chiqkihyun · 4 years
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Open Mind : Wonho - 9/04 release
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pillowfluffs · 6 years
Sing For Me Please!Kihyun
Pairing: Kihyun X Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You loved to sing but you always hid it from Kihyun until one day.. 
Author’s Note: I relate a lot tbh. I love singing but when nights with my family such as karaoke come, I don’t even sing.. Do you like singing? As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and please look forward to more works in the future!
Song Referenced: Ellie Goulding - How Long Will I Love You
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Music filled your ears without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand. The rhythm of it flowed through your veins and swirled in your head. Your body swayed at the gentle sounding music and the soft vocals of the vocalist you were listening to. The sweet sound of Ellie’s voice as well as yours matching hers. You followed along to her song while it played on your phone with your earbuds in. The volume was just right where you could hear your own voice and hear the music. You sat in your shared bedroom folding laundry, even hanging some up. Most of it was your boyfriend, Kihyun’s clothes. He was away on tour and came back just two days ago. You insisted he should stay home and rest since he had about five more days before getting back to work for their next comeback, but he was determined to make up for the days he was gone. You didn’t know how he was going to do it and you didn’t know when either.
Today Kihyun and his members had an event to go to, or at least that’s what he said. Kihyun left around noon, kissing you goodbye and headed out towards the company. About an hour and a half later and here he was at the supermarket, struggling a little bit with pulling out a shopping cart from the long line of carts outside the entrance. He wore a simple white hoodie with black jeans and vans. He brought Minhyuk and Wonho along because they felt rather bored at the dorm. Kihyun put all his strength into trying to pull the cart out of the chain of carts, seeming like it wouldn’t budge. He had a bag of reusable plastic bags hanging from his shoulder.
Wonho and Minhyuk approached the struggling hamster after parking the car. They watched in amusement. “Need help?” Minhyuk offered, chipper than ever. He walked over, replacing Kihyun. “If I can pull this out, then that’s just sad, Kihyun.” Minhyuk shook his head at him. He wore Black jeans with a white shirt and shoes with a black denim jacket. 
“It’s hard to pull out!” He stepped aside, watching trying to pull it out. “It’s not just me being weak, and If I can’t then you definitely can’t!” He laughed.
Minhyuk grasped the handle of the cart feeling the cold plastic and metal. The smile on his face began to fade as he pulled, giving a few hard tugs. “Wait why is this so hard?” He began to pull harder, enough to shake the other carts with it. 
“See?” Kihyun joined again, helping Minhyuk. “It’s not just ‘cause I’m weak!” They pulled hard, their faces began to scrunch up. “Pull harder!” Kihyun could feel the time being wasted even though it had only been a few minutes.
Wonho stood on the side leaning on a railing, recording the two of them as he laughed at them. “You two are so funny,” his voice shook as he laughed, his smile spread all over his face, flashing his straight white teeth as his eyes formed crescents. 
“You give it a try then!” Minhyuk pushed Kihyun and himself out the way, gesturing for Wonho to try. “Here, give me your phone, I’ll record you since you recorded us.” He took Wonho’s phone and began recording. 
Wonho calmly walked up the cart, wrapping one hand around the handle and pulled. He wore gray sweatpants with a black shirt. The cart came out with ease, leaving another bright smile plastered on his face as he looked at the two dumbfounded younger members. “I got the cart,” he burst out giggling at them, taking his phone back. 
“Whatever, let’s just shop,” Kihyun mumbled in embarrassment, taking the cart and leading into the cold aired supermarket. 
“We loosened it for you.” Minhyuk playfully nudged Wonho, making him laugh more as he watched the two videos on his phone following Kihyun through the automatic glass doors. 
The three entered the market, faced with row after row of cash registers, some closed since today was a weekday so fortunately, it didn’t face the weekend rush of things. Music from a popular radio station played softly through the speakers. The white lights on the ceiling reflected on the white floor tiles, making the place look somehow brighter and cleaner than the warm sun outside. Some customers walked through the aisles pushing carts, some with baskets. The first section of the market they faced was the bakery.
You sang along with the song as it was on loop, fixing parts here and there everytime it played again. You took all the chances you could to sing whenever Kihyun wasn’t home, but the reason behind it made the most sense to you. He was the main vocalist of an idol group while you were his significant other. So far in your life, you had never done anything musically; you didn’t play an instrument, you never took any lessons for vocals. The only thing you did musically was take the mandatory music classes required to graduate. Well, technically, in high school, the school required you to have a fine art credit and you weren’t as confident with drawing and painting than music so in high school, you took piano classes, which later on, you got lessons for a few years for, but stopped when college came around. It was only then did you play the piano but only when you had absolutely free time which was still rare.
You put away the final articles of clothing into the drawers in your bedroom. You laid on your bed, thinking about any other chores you had to do before Kihyun’s return, which you didn’t even know when it was. “I cleaned the bathrooms, did the laundry and put them away.. Vacuumed yesterday..” You really had nothing else to do for the day since which meant you could just sing. You pushed yourself up, grabbing your now fully charged tablet, going down the stairs at a somewhat fast pace, going straight down the basement stairs. Your basement was tied in first place as your favorite room in the house along with your bedroom. It was so cozy and comfortable. Once down the staircase, there was a bookshelf taking up an entire wall, filled with books, half of which you read. In front of the shelf was a couch with pillows and blankets where you spent most of your free time reading if not singing. But this time, you weren’t going to read. You quickly pulled open TubeYou, a popular app letting you post or watch videos. You quickly typed in the search for “Ellie Goulding How Long Will I Love You piano” where a moment later, millions of results popped up. You clicked on the first video, posted by an account you were subscribed to. You sat in the corner of the basement at a grand piano where you faced the corner of a room, facing a window which looked into your backyard. You couldn’t help the smile growing on your face since the last time you played this song was when Kihyun was on tour and you had gotten significantly better. 
You paused the music playing on your phone, plugging your earbuds into your tablet, placing it against the music rack, pressing play. You followed along with the video, singing without Ellie’s vocals. You wished you could play this for Kihyun one day, considering he told you he always listened to this song when he missed you and it expressed a good amount of his love for you.
“So what else do you need to get?” Minhyuk and Wonho were preoccupied, slowly walking down the snack aisle as Kihyun walked through, scanning the list of groceries for the house and dorm in general and the ingredients he needed. The cart was filled with various meats and greens, along with some frozen foods in case they couldn’t go out to eat, nor did they have time to make a full meal. Wonho grabbed a box of protein bars, placing them in the cart next to the energy drinks.
“Don’t forget to get snacks for the others.” Kihyun glanced upwards, seeing Wonho place his snacks in. “Uhhm,” his voice was barely audible to them as they continued scanning for possible snacks to bring home. He paused the cart at the end of the aisle, glancing from his list and cart, pulling a pen out and crossing off things he had already gotten. “I just need to get noodles and broth,” he basically said to himself as the two were in the back, bickering about which snack was better. He tucked the list into his pants pocket along with the pen and made his way towards the noodle aisle, leaving the two behind.
He pushed the cart, glancing around at things on sale, looking up the signs which informed shoppers what each aisle contained. All of a sudden, his mind buzzed to you. He thought how much power you had over him and you hadn’t the slightest clue at all. He dreaded leaving you at home alone while he went out on tour, especially out of the country, which was almost all tours now. The distance, the different time zones where he would be awake and you would be asleep or you would be awake and he would be asleep. As much as you two made it work, he couldn’t help but feel like a burden to you. To be in a relationship where you two hardly saw each other. You, of course, said it a countless amount of times but meant it each time when you told him you understood. You even told him how you felt like the burden. He wouldn’t feel this way unless you didn’t flirt back to him. He looked up to see the aisle he needed to be in. He began turning into the aisle, along with the other two catching up to him, a few snacks in each of their arms, dumping them into the cart.
You sat at the piano, the song coming back with ease into your head so it was basic muscle memory. You couldn’t quite hear yourself that well with your earbuds. You paused the music, swapping your earbuds for over the ear headphones, beginning once again, hearing everything evenly. “A few more practices and then I can perform it for Kihyun..” you thought excitedly to yourself, smiling as you sang along with the music. You had known Kihyun for a while; he knew you better than you knew yourself, except for this little part. As much as you wanted to show him this side of you, you just couldn’t. You two were equals and treated each other like so. He never criticized you for anything except when you were sick, he would tell you “I told you so,” for not wearing enough layers, but aside from that, nothing else. You confused yourself.
“However long you say~ How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you, and longer if I may,” the softness and smoothness of Ellie’s voice suited yours perfectly. Her voice wasn’t too high so the song, fortunately, didn't pose a challenge. You were able to match her tone and pitch, or at least you thought. You weren’t a musical expert like Kihyun, but you hoped he would enjoy it. The song was instrumented beautifully with the piano accompaniment, though it lacked something small due to the nonexistent drums, this didn’t stop you. You kept singing the song and playing it on repeat in your own little world.
“Let’s get these all home quickly so you guys can get your ice cream back home before it all melts.” Kihyun pushed the cart towards the car in the somewhat barren parking lot. “Minhyuk, trunk.”
Without a word, Minhyuk pulled out the car keys, unlocking the car, holding a button which opened the automatic car trunk. He held the cart as Kihyun and Wonho began loading the bags into the car, closing it and returning the cart swiftly. The sun was at the beginning of the setting, giving off a golden light. Fortunately, they were ahead of rush hour, able to drive through the clear streets before they were filled with cars going home from work. Music played through the car, the two in the front jamming out as Kihyun sat in the back of his phone.
“They haven’t texted me..” Kihyun opened his messages, not seeing any new ones since he landed, which he found somewhat strange. He scrolled through the previous messages, rereading the messages you sent, talking about each other’s day. He pulled up his contacts, pressing on your contact to call you. He watched as they passed other cars and pedestrians, glancing towards the orange, golden, and blue skies. The phone continued to ring, only to end with an automatic voicemail. He remembered when you first got your new phone, you didn’t make an official voicemail since you said you hated your voice, especially a recording of it. Now thinking about you, he never really understood why you hated your voice since he found it so soothing himself, especially on nights when he couldn’t sleep so you would wrap yourself around him, telling him fantasy stories you made up right on the spot, drawing imaginary shapes on his chest or stomach.
The longer you played and sang, the better you felt. You were in your own little world, playing your piano, singing a song you knew meant a lot to Kihyun. You felt as if you gave this video most of its views since you believed you were the only one who played this video more than anyone in the world. You were soon able to play without following the video.
“Okay, it’s time,” you spoke to yourself, removing the headphones and shutting off the tablet, neatly moving them to the side. You turned off your phone, moving it to the side with the tablet. You didn’t need any distractions. You needed perfection for this song. You counted off in your head, beginning to play the melody, humming the beginning of the song before singing the lyrics. The lyrics were no challenge for you since they were memorized into your head after listening to it so many times. Now all you had to do was match the tone and pitch with the piano as you sang.
You had to admit, being a singer was no easy thing, especially the idols where they danced and moved so much; there was so much they had to do, memorize lyrics, memorize choreography, where most of the times, were made by someone else. You were astonished how Kihyun and his members did it, especially since they created their own lyrics, pouring their soul into everything they did and will do.
The car pulled into the familiar neighborhood, stopping and pulling into the driveway. “Do you need our help to bring stuff in?” Wonho looked back in his seat to see Kihyun already slinging bags over his arms with the keys to your house in hand.
“No, it’s okay. Get back home though, the ice cream isn’t as cold as before.” He began closing the trunk. “Bye.” He waved them off as they drove away, turning the radio back up. He walked toward your front door, four plastic bags in his arms filled with groceries and snacks. He slid the key in, unlocking the door to be met with the dim sound of the piano playing the recognizable song of Ellie Goulding. He walked toward the kitchen after removing his shoes, placing the bags onto the island.
“I guess they’re reading,” Kihyun wondered to himself as he began to place the groceries that needed to be refrigerated into your somewhat empty fridge. It wouldn’t be the first time he came home to you blasting music with the bluetooth speaker of yours as you read a book, but as he continued to listen, he heard the voice singing wasn’t Ellie’s. He paused immediately, slowly making his way towards the basement, following the music. He stepped down the stairs lightly, trying not to let them creak. He was met with you, playing the piano, singing along, a wide smile making his eyes turn into crescents as he sat himself down on the stairs, absorbing your voice and the way you played the piano.
“How long will I want you, as long as you want me to, and longer by far~ How long will I hold you, as long as your father told you, as long as you can~” Your voice was as smooth and honeyed as Ellie’s as she sang. Yours matched hers very well in Kihyun’s opinion. You couldn’t help the smile on your face grow as you felt very confident and content with how you were currently playing and singing it than your past few tries. “This is the one,” your smile affected your singing only a tad bit, but you were able to adjust to it.
Kihyun lifted himself up with the help of the banister, slowly and quietly making his way over to you so he stood behind you, looming over your shoulders. He was mesmerized with your long fingers as they played each chord and note perfectly. His cheeks were sore from his wide smile, but he couldn’t help it since he had never seen or heard you sing nor play the piano. He had to place his hands over his chest to calm his heart, afraid you would hear how loud it was pounding.
You let the final chord ring out, closing your eyes to listen as it echoed around the room off the walls. The sound of clapping and a sudden feeling of someone’s arms around your back startled you, making you shriek until you realized it was Kihyun. “Oh my god, you scared me!” You turned in your seat, staring into his eyes as he stood above you. A sudden heat bloomed through your entire body until you realized Kihyun had heard you.
“You sing so well!” He cupped your face with his hands with the biggest smile on his face. “Why haven’t you ever sung for me? We could do a duet.”
You looked at anything but his eyes, you couldn’t meet them. You sighed, placing your hands over his, removing them so now you held them. “I don’t like my voice, remember? And it probably wasn’t good anyways,” your voice was quiet, almost inaudible to him as you turned away, closing the fallboard over the keys.
“No, your voice was,” he paused as he sat next to you on the seat. “I don’t even know a word for it since it was so good.” He playfully nudged you. He knew your voice wasn’t something you loved, but now he just had more reasons to add to his list of why he loved you so much.
“Horrendous?” You played with your fingers in your lap, not wanting to look into his.
“Hey, no. The complete opposite. Your voice is my favorite, everything about you is my favorite.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder, peppering kisses on your cheek. He knew your weakness and how to use it, especially in a time like this.
A warm feeling slowly spread from your chest, making you smile. “You know, since you told me about it, I actually wanted to play and sing the song for you.” You turned your head, playfully looking at him, adoring his features.
“Really?” He was flattered as he raised his eyebrows.
You nodded, resting your head on his shoulder. “I’ve been practicing singing and playing the piano again when you’re not home.”
“Woah, woah, wait just a minute. First of all, wow, my significant other is so talented, like me. And second, playing the piano again?” He emphasized the last word as he sat up, trying to lean his head forward so he could meet your face and eyes.
“Oh, yeah, I never told you but I’ve been playing piano since high school..” You lifted your head, looking into his.
His eyes were wide as well as his eyebrows still raised. “Any other surprises?” He broke out into laughter from his own voice.
You shook your head, your smile appearing once again as you intertwined your fingers with his.
“Well, I technically only heard half of the song so..” He squeezed your hands with his.
“I don’t know, Kihyun..”
“Sing for me, please?” He lifted the fallboard. “I’ll play, you just sing.” He gave you his puppy eyes, another thing you couldn’t resist. He played the first chord, looking at you with pleading eyes.
You sighed, humming the beginning note. He continued playing as you continued singing, spending the rest of the night playing more songs, singing them together.
Masterlist for more!
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mx-in-words · 6 years
Jooheon friends-to-lover!AU.
Fluff, some angst. Kind of smut maybe? Nothing big.
That's my first au so please let me know if you guys liked. Enjoy ♡
~ I'm so soft for this picture shit
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So, my english it's not good at all but I will give this shot okay? Sorry anyway
You are a artist in your "free time" and during the day you actually work in yours parent's company, since you did administrative college and the work pay your bills - also, it's not bad at all. It's a tourism company so you just enjoy taking care about the most political things.
It happens that you know Hyungwon because your parent's and his parent's know each other for a looong time, which it's okay for you??? Yeah, hyung it's a nice guy... but you just don't like him that much, not that close friends you know?
It's Friday night, your friends are in your apartment listening some Lo-Fi Playlist while taking about boring stuff of life, broken hearts memorys and how you all love the idea of having a art gallery together. Some of them are plastic artists, some are photographer's , writers and of course, like you, the painters.
The wine and some crazy cocktails with too much vodka were making everyone's take long laughs and blush more than normally.
You just stopped a moment to appreciate your friends.
" hey y/n, wake up lil bitch, can you do this for me?" You shaked your head to pay attention in your friend.
" hm, sorry, what? " you turn completely to her, showing that you're absolutely focusing on her straight away.
" please help me with your friend hyungwon~~~ " she was making the cutest face ever, you rolled your eyes but couldn't help but smile. Your thoughts actually came seen both of them as a couple and Yeah, can work quite good... why not?
" sure, but you know his an idol right? The only reason why any of the fans have killed me yet it's because they know that we are like cousins, almost family and we are not THAT close."
She keeps saying how you should help her and you just did it.
After thinking a lot you called hyungwon with a good idea in your head.
" hey sleephead, how are you?" You smile, FaceTiming with the most sleepy boy ever.
" I am a very hard worker miss y/n! I am going to see you in the barbecue in two days, why did you call me?" The fact that his voice was so soft and calm made your heart melt for your friend.
" I am not going to the barbecue... neither are you actually..." " it's that so?" He laugh putting his hands on his mouth
" yes mister, I will tell why!!!! Party at my place, pizza and some snacks, my crazy but very artistic friends anddd your idols friends. What do you think?"
"yes mister, I will tell why!!!! Party at my place, pizza and some snacks, my crazy but very artistic friends anddd your idols friends. What do you think?"
"sounds GReAT! Let's do it but I am bringing the alcohol because literally you are weiiird" he rolled his eyes.
" whatt? What do you mean crackhead?"
" if I put sugar plus sixteen shots of vodka its your perfect drink, but if I gave you a sip of beer you're making the most gross face ever!"
you literally said that you will kill him but he's right. You ended the call, thinking that you know hyungwon for decades but never meet his members.
Of course you knew monsta x, you're not a dumb shit but you never talked to them. Only Wonho, twice, he was in hyungwon bedroom and pick up your call but that's it.
you texted to your friends in the chat group saying about your plan to get hyungwon with your friend, but nothing very pushy... just to give a little hand.
You searched the names of the others members and find yourself having,,, a,,, crush in ... jooheon?
You decided that the best thing you can really do is sleep and let it go. He's an idol, nop, let it go girl...
this two finals days have been very slow but not boring, actually you worked very hard and everything was looking just fine,,, which is strange!!!! But you just thought " yeah maybe life is planning something huh? I can see it coming"
okay, Friday night, you were getting your makeup ready, really soft glam but nothing too big. Dressing a revealing outfit but very comfy also, high waisted ripped jeans with a white cropped and a militar jacket. Your hair was beautiful, just do way you like it and you smile seeing the final result.
your friends were coming and soon hyungwon was in your door, holding a lot of snacks and the drinks. You greet him and two of the members that get in with him: minhyuk and shownu.
Minhyuk was really loud and that matched with your friends just instantly. Shownu was more quiet but he's sweet personality make everyone fell warm around him.
Soon Chankyun, Wonho and Kihyun arrived. Everyone was playing a drinking game and no sign of jooheon. You didn't want to make this weird question because you didn't know him anyway.
The bottle was pointing you and hyungwon.
"So loser, truth or dare?"
" Dare but remember that I have some photos of you before you fixed your eyebrows so be careful"
you were like BiTCh ShUUUt UPPP okay ~~ " yeah yeah chill boy, I dare you to give a kiss IN THE CHEAK CALM DOWN in the two most beautiful girls here"
he let a sign but just smiled, he got up and kissed your cheak - of course since he likes to breath - and OMG YOUR FRIEND OH SHIT IS HAPPENING.
everyone just give them a " uhuhhhh" " nice"
you hear the door and opened very quickly.
" hi, you're y/n right? " and that was it. Your heart just skipped a beat, the most handsome men with the brightest and most beautiful smile in the world was right in front of you.
" yes! Hi, come in, jooheon right?" You give him space to come in. Calm. The. Fuck.down.
every since jooheon got in, the game got more focused in actually make people drink, everyone was wasted in less than two hours.
" hyungwon" Wonho was supposed to ask a true " is it true that you said to us to not even look at y/n BUT if someone was suppose to do that it can only be jooheon?"
you blushed very hard trying to not laugh and jooheon did the same, what on Earth is happening?
" yes but really y/n!!! jooheon and you!!! I always wanted to introduce both of you but I don't want to make things weird." Hyungwon was saying slowly, moving his hands and petting your head like a lil kid.
The night continued and you finded yourself in the kitchen putting more snacks when jooheon was right next to you.
one minute was like hey and other both of you were talking about the music industry and real talents,, like bffs omg.
" yeah like Chris Brown its nice but he's sexist!!! Look, you and your band can't even get a fucking tattoo and guys like him can beat up his girlfriend or some of them can rape woman and everyone still liking them? Unfair to me bro. " you said eating one of the chips.
" yo you are so fucking right! Like wtf he can be good but that's a lot of new good people that will act like Jesus to get one percent of this guys fame" He said very seriously.
you two keep talking until your friends called you in a rush.
everyone was pointing to the roof, where the window was open and you could see hyungwon very close to your friend, FLIRTING AF!!! YOU WERE SO PROUND AND HAPPY.
" wow I think you are a Cupid right? " jooheon smiled at me and we joined to everyone's conversation until 3 am.
when everyone left, jooheon put his hand in your shoulder and asked your number. You give it to him smiling, saying that you will wait for his text.
since that day, everyday that passed you and jooheon became inseparable and you just felt so safe and warm with him.
after four mouths, he became your bestie. No, you didn't tell your feelings because you were afraid!!!! He's too much, you can't!!!
' can I just come over to cuddle with you? Tough day :( ' he texted you. 'Sure dude, doors, my sofa and my arms are open to you.' You texted back.
'on my way little bee' since you called him joohoney or just honey, he started to call you lil bee, it was cute sure thing but made your heart beat faster than normal, what is not actually good.
" heey little bee, I am here" he said closing the door " I brought you Chinese food".
" I can't live without you anymore, you bring me food!" You hugged him but he hugged you tight, for maybe more than just 20 seconds. " hey joohoney, are you okay?"
- he looked at you with tearing eyes, shaking his head in a no. You hold his hand but pushed him to the sofa. You put a blanket on him, brought his food for him, putting in the table in front of him and hugged him inside the blanket.
" you know you can tell me anything right?" I smiled to him, holding his hands.
" y/n " he looked deep in your eyes " please tell me you don't see me only as a friend."
you have no answer. Of course you don't, but what if... You don't want to screw up everything, you don't see yourself without jooheon anymore. Also the fans, the idol life, your busy jobs...
" please look at me and say that you feel the same. Say that you want me too"  he was really close to you, you can feel his slow breath and how good he smells.
fuck it.
you kissed him. You don't know why but you just did it, and giiiiirl it was dawn good.
his lips were smooth, he put his hands in your face to make the kiss more deep but still soft.
you just feel him anywhere everywhere and all you could think is " why did it take so long? I been ready for this kiss since hyungwon get it monsta x"
since you were apart now, jooheon hugged you and whispered in you ear " please be mine, please"
you felt goosebumps and look at him again. You felt his lips on yours once again but this time hungry, with passion and desire. You couldn't stop, we was addictive, like a dream but so much intense.
his hands now were all over your body and he layed you down in the sofa. The make out session was becaming something more. He's volume now was pressing against your sex and you could feel yourself getting more and more wet every kiss and everytime his hands traveled for your body.
" we should stop right now or I will be hard for me to stop, princess" he whispered looking to you breathless.
" please don't stop jooheon" you said that with all your heart, you need him. " I need you".
that was all jooheon need to know. He didn't stop and girl, cof cof the boy IS GOOD.
you slept together cuddling in your sofa, naked and feeling like finally things were right.
in the next day, you woke up and turn over to see jooheon. He was sleeping like an angel, he was so beautiful and that was scary for you, why would he choose you?
" what is going on in this pretty head huh?" He asked slowly opening his eyes and giving you a soft kiss in your forehead.
" nothing, just happy to be with you."
" God, I am waiting for this for so long, don't ever let go, I am really in love with you y/n so please be my girlfriend."
you smiled and nodded, kissing him. " of course, you're my honey boyfriend, and I am in love with you too"
since this day you were a couple.
jooheon was the best boyfriend.
rap battles to see who gets the last slice of pizza.
pillow talk with some chill lo-fi. Deep stuff and the most funniest inside jokes that make you cry for laughing so hard.
sometimes when you open the door for him he just closes the door with you and take you right there ;) " I been thinking about you and your sexy body the hole day, do you know how crazy I am for you?".
trying to cook for you in the dorms but kihyun and minhyuk can't let him live in peace.
watch some classic films with you. Cry in some fluffy scenes and says how grateful he is for having you :').
making you massages in bad days.
but honestly he is so jealous about hyungwon and you. Even tho hyungwon and your friend are dating for longer than you two.
no big deal, he just get like " please give me more attention I love you more than him :( " and it's a big teddy bear uwu.
... part 2 is here.
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jae-bummer · 7 years
My Idol: Part Thirty
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My Idol From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
My Idol is a South Korean competitive reality dating game show. It currently airs on Wednesday nights on Jae-bummer’s blog. First broadcast in 2016, the show offers the opportunity for a lucky fan to go on seven blind dates with seven idols. The idol plans the date with the show throwing in specific missions to complete during the day. At the end of the initial dates, the show opens up an audience vote to decide what three idols will move on to the second date.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31
Day 1: 
Your eyes slowly came to terms with the light streaming into the room around you as Jooheon bounced happily atop of the mattress you were sleeping on. 
“What time is it?” you croaked, running a tired hand across your face. You knew you looked less than desirable as Jooheon smiled down on you. 
“Eight,” he nodded, giving a bounce as he spoke the numeral. “Time to wake up.”
“On what planet?” you groaned. “This is vacation, isn’t it? That means we sleep in.”
“Not when you have an action packed day full of fun!” he smiled, tilting his head back and forth as if he were a puppy. 
“Ugh, why do you have to be like this?” you gasped, flopping over and burying your face deep into a pillow. 
“It’s one of my many charms,” he chuckled, rubbing your back now that it was available to him. “C’mon honey, get up.” 
“Jooheon,” you sighed, leaning around to peak at him from behind your blankets. “Why do you call me honey? I call you Heoney and that’s pretty similar, don’t you think?”
“Simple,” he nodded. “It’s because I’m a Heoney bee. Heoney bees love honey.” 
Jooheon smiled to himself for a moment at his clever pun before his face went entirely blank. He began to laugh nervously before words began to spew from his mouth. “Not like I love you or anything yet. That takes a lot of work. Love that is. The big “L” word. Lovey love love...uh-”
“Jooheon,” you hummed, cutting him off. “I know you didn’t mean it like that.”
“Really?” he asked, his eyes wide. “Promise?”
“Promise,” you sighed. “Even if I am pretty lovable.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughed. “You’d be more lovable if you got up.”
“So...like...if we end up pursuing a relationship, does that mean I always get woken up this early?” you muttered. “Because if the answer is yes, it could weigh heavily on my decision going forward.”
“Aigoo,” Jooheon chuckled. “Would you just get up already?”
“So...you are telling me...” you croaked, looking up at the building before you. “That you woke me up...to get an early start at the-”
“JEJU ISLAND’S TEDDY BEAR MUSEUM!” Jooheon grinned, flinging his hands in the air before you. You heard a snort behind you, signifying that Armpit or Sweaty found the situation to be fairly amusing. This caused you to groan and stomp your foot as if you were a small child. 
“Lee Jooheon, what could possibly be so entertaining that could not wait another hour or two?” you gasped. 
“Well, for starters,” he hummed, pulling a small brochure from his back pocket. You furrowed your brows, unsure of how he possibly got ahold of the flyer in the first place. “You can find out everything you ever wanted to know about teddy bears. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wondered-”
You lifted your brows as you watched Jooheon speak, not necessarily listening to his words, but watching his facial expressions and his mannerisms. He was generally a pretty emotive and physically expressive person, but in this moment, he was on his highest setting. He looked so completely enamored and engaged by the idea of learning about the history of teddy bears, that you couldn’t help but be thrilled as well. 
Jooheon was funny in that way. In so many situations, you were easy to shy away or become disinterested, but you knew if he were to show any sort of interest, it would be near infectious. If Jooheon was excited, you would inevitably become excited as well. 
But you would come to learn that you could immediately regret his excitement. 
You had never seen so many stuffed bears in the entirety of your life. There were bears posed as famous pieces of art, bears posed as celebrities, and bears posed as historical figures. There were bears set in historical scenes, modern spaces, and even once set in a jurassic situation. You saw bears in dresses, bears in coveralls, and bears in suits. Some bears stood life size while others were taller than you. 
Needless to say, by the time you arrived at the gift shop, you were teddy beared out. 
“Which one?” Jooheon asked softly, eying up a small and squishy bear located on a shelf at eye level. “You can have any one you want.” 
“Please,” you hummed, pushing your face into his shoulder. “No more.”
“When we’re driving away and you’re upset because you didn’t get a teddy bear from the Jeju Teddy Bear Museum, I don’t want to hear it,” Jooheon clucked, kissing the top of your head softly. You chuckled to yourself and leaned back, giving a soft slap to his shoulder. 
“Fine, pick one for me,” you muttered. 
“I pick him,” he nodded, grabbing at a particularly chubby bear. “He looks like he needs to be appreciated.”
“Mmm, you think?” you asked, tilting your head and taking the bear carefully into your hands. “You think he would be interested in becoming a contestant on My Idol?”
“I don’t know,” Jooheon chuckled, lifting his brows. “Would I have to surrender my spot in the finale to him?”
“That could be a possibility,” you grinned, elbowing your date. “What a plot twist that would be.”
“I can’t take any more plot twists to be honest,” he sighed. “I’m sick of showing up for a voting special and everything is on fire.”
After Jooheon had paid for your small and furry friend, you found yourselves both looking for some sort of sustenance. It didn’t take long for you to locate a cafe on your phone and have the My Idol SUV transport you to your desired location. 
The two of you settled into a table at Cafe Two Weeks, a quaint, little restaurant you could easily spend a few weeks in exploring on your own. You were amazed by the hidden gems Jeju had to offer and how easy it was to stumble upon something simply beautiful that you wouldn’t have known about otherwise. 
There were two floors of the cafe, with the second floor providing an exceptional view of the ocean. The seating you chose however, was placed in a secluded outdoor garden. It seemed to be the perfect place to get away from the bustling beaches and museums and simply relax for a few hours. 
“Heoney,” you called, looking over your menu at the handsome man. You recalled the question you had posed only a few days ago to Jay and thought about posing it to Jooheon as well. “I have a question.”
“And I have an answer,” he smiled with a wink. “I can’t always confirm you’ll like my answers though.”
“I’m at peace with that,” you nodded. “As long as the answers are honest.”
“No promises,” he chuckled, looking down at his menu. You watched as his eyes scanned carefully over the words printed on the page. “What’s up?”
“Why My Idol?” you asked simply. 
“I don’t know,” he hummed. “I thought it was honestly kind of a stupid name for a show to be honest, but what does my opinion-”
“No, Jooheon,” you sighed. “Why did you sign up for My Idol?”
“Ah,” he said with a small nod. His eyes lifted up from his menu and he placed the paper on the table before him. “I had a feeling you were going to ask that.” 
“Then you must have prepared a reaaaally good answer,” you grinned. 
“I was going to try to freestyle this one actually,” he smiled. “Why did I join My Idol? Well...the production crew approached Starship and wondered if any of us were interested. Somehow we’ve gotten the title of being broadcast friendly idols, so we were approached pretty early on...Originally Shownu hyung had volunteered as he was the oldest, followed by Wonho hyung, but our manager pushed for me to take the spot. At the time, a relationship was honestly the last thing I wanted. The goal was to get in and get out with only one thing on my mind...winning.”
“Oh,” you gasped, a bit taken back by his words. You knew Jooheon would be nothing but honest with you, but you had assumed most of the men had joined the show for the notoriety and spotlight on their respective groups. 
“The guys insisted we weren’t much good at winning things,” Jooheon chuckled, his cheeks immediately turning more and more red with a blush. “So I had to win. When I got here...well...I wasn’t quite expecting you.” 
You nodded with a small smile. Jay had held a similar sentiment. 
“I think it took me a few days after our date to realize...you weren’t just here to get famous from a reality television series. You weren’t here just to be able to brag about dating an idol. You actually wanted to get to know us and that was really important to me. Not many people want to get past the surface...and actually stay.” 
“You’re human after all,” you said softly. “Or at least that was the mantra I repeated to myself whenever I would have an initial date. Idols are regular people, just with a brighter spotlight.” 
“That’s a way to put it,” he nodded. “And you definitely haven’t shied away.”
“And I don’t plan to,” you grinned. “So...you joined My Idol because you wanted to win?”
“Well that and I knew there would be free food,” Jooheon laughed. “Speaking of, what are you ordering?” 
“Aigoo,” you grumbled. “Really?”
“This is important,” Jooheon nodded with wide eyes. “Will the cappuccino or americano make it to the season finale?” 
“You’re the worst,” you muttered under your breath. “And obviously the cappuccino, are you crazy?”
Jooheon smiled, his eyes disappearing in his cheeks. “Then I’ll pretend I’m the cappuccino then...even if the americano is better.” 
Day 2: 
You blinked heavily, your body slowly coming to terms with the idea of being awake. Stretching your arms out before you, you flopped over to the opposite side of the mattress and giggled to yourself. Jooheon was still solidly asleep in his bed, but both arms hung from the edge of the mattress and toward you. His mouth was slightly ajar, his light snores carrying through the suite. The noise wasn’t anything to keep you awake, but was just comforting enough to let you know he was there. His nose twitched, much like a bunny, as he groaned lightly between snores. He must have still been immersed in a dream. 
You nodded to yourself, confirming your consciousness. Your legs began the agonizing journey of uncovering themselves from deep within your covers and out into the open world. Your feet hit the hardwood with a light smack, causing a shiver to launch through your spine. The suite was definitely chilly this morning, but you were certain Jooheon had cranked down the temperate while you slept. You recalled from your first date how warm he had gotten, so you couldn’t blame him. 
Exhaling, you lifted yourself from the mattress and began to shuffle to the bathroom. After a beautifully warm shower, you threw on some clothes, and most importantly, your fuzzy robe. You slid open the back door of your room, careful not to stir the still snoozing Jooheon as you began to walk barefoot toward the sound of waves. 
It didn’t take you long to target the noise you had heard as soon as your My Idol SUV had pulled up to the hotel. Jeju was an island after all, so it seemed like it would be easy to find a beach in most situations. You wandered out onto the soft sand, barren of any tourists as it was just past sunrise and too early to begin sunbathing. You wrapped your arms around your waist and took a deep breath. 
You were feeling so many things in this moment, you weren’t quite sure where to even begin your thought processes. The past few months had been the most exciting of your life. It felt like every moment you had had up until the point when My Idol had begun had been so soft and quiet compared to this. These moments and memories, they screamed in your mind. They begged for attention and stood in glaring 4D color as you thought back on every moment. You had gone over date after date with such granularity that sometimes you were unsure of how your path had ended here, but you were here. 
That is what mattered. 
So many times during your journey it seemed like you could have simply given up. You would have avoided so much hurt, so many tears, and so much heartbreak if you would have simply told producers you couldn’t carry on. 
Especially after your date with Top when you had ended up in the hospital. 
That was a memory you weren’t prepared to think about. Especially not here. 
You thought back to the first results special. You dived back into the emotions that had been coursing through you as you spoke Jay’s name to the studio full of My Idol fans. You remembered Jooheon’s face as he realized the fans had voted him through for the first time. How could you deserve either man? They were both too perfect. 
You thought making a decision would be easier than this. You had never been swept up in such a tidal wave in the entirety of your life. You had never thought you’d be involved in a love triangle, and yet here you were, stuck between two rappers who sat on different ends of the spectrum. 
Jay was rough around the edges, but extremely soft at his core. You quickly learned that most of his facade was just that, a flimsy covering to remain unexposed to the world. He attempted to act hard and use coarse words when before the cameras, but when it was only the two of you, he dissolved into a wonderful partner. He was funny, supportive, and deeply attached. He cared about your well being and had been the only man to actually go as far as to break the rules to make you fall in love with him...
were you in love with him? 
The word made your stomach churn. 
And then there was Jooheon. You had never thought of him as being rough around the edges, but he did have a definite exterior, just as Jay did. Jooheon was very put together and extremely talented. He shone in everything he did and you felt as if your light was never dull while he was around. He added energy to a room and made you feel wanted. He had played by every rule My Idol had thrown at him and kept a smile on his face the entire time. You had begun your journey by simply identifying as his fan...
and now he had mentioned introducing you to his mother as his girlfriend? 
You had been called worse things, that was for sure. 
“I was worried,” a raspy voice cooed as a pair of sweater paw-ed hands wrapped around your own huddled body. You smiled to yourself as you identified the sleepy tone to belong to Jooheon who nuzzled his face into your neck. “I didn’t know where you went.”
“I needed some fresh air,” you sighed. “Life is hard.”
“Well...yes,” Jooheon chuckled. “But why in this particular circumstance?” 
You took a deep breath in and let it out slowly. “I’m not going to subject you to the inner workings of my head.”
“Yes, you will,” he grinned. “That’s what being in a relationship is about, Y/N. I know we aren’t technically official, but if we want to prep for the future-”
“That’s half the problem, Heoney,” you grumbled, cutting him off. “The future.”
“Explain,” he sighed. He unwrapped his arms from around you and plopped into the sand. He patted the ground beside him before drawing his knees up and resting his arms on them. 
You grumbled as you landed onto the sand beside him and stared into the waves crashing before you. “I don’t know what to do.”
“I was worried about that,” Jooheon sighed. “I was kind of hoping that it was such an obvious answer...that you wouldn’t have any second thoughts about it.” 
“I wish,” you muttered. “You are both just...terribly good guys. You’ve done so well and treated me so right.” 
“But not well enough,” he muttered, gazing out into the waves again. “Not well enough to make you forget about Jay Park.”
“It’s kind of difficult when I’m actively dating both of you,” you laughed bitterly. “I don’t want to make this a competition...”
“It is a competition,” Jooheon whispered. “It has been from the beginning. That’s the whole point. What idol can catch your interest and your heart...isn’t it?”
“It’s more than a competition,” you grumbled, furrowing your brows. You looked up to Jooheon and tilted your head. This was one of the first times he had ever used such a stern tone with you and it sent up an alarm of discomfort in your head. “It’s my reality, Jooheon.”
“Which is why I’ve taken it so seriously,” he nodded. “Some people play by the rules in life, Y/N and they get rewarded for it. Jay hyung has done nothing but break rules and he’s been getting rewarded this whole time. I hate the way this works.”
“You don’t think you’ve been rewarded?” you questioned. 
“I’ve seen the message boards,” he sighed. “I’ve been on Tumblr, and Twitter, and the fancafe...So many people talk about how Jay has unexpectedly caught their interest...how I don’t even stand a chance. I’m so worried they’re right...that in your head you’re thinking the same thing.”
You closed your eyes tightly, only reopening them again once tiny stars had begun to fill your vision. “Jooheon...”
“I know me complaining isn’t attractive,” he grumbled. “And people are used to seeing me be this happy virus, but these are the things that worry me. These are the thoughts that make me think “should I have done these things instead?” I’m always wondering if I’m enough.”
You were near tears as you placed your hand on Jooheon’s shoulder and gave a light squeeze. “But you are enough.” 
“It’s hard being an idol,” he clucked, near tears himself. “You are always wondering if people want to date you or be your friend because they think you’re so successful. You have your family, but they’re far away. You have your managers, but they’re busy making schedules. You have your members...but at the end of the day...after a show or an interview...it’s just you alone in that hotel room. Or that dorm room. Or that bus. You and your thoughts, your dreams, your emotions...Y/N...
I just...
I don’t want to be alone anymore...”
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jae-bummer · 8 years
Senses Pt. 3 (Finale)
you all have asked, i hope to have delivered. Final part of Senses below! Hope everyone enjoys. 
Senses Pt. 1 - Senses Pt. 2
Member: Monsta X’s Wonho x Y/N
Type: fluff/slight smutty situations
Wonho’s lips hovered over mine as his eyes continued to search my face, unsure and hesitant. 
“Hoseok,” I croaked. “You don’t have to kiss me.”
“But I’m a purveyor of science,” he chuckled, his hold still locked onto my neck. “It’s a hidden hobby of mine.”
“Mmm, why do I feel like you’re stretching the truth?” I smiled, biting on my lip. He watched the movement carefully. 
“I’m such a hoe for science. All the science,” he breathed, his eyes glued on my lips. 
I smiled, silently urging him to bridge the gap between us. 
“Here we go,” he growled. “Approaching your face.”
It was incredibly amusing that someone who gave off a feeling as sexy and confident as Wonho did, reverted back to a shy nerd whenever he was becoming intimate with someone. He took a deep breath, his cheeks a bright red as his face moved toward mine. 
His lips were gentle, the initial pressure of the kiss barely a ghost on my lips. His large hands cupped both sides of my face as he pressed down with a bit more effort, slowly coming to the realization that I wasn’t so fragile. He opened his mouth slightly, adjusting his movements so our mouths fit more comfortably against each other’s. My heart skipped a beat from the contact and how soft his lips were. Not every first kiss could be electrifying from the start, but as Hoseok continued, so did the growing knot of tension forming in my stomach. I could feel myself melting, becoming putty literally in his hands. The kiss didn’t last as long as I had originally hoped for, Hoseok pulling away only moments after it began. 
“So what’d you taste?” he smiled, bringing his hands back down to his lap. He was shaking, obviously nervous with the act he had just initiated. He was a fair mixture of confidence and complete disarray. 
“Aigoo, this Hoseok?! Right now?!” I gasped, launching myself toward him this time. I landed onto his lap, straddling his thick thighs as I grabbed his face. His smile was bigger than any that I had ever seen grace his beautiful features as I leaned toward him. “I can’t believe-”
Hoseok took the opportunity of my mouth being ajar to pull my bottom lip between his teeth, giving it a gentle tug before he caught me in yet another kiss. Without thinking, I kissed back, becoming lost in the feeling that was him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my hands finding his scalp as they had earlier. I was slowly learning his weaknesses and planning on utilizing all of them to make him unravel. Hoseok’s arms wrapped around my waist, tugging me in close against his chest. He held me in this position as he rubbed small circles into my lower back with his fingers. 
Hoseok growled as I raked my hands through his hair, attempting to pull me in even closer than he had done already. He held on to me as if his goal was to combine us into one person. If he kept adding pressure into my back, I was certain that I would just melt into him and his wish would be granted.
 My mind was growing more and more foggy as our bodies began to take over. Hoseok tilted his head slightly, parting my lips with his tongue as he opened up my mouth to his. I had never been much for french kisses, but at the rate he was going, I could hardly recall my own name. Our surroundings seemed to blur along the edges, my senses becoming more compromised than honed. 
I couldn’t lie, I was terrified as his strong arms gripped me, lifting as he stood and placing me on the table before us, still covered in denim. I had never reached this level of intimacy before, especially not with anyone like Wonho. 
I moaned as his lips detached from mine for a second time, but not to start a conversation as he had before. His nose trailed across my cheek and down my jaw, breathing heavily as his teeth nibbled down my skin, resting at the hallow of space where my shoulder and neck met. He kissed deeply, sucking the flesh and causing a completely different type of moan to erupt from me. He left small bruises of purple and red in his wake, designing my skin with intimate details only we could appreciate. 
He reached up, his fingers meticulous as they moved across the fabric of my shirt and back around to cup my breast. “Is this okay?” he whispered shyly. I nodded, unable to speak. My own hands were full of tremors as I reached up, grabbing at his shoulders, and digging my nails deeply into the fabric of his coat. My senses were overloaded, not able to address a single rational thought trying to wiggle it’s way to the forefront of my mind. 
We were AT Starship. We were on the company’s time. But he just felt so good and I couldn’t will myself to stop. 
My hands fumbled at his coat, yanking it off his shoulders and onto the floor. The leather made a satisfying plop as it hit the cold tile. That coat cost more than a week of my salary, but I didn’t care. I had become a blur of emotion and intensity. Judging by the fervor in which Hoseok tugged at my own coat, he was in the same position, both of our hearts racing and lost in each other. 
‘Can I?” I said quietly, running my hands along the hem of his top. I watched him hopefully, curious if he would understand what I was asking for. 
“I got it,” he nodded, leaning back a half step and beginning to tug his shirt up and over his shoulders. Inch by inch his tan and toned stomach became exposed. My breath came out in jagged exhales, completely enticed by the sight before me. I had to admit, his body was like a work of art, but I was convinced it would be just as beautiful if layers of fat covered his ab muscles. All I wanted was my skin against his, it didn’t matter if there were muscles visible or not. He was beautiful no matter what small details were portrayed on his body. 
“Yah,” he hissed, his arms still in midair as he tugged helplessly at the shirt he had become stuck in. My eyes gazed up from his underwear line to his struggle, his handsome face covered by thin cotton. He let out another exasperated sigh as he continued to tug. 
I tried to stifle a giggle as I hopped down from the table, completely enamored by how adorable he was. I reached up, grabbing at the hem of the shirt and pulling it back down to cover up his body. Hoseok’s face was a dark red as he looked at me and winced. “Did I kill the mood?”
“You tasted like coffee,” I hummed, moving in closer and grabbing at the shirt covering his stomach. The fabric gathered in between my fingers as I tugged him closer. “And vanilla.”
Hoseok’s frown immediately morphed back into a grin. “Oh?”
“Mhm, and one other thing...I couldn’t quite put my finger on,” I smiled, finally answering the question he had interrupted with moments before. 
“I guess we’ll just have to continue until you can figure it out,” he chuckled. “You know I’m an advocate for honing your senses.”
“Really you’ve been a martyr during this all,” I chuckled. “Taking one for the team by helping me.” 
“Oh, I know,” Hoseok sighed, feigning annoyance. “It’s been torture.”
“You know what’s been torture?” I asked. He lifted a brow, waiting for me to continue. “This shirt.”
Wonho let out a loud laugh. “Can we pretend what happened...didn’t actually happen?”
“Pretend what didn’t happen?” a loud voice asked, appearing behind Hoseok and I. 
“We can’t get this shirt off him,” I snapped, spinning to face the head fashion coordinator. “And he has a photo shoot in an hour.” 
“An hour?” he gasped, bringing his hands to his mouth. “You better cut that shit off him. Lord knows Starship will probably reuse it. If I had a dollar for every piece of clothing they made me take scissors to...” 
“So you’re who I should send complaints to about the crop tops?” Hoseok chuckled nervously, trying to follow my lead. 
“Nope, that would be homegirl right in front of you,” he laughed, waving a hand at us both. “Okay, finish up. I’ll send Shownu this way.” 
“Thanks!” I smiled, holding the expression until he disappeared from the room. As soon as the door shut behind him, I slumped my shoulders, leaning my forehead against Hoseok’s chest attempting to relax again. 
“You deserve an award,” he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me again. His fingers soothingly rubbed circles into the fabric of my top. “But what are you going to do when they realize I don’t have a photo shoot?” 
“I’ll figure that out when I have to,” I sighed, leaning back shooting him a cheeky smile. “But you heard the man, we have to get you out of that shirt asap.”
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