ciara-knightly · 2 years
a non-exhaustive list of blink and you’ll miss it tiara thief moments that make me lose my mind
the way arc looks at ciara the first time he sees her transform and quietly says “whoa” to himself
ciara telling arc he does belong in astoria, especially because he’s not from there, speaking to one of his biggest insecurities
arc shouting “you don’t know me!” to ciara when she’s walking away and then turning around and mumbling “she knows me” with a little smile
ciara telling the others to let arc have his moment with the squad portrait because she knew it meant so much to him
the way arc looks at her when ciara says they need to cheat and he says “okay i don’t know where ciara went but i like you” and ciara’s small smile in return
arc knowing ciara was upset about not going on the quest with the other students so getting her a bottle with a genie to cheer her up even though he’s notoriously selfish and could have used the wishes himself
ciara paying arc’s dad a pouch of gold so he would stay and hear arc out about staying in knight school without any prompting
arc telling ciara “the princess was right. you’re slightly better than me”
ciara expecting arc to be on her side when she decides to sneak out to the halloween party 
the way whenever ciara’s arguing with sage/sebastian/literally anyone, arc will get behind her so they’re like a united front 
arc saying that ciara’s tears won’t work on him but immediately melting when he sees her cry and he ends up crying too
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theshippywallflower · 7 months
Pokemon Nuzlocke Project - Alpha Sapphire: Part 9 (Elite Four and Champion)
So close yet so far...
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I was pretty confident going into the final stage of the journey. Aside from a nerve-wracking moment while battling Sidney, the first three Elite Four matches went well.
And then... Drake's Salamence happened. It took out Racar (Absol) and Sharka (Manectric) with Dragon Rush. As you can imagine, yeah, I was upset about that.
So, after Drake was eventually defeated, I was left with only four pokes to face Steven with.
Long story short, Wymal (Sandslash) was defeated by Cradily. PS: The heal-stalling battle between Varan (Azumarill) and Cradily was an absolute nightmare that I thought would never end.
Turns out I had bigger things to worry about with Steven's Mega Metagross. It proceeded to make light work of Ciarc (Blaziken) and Eljam (Crobat) with Zen Headbutt. I was down to just one pokemon.
I wasn't feeling confident anymore and it was pretty justified as Varan was defeated by a combination of Meteor Mash and Giga Impact.
That spells the end of the run. I may try another nuzlocke of ORAS in the future but I believe I will be attempting X/Y next.
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sunsetcurve · 5 years
at least out loud,
Summary: After the battle against Ryker, Ciara and Arc find themselves right back where they’re supposed to be.
Relationships: Arc x Ciara
Word Count: 1,477
Rating: T for swearing
A/N: this was supposed to be part of a longer thing but i think i'm just gonna leave it as a one-shot for right now! this is honestly just,,, self-indulgent fluff of tiara thief being soft and cute. (sidenote, i edited the rules of the whole one-on-one battle thing from “end of the knight” just because it fit better this way) 
the title is from "i won't say i'm in love" from the movie Hercules
Dedications: you are under absolutely no obligation to read this! please don’t feel any pressure, i just wanted to tag people i love. also, i’m not totally sure who here watches knight squad, but if you’re in the fandom or would like to be tagged in future fics just leave a comment! same goes for if you would rather not be tagged.  @ciara-knightly @xanderdewitt @bijerbear @cactus-con @jelenarulestheworld
Ciara isn't expecting anyone else to be awake.
It's late; the moon is a slender, glimmering crescent in the midnight sky and the world around her is quiet except for the faint chirping of crickets and the hooting of an owl in the distance. The rest of the kingdom is fast asleep, laced with relief and exhaustion after the battle against Ryker.
But not her. Ciara had kicked all the silky sheets and goose-feather pillows off her bed and stared at the ceiling until her eyes burned. She can't sleep. Not now, while her body still buzzes with the excitement and fear from the day before, not while her mind still runs in circles with every what if.
A part of her had considered wandering into Eliza's room, falling asleep curled up next to her big sister like she did when she was younger. But she's not a kid anymore. She's a knight--at least, a knight-in-training, and so instead she finds herself in the training yard, her tiara and silk pajamas abandoned for the tight coily hair and leather gear of her alter ego. She'll hack at straw dummies and hit bullseyes until her mind is clear, she decides.
Except, it seems, someone else has the same idea.
"Arc?" she asks quietly. His back is turned to her, blonde hair glowing a dusty silver in the moonlight, twirling his sword in his hands. He's wearing an odd combination of a leather jacket, his squad shoulder pad, and flannel pajama pants, like he'd only half bothered changing before coming out here. At the sound of her voice, he whirls around quickly, sword held out and panic tightening his stance until he realizes it's her and relaxes.
"Oh," he says, and darts a hand through his hair with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, you scared me. Hey, Ciara. What are you doing up?"
"I could ask you the same thing," she says with a flicker of a smile, and he shrugs.
"Couldn't sleep. There's too much on my mind after the battle--same as you, I'm guessing?" She hums the affirmative, nodding, and there's a brief, heavy silence in the cool air. Then, she says, "I want a rematch."
His gaze flits towards her, head tilting slightly. "What?"
"From the fight before, when you beat me," she continues, leans a little on her sword and lifts an eyebrow at him, challenging. "I want a rematch."
A small smirk crosses his face. "You want me to kick your ass twice?" He takes a step forward so he's looking down at her with his tongue between his teeth, lips tilted upward in a way that is so completely Arc.
She shrugs her shoulders, matching his grin with one of her own. "I think you'll find the outcome a little different this time."
"Yeah, I'll beat you a lot faster."
"Just put your sword down and fight me, hotshot," Ciara scoffs with a roll of her eyes.
Arc drops the blade, kicking it behind him with the heel of his boot. As she does the same, he folds his hands in front of him and gives her a winning smile. "Whatever you say, Princess."
"On three," she says, and his stance shifts immediately, his hands curling into fists and his feet planting themselves firmly on the ground. "One."
"You sure you still want to do this? You can back out any time, y'know, keep at least some of your pride."
"Nope, not giving in, huh?" he huffs a sigh. "Fine. I guess I'll beat you the hard way."
He's the first to move, lunging forward and lashing out with a fist. Ciara sidesteps, grabs it before he can pull back and kicks him in the stomach. He stumbles backwards but recovers quickly, launching a spinning kick at her that catches her in the side and makes her lose her balance. She rolls out of the way and flips back onto her feet. For a moment, they circle each other.
All traces of the bantering goofball are gone; his eyes are intense, focused, filled with the fire that they always are when he's in a fight. She imagines hers are the same. They're alike in that way, in their ferocity and stubborn pride (and in many other ways that Ciara doesn't care to admit).
She rushes at him, throwing a punch, but he dodges it and leaps behind her, hitting her between the shoulder blades. They're locked in a frenzy then, lashing out with flips and fists and kicks, and right as she thinks she has the upper hand his leg sweeps hers out from under her. Ciara hits the ground hard. He's on top of her in seconds, his hands pinning her wrists against the ground. "See?" Arc says, and grins a little, blowing a lock of blonde hair out of his face. "Nothing's changed."
"I have." Her knee shoots up and hits him in the stomach, and the wind is knocked out of him for long enough for her to flip him over and switch their roles, with her pinning him against the ground instead.
"Dammit!" He struggles against her grip as she counts to ten, holding him firmly down. Her knee is braced on his chest and she doesn't let up even a little, because Arc is known to use every possibility to his advantage.
When the ten seconds are over and her victory is official, she beams triumphantly. "Ha! I told you I'd win."
He rolls his eyes. "You sound like Sage," he teases her, and she shudders and scoffs. "Alright, fine, you win, now get off me."
Just as Ciara lets go of his wrists, his hands shoot up and his fingers attack her sides, making her shriek and tumble backwards off of him.
"Arc!" she yells, choking on her laughter as he tickles her mercilessly, "quit it! You're--such a sore--" she breaks off with a burst of giggles, her ribs aching more from the uncontrollable laughing than they had from the bruises after the battle. She squirms against Arc's grip, manages to reach her fingers up to his neck and then he's laughing too and she thinks it's the best sound she's ever heard.
It's the most ridiculous thing--the two of them locked in a tickle fight in the training yard, but as he chases her up the steps and tackles her onto the platform, Ciara can't remember the last time she's laughed this hard. "Okay, okay!" she yelps, when he's still tickling her sides and she's struggling to catch her breath. "I surrender!"
Arc finally collapses back, still chuckling, and sprawls out on the stone. "Who knew you were so ticklish?" he says breathlessly, tilting his head to the side to grin at her.
"Oh, shut up," she shoots back, but she can't keep the humor out of her voice, not when her sides are still tight with stitches from laughing so hard and he's looking at her with his eyes dancing and a smile on his face that's brighter than the goddamn sun. "You're the absolute worst."
He laughs again, and then they lie there in comfortable silence, staring up at the stars while the cool night air rushes back into their lungs. With Arc, moments like this are calm and easy--no need to fill the quiet, just the two of them and the open sky and the world all to themselves.
"Arc?" Ciara says finally, softly, when the echoes of their laughter have faded. She turns her head to look at him, and his eyes are questioning. "I just wanted to say...thank you. For helping me, when you had the chance to get revenge on Ryker instead."
The smile that crosses his lips is soft. "Of course. We got him in the end, anyway. And it was worth it."
She nods slowly. "Today was...insane," she says, although she knows it doesn't do the events justice, knows that it's not enough to explain the pounding of her heart in her chest when she thinks about everything that's happened.
"Yeah. That's gonna be our lives," Arc replies, as though he's just realizing it himself. "When we're knights--this is probably gonna be a regular day for us, huh?"
Ciara hesitates. She turns onto her side, props her head up on her hand and looks at him, taking a steady breath. "Are you scared?" she asks, the question burning in the back of her throat.
There's a long pause in which he doesn't say anything. Then, "No." He smiles a little, and she finds herself focusing on the way his eyes glitter like emeralds in the darkness. "No?"
He shakes his head. "No. I'm not scared. Whatever happens, we'll face it together, right?"
There's something warm that bursts in her chest then, pushing the cold out of her and leaving her whole body humming softly, down to the tips of her fingers. "Yeah," she says, her voice barely above a whisper as she settles back onto the ground, close enough to him that their shoulders brush against each other. She smiles and closes her eyes. "We'll face it together."
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writing-excuses · 5 years
I want to see Buttercup become friends with someone whose just as sweet and bubbly as her, so Sage will get jealous. I want to see Arc and Ciara go on a dangerous mission that puts their skills and their friendship to the task. I want to see Warwick cast a spell so powerful that he gets dubbed the most powerful wizard ever. I want to see Prudy bring her giant family to Astoria and help destroy the myth that Giants are harmful creatures. I want to see tiara theif and sagexbuttercup become Canon. I want to see Sage and Ciara bond. I want to see so much more from this show and it sucks knowing that I never will.
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cockybusiness · 6 years
Adam had to have been a cool guy, or else Shiro probably wouldn't have liked him in the first place! Your pre-Kerb comics bring me joy. X3
Exactly! I agree ;V; 
Thank youu
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mizunotic · 6 years
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Blazing Speed of Light Machines: A Sheith FST
Mostly a lot of schmaltzy easy listening and alternative music from the 2000s and 2010s about space and heavenly bodies and and never giving up on each other. I do not apologize for the Owl City. (Okay, I kind of do.) Uploading this before season 8 ends up utterly destroying me - whether in a good or bad way is yet to be seen.
Track list:
Poppy - “Lowlife” Chantal Kreviazuk - “Leaving on a Jet Plane” Owl City - “Vanilla Twilight” Ducky - “Killing Time” Beautiful Losers - “Outer Space” Assemblage 23 - “Let Me Be Your Armor” Fifth Harmony - “Down” Gregory and the Hawk - “Boats & Birds” Kill Hannah - “Courageous” Utada Hikaru - “Fly Me To the Moon” Vienna Teng  - “Enough to Go By” Test Your Reflex - “Pieces of the Sun”
Cover art by main lady @ciarceli.
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ciara-knightly · 3 years
a knight squad fanfic 
relationships: arc x ciara/tiara thief, buttercup x sage/sugar spice (minor/background)
rating: T
word count: 4270
“Arc, what did you do?!”
He stared at her obliviously, an empty glass bottle in his hand. “Uh, I had a drink?”
“From the mini fridge?”
“Well, no-“
Ciara snatched the bottle. It was definitely the love potion from earlier. This was not good.
BESTIES IT IS HERE! tagging some people who’ve been here for my breakdown over the past couple days and expressed interest in reading: @perhapspearl @knife-enby @neshatriumphs @taylorswiftrulestheworld 
also, special shout-out to @sunsetcurve for talking out this idea with me wayyy back when. i have no clue if you remember, but if you get around to seeing this, i hope you enjoy.
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thesepeopleproject · 7 years
This is without having gotten into trouble with IRL police, harassing non-fandom people, and making small children discuss very serious topics that are deeply inappropriate for them at that level. What will these people do when they get older?
— ಠ_ಠ | ✨❤️🖤✨ (@ciarceli) November 25, 2017
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sunsetcurve · 4 years
thinking about how shona coined the name tiara thief...legend energy
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kaene · 13 years
Cultura Inglesa Amazonas - Roraima Conference, CIARC it´s tomorrow and I´m so freaking out
I will be presenting music activities that help enhance students´ 4 skills (listening, writing, speaking and reading). I´ll talk about the use of podcasts, karaoke party, facebook, pitchfork, songs, Qmagazine and youtube in my classes and how my students love me cause I´m an internet freak without social offline life that knows lots of things bout music I am a funny teacher.
I´ll present for 80 people, EIGHTY FUCKING PEOPLE and I can´t sleep thinking about it. Some of them have a hundred years experience in teaching, some of them are native English speakers and lots of them are bitches waiting any mistake you may commit.
Wish me good luck.
(showed my presentation to my boss and she said: where are the ryan adams references? - haha had to insert a pic of him, the school owner knows I love music and my colleagues call me The Ryan Adams Teacher, haha)
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ciara-knightly · 4 years
What are some of your Ciara/Arc couple headcanons? Like who makes the first move? Do they keep it a secret? Do they still make a good butt-kicking duo or does their romance make it awkward? How would Ciara tell her father? Sorry this is a lot but you always have amazing headcanons!
Sorry I took so long to answer (literally over a year but I kept forgetting about this I’m so bad at remembering things unless they’re in front of my face asdfghjkl). I just had so many thoughts on this that I really needed to organize them. I really do have a very specific idea of how they could have gotten together (actually I have multiple ideas for how the show could have played it, but here’s my ideal one that practically became a fic sort of). 
Consider this an alternate universe where we get a good, full-length run for the show, and we would start getting more obvious hints about feelings at the end of season 2 or 3, and then season 4 just puts it in your face.
There really is no “first” move. Arc flirts with her with dramatic gestures (I mean, this is the guy who got down on his knee with a ring), and sometimes she’ll flirt too, but if it starts to feel too real, they back away. 
Both of them are so scared about ruining what they have or how it will affect the way they keep their secrets (like could Arc be seen with the princess if they’re together?) that neither of them actively pursue each other, even as their feelings grow deeper (and more obvious to literally everyone but each other). 
I think it leads to some awkwardness when they’re one-on-one just hanging out, but they never stop being a power couple in a fight, and their feelings actually help them – they’re more protective and selfless in battle, looking at bigger picture, etc.
Also, kind of funny thing on the side, everyone knows Arc and Ciara have it bad for each other, they just kind of feel sorry for the princess who clearly likes him. The King catches on to this and is constantly trying to comfort his daughter over it, and Ciara is very embarrassed by all of this.
Also, before they officially get together, they probably even kiss at least once for a mission or some curse thing but try to brush it off as no big deal, but like…it obviously is.
So how they get together – right before they are to get knighted, Ciara realizes she needs to come forward and admit she’s the princess because she has to be there for the knighting ceremony. But she isn’t ready to face the King with it, so Arc says she’s already breaking one of her father’s rules, they might as well break another.
“I’ve got your back,” he says. “It’s time.”
And then he takes her hand, and they go out to face the kingdom together.
When the big reveal goes down, there’s some resistance, particularly regarding Arc. But Ciara doesn’t let it go, bringing up all the times he protected her and the kingdom, saying he cares about Astoria just as much as she does, and she cares about him, so her father absolutely can not throw him in the dungeon. If she’s going to be knighted, so will he, because they’re a team, and they’re better together. That’s what it takes to convince the King, and Ciara is allowed the honor of changing the Dragonblood laws, her first official royal act.
It’s after the knighting ceremony when they really talk. It starts with Arc hugging her as they celebrate, and then he pulls away as he asks, “Did you mean what you said, when you said you cared about me as much as you care about Astoria?”
“Of course,” she says. “You’re important to me. You’re always here for me, and…you’re the first person who’s seen me and seen all of me.”
“You’re important to me, too,” Arc admits. “I can’t imagine my life without you. You make me a better knight, you make me want to be a better knight. You’re my best friend.”
And they’re looking each other in the eyes, just completely caught up in each other and the moment. Their smiles fall as they realize: this is it. Nothing else is in their way. They’ve both made it, they wouldn’t have to hide.
And they sort of just…meet in the middle, like they always do, when they kiss.
Ciara breaks first, sort of high-pitched and nervous. “That was very friendly of you.”
“Haha, yeah!” Arc agrees, similarly nervous. “Just best friend things! …Please don’t tell me you kiss Prudy or Warwick like that.”
She rolls her eyes and laughs, this time more genuine, and she just sort of goes for it. It’s comes out hopeful, even a bit frustrated because she actually isn’t entirely confident and she hates not knowing. “Okay. I think we both know you’re more than my best friend, Arc. I’ve sort of always known, but after the first time we kissed, I couldn’t stop thinking about you and what-if and it was just different and I…I think I’m in love with you.”
He exhales, disbelieving that this is actually happening. “I feel the same way – I mean, I think I’m in love with you too, not that I’m in love with me too, and I’m making this way more awkward than this needs to be–”
“If I kiss you again will you shut up?”
And then it zooms to Warwick and Prudence just walking backwards and out of the way to give their two friends some privacy, while Warwick pays Prudy because of course they were betting on this.
And then the finale would have ended with a bit of a flash forward, with the newly knighted squad readying to leave on a mission at the gate. Ciara is saying goodbye to her father but not having to hide as the princess, and the King tells her he’s proud of her and to be safe. She runs down and meets Arc and the others, (Arc salutes the King who gives him a nod), and together they step out into the world together, ready for the next adventure.
Sorry this ended up being so much and so late, too, but I really hope you see this. @writing-excuses
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mizunotic · 7 years
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@ciarceli said something about rejecting any reality where Sheith wasn’t a possibility and this is where my mind went.
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