardware launching on SpaceX-11 (SpX-11), the crew installed the Glove Box Panel on the Kobairo Rack front in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Following installation, the attachment points for the Working Table were marked with Kapton tape for easier operations on SpX-11.  In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning: In preparation for departure from the ISS next week, the CDR cleaned his CQ intake and exhaust ducts as well as fans and airflow sensors while targeting areas behind applicable panels.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: During today’s post Extravehicular Activity (EVA) EMU suit maintenance, a step to switch the suits to battery power from Service and Cooling Umbilical (SCU) power was missed. While powering up for a cooling loop scrub, both EMU 3006 and 3008 were configured for station power during the power up sequence rather than battery power. Powering EMUs from battery power is to protect from power spikes that may occur when the DC to DC converter is powered. During the activity, there were no DC-DC converter trips, no EMU current limiter trips and nominal suit data was observed immediately after power up on both suits. Ground teams are evaluating further for any unknown impacts.  The cooling loop scrub was completed with no further issues. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Columbus Module Light Unit 3 Lamp Housing Assembly Remove and Replace. Test video recording for RT TV channel Prep of personal data for return Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media URAGAN. Observation and photography EKON-M. Observations and photography Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry – Subject Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder HRF Generic Urine Collection NEUROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sample. Psychological Test HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations KORREKTSIYA. NEUROIMMUNITET. Blood Collection. SPHERES Battery Swap Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Removal Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 2 XF305 Camcorder Setup Verification of ИП-1 Flow Indicator Position BIOCARD. Experiment Ops. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Removal NEUROIMMUNITET. Psychological Test Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Scrub Initiation Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Cartridge 2 Install OTKLIK. OTKLIK memory buffer clearing MERLIN 2 Desiccant Swap Health Maintenance System (HMS) EpiPen Ziplock Modification ISS Crew departure preparation Pre-Multi-Omics Mouse Item Gathering Glove Box Panel Setup and Working Table position marking SPHERES Battery Stow HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup PROFILAKTIKA-2. Copy Data to Laptop Export MBI Experiment Data to a memory card for return Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Post Scrub Cooling Loop Water (H2O) Sample Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Preparations to connect the AstroPi Vis to the ISS Joint Station LAN. Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Iodination Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Conductivity Test SPHERES File Delete Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation ESA ACTIVE DOSIMETER MOBILE UNIT SWAP AstroPi status check SPHERES Test Session Setup Cycle 14.1 Laptop & CD Audit EVA Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Scrub Deconfiguration Google Street View Cupola Photo Operations In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning On MCC Go Removal of unit 800А (А103) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator StoryTime from Space GoPro video transfer Story Time from Space Light Demo On MCC Go Removal of 800А unit (А102) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator SPHERES Docking Port Test Run Story Time From Space Historical Photo Meteor Hard Drive Swap and LED Cover Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А102 to А103 Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А103 to А102 INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops […] April 05, 2017 at 10:00AM from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2o1ksCb via IFTTT
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achmad2-blog · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/05/2017
Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Universal Docking Port (UDP): The crew completed a test run for the SPHERES UDP payload. They loaded the test software and performed the session with ground support staff direction. Objectives of the UDP session are to demonstrate a reliably successful docking through running multiple, repeatable docking maneuvers using both global metrology and docking port cameras; perform joint maneuvers of docked satellites using the thrusters from two satellites to demonstrate controllability; and test an algorithm for docking to a satellite which is tumbling in a slow, known manner. The addition of the Docking Ports is a critical upgrade to the SPHERES facility aboard the ISS. With the new ability to dock and undock, SPHERES provides a test bed to address many of the challenges of combining autonomous spacecraft. Mated spacecraft can assemble complex systems in orbit or combine sensors and actuators for satellite servicing and repurposing missions. The SPHERES-UDP enables testing of complex tasks through optimal and adaptive control, autonomous decision-making processes, and real-time image processing. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Exchange: The crew performed the first of two days of operations in support of the JAXA ELF Sample exchanges in the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack-2 (MSPR2) facility.  They removed the sample holder and installed the new cartridge into the holder. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.  Story Time From Space Light Demo: The crew narrated and recorded a video to demonstrate the spectrum of the light from the sun and the attenuation of the light intensity as the sun is viewed through the atmosphere. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related childrens’ books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. The narrated demonstration is based on the childrens’ books Max Goes to Mars, The Wizard Who Saved the World, and Max Goes to Jupiter. Multi-Omics Mouse Preparations: In preparation for the JAXA Rodent Research experiment hardware launching on SpaceX-11 (SpX-11), the crew installed the Glove Box Panel on the Kobairo Rack front in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Following installation, the attachment points for the Working Table were marked with Kapton tape for easier operations on SpX-11.  In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning: In preparation for departure from the ISS next week, the CDR cleaned his CQ intake and exhaust ducts as well as fans and airflow sensors while targeting areas behind applicable panels.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: During today’s post Extravehicular Activity (EVA) EMU suit maintenance, a step to switch the suits to battery power from Service and Cooling Umbilical (SCU) power was missed. While powering up for a cooling loop scrub, both EMU 3006 and 3008 were configured for station power during the power up sequence rather than battery power. Powering EMUs from battery power is to protect from power spikes that may occur when the DC to DC converter is powered. During the activity, there were no DC-DC converter trips, no EMU current limiter trips and nominal suit data was observed immediately after power up on both suits. Ground teams are evaluating further for any unknown impacts.  The cooling loop scrub was completed with no further issues. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Columbus Module Light Unit 3 Lamp Housing Assembly Remove and Replace. Test video recording for RT TV channel Prep of personal data for return Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media URAGAN. Observation and photography EKON-M. Observations and photography Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry – Subject Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder HRF Generic Urine Collection NEUROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sample. Psychological Test HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations KORREKTSIYA. NEUROIMMUNITET. Blood Collection. SPHERES Battery Swap Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Removal Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 2 XF305 Camcorder Setup Verification of ИП-1 Flow Indicator Position BIOCARD. Experiment Ops. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Removal NEUROIMMUNITET. Psychological Test Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Scrub Initiation Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Cartridge 2 Install OTKLIK. OTKLIK memory buffer clearing MERLIN 2 Desiccant Swap Health Maintenance System (HMS) EpiPen Ziplock Modification ISS Crew departure preparation Pre-Multi-Omics Mouse Item Gathering Glove Box Panel Setup and Working Table position marking SPHERES Battery Stow HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup PROFILAKTIKA-2. Copy Data to Laptop Export MBI Experiment Data to a memory card for return Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Post Scrub Cooling Loop Water (H2O) Sample Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Preparations to connect the AstroPi Vis to the ISS Joint Station LAN. Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Iodination Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Conductivity Test SPHERES File Delete Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation ESA ACTIVE DOSIMETER MOBILE UNIT SWAP AstroPi status check SPHERES Test Session Setup Cycle 14.1 Laptop & CD Audit EVA Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Scrub Deconfiguration Google Street View Cupola Photo Operations In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning On MCC Go Removal of unit 800А (А103) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator StoryTime from Space GoPro video transfer Story Time from Space Light Demo On MCC Go Removal of 800А unit (А102) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator SPHERES Docking Port Test Run Story Time From Space Historical Photo Meteor Hard Drive Swap and LED Cover Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А102 to А103 Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А103 to А102 INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops […] from NASA https://go.nasa.gov/2oHN328 via IFTTT | Java Wisata
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hrhprince · 7 years
ISS Daily Summary Report – 4/05/2017
Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Universal Docking Port (UDP): The crew completed a test run for the SPHERES UDP payload. They loaded the test software and performed the session with ground support staff direction. Objectives of the UDP session are to demonstrate a reliably successful docking through running multiple, repeatable docking maneuvers using both global metrology and docking port cameras; perform joint maneuvers of docked satellites using the thrusters from two satellites to demonstrate controllability; and test an algorithm for docking to a satellite which is tumbling in a slow, known manner. The addition of the Docking Ports is a critical upgrade to the SPHERES facility aboard the ISS. With the new ability to dock and undock, SPHERES provides a test bed to address many of the challenges of combining autonomous spacecraft. Mated spacecraft can assemble complex systems in orbit or combine sensors and actuators for satellite servicing and repurposing missions. The SPHERES-UDP enables testing of complex tasks through optimal and adaptive control, autonomous decision-making processes, and real-time image processing. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Exchange: The crew performed the first of two days of operations in support of the JAXA ELF Sample exchanges in the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack-2 (MSPR2) facility.  They removed the sample holder and installed the new cartridge into the holder. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.  Story Time From Space Light Demo: The crew narrated and recorded a video to demonstrate the spectrum of the light from the sun and the attenuation of the light intensity as the sun is viewed through the atmosphere. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related childrens’ books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. The narrated demonstration is based on the childrens’ books Max Goes to Mars, The Wizard Who Saved the World, and Max Goes to Jupiter. Multi-Omics Mouse Preparations: In preparation for the JAXA Rodent Research experiment hardware launching on SpaceX-11 (SpX-11), the crew installed the Glove Box Panel on the Kobairo Rack front in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Following installation, the attachment points for the Working Table were marked with Kapton tape for easier operations on SpX-11.  In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning: In preparation for departure from the ISS next week, the CDR cleaned his CQ intake and exhaust ducts as well as fans and airflow sensors while targeting areas behind applicable panels.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: During today’s post Extravehicular Activity (EVA) EMU suit maintenance, a step to switch the suits to battery power from Service and Cooling Umbilical (SCU) power was missed. While powering up for a cooling loop scrub, both EMU 3006 and 3008 were configured for station power during the power up sequence rather than battery power. Powering EMUs from battery power is to protect from power spikes that may occur when the DC to DC converter is powered. During the activity, there were no DC-DC converter trips, no EMU current limiter trips and nominal suit data was observed immediately after power up on both suits. Ground teams are evaluating further for any unknown impacts.  The cooling loop scrub was completed with no further issues. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Columbus Module Light Unit 3 Lamp Housing Assembly Remove and Replace. Test video recording for RT TV channel Prep of personal data for return Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media URAGAN. Observation and photography EKON-M. Observations and photography Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry – Subject Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder HRF Generic Urine Collection NEUROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sample. Psychological Test HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations KORREKTSIYA. NEUROIMMUNITET. Blood Collection. SPHERES Battery Swap Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Removal Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 2 XF305 Camcorder Setup Verification of ИП-1 Flow Indicator Position BIOCARD. Experiment Ops. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Removal NEUROIMMUNITET. Psychological Test Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Scrub Initiation Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Cartridge 2 Install OTKLIK. OTKLIK memory buffer clearing MERLIN 2 Desiccant Swap Health Maintenance System (HMS) EpiPen Ziplock Modification ISS Crew departure preparation Pre-Multi-Omics Mouse Item Gathering Glove Box Panel Setup and Working Table position marking SPHERES Battery Stow HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup PROFILAKTIKA-2. Copy Data to Laptop Export MBI Experiment Data to a memory card for return Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Post Scrub Cooling Loop Water (H2O) Sample Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Preparations to connect the AstroPi Vis to the ISS Joint Station LAN. Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Iodination Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Conductivity Test SPHERES File Delete Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation ESA ACTIVE DOSIMETER MOBILE UNIT SWAP AstroPi status check SPHERES Test Session Setup Cycle 14.1 Laptop & CD Audit EVA Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Scrub Deconfiguration Google Street View Cupola Photo Operations In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning On MCC Go Removal of unit 800А (А103) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator StoryTime from Space GoPro video transfer Story Time from Space Light Demo On MCC Go Removal of 800А unit (А102) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator SPHERES Docking Port Test Run Story Time From Space Historical Photo Meteor Hard Drive Swap and LED Cover Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А102 to А103 Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А103 to А102 INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops […] from NASA http://ift.tt/2nOjOqQ via IFTTT
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Bond Law talks about professional admission to practice law in Canada
Many Canadians are deciding to study law at an Australian university. And why not? Many Australian law schools are among the top 50 in the world! But what comes after you’ve received your law degree?
To practice law in Canada, you will need to complete articles and a bar admission course. To be eligible for articles and a bar admission course in any of the common law provinces, a graduate of an Australian law program will need a Certificate of Qualification (CQ) from the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. The NCA issues a CQ to international qualified applicants confirming that the applicant has an understanding and knowledge of Canadian law and knowledge equivalent to that of a graduate of a Canadian common law program.
Application for a CQ is made to the NCA at the end of your Bond Law degree. Once a Canadian law student receives a final graduation certificate and applies to the NCA, it currently takes about three months for the NCA to issue a CQ, or to advise which extra challenge exams the graduate must complete in Canada. In order for the NCA to issue the CQ, assessment criteria must be met.
Students are strongly encouraged consult the NCA website and conduct their own research to ensure they are aware of the requirements pertaining to their specific circumstances.
The NCA certifies that an applicant has
an understanding and knowledge of Canadian law, and
knowledge equivalent to that of a graduate of a Canadian common law program.
Equivalence to an approved Canadian common law, law degree serves as the benchmark when the NCA evaluates applicants with legal education or training in another country or in a Canadian civil law program. The NCA Certificate of Qualification does not, however, duplicate a Canadian law degree, which varies between law schools. NCA applicants may be asked to challenge examinations in subjects that all law schools may not require for a law degree.
Effective January 2015, the NCA introduced a new Assessment Policy. The new policy clarifies different aspects of the NCA Assessment process and brings the policy into compliance with the Federation’s National Requirement for Canadian Common Law Programs. Other NCA policies, including Assessment Appeal and deadlines for completing assigned requirements, are unchanged.
Choosing to study at Bond Law School
Recognized as one of the top-ranked Australian law schools, Bond Law School has earned a reputation for its innovative teaching methods, international focus, skills training, and the outstanding success of its graduates. The Bond JD’s combination of excellent teaching, small classes and an extensive legal skills program differentiates Bond from other institutions. It provides an exciting learning experience that both challenges students academically and prepares them practically for a legal career.
Bond Canadian Law Students Association
You may be far from home, but the Bond Canadian Law Students Association (CLSA) helps to make your transition as smooth as possible. They provide information sessions on the National Committee of Accreditation process as well as information for Canadians wishing to stay in Australia.
Program: Juris Doctor (JD) Location: Gold Coast, Queensland Semester intakes: January, May, September Duration: 2 years Application deadline: Candidates are encouraged to apply a minimum of three months prior to the program start date.
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livefreeshop · 7 years
Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) Universal Docking Port (UDP): The crew completed a test run for the SPHERES UDP payload. They loaded the test software and performed the session with ground support staff direction. Objectives of the UDP session are to demonstrate a reliably successful docking through running multiple, repeatable docking maneuvers using both global metrology and docking port cameras; perform joint maneuvers of docked satellites using the thrusters from two satellites to demonstrate controllability; and test an algorithm for docking to a satellite which is tumbling in a slow, known manner. The addition of the Docking Ports is a critical upgrade to the SPHERES facility aboard the ISS. With the new ability to dock and undock, SPHERES provides a test bed to address many of the challenges of combining autonomous spacecraft. Mated spacecraft can assemble complex systems in orbit or combine sensors and actuators for satellite servicing and repurposing missions. The SPHERES-UDP enables testing of complex tasks through optimal and adaptive control, autonomous decision-making processes, and real-time image processing. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Exchange: The crew performed the first of two days of operations in support of the JAXA ELF Sample exchanges in the Multi-Purpose Small Payload Rack-2 (MSPR2) facility.  They removed the sample holder and installed the new cartridge into the holder. The ELF is an experimental facility designed to levitate/melt/solidify materials by containerless processing techniques using the Electrostatic Levitation method. With this facility, thermophysical properties of high temperature melts can be measured, and solidification from deeply undercooled melts can be achieved.  Story Time From Space Light Demo: The crew narrated and recorded a video to demonstrate the spectrum of the light from the sun and the attenuation of the light intensity as the sun is viewed through the atmosphere. Story Time From Space combines science literacy outreach with simple demonstrations recorded aboard the ISS. Crew members read five science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related childrens’ books in orbit, and complete simple science concept experiments. Crew members videotape themselves reading the books and completing demonstrations. Video and data collected during the demonstrations are downlinked to the ground and posted in a video library with accompanying educational materials. The narrated demonstration is based on the childrens’ books Max Goes to Mars, The Wizard Who Saved the World, and Max Goes to Jupiter. Multi-Omics Mouse Preparations: In preparation for the JAXA Rodent Research experiment hardware launching on SpaceX-11 (SpX-11), the crew installed the Glove Box Panel on the Kobairo Rack front in the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM). Following installation, the attachment points for the Working Table were marked with Kapton tape for easier operations on SpX-11.  In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning: In preparation for departure from the ISS next week, the CDR cleaned his CQ intake and exhaust ducts as well as fans and airflow sensors while targeting areas behind applicable panels.   Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Maintenance: During today’s post Extravehicular Activity (EVA) EMU suit maintenance, a step to switch the suits to battery power from Service and Cooling Umbilical (SCU) power was missed. While powering up for a cooling loop scrub, both EMU 3006 and 3008 were configured for station power during the power up sequence rather than battery power. Powering EMUs from battery power is to protect from power spikes that may occur when the DC to DC converter is powered. During the activity, there were no DC-DC converter trips, no EMU current limiter trips and nominal suit data was observed immediately after power up on both suits. Ground teams are evaluating further for any unknown impacts.  The cooling loop scrub was completed with no further issues. Today’s Planned Activities All activities were completed unless otherwise noted. Columbus Module Light Unit 3 Lamp Housing Assembly Remove and Replace. Test video recording for RT TV channel Prep of personal data for return Preparation of Reports for Roscosmos Web Site and Social Media URAGAN. Observation and photography EKON-M. Observations and photography Lighting Effects Sleep Log Entry – Subject Acoustic Dosimeter Reminder HRF Generic Urine Collection NEUROIMMUNITET. Saliva Sample. Psychological Test HRF Generic Sample MELFI Insertion Operations KORREKTSIYA. NEUROIMMUNITET. Blood Collection. SPHERES Battery Swap Combustion Integrated Rack Alignment Guide Removal Acoustic Dosimeter Setup Day 2 XF305 Camcorder Setup Verification of ИП-1 Flow Indicator Position BIOCARD. Experiment Ops. Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Holder Removal NEUROIMMUNITET. Psychological Test Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Scrub Initiation Electrostatic Levitation Furnace (ELF) Sample Cartridge 2 Install OTKLIK. OTKLIK memory buffer clearing MERLIN 2 Desiccant Swap Health Maintenance System (HMS) EpiPen Ziplock Modification ISS Crew departure preparation Pre-Multi-Omics Mouse Item Gathering Glove Box Panel Setup and Working Table position marking SPHERES Battery Stow HRF Generic Saliva Collection Setup PROFILAKTIKA-2. Copy Data to Laptop Export MBI Experiment Data to a memory card for return Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Post Scrub Cooling Loop Water (H2O) Sample Regenerative Environmental Control and Life Support System (RGN) Wastewater Storage Tank Assembly (WSTA) Fill Preparations to connect the AstroPi Vis to the ISS Joint Station LAN. Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Maintenance Iodination Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Conductivity Test SPHERES File Delete Environmental Health System (EHS) – Formaldehyde Monitoring Kit (FMK) Stow Operation ESA ACTIVE DOSIMETER MOBILE UNIT SWAP AstroPi status check SPHERES Test Session Setup Cycle 14.1 Laptop & CD Audit EVA Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) Cooling Loop Scrub Deconfiguration Google Street View Cupola Photo Operations In Flight Maintenance (IFM) Crew Quarters (CQ) Overhead Cleaning On MCC Go Removal of unit 800А (А103) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator StoryTime from Space GoPro video transfer Story Time from Space Light Demo On MCC Go Removal of 800А unit (А102) Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator SPHERES Docking Port Test Run Story Time From Space Historical Photo Meteor Hard Drive Swap and LED Cover Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А102 to А103 Replacement of SM 800А Battery Modules No.2, No.3, Operator Reinstallation of unit 800А from position А103 to А102 INTERACTION-2. Experiment Ops […] from ISS On-Orbit Status Report https://go.nasa.gov/2o1ksCb
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