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interstellarbookofflowers · 2 years ago
happy points
i prioritized myself and moved a consultation online rather than commuting for over an hour to the city
im editing my playlists and adding cute covers to them and also reminiscing over songs id forgotten about!
hozier. that's it, thats the whole point.
i am slowly getting into writing again! hopefully ill make sth half decent, maybe continue where i left off
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gulshanwhydonate · 11 months ago
Qu’est-Ce Qu’un Chien D’Assistance ?
Les chiens d’assistance sont des chiens formés professionnellement qui donnent aux personnes handicapées plus de liberté et une vie plus indépendante. Par exemple, les personnes ayant un handicap visuel ou physique, des maladies chroniques ou des handicaps. Ils peuvent également servir de compagnons pour les adolescents et les adultes. Le chien d’assistance le plus connu de beaucoup est le chien guide d’aveugle. Cependant, il existe de nombreux types de chiens d’assistance et d’assistance.
Combien Coûte Un Chien D’Assistance ?
La formation de chiens d’assistance coûte très cher. Le coût moyen d’un chien d’assistance se situe entre 25 000 $ et 40 000 $. Bien sûr, peu de gens ont autant d’argent, alors ils cherchent des moyens d’obtenir une allocation pour chien d’assistance. Les assureurs maladie ne remboursent que si vous avez un handicap physique, comme une déficience visuelle ou un handicap physique grave. Dans ce cas, par exemple, un chien-guide est considéré. Cela ne s’applique pas aux personnes qui ont besoin de chiens d’assistance pour, par exemple, le SSPT, l’autisme ou une autre maladie mentale.
Comment Obtenir Un Chien D’assistance ?
Les chiens d’assistance ne sont pas seulement destinés aux personnes souffrant de problèmes physiques, mais également aux fins suivantes :
Chiens d’assistance ADA
Chien d’épilepsie
Chien D’assistance PourAutiste
Chien D’assistance PTSD
Chien D’assistance Psychiatrique
Diabète des Chiens D’assistance
Comment Obtenir Gratuitement Un Chien D’Assistance ?
Vous ne pouvez pas demander tous les différents types de chiens d’assistance à une seule organisation de chiens d’assistance. Par conséquent, voici un aperçu des différentes organisations de chiens d’assistance aux Pays-Bas et leurs sites Web avec les formulaires de demande :
Handi’Chiens Chiens d’Assistance – https://handichiens.org/ 
French Federation of Guide Dog Associations for the Blind (FFAC) – https://www.chiensguides.fr/personne-deficiente-visuelle/demander-chien-guide
Quatre A Chiens d’Assistance – https://www.chienguides.com/ 
Royal Canin Foundation – https://www.royalcaninfoundation.org/fr/contact
Assistance Dogs International – https://assistancedogsinternational.org/main/assistance-dogs-international-europe-regional-chapter-adeu/ 
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Crowdfunding Psychological Service Dog For Luna
Je m’appelle Luna et j’ai des problèmes psychologiques depuis plusieurs années. Malgré 7 ans de thérapie, l’effet escompté n’a toujours pas été atteint. Mes espoirs reposent sur un chien d’assistance. Cela devrait m’aider à réapprendre à me tenir debout et à vivre ma vie.
La campagne de financement participatif a été menée à bien sur WhyDonate et le montant cible est maintenant atteint. More about this source text
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Chien D’assistance Autisme Bart
Les coûts du programme de formation de Daín s’élèvent à 20 000 €. Nous avons payé nous-mêmes les frais de formation de Gloin il y a 8 ans car la demande était toujours rejetée par la CIZ à l’époque. Parce qu’il est très important pour Bart que le processus pour un nouveau chien d’assistance puisse être lancé, nous avons néanmoins commencé la formation de Daín le 4 septembre. Nous apprécierions que vous apportiez quelque chose. Chaque petit geste compte pour les frais de formation de Daín.
Alors chers amis, nous avons vraiment besoin de votre aide. Nous espérons que de nombreuses personnes, entreprises, organisations nous soutiendront pour récolter les 20 000 € nécessaires. Merci beaucoup!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Aide Eline : Revivre Vraiment Avec Un Chien D’assistance
Eline avait besoin d’un chien d’assistance pour refléter ses émotions, lui offrir du réconfort et de la distraction et l’aider à identifier ses limites personnelles. Le chien aidera à naviguer dans des environnements accablants, à maintenir un sens de la structure tout au long de la journée et à gérer la surcharge sensorielle. Elle a réussi à collecter plus de 19 000 € avec WhyDonate.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Campagne De Financement Chien D’Assistance Psychiatrique Rosanne
Bonjour, je m’appelle Rosanne et j’ai 23 ans. J’ai un trouble de l’alimentation, une dépression à long terme et je souffre d’attaques de panique. Mais je veux vraiment pouvoir vivre ma vie comme je le veux. Il me faut maintenant beaucoup d’énergie pour faire quelque chose et je ne peux pas faire des choses comme étudier à plein temps. Au cours des dernières années, j’ai essayé différents types de thérapies, qui malheureusement n’ont pas suffi. J’ai décidé de ne pas m’arrêter là, alors j’ai commencé à chercher des alternatives.
Je me suis retrouvé avec un chien d’assistance psychiatrique. Un chien d’assistance peut reconnaître les changements dans mon comportement et mes émotions et ainsi aider à prévenir une crise de panique ou une crise de boulimie, par exemple. Si la prévention échoue, un chien d’assistance peut m’aider à sortir d’une crise de panique. Un chien d’assistance psychiatrique coûte 14850,00 €, j’ai collecté ce montant entièrement sur WhyDonate.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Crowdfunding Psychological Service Dog For Luna
Je m’appelle Luna et j’ai des problèmes psychologiques depuis plusieurs années. Malgré 7 ans de thérapie, l’effet escompté n’a toujours pas été atteint. Mes espoirs reposent sur un chien d’assistance. Cela devrait m’aider à réapprendre à me tenir debout et à vivre ma vie.
La campagne de financement participatif a été menée à bien sur WhyDonate et le montant cible est maintenant atteint. More about this source text
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Chien D’assistance Autisme Bart
Les coûts du programme de formation de Daín s’élèvent à 20 000 €. Nous avons payé nous-mêmes les frais de formation de Gloin il y a 8 ans car la demande était toujours rejetée par la CIZ à l’époque. Parce qu’il est très important pour Bart que le processus pour un nouveau chien d’assistance puisse être lancé, nous avons néanmoins commencé la formation de Daín le 4 septembre. Nous apprécierions que vous apportiez quelque chose. Chaque petit geste compte pour les frais de formation de Daín.
Alors chers amis, nous avons vraiment besoin de votre aide. Nous espérons que de nombreuses personnes, entreprises, organisations nous soutiendront pour récolter les 20 000 € nécessaires. Merci beaucoup!
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Aide Eline : Revivre Vraiment Avec Un Chien D’assistance
Eline avait besoin d’un chien d’assistance pour refléter ses émotions, lui offrir du réconfort et de la distraction et l’aider à identifier ses limites personnelles. Le chien aidera à naviguer dans des environnements accablants, à maintenir un sens de la structure tout au long de la journée et à gérer la surcharge sensorielle. Elle a réussi à collecter plus de 19 000 € avec WhyDonate.
WhyDonate Fundraising Stories
Campagne De Financement Chien D’Assistance Psychiatrique Rosanne
Bonjour, je m’appelle Rosanne et j’ai 23 ans. J’ai un trouble de l’alimentation, une dépression à long terme et je souffre d’attaques de panique. Mais je veux vraiment pouvoir vivre ma vie comme je le veux. Il me faut maintenant beaucoup d’énergie pour faire quelque chose et je ne peux pas faire des choses comme étudier à plein temps. Au cours des dernières années, j’ai essayé différents types de thérapies, qui malheureusement n’ont pas suffi. J’ai décidé de ne pas m’arrêter là, alors j’ai commencé à chercher des alternatives.
Je me suis retrouvé avec un chien d’assistance psychiatrique. Un chien d’assistance peut reconnaître les changements dans mon comportement et mes émotions et ainsi aider à prévenir une crise de panique ou une crise de boulimie, par exemple. Si la prévention échoue, un chien d’assistance peut m’aider à sortir d’une crise de panique. Un chien d’assistance psychiatrique coûte 14850,00 €, j’ai collecté ce montant entièrement sur WhyDonate.
Comment démarrer une campagne ?
Suivez Ces 4 Étapes Simples
1. Lancer une campagne Inscrivez-vous sur Whydonate et créez votre campagne en quelques minutes. Inscrivez-vous en tant que personne ou organisation.
2. Partagez votre campagne Partagez votre campagne par e-mail, WhatsApp et d’autres canaux de médias sociaux pour atteindre autant de donateurs que possible.
3. Recevoir les dons Les dons sont versés automatiquement sur votre compte bancaire sur une base mensuelle sans aucun coût de plateforme.
4. Remerciez vos donateurs Personnalisez l’e-mail de remerciement automatisé ou envoyez un message personnel à vos donateurs via le tableau de bord Whydonate.
Démarrer Une Collecte De Fonds Gratuite Pour Un Chien D’assistance
 Chien D’assistance ADL
 Épilepsie Du Chien D’assistance
 Chien D’assistance Autiste
 Chien D’assistance PTSS
 Chien D’assistance Psychosociale
 Diabète Des Chiens D’assistance
Pour s'infos: https://whydonate.com/fr/chien-dassistance/
Keywords; Chien D’Assistance, Whydonate,  médias sociaux,  financement participatif, Cagnotte en ligne,cagnotte sans frais,crowdfunding,financement participatif,collecte d'argent en ligne,sites de donation
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Online Learning Platform for GATE, IES (ESE), AE, JE, SDE (SDO), SSC, PSUs, UGC NET and other competitive exams. Logon : www.cizplus.com. 
Exams: SDE (SDO), AE, JE for UPPSC, Chattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi, MP, UP and all states of India’s. 
GATE and IES (ESE) Coaching for Civil (CE), Mechanical (ME), Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communications (ECE), Computer Science (CS) Engineering, Information Technology (IT) Online Lectures on CIZ PLUS. 
CIZ PLUS cover all subjects of your exam syllabus subjectwise. You can purchase it in Very Low Cost using Promo Code or First Come First Serve Basis. 
Thank You.
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with-love-anu · 3 years ago
okay hellooo i'm this anon.
you said i could talk so here i am... you know, i will not talk about my hyperfixations because i think you'll understand who i am (hint: i'm a mutual of yours) and i think i dont want you to know, at least not right now. i have been wanting to send you an ask like this since a few days but it keeps slipping out my mind. i jad a pretty shitty evening today plus ihave a ptm tomorrow where i'll get to know my marks for the first school exams of 11th grade. i dont think i am very nervous (maybe bc i have convinced myself that i'm going to get horrible marks). i just cant seem to fall asleep. the past few weeks have been hard, not in the sense that they are problematic (like intrusive thoughts and the like), but that i just wanna sleep all day, i dont feel like working or attending classes i usually loved. things just seem bland. a freind of mine who was suicidal hasn't responded in about 24 hours and i'm... worried to say the least. i just hope she's alright.
but, enough about me. are you alright? do you feel okay, good even? when do you go to bed? frankly, i feel jealous of the 💀 anon ciz they are soo good at conversations. ofc it isn't my place to feel jealous but okay. i.. have been thinking about it, and can i call you my friend? it... feels kinda forward and i hope you're not offended. tell me if you feel triggered by anything I've mentioned and I'll stop. thanks for being there <3.
~ 🌔
it's alright with whatever you're comfortable with- i'm glad you sent this ask in ;D
I think you're dealing with a lot rn. Grade 11 is hard as it is and I cannot comprehend what it must be like to take online classes for it (or even if they're offline rn, I don't think things must be same as school before all this covid shit). Just,, take a deep breath and remember it's going to be okay. Even if you fail at certain subjects- it's alright it's normal, trust me- even tho it hurts like a bitch and parents are never the ones to understand.
I think what might help you rn is to create a study group. Maybe even of 3-4 people. If the schools are still online- make a whole discord chat room (whatever you're comfortable with) and just hold maybe voice/video study session calls. Or if it's offline, maybe you can stay for some time after school- (our school allowed that.) The more you interact with people who are going through the same thing as you, the better you'll feel. Discuss questions and stuff, what all of you are struggling with.
Another thing that helped me were yt video lectures (I listened to them at 0.5-1.5x speed to keep myself concentrated). Listen to someone that actually makes you like those subjects again- one of the major reasons (except being alone) that makes you lose interest are shitty teachers. Maybe this list would help as well.
She would be alright I'm sure :( Maybe call to check up if it becomes too much?
I'm alright yes! Just constantly in and out- since I'm free, I try to find out any and all stuff I can do. Been trying to write but somehow reader insert is not making me happy as it used to? Dk, my emotions are a mess and I think it shows in my works. givufnubuhgvijn you're great at conversing dw🤗 nah nope you my friend now🔫
I'm not triggered at all rn! take care okay? i hope you have a better day than you expected!!
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ashciz · 4 years ago
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Revenue will be used to buy a bed for my partner and I; plus other necessities. I am unable to get a job due to my illnesses, so I'm counting on the art community for this. Last time I opened commissions nobody bought any, so I've LOWERED PRICES!
💖 Please consider buying or sharing this post. 💖
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niallsblckgirlfriend · 8 years ago
I need a language for school,,, should I do Arabic or German??
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authenticallyjames · 2 years ago
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Tune into @theentertainmentplug this Saturday, Sept. 24 for an amazing show! We’ll have special guests @biggeta_music @___n.y.a___ and @cmartinatlp of the new series @findinghappybounce … plus we’ve got a specially curated playlist… it all goes down on on The Entertainment Plug 🔌, and @thereal_nostaticradio , powered by @google … + #media #podcast #ugdigitalmag #ugdigital #ugdpodcasting #magazine #nostaticradio #theentertainmentplug #itsthejspot #ugdigitalmediaandpublishings #radio #entertainment #entrepreneur + @ugdigitalmag @authenticallyjames @itsthejspotonline @thereal_nostaticradio @brightstartalentmanagement @ugdigitalmediapub @theentertainmentplug @ugdigitalpodcasting @thereal_nostaticradio @buzzworthycle + PR: @brightstartalentagency MKTG: @erwashundahjacobs PROMO: @nazzie_nae + Www.itsthejspot.online Www.ugdigital.com Www.theentertainmentplugcle.online Www.buzzworthyclevelandtv.com —- Reminder: Join the J-Spot Mobile Community for updates on the full brand of U.G. Digital Media & Publishings, plus daily motivation & more…. - https://network-7804137.mn.co/share/LNM8zYTndRLryvNi (at NO Static RADIO LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ciz-0o7LnMM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maplemario1 · 3 years ago
Okay...so... She's hurt from how you acted..I was told not to respond back to u cuz she said it's gonna be triggering u...but she doesn't want to be in the middle of you and partner relationship cuz....seems that your partner is the one toxic...she's saying this shit to her,and ya know not to sound like an asshole but she probably hurt herself or whatever ciz she saw u were upset ,and wanted the attention instead of focusing on jazz.. her brothers said alot of people not all but most people that live in the area that your partner is at is all about toxic and all they ever say to someone who is jealous about a friendship... I don't mean to burst your bubble here but that's what it seems like to not just her but to other people she have contacted with and since she's girl and your a girl you having that partner is not good,cuz since she say you said she's been saying stuff to her that it sounds like she's trying to break you two which happened so jazz is staying away from you,but she is scared if you tell her she'll come and murder her or something cuz that's how people are especially since that person is on the internet,she say she doesn't understand why your dating her if she's been saying the untrue things.but that's all,and she say she's not speaking after that cuz she knows your gonna be triggered,and with you dating that toxic one that made you and her friendship melt and turn into what it has became now if you still want to date her u do it but jazz is not gonna be around you anymore. She didn't want to tell u this she wanted you to see it yourself things were gonna change but she couldn't tell you since you forced her you have to face the truth. I'm sorry she didn't want to hurt you but if this does or makes ya mad that's why she couldn't speak it, I hope you have a good rest of the night or day.
Look,my partner isn't jealous of my friendships...just that they had misinformation . And now they feel bad for doing that. My partner treats me amazingly and just wanted what was best for me .plus...her family can't judge my relationship with just that small part of information from jazz..and a true friend wouldn't make me choose between her and my partner...even my partner didn't do that she respected my friendship and said I can stay in it as long as I feel happy in it...but whatever...I know this now...im still gonna cut open my neck at this point....I just....thought that jazz had more faith in me....that I'd be smart enough to find someone I could love.. and that I could keep our friendship...i..must have been dumb for thinking it..
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val-vents · 4 years ago
A Letter I Don't Know How To Say
I think we should break up. Long distance has been hard from the beginning, but lately we rarely talk and everything has started to be really stressful. This isn't sustainable for a long-term relationship, at least not for me. It's so hard to ever see each other in person, and after two years I still haven't seen M. It hurts so much sometimes and it's hard for me to be long distance because I'm so touch affectionate.
I'm just not happy anymore. I'm tired of always being afraid of saying the wrong thing. I'm tired of missing y'all constantly. And the thing is, I don't think there's ever gonna be a point where this isn't a long distance thing. Neither of you have any real ambition to leave where you are or change your lives. Meanwhile, I still don't know where I'm going to end up. I could stay in Orlando, go to a different city like Cincinnati, New York, or Seattle. Heck, I could move to Europe or Canada for all I know. Nothing in my life is decided, and I get the feeling that neither of you would follow me anywhere.
Plus, neither of you want any of the major things out of life that I want. I to get married some day and start a family. I want kids in my future, regardless of how smelly and bratty and annoying they might be sometimes. This isn't something you just settle or compromise about. You can't just say "well if you want a kid, get one and you'll be in charge of taking care of it ciz I don't want one". They're not pets, they're human beings. I want a life partner who will share my ambitions and desires and who will actually raise my children with me. It's fine if this isn't what you want out of life, and you shouldn't be a parent unless you truly want to because otherwise it's unfair to the child you'll end up resenting. But I want that, it's important to me and if you don't see that in your future then I'm not the one for you. I knew how you felt going into the relationship, so I always knew there was no way this could be a forever thing. Those things are major deal breakers for me, but I honestly didn't think to worry about it at the time because we're still so young. I was 17 going on 18 when we got together, so I didn't want to throw away a chance at being in a happy relationship over something that wouldn't even matter to me for another 6 or so years. But the more time passes and the closer I get to an adult life the more I feel like I'm just wasting your time at this point. Both of you deserve to be happy and both of you deserve to be in a relationship where you want the same major things in life. I'm just not that person, I'm sorry.
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istandardpro · 4 years ago
Get Rich Or Die Trollin’
“Everything WAS cool until 50 Cent came back into the picture…”   Tai was ALMOST ready to actually watch a #Verzuz battle. Then Fif got to trolling and now she’s not sure. Plus she and Ciz are talking about how Lady Antebellum is looking crazy AF, Eminem’s lawsuit, Converse and Vans making dope moves #ForTheCulture […]
The post Get Rich Or Die Trollin’ appeared first on [istandard].
from WordPress https://istandardproducers.com/get-rich-or-die-trollin/
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Call @ 98144-76777 | GATE, IES (ESE), SDO (SDE), JE, SSC coaching institute or centre in Chandigarh is Compete India Zone (CIZ) - An Engineering Enterprise By IITians. 
www.competeindiazone.com | www.cizplus.com 
98143-76777 | 98144-76777 | 0172-4346477 
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Best IES (ESE) and GATE Coaching Institute or Centre in Chandigarh is COMPETE INDIA ZONE (CIZ) - An Engineering Enterprise By IITians.
Call us for FREE REGISTRATION - 98144-76777 | Weekend and Regular batches are available here.
CIZ is the best coaching institute or centre in Chandigarh for GATE, IES (ESE), SDE (SDO), JE, AE, SSC JE, PSUs, UGC NET exams.
We give coaching for GATE Civil (CE), Mechanical (ME), Computer Science & Information Technology (CS/IT), Electrical (EE), Electronics & Communications (ECE), Aeronautical (AE) engineering.
We provide best GATE / IES / SDO / JE Coaching in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu, Delhi, NCR.
Our systematic way of teaching by highly qualified faculty (IITians/IES qualified) with prime focus on concept clearing, doubt clearing sessions help students to achieve their goals.
We also provide study room facility (8 AM - 8 PM open all 7 days), library, all time available faculty, cafeteria, reading room, video lectures etc.
Our results: IES AIR 19, 20, 30, 39, 40 and GATE AIR 08, 26, 63, 71, 98, 117, 222 etc.
Our selection rate in SDE (SDO) / JE / SSC JE / AE is more than 86% Plus.
CIZ faculty has in-depth knowledge of GATE pattern and GATE papers, positioning CIZ at 1st rank in the list of top GATE coaching centers / institutes in Chandigarh.
CIZ website has Newsfeed and Jobs section where student can check the updates and notifications online.
Surprise tests and personal interview/mock test of individual subjects/full length tests.
Online / offline tests and study material, easy to learn and understand, in bulleted form.
Join GATE coaching in Chandigarh and feel the difference of how understanding engineering concepts becomes easy and interesting, under the guidance of GATE toppers.  If you are a sincere aspirant looking for coaching for GATE 2021 and IES 2021 and state engineering exams (SDE / JE) in Chandigarh, join GATE coaching Chandigarh and see how learning becomes easier and more interesting under the guidance of former GATE / IES toppers!
 Follow us:
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Online Learning Platform for GATE, IES (ESE), AE, JE, SDE (SDO), SSC, PSUs, UGC NET and other competitive exams. Logon : www.cizplus.com. 
Exams: SDE (SDO), AE, JE for UPPSC, Chattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi, MP, UP and all states of India’s. 
GATE and IES (ESE) Coaching for Civil (CE), Mechanical (ME), Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communications (ECE), Computer Science (CS) Engineering, Information Technology (IT) Online Lectures on CIZ PLUS. 
CIZ PLUS cover all subjects of your exam syllabus subjectwise. You can purchase it in Very Low Cost using Promo Code or First Come First Serve Basis. 
Thank You.
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Online Learning Platform for GATE, IES (ESE), AE, JE, SDE (SDO), SSC, PSUs, UGC NET and other competitive exams. Log on: www.cizplus.com. 
Exams: SDE (SDO), AE, JE for UPPSC, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, Bihar, Rajasthan, Delhi, MP, UP and all states of India’s. 
GATE and IES (ESE) Coaching for Civil (CE), Mechanical (ME), Electrical (EE), Electronics and Communications (ECE), Computer Science (CS) Engineering, Information Technology (IT) Online Lectures on CIZ PLUS. 
CIZ PLUS covers all subjects of your exam syllabus Subjectwise. You can purchase it in Very Low Cost using Promo Code or First Come First Serve Basis. 
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RSMSSB (Rajasthan Subordinate and Ministerial Service Selection Board) 
Online Applying Date: 04.03.2020 
Last Date: 02.04.2020 
Full Online Course Available on CIZ PLUS (www.cizplus.com) 
Contact us for any query at 98144-76777 
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Call us for FREE REGISTRATION - 98144-76777  | Best IES (ESE) and GATE Coaching Institute or Centre in Chandigarh is COMPETE INDIA ZONE (CIZ) - An Engineering Enterprise By IITians.
Weekend and Regular batches are available here.
CIZ is the best coaching institute or centre in Chandigarh for GATE, IES (ESE), SDE (SDO), JE, AE, SSC JE, PSUs, UGC NET exams.
We give coaching for GATE Civil (CE), Mechanical (ME), Computer Science & Information Technology (CS/IT), Electrical (EE), Electronics & Communications (ECE), Aeronautical (AE) engineering.
We provide best GATE / IES / SDO / JE Coaching in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Jammu, Delhi, NCR.
Our systematic way of teaching by highly qualified faculty (IITians/IES qualified) with prime focus on concept clearing, doubt clearing sessions help students to achieve their goals.
We also provide study room facility (8 AM - 8 PM open all 7 days), library, all time available faculty, cafeteria, reading room, video lectures etc.
Our results: IES AIR 19, 20, 30, 39, 40 and GATE AIR 08, 26, 63, 71, 98, 117, 222 etc.
Our selection rate in SDE (SDO) / JE / SSC JE / AE is more than 86% Plus.
CIZ faculty has in-depth knowledge of GATE pattern and GATE papers, positioning CIZ at 1st rank in the list of top GATE coaching centers / institutes in Chandigarh.
CIZ website has Newsfeed and Jobs section where student can check the updates and notifications online.
Surprise tests and personal interview/mock test of individual subjects/full length tests.
Online / offline tests and study material, easy to learn and understand, in bulleted form.
Join GATE coaching in Chandigarh and feel the difference of how understanding engineering concepts becomes easy and interesting, under the guidance of GATE toppers.  If you are a sincere aspirant looking for coaching for GATE 2021 and IES 2021 and state engineering exams (SDE / JE) in Chandigarh, join GATE coaching Chandigarh and see how learning becomes easier and more interesting under the guidance of former GATE / IES toppers!
 Follow us:
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