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therealamperssand · 2 months ago
so funny to switch from the yu-gi-oh! sub to the dub. remember Jonouchi? yeah his name is Joey Wheeler now, and he has the craziest Brooklyn accent you've ever heard
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randamhajile · 1 year ago
Imagine being the writer of a massively popular Triple A game and using that as an opportunity to have your personally-voiced joke self-insert character scam players and call them a retard
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angered-box · 4 months ago
i also somehow managed to talk to two of my classmates for a literal hour outside of class about random stuff. I've never been able to do that
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uniqueartisanconnoisseur · 7 months ago
Labor in Western, Illinois
Labor Day is upon us. While many states had celebrated Labor Day before it became a federal holiday, in June of 1894, Congress passed an Act making it a legal holiday. Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners is credited with the idea of Labor Day. I love to see both current and historic opportunities to remember workers and their historic acts of…
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metastablephysicist · 6 months ago
my roommate is doing an impression of joey wheeler giving a tarot reading. hey dis cahd has a guy wit a swohd on it! id bettah stay on my guahd
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lostsneeze · 10 months ago
"C-cahd I suh-huhh-sdeeze yehd?" - the sub lying in a meadow of flowers in full bloom
"N-nod udtil I-I-ehhhh d-do..." - the dom riding them and desperately holding back as long as they can
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somedudenamedanthony · 7 months ago
Imagine this, when the Isle was created and Wonderland was closed up, colourful hair became a rare and hated thing, associated with villains. The Charming and Rose mothers decided to dye their hair (Ella dyed her hair black from blue, Aurora dyed her hair blonde from pink) together, deciding to do it during play dates between Chad and Audrey when they had the kids.
And as Chad and Audrey, as they grew older, they noticed what their moms were doing.
Chad didn't really like his hair all that much, it made him feel weird, and Audrey was basically the only kid who didn't bully him for it.
So the two of them went to their moms, and there was still some blonde left, so they dyed Chad and Audrey's hair blonde.
Chad loved it, and soon everyone had forgotten about his hair. Hell, he only remembered because of the photos his parents kept in their room.
So this kept going, Chad joined in on the sessions while Audrey would occasionally pop in when she felt like having fun.
It was great, until Chad and Audrey were ten, and Chloe was born, with the softest baby blue curls following later.
And Chad HATED IT... at first.
As Chloe grew, and refused to colour her hair, he kinda started to like it. He'd help her match her clothes to her hair, and he played with it, and he would tell her she was pretty.
The VKs had just come to Auradon by the time Chloe was also starting school, and the younger kids who heard of the VKs thought it was cool. And it was cool, and Chad was kinda jealous that Chloe had a better relationship with her hair than he did.
After a while, Ella and Aurora stopped dyeing their hair as well, and Audrey dyed her hair to match her mom, and Christopher dyed streaks in his hair like he did when he was younger to match Ella.
And Chad HATED IT AGAIN and stayed blonde. This boy has been hiding every part of his life up to this point, his hair colour, his sexuality, his love for arts and NOW EVERYONE WAS COOL WITH IT WHEN THEY WEREN'T BEFORE AND IT HURTS.
But one day he was sitting at college with Doug in his room. Doug was drawing up a budget for Chad (because it was an extra project for him, Chad couldn't care less about the money he a was spending), and the hair dye gets brought up, and Cahd pauses.
He looks to Doug, who had dyed his hair blue at some point for Evie and still had a few stray blue patches at his tips, and he sighs, looking into the mirror where a few baby blue curls are pushing past his roots.
And he tells Doug to leave it, he wants to try something new.
It'd make Chloe and his mom happy to see it at least once, and the worst that could happen is he looks ugly.
So why not try his natual hair again.
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brnabunny · 2 months ago
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Valentine's Day has come early!!
Getcha cahds, getcha puns, getcha deer
Right ovah heah!
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nateconnolly · 3 months ago
At this point I really do just cycle through accents with zero control or reason. I've lived in nine (maybe more?) cities, and my voice just does what it wants. I'll be at the grocery store and say to the cashier
[Southernmost American yee-haw motherfucker accent] Howdy. [Northeastern townie voice] I'm gonna pay with cahd. [SoCal homosexual] Thanks sowh much!
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violainebriat · 5 months ago
Omg i just starting reading Rodney R Rodney again after the bbq chapter and im so happy Cahd's fiance (i forgot her name sorry😭) finally kicked him out. I lobe Chad and Rodney but the way he was treating her we so nasty I hope she gets the help she needs and they never get back together😭😭
HAHAHA Honestly I'm glad whenever people can see Karen's side of things. She gets a lot of hate on Instagram comments, but I tried to make her perspective believable albeit she's quick to panic.
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roabythecow · 1 year ago
"And now, password journal comes with a secret hiding place that no one can get into 😏 ����"
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Ey there kid.
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Yeah, you.
Now that I gotcha attention with nostalgia bait, you a writah? Aged 15 to 28? Considah yerself a... Introvert, maybe? A lil'... 😒 funky? What the hell's this script... 😐
Well, I gotta secret to share with you...
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It's the Funky Introverted Writahs servah! 😃
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That image looks edited? What—Er... 🤨🕶️👌 😑🤳
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Look, kid! Here's the deal! In this writah servah we got writahs n uh—fanfict or whatevah writahs of all sorts ah genres n all sorts ah fandos! We even gotcha gay poets or whatevah! The works! You's don't even gotta be a pro at it. We got folks at a range of skill in 'ere! 🫴 N you's help each other out, talkin' about you's storrries... Comin' up with ideas for em... Proofreadin' 'em for each other, showin' off ya wipes—I mean, uh... 🤨 Ya WIPs! Yeesh, are writahs this kinky...? 😬 Uh, doin' dem prompts, er dos uh—what are dos called? Author quickies? ���� Eh... Oh! Sprinties, sprintos, or whatevah! You can also uh, show off ya ahtwork n talk about ya queer little fandos—fandoms. 😮‍💨
What else, uh... They also do dos uh, voice chats! N—n sometimes you's sit in silence n listen to you's tunes together! N also movie nights! Who doesn't love the sound ah that?
Er... Am I forgettin' anythin'...
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Hwhat? 🤨
Why do I look so low-quality? 😟
Ey look, kid! I was pulled off the streets to advertise this servah! 😡 N—n you know what! This servah's the most friendly joint arooound! They don't discriminate against nobodies! 🫴 No race, disability, gendah, sexuality, or identity! N there's almost nevah any drama like dos other servahs out there! I mean, just look at these reviews!
(Please zoom in if need be.)
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Now take this business cahd! 😠🤌 I'm outta here! 👐 I gotta pick up some grub for my husban'!
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⚠️ This link will shut down once our server reaches the max amount of members. If the public link is down, please DM me for a new link, however, keep in mind that you may have to wait for one if the server is at full capacity. ⚠️
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ghostori · 6 months ago
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He ollmost fahgaht his chahlie cahd at tradah joes
(Bostonian Koby)
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blow-a-kiss-make-a-wish · 9 months ago
These asks are lame.
Post some new pokeman cahds
yeah they are pretty lame tbh this ask is TOP TEIR tho
Twilight masquerade recently dropped and I pulled the one card I was chasing
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Also I go to tournaments like twice a week and a few weeks ago I placed first for the first time and I still feel so cool lol
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belphieslilcow · 5 months ago
git cahge cahd stuck in my head again
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ankilona · 5 months ago
In Three We Have Everything
Chapter 3: First impressions
Hi Guys,
The new chapter is out, I hope you'll like it. Comments and reposts are appreciated. ❤️
It was kind of pointless in Chad's opinion, but as usual nobody asked him. So that's why he was stuck to perform in the choir as part of the welcoming party for the new "exchange students". He was sure that the others from the Isle won't appreciate the gesture. After all they were used to the lawless "everybody for themselves" mentality, and they might find it suspicious, or down right frightening, that they're welcomed by a small crowd in a strange place without any support system or safety net.
Chad was similarly sure that the other two newcomers won’t be impressed either. After all, they were Klaus and Five Hargreeves, and - according to the book that one of their siblings wrote - they will find it hilarious at best, before even contemplating to appreciate the - frankly ridiculous- gesture.
Those two was the bigger mystery in Chad’s opinion. He knew about the VKs. He asked the Captain to gather every and all available information about them as soon as he could spare the mental capacity. But the Hargreeves… those two were foreign. They come from a dimension that’s unknown to Chad, with its unique rules and culture. Of course he asked the Captain to run a full background check on them too, and he himself tried to research them as mulch as he could. Unfortunately it was way more difficult to find anything about them than in the case of the VKs. The only half valid information he could get is from the book written by Vanya Hargreeves, and some cobbled together news report, some years old, from their childhood, some more recent. It wasn’t near enough for Cahd.
Given the current political climate, he couldn’t let himself dismiss any new players. He just couldn’t stake his father’s life on a “most probably they won’t get involved this dimension’s problems”. But at the same time, he couldn’t let himself be too preoccupied with the Hargreeves. He had too much on his plate already, and two mysterious siblings was just too much. So he decided to be as non involved as he can be. He needs to concentrate on the things that matter, and don’t get lost in what ifs.
That’s why he was there, all smiles and charm. The supportive friend of Audrey and Ben, who is there for his his best friends trough thick and thin. The non offensive, the non threatening Chad, who was too dumb to comprehend the situation. He needed to play the part for a bit longer. And if he needed to make a spectatcle of himself as part of a ridiculous welcoming party, then so be it.
“Do you really think they will be able to help us?” asked Klaus as he watched the scenery move by. They were on their way to this fairytale school where Five will have to pose as a student, and “socialise”, and he, well he will be there to have some help with his powers. Of course not in an official capacity as a student, but at least they didn’t separated him from Five.
“I have no idea, Klaus, but it might be a good opportunity to get out of that house. You said it wasn’t good for you” That was one thing about Five. He always listened to him. He didn’t say that he need to suck it up and hold out till he come up with something else. He didn’t make it his fault that they needed to come here. He just got up from the edge of the bed and went to do some research. He unearthed as much information as he could about this Auradon place and after he deemed it safe he prepared everything for their trip.
"I'm kind of curious about this whole fairytale kings and queens business" he turned to Five to find his brother's gaze trained on him "I mean can you imagine? All our childhood stories are true and we'll see the characters in person."
"It won't de Them in person. Or at least I don't think. But we will do meet their children" Five said with an indulgent smile. It was stange seeing Five like this. This soft. At least he was like this with Klaus. It started after that disastrous party where some ladies called him a junkie thief. At that point he wasn clear for three years thank you very much with a cherry on top, but nobody cared. The only one who offered him any kind of congratulations was Five. Something changed then and there. Klaus couldn't point it out exactly but the soft smiles and little considerate action was part of it. He was pretty sure at least they were.
Ooooooor, he was just that messed up. That was an option too. After all Five's taken away his weed. He said he couldn't sneak it in the school - of course Klaus wasn't new to this, so it was no hardship to get a new bach and sneak it in his baggage. But it might have screwed with his brain.
"What do you think? A Cinderella stories, hmm Fivey? Just you know reversed, with a charming princess who will save you from your mediocre life?" He nudged Five's shoulder just to distracted himself from his toughs.
"Why would I want a princess?"
"I don't know, a prince then." There was a heavy silence, but no denial. "Oh. My. Goooood! Are you really looking for a prince charming little bro?"
"Shut up Kalus!" Oh his grumpy buttercup could turn away all he wanted, but Klaus saw. The Blush.
He just cackled to himself and went back to staring out of the limousine's windows.
Five wasn't exactly thrilled that Klaus implied that he might be gay. Wich he might be. But that was beside the point, because he himself wasn't sure. And he didn't wanted to think about it. He just wanted to concentrate on this ridiculous idea, in this ridiculous place. I mean seriously, a fairytale dimension? Really?
But if this place could help Klaus, or at least be an escape from the house until Five got the founds to move out with the other man, then he was fine with it. Reluctant. But fine.
They didn't talk after Klaus "big revelation", so it was a bit of a relief when the car pulled up to the school... And a welcoming committee? Really? And if he didn't start hallucinating then they even had the schoolband in full regalia and a choir? What the Hell was happening?
"Oh, my God. Are you seeing this too, or am I hallucinating again?" Klaus' voice was way more exited than it was appropriate in Five's opinion, but he didn't have the hart to say it.
"Don't" Five grabbed Klaus' hand when he wanted to open the door. "Look, the driver is coming to let us out."
"This really makes me feel like a Disney Princess!" Klaus cooed and Five could see the excitement in his every movement, as he played with his fingers.
The drivel opened the door finally and they get out of the car. It was bit of a shock especially, because there was four other teens besides them, from the other limo. They looked a bit eccentric in Five's opinion with their colours, leathers and hairs, but what did he knew. He almost immediately dismissed them, and concentrated on the crowd before them. At least he wanted to, but Klaus had other plans.
"Hey Fivey, don't you think, I would slay in a dress like that cute little blue one?" He wasn't quiet about it, but to top it all of he pointed at the bule haired princess who stood a few meters away from them.
And of course, the welcoming party just looked at Klaus like he was out of his mind. Even the other four obviously out of place teenagers just looked at them.
The one who broke the silence was the prince-like looking one. If Five got his Intel right, it was the crown prince of Auradon. Benjamin Florian.
"Welcome you all in Auradon. We're really happy to have you here with us." The soon to be king started to shake the hands of the other four teens. "It's a magnanimous occasion for our kingdoms" he stopped here a bit as he released the hand of the white haired boy. "Is this chocolate?" And the future king just licked his finger. Was this guy really... But then he continued. "Let this be the first step in a new and better future"
"Or..." the purple haired girl spoke suddenly. And it was kind of rude as the prince just forgot to proceed with the handshakes and skipped Klaus and Five. Don't get him wrong. Five wasn't big on handshakes, but it was a bit offensive. "You could show your guests where the restrooms are." the girl finnished. And the prince blushed.
Of course this didn't escaped Klaus attention, and he elbowed Five, when the younger man just looked at him with a lifted eyebrow, he squealed. He honest to good squealed like a little girl.
But this embarrassing affair wasn't over yet, because of course there needed to be a queenbee, and of course he needed to assert his dominance.
"Hi, I'm princess Audrey, Aurora's daughter. I just wanted to let you know that my mom totally not mad about the whole sleeping curse thing." Wow, it seems that a passive aggressive bich is a passive aggressive bich even in the princess universe. But the purple haired girl gave as good as she got.
"Of course, under the bridge. You know my mom totally not mad about this whole invite everyone except her to the most important event in the kingdom thing either" Five could almost touch the sarcasm. If they weren't so childish he might have actually found it intresting.
"Awww, Five look, two kittens are fighting." Of course Klaus needed to komment. The older man put his arm around Five's shoulder and whispered it in his ear. And Five couldn't help himself, he snickered.
"Shut up Klaus. You don't want to alleviate the people here before they get to introduce themselves." And yeah, call him petty, but he wasn't quiet about it. And one of the actual adult seemed to get with the program.
"All right ladies and gentlemen, I think we still have a few new faces. I would like to proceed with the introductions. I'm Fairygoodmother, and I would like to welcome everyone in our school. We have two more special guests with us right now." While the lady walked to them Klaus straightened up.
"Good afternoon gentlemen, we're happy to have you here. I talked with your brother, and he assured me, that you got all the information we provided?"
"Thank you, headmistress for having us." Five stretched out his hand to shake the woman's, and continued. "This is my brother Klaus Hargreeves, and you can call me Five."
"Hi, are you really the bibity-bobity-boop Fairrygoodmother?" Klaus asked as he too, shook the others hand.
"The one and only dear. However those days are behind me now." Her laugh was bell like, really fit for a fairy. Five wasn't sure he liked it.
"Now ladies and gentlemen, lets proceed with the tour" She beckoned the six of them, and they entered the school. Five heard as the purple haired one tried to ask about some magic wand or what, but Five toned it out in favour of paying attention to the headmistress. Klaus walked beside him, but he was sceptical about how much attention he was paying.
They were here. Here in this opulent school, in a fairytale dimension. It was almost too much even for Five.
As far as first impressions went Chad was kind of floored. He counted on a lot of things, but nothing could prepare him for the whole phenomenon that was the Hargreeves siblings.
They didn't really did anything out of the ordinary. I mean they weren't really subtle about their opinions. Especially the tall one. Klaus. But actually it wasn't that surprising if you looked at the man. He was definitely comfortable with himself judging by his mesh like shirt, vibrant long robe like coat, the at least dozen necklace and the skin tight leather pants. Chad didn't know how, but he made it work.
In contrast the shorter one, Five was smartly dressed like he was going to a business meeting. It was quiet the sticking picture they made, especially the contrast between them.
But it was not their cloats or pointed remarks that made Chad pause a bit and just stare. It was the easy way they interacted. The way Klaus almost draped himself over his brother. The way Five automatically adjusted hist stance to acount for the extra weight. It was so seamless, so well practice... it mad Chad crave that kind of closeness. That kind of familiarity. He couldn't help himself but stare.
Before long Fairygoodmother piked up Ben's slacks and heralded everyone into the building, probably for their tour and to give them their schedules and take care of the things that needed to be taken care of.
The welcoming committee disbanded and everyone went to their own way. Chad didn't have any illusions, in a few hours everyone will know the last word that was said. It was really scarry how fast and accurate the rumour mill can be in this school.
Chad was finnished with the lessons for the day, and the tourney practice was cancelled, so he just went back to his room, and prayed that he won't have to pull an allnighter because of a last minute crisis that could screw up his plans.
Ao3 link:
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spoopsmcgoops · 1 year ago
When will the decks be up for ordering again? Just found out about your project and I'm so in love with the art!
Hi! If there is enough demand I will reopen the store! (:
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