#CEID 100
the-digital-mind · 2 years
Module 10
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maudeangerslessard · 4 months
CEID 100 - Week 1
Living in a world where everything and everyone becomes a product is something that has become our new reality. Materialism and overconsumption have quickly overtaken physical materials and transformed us, social media users, into a real Facebook Marketplace. With the average person spending 143 min (Statista, n.d.) on social media per day, platforms like Meta, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and many more have been able to understand the proximity they have with the consumer through these platforms. Through time, they have transformed how we shop, get inspired, and mostly how we want to present ourselves to the world. People like you and me have built a social media image that we most likely have control over, or at the least, we think we do have. On the other hand, celebrities like Kim Kardashian or Millie Bobby Brown have such low control over their images that when it comes to social media, a whole crew of people is involved in managing this multibillion-dollar business that we hold in our hands. 
When it comes to best practices, many different strategies can be used. On one side, we have Kim Kardashian, who was first known for her challenging moments over the internet; this is someone who has chosen to let users decide on her image. Living on the “Speak of it well, Speak of it ill, but speak of it” concept, Kim Kardashian’s image isn’t, in my opinion, best practice. She has little or no control over her image; to some extent, you forget her audience/niche and what she is trying to do within this world. Her personal branding is mixed in various directions; she lets the internet decide her faith after each post, story, or interview. Some of the content online is inappropriate and provocative and doesn’t always show her her best day. She has decided to let the user-generated platform build her image. 
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Finally, on the other side, we have Millie Bobby Brown, mostly known for the role of Eleven in Netflix's successful series Stranger Things, who, in my opinion, delivers social media’s best practice. Her image is well controlled; we can easily tell her content is polished and know her center of interest. When looking at her profile, there is a line of conduct throughout the posts, and her personality shines through. In this post, she is representing her company and even though this is entirely in the purpose of selling, she is still keeping her image clean and authentic to her online persona. 
Statista. (n.d.). Global daily social media usage 2024. Statista. Retrieved May 10, 2024, from https://www-statista-com.ezproxy.lib.torontomu.ca/statistics/433871/daily-social-media-usage-worldwide/
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ceidblogkw · 2 months
CEID 100 Blog Week 10
I did the Learn What to Learn 2 hour course on Codecademy (this was the first time I've ever used code). I only intended on getting the required 4 badges, but got carried away and completed the whole course, getting all 9 badges. Here are the screenshots:
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cxmkri · 4 months
CEID 100- Module 4 Proposal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4q7mDuwtcI
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ceid100blogposts · 5 months
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tubablog · 5 months
CEID 100 Final Assignment
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sidceid100 · 7 months
My Project Proposal!
Hi Prof. Hoskins.
Linked below is my Final Project Proposal!
I hope you enjoy!
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ceid100-pahulsandhar · 9 months
CEID 100 Final Assignment
Website created by Zubair Ahmed and Pahul Sandhar.
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nadiasindi · 1 year
Former CIA agent: Rudy & Trump offered me a pardon for $2 million | John...
Just like our Oregon Criminal Officials such Gov. Brown, Rep. Nathanson, Sen. Floyd Prozanski etc.. with the help of Wells Fargo. who are covering up for the most criminal Official: Late Frohnmayer, late Rep. Bob Ackerman who stole my Fully paid Condo!
My social Security # is BLOCKED at the Employment office, for more than Three years NOW. I can't sign in to look for a job! This had happened after my name was cleared from the fabricated criminal record that was done by the criminal late Dave Frohnmayer!
Gov.Kate Brown Appointed 100 Judges.She made sure before she leaves, she appointed TWO more Judges to cover her back!
Arrest Gov. Brown, Rep. Nathanson & the Rest of Oregon Criminal Officials who are complicit with the Most Criminal Officials late Frohnmayer, late Rep. Ackerman!
OR. late A.G. Frohnmayer had deleted all records in L.C. It shows I'd changed my name to Nadia Sindi.Left old name Faika Sindi.Changed letters to Saika Findi! Frohnmayer has trapped me in a criminal record since 1987!
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mujeebs-blogs · 6 months
Shaping a Positive Digital Future!
As time passes, it is incredibly important to recognize how emerging technologies can transform our daily lives, including our digital future. As we discussed throughout the previous modules we have learned about various different technologies that can help transform our digital future. These emerging technologies include blockchain, 5G technology, and digitally extended realities (AR and VR).
Blockchain is one of the underlying technologies that run different types of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and more. This blockchain technology is great because of the data security and it essentially holds a trustless transaction. This trustless transaction removes the need for any "man in the middle" type of transaction which can boost trust and efficiency. Blockchain technology cannot be replicated. This makes it a great fraud prevention feature as the increased transparency that blockchain has will help to prevent corruption and fraud.
5G Technology:
Having 5G technology allows us to have incredibly fast speeds with low latency and increased connectivity! 5G can allow quicker exchanges of small packets of information between different devices or technology. For example, in order to have safe driverless cars in today's digital era, we must first allow these cars to be able to interact with other cars or traffic signals. Driverless cars need to exchange packets with other devices and having a low latency will definitely help make these exchanges even quicker. 5G can also help smart cities and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices. This is because 5G offers devices to connect to each other, further enhancing the efficiency and productivity of our daily lives. Smart cities will be built with sensors almost everywhere so that real-time data can be exchanged with the help of 5G technology. This will allow for dynamic changes withing different city services such as street lighting based on the weather or traffic!
Digitally Extended Realities (AR and VR):
AR and VR technologies are hot topics in today's digital world. This technology can help us have immersive experiences that can help us learn, communicate, play realistic video games, and even watch 3D entertainment right in the comfort of our own homes. AR and VR technology can help our future generation in classrooms as it provides an immersive learning environment for students. Students will be able to hold the information better when they are actually engaging and interested in the technology equipment they are using. AR and VR technology also enhance the entertainment aspects by allowing for immersive gaming, real-life social media, and 3D cinema experiences. One recent example of this would be the Apple Vision Pros. This new VR headset is making a breakthrough in technology as it allows VR and AR to be paired with all Apple devices and services, offering a wide range of entertainment to choose from.
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the-digital-mind · 2 years
Module 8
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maudeangerslessard · 3 months
CEID 100 - WEEK 6
Here is the video my colleague Teaghen and I have created for this week's tutorial! A little PSA around mental health and social media use!
Thank you! :)
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CEID 100 infograph
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ceidblogkw · 3 months
CEID 100 Blog Week 8
This week we looked at innovation in digital technology and chose a case study of an existing company who falls within the label of "innovator." I selected OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company who brought us ChatGPT. Check it out:
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If the image is blurry it's because I had to screenshot it (downloading costs $$$). Here is the public view link for better quality: https://infograph.venngage.com/pl/7oAnKwSCRno
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tanyatrann · 1 year
Final Project Outline assignment CEID 100
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ceid100blogposts · 7 months
CEID 100 - CyberSecurity + Stalking
We just created a presentation that talks about cybersecurity and stalking prevention. Please find the link below!!
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