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coastalcosmopolitan · 1 year ago
i'll dumb it drown to common for you: frond is what trolls (best species, R-EPR-ES-ENT!) call the fleshy noodles that hang offa your body.
im just saying if you some how fuck it up or you have no sense of shell-f preservation, its naut my fault and you should have tried harder
BOAT evfin in your failure i will succeed so you can rest easy on that
people die from sticking their fronds trout?
listen if you die you die its naut my resprawnsibility to make sure you move outta the wave before they bite
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Sat[urday] 23 August 1834
8 3/4
12 1/4
Good kiss last night – up at 6 1/2 a.m. w[i]th reg[ula]r bow[e]l compl[ain]t – Perrelet a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9
his fath[e]r g[o]t the legion of honore – one of the 28 decorat[io]ns giv[e]n (out of ab[ov]w 2090 peop[le]) for wh[a]t they h[a]d at the exposit[io]n
Miss Becketts’ broth[e]r h[a]d tak[e]n b[a]ck h[e]r watch – b[ou]ght a ver[y] nice lit[tle] enamell[e]d
watch 360/. for A- [Adney]   Perrelet s[ai]d bow[e]l compl[ain]t was ver[y] com[mon] – the medic[a]l men
desir[e]d peop[le] to eat ver[y] lit[tle] fruit – call[e]d the compl[ain]t cholerine – A- [Adney] pleas[e]d w[i]th
the watch b[u]t th[ou]ght it mon[e]y thrown away, so to our mut[ua]l satisfact[io]n determ[ine]d to gi[ve] it
to Charlotte S- [Stuart] and to ask Miss Berry to ta[ke] it ho[me] – th[a]t Perrelet might ha[ve] it regler it
perfect[l]y well – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. – A- [Adney] and I out (in the landau) at 12 – Look[e]d ov[e]r the
furniture sale r[oo]ms of Lesage r[ue] Grange Batèlière – th[e]n w[e]nt chez Fischer (whose
well-made furnit[u]re we h[a]d seen at the Exposit[io]n – and who got the silv[e]r medal, the highest
reward giv[e]n for Ébénisterie, - and recom[mende]d by Perrelet – m[u]ch diffic[ult]y in find[in]g the place)
Impasse Guèmené n°3, r[ue] S[ain]t Antoine – lik[e]d a cartonnier at 140/.- b[u]t c[oul]d n[o]t
ta[ke] it ho[me] – all the Fr[en]ch marchander, so his etiquettes mark[e]d so as to allow h[i]m to abate
a lit[tle] – he ment[ione]d th[i]s ver[y] honest[l]y – lik[e]d the man – will employ h[i]m when I want
furnit[u]re – he h[a]s m[u]ch now chez Lessage – pays high for stand[in]g and th[e]re, on the th[in]g being sold –
out of 430/. E.G. allows 50/. – took us int[o] his workshop upst[ai]rs – mak[in]g fauteuils
at 12000/. each for Rothschield rich in carr[ia]ge and gild[in]g – doing up for him a ver[y] handso[me] old oak-carv[e]d
armoire, cost 600fr. at a curios[it]y shop – c[oul]d rememb[e]r when s[in]ce might ha[ve] been b[ou]ght for
20/. b[u]t now sought aft[e]r and d[ea]r – the curios[it]y merch[an]ts g[o]t th[e]m fr[om] La Vendée – pass[e]d ov[e]r
the pont de jard[i]n de Roi and left A- [Adney] and Geo[rge] at n°27 r[ue] S[ain]t V- [Victoire] at 3 1/4 (to dust b[oo]ks) – th[e]n w[e]nt
chez Crochard to ord[e]r so[me] books – the annals du musée de jard[i]n des pl[an]ts, rare – sold at
700 to 800fr. – M. Elie de Beaumont’s mém[oi]re sur les révolut[io]ns de la surf[a]ce du globe
pub[lishe]d separ[atel]y, is Epuisé, b[u]t I ha[ve] it in the annals des sci[en]ces nat[ur]ells end of 1829 and
begin[nin]g of 1830. L’arte de verifier les dates, 27 vol[ume]s [octavo] at 5/. or 6/. – out of print –
m[u]st ha[ve] it d’occasion – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n  to have Maltebruns’ geog[raph]y immed[iatel]y 7 vol[ume]s out
5 to co[me] – vol[ume]s 3 and 4 Capefigues’ hist[oire] Phil[ip] Auguste ord[ere]d – Chateaubriand’s works
ab[ou]t 25 vol[ume]s at 5/. or 6/. –
Cours d’agriculture, 16 vol[ume]s [octavo] to be h[a]d for 56/. bec[ause] go[in]g to be repub[lishe]d cheap, in 2 col[umn]s on each page –
Glossaire de Ducange, to be g[o]t d’occas[io]n – when opport[unit]y offers – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n –
Collect[io]n des memoires 1st and 2[n]d series 150 vol[ume]s à 5/. go[in]g to be reprint[e]d cheap, in 2 columns.
Guizot’s revolut[io]n d’Angleterre 25 vol[ume]s [octavo]
Manuel du libraire – diffic[ul]t à se procurer – h[a]s n[o]t ev[e]n a cop[y] for hims[elf] – m[u]st bring 1 fr[om] Brussells
will get one for me if he can – ord[ere]d
Tableaux synchroniques par Michelet.
Précis de l’hist[oire] du moyen age, par M. des Michells 2 vol[ume]s         ord[ere]d
Manuel de Diplomacie
Off fr[om] Crochards’ at 3 55/.. for Bellevue n°7 to call up[on] L[ad]y Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss
Berrys – th[e]re at 5 – ver[y] civ[i]l and k[i]nd – ask[e]d me to din[ner] – st[ai]d – ver[y] agreeab[le] vis[i]t – Miss B- [Berry]
will ta[ke] charge of the watch to be left for me w[i]th eith[e]r L[ad]y S[tuar]t Whitehall, or L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay]
Miss Agnes B- [Berry] recom[mende]d the correspond[en]ce of Victor Jacqumenot to his fam[il]y fr[om] Les Indes orient[au]x
in 1839 to 1832 – s[e]nt out by the jard[i]n des plantes – now dead – 2 vol[ume]s [octavo] – ho[me] in an h[ou]r
at 8 1/2 – A- [Adney] on[l]y just ret[urne]d – din[ner] at 9 – fine day till ab[ou]t one p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds gentle r[ai]n
the gr[ea]t[e]r part of the aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g –F[ahrenheit] 66° at 12 5/.. tonight – Miss Berry h[a]d n[o]t got the addr[ess] for
the bellows, c[oul]d n[o]t get it, so h[a]d no bellows for me – b[u]t w[oul]d bring me a p[ai]r to Eng[lan]d w[i]th h[e]r
if I lik[e]d –
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thxndelliot · 2 years ago
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aquele ali não é ELLIOT GRAY entrando no estúdio 30 do mallard?     O ATOR de VINTE E SETE anos que interpreta JUDE THOMPSON em B.E.S.T.I.E.S. é conhecido como THE HEARTTHROB pelos colegas de trabalho.     ouvi dizer que ele é DIVERTIDO e CARINHOSO, e RANCOROSO e INCONSEQUENTE quando está de mau humor.     espero que os tablóides não descubram seu SEGREDO, ou o circo vai pegar fogo!
b a s i c s
nome completo elliot “eli” johnson gray idade vinte e sete data de nascimento 15 de março de 1995 zodíaco peixes pronomes ele/dele local de nascimento los angeles, eua sexualidade bisexual (não assumido) profissão ator show b.e.s.t.i.e.s. personagem jude thompson status solteiro
p h y s i c a l
altura 1,85m cor do cabelo castanho escuro cor dos olhos verdes piercings nenhum tatuagens várias espalhadas pelos braços, cada uma com o seu significado cicatrizes tem uma pequenina no lábio inferior de quando era criança e foi bicado por um pássaro, uma história engraçada
p e r s o n a l i t y
+ simpático, amável, charmoso, altruísta, natural (do tipo effortless como que não precisa de se forçar nada),  - introvertido, orgulhoso, teimoso, desastrado, acanhado, desligado alinhamento neutral good
f a m i l y
edward gray (pai, 60 anos , realizador de cinema); meredith gray (mãe, 57 anos, diretora)
h e a d c a n o n s
Elliot não tinha como fugir àquilo, nasceu numa família de cineastas; os estúdios, câmeras, guiões... Tudo isso corria no sangue dos Gray mesmo antes de Elliot nascer. Com mãe diretora de cinema e o pai guionista e realizador, o menino não parecia uma grande opção de escolha.
Desde pequeno que está habituado a câmeras e tapetes vermelhos (mesmo que os pais tentassem afastá-lo disso enquanto ainda era bebê), por isso quando começou sua carreira de ator, não foi algo que lhe foi estranho.
Sua estreia em hollywood foi num filma realizado justamente pelo pai, afinal, precisavam de uma criança para o papel em um de seus filmes, ‘The Skilled’ (que o real é o ‘the professional” - papel aclamado de natalie portman), e Elliot pareceu o ideal. Seu debut nos grandes ecrãs foi assim aos 13 anos, e desde ai que deixou a América sempre querendo mais.
Claro que ao início tudo isso pareceu muito legal, mas rapidamente começou a perceber o que a fama trazia, boatos, invasão de sua vida privada, canais de tabloids como TMZ fazendo suposições sobre com que nova garota estava namorando essa semana e isso sempre era algo que o incomodava, especialmente quando pareciam querer explorar suas relações mesmo quando tinha apenas 16 e 17 anos. Logo ganhando a fama de heartthrob.
Elliot é um garoto inteligente e tudo isso pesava muito nele pois sentia que davam mais importância a sua aparência e vida privada do que os papeis que fazia, afinal, a maioria das perguntas feitas em suas entrevistas eram sobre se tinha se envolvido com alguma colega em vez de serem sobre sua prestação no filme ou show em questão.
Isso misturado a outras coisas fez com que se afastasse por um ano, tendo até criado um certo secretismo em volta de Elliot, tendo depois voltado com o papel para interpretar Jude no show B.E.S.T.I.E.S. A verdade é que não estava muito entusiasmado, mas a receção do público foi maior do que esperava.
Antes da estreia da 5º temporada, e de maneira a afastar as suposições sobre Elliot, seu manager sugeriu criarem um relacionamento falso com uma atriz de outro seriado, de forma também a chamar a atenção às novas temporadas que iriam estrear, aumentando a audiência. Claro, Elliot ao inicio nada concordava com isso, mas depois de muito insistirem com ele, cedeu.
Hoje são o casal queridinho de hollywood, sempre que sabem que irão haver paparazzi os dois saem juntos, todas as red carpets estão juntos e até planeiam férias para serem mais credíveis. Claro, o que ninguém sabe é que não passa de uma jogada de marketing que já dura há um ano e a verdade é que Elliot não sabe mais como terminar isso. (essa é uma wanted connection!)
Mesmo estando há muito tempo na ribalta, Elliot consegue ser um garoto tímido, especialmente em frente de muita gente ou quando recebe algum elogio. Simpático, conhecido por sua simplicidade e boa-disposição, é uma pessoa que tenta ao máximo não se envolver em escândalos ou algo parecido, não gosta de se exibir e sempre trata todos da mesma forma que gostaria de ser tratado. É daquelas celebridades que não recusa um autógrafo ou mesmo fotografia, mesmo que isso interrompa seus momentos pessoais, um jantar ou suas pausas. No entanto, mesmo que isso chateie seu manager, não é muito ligado a redes sociais, seu twitter nem sequer sendo gerido por si.
r a n d o m  f a c t s
continua participando em filmes, o último tendo sido o SAND (original: dune kkk). seus filmes preferidos de participar são os realizados pelo pai, os dois já sendo uma dupla conhecida e adorada em hollywood.
não gosta de se ver atuando e por isso nas ante-estreias de deus filmes e seriados sempre abandona a sala quando o mesmo começa. adorava participar em algum starwars, tanto filme ou show, mas tinha medo de depois não conseguir assistir.
não é aberto quanto a sua sexualidade, claro, os pais sabem e o apoiam mas com a relação de marketing que mantém nesse momento tem medo de assumir, além de não querer que a visão das pessoas sobre ele gire em torno de sua sexualidade como acontece com muitas celebridades.
é disléxico e por isso sempre pede para ter um pouco mais tempo para ler os guiões e roteiros, apenas para garantir que consegue decorar suas falas.
sempre foi visto como o goodboy de hollywood, o menino de ouro e não queria de todo que isso mudasse, por isso protege seu segredo ao máximo.
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nadacwriter · 4 years ago
OCtober day 7: Cliff
Part of @oc-growth-and-development‘s OCtober!
Part two to yesterday’s story. Work ran late tonight, and it’s bound to do so tomorrow, so I’ll try and get my piece done tomorrow MORNING. But I hope you guys enjoy part two!
Words: 1, 306
Okay, so maybe Regina shouldn't have been THIS close to the giant's resting spot.
Her father had gotten up early to drive her to the state park; there, she would photograph the giant, call him to pick her up, and she would go and tell Uncle Eli all about the Giant, and how fun it was to photograph, and they'd eat really nice seafood and head back to the hotel.
But Gina? She had bigger plans. She wanted to make contact with it.
Now, why would Gina, a 5'11” pile of skin and bone, want to talk with a 200 foot rock giant before it went back into the Atlantic to do whatever it was it did? Well, because she could. She at least had to try. Had anyone spoken with a Rock Giant like that before? Had anyone actually called out to one and asked for its name, or what kind of music it liked? Had anyone talked to a Rock Giant?
Darius Bies, Amadic researcher and personal hero of Gina's, had done some research into speaking with Rock Giants, though most of the records were lost to time. Maybe she would be the first to ever try and make contact. Maybe this would be the first time the Rock Giant ever even saw humans. Or, maybe not? They were always so old… Gina was smiling just thinking about it, sneaking past the barriers and closer to the resting area.
Gina was dressed or the weather; it had frosted, it was cloudy, it was cold, but a girl from Paradise Michigan wasn't gonna need a puffy jacket in 38 degrees; a fleece quarterzip, black cargo pants, and her trusty backpack would do just fine.
“Psh, warning Shmarning. I could handle a rockfall in my sleep.”  Gina said, walking towards the white line of chalk. “...This must be the foot...” She said, looking at the white chalk line on the ground and patting it. She looked just ahead, and saw what she expected; a mossy, rocky clearing in an otherwise wooded, normal, deciduous forest. The ground rose and set, slowly, but surely. It was breathing; the giant was here.
Gina snapped a couple of quick photos, and tried to get closer to the source of the breathing. Wasn't there usually some sort of hole where the giant breathed from? There was supposed to be some hole. She looked for the hole, but couldn't find it. Here eyes were firmly planted on the ground right in front of her, looking for where the giant breathed from.
And then, all the sudden, the ground just wasn't there anymore.
“WUAAAGH!” Gna huffed and grabbed for the only sturdy thing she could see, a tree root. She grabbed on for dear life, her camera held to her only by a neckstrap. She looked down, and saw just how far from the ground she was.
“Yeah...broken legs at best, Gina pancake at worst.” She said, looking back up. “And I'm too far from the top. Okay,” Gina gulped down, puttng her other hand onto the tree root, “Okay. Calm people live, panicked people die, calm people live, panicked people die...”
Gina was now hanging onto a tree root, off of a cliff, for dear life. She'd hung off of a cliff before, but she was usually tied to a rope, and her dad was usually there if something went wrong. She felt her hands getting sweaty.
“Calm people live, panicked people die, calm people live, panicked people die, calm people live, panicked people die...” She repeated the mantra over and over, her breath shallow, her eyes wide and darting. She tried to dig her feet into the earth, but it was too cold. Her boots weren't gonna do her any good.
Then, she felt it. Low, first, but a rumbling so unearthly that it had to be what she thought it was;
“The giant's waking up. The Giant's waking up! IT'S WAKING UP AND I'M ABOUT TO FALL TO MY DEATH?!”
The rumbling got louder and rougher, the energy in the air got more frantic, and Gina's eyes grew more strained as she tried to think of a plan, something, anything, before it was too late. The limb was moving, getting pulled into the cliff slowly. “Oh no no no no no no no no no!! No!!!” Gina tried to hold on, but her grip was slipping.
“NO!” She yelled, as loud as she could, tears filling her eyes, as she started running out of energy and options. She huffed, and just held on to that root.
“Sorry, Dad...” She sniffled a bit, huffing as she closed her eyes tight, “I'm so sorry.”
“w h a t  w a s  t h a t?”
The voice was low and rumbling, and when Gina looked up, she saw the source.
It was massive. It had a very pointy, outcrop-like head, with two large, gray eyes, and a gentle look on its face. It was massive, its shoulders stretched nearly 10 feet, and its breathing sent blasts of air into Gina's face. She was face to face with a rock giant.
“Um, uhh-”
“o h  d e a r,  a h u m a n.” It knew what Humans were?
“yep! That's me! A human!” Gina said, blinking a bit, “And we can't survive falls well, so would you mind-woah!”
A massive, gray, rocky hand reached down and palmed Gina, lifting her from the cliff. She couldn't help but grab her camera and snap a photo up close. She had to!
“W h a t  I s t h a t  c o n t r a p t i o n, h u m a n?”
Gina blinked as she got s close to its face. “A camera...it lets me take pictures. Like...a visual record of something.”
“w o u l d  I  b e a b l e  t o  s e e  m y  f a c e?” the giant asked.
Gina brought the camera as close to the Giant's eye as she could. The giant slowly closed its other eye, then smiled.
“h a h a h a!” Its laughter was bellowing, and Gina almost didn't notice it rising up onto its feet, stepping down from the cliff like a stair, and keeping her in its hand. “I  l I k e  y o u r  c a m e r a, h u m a n!” It said, smiling. “I  g I v e  y o u  m y  n a m e. A l l i t.”
Gina smiled brightly, “Gina. Nice to meet you, Allit. Would you, um...let me down? Again, us humans don't do so good with falls.”
Allit nodded softly, and set Gina down gently onto the ground, where she took more photos of its imprint in the ground, then looked over to the cliff, which Allit moved away from.
“Wait! Allit! I never got to thank you!”
“N o  n e e d,  h u m a n.  I t  I s  I n  o u r  n a t u r e  t o  h e l p  h u m a n s,  e v e n  w h e n  t h e y  d o  n o t  k n o w I t.”
“Sounds ominous! But...Thank you! I'll try and get more pictures of you as you move down the river! Thank you, Allit!”
She called, but Allit was already moving deeper into the river. Gina snuck back past the boundaries and called her dad.
“Did you see it, Birdie?” “...I didn't get it waking. But I got some good shots...come quick, if we get to the beach fast enough we can catch it coming down!”
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the-soldicr · 5 years ago
@plastiicparasite​ sent:
👄 + Thomas/daaaad 
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"  —  My  D a d ... ? "
James knits his brows together with shoulders hunching down into a straight line as he rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, weighing the word in his mind. The majority of the Hauleys were not exactly known for their directness, the voicing of concerns. They seemed to much rather let things BUILD UP until they overflowed these days, a once picture perfect image of a functional ( believe it or not ) suburban family turned to complete BITTERNESS and SHAMBLES, pointing fingers at one another as booming, venomous voices shook the once HAPPY HOME. It seemed to always be left to James to be the BIGGER MAN, to carry the weight of Thomas's decisions for him, his own personal bearer of GUILT and RESPONSIBILITY. 
                                             —       Dad's GOLDEN BOY, his ONLY SON.
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" Dad's...   w e l l ,  he's,  sort of...   s o m e t h i n '   else, "     He starts with the slightest of a crooked smile,  CAUTIOUS  as  a l w a y s .    “ I mean,   L O O K ,  I'm not gonna just— sit here and  PRETEND  I necessarily   a g r e e   with  how  or  WHY  he does  HALF  the shit he does, "     James disclaimed SHARPLY,  peering  over his shoulder as if to look around for his other half—his little sister Eli—practically double- and triple-checking behind him to see if they could somehow be in earshot. 
He's seen the HURT and the HEARTBREAK in their eyes every time he hung up after a call with Thomas, the PAIN written across their expression when he always spoke SO highly of him. He'd seen how desperately Eli ACHED to hear from him, to see him again. He saw it in the way they attempted to sneak around when they thought James was PASSED OUT, stealing his phone at night to frantically click through and see if ANY of his contacts were labelled at all. Eli tried their very best to figure out what numbers could possibly be Dad's to attempt to call whenever they got the chance just to try to hear his voice again, but Thomas simply DIDN’T want to be found. James had pissed him off enough dragging Eli in.
                          " — The way he's  h a n d l i n g  things with my little sisters,                                                                       and  fuck,  with  MOM...? "   James trails off, looking down, slowly growing more agitated; uncomfortable. The soldier pauses to take a hefty drink of the beer bottle before him. He shook his head. Thomas had COMPLETELY screwed Mom over, and James couldn't help but feel a sharp sting of guilt, the responsibility of feeling like  HE  HIMSELF  was the main reason she was always drowning herself in the bottle when he went to visit her                                  ( whenever he wasn't PARTICULARLY bruised up or bloodied                                                                    and managed to somehow catch a break, somehow ).
He felt like MAYBE he could have, SHOULD HAVE stood up more for her, for the family. Some nights he felt like he was just  enabling  Dad's  SHITTY  BEHAVIORS  and hurting the family more, that  HE  was to blame for Mom, for Rosa, but James was really just doing the very best that he could to keep any semblance of SANITY  l e f t  in the Hauley line, to save face between ALL OF THEM; keep them from vehemently HATING each other, if it couldn't be said that they did already.
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" Dad just,  uh... he really does do what he CAN,"  He continues in Thomas’s defense. "I really believe that.  He, uh, he makes the RIGHT choices, NOT the easy ones. Always has. Always did what he had to, even when it sucked.                  “ You know, he was actually the reason I ENLISTED in the Army in the first place; why I signed up for for THIS kind of life.” He makes a sweeping gesture with the bottle before taking another drink. “ He's always talking about DOING WHAT IT TAKES to protect those around us, about doing the honorable thing. The RIGHT thing, even if it sometimes feels... wrong.   I’ve just—   I always looked up to him a lot for that,  e s p e c i a l l y  growing up. “ M a n ,  I remember the day I realized how GREAT he was in what he did. I dunno how old I was, but we were at some ceremony the department held to thank their officers for something, and he, uh, he got up there to get his award on stage, and the mayor shook his hand. Everyone there in the big city, they all CHEERED for him up there, talked about the SACRIFICES he had made for us.
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“And I um, REMEMBER, I was just a little kid, thinkin’  " WOW, ”  you know?  “ That's  M Y  DAD up there. "
“ He  MIGHT  have lost sight of  s o m e   t h i n g s ,  of what  F A M I L Y ‘ S  really supposed to mean to us, but  he's—    he’s a  GOOD  guy...
“I'm NOT EXACTLY SURE I share the same convictions ABOUT GOD as he does, FATE and all that, but, you know,                                                        he... he does TRY to do his best                                                        —  and that's, uh,  A L L  we can really ask of him,                                                                                                                           ...  r i g h t ? "
           ( James just HONESTLY can’t tell who he’s trying to convince anymore... )
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  “ —  He uh, made me the man I am today. The SOLDIER that I am.                                                                                                 And I’m GRATEFUL for that. ”
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whitetailmilitia · 7 years ago
wheaty ..
let’s build some WORLDS.
gender: male.
sexuality: bi as fuck.
pronouns: he/him.
family: um... tammy and eli. 8/
birthplace: hope county, montana.
job: radio dj for the resistance.
phobias: this FUCKING CULT. losing more of his friends. losing caeda. losing tammy and / or eli ( hahaha fuck ).
guilty pleasures: music. also loading his cereal down with sugar.
morality alignment?: neutral good...
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: depends.
organized/disorganized: disorganized. 8/
close minded/open-minded: open-minded.
calm/anxious: calm... MOST of the time.
disagreeable/agreeable: both.
cautious/reckless: both.
patient/impatient: both.
outspoken/reserved: BOTH.
leader/follower: follower but sometimes he can lead.
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic.
optimistic/pessimistic: optimistic!!
traditional/modern: a bit of both.
hard-working/lazy: l... lazy...
otp: wheaty / caeda for life???
ot3: nope.
brotp: wheaty / walker. wheaty / val. wheaty / mason. wheaty / everyone else.
notp: him and any of the seeds??? thanks.
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dykedykegooses · 7 years ago
i'm askin u every single even numbered question for the lesbian ask game
at least you didnt bother with the algebra this time, for which i am thankful
Femme or butch?
i’m more femme but i try to act butch sometimes and i just end up failing hopelessly. ‘look mom i know how to put air in a tire!!’ ‘peyton thats like… not even right’ or ‘oh SHIT look at that blitz!! that was cool’ ‘peyton that was a sack’ ‘oh’
Do you have a “type”? If so, describe it
not really, mostly just like… humor. if u funny we click
Plaid button-ups or leather jackets?
why not both?
no but seriously plaid tbh
Describe your style
um yes
converse, (ripped? sometimes) jeans, and whatever top i feel is appropriate for the Big Aesthetic today
Describe your aesthetic
ive tried going more punk but its just kinda , not worked
my physical aesthetic is very adultolescent. i got chub and look like a freshman but ive been told i pass as a college senior so like
my Big Mood aesthetic is yes
Favorite article of clothing?
either my converse or my “”combat boots”” (theyre not and it makes me sound like an edgelord just saying that) (can you tell im gay)
OH WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT MY JEAN JACKET its like baggy and light and ive started sewing patches from my favorite bands on it (super punk right)
Favorite pair of shoes?
oh my black strappy heels, theyre surprisingly comfortable
Current haircut?
ive got a bleached bob rn
Any haircut goals for the future?
i kinda want a pixie cut bc i cant handle long hair however long hair is so PRETTY and wow
Describe the best date you’ve been on
iiiiiiiiii dont really know. ive been on very few. i have a Perfect Date in mind, and i guess my favorite was my first date with my ex. we had gotten back from a successful science competition (HAVE I MADE IT OBVIOUS IM A NERD YET IM A BIG OL NERD) and it was like midnight by the time we got back and we were both starving so we went to taco bell and just sat there talking and laughing and i know we were pissing off the staff, but we stayed til like two in the morning and we went home and honestly we both considered it a date but we didnt like… tell each other it was a date? if that makes sense? idk honestly im triggered
Describe the worst date you’ve been on
ugh oh god i went on a tinder date and this girl like in the DMs was like ‘hey do u smoke weed’ and im like ‘lol no’ and then like we made plans to meet up at a coffee shop and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed and im like……………. no and shes like ‘oh right lol’ well THIS BITCH sleeps through the time we were supposed to meet, completely stands me up, and then texts me back like an hour later and was like ‘omg im sorry i overslept!!!’ and it was like….. noon but ok so we meet up after my class and we just sit there really awkwardly trying to make conversation and she asks me AGAIN if i smoke weed im like ‘honey no i dont’ and we just talked about drugs for a while and when i left because i had to gtfo she like gave me an awkward hug and like i sent a text later that night bc im courteous and im like ‘hey i had a great time today’ (i didnt) ‘lmk if you ever want to meet up again!!’ and she just. ignored me lol.
Single? Taken?
im currently in a polyamorous relationship with myself and my anxiety
If taken, talk about your girlfriend/wife!
If single, what are you looking for in a potential girlfriend/wife?
someone who’s able to make me laugh and deal with my bad ideas and will let me cook for her and wants to travel the world with me
Describe your dream wedding
its small. outside. maybe in a field or in front of a lake. i dont personally want a big ballgown, just a short white dress will do. lavenders everywhere. R A I N B O W  C A K E. reception where we slow dance to all the sappy romance songs. its great.
Do you want kids?
not really, but ive considered being a foster parent. i feel like im here to do good; i don’t want to have my own biological children, and im not sure i want to have the permanent responsibility of adopting a kid, but i feel i could handle fostering once we’re financially stable and have the room to accept children into our home.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
spain, definitely. somewhere in the north. i want to have a small farm with goats and chickens and vegetables and i want to be away from this american mess.
Favorite lesbian movie?
well ysee…………. the only two explicitly lesbian movies ive seen have been ‘all about E’ and ‘blue is the warmest color’ and i didnt like either of the lmfaoooo i prefer watching lesbian television shows tbqh (or, most commonly, just rewriting all the female characters in my head to be sapphic sooooooo dont @ me)
Favorite lesbian novel/story?
i mean same as above, i dont read as much as i like to. however, i did read “georgia peaches and other forbidden fruit” and that was Really Good and i did read another that was slightly better, but i forget the name but it was about a pakistani (?) girl who was struggling to come out to her parents bc they were very traditionalist but she joins the theater and her like really elite school and the girl she had a crush on basically outs her and is a bitch about it and GOD i wish i could remember it because it was really good
Favorite lesbian song?
ummmmmmmmmmmm i just recently listened to ‘honey’ by kehlani and that was pretty good and pretty gay, but my personal favorite is ‘girls’ by beatrice eli bc holy shit what a Mood
Favorite lesbian musician?
i love mary lambert and beatrice eli.
What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any?
ummmmm now that im thinking of them i cant think of any. i used to play softball and soccer? i love cats. i immediately start planning out the next five years of our lives together anytime im remotely interested in a girl?
Ever been assumed to be nothing more than a gal pal?
i mean………………. no
If a woman wanted to woo you, what would a surefire way to accomplish that?
well bake cookies w me and lets go for a walk & go out and watch the stars at night in the bed of a truck
Be positive! What do you like most about being a lesbian?
Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?
why not both
idk ive never had a cat but i know i lov them
Turn ons?
i.......... dont know
im gay
Turn offs?
long nails youch theyre pretty to look at but i mean at what price
not having anything to talk about
putting yourself down like a lot (i went on a date w this one girl and that was all she did like the entire date like......... im sorry ? :(???)
Do you usually ask other women out or do you wait for them to ask you?
if im being honest i would love for someone to ask me out but since that is Very Unlikely, i tend to be the one to message first and initiate dates and stuff
What is your dream career?
i want to be a psychological researcher in the field of social comparative psychology how sick is that!!!!! just play with dogs all day and record whether or not they boop their noses on a screen
also i wanna be a farmer and a bookstore owner but thats Farther down the line like , when im 50
Talk about your interests or hobbies!
im honestly such a psych nerd i love psychology what the fuck!! its so interesting like ppl are weird man idk brains are weird
im also having a really big green day phase like billie .. he so smol... and also anyone who wants to bash warning or the trilogy can fight me ok those are like My Favorite Albums
im going to a concert in february to see declan mckenna, a Giant Meme
im getting a tattoo w some lyrics of declan’s actually its gonna be sick
What is the most attractive quality a woman can have?
idk for me its being able to have quick, witty, skillful jokes i just love listening to girls talk and tell stories and jokes like wow im gay
also long curly hair? thats always a Solid Look
Do you love easily or does it take time for you to warm up to someone?
i mean. do we really wanna open this can of worms rn
too late, its open
i get those microcrushes where you like see a girl and youre like ‘WOW IM GAY DATE ME’ however once it comes to actually being in a relationship i throw my full weight behind it and worry that im being too suffocating or that im pushing my boundaries etc and ive been told that makes me come off really cold and uncaring so lol choose ur own adventure, you decide
Ever fallen for your best-friend?
Ever fallen for a straight girl?
can you even call yourself a lesbian if you havent
The L-Word: yes or no? (love it or hate it?)
i havent seen it, im such a fake lesbian
Favorite comfort food?
mac n cheese
or pizza
or cheesy potatos
scientific conclusion: im a fatass
Coffee or tea?
Vegetarian? Vegan? None of the above?
im vegetarian!! have been on and off for like two years now
Do you have any pets?
i have one pup sittin right next to me and shes the prettiest girl in the world
Early-riser or night-owl?
idk i get up at like 9 which is early for me but not as early as like. 5. so
more like night-owl. thanks teenage hormones!
What is your sign?
Can you drive?
can i drive well?
but i do have a sense of direction so thats cool
Who was your first lesbian crush?
tbh.................... my best friend, but i didnt realize it was a crush at the time
the first Gay Crush i had that i knew was a crush was on my close friend at the time, now my ex girlfriend
At what age did you know you were a lesbian?
uhhhhhhhhhh lesbian specifically, like 15-16. queer, i knew in like fall semester freshman year (so like 13??)
At what age did you come out (if you have)?
i mean, i come out to people all the time. first time i came out explicitly as a lesbian was when i was like 15 or 16 (actually i came out to a close straight friend and my ex and they both said ‘congrats’ like it was weird but very nice) and the first time i came out as queer/questioning was to my then-best friend at like 13 and i came out to my mom (involuntarily) at like 17? ish?
Are you crushing on anyone at the moment (celebrity or otherwise)?
yes im crushing on every girl simultaneously at all times
just kidding
(not really)
i dont really have any explicit crushes that i can think of im just really gay
Talk about how your day went
it was fine. got free froyo so that was cool. found out i made an A on my bio practical, so that was cool too. however, i wore a crop top and it was like 55 degrees out and raining so i looked like a total Idiot but yk follow ur slutty gay dreams amiright ladies
Talk about your dreams/aspirations for the future
most of mine are career-centric, but a few are personal.
i wanna go to costa rica in may, i wanna go to yale over the summer, i wanna go to NYC pride in june, i wanna go to spain after i graduate, i wanna go to grad school, i wanna be a psychological researcher, i wanna move to spain or england or hell even france, i wanna have my own farm with the woman i love, i wanna own an LGBT bookstore/library, i wanna just live a quiet life near the sea and not have to worry so much after a while.
Least favorite gay celebrity?
this is a weird one to end on, but iiiiiiim not sure i have one? i can tell you ellen page is probably my favorite, but i cant think of many i dislike so
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dev-hub4fixfict-ut · 7 years ago
Know & Determinate: II- the surface and a lame witch; chap 1
/racism, /hate crime, /physical assault, /alcohol, /c slur, /unsanitary, /witchcraft, /panic attack, bad writing. like, really bad. i wrote this when i was in a bs brainspace in highschool to cope.
a self-insert fanfiction where i write what happens after my runs of undertale. written in google docs and idk what im doing. Frisk is 12, use they/them, has a bullshit life, Chara also uses they/them, and is still here, and never meant for all this to happen, they hate each other, and Sans is still, and forever will be, a mess.
here we go with that stuff !! im pumped enough to not collapse of stage anxiety ah ah.
please do not confuse my complicated style for pretentiousness. im but a wordy insecure fool. with a super touchy soft spot for a small fat skeleton. and lots of imagination.
this isn’t something for fontcest and frans shippers and gross ppl who villainize and misgender kids and call gay couples “hawt sin” tho. u guys are uglies and i hate you, go away. ;U
“Sans” i deadpanned.
He perked up a little, his forever-fucking-smiling expression mirroring my tone -with his eyes. Eyes’ sockets. Those were the only hints of what he was actually thinking. Because his fake smile -fake, i’m so sure of it, so fake smile, it only ever dropped when Frisk’s puppeted body struck him down, the very only moment he stopped- wow getting sidetracked. Anyway.
“Sans.” i repeated. i need to repeat myself a lot. Verbal dyspraxia i think. He didn’t seem to know that and squinted a bit more, indication of his annoyance/suspicion/mistrust/wariness. ‘s what his squinting usually means, directed at me. Can’t blame him. “i…” Truth is, i don’t actually know what to tell him. ‘s just. i love him, and i know it sounds crass and misplaced blurted out like this, but as a consequence, i’m worried about him. A lot. Constantly. i hope bpd isn’t blurring my judgement too much. ‘m not sure he does take care of himself as well as he deserve. And look who’s talking, right ? But he is surrounded by loving friends and family. And has his brother. He could get help. Good help.
Damn my hesitance was making him unnerved. I could see it in how he turned to me, bone hands switching in and out of his pockets. I only hugged myself tighter, hands vaguely gesturing.
“i… Could i offer you to crash on my couch sometimes ? Or bed even, i don’t use mine a lot, actually. Since it’s, y’know, closer to a good part of your odd jobs than your house and Papyrus isn’t home then ?” Dang that was weirder out loud. i kept a blank face to show i was serious. i was- the guy looked even more tired than me. Tells something.
“uh. kid, you got something going in the back of your mind ?” Damn he took me too seriously. Squinting hard at me now, he was the perfect studied statue of calm judgement. Damn he was good at those.
“Well, safe from letting you get a good deserved rest more easily, not much !!” i made sure to answer jovially, doing the whole ‘punching the air round and low in excitement’ thing. We could be two playing the happy clown game.
i had found him at Grillby’s, like usual. his food was getting cold. like usual too. what was less usual was the tense manner he held himself when i came in, and how he “straightened” up, like he had forgotten himself, when i greeted him, pat on the shoulder. he would have flinched but he wouldn’t have wanted me onto him about it. so his eye socket had violently twitched -violently as in, noticeably, by his standards, and...uh lost myself again, fuck.
What i mean is that he was having a harsh day, probably after a harsher even night, his ptsd acting up (‘m not supposed to know ‘bout that. He himself doesn’t even know it. i just read. and relate), and i wanted to help him. now, maybe i had been presumptuous thinking i could…
So that’s why i insisted, vigorously,
“And uh-we can watch some trash movies and stuff, anytime, and like you can just stop by during your in-between shifts, even if i’m not home, i’ll give you a spare key and-” sudden stop. oh no. He gave me The Hand.
He indeed did, holding it up, like he wanted me to slow down. i did, obviously, but uh. did that mean i was overwhelming him, or annoying ? Was there a difference ?? Did it matter ???
Not now, because he was talking, and internal anxiety mini attack made me split focus, and i wanted full focus on what he said, on him.
“look kid,” i hate he calls me that “i appreciate whatchu tryin to do here” meh.liar. spill it. “but i can’t accept. paps would be upset if he knew i was squatting-”
“No he wouldn’t !! He would call it ‘GREAT FRIENDLY HANGOUTS OF REST’ and be very happy we uuh spend time together and stuff-”
“ok” glaring at me now, probably pissed i used his bro’s good nature to shot down his excuse. Heh. Two play at that game. “but here’s the thing.” he advanced himself up to me, nearly out of his seat. i held my ground. uh oh. “we a r e n’t f r i e n d s.”
Ouch. i mean i knew this but. Ouch. His eyes hadn’t blacked out on that last part, but nearly, too. Could be that his already hazy eyelights had just dimmed in exasperation but um. That didn’t feel any better. i gulped. Just a little. Just to keep down the new forming clog in my throat. Just a little one. i knew this.
“i know this !! but look, we could be, if we hanged out !” i didn’t dare say more. My eyes stung a lil bit too much for my liking and while never embarrassed by my tears, didn’t want to embarrass him.
‘s not like i was seriously hurt. i knew where we stood, and that my crush was going to stay that, a crush. what really stung was the utter lack of trust and the hatred-like suspicion he had of me. that and also feeling like i’m watching someone drown, but can’t help, because when i reach out they swat me away in fear i would be the one pushing them further. That’s probably more of my saviour complex dramatizing everything, but it’s bad to be helpless when you know someone, and you’re the only one to notice where they’re headed, because they’re great at pretending, but it’s like looking at yourself in a mirror for you. Get me ?
But. That’s fair. We hadn’t started well off. At all. Oh boy we hadn’t…
Seems like now would be a good time to make a small recap, uh ? ‘bout how i ended up knowing that dude, falling in love, analysing his mental shit and all that jazz. Yeah.
me, some lame girl who won’t eat for days and forgo sleep just because, who doesn’t shave but my actual hair, doesn’t do makeup, who doesn’t smile when I’m told to and who grins for no apparent reason whenever a new daydream pops up, because i’m kind of stuck in my own head because it’s better in here. because of… trauma crap. i get by by drawing and playing games where i can just save everyone.
i don’t know if you get what i mean. i sorta hope you don’t. Because it hurts. But at the same time it’d be awesome if you did, because y a y let’s relate about crap !
Don’t know if it matters, too.
Could help to get a few friends. But being  an asocial, asexual, kinda aromantic mess kinda throws that out of the window. You’d think so many A would get me higher in life eh heh heh heh heeeeeh… not funny. i’m not funny. My life is not funny. The way i react to it can be, though.
Like, that one time i was hanging out on my own, outside the bar i had first entered with classmates, as i tried to be less of a hermit, in a bar street and fled because i can't stand alcoholic jerks, and then saw this crowd of tough guys ejecting a small and stout person in a blue hoodie from said bar by fucking throwing a chair at them through the fucking window, and seeing that this little dude is a monster, and knowing they’re gonna get busted down to a puddle of dust by the mastodont looming over them if nobody intervenes ?
i reacted funny.
“Yoo-ou ffffffuking cunt, I-I’m gon’ mash you to the dirt yo motha shitted after getting fucked by yooour d-d-dog of a oold man-”
As he spits the words, an obviously very drunk dude stumbles closer and closer to the monster, his hands shaking like he wants to grip their head and smash it.
Freak it. This son of a bitch may be slurring like he drank the whole city, but he’s for sure all out to kill him ! Get up and run, little dude !
“c’mon man, “fucking cunt” , fun king or earl, it’s still a bit early to speak ‘bout mothers isn’t it?”
[i recognize him]
Pfft- what ? i snort loudly from my spot.
Okay, this is a gloriously  bad, stretched pun -but now is not the time for goodness’ sake ! Run, dude, run -wait, is that a skeleton ?!
[i recognize him]
Oh my fuck, how dumb is that dude, going out in a popular bar at what-the-heck-hours in this stupid city ! There were shootings and assassination attempts on the monster gym leader not even two blocks away yesterday ! And you just go in there with a face that screams “LOOK AT ME” ?! Are you stupid or do you just lack of basic preservation instincts ?!
The brute keeps advancing, spouting shit, a sort of gang backing him up, toward mc comicbonedude, a guy i assume, given the voice, but with monsters you never know, gender’s a myth but not them- who’s still on the ground, backtracking, crawling with a grin it didn’t drop the whole time, is it stuck or something and doesn’t look like getting up holy crap he can’t get up, the more hatred a monster is confronted with the hardest it hits he must be low on hp or something he’s gonna get killed
[i recognize him]
mc comicbonedude cracks another joke or is it his ribs cracking under the viscious kick he just got he’s thrown nearer the spot i’m chilling in. Another kick. Nearer. They can't see me, i’m well hidden in the shadows. Another kick.
This time, mc comicbonedude gags out a pun about sole-ution to the problem being-
FUCK OFF!! a gun is being drawn out.
Screw this i’m not witnessing a murder, fucking racists fucking xenophobics fucking city full of fucking shitheads there are other people around here why isn’t anyone but i don’t want to die either that's how it is, eli, always strive for yourself.
i get up fast and sprint to the monster, screaming about cops and a monster attack and insults, anything to spark a bit of panic, deck a scrawny fucker the one who.was.going.to.shoot.him. and aim for the skeleton, who yells.
[i recognize him]
i grab him by the hood and run in some narrower streets, hearing yells after me, and the anxiety is building up a little too much for my usual adrenaline numbing spell to work-
i trip on some trash and my own feet -same difference, fall over, roll, get up that’s how you do it eli, hit and roll, but back on your feet. And keep running, holding the monster close to my chest he’s warm that means he’s still alive and ok, right, left, dodge the you whore you bitch get back here you bitch and the bullets yup i’m good at thiiiiiiis- a bullet still grazes my ankle, I stumble, nearly faceplant, and it hurts but like a sting and I’m still alive. The adrenaline keeps pumping and i feel so light, i sprint into a shabby alley, panting like a dog, i think i’m crying, and drool is mixing with it. i can feel the headache coming, and mc comicbonedude is heavy enough to slip in my arms why won’t he move ? Is he dead ? Is he in shock ?
[i recognize him]
i run to a staircase, you know, the rusty and slippery metal kind outside buildings for fire escape ? Exactly what i need, as the assholes keep firing at me, huh. I climb, to the top, jump to the next building am i really doing this as me for real and run. i don’t know if they’re still after us, my ears won’t stop ringing, and i can’t tell it apart from sirens. I’m on a four stories building running to save a skeleton who
who starts emitting blue and yellow light and what the hell is happening why am i floating holy fuck i’m two inches away to be totally out of not-looking-near-enough-at-all- concrete to fall on.
[i recognize him]
[*focus insufficient]
[*procedure fails]
He’s silent. Sprawled two meters away from where I’m hanging
h-how did i
Looking exhausted and furious, like a cornered dog who has already taken on a tiger in the past, and from his left pupil there’s a cyan blue and yellow flame ? crackling, or bubbling ? or is it just flashing. can’t tell eyes too blurry. and dark blue is surrounding me at my sternum is that monster magic it’s beautiful, did i get headshot i can’t thing straight no. i can’t breath. It’s holding me in place. i can’t breath properly. i try to call out for him, he’s just overreacting in an understandable alarm but
please don’t crunchy crush the goofy girl on the cracking hard ground but when I try, I look at his eyes. One is glowing a fiery but disturbed cyan and yellow, with shards of red here and there, and the other is blank dead. Black. i’m terrified. He pants and that’s the only sound for a while. He’s alive. Good. Am i going to still be alive after this ?
“wha- ghh- !” He flinches like waking up. He lets go- lets go of meeee-
“AAAAAAAAAH NO !” He gasps and grasps again. i only slipped a meter into nothingness “Oh please please please i really don’t wanna die, and not falling, it looks like suicide i don’t do that i managed not to so don’t spoil it all ok i-”
“what- kid no stop r-”
“ kiiiid please” he’s clutching at his skull now.
“shut. up”
Ok. Not talking.
Whimpering and sobbing a bit, but he better take this because i’m having an anxiety attack and it will escalate into a hyperventilation fit if he doesn't lower me on the ground and I can't calm down.
“Please don’t kill me.” blurts out anyway of my gritted teeth.
A white light bulb alights in his empty eyes socket, and the glow in the other dims. Could he not see me before ? Hey, is that a crack across his skull ? Augh that looks like it s t i n g s.
“ H-hey, there. You- ah, fffuck this hurts. You okay ?” i try.
Nothing. He stares at me, as if watching out for something. I can feel the power around me wavering. He needs to come to his senses before I go kiss the dirt.
“P-please don’t leave me hanging.” He snorts, but keeps scrutinizing me, shaking. ‘s like he’s half understanding the pun, half not there. Silent.
“Woah, that was bad, even for me; guess i’m just that high.” i attempt a feeble finger gun.
He holds back a laugh “pffft- what the hell, kid- oh fuck.” He starts, realizing what i’m hinting at. He drags me back to the ground. i still can't move, but breathing is easier. i whimper again -heck i’m surprised i didn't piss myself- and draw out a looong sigh.
Now we stare at each other awkwardly is not strong enough to cut it. And i observe, that i m may be sweaty, tired and teary, but he looks bad.
His skull is definitely cracked across his left eye, he won’t stop shaking, sweats profusely and seems to have troubles breathing so monsters skeletons breathe and pant. Ok. Do they cry too ? Cuz that weird red stuff oozing from his damaged eye doesn’t look like tears but that can’t be blood… right ?
He looks horrible, if only physically. But the way his eyes sway, with this grin I can’t find the reason for, it worries me more. Is he ... having an episode, or something ? i mean he could be and be totally inoffensive, but ? Was he the one attacking first back at the bar ? is he really having an episode of some sort ? i’m not too nice when i’m having an episode either.
Should i cry for help ? i can't budge from his grasp.
And i know i shouldn’t but i’m feeling an attack coming up- the restraint is triggering my ptsd ridden ass…..
Let me go y-you there c’mon i can’t take this not my shit nuh uh lemme go lemme go lemme go
“ lemme go…” woah not pathetic at all. “Let me go.” no reaction, try again “LET M-” i can’t move my mouth.
The pressure fucktupled, and it’s like my lungs and my muscles are being crushed.
“ok buddy, pal, chum, whoever you are, what the fuck ?”
i can’t answer you, you dumbfuck you just muted me
“i mean, nice save and all. thanks i guess. but who the heck and what on earth are you up to ?” both of his eyes went black oh my god what did i do to your highness Hecate like seriously now how did i end in such a mess.
“H-how about we both calm down first, and talk next ?” i seem to break through the mute. ok good, deep breaths, count backward from ninety to zero, relax, we’re both freaking out, he’s as spooked as you-which is funny cuz he’s the skeleton- focus on breathing.
Still no answer. “Look, i, i get it, bad freak out, i interrupted you back there, i get you’re fucked up-” nothing but his eyes narrowing “ but i’m cool. Swear i am. i’m cold and m’name is uidelsib. you can call me sib ! Cool enough ?”
i extend my hand, ready to give him a strong good ole handshake, but he doesn’t take up on it.
Instead he stays frozen, “Not cool, dude,” hand still extended, but lowered, as if he could grab me again “ r e a l l y not cool,” i insist, and his bones are, he’s. shaking ? Yeah. Shivering violently, like he’s super cold too, which is pretty normal given he’s what. Up with me on a high building, one, two hundred meters in the sky, exposed to the icy wind ? Figures.
His bones are making this clattering clickety sound, stresses me out damn. He’s studying me. But it’s also like he can’t focus. Shivering too much. Shock, probably. His eye socket’s still oozing that red shit. Not thick enough to be blood, and too scarletish, but what do i know ‘bout monsters.
[oh, what do i don’t]
He takes a step toward me.
“ not fucking cool, not in the least-” i let out, jaw still clenched.
His bones rattles one last time, on the cement ground. His knees buckled under him the next moment he moved. His arms couldn’t support him.
i approach him, concerned. Once the pursuit’s adrenaline and the near death experience done with, my mind is settling, and i can think more clearly. He, on the other hand…
He stirs as i come closer. Tries to growl something i can’t decipher, but it comes out as a whimper, pained. My heart constricts in my ribs. Fuck, i hadn’t meant shit to go down like that. i seem to have a talent to fuck up, but i only wanted to help.
i tell him that. He grunts, doesn’t acknowledges me further, and quivers as he tries to stand up. He can’t though. I see it from where i am, he shakes enough to make a dr.pepper bursts.
i snort at the image, a skeleton shaking a bottle fixed on his spine, then flies away with the pressure- w o w i’m gone far. Need a bed. Asap. Concentrate on the situation at hand.
He, though, doesn’t react well to my laughter. He immediately stiffens, and
goes slack. Unmoving on the ground. He fainted ? i go on a hunch and inch closer, on the tip of my toes, hunched over myself, because i can’t tell if he’s dead or if i’m going to be.
[i recogni-- --- [REDACTED]]
i shake my head furiously. i can’t let those thoughts take my attention away from what’s taking place here and now.
i’m close enough now. something like a meter away, i can see him still shivering, and hear him rasp some breaths out. So he can breathe-
[i knew tha- [REDACTED]]
Not Now. i need to focus, i got a seemingly dying monster mere steps away from me.
i crouch down, slowly. My leg muscles burn enough i’m trembling too and i’m pretty sure my teeth are chattering, the noise mingling with his bones against the asphalt.
He’s still face down, arms limp on his sides, and i spy his eyelights peeking at me, way less sharp than when he had me pinned in the air just. one minute ago ?
i creep closer, he tenses, i stop.
“You’re ok.” i whisper. “We’re ok and we’re leaving.” i try to keep my voice from wavering but meh. ‘s not like there’s much face to save, for both of us.
i reach my hand toward him. He doesn’t move. i put it on his back, barely pressing, he tenses. And then disappears with a ping.
[ (*did you think i was going to stay here and t--- -- -) [REDACTED]]
He’s back right where he was. He basically just blinked in and out of existence. And he’s looking even more exhausted, if that’s possible, sweating bullets and heaving noisily, before he quiets himself. He’s also glaring at me, but meekly, and i’m not too scared anymore to be honest. He looks more frustrated than anything, although i can guess he’s actually scared to death. HAH.
“Hey you’re ok, i said, i just. Need to get us somewhere safe. Yeah. Not here.” i croak out. i’m starting to feel the freezing wind more, too. i can’t afford to stall and give him time to think. i can still hear the sirens. They’re looking for someone. And i don’t want the police on my back, even if i didn’t do anything reprehensible in the end.
So i slide my hands under him, still making sure i don’t touch any possible sensitive areas, and decide to go for the armpits, and hey i might get a tickle out of him ! ...ahah no. As i try to heave him up on his… surprisingly tiny feet ? did he lose his shoes or. Whatever. He just stays as silent as he is limp. And boy is he limp as a rock. Not quite as heavy though, good.
“You’re lighter than you look-” might as well try to make some conversation “and uh, can you walk ?” Or at least i can try to fill the heavy silence. Let’s just forget the “tried to kill you” thing. We’re both in deep crap anyway, and i can understand having baggage.
He really won’t walk though. He barely makes a sound too. If i hadn’t heard him sooner i’d think he can’t talk or something. i barely get a grunt out of him as i put him on my hip, which isn’t hard given he’s like. Half my size. Fun sized boney menace.
And i begin to trudge down the stairs- not the ones i came from, i don’t want to get caught if the cops are back there and it’s too far anyways. i want a bed. Now. A lone pillow would do.
He doesn’t seem much different, dangling on my side barely sparing me a glare as i look down at him, checking if he’s not dusting yet. He stopped “bleeding” at least. He still got that nasty huge scar.
i can feel him staring when i’m not looking. He’s still wary. Probably only lets me pull this only because he can’t not. Heh, at least he doesn’t seem to mind that i’m carrying him like you’d do a toddler. i just, need my other arm to grip and grab at the staircase bars when i slip.
Nah he looks more disgusted to be touching me than anything. Everytimes we get into more contact, because i’m bumping a wall or stumbling on my own feet again, i can distinctly feel him shudder, and try to get away. It’s just a little distracting, and unbalancing, and a lil tidbit hurtful. But i can’t blame him. i’d be throwing a fucking fuss and dishing fists if our places switched.
At least it’s relatively calm. We didn’t meet anyone, maybe a few rats rummaging garbage, and some monsters hurrying home, Whimsuns i think ? No one that paid us any mind at least.
So we’re still walking slowly when rain hits us hard, and nearly sends me on my ass. Doesn’t help the shivering, but now it’ll clean the streets out for sure. It’s something past midnight, i don’t wanna find anyone out at this hour.
But i’d kinda appreciate finding my way to somewhere because
“Aaaaaaaaaaa a h ahhh i got no idea the fuck i’m g-going…” Ah fuck. i said that out loud. And now my passenger's giving me his best ‘are u fuckin kiddin me’ stare. He’s. Very unamused.
“L-look, this isn’t, this isn’t my part of the city, okay?? i’m- i’m tryin’ to g-get us to the monster neighbourhoods, but i don’t know the fuck where it is, alright ?!” My tone escalates with my pitch, and i nearly slip again as he flinches away from me. Damn it, not helping eli, still in an episode or something. Don’t yell.
“Y-y-yeeah okay, look. ‘m sorry i cried but i’m in shock and still lost, kay? S-so maybe help or som’thin’ ?” Indications would help yeah. And now he’s listening, he’s also less shaky and putting his weight on me in a way that hinders our progression less. Good.
He nods. Good.
“Good. Gooood good good good.” i’m on autopilot now, following the skeleton’s grunted directions. i take a few wrong turns every now and then, but what can you do with nonverbal advice, and we end up in a part of the city i recognize, because i’ve seen it on tv and wanted to come look around anyway.
The gym stadium. A big building, at least big for a monster building, given the prices get surprisingly higher when they’re buying, stylized like a Japanese dojo, with anime advertisement posters (whether for the dojo or the animes i got no ideas) on the walls and- oh my gosh are those- fish, dolphin, shark and starfish stickers on the windows.
“Perfect !” i half yell, significantly lighting up. Mc comicbonedude looks at me like i’ve grown a second head, and i give him a big manic smile, obviously stressed out. My right eye might be twitching a little too. Does that when i’m under pressure. He decides to go back to slumping against me and questioning his life choices, and i take that as an ‘okay GO’ to proceed with my genius only just made up plan.
i march up quickly, -i want this DONE WITH. NEXT TIME i GO ON AN IMPROMPTU RESCUE MISSION I’M TAKING MY LEAD UMBRELLA AND A CHANGE OF CLOTHING- to the tall doors, who thanks fucking gods are under a porch, that saves us from being drenched anymore, and pound it with all i got.
Skeleton is googly eyeing me like the second head i’ve definitely grown started reciting the ten commandments to belzebuth themselves,
[and he’s not too far off]
but i don’t care my dude i am d o n e. If i get welcomed with a fist to the face i don’t give a diggly doogly dang fuck so long i can get inside and lay down. Even on the cold ass tile floor. i’m don-
Ah, right, i’m still hitting that door. Ouch, that’s gonna swell. Oh welp.
But the voice came from...up?
i step backward some, under the rain, ugh, and look up to see, yup, a noodly armed blue fish person with bright scarlet red hair pulled up in a bun, all sweaty, a poor guy in a chokehold, peeking out of the second floor window, taking in the pouring rain with gusto. A gigantic lightning bolt, quickly followed by loud ass thunder, comes to compliment her boisterous apparition, and she grins- smirks? wide locking her single eye on me, the lighting making her golden teeth flash.
She comes down to greet my miserable form fast, not taking the stairs, but jumping out of the window (much more graciously than mc comicbonedude previously), having let go of her victim- sparring partner previously, good gods, and lands at my feet like nobody’s business, to then bolt up, eager to see the intruder to her night sessions.
And Undyne, former Captain of the Royal Guard of Monsterkind Underground, all steel like blue scales, glinting golden slitted eye and sharp mouth, now renowned Master of Fights in her stadium, among monsters and humans even more, already black belt of more martial arts than i know of, and fresh survivor of one of the biggest terrorist hits on monsters yet, is staring me down, from her easy two meters height, like i’m her next meal.
i gulp. i’m so fucked.
i’m so fucked and not just for the fact that i am royally gay and all, but also cuz…
[i recognize her]
[she was so hard to f---- [REDACTED]]
[couldn’t figure out that all we had to do was to run and then ---- -- ------- [REDACTED]]
“Uh ?” Her gaze has finally caught on my now bundled up passenger, who’s shivering in cold rather than fear, on my hip, who only lazily grins a
[i know him]
i follow hollowly the orders and get inside, feel a weight leave my side-kinda miss that already, to then feel a big fluffy towel drape over me. Then i sit down. In the hall on the ground, probably. Wooden floor is in my direct line vision. Uh. Thing is well taken care of, all waxed and clear, who would have guessed.
[i know them both. very well actually]
[Chara would be nervously giggling if they were here]
[wonder what they’re up to]
[and Frisk too, obviously]
[what about Flowey though. no idea what the lil shit is up to in pacifist endings]
i’m so f UCK E D.
Aaaand that’s how i ended up rocking back and forth in Undyne’s dojo’s main hall for half of the night, muttering about video games and fucking witchcraft gone wrong again and shit fuck damnit, i guess it was denial all along those last two, six months ? And oOH WELP, guess i did cradle like a toddler my fictional crush for the last, what, half hour ? Whoopsies.
fuck that ink witch status, that was not planned.
When i finish my flashback, and it’s been something like six months again since, got to “meet” his super cool great bro, not on his account though, Undyne just had to introduce Papsy to the dweeb that “saved his big brother” and also Asgore, Toriel, for a quick ‘thanks you’, even a small interview with Mettaton, that made a hit on the Undernet, and mingled a bit with monsters- i’m friend with Chesty Brun now (Burgerpants), and Alphys, because we’re following the same mangas-
he’s already gone, burger nearly untouched, ketchup covered fries half eaten and drink finished, and i’m tempted to ask Grillby, who is hovering close behind his bar, fretting a little, in front of my frozen form, if “you’re gon throw that out ? sure i can’t finish ?”  Because it’d be a real shame to let all that delicious grub go to waste. But that’d be creepy as fuck, even moreso taking my feelings for the small dude, and his against me, so i don’t, and he’ll probably feed it to his pet lava rock anyway, so i stop hugging myself and rocking back and forth and go back to my seat, waving him off with a sorry smile, and go back to sullenly sipping my vanilla milkshake.
Can’t blame Sans.
He’s cautious. Understandable.
i know what he’s had to put up with.
[and so do all of you]
[dirty brother killers ?]
[i hope not]
[i really wonder how’s Chara doing…]
AAAAAAAaaaaaaah how do i turn this shit off ?? Let me pretend i’m normal in a normal situation stupid brain thing !!
...ah. screw it. this magic milkshake is fabulous. That’s totally what i’m crying about.
“Don’t worry Grillby.”
ye don’t worry my dudes. can i call y’all that ? ‘s gender neutral. ‘m a demi girl, and you can call me “my dude”, my dudes. wow what a bull of crap i pulled here, sorry trans girls and enbies
this isn’t beta read cuz i’m on my own and english isn’t my native language, i’m french, so plz forgive mistakes.
i had some drafts lying around my google docs for a year now, mostly about bugging and kissing snas, put them together and thought i’d do an actual Thing with it all. this isn’t good, i know it.
lest to say i have no idea what i’m doing !
and don’t know when this’ll update, it it does. i had the motivation to finish this cuz there was no clients at the restaurant i worked at back in july. blah blah blebs blah. 
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softiechris · 8 years ago
another question taggy
i was tagged by the lovely @kinghxwell (ty cas♡)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs
A - age: 14 B - birthplace: canada C - current time: 12:33am (est) D - last drink you had: milk E - easiest person to talk to: my er, person, max F - favorite song: pieces by bry G - grossest memory: um idk,,, one time i perioded all over my bed sheets if that counts H - horror yes or no?: nopety nope nope I - in love: yeah i think so J - jealous of people: all the time lmao K - kpop?: yeee L - love at first sight or should i walk by again: no, definitely not. ‘love at first sight’ is based purely on physical attraction and that’s not what love is about at all. if i see you and i think you’re attractive and then we start talking i could definitely fall for you eventually, but not immediately M - middle name: it’s actually elizabeth but idk i don’t like that since it’s not going with my nonbinary vibe so i’m gonna say it’s eli now N - number of siblings: four O - one wish: to meet max P - person you called last: my sister Q - question you are always asked: idk R - reasons to smile: dnp and dodie and my friends and also all the good in the world S - song you sang last: sick of losing soulmates by dodie T - time you woke today: 9:50 i believe U - underwear color: coral V - vacation destination: japan and london W - worst habit: idk what my worst is but i tend to ramble and i tap and i sometimes just feel the need to make a random noise and i mumble but i also hate when people mumble one time my teacher asked me what i said like three times before i said it really loud and then speed walked away bc i was scared she was gonna yell at me also i rambled i’m sorry X - x-rays: nope Y - your favorite food: idk i like meatballs (my answer changes pretty much every time i get asked this) Z - zodiac sign: taurus i suppose
lmao i reorganized this and added something for k bc both of those things were bugging me
there's no way i'm tagging 20 people so i tag @amazedhowell @dankdeepdaniel and @axolotlpj
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pinkpuffballdude · 8 years ago
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better! 
@siverwrites​ tagged me a million years ago whoops
a - age: low enough that safe mode is on permanently *HACK* b - birthplace: California c - current time: One clock says 6:35am the other 11:34. So.  d - drink you last had: I think coke actually. May have been Kool Aid too e - easiest person to talk to: Mmmm @daveman-the-caveman and my dad f - favourite song: Oh heck I gotta pick one?? Uh, I really like Knee Socks by the Arctic Monkeys rn, and Simply Silphy by SharaX g - grossest memory: Grossest? Um. My memory sucks, so. I don’t know? h - horror yes or horror no: Suspense = good. Gore = very very bad. i - in love?: shhhhhhh j - jealous of people?: Kinda? I don’t know? Probably? I can’t think of a specific example though, and it’s usually not that bad. k - killed someone?: No. Why..? l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: Walk by again m - middle name: It begins with a C n - number of siblings: One! o - one wish: If I get immortality (which apparently isn’t as far fetched as it seems?) that my parents get it too (all my friends and family really.) p - person you called last: I don’t call people on the phone, so I’m gonna say that I skyped @daveman-the-caveman p recently q - question you’re always asked: probably why I didn’t do my homework? (answer: ADHD. I just. Forgot.) r - reason to smile: Cats and clouds and thunderstorms and cool art and cartoons and friends and good music and s - song you sang last: Spiraling Shape by TMBG, with my dad u - underwear color: why v - vacation: Ideal vacation or current? Doesn’t matter it’s the same: visit my hometown  x - x-rays: I fractured my arm once y - your favourite food: Uh. I don’t like food very much? But I do like cake. z- zodiac sign: Gemini!
And now I tag 10 people right? So uh @daveman-the-caveman @only-in-movies @toastedbagel @in-a-trans-like-state @canadiannutellaboiii @eli-xixiixvi and whoever else wants to do it idk
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deusuprema · 8 years ago
Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, when you are done tag up to ten people and also tag the person who tagged you.
tagged by: @xyuuken luv eli tagging: everyone’s already been tagged so ? 
A - Age: 19 B - Biggest fear: heights C - Current time: 17:50 / 5:50pm D - Drink you last had: water- E - Every day starts with: a curse at god and an espresso F - Favourite song: ever ? snow - red hot chili peppers G - Ghosts are they real: not as ‘spirits’ ?  I - In love with: um K - Killed someone: contemplating either yoga or murder L - Last time you cried: a week ago M - Middle name: n/a N - Number of siblings: an older sister O - One wish: that february ends P - Person you last called/texted: a friend Q - Questions you are always asked: ‘why are you laughing?’ if that doesn’t say a lo t R - Reasons to smile: anything i crack up for every tiny thing S - Song last sang: good grief, bastille T - Time you woke up: 6:20am U - Underwear colour: grey V - Vacation destination: barcelona, this late spring W - Worst habit: biting my nails? X - X-Rays you’ve had: cranium MRI. for my migraine. Y - Your favourite food: pasta à la façon italienne Z - Zodiac sign: leo
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Sat[urday] 23 August 1834
8 3/4
12 1/4
Good kiss last night – up at 6 1/2 a.m. w[i]th reg[ula]r bow[e]l compl[ain]t – Perrelet a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9
his fath[e]r g[o]t the legion of honore – one of the 28 decorat[io]ns giv[e]n (out of ab[ov]w 2090 peop[le]) for wh[a]t they h[a]d at the exposit[io]n
Miss Becketts’ broth[e]r h[a]d tak[e]n b[a]ck h[e]r watch – b[ou]ght a ver[y] nice lit[tle] enamell[e]d
watch 360/. for A- [Adney]   Perrelet s[ai]d bow[e]l compl[ain]t was ver[y] com[mon] – the medic[a]l men
desir[e]d peop[le] to eat ver[y] lit[tle] fruit – call[e]d the compl[ain]t cholerine – A- [Adney] pleas[e]d w[i]th
the watch b[u]t th[ou]ght it mon[e]y thrown away, so to our mut[ua]l satisfact[io]n determ[ine]d to gi[ve] it
to Charlotte S- [Stuart] and to ask Miss Berry to ta[ke] it ho[me] – th[a]t Perrelet might ha[ve] it regler it
perfect[l]y well – br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. – A- [Adney] and I out (in the landau) at 12 – Look[e]d ov[e]r the
furniture sale r[oo]ms of Lesage r[ue] Grange Batèlière – th[e]n w[e]nt chez Fischer (whose
well-made furnit[u]re we h[a]d seen at the Exposit[io]n – and who got the silv[e]r medal, the highest
reward giv[e]n for Ébénisterie, - and recom[mende]d by Perrelet – m[u]ch diffic[ult]y in find[in]g the place)
Impasse Guèmené n°3, r[ue] S[ain]t Antoine – lik[e]d a cartonnier at 140/.- b[u]t c[oul]d n[o]t
ta[ke] it ho[me] – all the Fr[en]ch marchander, so his etiquettes mark[e]d so as to allow h[i]m to abate
a lit[tle] – he ment[ione]d th[i]s ver[y] honest[l]y – lik[e]d the man – will employ h[i]m when I want
furnit[u]re – he h[a]s m[u]ch now chez Lessage – pays high for stand[in]g and th[e]re, on the th[in]g being sold –
out of 430/. E.G. allows 50/. – took us int[o] his workshop upst[ai]rs – mak[in]g fauteuils
at 12000/. each for Rothschield rich in carr[ia]ge and gild[in]g – doing up for him a ver[y] handso[me] old oak-carv[e]d
armoire, cost 600fr. at a curios[it]y shop – c[oul]d rememb[e]r when s[in]ce might ha[ve] been b[ou]ght for
20/. b[u]t now sought aft[e]r and d[ea]r – the curios[it]y merch[an]ts g[o]t th[e]m fr[om] La Vendée – pass[e]d ov[e]r
the pont de jard[i]n de Roi and left A- [Adney] and Geo[rge] at n°27 r[ue] S[ain]t V- [Victoire] at 3 1/4 (to dust b[oo]ks) – th[e]n w[e]nt
chez Crochard to ord[e]r so[me] books – the annals du musée de jard[i]n des pl[an]ts, rare – sold at
700 to 800fr. – M. Elie de Beaumont’s mém[oi]re sur les révolut[io]ns de la surf[a]ce du globe
pub[lishe]d separ[atel]y, is Epuisé, b[u]t I ha[ve] it in the annals des sci[en]ces nat[ur]ells end of 1829 and
begin[nin]g of 1830. L’arte de verifier les dates, 27 vol[ume]s [octavo] at 5/. or 6/. – out of print –
m[u]st ha[ve] it d’occasion – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n to have Maltebruns’ geog[raph]y immed[iatel]y 7 vol[ume]s out
5 to co[me] – vol[ume]s 3 and 4 Capefigues’ hist[oire] Phil[ip] Auguste ord[ere]d – Chateaubriand’s works
ab[ou]t 25 vol[ume]s at 5/. or 6/. –
Cours d’agriculture, 16 vol[ume]s [octavo] to be h[a]d for 56/. bec[ause] go[in]g to be repub[lishe]d cheap, in 2 col[umn]s on each page –
Glossaire de Ducange, to be g[o]t d’occas[io]n – when opport[unit]y offers – ord[ere]d for my ret[ur]n –
Collect[io]n des memoires 1st and 2[n]d series 150 vol[ume]s à 5/. go[in]g to be reprint[e]d cheap, in 2 columns.
Guizot’s revolut[io]n d’Angleterre 25 vol[ume]s [octavo]
Manuel du libraire – diffic[ul]t à se procurer – h[a]s n[o]t ev[e]n a cop[y] for hims[elf] – m[u]st bring 1 fr[om] Brussells
will get one for me if he can – ord[ere]d
Tableaux synchroniques par Michelet.
Précis de l’hist[oire] du moyen age, par M. des Michells 2 vol[ume]s         ord[ere]d
Manuel de Diplomacie
Off fr[om] Crochards’ at 3 55/.. for Bellevue n°7 to call up[on] L[ad]y Charlotte Lindsay and the Miss
Berrys – th[e]re at 5 – ver[y] civ[i]l and k[i]nd – ask[e]d me to din[ner] – st[ai]d – ver[y] agreeab[le] vis[i]t – Miss B- [Berry]
will ta[ke] charge of the watch to be left for me w[i]th eith[e]r L[ad]y S[tuar]t Whitehall, or L[ad]y S- [Stuart] de R- [Rothesay]
Miss Agnes B- [Berry] recom[mende]d the correspond[en]ce of Victor Jacqumenot to his fam[il]y fr[om] Les Indes orient[au]x
in 1839 to 1832 – s[e]nt out by the jard[i]n des plantes – now dead – 2 vol[ume]s [octavo] – ho[me] in an h[ou]r
at 8 1/2 – A- [Adney] on[l]y just ret[urne]d – din[ner] at 9 – fine day till ab[ou]t one p.m. – aft[er]w[ar]ds gentle r[ai]n
the gr[ea]t[e]r part of the aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g –F[ahrenheit] 66° at 12 5/.. tonight – Miss Berry h[a]d n[o]t got the addr[ess] for
the bellows, c[oul]d n[o]t get it, so h[a]d no bellows for me – b[u]t w[oul]d bring me a p[ai]r to Eng[lan]d w[i]th h[e]r
if I lik[e]d –
0 notes
dailystarplatinum · 8 years ago
Tumblr media
We did it.. we made it to the big four digits. I never thought I’d get here, honestly. When I made this blog in May, I never thought I’d get to here. Maybe 2 or 300 followers, at the most?? Never this. 
 Here’s some sappy words to some people, I’ll cut this off because it’s going to be very long. 
 @daily-jojoanimals (I’m putting you at the top in case everything gets too sappy for you) I love your art a lot! The bright colors, the lines... I can’t draw animals for my life, but you? You’re amazing at it! Your blog is great and I hope that it gets more attention because you work really hard on all those drawings!
@dailydiadop nOON WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN… I love you and you’re probably my best friend. I have absolutely no idea where I’d be without you. Probably very very lost and very very confused. I’d also still be trying to figure out who is the best person at making hamburgers (it’s you). Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, I would’ve never gotten into jojo, or at least I would’ve taken longer to find out about it. 
 @dailynonbinaryukako eli I remember when we first started talking and it was kinda awkward but then I was like ‘oh hey I made a blog’ and you were like 'oh hey I should make one too’ and now look at us. You’re a huge nerd and I love talking to you about ocs and memes and my 1000+ year old hawk son and I think our muses need to interact more but you’re probably another big reason for why I’ve stayed in this community so long... I mean heck you’re the reason I joined Daily Discord Hell!
 @dailyhierophantgreen S C R E A M S ILY RAY I can’t believe you looked up to me once… I mean first of all I’m like 5 foot 4 there isn’t much to look up to and second I can’t believe my art is of the quality and skill for someone as amazing as you to look up to it…. anyways you’re an amazing person and I love all of your hierophant doodles and I hope that we can draw more stargreen ship stuff and memes this year! 
 @daily-caesar Adam, you’re hilarious and really nice, and I love all of your Caesar and Torq and Capt doodles (how do you even doodle them so fast??? Ho w)! You always enjoy my Fresh Memes ™, and you always manage to put a smile on my face. 
 @dailysmolnareff  I don’t know if I’ve ever told you this, but you were one of my favorite daily blogs that I was scared and/or unsure of how to interact with. If only my oblivious past self could see us now. You are number one, Cami. Never forget that.
 @dailystoneplatinum you’re definitely another huge reason why I’ve been inspired to try so hard with art on this blog and art in general. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, a huge inspiration, and I also always enjoy talking with you (ah yes one in the morning talks about Jolyne’s stand and how it’s unfair that Pucci got Made in Heaven and Jolyne got silly string with sunglasses). I’m really happy we get to talk, and I hope to see more of your beautiful art!
 @daily-giogio L E A D E R O F M U T E C R E W ok that’s obviously not enough, let me write more I love your Gio art so much it’s just so pretty?? side note Reset Gio’s design is also gorgeous and you just manage to kill me every time I see your art??? You’re also just a really funny person and I love talking with you! Or just listening to the void with you too that’s great as well
 @dailyrobertspeedwagon peri, you’re super sweet and you’ve got great ideas and OCs, and I love all of them! To be honest, you’re much much better at art than I was when I was your age *visibly shudders thinking about old art*… keep up the great work! 
 @weeklyheavendio laVA WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN you deserve a medal for the amount you’ve helped my art style change like I draw something for the reset au and you manage to one up me with amazing art so I draw something else then you make a beautiful giF SO I HAVE TO MAKE AN EVEN BETTER GIF AND IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS BUT IT WAS WORTH IT AND I LOVE ALL YOUR ART AND YOURE JUST A GREAT PERSON AAAAAA 11/10 would rewrite existence out of possibly canon game history again 
 @dailyshadowdio Cake I can’t believe I was once scared of you with your beautiful art.. I was scared to talk to you and the big wry man himself… Now I know. I know that I must believe in gravy. Always believe in gravy. Gremlin Dio and pretty much all your art gives me life. I don’t know what it is about how you draw Dio, but he just looks??? So good?????? Long story short you’re great cake 
@dailyhamonpires we didn’t talk too much before the space au, but now that we’ve talked more, i’ve really enjoyed seeing you and your art! SOLU is a very sweet goop boy and deserves only the best. Keep up the amazing work!
 @dailyavdol you’re one of the sweetest people I know! Your art style is also super unique and beautiful, and I love seeing different characters in it! Also seeing you and Cami talk is really sweet too :> 
 @marinebiologistjotaro whERE DO I EVEN START You are an absolute blessing. Do you even know how much I love marine life. Like I really love cephalopods the most but all marine life is just really cool and if I wasn’t sure I wanted to do something with animation in the future I’d want to do something with marine biology and so when I found your blog some couple of months ago I died of happiness I’ve also enjoyed all the little inside jokes we’ve made over the past few months. I still miss Barbara… 
@badlydrawnmekandmoney !!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD OCS! GREAT PERSON! It’s always a lot of fun to talk to ya! You put up with all my shitty memes and actually genuinely seem to like them, too!
 @dailyyoungmrskujo *insert good shit meme but in french* I love Jolyne’s mom/Jotaro’s wife, so when I found that someone had taken her character and turned her into a fully capable headstrong young woman, I was so excited! You’re really sweet, and I wish you luck with your new job and I hope we sometime get time to talk (despite timezones >_<). 
 @badlydrawnjotarocean we don’t talk much but I kind of admire you from a distance because you’re pretty cool and I’m also madly in love with Joji from the reset au I mean sweet ocs you got there friend I mean um how much water do you need to quench your thirst
@badlydrawn-p4nareff a quality baguette… a handsome baguette… a good baguette… have I ever said how much I love pol and how good your pol art is I mean sometimes he’s just a piece of string cheese but you still manage to make him look beautiful???? What are your secrets I'm also sorry I'm a huge nerd you probably are wondering why I tagged you right I mean uh I should stop aaaa
@dailypisscop You’re an amazing artist and I’m so happy you like my art! It was a lot of fun seeing your progress on the johnny and gyro print and seeing other things you’ve drawn :>
@notsodailystarplatinum aaaaaAAAAA you’re so cool! I love all of your star doodles and it’s always fun to interact with you and the other star blogs! Also I still can’t believe you drew me
Tumblr media
it me bubbles 
@dailyghiaccio we've talked a couple of times, but I absolutely love your art! Keep it up!
@weeklyesidisi (i’m not tagging all 1837472 of your blogs) vince you’re very funny and great and, I’ve really enjoyed talking to you about the space au and other things!
@dailyjosukeandokuyasu !!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude you are great I really love your art and designs a lot, also you definitely put up with all my terrible memes. The only complaint I have is no shiny
@daily-goldexperiencerequiem KICK ME INTO SPACE PLEASE I mean you're super fun tot talk to, and I love your GER art ^_^
@otamer kinda different than a lot of the other blogs here since you aren't a daily/bd blog that does much (yet) but you're super nice and fun to talk to and I know you can make that blog and join us in the deep dark realms of daily discord hell ;D
@dailyyoung-jonathan YOU ARE GREAT OK?? Anyways thank you for taking celeste to the ball and also just for being really nice on kirb’s server. 
@regularlyscheduledjolynemom We talk occasionally, but it’s always fun to talk to you! Thank you for the history jokes :>
@kindofdailyoingo GOOD BLOG BOOD GLOG 10/10 I love your oingos also thank you for always listening to me talk about my hawk son you’re just really fun to talk to and be around and I hope you remember that! 
@poorlydrawnjosephjoestar I always secretly admired your art and your bad spaghetti jokes from afar, but since the space au, it’s been a ton of fun talking to you and the others onboard the Hayloft! (blease don’t kill off jovani)
@dailykakyoin I know you get this a lot but you're one of the reasons (I think you and dailypol maybe?) I started this (haha if you want go find the first ask I sent it was from my main blog it's terrible) and you're such an amazing member of this community! I mean, you answer tons of asks, draw really cute kaks, and you’re just really nice :>
 Here's a big ol pile of people that I'd love to talk to/interact more with and/or am too scared to interact with:
@dailyjonajba | @askdailymiraschon | @dailygwess | @miumiusdailybizarrehell (the unholy trinity is here) (i love you guys) | @daily-jojovillians | @dailyabba | @dailyteenshizuka | @daily-holhorse-and-maybe-boingo | @dailymoodyblues | @badlydrawn-lisalisa | @badlydrawnheartpompadour | @badlydrawn-vinegardoppio | @dailyjoshu | @daily-jouta | @badlydrawnventopolnareff | @poorlydrawnjosukeh | @dailychibimikitaka | @poorly-drawn-fem-koichi | @badlydrawnyuyafungami | @dailybrandio
Once again, thank you!
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fiirelords · 8 years ago
uM HELLO ANA MY #FRIENDSHIT I LIKE THIS EMOJI 💖💜💙 (well those three) bC I HAVE LOTS OF LOVE AND IM BI AS HECK. cONGRATS MY BABE YOU GOT 3.6k tHATS SO GREAT TAKE SOME SKITTLES AND OTHER CANDY IDK WHAT CANDY YOU LIKE i like the url! im guessing its spiderman tho i dont get the second part of it oops 💕💕💕
THANKS!! ooooh allie has a label now?? damn good for you babe!! DASFGJHG I LOVE SKITTLES THANK YOU #FRIENDSHIT 5EVA (it is spider, you know me so well)
lets celebrate 3.6k!
   B A S I Curl - dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!domain - don’t have one | dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible!icon - basic yikes | don’t recognise it | poor quality | pretty cute! | omg awesome | tempted to steal it
   T H E M Edesktop theme - basic yikes | not my style | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i wanna stealcolour scheme - not my taste | pretty | gorgeous | my fav colours!updates tab - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectnav page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectabout page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfectmobile header - nonexistent | i don’t get it | not my fandom | bit blurry | alright | lovely | absolutely gorgeousmobile colours - kills my eyes | don’t match | looks nice | urgh aes af
   P O S T Sactivity - you post too much | you post too little | you post the perfect amountreblogs - urm nonexistant ?? | kinda random | not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible!original edits - you don’t have any | not my fandom | great start | not bad | lovely | so original | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly af of your skillspersonal - nonexistant | not enough | too many | you seem sweet | omg you make me laugh so much
   O V E R A L Loverall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incrediblefollowing - no sorry | not my fandoms | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs
0 notes