#COINCIDENTALLY I am missing actual kindergarten and first grade skills
manyblinkinglights · 6 years
math goes a lot better when you can comprehend seven.
11 notes · View notes
tzudism · 7 years
Memory Lane: Maybe It’s Better
Bonus Chapter: Mimo
“Almost there honey! Keep pushing!”
“The baby is almost out Mrs. Myoui! One more push! There we go! It’s a girl!”
My parents said my screams were so loud when I came out that they thought they were in for trouble when I was born. Yet, somehow I ended up like this, as quiet as a mouse. My parents keep telling me that I need to speak up louder that way people will know what I want to say. But that was the problem. It’s not that I’m not loud enough, it’s more like you’re just not listening. One day I was coming home from middle school, and I was a little late because my teacher was telling me about how great I did dancing for the school play “The Nutcracker” the previous week and showed me a program that sounded really interesting.
“I really think you have a talent for this Mina. If you start developing your skills now, there is no doubt in my mind that you can be a beautiful dancer in the future.”
The thought of that really peaked my interest. I always enjoyed dancing in my room and trying to copy what people were doing on shows or online, but I never thought about actually pursuing it. As soon as she finished explaining, I ran straight home to tell my parents about it, but they weren’t having it. I told them the reasons why I was late, and about the dance program, but all they were focused on was how I was late and that I was only in my first year of middle school and that I could’ve been hurt. They didn’t even take one look at the pamphlet my teacher gave me. I don’t think raising my volume would’ve affected the outcome of that day. In the end, I never went to that program. In all my life there have been only two people who ever really listened to what I have to say. The first is my childhood friend Momo. We met in kindergarten and we’ve been inseparable since. She loved dancing just as much as I did. Momo was more into hip hop and I was more of a ballet type of dancer, but that didn’t harm our friendship at all, as matter of fact we taught each other stuff we learned as we grew up. A while after that day arguing with my parents, Momo and I were walking around after school, and we saw a rhythmic gymnastics tournament going on at the gym. I heard rhythmic gymnastics had a lot of the same principles that ballet had, but of course they were different, after all gymnastics was a sport. I was intrigued nonetheless.
“Hey, do you want to check that out?” I said.
“What? Why?” Momo questioned, “I thought we were going to go eat?”
“Oh c’mon please? Look they’re selling nachos inside.” I say pointing at the sign.
“Ooh nachos!” She said sounding content.
As soon as I entered inside the gym, I could feel adrenaline rush throughout my body. I saw all the different girls dancing and throwing balls and batons in the air and catching them with zero effort, not even looking, and twirling around ribbons making them look like dragons soaring through the sky.
“I want to do this.”
“Hmm? Mwhat wash thaf?” Momo said with a mouthful of nachos.
“This, rhythmic gymnastics, I want to do this!” I said aloud.
“Woah Mina, you’re actually speaking at the average person’s volume. You really must be serious.” She teased as she wiped cheese off her face with a smile.
“Shut up, and yes I am serious.” I was determined to become a rhythmic gymnast.
After the competition ended, I went to our school’s coach and asked how I could join. He handed me an application and as soon as I went home, punctually this time around, I explained to my parents how I felt when I saw the performances at the gym, and how I wanted to be able to do the same. And for once in my life they actually really listened to me, and not only that, they let me join too. From that day forward rhythmic gymnastics was my only focus. Two years later, Momo and I were walking home together from our respective clubs, Momo in dance and me in rhythmic gymnastics.
“Mina! Let’s get ice cream! I’m hungry!” She exclaims.
“You’re always hungry Momo.” Then my own stomach growls, “Oh umm, but ice cream does sound pretty good.”
We walk over to the convenience store nearby and we both buy some vanilla ice cream cones.
“Momo slow down you’re going to get a brain-“
“- freeze…”
Momo was older than I was, but sometimes she acts like a child and I can’t help but take care of her like she is one. After her brain freeze passes, she goes back to munching on the ice cream cone not having learned her lesson, but this time nothing happens thankfully.
“Gosh, Mina you eat so slow.”
“No, I eat at the speed of the average human being, you just eat way too fast. Look you can’t even keep track of where all the ice cream goes. You have some here dripping down your cheek, I’ll wipe it off.”
I move in closer to wipe off the ice cream and as soon as I do, I get this weird feeling coming from Momo. I look up and see her staring into my eyes. This was a strange feeling, which I don’t think I’ve ever felt before.
“Mina listen I think I…I think…I might…”
“What is it Momo? We’re best friends you can tell me anything.”
“Right…best friends! Oh of course we are!”
“Yes Momo best friends haha, so what were you saying?”
“Oh umm, I think I might still be craving another ice cream. Can we go back and get another?” She smiled faintly.
Momo seemed a little off that day, but I figured she was just really hungry. Every once in a while, that year things like that would happen again. Momo and I would get close, Momo would look like she had something to say, and then it would end up being about food. And every time that happened I would get this weird sensation, and whenever I asked Momo what was on her mind, and it always ended up being about food, for some reason I felt slightly disappointed. The next year, it was our first year of high school. I was extremely excited because I would be able to compete at gymnastic competitions at the national level now, that is if I was good enough. I was pretty confident in my skills at this point. I had been training for about three years now and I won quite a few medals back in middle school. But that was then, high school was supposed to be on a whole new level. Luckily, I still had Momo by my side to keep me company. I found it amazing how we’ve been able to stay together since kindergarten. Momo herself has been keeping up with her dancing, I would say she’s the best dancer in the state, but don’t take my word for it, all the medals and trophies she’s won herself can prove it. When we came into high school quite a few people knew about us already. Mostly because we’ve both been doing competitions since middle school and frankly we won most of them. Since we’ve always been together there was this rumor going around that we were the Dynamic Dancing Duo of the school, and we were only freshman. I entered a lot of competitions in my freshman year, purely out of excitement, but I didn’t expect high school studies to be so hard. Some competitions I would place first, but when school got rough there were times where I wouldn’t place at all. My grades where shaky too, it was really hard to go all in on both school and dancing, so I tried to slow down a bit after midterms. At the end of the school year I had one last competition, but it was right after finals. My parents said that if I fail any of my finals they would pull me out of the competition and possibly pull me out of rhythmic gymnastics in general. I didn’t want that so I put all my focus on the finals coming up. I aced them all. As soon as finals passed, I put in as much practice as I could. I felt confident that I was going to place first this time. Momo meanwhile also had a competition of her own. So we were both really busy and couldn’t hang out often. Coincidentally both our competitions were on the same day. So we promised each other that we would hang out together with our medals as soon as we won. The day of the competition I woke up to a text.
“My competition got moved a couple hours, so I’ll come by and cheer you on Mina! Good luck little penguin!”
Momo will be able to come see me? Now I really have to win. I take a deep breath and get ready for what lied ahead. I arrived at the venue with the team and this was probably the biggest gym I have ever been in. This was an important competition because first and second place qualified you for nationals. Of course, I was going for first place. As soon as we entered the gym, I see Cheng Xiao. We’ve been trading places between first and second the past few years. Well, except this year because of school. Oh, is she coming closer?
“Hey there Mina, are you prepared this time around? You barely placed third last time, and you didn’t even place at all the competition before that.”
“Just worry about yourself Cheng Xiao.”
“Hmph well I hope you are, I miss these things being actual contests.”
She walks away and I take another deep breath as we enter into the main stage. I sit down and listen to some music to calm my nerves. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I’ve won my fair share, but I still get nervous before every competition. I’ve never been able to compete on a national level, and to be able to on my first year of high school would be amazing. Suddenly, someone wraps their arms around my shoulder.
“Hey Mina! How you doing?”
I look over my shoulder to see who it is.
“Oh Momo, I’m so glad you’re here, I am so nervous right now. This is the biggest stage I have ever performed on and I really want to qualify for Nationals and I haven’t been doing well lately and-“
“Mina calm down. You’re putting way too much pressure on yourself. Why don’t you try simplifying things for a bit?”
“What? How do I do that?”
“Why don’t you do what I do? Right before I go on stage, I find someone cute watching in the stands, and I tell myself that nothing else matters, but I’m going to make them a fan of me. I dance for that person and nothing else matters. Then if at the end of my performance, I see that person smiling or clapping for me, then I’ve done my job.”
“Maybe I’ll try it, does it really work?”
“Yupp! You got this little penguin.”
“Thanks you big raccoon.”
“Ugh can you stop calling me a raccoon, it’s so not cute.”
“But you call me penguin all the time!”
“That’s because you actually look like a penguin! You even walk like one! I, on the other hand, look nothing like a raccoon!”
I grab my phone and show her reflection at her face.
“Oh…ok maybe a little.”
“Hey Mina, it’s time to gather up, sorry Momo you’re going to have to leave now.” My coach says.
“Alrighty then, hey Mina I’ll be cheering for you!”
“There’s no screams allowed in this gym, if you’re too loud they’ll kick you out.” My coach glares.
“Yeah yeah I get it.”
I smile as I watch Momo wave as she walks backwards towards the stands where the audience sits. The competition starts and I’m set to go last. Oh great. I sit and watch as I see great performances from people like Yuju and Yein. Soon enough it’s Cheng Xiao’s turn. She’s using the ball just like I am. This makes me worry even more. If she does really well, which I’m sure she will, people are going to have higher expectations of me when it’s my turn. I watch carefully, as she starts up her performance. I can’t help but leave my mouth wide open as she performs because she’s gotten even better than she was the last time we competed, and she won first. There was one move where she left the ball between her calf and her thigh and flipped over and it left the crowd in awe, including me. When she finished her performance the entire audience filled the gym with applause, and I was among them. How was I supposed to top that?
Next up, Mina Myoui. Once again, next up, Mina Myoui.
Oh god. My heart starts beating faster and faster. Then I remember what Momo told me earlier. I look into the stands to find someone cute.
“This is so stupid.” I thought to myself.
“You got this Mina!!”
I turn to the voice and its Momo screaming from the top bench in the crowd. She then ducks down and hides her face so security doesn’t see. I can’t help but giggle as I see my idiot friend making a fool of herself. As I keep looking in her direction I notice that Momo styled her hair different than usual, probably because she had her own competition later that day. She curled the ends of her hair and I enjoyed the way they bounced and swayed as she moved her head around looking to make sure security hasn’t seen her. Momo looked cute today.
“Maybe I’ll dance for Momo.”
I take another deep breath and head towards the stage. Earlier in the practice stage, I messed up and dropped the ball on my final move. I hope that doesn’t happen again. I shake my head and look at Momo. She smiles and I smile back at her.
“I’ll make Momo my fan today.”
The music starts and I begin my routine. Everything goes smoothly, and well to be honest I’m doing even better than when I practiced. The ball didn’t just feel like a prop I was using, at this moment it felt like the ball and I were the same. Now it was time for the final move where I throw the ball in the air and spin onto the floor and catch it, where I messed up earlier. I throw the ball into the air with no fear, spin onto the floor and extend my hands out, and the ball lands onto my hands and I set it down and strike a pose and smile. I did it. I really did it! I stand up and run to my coach and give him a high five. Then I look into the stands and look for Momo. I find her and she’s standing and clapping and screaming out my name. My heart begins to pound and I’m smiling from ear to ear.
It’s now time to announce the placements, everyone please be silent.
The moment of truth.
In the third place is…Yein Jung.
Applause arises for Yein as she takes the stage to accept her medal.
In second place and the first person to be sent to Nationals is…Mina Myoui.
Wait…second place? I head over to the stage and accept my medal and smile. If I’m second place that means…
Finally, for first place and the next person to be sent to Nationals is…Cheng Xiao.
Cheng Xiao comes to the stage and accepts her medal, along with a bouquet of flowers. After the photographers leave I shake Yein’s hand and she tells me to kill it at Nationals.
“Hey Mina.”
I turn around and Cheng Xiao has a smile on her face.
“You really did bring it this time. I was scared you were actually going to beat me. Who knows, maybe at Nationals you just might.”
“You watch Cheng Xiao, I’ll definitely get you at Nationals.”
We smile and shake each other’s hands and walk off the stage. I head into the tunnel and I hear someone running towards me screaming, and I already know who it is.
“MINAAA!!!! You were amazing! Those judges don’t know what they’re doing, you totally deserved first place!”
“Thanks Momo, but I know when I lost. Even I have to admit Cheng Xiao’s performance was brilliant. The only way I could’ve won if she made a mistake and she didn’t. But you know what? That’s ok, we both made it into Nationals and over there on an even bigger stage I’ll take her down.”
“Wow Mina, you have so much confidence! I like it haha. Did you do what I told you?”
“What do you mean?”
“To find someone cute and dance for them, did you find anybody?” she smirks.
“Yeah I did actually. She’s REALLY cute too.” I tease.
“Ohhh a she huh? Who was it? Do I know her?”
“I will never tell!” I scream as I run away.
“Hey! Mina! That’s not fair, I taught you the trick you should at least tell me who you used it on!”
“Nope! Never!”
“You’re at least going to go watch me later right!?”
“Of course! I’m going to get dressed then go watch your competition!”
“Ok! Let me know when you get there and I’ll go find you!”
We wave goodbye and I head towards the locker room to get dressed. After the bus drops us off back at school, I head over to my mom who’s waiting for me in her car.
“You were wonderful Mina! You deserved first place, I’m not just saying that as your mother but as your number one fan.” She says with a smile.
“I know mom, thank you. I made it to Nationals anyway. I’ll get the gold spot there, where it really matters.”
“Do you know when that is?”
“It’s in six months, so we have half a year to prepare our routines, which is good, I have to get a lot of practice in if I want to beat Cheng Xiao.”
“Well your father and I will be rooting for you all the way. By the way he says he’s sorry he couldn’t make this one, work called him in last minute.”
“Yeah it’s ok, I understand.”
“But I told him you made it to Nationals and he is so proud of you, he said he’ll make sure to attend that competition even if he loses his job.”
“Wow ok he doesn’t have to go that far haha.”
“Oh you know your father he likes to exaggerate. So, off to Momo’s competition?”
“Yes please!”
Momo’s competition was not on as big a scale as mine, but the venue was still pretty big. No one was going to go to Nationals or anything like that here, just a simple winner take all. My mom drops me off at the entrance as she goes to find parking. I run inside and text Momo that I’m here.
“Mina! Over here!”
I turn around and see Momo in a black crop top and jeans with a flannel at her waist. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail with only her bangs loose. She looked totally different from when she came to watch me.
“Why did you keep your bangs? You didn’t want to tie them up either? They won’t get in the way?”
“No, I’ll be fine. Besides I think I look mean without my bangs.”
“What do you mean by that!?” I laugh.
“Momo! The competition is about to start, c’mon!” shouts Momo’s instructor.
“Let’s go, I saved you a seat next to me backstage, my parents will text yours and they can sit together too.”
Momo grabs my hand and we head backstage.
“Are you sure I’m allowed back here?”
“Yeah of course, I made sure to ask beforehand. Look, our seats are right there.”
As soon as we sit down the lights dim in the auditorium and an announcer comes out and the spotlight shines on him.
“Welcome everyone! We have a wonderful show for you today with many wonderful dancers ready to compete for the top spot!”
“How many people are competing today?” I ask Momo.
“Five people are competing today.”
“Oh wow, when are you going up?”
“I’m up fourth I think.”
The announcer finishes up his opening statement and starts to introduce the first contestant.
“First up we have Seulgi Kang! Everyone give her a round of applause!”
I’ve been to many of Momo’s competitions before and Seulgi was always a constant presence. She was older than us so she had a lot more experience, and it showed in her performance. When Momo first beat her I was scared she would be offended, but she was very nice and humble and congratulated Momo. If there was anyone that I respected here it would definitely be Seulgi. Her performance today was amazing as usually, she showed a lot of improvement that even someone in a different field like me can see the work she put in. When the music ends everyone in the audience gives a loud applause.
“Wow what an amazing first performance! Let’s see if our next performer can top that!”
Wow, no pressure.
“Everyone give it up for Chungha Kim!”
Chungha? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before at any of Momo’s other competitions.
“Is she new? I don’t recognize her.” I ask Momo.
“Yeah I’ve never seen her before either. This should be fun, it’s been a while since someone new came to compete.”
Chungha takes the stage with a smile, but as soon as the music turns out her expression changes in an instant. Her moves hit hard and each of them were precise and without a single flaw. I don’t know how to explain it, she just knew what she wanted to do and without a single hesitation she just did it. Her movements were very fluid and seamless. It was clear that Seulgi’s strong first performance didn’t faze her one bit. Before I knew it the music stops and I’m lost. It’s over already? I kind of wanted her to keep going.
“Chungha Kim everyone! Give her another round of applause! Simply stunning! Now for our third performer today, we have Sia Yoo!”
“I told you to just call me YooA!”
The audience laughs as the girl glares at the announcer.”
“Terribly sorry, may I present to you ladies and gentlemen YooA!”
YooA composes herself as she walks onto the stage. YooA’s way of dancing was very different from Seulgi and Chungha. YooA was all smiles and used that to her advantage. She winked and flipped her hair at all the guys in the audience and that definitely caught their attention. But she wasn’t just flirting, YooA had serious skill too. She moved in perfect synchronization with every beat, not even a millisecond off. Suddenly YooA focused her attention to the girls in the audience and you could even see and hear some of them swooning over her performance. Now that I think about it, as soon as it was over I actually think more girls were screaming than guys.
“Wow what a performance! Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?”
Man this announcer is cheesy.
“Now for our fourth performer, and returning champion, Momo Hirai!”
Finally it was Momo’s turn. She gets up from her seat and heads towards center stage. I wave my hands in the air and flail them around, I wanted to scream Momo’s name, but in all honesty I doubt I would’ve been loud enough, so I just kept flailing my arms. Suddenly, Momo turns in my direction and winks at me. My mind goes back to when Momo told her about the trick she does to calm her nerves. Is she going to dance for me? No way, right? I assure myself it wasn’t me after all Momo and I are just friends. Although, I did choose to dance for her during my own performance. But, that was just a spur of the moment thing. Maybe it was the same for her? Before I can put any more thought into it the music starts and I revert my attention back to the stage. Momo gets into position and her facial expression changes with the music, almost similar to Chungha, except Momo didn’t change to a simple serious expression, but rather she changed her personality to suit the music playing. Momo has been like this ever since she started dancing. On a normal day, Momo is this hungry little goofball, but as soon as she stands on that stage and the music starts playing, she transforms into something different, yet she’s still Momo. Her moves in perfect sync with the music, her expressions affected everyone in the audience, including me, sometimes it felt as if she was staring only at me and I suddenly had this odd nostalgic feeling that I couldn’t quite pin down where I felt this before. I shake my head and focus back on Momo who is setting fire on the stage. The whole crowd screams at her every move. I knew how hard Momo worked for this performance, even though she’s the returning champ she didn’t slack off, she practiced every day as if she was coming back from a loss. Her performance ended and the audience cheers loud and gives her a standing ovation. I look to my left and see a girl biting her nails. Oh right there was one more contestant. Who made this arrangement that she had to go right after the reigning champion? In what world is that fair? Momo makes her way back to her seat after she bows in front of the audience. She high fives her instructor and sits down next to me.
“You did great! You were definitely the best performer today! Actually that might’ve been the best performance I’ve seen you do ever!”
“Thanks Mina, but that’s not true, I messed up a few times in the beginning. I just hope nobody noticed.”
“Well if you did, I know I didn’t notice anything, and I’ve watched you practice every day.”
“Remarkable performance! Nothing less from our returning champion! And now for our final performer of the night! Lalisa Manoban!”
“Just Lisa is fine, thank you.”
“Oh my mistake, Lisa it is! Everyone a quick round of applause for Lisa!”
This guy should really ask what the contestants want to be called before he introduces them, this is the second time today.
“Hey, do you know her? I don’t think I know her either.”
“Oh Lisa? Yeah I know her, she doesn’t compete often, but when she does she kills it. Being after the reigning champion won’t faze her one bit.”
“Really? I saw her biting her nails earlier, during your performance.”
“Oh that? Haha, that’s just a bad habit of hers.”
The music comes on and Lisa just bursts out on the stage. Was this really the same girl who was biting her nails earlier? She moves so quickly, yet so precise. She was moving with purpose and she had this, for lack of better word, swag about her. I regret thinking that Momo made her nervous, because she looked right at home on stage. I wonder, why she doesn’t compete that often?
“Why doesn’t she compete more often, she’s amazing!?”
“Apparently her parents are really strict. They call her house ‘The Dungeon’. She can only compete when her friends manage to sneak her out.”
Her parents prevent her from performing and she can still dance like that? Lisa is something else. Soon her performance ends and some of the audience give Lisa a standing ovation as well. She sure deserved it, I wish the rest of the audience stood up as well.
“Amazing! Another applause for Lisa everyone!”
This time all of the audience gave Lisa a standing ovation. Lisa had a huge smile on her face, she seemed so happy.
“Have the judges reached their decision? You have? Wonderful! Can I have the card now please? Ahh thank you. Now for third place!”
The room was silent, waiting for the first name to be called.
“Welcome back to the stage everyone, Chungha Kim!”
Chungha walks to the stage with a smile and waves to the audience who give her loud cheers.
“Now for second place, please clap for La…Lisa everyone!”
Lisa covers her face in shock as she heads up on stage. For someone who barely competes, due to strict parents, I’m sure she was overjoyed. She takes the second place trophy and waves it in the air and jumps around. Three other girls cheered louder than anyone else, I’m sure those were her friends that snuck her out here.
“And now for first place, ladies and gentleman for the second year in a row I present to you Momo Hirai!”
Momo gets up and has the biggest smile on her face. I think I see tears welling up in her eyes. She wipes them off and heads towards the stage. She grabs her trophy and photographers take pictures of the three as they hold their trophies in the air. I feel so happy for Momo that I’m flailing my arms in the air again. This I start screaming Momo’s name and she turns to me and smiles and shakes her trophy in the air. She actually heard me? Momo for some reason was always able to hear my voice no matter how loud it was or how low I spoke. Momo came running off the stage and ran straight to me. She jumps up into the air and I catch her and we spin around laughing.
“I did it Mina I did it!” her smile was so bright, I thought my heart was going to melt.
“Momo I’m so proud of you! I can’t believe you won this award, not once but twice!”
“Me neither! You know what this means right?”
“Sleep over at your house?” I say with a smile.
“Yupp!” She smiles back.
Later that day, my mom drops me off at Momo’s front door. I knock, but the door is open.
“I’m here!” I say poking my head out the door.
I see Momo running around getting stuff ready.
“What are you doing?” I laugh to myself.
“Oh you’re here! Oh my gosh did I leave the door open!?”
“Yeah you did haha, what’s going? You’re a mess Momo.”
“I was supposed to clean the house before you came over, but as soon as I got home I knocked out. I literally just woke up ten minutes ago.”
“You know you don’t have to clean up your whole house, besides I’ve been here plenty of times Momo, I’ve seen this place at its worst haha.”
“You know what, you’re right, I’m too lazy to keep doing this anyway. Wanna eat?” She says with a smile, “All this cleaning made me hungry!”
“You’ve only been cleaning for ten minutes.”
“Yeah that’s ten minutes I could’ve spent making and eating food Mina duh.”
Well, she got me there. Momo orders her favorite jokbal and jajangmyeon from the Korean restaurant across the block.
“Mina why aren’t you eating? The foof if amafimg!” She says stuffing her face.
“I don’t know, I just feel like it’s missing something.”
I head to the fridge and look around.
“Ah ha!”
I grab a bottle and sit back down. I look up and Momo is looking at me strangely.
“You know Mina, you don’t have to eat ketchup with everything right?”
“Hey, don’t judge me, I can’t help my love for ketchup, it makes everything better.”
I smile and pour ketchup all over the jokbal. Yes, this is exactly what I needed. I grab a glass and fill it with water, as soon as I sit down Momo is looking at me strangely again.
“Ok, what is it now?”
“How can you drink water?”
“Well you know, I kind of have to, since I enjoy being alive?”
“But it has no taste! We have soda in the fridge you know?” Momo then chugs down a coke and goes to the fridge to grab another.
“Water does have taste!” I refute.
“Ok, what does it taste like then?”
“It…well…water tastes like…water!”
“Mina you’re supposed to be the smart one.”
“Shut up, besides you know there’s water in soda right?”
“That’s good then, so I’ll sit here and stay alive drinking my soda, which has taste by the way.” She smiles proudly and takes a sip of her soda.
“I…just…whatever.” I pour more ketchup on my jokbal defeated.
After we eat, we sit down and binge kdramas that we missed out on because of school and practicing for the competitions. We decided to watch ‘Weight Lifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo’. I laugh every time Bok Joo and her friends are eating because it reminds me of Momo way too much. One of the characters hit a little close to home because she was a rhythmic gymnast like me. It showed her and all the other gymnasts struggling to keep their weight steady for competitions.
“Mina, you don’t put yourself through that kind of training do you?” Momo looks at me worried. “You’re not going to go the bathroom and throw up after this, are you?”
“No of course not, I learned to manage my eating well enough that I can enjoy eating delicious food like this every once in a while and not feel guilty. Don’t worry, Momo I don’t starve myself.”
“Ok good!” Momo smiles looking content.
It was late at night by the time we finished the series, Momo and I had tears running down our eyes.
“They’re so cute!” Momo cries.
“I know! I love them so much!” I cry back.
“Hey Mina?” Momo asks as she wipes her tears.
“Yeah? What’s up?” I sniff.
“Have you ever…been in love with anybody?”
“What? Momo you’re my best friend, if I was in love you would be the first one I would tell. And to answer your question, no I’ve never been in love. I’m too focused on school and rhythmic gymnastics to even think about dating.”
“Well…what if you didn’t have to date?”
“What do you mean?”
Before I knew it Momo leans in and kisses me on the lips. I was so surprised, but I didn’t back away. I just froze and stayed still.
“Mina I think I’m in love with you.”
“You…you think?”
“You know that trick I taught you earlier today? Where you pick someone cute and dance for them? Well, ever since I started performing, I’ve always been performing for you. Only you.”
“So earlier today, when you performed…that was for me too?”
So I wasn’t imagining it.
“Look Mina, I don’t want to lose you as a friend, but I don’t think I can hold back my feelings anymore.”
“I don’t want to lose you either Momo, I don’t know what to say. I’m not ready for a relationship right now.”
“That’s why I asked, what if you didn’t have to date?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“We don’t have to say that we’re dating or anything like that…” Momo comes in closer, “…just if every once in a while, if you don’t mind, I can do this with you, I’ll be happy with just that.” Momo kisses me again, this time she doesn’t back off, instead she puts her arms around me and I don’t think about anything, I just go along with it.
What do I do? I don’t want to hurt Momo, she’s my best friend. She’s my oldest friend, she’s always been there for me, and if I lose her I’ll lose the only person that has ever understood me better than anyone else. I back up a little from Momo.
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do it for so long. Was I smothering you?”
“No, it’s fine. Momo you’re my best friend, I’m not sure how I feel about this right now, but I want you to be happy, and if this will make you happy then I’ll do it.”
“Mina wait, stop.”
I didn’t expect Momo to have such as serious look, I thought she’d be happy.
“I don’t want you to do this because you feel like you have to, or because you think you’ll lose me. Mina you will never lose me, no matter what. I want you to do this if you want to, not because you have to. If you don’t like this we don’t have to do it, its fine.”
Momo begins to stand up, but I grab her arm and bring her closer to me.
“I never said I didn’t like it.” I lean in closer and I kiss her.
Ever since that night, Momo and I start secretly kissing everywhere we went. Sometimes we would plan it out, other times we would surprise each other. It was mostly Momo doing the surprise kisses, I was never bold enough to kiss her in public, especially at school. The only time I had enough confidence to surprise her was when we at each other’s houses. I still wasn’t ready for a real relationship. After all, there was only one month left until Nationals, and we’re just about to start our sophmore year, I didn’t have time for a real relationship, but if it was just doing this much and if it was with Momo, then I could handle that. In fact, I looked forward to it. But then one day, I was walking with Momo after school and I noticed people staring at us as we walked by.
“Do you know why they’re staring at us Momo?”
“Apparently a few people saw us kissing during vacation, rumors are going around that we went even further than that too.”
“WHAT!?” I scream out loud, but no one seemed to notice.
“Was that you trying to scream?” Momo laughs.
“I DID scream, what are we going to do? What if these rumors reach the teachers and then they call my parents?”
“Mina, you’re over-exaggerating, rumors hardly ever reach teachers. Besides, this will blow over soon enough. Like last week I heard a rumor that Nayeon has bunny teeth because she likes to eat rabbits. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds?”
“Well in some places eating rabbits is considered a delicacy.” I retort.
“Ok, but can you see Nayeon having rabbit teeth BECAUSE she eats them?”
“Ok, yeah that part is stupid.”
“Rumors will come and go, don’t worry too much.”
“Ok, I guess you’re right. Hey, don’t forget I have an exhibition competition to practice for Nationals in two weeks. You’ll be there right?”
“Will you be dancing for me?” Momo teases.
“Only if you’re there, otherwise I’ll dance for some other cute girl in the stands. I mean it Momo!”
“Well then now, I HAVE to be there!” she jokes.
Two weeks later, I head turn to the stands and Momo is nowhere to be found.
I turn around hoping its Momo, but it’s not.
“Oh it’s just you Sana.”
I met Sana this year, we have history class together. She’s fun to hang around with so we’ve gotten pretty close.
“Hey that’s rude of you! I come to support my friend and this is how she treats me? Hmph!”
“I’m sorry, I just thought you were Momo is all, I can’t find her anywhere.”
“Did you text or call her?”
‘My phone is in my bag, which is in the locker room. I can’t go back for it now, it’s too late. I thought she’d be here, she promised me she would.”
“Oh well, I’m sure she’ll be here. You two are two peas in a pod.”
I raise my eyebrow at that odd remark.
“Umm I guess?”
“Anyway I’ll be up in the stands rooting for Mina! Don’t worry I’m sure Momo will make it in time!”
I hope so. I’m the last person to go up, after Cheng Xiao and Yuju. This was just exhibition, so only two other people showed up. Of course Cheng Xiao showed up, because she couldn’t resist going back up against me and having the chance to beat me again. Yuju came just to try to prove to herself that she was better than the last performance she gave, where she didn’t even place. Yuju went up first, last time she performed she messed up, but this time around she performed perfectly and elegantly. When the music stopped she had a huge smile and looked content. It was Cheng Xiao’s turn up next and she was magnificent as usual. But then, the unthinkable happened. She threw the ball up in the air and when she came into position to catch it she ended up a few inches off. The crowd was shocked, she managed to finish perfectly after that, but her face showed that she wasn’t happy at all. Finally, it was my turn and I went up onto the stage. Momo still wasn’t around. Part of me was hoping that she would make this grand entrance and yell out my name cheering for me, but I turned around and looked at the door and no one came through.
“Fine…” I said to myself, “…I’ll just find someone else to dance for.”
I look into the crowd and see this girl with a bob cut looking directly at me. She’s cute, I’ll dance for her, by the end of this performance she’ll be my fan. I do my routine and my anger at Momo made me work even harder. I stay focused on my every movement, I want to make a performance so good that Momo is going to be sorry she missed it. I never once missed any of her competitions. I don’t care if this is an exhibition, she should’ve been here. I would’ve been there for her. I realize suddenly I’m in my ending position and the crowd is applauding. I get up and bow in front of everyone and head to my seat. I look at the girl in the stand again and she’s still looking at me, smiling and clapping. I guess, it worked, maybe she’s my fan now. Suddenly the announcer heads up on stage.
“I know this is just an exhibition, but in every competition, there is a winner. And today, that winner is Mina Myoui!”
I won? I won! I run up onto the stage and hold up my trophy and smile. This is proof that I was on the right track, the track to winning at Nationals. As soon as I got off the stage, someone taps me on the shoulder.
“Hi Mina, congratulations on the win, you were beautiful out there. You made a fan out of me.”
I was completely in shock. I can’t believe I actually made a fan out of this girl. Although, I can’t show her how surprised I am. I displayed so much confidence on stage, if she finds out I’m some shy girl in of the stage, I might lose her.
“Oh really? That’s good because that’s what I was intending to do. I like to find a cute girl in the stands and tell myself that I’m dancing for her. This is the first time one actually came up to me though. What's your name?”
"Son Chaeyoung. So were you really dancing for me?"
"I always dance for the most beautiful girl in the room. After I saw you, it was easy to choose."
She blushes, and she gives me her number and tells me we should hang out sometime. Is this really happening right now? As I look at her face up close I realize that she’s even cuter than I thought. She has these cute dimples that show up whenever her mouth moves and I can’t but lose focus whenever they show up. After Chaeyoung leaves I head to the locker room. I get dressed and as I walk out of the locker room, I see someone barge through the doors of the gym. It’s Momo.
“Mina oh my gosh, did I make it? I totally forgot about the competition today, I thought it was next week.”
“The competition is over, I won by the way.”
“That’s amazing! I know this is just an exhibition, but that’s still amazing! Congratulations!” Momo comes in to hug me but I push her away.
“You promised me you’d be here. And you’re telling you just forgot?”
“Mina, I’m sorry. I messed up I know, but it won’t happen again I promise.”
“Do you want to go home together?” Momo asks hesitantly.
“…No, I want to be by myself right now.”
I arrive at home and decide to change into more comfortable clothes. I reach into my pocket and throw my phone onto my bed. I notice a paper fell out of my pocket. I pick it up and it’s Chaeyoung’s number. I figured why not, the day couldn’t possibly get worse, and put her number into my phone and text her. She replies, and we talk all night. After that, we kept talking for months. We started hanging out more often and I realized that there was something different about this girl. Whenever I practiced, I caught myself thinking about her. Whenever I thought about her, I practiced even harder. She made me want to get better. I wanted her to keep being my fan. But was that really it? One day I saw Chaeyoung at school and she was wearing a brown leather jacket, with black jeans and knee high boots, and my heart stopped for what seemed like forever. That’s when I realized, I had feelings for Chaeyoung. I decided I was going to ask her out, not right now, but maybe after Nationals, which was only a few weeks away. At least that’s what I thought I was going to do. One day after school, Chaeyoung texts me and asks me if we wanted to hang out. I needed to practice, but since this was Chaeyoung I pushed my schedule a little to make room for her. When we met, I looked at her and saw that she was wearing the same outfit, that same leather jacket with black jeans and black leather boots as not too long ago. She looked amazing, I knew then and there that I couldn’t let this girl slip from my hands.
“Chaeyoung, I know you’re the one that called me here, but I have to get something off my chest.”
She looked surprised.
“Oh? What is it?”
“Chaeyoung I...I like you. I like you a lot. These past few months with being around have been amazing. When I practice my routines, I can’t help but think of you. I can’t help, but practice harder for you. You make want to be a better dancer. You make me want to be a better person. Will you go out with me?”
I thought my heart was going to explode because of how fast it was beating. Chaeyoung stood there with a smile on her face.
“Mina I like you a lot too. You make me feel really special. Yes of course I’ll go out with you!” She says as she smiles, showing off her cute dimples that make me go crazy.
So Chaeyoung and I started dating, I kept it a secret because I didn’t want anyone else to get between us. Plus, all the attention this could give me would distract me from training for Nationals. So except when I was at school, or with Chaeyoung, all I did was practice. I practiced as hard as I could, I was going to win, I was going to win for Chaeyoung. Everything seemed like it was going well until one day, while I was practicing my routine, I got a call from Chaeyoung.
“Is it true? Have you and Momo really been more than just friends? Did you really do those things that they’re saying about you guys?”
I’m shocked. How did she find out about this? I couldn’t say anything until I realize I’ve been quiet for too long and that I need to speak up.
“Yes. It’s all true. But wait Chaeyoung! Ever since I met you I told Momo that I didn’t want to be with her anymore. We never were officially dating. She took it hard, but she understood that you make me happy. So please don’t be mad at her. I’m sorry I never told you about it before, but when I realized that you didn’t know about the rumors I couldn’t bring myself to tell you. I was afraid of what you would think of me.”
“Don’t worry, I’m glad you were honest with me. Thank you.”
But the truth was, I wasn’t being completely honest. While it was true that I haven’t done anything with Momo since Chaeyoung and I started dating, I still haven’t actually told her about us yet. I realized that I needed to change that soon. I decided to take care of it the next time we’re alone together, whenever that was. Finally, it was time for Nationals, and I was a nervous wreck. The stadium we were to perform in was massive, how was I supposed to find any cute person in this crowd, yet alone my tiny Chaeyoung? Time flew by faster than my heart could race, and believe me it was racing. So many people I had only heard about from online articles like Cao Lu, Chanmi, Eunji, and many more were here and as I watched them perform, all I could think about was how in the world do I stand a chance?
Now up next, Cheng Xiao.
Cheng Xiao is up next? Oh no, and I’m right after her. I take a deep breath and try to relax. I watch Cheng Xiao perform flawlessly. She was definitely determined to make up for the mistake she made in the exhibition competition not too long ago. Every time she tossed the ball into the air she had full confidence that she would catch it, and that she did. She didn’t even look at the ball at certain points in her performance. I could hear gasps from the crowd as she kept going. My anxiety sky rocketed. Soon enough, Cheng Xiao is finished and the crowd goes wild. I walk nervously up the stage and Cheng Xiao gives me a smile as she passes me. I look into the ocean of people around me and I just can’t focus at all. I feel like running off the stage when I look to my left and see Momo on the sidelines. She waves her hand in the air and brings over another person next to her. It’s Chaeyoung. I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders. Then it hits me, what was Momo doing with Chaeyoung? Does she know how I feel about her? I take one more look at Chaeyoung and take a deep breath. This is what I practiced for, I’m going to win, not just for me, but for Chaeyoung too. I close my eyes as the music starts and next thing I know when I open my eyes and I’m in my ending position and I hear the crowd roaring. I stand up and realize that the crowd is cheering for me. I think this might just be the loudest they’ve been all day. I turn around and see Momo and Chaeyoung jumping for joy cheering for me. I run down to them and hug them both. I see my parents here too and I run down to them and hug them too.
“Dad you made it!” I yell happily.
“I told you I’d be here even if it got me fired!”
“Wait you didn’t actually get fired did you?” I ask cautiously.
“No honey, of course not, I got the day off to see you. You were beautiful out there. I am so proud of you Mina.” I smiles and I hug him tighter.
“You make us so happy Mina, win or lose you were absolutely stunning out there today.” My mom says as she brushes my hair.
“Mom were you the one that brought Momo and Chaeyoung here?”
“Yupp, I was going to bring only Momo, but she begged me to bring along Chaeyoung too. I didn’t even know who she was! Are you two close? You never mentioned her before.”
I look over to the two girls, “Yeah you could say that.” I smile. “I’m going to go over to them ok guys?”
“You go be with your friends honey, we’ll be right here.” My dad says.
I run back over to the girls and we look at the stage as the announcer walks up.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming the the National Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition this year. And I also want to thank all the contestants today that tried their utmost best, and gave us a magnificent show today. You were all truly amazing, but there can only be one gold medalist today.”
I look to Chaeyoung and she holds my left hand as we wait for the announcement. I turn to my right and look at Momo and she just looks at me and smiles.
“And third place today goes to…Cao Lu!”
I take my 500th deep breath of the day and I feel like my lungs are going to collapse.
“Second place today goes to…Cheng Xiao!”
I look at both Momo and Chaeyoung and I hold my breath for one last time.
“And now finally first place and the gold medal today go to…Mina Myoui!”
The crowd begins to roar again and I can’t believe what just happened. Out of all the gymnasts in all the nation, I won the gold medal.
“What are you doing!?” Momo screams.
“Get up there!” Chaeyoung yells, and she pushes me up towards the stage.
I accept the medal and wave to the crowd, tears start falling down my face. All my hard work has paid off.
After the awards ceremony, people start to leave, and I head down to my parents.
“Mina, we’ll head over to the car, Momo and Chaeyoung will keep you company while we bring it over.” My mom says.
As soon as my parents leave, Momo pulls me over to the side.
“Mina we need to talk.”
“What is it Momo?”
“Mina…I love you. You know this. I know you might still be mad at me for that the competition I missed-“
“No, Momo I’m over that, it was months ago.”
“But, you haven’t kissed me since then…it’s because of Chaeyoung isn’t it?”
I pause. If there was ever a time to tell her about Chaeyoung and I, it was now.
“Momo, I have something to tell you. Chaeyoung and I…we’re dating. For a little while now, actually.”
“Wh…what? I thought you weren’t ready for a relationship? That’s what you told me right?”
I felt so bad, I can’t believe I did this, to my best friend.
“Does she know about us? What happens if I tell about the things we did? Will she still like you then!?”
I have never seen this side of Momo before, and I’ve known her all my life.
“She knows already. Her friend Tzuyu told her. Chaeyoung knows everything, and we’re still together. Nothing changed.”
“I…I’m sorry Mina, I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m not myself right now.”
“I can tell, don’t worry Momo, I understand. If anyone should be sorry, it should be me. I should’ve told you earlier. I feel terrible about all of this.”
“Does she make you happy Mina?”
“Yes, she does. She makes me really happy.”
“Then that’s all I really want. Go be with your girlfriend. I’ll call my mom to pick me up, if your mom asks, just tell her I had to be somewhere else.”
Momo smiles at me and leaves.
“Momo wait!”
She stops and turns her head.
“I’m not going to lose you right…right?”
“Like I said Mina, you’re my best friend, and I love you, more than anything in this world. You’ll never lose me.”
She waves goodbye and walks away. I turn around and see Chaeyoung and my heart feels a little better.
I get a call from my mom and she says that their outside, and that we’re going to my favorite sushi restaurant to celebrate. My heart hurts a little because, that place was only my favorite sushi place, because Momo loved to eat there. I wanted to find her and bring her with us, but I couldn’t see her anymore. After Nationals, Chaeyoung and I became official. This was new to me, because all I ever did before this was sneak around with Momo. Although, as the months went by, I became more comfortable, but I also noticed that Chaeyoung has been a little distant lately. One day, I catch her on her phone reading old texts from Tzuyu. We’re Chaeyoung and Tzuyu more than just friends before? That would explain why she told Chaeyoung about Momo and I. I started wondering if I wasn’t doing enough, if Chaeyoung was starting to lose interest in me. I decided to try and get into things that Chaeyoung was into.
“Hey Chaengie, what animes are you into lately?”
She looks at me confused.
“Why do you ask? I thought you weren’t into anime?”
“I don’t know, I thought maybe I’d give it a shot.”
She laughs a little, “What happened to, ‘Just because I’m Japanese doesn’t mean I have to like anime!’ huh?”
She got me there.
“Ok, I just thought I’d give it a chance because you like it so much.”
“Hmm ok, well there’s this one called Toradora, it’s a classic! You should definitely watch it, and after we can talk about it!”
I watched the first episode and stopped there. I just couldn’t get into it. I don’t know how Chaeyoung does it. A few weeks later, I texted Chaeyoung if she wanted to watch the sunset with me. I borrowed my mom’s car and picked her up to go watch it. I try to spark up some conversation by telling her about future competitions coming up, but she seems disinterested.
“Hey Mina, did you ever watch that anime I told you about?”
“Oh umm, which one was that one again? Toru…daro?”
“Ahh right that one! I haven’t finished it yet. It’s just not very interesting to me. Sorry Chaeng.”
“Oh no it’s fine.” She sounded a little irked.
“Oh we’re here! Hopefully we can hike fast enough to catch the sunset by the beach.”
Chaeyoung is not a good hiker, it turns out her short legs couldn’t keep up, which I thought was kind of cute. Next thing I know I see Sana sitting down next to someone. I had told her about this spot not too long ago, but I didn’t think she’d be here today too.
“Hey Sana! Is that you!?”
I run closer to catch up to them, then I realize the closer I see that the person Sana is with is Tzuyu.
“Sana! I knew it was you! When you asked me about this place I didn’t think I’d find you here so soon haha. Oh Tzuyu! Oh no we weren’t interrupting something were we?”
“No, nothing is going on its fine.” Tzuyu says, she sounds a little disgruntled.
“Tzuyu you know Mina? She’s the friend that told me about this place. I had no idea you guys knew each other. I also had no idea you were coming here today Mina. Did you bring your girlfriend here too?”
“Yeah Tzuyu is in the same science class as me, actually we’ve had some of the same classes throughout all of high school I think. Yeah, Chaeyoung is here too, I wanted to show her the sunset here, looks like we were a little late though maybe next time.”
It’s too bad that we missed the view, I turn around to Chaeyoung, “Babe what are you doing over there still? Sana and Tzuyu are here! Come say hi!”
“Well it’s getting dark, Tzuyu and I should probably leave now.”
“Oh here, let me help you with some of your stuff.”
For some reason I couldn’t shake off this weird feeling that something bad was about to happen.
I help Sana with their stuff on the long walk back. When we get to the cars, I realize Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were missing. Suddenly, Tzuyu appears puffy eyed.
“Hey Tzuyu what took you guys so long? Where’s Chaengie?”
“She’s somewhere behind me. Sana let’s go.”
“Whoa Tzuyu is something wrong? Your eyes are all puffy have you been crying?”
“Just get in and drive please.”
“Ok yeah I’ll do that. See you Mina.”
“Yeah no problem I’m going to go look for Chaeyoung. See you guys at school I guess.” I go and run off to the hills.
“Chaeyoung! Chaengie where are you!?” I screams out.
“I-I’m over here!” Chaeyoung yells back.
“Oh good I found you. Tzuyu came back from here looking like she cried a bunch. Do you know what happened?”
“It’s because of me. It’s because I kissed her.”
“Oh I se…what!?” I say trying to comprehend.
“I’m sorry Mina. It’s over between us.”
“Why is this happening so suddenly!? Did I do something wrong? Did Tzuyu tell you something about me again?” I plead.
“No she didn’t, she didn’t do anything, it was all me. Mina I’m so sorry, but I can’t keep lying to myself anymore. You were so good to me, and I truly did cherish every moment we spent together, but I realized that Tzuyu truly is the one I need in my life and I’m going to get her no matter what.”
Everything is happening so suddenly, I just wish I had more time to think.
“I see, are you really sure about this? Is there really nothing I can do to change your mind? I’ll do anything Chaeyoung, anything.”
“I’m sure Mina, I’m so sorry.”
Chaeyoung turns around and hugs me.
“Mina I’m so sorry, I am so sorry.” Chaeyoung holds me tighter and cries her heart out.
“It’s ok, I’ll get better eventually. I’m just glad you finally realize what you really want. I hope you find happiness in whatever happens in the end. I still love you Chaeyoung, even if you don’t feel the same.” Tears start falling down my face now too.
“I’m sorry, I’m such a terrible person.” Chaeyoung yells out.
“No, no you’re not. It’s ok. Let’s go I’ll take you home now.”
When it was time to go to school, I notice that Chaeyoung isn’t here today. I text her during science class to see if she’s ok, but I don’t get a reply until later. She said something about, her allergies acting up, but I didn’t believe it. I notice Tzuyu gets a text as soon as I do. Is she talking to Chaeyoung too? I talked to Sana earlier and she told me that she and Tzuyu were going to the fair together. What is Tzuyu doing? I write on a piece of paper to meet up after school, she says she’ll do it, but she has plans with Sana. I just nod my head and try to focus on class. I wait for Tzuyu on the side of the school and wait for her. A few minutes later, she comes by and sits next to me on the grass.
“I heard from Sana that you two are going to the fair together.”
“Oh that’s right you two are friends. Yeah we are, why do ask?”
“Because I want to know what you plan to do about Chaeyoung.”
“Are you two still together? If you are then I won’t go near her, at least not in any romantic sort of setting, I’m not that kind of person.”
“I know you’re not Tzuyu. And no, Chaeyoung and I are not together anymore.”
Saying those word brought tears to my eyes that I just couldn’t hold back.
“I’m sorry, I’m still not over it. Chaeyoung probably still feels bad about it too, it’s probably why she isn’t here today.”
“No need to be sorry. I have experience with heartbreak, trust me, it’s ok to cry.”
She grabs a few tissues and gives them to me.
“Anyway, I didn’t ask you to be here to watch me cry. All I want right now is Chaeyoung to be happy. If she isn’t happy with me then I can’t do anything about that. All I know is that she wants to be with you. If you are the one that makes her happy then I’ll learn to live with that. But, if you hurt her any more than she already is, then you’ll have to answer to me. If you go to that fair with Sana, and you realize that your feelings for her are stronger than what you feel for Chaeyoung, you tell her right away. I understand that Chaeyoung didn’t do that for you when she and I started dating, but I can promise you that she didn’t do it on purpose. Nobody deserves to hurt anymore. Ok?”
I was determined to makes sure that Chaeyoung was happy in the end at all costs. This must’ve been what Momo felt back then. I wonder how she’s doing? I haven’t really talked to her in a while, no matter how hard I tried. It felt like she was keeping her distance from me.
“Hey, Mina?”
“What is it?”
“I’m sorry for everything, I wish neither of us had to go through any of this.”
“Me too.”
Tzuyu didn’t seem like she was a bad person, she was just put into a difficult situation. I know how that feels. A few weeks later, I start feeling a little better. I put all my focus back into rhythmic gymnastics, and that help me keep my mind off the pain of hearing that Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were now dating. My friend Sana on the other hand was struggling. She looked even worse than I was a few weeks ago. She even says she’s going to win Tzuyu back. But, whenever I see those two together, I know that’s not going to happen. Although, the thought of being with Chaeyoung again didn’t sound too bad, so I let her keep imagining it was possible, just in case. I realize now that I shouldn’t have done that, because a year later Sana embarrasses herself buy doing some ridiculous dance in front of the whole school to ask Tzuyu to prom. It obviously didn’t work, which I think everyone except Sana saw coming. As I was walking home that same day, I saw Momo sitting on my front porch. We haven’t talked in a while, so I was surprised to see her.
“Hey Mina.” Momo stands up and walks towards me, “It’s been a while.”
“A while? Try a over a year Momo. I thought you said I was never going to lose you? After Nationals last year, you basically disappeared. If we didn’t go to the same school I thought I was never going to see you again. I know that it’s partially my fault for basically not talking to you either and putting all my focus on Chaeyoung, but I thought you would at least start talking to me again when she broke up with me. Instead, all you did was send me a few texts! Where have you been Momo?”
It takes a while for me to calm down, Momo waits for me to catch my breath before she speaks.
“I’m sorry. I wanted to be there for you when Chaeyoung broke up with you I really did, but I was afraid of what I would do. I was afraid that if I saw you in that emotionally broken state, that I might take advantage of that and try to win you over. But, that’s not what I wanted. So I decided to wait, to wait for you to feel better before I talked to you again. And well here I am.”
“Were you really thinking that far ahead?”
“Of course, I would never want to take advantage of you like that, I don’t even want to give myself the chance. You deserve more than that.”
It’s right here where I realize that Momo has always been worried about me and she always cared for me. When it came to everything, from my diet, to my sleeping schedule, even when she was not around, she still cared.
“What is it Momo?”
“I still love you Mina.”
My eyes widen as I wasn’t expecting this.
“I told you that you would never lose me and I want to make good on that promise, I won’t do anything to hurt you. It’s ok if you don’t feel the same at this moment, but if you just give me the chance to show you how much I care about you, I promise to make you the happiest girl in the world.”
Those words out a smile on my face.
“And how exactly do you plan on doing that Momo Hirai?”
“Well, if you don’t mind, I would love the honor of taking you to prom.”
“The honor is mine. Do you want to come inside?”
“Are you sure? Are you parents home?”
“Yeah they are, but I’m sure they won’t mind, my parents love you.” I smile.
In a few weeks time, prom rolls around. I felt bad for Sana who was by herself so I convinced Momo to bring her along with us. When we arrived at the venue Momo and I put our corsages on each other. When we finish and I look around, I can’t find Sana anywhere. We head inside and look all over the beautiful venue and finally we find Sana in the lobby after everyone get’s inside. She looks like she’s not in a good mood, I figured we’d find a place with the least people to relax. Momo manages to find a big table for us to relax at.
“Psst Mina.” Momo whispers.
“What is it?”
“I’m starviiiiiing.”
“I don’t want to leave Sana alo-“
“Hey I think the line for food is starting up.” Momo points towards the door.
Sana offers to stay at our table to watch our purses.
Momo has a huge smile on her face, now that she gets to eat.
“Momo, I know you don’t know Sana that well, but I’m glad you were willing to let her join us today.”
“Oh of course, I wouldn’t want anyone to be alone on prom night, it seems so sad. It’s one thing to go stag, but it’s another to be by yourself.”
As soon as we get our food, I see Momo’s eyes open wide and she rushes back to our table.
“Sana quick get up! The food is going to run out soon! You should hurry before the line gets too long and you’re going to have to wait even longer for food!” Momo yells out.
I smile and yell at Sana to run too. After she comes, back with a plate of food she seems pretty happy which makes me glad.
“You guys were right, the food looks amazing! I can’t wait to eat!”
“It tashtes amashing choo, the shamon ish sho goodf.” Momo says with a happy look.
“Momo you’re talking with your mouth full again, just focus one thing at a time please.” In all honesty I love the way Momo eats. It sounds a little weird I know, but I love the fact that she doesn’t hold back, no matter who she’s in front of. I found it cute in a weird way. Suddenly I get flash back to middle school when we went to get ice cream. Momo was always a mess, even back then. I remember when I had to wipe the ice cream she had on her cheek from eating too fast. I realize that back then, I had a feeling that I never felt before until recently. I look at Momo as she continues to stuff her face, and she quickly turns to me smiles and goes back to her food. I know now that, I was looking for something that was right in front of me the whole time. How could I have missed it? I was ignorant, and now it might be too late, at least I hope not. After everyone has had their fill of food, I look at Momo who’s looking at the other joy of her life, the dance floor.
“Hey Sana, we’re going to go dance, will you be ok right here?” I ask.
“Oh yeah sure, I need to sit and relax with my food baby anyway.” she says holding her stomach.
I grab Momo’s hand and we start heading down to dance. I didn’t care what anyone said, I didn’t care what they thought, all I knew is that I wanted to dance with Momo. So I did just that. I don’t think I’ve danced formally with Momo before until now. I thought she would be a little stiff, but Momo actually knew how to dance with a partner really well. Soon a slow dance comes on and I look in front of me see Sana talking with Dahyun. It seems I don’t have to worry about her anymore. I look straight into Momo’s eyes.
“Momo, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything?”
“I’m sorry for leaving you for Chaeyoung, I’m sorry for taking so long to realize what I felt deep down inside only just now.”
“Mina, what are you saying?”
I close my eyes and lean into Momo lips as we sway along the dance floor. I used to only want to do this in secret, but now I don’t care who sees. I let go of her lips and rest my head on her shoulders.
“Momo I love you.”
Momo stops moving and I look up and she’s smiling.
“What was that? I didn’t quite catch what you said there?”
I was surprised, normally Momo can hear me no matter what.
“I said, Momo I love you!” I say louder.
“Yeaah no, maybe if you lean in closer, I think the music is too loud.” She jokes.
Momo kisses me on the forehead and stand there in the middle of dance floor stunned.
“You finally said it, I love you too Mina.”
We dance the rest of the night away in each other’s arms, and there’s no where I’d rather be.
Four Years Later
“Ok kids gather around! It’s story time!” I say out loud.
“Wow Mrs. Myoui, you were actually pretty loud!” the kids laugh.
“Haha very funny, who wants to hear the story of how we were able to get this big building just for us?”
“Oh I do!”
The kids turn around and see Momo raising her hand.
“But you’re in the story, Mrs. Hirai! Don’t be silly!”
“It doesn’t mean I don’t like to hear it!” Momo laughs.
She looks at me with endearing eyes and sits next me. I look around the walls and see all the trophies and awards we’ve earned, and I turn back to Momo and hold her hand.
“Ok kids, this is how MiMo Dance Studio got started.”
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