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crispiestchickentendie · 1 year ago
Hello I am in a terrible art block as of rn and I’ve been rereading the home series by @mable-stitchpunk so like
I put two and two together and made these
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I have a love hate relationship w these
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mable-stitchpunk · 10 months ago
sorry if this has been asked before, but do you have any particular voice claims for the Home series?
Yes, I actually do have a few! Anyone I don't mention doesn't have a voice claim.
The story about Mike's voice is kinda funny. A couple of months after I began the fic, I think? The original Final Nights came out- you know, the game where Mike gets chased around by the Puppet- and I LOVED his voice.
That sort of rough but sardonic edge. It was perfect! ^_^ So, I always imagined Mike's voice as sounding like that!
Alas, when the Final Nights Redux came out, the voice was changed. Instead sounding a lot younger. XD >.< Needless to say, I didn't update Mike's voice to the redux version. I always imagine him with that deeper, rougher edge.
After some back and forth, Mari's voice claim became Elijah Wood. I've liked a lot of his stuff, but I'm a huge fan of 9 and that softer sort of voice definitely works for him.
Though Mari does have a slight English accent, like his father and sister- it's not strong, but there's the edge of it.
I have a clip of an Elijah Wood character saying, "My father died today," and laughing like a maniac that I use as a reference. XD
Chance's voice claim/character inspiration was based quite a bit off of John Mahoney. If you're a Fraiser fan, he played Martin Crane. I am, in fact, a big Fraiser fan, which is why-
James Wight:
's claim is Kelsey Grammar. Known for Fraiser, better known as Sideshow Bob, lol.
Ennard doesn't have a voice claim, per say, but over the course of the series his voice has become a little less shrill. This seems like a minor thing, but it's a mix of him not remember Funtime Freddy's voice dead-on and him having to tone it down a little. It does still sound close enough to Sun's to be of note.
Elizabeth Afton:
Circus Baby's 'human' voice, which we've only heard maybe once or twice, was inspired by Susie Brann, who did Alice's voice for American Mcgee's Alice and Madness Returns. Big fan of both those games and it felt like the perfect fit.
Jake initially had his own sort of voice, but ever since Ruin came out, I kinda imagine him sounding like Eclipse. It makes sense considering that he really IS Eclipse, in a weird ironic way. Since he and Andrew spent so long together, it would make sense for them to end up with similar sounding voices considering how much is projection.
If I remember any more, I shall post them!
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anchovystatic · 2 years ago
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I think I forgot to post this but Jeremy and Foxy from @mable-stitchpunk ‘s home series
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marisol-000 · 2 years ago
Incorrect Home Quotes
Home series by @mable-stitchpunk
Mike : I have an idea!
Fritz : I have the hospital on
speed dial
Mari : You could have gotten yourself killed!! what do you have to say for yourself?!?
Mike: So, I know I'm bleeding out of my stomach, and I know this might be a bad time, but I think I'm in love with you
Silver Wolf: You're too late
PirateDORKS! You'll never stop
me now!
Mari : That's where youre wrong!
We'll stop you using the powers
of - !
Minireenas : Friendship!
Charlie : Harmony!
Foxy: Incredible violence
Mari : and Love!
Gabe : Dear Diary, 1987, my teen-angst bullshit now has a body count
Charlie : Hey, do you have a bag I can borrow?
Micheal : The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they're specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Charlie : ...Literally all you had to do was say no.
Jeremy : Would you please not 'Mike Schmidt' this into a situation worse than it already is?
Mike : Hang on, did you just use my name as a verb?
Mari : What just happened??
Natalie : A stranger just lured Mike away with a candy bar
Charlie : You use sarcasm to distance people
Baby : And yet you're still here
Carlton : Permission to give a fuck?
Mike : Permission denied
Carlton : Thank god
Foxy : *puts salt in coffee* * gives it to mari*
Mari : *drinks it*
Foxy : ...didnt the coffee taste weird?
Mari : Yes but I didnt want to hurt your feelings so I drank all of it
Carlton : *sneezes*
Ennard, crawling through the vents* : Bless you
Carlton : GOD?!?!?
Ennard : Oh fiddlesticks! That really ruffles my feathers!
Charlie : *gets down on one knee*
Baby : Oh my god it's finally happening!
Charlie : *ties shoes*
Baby : You finally got feet!
[At the shooting range]
Clay : You've never used a gun before have you?
Scott, throwing guns at the target : I'm out of guns I need another one
Scott : I want to be a father one day, its a shame I dont have any kids
Mike : Dear Diary, today my father disowned me
Mari : I want to be a father one day, its a shame I dont have any kids
Chrissy : Dear Diary, today my father disowned me
Jeremy's sister : Hows that "gay" phase going for you two?
Gabe : Better than your marrige
Fritz : Hello?
Mike : It's Mike
Fritz : What did he do this time?
Mike : No, its me! Mike!
Fritz: ... what did you do this time?
Mike : Am I going too far?
Fritz : No no no, you went too far 7 hours ago; now you're going to jail
Mari : Oh My God are you okay?!? That went straight through your stomach!!!!
Mike : please...i need...my phone...
Mike : *opens groupchat*
Ennard : Here you go Scotty! A nice hot cup of tea!
Scott : Its cold
Ennard : Nice cup of tea!
Scott : Its... not great...
Ennard : Cup of tea!
Scott : Im not even sure this is tea...
Ennard : Cup.
Mari : can you two get us a table?
Mike & Foxy : Sure
[Moments later]
Mike & Foxy, sprinting from the resturaunt, carrying a table : START THE CAR
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rhythm-tengoku-gold · 2 years ago
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Now that I’m thinking about the home series I dug up some old art from last year (2 seem to be lost) & man I ought to redraw these because honestly they still hold up for the most part & were fun to do- like, I should see what they’d look like with my improved art y’know?
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octyfish · 2 years ago
The best part about reading @mable-stitchpunk fics to Javi and Len has got to be the doodles. But seriously you guys, go give Mable's fics a read. They're great!
If you guys wanna read it for yourself you can find it here
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We finished "Can't go Home Again" and started "Almost feels like Home"
I'll make a proper post explaining what im even talking about and sharing art I have done about it. Before hand I warn you that the quality of said art is similar to this and im sorry
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mechieonu · 1 year ago
can't explain it but babycharlie are so togachako coded
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444namesplus · 2 months ago
Abel-se Abhdym-ga Abhmolghyrlhagh Abhpŷbh Abom-fi Acgho Achnŷkŷ Adhcghodh-mœ Adhnghobh Adhrghamm-ve Adhshw-cghy Adhvo-ru Aferd-chŵ Afghuch Afydetghœgh Ahydhlhone-hu Akhŷl Aldhobhsghæghlhe Alkgytgholar-væ Amgedhgabh Amgha Ammcŵbh-mu Amthovarkghbhech Amvobhvœnha-lghu Amvyru-do Angœn-mo Anhun Ansghebgherdghœch Ansghmghor Ansho Anshrhuchfalk Apghimhachrŷdh Aphochlghœghva Arkha Arskhæ-vu Ase Atghech-la Atghu-lo Athins Ba Bacw Bahuchrhŷl Begh-vo Bend-do Bghach-te Bghæbh Bghŷchhel-bho Bhalch-ku Bhekemthy Bhobh Bhwrheherch-co Bhœdh-gïŵ Bhŵdh Bhŷm Bunfapagh-ni Bwlve Bwtelmghlhegh Bŷm Bŷvŵndhky-le Cartgh-hæ Cefe-bæ Cegŷrtlghw-me Cghamghasy-hæ Cghe Cghelsighfhol-bghy Cghi-ko Cghonhœ-pa Che Che-ho Chinmgh Choly Chu-lw Chæghgïe-khi Co-dghw Cwdh Cyr Cæ Cŷsers
Dachlepo-kho Damghŷmserd-tŵ Damlhwnkh Dedhdepghigh Dergœdy Dghechagïych-sha Dghibhrha-ha Dghonfh Dghægh-ta Dghœmmpedhcind-rghi Dhuch-vw Dhævŷbh Dilam-go Dodh Dogh Ebhfghilolmægh-pu Ebhfghy-he Ebhkghænc-gŷ Echfedhberebh-lghe Echo-pe Echsherchybhfhem Edhcinkychfœ Edhhu-le Edhtidhsghaldghsŷ Edŷdhnghwr Efa-lhe Efom Efugarne-ty Ega Eghcinghol-bgho Eghpydhrhodw Eghthy Egïachgodhœbh Ekhafghælch-no Eldghgïæchcghy Eldŷdh Elhorhy Elnhe-khi Emdŷmrobhcœldgh-pŵ Emho Emmchœlm Emmmarpghe-nhu Emmvo-fghŷ Endhcghadh-he Enhakhalfhva-ve Enkrhe-bgho Enŵ Epgha Ephemtabh Erckghebghælhŷnk-pha Eroch-mŵ Ershbe-she Eshelfcha Ethachmŷtech-de Evŵn Fa-te Fekon-rghe Fghe-sgha Fghœchæcy-rgha Fhagœmmrghech-so Fhe-li Fhen-ko Fhochpe Fhota-mho Fhwgwdgho Fhŵngïybh Fobŷbhsghyl-khw Fy Fy-mŵ Fæbh-na Ga Ge Gelkgh Go Go-tghŷ Gysa-sgha Gïe-ha Gïu-nho Gïw-pi Gïwghlhy Gïŵkhæm-so Gïŷm-tha Gŷmm Hachgïasghogh-dho Hammtghi Hantgh-kho Havŷ Henc-nu Hepghidhdghœch-fe Hi High Ho Hokommlghæm Hu-mu Hwchŵrghŷ Hwmtghabh Hægh-tho Hœbhcghœch Hœrth-lho Hŵ Hŷchnhohedh Hŷghmghœchsghidh-vw Ihaghbyghle Ihw-mŷ Ikghŵ Ilbghwgh Ilgha-fœ Ilkdhwlcghrhŵmm Ilrŷphŷky Ilrŷpwghhy Immsechcghe Inphy-he Ipghebh Irormans-ge Itghighfgha-ho Itghœchbharkhmho-fgha Kacŵgïabh-dœ Kandhlghœmsa Kghach-mghe Kghohenhagh-kgha Kghærtŷvŷmm Khadh Khe-me Khu-mghŷ Khy-rhŷ Khychrghenech Khœlkgh-pe Ko Kwgh Kœmsy Lakhœbe Lech Ledghwbh-hw Ledh-nœ Lermlghech Lghadosa Lghŷghnghæ-dgho Lhidhubhkugh Lhœ-bæ Li-na Lirkgh Lobamgha Lodh Lonphabh-cgha Lŵgïadh-rgho Marth Mechre-se Mgheghsghœ-gw Mghorghobhy-tgha Mghu Mhach-mœ Mhilhidhkhægh Mhæbh Mhæsœdh-ha Mum Mwrkhrhitumm-le Mŷ Nal Narcghdœbhkghu Nghil Nghwdhrhŷlhu-lhy Nghy Nghænngha Nghæshartghnhe-kho Nhebhton Nhenhirta-rhŷ Nhægh Nhœ-na Nhœraki Nhŷchginm Obghetaghvw Obghoncghlophigh Obghorghymhendgh-ce Obhdghœbœti-gæ Obhkgho Ochdendh Ocŵfghædhkhinc-fe Odhbhenænwncgh Odhkho-lghŷ Odhsher-bhy Ogach-rœ Oghcedo Oghfedh-ci Oghtidhhŷr Oha-kho Ohe Ohæshŵ-ngha Oko Okolfghdatŵ Olhechhw Olochna Olsghhaldghshacwbh-dœ Ombghemmsughbhobh-sŷ Omghwlsgh Omgightar-rœ Ommdhesghodh Ommpœrva Omy Ondghcghw Onfhnghy-vœ Onghœgoshach-ge Onmnœdŵ Onsgïelbhæn-gïo Opgho-re Orcbhŷmæha-rœ Orkfghumm Orngha-vu Orœbaghsŷ Otghafho-be Ovedhrgho-so Ovoba Pa Pa-hæ Pammsoch Pe Pghæ Pghœ Phadhpuch-sw Phertnghwch Phidhuchko Pholmhtw Phubhpŷ Potghwrshdghæ-hœ Pwnrghe Pæ Pŵbh-po Pŵlfh Pŵntgh Pŷ-dŵ Ratech Re Rercœbhhy-so Rgherghodh-sghu Rgho-gïw Rghŵlco-se Rhodh-by Rhonghigo-vo Rhorcghdhy-vi Rhurfphogech-tghe Rodhachcur Rorpibh Ruchnagh Ruvy Ryvon Ræbhcghaldh-dæ Rœmhemhœ-ka Sachfhŵrge Sasegalch-ko Savedhhu-dw Sghybhechpghygh Sghyns Sghœgh Shi-ha Sho-kw Shol Shæbh Somoghroch-fu Swhym-cu Sæmmthw-na Sœ-hæ Tehyncghba-he Teshŷrkh-no Tevogh Tgha-dhe Tghadh-so Tghirdghfhœ-bgha Tghohœshæ-mghŵ Tghŷmolhŵ Thalæ Thofhenc-gŵ Tholknŵr Thw-shi Thy-sghœ Thædh Torsghnhona-ma Tœpghæbh-dghe Tŷrhatghw Ubhde Ubhfach Ubhsugubhthædh-fo Ucghachdghi Udhdghybhbhŷbhvodh-mhŵ Udhhwrt Udhnilach Udhrghomhubhvadh Udhsgho Ufŷdhhunnghu Umhobha Umvŵnkoghshar-ki Unfghdghu-ba Upghŵhwmhæ-cgho Urdhrobh Urgïommlasabh Uri-cho Vam-ho Van Vapo-lŵ Ve-væ Vo Vo-gïo Vo-se Vovŵ-tgho Væsŵ-re Wbhvagwkŷ Wghbo-nghe Wghcybhhægh-fo Wnshuchfŵdhsghœgh-pe Wrthkhebw-hœ Wtwlghœldhw Ychcegh-ho Ydghŷchbhumhu-kghŵ Ydhlhŵbhho-lo Yhu Yltghwtghebhnu-mghŷ Yntcghe Yrledh-kha Ytghwrœ Ythech-tgho Ytŷsa Yva-nhŵ Æchcghodhsæ-tghu Æchgimmrhughrghŵ-so Æhæ Ælgho-ga Æmhyl Ænbal-dgha Ænghegïeponmgh-ne Æpghŷnchfœ-pa Æshe Æshodh-lgha Œbhhwghfhwgon Œbwsa-he Œca-gïo Œchnhommso-nw Œdœbghol-vœ Œherm Œhyphŷfghabh-kœ Œhæthy Œlolŵrm Œnghefgharsghi-ra Œnro Œtghŷgh Ŵbhtehel Ŵchcŷ Ŵchkghœch Ŵchlhoch-ku Ŵchrapœbhchu Ŵdhlghedh-fhæ Ŵghfœmka-sghw Ŵkeho Ŵlhœpummrgha Ŵlodhrghoch-by Ŵmdwl Ŵmlœdhmghŷnsgh Ŵmœn-mæ Ŵrghughlyrc-he Ŵsodh-dw Ŷdhta Ŷfevŵda Ŷfghŷcghor Ŷlkasghy Ŷnghabhsghŷdhu-vŵ Ŷnhabghabh-to Ŷnmghbhidhrghœcho-hŵ Ŷntbœgh-na Ŷsghuch
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years ago
GAH, YES! Oh, they all look so GOOD! 8D God, I don’t even know how to explain how I’m mentally exploding at this- Mike and Mari are so PRECIOUSLY WONDERFUL! TERRIFYING ENNARD! AND THEN PRECIOUS ENNARD- and Baby’s absolutely spot- on expression, it’s perfect. XD Natalie, Foxy, FRITZ- MY BOY!
I’m like borderline flatlining here, I don’t even- I don’t even know HOW you’re getting all these done so fast, let alone how excellent they look! 8D I ADORE them. I love them. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I devour each of these with great joy and insatiable need. 🫂 Thank you!
Edit: I also should mention the Mari and Foxy picture because it's so nice to see these two together and it looks excellent.
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Hello yes, if you haven't read Can't Go home Again by @mable-stitchpunk you are seriously missing out one of the best FNAF fanfics out there.
If you like stories with mystery, horror, a bit of romance and family that go deep on all the FNAF media and takes it time to reshape and develop it characters, this is the one for you.
This story helped me through very stressful times and made me love many underrated and underdeveloped characters, so this is my way of thanking Mable for doing such an amazing work.
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The Stories Behind The Most Surreal Pictures Throughout History.
Jordan O'MalleyDECEMBER 4, 2023
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mable-stitchpunk · 10 months ago
Did Chrissy go to either of the fairs Baby performed at? Did she recognize her at all?
Chrissy went to the fairs with family but she didn't attend either of Baby's shows. Wasn't there at the same time.
The awkward part of all this is that due to Baby's changes, and the fact that Ennard was in the Circus Baby shell during the event, Chrissy doesn't recognize Baby as the same bot. She's just an animatronic who sort of looks like the same animatronic- and considering the Puppet and Security Puppet, it makes sense that she would believe they're unrelated.
The ironic part being that, technically, this IS a Puppet/Security Puppet situation as Baby herself wasn't involved in that incident. It was Ennard in Baby cosplay.
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robertnelson2-blog · 2 years ago
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The CGHA also modulates public lotteries, which can be described as a lottery to which the public or any class of the population has or might have access. A Lottery is defined as any sport, scheme, or contest whereby cash or money’s value is dispersed in a way determined by opportunity, whether or not such a lottery is stored or handled inside or outside Singapore.
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marisol-000 · 2 years ago
Bath time!!
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Sunny t-shirt☺
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From @mable-stitchpunk Going Home in a Box
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dayfalwastaken · 2 years ago
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Here's a fanart of Mari for @mable-stitchpunk as a thank you for your kind words :D
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anchovystatic · 3 years ago
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i drew one of my favorite scenes from @mable-stitchpunk can’t go home again!!
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years ago
Oh, they’re so precious together! 8D I love how you draw them, and I LOVE these collage pieces you’ve been doing! There’s just so many extra details in the backgrounds and they’re just so sweet! 😍
This is going to be the picture I show off whenever I discuss these two! Thank you, THANK YOU! 
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Mike & Marionette from the FanFic Can't Go Home Again by @mable-stitchpunk
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