#C: Morpha
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79) Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus; pied raven (kruk srokaty) - wymarła odmiana barwna północnoatlantyckiego podgatunku kruka pospolitego, którą znaleziono tylko na Wyspach Owczych; ostatni potwierdzony zapis pochodzi z 1902 r. Kruk srokaty miał duże obszary białego upierzenia, najczęściej na głowie, skrzydłach i brzuchu, a jego dziób był jasnobrązowy. Poza tym wyglądał jak całkowicie czarne kruki północnoatlantyckie (C. c. varius morpha typicus), które są szeroko rozpowszechnione na Wyspach Owczych, a także można je spotkać na Islandii.
Kruk srokaty otrzymał nazwy dwumianowe, takie jak Corvus leucophaeus (autor: Vieillot, 1817) i Corvus leucomelas (autor: Wagler, 1827). Obecnie określa się go jako Corvus corax varius morpha leucophaeus.
We współczesnym języku farerskim ptak ten nazywa się hvítravnur („biały kruk”), starsza nazwa to gorpur Bringu hvíti („corbie o białej klatce piersiowej”). Normalne osobniki podgatunku varius, który występuje na Islandii i Wyspach Owczych, wykazują już tendencję do bardziej rozbudowanych podstaw białych piór w porównaniu z podgatunkiem nominowanym. Jednak tylko na Wyspach Owczych mutacja w metabolizmie melaniny utrwaliłaby się w populacji, powodując, że około połowa piór niektórych ptaków była całkowicie biała. Chociaż okazy albinotyczne czasami występują w populacjach ptaków, wydaje się, że kruk srokaty nie opierał się na takich okazjonalnych „sportach”, ale na stale lub przynajmniej regularnie obecnej części lokalnej populacji kruków.
Wydaje się, że pierwsza wzmianka o kruku żałobnym znajduje się w sprzed 1500 r. kvæði Fuglakvæði eldra („Starsza ballada o ptakach”), w której wspomina się o 40 lokalnych gatunkach, w tym alka wielka. Później o kruku srokatym wspominają sprawozdania Lucasa Debesa (1673) i Jensa Christiana Svabo (1781/82). Carl Julian von Graba w 1828 r. wspomina o dziesięciu osobnikach, które sam widział, i stwierdza, że ptaki te, choć mniej liczne niż odmiana czarna, były dość powszechne. Díðrikur á Skarvanesi, malarz z Wysp Owczych, namalował serię Fuglar, szereg przedstawień ptaków. Na jego 18 fuglarze („18 ptaków”) zwierzę w prawym dolnym rogu można zidentyfikować jako kruka srokatego. Obraz jest obecnie wystawiany w muzeum sztuki Wysp Owczych Listaskálin w Tórshavn.
Jak widać na obrazie Skarvanesiego, wykonanym oczywiście z wypchanych ptaków, kruk srokaty był obiektem zainteresowania kolekcjonerów. W XIX wieku srokate odstrzeliwano selektywnie, ponieważ mogły osiągać wysokie ceny; sýslumaður (szeryf) ze Streymoy, Hans Christopher Müller, zapłacił kiedyś dwóm duńskim rigsdalerom za wypchany okaz z Nólsoy. Takie sumy – spora suma pieniędzy dla zubożałych rolników z Wysp Owczych – sprawiły, że strzelanie do kruka srokatego stało się dochodowym przedsięwzięciem. Ponadto na ogół polowano na kruki jako szkodniki. W połowie XVIII wieku każdemu samcowi z Wysp Owczych w wieku łowieckim nakazano na mocy dekretu królewskiego odstrzelić co najmniej jednego kruka lub dwa inne ptaki drapieżne rocznie pod groźbą kary w wysokości czterech umiejętności. Ostatni potwierdzony kruk srokaty został zastrzelony 2 listopada 1902 roku na Mykines. Następnie odnotowano kilka obserwacji białych kruków: jesienią 1916 r. na Velbastaður i Koltur, zimą 1947 r. na Nólsoy i ponownie zaobserwowanych w następnym roku oraz wiosną 1965 r. na Sandvíku. Ponieważ żaden z tych zapisów dotyczących wzroku nie wspomniał o unikalnym czarno-białym wzorze, a w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach na Wyspach Owczych zaobserwowano niewielką liczbę rozcieńczonych, całkowicie białawych kruków, żaden z nich nie jest oficjalnie uznawany za kruki srokate. W związku z tym rok 1902 jest powszechnie uważany za rok wyginięcia kruka srokatego.
Kruk srokaty, będący odmianą ubarwienia, prawdopodobnie różnił się od ptaków czarnych tylko jednym lub kilkoma allelami (w przeciwieństwie do wielu genów u prawdziwego podgatunku). Allele „srokate” były lub prawdopodobnie były recesywne lub (jeśli było więcej niż jeden) powodowały nowe zabarwienie tylko wtedy, gdy wszystkie były obecne. Potwierdzają to ostatnie obserwacje, które miały miejsce przy braku regularnej populacji lęgowej srokatych oraz obserwacje H. C. Müllera. Zatem nie jest pewne, czy forma rzeczywiście wymarła, jeśli w ogóle można mówić o „wyginięciu” w jakimkolwiek sensie innym niż genetyczny populacyjny. Teoretycznie allele mogą nadal być obecne, ale ukryte u czarnych osobników podgatunku, w związku z czym pewnego dnia kruk srokaty może narodzić się ponownie. Chociaż kruk jest dość powszechny na Wyspach Owczych, jego populacja na małym archipelagu liczy zaledwie 200–300 par lęgowych. Ponieważ na Wyspach Owczych widywano kruki o rozrzedzonym, całkowicie białawym upierzeniu, także w ostatnich dziesięcioleciach, allele odpowiedzialne za tę anomalię nadal istnieją na archipelagu, ale jest mało prawdopodobne, aby były to te same geny odpowiedzialne za wzór srokaty. Krukowate o rozcieńczonym upierzeniu występują w wielu krajach z pewną regularnością.
Obecnie znanych jest 16 okazów muzealnych kruka srokatego: sześć w Muzeum Zoologisk (Kopenhaga, Dania); cztery w Amerykańskim Muzeum Historii Naturalnej (Nowy Jork, Stany Zjednoczone); dwa w Muzeum Ewolucji (Uppsala, Szwecja); jeden w Centrum Różnorodności Biologicznej Naturalis (Leiden, Holandia); jeden w Państwowym Muzeum Historii Naturalnej (Braunschweig, Niemcy); jeden w Państwowym Muzeum Zoologii (Drezno, Niemcy); i jeden w Muzeum Manchesteru (Manchester, Wielka Brytania). 12 czerwca 1995 r. Postverk Føroya wydał znaczek pocztowy FR 276, na którym widniał kruk srokaty. Został zaprojektowany przez słynną artystkę z Wysp Owczych i ilustratorkę naukową Astrid Andreasen.
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Quick Update Post
Hello. This is a quick Update Post.
We are updating our Readme Files.
Chance Reclist will release with a base oto.ini once some test USTs and C- phonemes are finished.
There will be an OpenUTAU dictionary for Chance Reclist. Heccan will recieve a dedicated dictionary as well.
OpenUTAU templates will be provided.
Our Early Access Website was Updated.
We are working on our own Wiki to have a safe place to store in an organized manner all the details that are needed for the characters and voicebanks, as well as other projects.
AC [Roulette] was released for Early Access.
Demo material for our current voicebanks should release (hopefully) soon.
A new voicebank, Caché Völatta is in development, along other voices.
Details about the new voicebank(s) below the Read More.
Caché Völatta
This voicebank is currently in Alpha testing, ver. 1.0. Beta releases will include romaji compatibility and 4 different appends. The voicebank will include two different releases for classic UTAU and OpenUTAU instead of our classical port-only.
He will recieve a dedicated website, but his data will be provided in our main website as well.
Features provided as of current development stage:
CV Japanese + extras (Rolled R, english L, etc)
A soft calm voice with 3 pitches
4 Appends to add expression: SRAM (Solid), LRU (Power), ROM (Growl/Guttural), USB (Warm)
A folder of 40+ extra sounds, including breaths made for singing.
Dedicated Artwork and Portraits for each append.
Romaji compatibility.
Template for OpenUTAU.
OpenUTAU COLORS feature compatibility.
More details in the official Wiki Page.
Morpho Morphae
The partner voice for Caché. This voicebank will be recorded soon and will have the same procedure as Caché Völatta, meaning it will have dedicated development time.
As for now, the plans for the voicebank is as follows:
CV Japanese + extras
Energic voice, 3 pitches. Might be Powerscale due to the characteristics of the voice.
Appends (Cute, Annoyed, Growl, Power)
A folder of extra sounds.
Dedicated Artwork.
Romaji compatibility.
OpenUTAU template + COLORS feature compatiblity.
Due to the voice provider being one single body, it might be hard to make both voices sound different enough from each other, but we will do our best work, since our goal is to make them be used together as well as separate.
Just like Caché, Morpho will also recieve a dedicated OpenUTAU release. In both singers, the OpenUTAU oto.ini could be different, due to how the program manages the overlaps sometimes.
We highly advice to not use the classic UTAU voice release on OpenUTAU, and viceversa.
As we have experienced certain personal problems, development might be slow, specially regarding art. For such reasons, we will get the focus on Caché, then focus on Morpho.
That is everything for today.
Thank you for reading.
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Local wildclaw already cute af, shamelessly flaunts luminescent freckles.
#C: Morpha#Here to flirt with you AND your parents AND your siblings#No one is safe#She matches Phantasos in raw harem gathering potential#Flight Rising#FR Art
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Whumptober 18: Muffled Scream Ariadne gets notification from the guards that there’s something wrong with 068. The feed shows him with his head down on the desk, hands balled into fists and trembling. They’re right, it does look wrong. It’s not just crying, or the occasional exhausted nap that he now occasionally feels brave enough to take.
It’s a lock-down scenario. It could be nothing, just a freak-out. Probably it is. Or it could be full-on possession. Hope for the best, but plan for the worst. If it’s nothing, it’ll serve as a drill, at least.
The guards have locked the door on him by the time Ariadne gets there with backup. The feed shows him looking up at the noise, face drawn, and then resuming reading. He’s still shaking hard.
“Zero-Six-Eight?” she calls through the slot in the door, still watching him on the screen held by one of the soldiers. He looks up, face turning towards the door. “Interrog-gator?” His voice is tight and wavering. He sounds like he’s hurting. “What’s wrong with you? Are you in pain?” “Yes Interrogator. This b-book is painful. But it, it’s just p-pain, I c-can handle it Interrogator.” He’s scared, but she’s fairly sure it’s of her and not of anything else. That’s a good sign. Still, painful is not a good adjective for a book. “Are you safe?” She means it in both senses, but probably he only hears the question of whether he is a danger to anyone else. “Yes Interrogator.”
She glances at the tousled, uneasy astropath she’s hauled out of bed to play demon-detector. They aren’t bleeding, panicking or exploding. “Feel anything?” she asks quietly. They shake their head.
“Good,” she tells Tacitus. “I want you to stand up, put your hands on your head, and go to the far wall. Can you do that for me?” “Yes Interrogator.” There’s a little confusion in his tone, but no question. He accepts what he’s told, which makes this so much easier. “Go on then.” He shudders as he stands up, great tremors running through his body, and he chokes on a noise of pain. Ariadne is concerned. “Sh-should I c-close the book first, Interrogator?” “Don’t touch the book.” He puts his shaking hands on the back of his head. Stumbling a little, he pads the couple of steps across the repurposed cell to the wall furthest from his desk, and stands facing it.
Ariadne nods the guard to open the door, watching the astropath as the barrier between them and the book is removed. Their lip twitches a bit in distaste - presumably they can feel the corruption of the thing, but they raise no alarm. She steps inside.
Book first. She doesn’t look at it, doesn’t touch it even with her gloved hands, but drops a bit of sturdy, fireproof cloth damped with holy water over it, then handles it through that barrier, closing it and folding the cloth round it. There’s no obvious change in Tacitus’ demeanour, which is probably a good sign.
“Alright,” she tells him gently. “You’re going to walk when I tell you. Don’t do anything, don’t make eye contact with anyone, we’re going back to your cell.” The painstakingly inscribed wards should help. “Yes Interrogator.”
She walks with him - not touching, but guiding him. He’s still stiff and flinchy, but otherwise seems calm. The soldiers watch them, alert for anything out of the ordinary. The door is closed behind them and the book locked in. The astropath sneers at the heretic, but says nothing.
His cell is lined with pentagrammic wards, inked in blessed gold leaf onto every surface. Worth the cost, if it keeps the demons out of his head. It took him months, laying everything out exceedingly carefully, using straightedges and stencils to stop his shaking hands from disrupting the patterns. She doesn’t believe it’s as effective as the real deal inscribed in intricate, fine detail by the faithful, but it’s certainly something. She’s considering having him ward other things too, waiting on Evelyn’s permission to go ahead.
He stops in the centre, standing trembling on his sleeping mat. She tries touching him now that they’re inside the wards. Just a hand on his shoulder, intending to turn him to face her. But he flinches from her touch with a stifled yelp. His knees buckle and he sprawls to the floor with a weak scream, spasming. She’s down on one knee in front of him immediately, trying to see what’s wrong - whoops, she thinks, she should have stepped back instead. But she’s here now and the thrashing has stopped without incident.
She touches his arm again, more gently. He cries out at the slightest touch, and she pulls back quickly. He presses his hands over his mouth frantically to stifle the sounds, still whimpering. “Make noise if you need to,” she tells him. “You’re alright, you’re doing great. Tell me what hurts.” “Everything,” he gasps. “The, the book’s full of sigils of, of p-pain - I d-don’t know a, a defence, or, or a t-test... I’m sorry Interrogator, I c-can c-cope...” “Is it in your head? Are you under attack, do you need your will?” “No Interrogator, it’s j-just pain...” “Get me morpha,” she calls over her shoulder, “Just a hot zone dose.” She doesn’t want to knock him out, not until she’s done asking questions.
He whimpers at the sight of the needle, and he lets out more muffled cries as she pushes his sleeve up, trying to drag it across his skin as little as possible. But he looks up at her with trusting eyes, and his tension eases a little once the drug is in his veins.
“Do you remember what I told you about dangerous objects?” “Rep-port the d-danger and await further instructions, Interrogator.” “So what happened?” She tries to keep the edge out of her voice, but she knows he can hear it from his guilty flinch. “Hush, you’re okay.” “I... I d-didn’t think it was d-dangerous, Interrogator.” “Because it’s just pain.” Not quite a question. “Yes Interrogator.” She sighs. She needs to adjust his orders, clearly. But not now, he may not remember. “You’re doing well,” she reminds him again. “Are you sure that it’s not affecting you any other way? It’s not affecting your mind? Making you want to read it?” “Mostly sure, Interrogator.” That’s as good as one ever gets in this field. “It, it’s probably staining my soul a little more...” But that’s the cost of this work. His is damned already. “Alright. Do you know if the pain will get better on its own?” “I, I th-think so, Interrogator...” His voice is wobbly with doubt, and he tears up. “Okay. You’re going to sleep now,” she tells him firmly. “You’ll have more morpha. If you wake up and it still hurts, call out. Someone will be listening.” “Yes Interrogator, thank you Interrogator.” She holds out a hand for the second dose of morpha. It should be enough to put him under. She’ll wait with him, and if he doesn’t sleep he can have a little more.
“There we go,” she soothes. “You don’t have to hurt yourself. I’ll fix this. Just sleep.” “Thank you Interrogator,” he murmurs again. “Good asset, that’s right. Hush now. Just sleep.”
#my writing#my ocs#ariadne#tacitus#captivity#compliance#pain without damage#magical pain#tw painkillers#(used for intended purpose)#creepy? comfort
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81) MORPH Imię, Nazwisko: Kevin Sidney Inne pseudonimy: - Captain Misguided Declaration Of Heroism Pierwsze pojawienie: Exiles v1 #1. Moc mutanta: Morph jest zmiennokształtny. - Ciągliwość: Jego ciało zbudowane jest z niestabilnych cząsteczek, co daje mu możliwość zmiany kształtu. Ogranicza go w tym tylko jego własna wyobraźnia i poczucie humoru. Potrafi przekształcać pojedyncze części ciała, zmieniać głos i naśladować dźwięki. Ma możliwość zmiany swojego ciała w gaz lub ciecz. Może zmieniać kolor, rozciągać czy kurczyć własne ciało. - Latanie: Na początku dzięki formowaniu skrzydeł czy dopalaczy. Później jednak okazało się, że potrafi to robić za pomocą siły woli. - Wysoka odporność: Dzięki swojej mocy ma wysoką odporność na ciosy fizyczne. Mniejszą na ataki energetyczne. - Amorficzne leczenie: Cząsteczki ciała Morpha mogą się rozszczepiać i scalać, dzięki czemu regeneruje nawet amputację. Czas potrzebny na leczenie zależy od przyczyny uszkodzenia (poparzenie, przecięcie, promieniowanie) - Zapach: Jego ciało nie wydziela potu i nie emituje żadnego zapachu. Niemożliwym jest wyśledzenie go. Krewni: 1. Mrs. Sydney (matka) 2. Edward Sydney (ojciec). Drużyny: a. Exiles b. X-Men c. Avengers d. New Mutants. - Urodzony jako w pełni rozwinięty mutant - Dołączył do drużyny Exiles (grupa skacząca po alternatywnych rzeczywistościach by naprawiać tam linię czasową) po tym jak Time-Broker pokazał mu przyszłość jego universum. - Niesamowicie zabawny członek drużyny. - Zginął z ręki Maniac Xaviera. Wszytko to dzieje się w alternatywnych rzeczywistościach. Historię Morpha jak i Mimica, można przeczytać na łamach komiksów Exiles.
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5 & 8?
Sorry I’m late on this! I fell asleep after I ate dinner last night, orz.
5.) Favourite and least favourite boss fight?
Favorite: If mini bosses count, then this easily goes to Dark Link in Ocarina of Time. His room is the only good thing about the Water Temple. I love the entire look of that room, I love the concept of Dark Link himself, and I love how if you swing your sword horizontally the bastard jumps on top of the blade and uses it as a springboard to stab you in the face. Love it!
But if mini bosses don’t count, then hmm … probably all three rounds against Majora in Majora’s Mask. Majora is one of the most interesting characters / villains in the series to me, and I love how each stage of the fight against Majora represents a different part of its psyche. Even though the fight itself is ridiculously easy if you have the Fierce Deity’s Mask, the atmosphere, the music, and the lore behind it still makes it all really interesting.
Least Favorite: Off the top of my head, probably either Morpha or Gyorg. Both of those were a massive pain. Thunderblight Ganon was also really bad until doing battle with lynels taught me how to properly utilize flurry attacks.
8.) 8. Top 3 villains?
HMM . . .
Majora --- I love Majora, on every conceivable level. Like, to count the ways:a.) I love that Majora has a personality that is intricate, but also hard to figure out. What I mean by that is, Majora reveals itself to be rather sadistic and . . . not refined, per se, but collected and in charge when spoken to as a mask in Termina. Majora doesn’t appreciate that Link doesn’t have a sense of humor, and can taunt in a sort of childish way sometimes, but the way that Majora curses Link, the way that it has Skullkid lounge as it speaks to him, the way it smacks Tael when Tael tries to give the hint, the way it says “this puppet’s role has ended . . .” and discards Skullkid . . . all of that speaks to a more mature villain.And yet, when you get to the Moon itself, it’s clear that Majora also has a very childlike personality. Majora invites Link to play with it, to play Good Guys vs. Bad Guys, and sees Link as the Bad Guy. And in the battle itself, Majora’s Incarnation in particular prances around like a child. It isn’t until Majora’s Wrath that the serious personality comes back. The fact that Majora successfully portrays both a more calculating villain, as well as a more childish villain, is something that I really love about it.b.) I love that Majora is so petty and creative with its curses . . . most of the time. Majora curses Kafei into the body of a child because Kafei is enjoying adulthood. Majora curses a man into a gibdos because he’s studying them. But Majora also shatters the Great Fairies, and outright murders the Deku Butler’s Son purely so that it can curse Link. This plays into the dichotomy mentioned above, but it’s worth its own bullet point because Majora isn’t like most Big Bads in the series, I feel. Majora has its one over-arcing evil plan, yes (to drop the moon and destroy the world), but it also ruins people’s lives on a personal level. Majora is a very personal Big Bad, and I really like that.c.) I love everything about the final area, which is all Majora’s creation. I love the Moon World. I love the bizarre Moon Children and the armor piercing questions they ask. Majora’s final fight, particularly if the Fierce Deity’s Mask isn’t used, is challenging and creative in each of its phrases, each of which says a lot about Majora. The final area and final fight are just great, and Majora is why it’s great.d.) Its theme music is the creepiest fucking villain music we’ve had in the series yet, jesus christ.
Ghirahim --- While it was disappointing that Ghirahim was ultimately usurped by Demise, I still really loved Ghirahim for the role he played as the primary antagonist of Skyward Sword, particularly because I really love the way he talks. Like, he keeps up an affably evil front, but his dialogue is just incredibly raw at times (such as how he at one point says that he’ll defean Link with the sound of his own screams). He was a delight every time he appeared, and I hope that if Fi ever makes a reappearance, Ghirahim does as well.
Vaati --- I have a special place in my heart for Vaati given how I fleshed him out (and, uh, made him more of an anti-villain by the end of it >_>) in a role play I did years back, haha. But I nonetheless really like the potential that Vaati has there, as someone who was sensitive to the darkness in people’s hearts, and who was perhaps corrupted as a result of that. Plus, I mean, his human form has a damn nice character design, I’ve gotta say. That doesn’t hurt his likability, haha.
Runner-up would have to be Veran, because everyone loves a good sorceress who can possess other people and heck up the entire time stream.
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@redmoondreams , @morpha
He TOTALLY is. She deserves way better imho.
EXACTLY, it’s just sort of transparent and makes me feel all kinds of bad when people praise it. I’ve even seen them compared to Pe/nt and L/o/uis/e which is hilarious, because C/li/ve doesn’t deserve to be in the same sentence as him. I didn’t actually hate the guy when I started this blog, even if a lot of people thought I did, but now I do.
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The inevitable day has come. Camellia has finally had a daughter I am going to love and protect with all my heart. She has luminescent freckles and her uncle Actias is wrapped all the way around her finger.
She is also completely full of sin.
Morpha “Bitch I’m Adorable” D’zetwal has joined the fray.
#FLight Rising#Also pictured: Camellia's new look#And her family surname#Which is a truncation of Dis zetwal or Ten Stars in Haitian Creole#Because once more with feeling: Deep Arcane heritage in my lore means the West Indies#C: Camellia#C: Morpha#Dragon share
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80) CHANGELING Imię, Nazwisko: Nieznane Inne pseudonimy: - Number Two - Profesor X - Charles Xavier - Elvis. Pierwsze pojawienie: X-Men v1 #35. Moc Mutanta: Changeling miał zdolność do zmiany swojej fizycznej formy. Mógł przybrać wygląd innego człowieka wedle swojej woli. Został obdarowany przez Profesora Xaviera ograniczoną zdolnością telepatii. Efektem ubocznym tego była także ograniczona telekineza. Krewni: Nieznani, sierota. Drużyny: a. X-Humed b. X-Men c. Factor Three. - Prawa ręka "Mutant Mastera" w przestępczej organizacji Factor Three - Po rozbiciu tej organizacji wyznał Profesorowi, że zostało mu parę miesięcy życia ze względu na raka - Bez wiedzy X-Men zastąpił Xaviera jako mentor. (Charles przekazał mu limitowaną zdolność telepatii i telekinezy i zszedł do podziemia przygotowując się do ataku obcego zwanego Z'Nox) - Zabity przez Groteska (wtedy wyszło na jaw, że nie jest to prawdziwy Xavier. Pochowany w stroju Profesora przez X-Men) - Changeling jest mutantem z głównego uniwersum Marvela, jego odpowiednikiem z alternatywnej rzeczywistości jest Morph - Choć pojawił się w komiksach krótko, dał podwaliny pod postać Morpha, którą znamy z serialu animowanego X-Men TAS z 1993r.
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