medicomunicare · 1 month
Though "poker faces", psoriasis and skin diseases show their last CARD: 1 4 Myc should be enough
Our skin, the body’s largest organ–provides the first line of defense against infections and many other threats to our health. Decades of research has shown that a wide range of diseases can occur, or become worse, when the skin cannot form an effective barrier. Millions of people are affected by eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin disorders. Now, experts in human genetics and asthma…
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loxanchives · 3 years
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Vlaszy -revenant- independent
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How to Treat Psoriasis Effectively..!
Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory condition that affects the surface of the skin. This condition often cHow to treat psoriasis effectively causes swelling, redness, flaking, and itching of the skin around the knees, elbows, and scalp. It is estimated that one in 50 people of all ages, races, and genders will be affected. The percentage of people diagnosed with psoriasis is comparatively high for people above the age of 35. Currently, psoriasis is estimated to affect about 100 million people worldwide, with 1.6 million in the UK and approximately 7.6 million in the US, leading psoriasis into a worldwide consequence.
Psoriasis lesions are often located on the visible parts of the body. Although very common, there are often misconceptions that this condition can be contagious and affect people's self-esteem. As this condition is not reversible, it can adversely affect the mental health of people suffering from this condition. The National Psoriasis Foundation (NPF) says depression is the most vital comorbidity of psoriasis. People with psoriasis are twice as likely to develop depression as others.
How psoriasis is affected?
Although psoriasis is common, little research has been done on the condition. It is believed that the root cause of psoriasis is our immune system, which accelerates the growth of skin cells, causing unnecessary inflammation. The combination of genes and contact with specific external factors is thought to contribute to the development of this condition. Scientists have now identified about 25 genetic variants that increase the risk of psoriasis in an individual. Plaque psoriasis, the most common form of psoriasis, is caused by a rare genetic mutation called CARD14. Stress, climate change, medications, infections, skin exposure, smoking, and alcohol are all known to trigger this condition. Most people experience minor sores, however, the severity varies based on each case.
What are the various types of psoriasis?
Plaque psoriasis: It may be affected anywhere in the body. This is the most common type of psoriasis and is mainly caused by a build-up of skin cells called ‘plaques’.
Scalp psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is affected in the scalp. During this, The hair may have dandruff-like flakes, and in extreme cases, the hair may become thinner.
Guttate psoriasis: This type is affected in the Torso back and limbs. It is also known as 'tear drop' psoriasis due to the shape of the skin, which often has bright pink or red spots.
Pustular psoriasis: It is affected in the whole body. This results in small white or yellow blisters appearing on red or dark skin. The bubbles are often filled with liquid, which gives it a yellowish color.
Psoriasis in sensitive areas: It is found in the Face, armpits genitals, and skin folds. The skin around specific areas, especially the folds of skin/ clothing, is more sensitive.
Nail Psoriasis: This type of psoriasis mainly affects the nails. It often affects the fingernails or toes, which is painful and restricts movement.
The Physician Global Assessment (PGA) scale measures the severity of the disease, with a 6-point, 0-5 scale of psoriasis based on various symptoms throughout the body. It is used to diagnose psoriasis, especially in clinical trials.
What are the treatments for psoriasis?
Currently, there is no permanent cure for psoriasis. Initially, treatment involves topical creams applied to the skin to help relieve the symptoms of the condition. Treatments vary depending on the type and severity of psoriasis.
Dhathri Ayurveda Hospital & Panchakarma Center is the best ayurvedic hospital in Kerala for skin treatment. Dhathri Ayurveda Hospital offers the best psoriasis treatment in Kerala, known as Sidhmam. The main goal of treatment is to restore the innate Prakruti balance based on your Tri-Doshas. The treatment method will be customized based on the doctor's consultation which will determine your body type, disorder type, and underlying causes. Dhathri Ayurveda Hospital and Panchakarma Centre provide the Kerala Ayurveda psoriasis treatment with true benefits to stay healthy.
The key benefits of our treatment are:
Deep detox to flush out toxins
Shamana Chikitsa to heal the condition
Strengthen the immune systems to prevent progression
Dietary correction to prevent the recurrence
Assist in lifestyle modifications to prevent relapse
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fleur-design · 6 years
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pcodvspcos · 3 years
Pustular psoriasis
Pustular psoriasis is a skin illness. You'll see white knocks loaded up with discharge close or inside red skin blotches. These are called pustules. They can hurt and be layered, flaky, or bothersome. 
It's well on the way to influence: 
The palms of your hands 
The bottoms of your feet 
Your fingers and toes 
Despite the fact that you see discharge on your knocks, it's anything but a disease. You can't get pustular psoriasis from another person or offer it to other people. 
Types and Symptoms 
There are three kinds of pustular psoriasis, in view of where the rankle flare-ups are or how quick they sprung up. 
Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP):Blisters structure on little spaces of your body, typically your palms or the bottoms of your feet. These discharge filled spots can become brown, strip off, or covering over. Your skin can break, as well. This kind of psoriasis may travel every which way. Individuals who smoke are bound to get this structure. 
Acropustulosis: Small, extremely agonizing injuries spring up on your fingertips or toes. The agony can make it difficult to utilize your fingers or toes. In uncommon cases, it can cause nail or even bone harm. 
Summed up or Von Zumbusch: Red, difficult, delicate skin blotches appear over a wide space of your body, and discharge topped rankles fly off before long. Your skin might be extremely bothersome. You likewise may be extremely drained or have fever, chills, parchedness, queasiness, frail muscles, migraine, joint torment, a quick heartbeat, or weight reduction. This is an uncommon, genuine illness. See your PCP immediately on the off chance that you have these indications. 
Causes and Triggers 
Psoriasis is an immune system infection. Your resistant framework typically sends white platelets to ward off infection in your body. Yet, for this situation, they assault your own skin unintentionally. 
A couple of things can trigger psoriasis flares: 
Drugs, for example, steroids 
Something that bothers your skin, similar to a skin cream or cruel skin health management item 
An excessive amount of daylight 
A transformation, or change, in one of two explicit qualities (IL36RN or CARD14) may make you bound to get pustular psoriasis. On the off chance that you have one of these quality transformations, one of those triggers could set off a flare.
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120stillwell · 5 years
For just $44.00 Specifications:1. Color: Green2. Material: Plastic3. Product Name: G31-775 Motherboard4. Main Chipset: For Intel G315. Chip Manufacturer: For Intel6. Number of CPU Slots: 17. CPU Slot Type: Socket LGA 7758. CPU Support: Support for Intel Celeron D/Core2 Extreme/Core2 Duo/Pentium D/Pentium 49. FSB support: FSB 800/533MHz10. Memory type: DDR211. Memory Description: Support Single and Dual Channel DDR2 533/667/800 Memory RAM12. Supports Maximum Memory Capacity:4GB13. Integrated Chip: Graphics Card / Sound Card / Network Card14. Audio Chip: Integrated Realtek ALC662 6-channel Audio Chip15. Graphics Chip: Integrated Intel GMA 3100 Graphics Card16. Network Card Chip: Onboard 100megahertz Network CardExpansion Interface:1. USB Interface: 6 USB Ports (4 Rear USB + 2 Internal USB)2. Graphics Card Slot: PCI-E X163. PCI Slot: 1 * PCI4. PS / 2 Interface: PS / 2 mouse, PS / 2 keyboard5. External Port: Audio Interface / VGA / Network card / COM6. SATA Interface: 4 * SATA II7. Memory Slots: 2 x DDR2 DIMM8. Board Type: Micro ATX9. Dimensions: 20x17cm10. Power jack: 1x4 Pins + 1x24PinsPackage Included:1 * G31 775 Motherboard,,
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Pustular psoriasis
Pustular Psoriasis
Evaluated by Stephanie S. Gardner, MD on October 15, 2020
Types and Symptoms
Causes and Triggers
Pustular Psoriasis is a skin infection. You’ll see white knocks loaded up with discharge close or inside red skin blotches. These are called pustules. They can hurt and be layered, flaky, or bothersome.
It’s destined to influence:
The palms of your hands
The bottoms of your feet
Your fingers and toes
Despite the fact that you see discharge on your knocks, it is anything but a disease. You can’t get pustular psoriasis from another person or offer it to other people.
Pustular Psoriasis soriasis generally happens to grown-ups. It’s uncommon for youngsters to have it. Be that as it may, it can run in families.
You can get pustular psoriasis all alone or with another sort of psoriasis called plaque psoriasis.
Pustular Psoriasis Photo
Pustular psoriasis. Note the plainly characterized, raised knocks on the skin that are loaded up with discharge (pustules). The skin under and around these knocks is red.
Types and Symptoms
There are three sorts of pustular psoriasis, in light of where the rankle flare-ups are or how quick they sprung up.
Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP):Blisters structure on little spaces of your body, typically your palms or the bottoms of your feet. These discharge filled spots can become earthy colored, strip off, or outside layer over. Your skin can break, as well. This kind of psoriasis may travel every which way. Individuals who smoke are bound to get this structure.
Acropustulosis: Small, exceptionally difficult injuries spring up on your fingertips or toes. The agony can make it difficult to utilize your fingers or toes. In uncommon cases, it can cause nail or even bone harm.
Summed up or Von Zumbusch: Red, excruciating, delicate skin blotches appear over a wide space of your body, and discharge topped rankles fly off before long. Your skin might be irritated. You likewise may be exceptionally worn out or have fever, chills, drying out, queasiness, frail muscles, migraine, joint torment, a quick heartbeat, or weight reduction. This is an uncommon, genuine infection. See your primary care physician immediately on the off chance that you have these manifestations.
Causes and Triggers
Psoriasis is an immune system sickness. Your safe framework generally sends white platelets to fend off sickness in your body. Be that as it may, for this situation, they assault your own skin accidentally.
A couple of things can trigger psoriasis flares:
Meds, like steroids
Something that bothers your skin, similar to a skin cream or brutal skin health management item
A lot of daylight
A transformation, or change, in one of two explicit qualities (IL36RN or CARD14) may make you bound to get pustular psoriasis. On the off chance that you have one of these quality transformations, one of those triggers could set off a flare.
You’ll see a dermatologist (skin specialist) who will get some information about your manifestations, your clinical history, and any family background of psoriasis.
They may have to take a little example of your kindled skin to take a gander at under a magnifying instrument. That is known as a biopsy.
On the off chance that you have an extreme flare, they may likewise test your blood for indications of high white platelet checks; signs that your kidney and liver are working the manner in which they ought to; and whether you have solid degrees of electrolytes, calcium, and phosphate.
The objective of treatment is to facilitate your side effects and control episodes. What you take may rely upon your sort of pustular psoriasis.
Little, neighborhood flare-up: Your PCP may attempt a skin steroid cream first to treat the bruises. Coal tar or salicylic corrosive creams can assist with textured skin. You’ll slather on moisturizers, creams, or treatments to calm and forestall broke skin. Then, at that point you’ll slip on cotton gloves or socks to hold the dampness in. You may get alleviation from a cool pack on detects that trouble you or from a cereal shower.
PPP and acropustulosis episodes can be obstinate. Your primary care physician may give bright light medicines a shot the kindled skin. This is called phototherapy.
Oral medications like methotrexate or cyclosporine may assist quiet with bringing down your insusceptible framework. Acitretin (Soriatane) is another medication that can moderate skin episodes. It’s a retinoid, or a manufactured type of nutrient A.
This load of medications can have genuine results, so you may have to change medicines every once in a while.
In the event that you smoke, attempt to stop. Smoking makes your psoriasis harder to treat. Attempt to get things done to bring down your feelings of anxiety, similar to work out, yoga, judo, or contemplation. A few group feel good, albeit no investigations have demonstrated this.
Boundless flare-up: If you have summed up or Von Zumbusch psoriasis, move clinical consideration immediately. You’ll require liquids alongside medicines to forestall contamination, facilitate your fever, and quiet kindled, broken skin. While you’re in the clinic, you need to rest, stay hydrated, and keep cool.
Your primary care physician may attempt acitretin, methotrexate, cyclosporine, steroids, or biologics (drugs produced using living cells) like infliximab or etanercept to get your flare leveled out. When your skin redness and pustule flare-ups have quieted down, you can likewise attempt PUVA, where you take a medication called psoralen and afterward shaft bright light at the influenced space of your skin.
Pustular Psoriasis one treatment doesn’t get the job done. You may have to consolidate at least one to feel good.
WebMD Medical Reference
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La investigación abre nuevas estrategias de tratamiento para la forma específica de la psoriasis
La psoriasis es una enfermedad autoinmune de larga duración que se caracteriza por parches de piel anormal y se inflama. En general, se cree que tienen un origen genético, que puede ser activado adicionalmente por factores ambientales.
Las personas con mutaciones específicas en el gen CARD14 tienen una alta probabilidad de desarrollar psoriasis. Un equipo de investigación VIB / UGent ahora revela el mecanismo molecular por el que la señalización de las mutaciones en CARD14 plomo a un aumento de la inflamación en pacientes con psoriasis. Los resultados se publican en la revista EMBO Reports.
Tratamiento De La Psoriasis
Profesor Rudi Beyaert (VIB / UGent): ". Nuestros resultados plantean la interesante posibilidad de que los inhibidores de MALT1 podrían ser terapéuticamente beneficioso para los pacientes de psoriasis con mutaciones CARD14 inhibidores Ya sea MALT1 también pueden ser útiles para el tratamiento de las formas más comunes de la psoriasis está actualmente bajo investigación ".
Tratamiento De La Psoriasis
La psoriasis se estima que afecta al 2-4% de la población del mundo occidental. No hay cura para la psoriasis y el tratamiento actual sólo ayuda a controlar los síntomas. El mecanismo subyacente implica la activación del sistema inmune, lo que resulta en la inflamación y la proliferación de células de la piel local.
Uno de los factores genéticos conocidos implicados en la psoriasis es CARD14. Las mutaciones en este gen aumentan la capacidad de la proteína CARD14 para activar otra proteína (NF-? B) que controla la expresión de varios factores que conducen a la inflamación de la piel y la psoriasis.
Revela el mecanismo molecular conduce a dirigir perspectivas terapéuticas
Inna Afonina y Elien Van Nuffel bajo la dirección del prof Rudi Beyaert (VIB / UGent) investigaron el mecanismo de señalización molecular por el cual las mutaciones en CARD14 plomo a un aumento de la inflamación en pacientes con psoriasis. Para ello se centraron en los queratinocitos, un tipo específico de células de la piel con un papel clave en la psoriasis, debido a su crecimiento anormal y la capacidad de producir grandes cantidades de factores de inflamación promoviendo.
Tratamiento De La Psoriasis
El equipo de investigación pudo demostrar que CARD14 física y funcionalmente interactúa con una proteína llamada MALT1. Esta interacción activa MALT1 para escindir e inactivar un número de proteínas celulares que normalmente mantener el sistema inmunológico en el cheque. Curiosamente, las mutaciones de psoriasis asociada en CARD14 permiten la formación de complejos CARD14 / MALT1 hiperactivos, lo que conduce a anormalmente altas respuestas inmunes y la inflamación en pacientes con psoriasis.
Profesor Rudi Beyaert (VIB / UGent):. "Encontramos que el tratamiento farmacológico de células de piel humana con fármacos que inhiben la actividad de MALT1 reduce la producción de proteínas inflamatorias promover causadas por variantes mutantes de CARD14 Esperamos encontrar un socio industrial para tomar estos resultados prometedores un paso más en la búsqueda de una cura la psoriasis ".
Tratamiento De La Psoriasis
Y por supuesto, no puedes dejar de leer mi revisión sobre un eficaz método para que puedas olvidarte de todos los desagradables y poco estéticos síntomas de la psoriasis (Clic Aquí o ir al primer artículo de este blog), y también mi experiencia personal con la psoriasis - Clic Aqui. Deseando que destierres tus síntomas de la psoriasis, te pido persistencia, y si un método no te funciona, no desesperes y prueba con otro hasta que encuentres lo que a tí verdaderamente te funcione.
Tratamiento De La Psoriasis
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yeast-papers · 7 years
The E3 Ubiquitin Ligase RNF7 Negatively Regulates CARD14/CARMA2sh Signaling.
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/Q460q9
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kndybot · 7 years
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