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Best Of Show
Ever since the introduction of personal computers, which traces its roots to the 1970s with first-gen Apple, Commodore, and Radio Shack computers, as well as the paradigm-shifting Kenbak-1 in 1971, our lives have become increasingly ruled by electronic gadgets. Without them, many of us would have a hard time working, not to mention simply existing. They have become ubiquitous.
So prominent has this industry become that it had to have its own trade show. The first Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was held in 1967 in New York City, and showcased what folks then thought was the bleeding edge of home electronics. I’m envisioning record players, reel-to-reel tape decks, and color televisions. It all seems so quaint now.
Skip forward to the present, and CES, now held in Las Vegas, just wrapped. The scope of CES is much broader than in 1967 by virtue of a rapidly accelerating rate of new product development. Anything and everything from viewables, usables, holdables, flyables, and wearables is included.

And, as one might expect, if your new product did not include the letters AI in the description, you probably should have just stayed home.
Some of the new items at CES this year are already available, but as is always the case at trade shows, some of the items are merely vaporware, a concept that has not quite come to fruition just yet, but might if participant reaction is good, and investor money flows. One-offs are a dime a dozen at shows like this.
There is also the worrisome reality that, just because a new item—one that is indeed ready to roll out to market—captures the fancy of people attending CES, there’s no guarantee that the rest of us will buy it. Who remembers 3D TV from a decade ago? Yeah. And what about those curved LED TVs? Uh-huh. Better mousetraps sometimes are simply overkill, and we’re just fine with the basic model.
But hope springs eternal in the breast of human entrepreneurs, who are constantly trying to push the needle a little bit farther. After all, innovation is one of the hallmarks of a capitalist society. We are freely motivated to do so. Truthfully, we as a society are dependent upon it. To summon a time-worn comparison, we need only look to the island nation 90 miles south of Key West, where people have Frankensteined 1950s-era cars together because that’s the best they can do.
One of these years I want to snag a ticket to CES. I fully realize I may be sleeping in my van, unless I can muster up the fortitude to swallow $400 a night hotel rates. But I want to see this extravaganza of electronic showmanship, which may be more accurately described as one-upmanship. Everyone is gambling on the future, and it is only fitting the show is in Las Vegas.
CES has also become the darling of practically every major media outlet. Google “new gadgets CES 2024” and you will see what I mean. Each of these outlets has produced their proprietary list of what they think were the best of show. It would be fun to return to these lists in a year, five years, and beyond, to see which of these products actually gained traction.
As for me, one of my faves was the Adobe Edge Camera, a huge improvement on outdoor security cameras. It was also a fave of Wired Magazine. Pretty much everything available today requires mounting or placement within the narrow range of your home’s wifi signal. That typically is 50 feet, given that it needs to send video and still pictures. I already have a bunch of cameras inside and out, but the invisible tether is maddening sometimes. I want range.
The Adobe Edge, though, comes with a base station that is paired with your router, and then extends your signal to one mile. You read that right. One freaking mile. Anyone with land will understand why this $199 product could be worth its weight in gold. Stir in a $4 per month subscription to access AI features—there’s those two letters again—and you can have peace of mind. And so will Adobe with a revenue model like this.
So have at it, my readers! Google the new products from this year’s CES, and report back in the comments in our class discussion board. Be sure to cite your source, and feel free to add photos.
Dr “Take My Money Already, Adobe!” Gerlich
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LG’s transparent OLED TV wins five CES awards and redefines the screen experience
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Alienware, QD-OLED ailesine iki yeni oyuncu monitörü ekledi
Dell’in oyun bilgisayarı bölümü Alienware, QD-LED teknolojisine sahip iki yeni oyuncu monitörünü CES2024’te tanıttı. Alienware 32 4K QD-OLED Oyun Monitörü (AW3225QF) ve Alienware 27 360Hz QD-OLED Oyun Monitörü (AW2725DF) – ilk kez CES 2022’de görücüye çıkan ünlü, ödüllü QD-OLEDailesinin yeni üyeleri. Bu yeni modeller türünün ilk örneği. Her ayrıntıyı şaşırtıcı renk ve kontrastta görmeniz için…

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Discover the latest innovations and futuristic gadgets at CES 2024. An in-depth review and analysis of the groundbreaking event. Read More.
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هل تصبح RTX 5080 أغلى بطاقة رسوميات في تاريخ NVIDIA؟ شهدت الساحة التقنية مؤخرًا تداول شائعات حول أسعار بطاقات الرسوميات المرتقبة NVIDIA RTX 5080، والتي يُقال إنها قد تشهد زيادة كبيرة مقارنة بأسلافها. وفقًا لمعلومات مسربة عبر أحد تجار التجزئة في أستراليا، يُتوقع أن يصل سعر البطاقة إلى 2799 دولار أسترالي (حوالي 1500 دولار أمريكي)، بزيادة قدرها 300 دولار أمريكي عن السعر المبدئي للبطاقة السابقة RTX 4080. تم الكشف عن هذه
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Honda'nın Elektrikli Araç Vizyonu ve 0 Teknoloji Toplantısı Honda'nın Elektrikli Araç Vizyonu: 0 Teknoloji Toplantısı Honda, Japonya'da düzenlenen "Honda 0 Teknoloji Toplantısı"nda, elektrikli araç alanındaki yenilikle...
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Exhibiting at CES 2025? Expo Stand Services has you covered with custom trade show booths that will make your brand shine! Join us in Las Vegas from January 7-10 for the world’s leading tech event. Let’s create a standout booth to help you connect with industry leaders and showcase your innovations! visit expostandservice.us .
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(via 撮ってすぐ、ステッカーになる。コダックの最新インスタントカメラ #CES2024 (ギズモード・ジャパン) - Yahoo!ニュース)
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Coast to Coast Checks out CES 2024!
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Un nouvel article sur Thierry Weber: pionnier du podcasting et expert en streaming vidéo en direct: Au-delà du amartphone : Rabbit et le r1 réinventent la communication
Un nouvel article sur https://thierryweber.com/rabbit-r1-remplace-les-smartphones/
Au-delà du amartphone : Rabbit et le r1 réinventent la communication
Dans cet article réimaginé, nous plongeons dans l’univers de Rabbit, une start-up visionnaire de Santa Monica, qui, avec son produit phare, le r1, aspire à transformer radicalement notre relation avec la technologie mobile. Le r1, un dispositif IA révolutionnaire, promet d’ouvrir une nouvelle ère, où les smartphones, tels que nous les connaissons, pourraient devenir obsolètes.
Innovation et vision de Rabbit
Rabbit se positionne à l’avant-garde de l’innovation technologique avec le lancement du r1. Ce dispositif, alimenté par Rabbit OS et le Large Action Model (LAM), se distingue par sa capacité à redéfinir l’interaction homme-machine. Le LAM, une prouesse d’intelligence artificielle, est conçu pour imiter et apprendre des interactions humaines, rendant l’utilisation de multiples applications et interfaces complexe chose du passé.
Une expérience utilisateur sans précédent
Le r1 promet une expérience utilisateur inédite, centrée sur une interaction intuitive et sans application. Grâce à son IA avancée, le r1 peut générer des actions directes en réponse aux commandes vocales, simplifiant considérablement l’interaction numérique. Jesse Lyu, le fondateur et CEO de Rabbit, souligne l’ambition de l’entreprise à créer une expérience utilisateur fluide, libérée des contraintes des systèmes actuels.
Caractéristiques et design du r1
Le design du r1 est à la fois élégant et fonctionnel. Compact et léger, il intègre un écran tactile, un micro à champ lointain, et divers autres éléments conçus pour une utilisation autonome et intuitive. Avec 4 Go de mémoire et 128 Go de stockage, ainsi que la connectivité Wi-Fi et cellulaire, le r1 est un appareil puissant et polyvalent.
Vers un avenir sans smartphone ?
Le r1 représente une vision audacieuse de l’avenir de la technologie mobile. En proposant une alternative viable aux smartphones, Rabbit n’aspire pas seulement à modifier notre rapport à la technologie, mais aussi à encourager une interaction plus naturelle et intuitive avec nos appareils.
En conclusion, le r1 de Rabbit est plus qu’un simple gadget ; c’est le précurseur d’une révolution technologique, où les limites entre l’homme et la machine s’estompent pour créer une harmonie nouvelle. À 199 dollars, avec des premières livraisons prévues pour fin mars 2024, le r1 n’est pas seulement un investissement dans un appareil, mais dans une vision futuriste de la technologie personnelle.
La vidéo de présentation du r1
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#CES2024 - ASRock y sus nuevos motherboards y monitores Phantom Gaming

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Stay informed with the incredible tech-novations unveiled at CES 2024 in Las Vegas. Discover the latest buzz from the industry's major event. Read More
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Unveiling the Future: 5 Key Takeaways from CES 2024
The first publication of this article was in the German business and tech journal Marketing Scout, and can be found here: https://www.marketingscout.com/trends/ces-2024-publicis-sapient-erlaeutert-die-wichtigsten-tech-trends-fuer-verbraucher/. The English language version in which it was originally written is shown below for reader convenience.
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is a hub of technological innovation. From the omnipresence of AI to the rise of autonomous robots, home-based health tech, and other groundbreaking innovations, CES offered a glimpse into a future where technology is increasingly integrated into our daily lives. As my 17th consecutive CES draws to a close, here is a rundown of the broad themes I saw, heard, and frequently discussed with fellow attendees in Las Vegas at what is often billed as the world’s largest trade show.
1. AI is everywhere. AI will undoubtedly change the world. We should all keep our expectations in check, though: not all AI is created equal. Keeping in mind that everything that might possibly be called AI will be labeled as AI, frustratingly for the lay consumer there is no industry convention to discern machine learning from adaptive automation from full blown original thinking by a machine. In short, some AI is very sophisticated and intends to burrow into your life. Other AI is little more than a learning thermostat. However, on the packaging, they both will say the same thing: “Powered by AI.” From the perspective of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA), the trade group behind CES, explaining these distinctions to the masses is important, but probably best left to another day. For now, attendees seemed thrilled to have a new technology on the scene that genuinely delivers and has captured consumers’ imagination.
2. Robots are coming to help. Really. New this year were autonomous street sweepers that can self-fuel, take out their own trash and fill up their own water tanks. Also, fully autonomous robot baristas and bartenders. I didn’t try it myself, but a fellow convention-goer said her robot crafted-and-delivered latte was “excellent.” Next up were improved lawn and pool maintenance bots, security drones to monitor your property and recharge themselves without human intervention, and other robots tasked to sort mixed recyclables—but not before diligently emptying the drips from almost-empty cans or bottles that humans left behind. As pointed out in prior years, we humans can’t be relied upon to triple rinse.
3. Health tech is bringing versions of gear from your doctor’s office to your home. Seen on the CES floor this year were home-based: miniature urine lab appliances, respiratory monitors, devices to detect early signs of neuromuscular biomarkers, incontinence management systems, asthma management platforms, and a digital home stethoscope that your doctor can listen to remotely. If you’re in need of a blood draw, your new laser lancer device can make that process safe, pain-free and leaves behind the fear of error a distant memory. And that’s in addition to AFib detection and pulse oximeter capabilities that may already be in your smart watch.
4. CES is a car show, too, and that’s here to stay. The latest trends in automobile design—the term “software-defined vehicles” is central to this new way of thinking—mean that your car might be better compared with your smartphone than the station wagon you rode in the ‘way back’ as a kid. Increasingly cars will take advantage of over-the-air updates, power up opportunistically when you have access to a charger (whether that’s a full battery electric or hybrid drivetrain) and provide a driver/user experience centered on apps that you can collect or discard over time. Safety features are being added at a rapid clip, including several that use LiDAR to detect pedestrians, cyclists, and other road hazards. That same LiDAR telemetry is core to several driver assistance capabilities now, and eventually will be leveraged by self-driving vehicles, too. Level 5 autonomy isn’t here yet, but the industry is working on it. And when the open road calls, the latest auto campers will automatically connect themselves to your car’s trailer hitch in a docking procedure akin to a SpaceX Dragon capsule-to-ISS rendezvous.
5. AI took center stage, but there are other major innovations worth noting. Both Samsung and LG debuted transparent OLED TVs with eye-popping color and top-notch resolution. Speaking of resolution, your new TV isn’t waiting around for 8K content to materialize through your cable provider or streamer: your Samsung Tizen display will dynamically upscale existing content on the fly with magnificent results. Sustainability permeated every category of the show floor from the use of heat pumps in super-efficient washer/dryer combo appliances to sustainable, recycled paper-fiber based non-plastic bubble-wrap packing material alternatives from 3M. Tesla is no longer the only major supplier of consumer household-sized storage batteries that can connect to solar panels or be used to draw and store power from the grid at non-peak hours to be used later when rates are higher. And your home’s main breaker panel isn’t dodging innovation, either: watch for smart circuit breakers that can be added to your HomeKit, Alexa, Gosund, or Matter-compliant home automation platform.
In conclusion, the future is happening again. Most of it is handy, but as usual, the economic and practical value to each consumer is a mixed bag. In the health tech arena, some inexpensive home sensors might save your life, or help you live better for longer. That seems worthy of a swipe of the FSA card. There is legitimately cool and useful new tech that will make it to your local Best Buy, Target, Walmart, or online retailer in the coming days. As amazing as it looks, I’ll pass today on Samsung’s 110-inch transparent OLED screen for $150,000, but last year’s model at my nearest Costco is surprisingly affordable, if I can bear to see a blank, black screen when it’s powered off. That’s so 2023.
#ces#ces2024#AI#generativeAI#robots#autonomy#health tech#autos#HomeKit#Matter#Alexa#Gosund#3M#Tesla#LiDAR
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