boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
jxsticeprxvailed said: @Sae, how would you feel if your little sister was gay af for Caitlyn? (Working on replies on my end just so you know
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                                                            ...HATRED...                            ...BETRAYAL...                                                                       ...MALJUDGMENT...
Something twisted up around her heart like CHAINS WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE all the while it filled up with a deep sense of VOLATILE ACIDITY. Makoto... had... feelings? ...FOR HER -- OF ALL PEOPLE? The woman who belittled and attempted to SUPERSEDE & REPLACE HER? No longer content with screwing up Sae’s professional life, she now set sights on her own FAMILY? Throat felt clogged, canine’s lashing out to sink DEEP into her inner gum until blood spilled freely upon her tongue -- Relishing in the PAIN that drove back PURE MALICE. “Makoto knows better than to at all even spend time with that WASTED EXCUSE of a sheriff.” Words dripped with snarled lips and envenomed teeth. “What evidence have you of such a happenstance, anyway, or are you simply trying to MANUFACTURE CONFLICT where in fact none exists?” Still, doubts tangled her mind, the psychology of a PROSECUTOR screaming out for her to investigate the sheer possibility -- ...Something reflected in her eyes, even as she breathed out a threatening sigh, GROWLING at the back of her throat. “I may need to confront my sister with your claims, but that doesn’t mean that I BELIEVE YOU.” And yet, as she rose from her seat to take her leave, delicate fingers -- TIPPED WITH VIOLET PAINT -- Reached up to clutch at her forehead, eyes squeezing shut as a KILLER TENSION wracked her brain. She felt sick. She was gonna be sick...
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
jxsticeprxvailed said: "To be perfectly honest, I've never actually used a REAL gun before." (To Cait? Idk ahahah idea came to me but feel free to toss starters instead
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“Hm. Somehow, I’m not actually surprised...” Call her SHORT-SIGHTED & PETTY, but Cait had always struggled with the Niijima family. Heart went out to them for losses among family and friends, of course -- EMPATHY was not absent in the county sheriff. That being said, the duo would always be FOOLISH at best and LUCKY at worst. “Square your shoulders. Feet shoulder-width apart with your weak foot six inches behind your strong.” The NIIJIMAS had a propensity for seeking out trouble that they should’ve KNOWN BETTER than to dabble in, and that just seemed like an UNNECESSARY RISK for those who could avoid it. “Keep the buttstock near the center of your body, high up on your chest. Elbows down.” She didn’t MEAN to sound judgmental, and she supposed by this point, her own sacrifices were HER CHOICES -- No longer an UNFORTUNATE NECESSITY for a simple small games hunter. But it was the PRINCIPAL of the matter. “Center the nook between thumb and forefinger, gripping it high.” Reaching over, breasts pressed to Makoto’s spine, she helped the girl find her stance -- AT FIRST not quite realizing how... IMPROPER this may have seemed. Taking her other DAINTY hand, she guided it half way down the barrel. “Now...” Could the younger girl feel her BREATH against her ear and cheek? “Pressure your cheek to the side of the stock, align the front and rear sights, and take aim with your dominant eye so that your SIGHTS are sharp and the TARGET is blurry.” Or maybe Caitlyn just felt THREATENED by the two girls? After all, Makoto had routed out governmental conspiracy while she was still in high school, and Sae Niijima had taken down the BOSS of said conspiracy in court. Was winning really THAT important to the sheriff? It didn’t MATTER. Her hand reached out to clasp itself over Makoto’s -- Finger ghosting over finger. “Now slowly apply pressure to the front of the trigger until you start feeling resistance, and once there keep pressing the front of the trigger to the rear of the gun until you--” Why did she CARE so mu--
                                                                  “ And there you go, Rookie. You finally fired a gun.”
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boxndlxsschxos · 5 years
jxsticeprxvailed said: “im NOT jealous ” @ Cait about Jayce lol  
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Took every single last ounce of strength in Cait’s PROUDLY BRITISH bones not to SNORT at Makoto’s defensiveness. Maybe there was a little bit of VENGEFUL VINDICATION mixed in as well, after everything that went down at the gay bar -- And maybe it helped fuel the denial that Caitlyn was still a FAITHFUL WIFE. “Oh, come on, Makoto. We both already know you like me like that. So WHAT if you’re jealous of him? That’s just NATURE AT WORK, dear.” ...This, the Sheriff just realized, contradicted her very own HISTORICAL LOGIC when she claimed it a GOOD THING that Makoto could freely flirt and want to fuck other women. If THAT was evidence of the younger understudy not having feelings for her teacher, then surely THIS should’ve been the opposite -- Evidence that Makoto DID want more with SPECIFICALLY CAIT. Ergo: A very BAD thing. (Especially considering Caitlyn’s OWN jealousy at the gay bar.) “Besides, he’s clearly a very INTIMIDATING man, considering I believed him to be a FULFILLING ENOUGH PROSPECT to swear an oath of MARRIAGE to.”
                                                         ......................BELIEVED HIM TO BE.....?                                                                                                                   .....................PAST TENSE?!?!
(And why the fuck was Cait trying to FURTHER TEASE Makoto? More projection? Or... Maybe... JUST MAYBE... She actually WANTED Makoto to be JEALOUS.)
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