#COMAWOLF: my literal escape of reality when I was 10-12
bvnnyl0v3r · 11 days
can we talk abt my first oc's lore? Bc that ship was DEEP deep (and lowkey weird at some parts)
anyways I don't know how I remember this much but ngl if u wanna see the oc's I made (I still have some pics I drew/made in gacha/made in picrew) or the actual texts I wrote bc I wanted to write and actual book I'll post them bc I have nothing better to do
so like she (comawolf) grew up with her father (night) and her mother (hekima) and she has an older brother (mikey) and twin brother (david) and a little sister (wonderland (don't ask how I cam up with those names)) so like they were happy family :D
and then the mother died (I never knew why like omg she was jst dead) so the dad couldn't handle it and like abused them, gave her a massive scar, he killed the twin brother and like then the older brother and little sister ran away and she ran away too but to her grandma who wanted her to be the perfect lady (this plays in the 16th century or smth fantasy shit old times thingy) and she basically abused her :D
so then she ran away again and met some demon who gave her INFINITY COOL POWERS TRAVELS UNIVERSES AND TIMELINES JUMP across the multiverse (this was before I knew the multiverse media existed yknow marvel, dc stiff like that) and then she ran into her old childhood friend (zora) who has a (not mentioned) sister named lemon and a (not mentioned)brother named leon. Lemon is heir to the sun clan since their parents are both statues from night bc he cursed them after his wifey died. Zora has a friend (luna) and she comwolf falls in love with her but also has a little crush on zora so like lesbian love triangle :3
zora gets kidnapped by night, luna and comawolf are alone in a forest and luna is revealed to be a half wolf and she cries and yknow wolfs can smell half wolf tears so they have to run even though it's the middle of the night and so coma is PISSED at her and they try to save luna and both get locked in. Then in the cages night reveals that he is coma's father and zora is shook because, what? Her bestfriend is a bitch? (No idea how she didn't relalize that her childhood best friend's dad who she saw like every week was also the evil mastermind ESPECIALLY since they have the same name and all call him by that name) anyways they escape bc some old friends from the other clans (I think there was twelve) help them and it turns out the castle they're in was a trap so like everything breaks together and they go home to their base
then they make this club and david gets ressurected or smth bc he's suddenly there again but now he has wings (gacha 2020 crying child style) and mikey is also there (i'm only now realizing how big my fnaf era mist have been) so like david gets a boyfriend from the wing clan, who adopted luna some years back because luna is the last of the eye clan bc they all got turned to stone and yeah.
if you're wondering what happened to wonderland, if you didn't all ready guess she went to wonderland!!! (Who would've guessed) how did this happen? Well coma said "child you have trauma. Go to wonderland there it's all happy people and you die if you come back! :3" and then wonderland slowly turns unto weirdcore mothers world like you can enter mothers world at 3:33am 59 second real time but in mother's world it either feels like 3 seconds, 3hours, 3days, 3 years, 33 years (you get the jizz like if wonderland is in mother's world for 24 hours it's around 24 minutes in the real world OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT) so anyways comawolf visits every night ofc but for wonderland it feels like she visits like every 3 years or smth. Marilyn is a girl that lives in mothers world who later on turns out to be somewhat inlove with comawolf. (Even more lesbian love interest I could've guessed i'm gay back then) so like comawolf promises that she'll visit as often as she can.
they defeat night or at least he realizes he's wrong and coma is ofc still pissed but mikey thinks it's all alright so he tries to convince her that he's cool again and he forces her to this family dinner where they all somewhat make up. Also happy news, hekima is back! Yayyy....
luna and coma end up dating but reakize they actually don't like each other like that so luna and zora start dating. Marilyn and coma end up together, wonderland gets back to the real world and while comawolf is keeper of all universes or smth marilyn is keeper of mothers world (wich is basically all weirdcore locations + backrooms levels + scp places.... you get the jizz)
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