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Cryptocurrency Guide: The Main Things to Know. What is cryptocurrency? It is money existing in the digital space, which you cannot touch or put in your pocket but can use for payments in stores and trading. The market of digital coins is incredibly volatile, which has pros and cons at the same time.
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These days several payment methods have emerged that could help anyone buy and sell anything using digital currencies. With cryptocurrencies getting the spotlight nowadays, several questions have emerged. One of the popular questions is how one could buy bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using Paypal!
Let’s read out How??
#buy bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies#Cryptocurrencies#Bitcoin#LatestNewsOnBitcoin#PaymentMethods#DigitalCurrencies#BitcoinUsingPaypal#CryptocurrenciesUsingPaypal#PaymentIndustry#Cryptos#Paypal#PurchasingCryptocurrencies#PurchasingCryptocurrenciesWithPaypal#BuyingCryptocurrencies#CryptocurrencyWallet#BitcoinTrading#CryptocurrencyExchange#CryptoTrading#Coinbase#Marketplace#Localbitcoin#OtcTrading#DiverseTransactionsPayments#Blockchain#DigitalAssets#MarketCapitalization#BlockchainTechnology
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Why I am buying BTC, DOT and Sol in this Dip And more Analyst says Bitcoin's recent drop below 60k is not worrisome and Polkadot social dominance at two month high while many all coins fade. Hoskinson presented a three rule solution for crypto clarity and regulations and was outplaced by Solana. Along with discussing these, we will be doing a price analysis of other cryptocurrencies and we'll also highlight some important news related to the market you don't want to miss.
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Why Bitcoin will EXPLODE in 2018
G7 central banks are sluggish traders that buy and sell the same foreign currencies market ables ecurities special drawing rights and gold day in and day out. central banktraders follow the investment policy enforced by the executive committee'swith specific asset allocation targets in order of importance the objective forforeign reserves trading generally isliquidity security and returns currentlythe g7 is only concerned with the appropriate regulation of cryptocurrencies and not with the assetclass potential of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Ether and Z-Cash are nowhere to be found on the list of eligibleinstruments and currencies that centralbankers are allowed to trade in 2018. things will be differentg7 central banks will start buyingcryptocurrencies to bolster theirforeign reserves first some backgroundone of the core functions of a centralbank is to manage their nation state ora union's official gold and foreignexchange reserves reserves are integralto ensuring that a nation state canservice its foreign exchange
liabilitiesand maintain confidence in its monetaryand exchange rate policies overall theforeign stability that comes fromhoarding gold and foreign reserves hashistorically protected the economicwell-being of citizens in the event ofexternal shocks Gold is commonly heldbecause it is used as protection againstBlack Swan economic events it can beused as a buffer against calamitybecause of deside liquidity currencyattributes and its diversificationbenefits foreign exchange is also highlyliquid and has diversification benefitscompared to a central bank's owncurrency foreign exchange is mainlyaccumulated through buying a foreignexchange in the spot market conductingmoney market swaps and foreign exchangefor investing and domestic liquiditymanagement and term and called depositaccounts with foreign banks so on thetopic of interconnectedness the g7countries are interconnected through alandis of political financial and tradeagreements this club of countries holdmassive reserves of each other'scurrencies called foreign exchangereserves most of these countries alsohold vast warehouses of gold reservesCanada is the exception as they recentlyliquidatedall of their gold the g7 central bank'snormally also holds Special Drawingrates and marketable securitiesdenominated and foreign currencies likegovernment bonds corporate bondsTreasury bills corporate equities andforeign currency loans the SDR needsspecial mention it is an internationalreserve asset created by theInternational Monetary Fund or IMF tosupplement its member countries officialreserves the SDR s value is based onfive major currencies the basketincludes the US dollar the euro theChinese renminbi Japanese yen andBritish Pound Sterling the Chinese RMBhas only recently as of October 1st 2016broken the monopoly of g7 currenciesthat make up the SDR it is important tonote that the SDR is still heavilyweighted to the g7 currencies in anutshell the g7 countries mostly holdeach other's currencies as foreignreserves whether it be through the SDRor directly gold is mostly accepted asthe common standard of universal valueso why will 2018 see greater Bitcoinexposure a turning point for the g7central banks will be when the Bitcoinmarket capitalisation exceeds the valueof all sdrs that have been created andallocated to members approximately 291billion USD another tipping point willbe the realization that the values of g7currencies are devaluating againstcryptocurrencies the SDR g7 countrycurrencies will be forced to alter theirforeign reserve weightings andeventually included basket ofcryptocurrencies the prescienceChristine Lagarde managing director ofthe IMF has already warned centralbank's about cryptocurrency causingmassive disruptions foreign exchangereserves are used to back in nationsdomestic currency fiat currencies arepieces of paper or coinage thatinherently do not have value if anythingthe currency is backed by the sharedbelief of participants in a country'scurrency scheme when a central bank froma g7 country like Japan purchasesforeign exchange reserves of the UnitedStates dollar the shared belief of theUS dollar advertently becomes sharedwith the japanese people in 2018 g7central banks will witness Bitcoin andother cryptocurrencies becoming thebiggest international currency by marketcapitalization this event together withthe global nature of cryptocurrencieswith 24 7 trading access will make itintuitive to own cryptocurrencies asthey become a de-facto investment aspart of a central bank's investmenttrench cryptocurrencies will alsofulfill a new requirement as digitalgold furthermore foreign reserves areused to facilitate international tradethis means holdingtrading partners currency makes tradingsimpler and 2018 crypto currencies likeBitcoin will be utilized forinternational trade on a moderate basisbecause the high returns as investmentwill encourage a hold strategy for g7countries foreign reserves are also usedas a monetary policy tool central banksmay pursue the option to sell and buyforeign exchange currencies to controlexchange rates and 2018 central bankswill start realizing that monetarypolicy for a global market andcryptocurrency is not achievable foreignreserves are additionally used as ahedge against its own economy countrieswhose economies are dependent on exportproducts may use foreign currency as abuffer should the export or value oftheir currency drop g7 central bankswill purchase cryptocurrencies as ahedge to the performance of theireconomy so here's how this might happenas the realisation of the systematicweakness of fiat currencies becomesapparent contrasted with the groundswellof cryptocurrency the executivecommittee of central banks includinggovernors presidents and chair personswill call emergency meetings to exercisetheir prerogative to deviate from thecurrent investment policy for reservesmanagement Bitcoin and other selectcryptocurrencies will be added to thelist of eligible securities andcurrencies central bank money will pourinto cryptocurrencies most g7 centralbanks will likely use external fundmanagers to invest in cryptocurrenciesover this new epoch but don't expectthis information to be freely availablethis will happen in the dark old habitsdie hard as always thank you so much forwatching your viewership is greatlyappreciated and we hope to see you forthe next video this channel is poweredby viewers like you so if you want tosupport the tech cash house feel free tovisit our patreon page
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