#Céspedes canceled
mexicodailypost · 1 year
After cancellation of Céspedes in San Miguel de Allende, AMLO rejects discrimination against singer
Mexico City.- President Andrés Manuel López Obrador rejected that the Cuban singer Francisco Céspedes be “harassed” and “discriminated against” in the country, after the PRI mayor Mauricio Trejo Pureco of San Miguel Allende, Guanajuato, did not allow him to appear in the municipality. In the morning conference, the president expressed that the singer should enjoy all his rights in Mexico. “Now…
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dk-thrive · 2 years
The others are sleeping, at this hour: sleep cancels the day they’ve been through, and the new day appears, free of the weight of the preceding days, which I, on the other hand, preserve in these pages as if in an exorbitant account book in which no debt is ever forgiven.
Alba de Céspedes, “Forbidden Notebook: A Novel.” Translated by Ann Goldstein. (Astra House, January 17, 2023) 
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projectmafiacuba · 6 years
Overall Timeline
1492    Cuba discovered by Christopher Columbus and is claimed for Spain (Wright, 1916)
1500s    Smuggling appears in the Americas, pirates (French, English, Dutch) cause “serious embarrassment in Cuban waters (Chapman, 1927)
1515    Diego de Velazquez establishes permanent settlements and brings pestilence and Christianity, “pestilence of the repartimiento” (“system of bondage of natives to invader”) (Wright, 1916)
1523    Slaves first imported to Cuba (Chapman, 1927)
1524-28    Local patriotism rises
1533    “Negro uprising” at the “mines of Jobabo” (Wright, 1916)
1544    Population: 322 Spaniards, 1000 Cubeños, 800 black and native slaves (Wright, 1916)
1556    200 impoverished and starving Spaniards (Wright, 1916)
1700s    Smuggling becomes the “principal basis of the island’s wealth” (Chapman, 1927)
1717/1721/1723    Tobacco revolts and Cubans “express a vigorous dissent” (Chapman, 1927)
1762    British occupy Havana, Cubans introduced to trade freedom
Late 1800s    Cuban rebellion against Spain due to “Undue trade restrictions, arbitrary and unscientific methods of taxation, and the virtual exclusion of Cubans from government” (Chapman, 1927)
1810    Spanish American wars of independence, Cubans introduced to the idea freedom from Spain
1817    Population: 686,000 inhabitants total, 250,000 slaves, 115,000 “free colored persons” (Chapman, 1927)
1823    Secret society activity peaks, secret societies organize a revolt, exiles spread propaganda against Spanish
1834-1838    General Miguel Tacon is severe and embitters Cubans, agreement with smuggler Marti
1836    "Successful liberalist revolution in Spain restored the Constitution of 1812" (Chapman, 1927),
provides "Cuban representation in Spanish Cortes" (Chapman, 1927)
1843-44    Conspiracy of La Escale (suspected revolt to abolish slavery and gain freedom from Spain) brutally suppressed (Year of the Lash-400 blacks killed, 600 jailed, 400 expelled)
1868-78    Ten Years War, revolution attempt
1879-80    Little War, rebellion
1886    Slavery abolished
1894    Financial depression resulted in closed sugar mills, "Loss of ten millions of dollars in two years in one little part [Juraco] is but a sample of the facts that show what chaos this war is working" (Davis, 1897), "if the trocha at Moron is ever attacked in force it will prove to be a Valley of Death to the Spanish troops" (Davis, 1897)
1895    Revolt lead by José Martí against Spanish, “Cuba’s second war of independence” (Brenner et al. 1989)
1896    Concentration camps
1898    Spanish-American War between Spain and America, ends in US occupation of Cuba
1901    Platt Amendment added by US to Cuban constitution, creates US naval base
1902    US occupation ends
1906    José Miguel Gómez uprising against President Estrada Palma, US occupation
1909    US occupation ends
1912    Racial discrimination protest, US returns
1917    President Mario García Menocal suppresses José Miguel Gómez revolt (Chambelona War), Cuba enters WWI with Allies
1919    Cuban Oriental Park Racetrack gambling legalized
1920s US mafia begins business in Cuba (mainly rum running)
1925    Cuban Communist Party established
1927    President Gerardo Machado forces presidential term extension, Machado is repressive and faces insurgent challenges
1929    Cuban financial depression after US depression
1930s    US Great Depression, Havana becomes the major thoroughfare for drug trafficking (mainly heroin and cocaine) and is facilitated by Batista and the Auténtico (led by Ramón Grau San Martín)
1933 US Prohibition ends (decreases mafia rum running income), Gerardo Machado closes casinos, Machado is overthrown/forced to resign, mafioso Charles “Lucky” Luciano via Meyer Lansky makes deal with Colonel Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar (operations were directed by Santo Trafficante and Lansky), Carlos Manuel de Céspedes provincial president overthrown by Batista, Provisional Revolutionary government with president Ramon Grau San Martin, Batista heads army, Platt Amendment invalid via Cuba
1934    US abrogates Platt Amendment (frees Cuba from international restriction and US interference), Batista (US backed) removes Revolutionary President Grau San Martín and overthrows Provincial Revolutionary government, puppet presidents
1939-1945    World War II
1940    Batista elected president, new constitution and corrupt police state
1944    Batista leaves, Grau San Martin elected president, Grau San Martin corruption charges
1946    Havana Conference of US mafiosos led by Luciano at Hotel Nacional
1952    Batista overthrows Carlos Prío Socarrás before elections, Batista becomes more repressive
1953    Fidel Castro failed uprising against Batista (Moncada barracks attack), Lansky begins improvements on the Hotel Nacional
1956    M267 Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevara guerilla war against Batista, Lansky begins building the extravagant Hotel Riviera
1958    Batista not backed by US anymore, Havana Hilton (larger than the Riviera) opens, construction for Monte Carlo de La Habana resort begins, Santo Trafficante Jr. said “[Fidel Castro]’s a guy making noises up in the hills. He’s going nowhere” (Jenkins, 2002)
1958/1959* New Year’s    M267 forces Batista out, Castro takes command,  Lansky attempts to remove cash from the casinos, Batista flees Cuba, Fidel Castro’s revolution takes over Cuba, the revolution destroys casinos and loose pigs in the Riviera, tourists and wealthy and mafiosos flee Cuba
1959    President Manuel Urrita shuts down gambling and prostitution and drug trafficking, first Agrarian Reform law removes US companies (limits land holdings, cripples mafia interests), Cuban casino workers flee to Las Vegas
1960    All large enterprises in Cuba become controlled by Castro’s government (US and mafia businesses interests are seized), US imposes embargo on Cuba
1960-1963    Angered mafia works with US government on Castro assassination attempts
Tourism back in Cuba
1960s-2004    Miguel Battle Sr. leaves Cuba to run La Corporación/The Corporation (Cuban American mafia in the US in the business of gambling, narcotics, prostitution, “intimidation, contract murders, and arson” (Minsky, 2018))
1961    US breaks relations with Cuba, Cuba becomes officially socialist, Bay of Pigs/Playa Girón
1962    Cuban Missile Crisis
1965    Revolutionary government renamed Communist Party of Cuba
1967    Che Guevara executed in Bolivia
1975    Cuban troops to Angola
1976    Revolutionary government makes socialist constitution, Castro becomes president, Cuba suspends anti hijacking agreement with US after bomb explodes on Cubana Airlines plane
1977    Cuban troops to Ethiopia, US established diplomatic ties with Cuba, US President Jimmy Carter lifts travel ban on Cuba, US and Cuba sign accord on fishing rights
1980 Mariel boatlift (Cubans flee Cuba to US en masse for refuge)
1985 Cuba suspends immigration and repatriation agreement with US, US President Reagan banned Cuban and Communist travel to the US
1986    Rectification campaign
1987    US and Cuba restore immigration agreement (Cuba cancelled in 1985)
1991    Soviet Union collapses and cripples Cuban economy, Special Period
1990s Tourism becomes major structure/”strategic development” (Castillo and Gaspar, 2018) in Cuban economy, mafia activity becomes more visible with tourism renewal
1993    Cuba allows foreign investment, Cuba secular state, US embargo strengthened against Cuba
1997    Tourism is allowed back into Cuba, the Cuban Economic Resolution intends to use tourism as a cornerstone of the Cuban economy, Cuban Economic Resolution sets the goal of more than 2 million tourists in Cuba by 2000 (Castillo and Gaspar, 2018)
Late 1990s    Tourism industry surpasses sugar becoming lead source of revenue
2000    Embargo exception for US agriculture to Cuba
2008    Castro retires
2016    Castro dies
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