brainyrot · 4 months
IM: “I love Alice. So much it hurts. But I’m willing to take my time and let her decide if she would want to be with me or not.”
BATIM: “Love?” He whispered “I am…unfamiliar with the feeling. Could you…maybe…explain…how it feels?” He shys away from the other’s look.
IM: Bendy stares in shock
(Made since to me since he’s known hate all his life)
(I wanna know what love issssssssss. I want you to show meeeeeeeeee 🎶)
BATIM: I can't say I don't enjoy the character Alice angel. she was.. relaxing to see, to hear.
But Alice? My Alice? The one walking around? Annoying, obnoxious. loud and condescending.
Yours is no better, she hides it behind the excuse of her being nice, of her trying to be nice and trying to change. she simply wants to be perceived in a good light because all she's known is that her, and people like her, as good. And she can't stand the fact that she is very much not, in a lot of aspects.
I don't love either mine, or yours. I don't love, I tolerate. Which is different.
I'll never understand your feelings, because I can't. I'll never understand how it feels to love, to care.
how do you do it? Your soul can't be the only reason. I'm the living example that someone can live and feel things without one, so, how do you love?
IM: ...I don't..I don't know. And sometimes i-..
I wish I didn't. Because it hurts. Because it's a lie that your own head gives you. It's just, this euphoria towards someone that is so strong that it can't be ignored, but it's also so strong that it hurts. Especially because..the person you fall in love with..never loves back.
they always sees you as something else.
You dedicate yourself to their interests and hobbies, you try and try over and over to..to even be closed to them but all you get in return is.."I don't feel the same way."
It's.. it's painful. I've felt it way too many times. I'm sick of always falling for someone. I'm sick of looking and searching for someone to hold me, to love me like a person and not- not like some kind of hero! I'm not a cussing HERO! I'm a person! And a cussing bad one too at that!
..how..how do I stop feeling so- so- hurt. How do I stop loving?
it's nothing but torture.
BATIM: sounds like torture, indeed.
I am sorry for how you've been feeling towards people. But have you ever thought that maybe..that love wasn't the one you have in mind? Have you ever thought that maybe..you don't "love"? You simply want to be loved?
And your only example is to be with someone you're close with, your only way is to have..feelings. towards someone.
But have you ever thought that..you don't have to love someone to be loved back?
Why must you love to be seen? Why can't they love you to see you for who you really are?
To be loved is to be seen, not to forget yourself in an endless torture of feelings and tears.
So why don't you let others get hurt by their own feelings instead of you doing it? Or is it not possible? Is it against your will?
Or is it just you forcing yourself to do so?
IM: ...
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moved-blog-456 · 5 years
so Uh...I thought of a Thing...
So this idea, it's kind of a really bad one and is horrible in every way but it's also a very interesting one
So I don't know how many of you know what bendy and Boris quest for the ink machine is but there's the specific thing in the series that makes me wonder
So in bendy and Boris quest for the ink machine there is this illness called the ink illness or inkness for short and the way it works is you have these ink attacks Once a day, first you start with coughing, getting overheated, dripping ink and soon that transfers into vomiting up black ink and then it turns into horrible agonizing pain in your abdomen and the cherry on top is that you can die at any second
Can so here's my thought or idea for you what if one of Thomas's sides gets the Ink illness?
Edit: Babqftim Is different from Batim.
(@parano--vigilant this the idea)
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