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besthorsemeds · 2 years
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)
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This article will help you to understand about Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM). Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is a disease that can be transmitted through direct contact with an infected horse. There are various types of Protozoa that are involved in the transmission of this disease. The most common form of the disease is Equine Piroplasmosis. This article will be useful for equestrians, veterinarians, farmers, owners and anyone who is concerned about EPM.
What is Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis?
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis is a rare neurological disease that is caused by the parasite of the same name. This disease can also be called as a form of equine encephalitis. It is a type of a protozoan that causes inflammation of the brain tissue.
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There are various types of parasites that can cause this disease. The most common types are Equine Piroplasmosis, Sporocystis Neera, and Babesia Equi. These parasites are usually found in horses. The Equine Piroplasmosis is the most common type of the disease. The disease is spread through tick bites and contaminated water. It is also possible that the disease can be transmitted via blood transfusion.
The symptoms of this disease vary from one person to another. It can also occur as a result of vaccination. It can affect any part of the body and is characterized by symptoms like fever, head tilt, lethargy, muscle ache, back pain and difficulty breathing. Sometimes it can also lead to death. The symptoms usually last for a few days.
It is very important to prevent this disease. You should ensure that your horse does not have ticks. It is also advisable to avoid consuming the blood of infected horses and also to avoid drinking water that has been used by infected horses.
It is important to treat this disease with marquis paste for horses. It is also advisable to treat it as soon as you notice the symptoms. It is also necessary to provide the proper treatment to the affected horse.
Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis can affect the nervous system of the horse. It is a serious disease that can affect the life of the horse.
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
for @gutterflower77
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Steve actually has all the stuff ready. It’s right there, but he needs a moment to gather himself, so he uses the excuse of retrieving the tube of antibacterial cream, the water, the snack bar. Because what the fuck. He wasn’t supposed to enjoy that quite that much.
Steve has to adjust himself a little in his pants, and he’s got no explanation for that, either.
Eddie is dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed when Steve gets back; posture a story of defeat.
Steve doesn’t want to compare what just happened to him, like, breaking in a horse, or something. But that is kind of how it feels. And it wasn’t even that hard.
Steve sits next to him, giving him the water and then, and he doesn’t know why he does this, opens the snack bar before he hands it to Eddie. Obviously Eddie can do that himself, but it was a reflex that had happened before Steve could stop it.
Eddie eats the bar and drinks half the water, and then he lets Steve dab a little cream on his lip; it’s probably not helping, it’s already well scabbed over, but Steve still feels the need to do it. Eddie won’t look at him though, tilts his head back with his eyes closed, twitching as Steve applies the cream carefully with the tip of his pinky finger.
Which is fine, Steve figures they’ve both had enough tonight.
“Okay, time for bed.”
Eddie doesn’t even say anything, no complaints, nothing, just does as he’s told and crawling into bed next to Steve. Steve waits, listening until Eddie’s breathing evens out, which actually happens really, really fast.
Eddie lying there trying to hide the fact that he’s awake and in pain, or Eddie waking up with nightmares and trying to cover it up was a regular enough occurrence that Steve can tell pretty accurately now if Eddie really is asleep or not.
Steve’s pretty sure he’s asleep.
Steve sleeps, too.
Steve finds himself in the city. He doesn’t really go into the city much, and never alone; it’s usually with Rob. Occasionally a couple of the kids. Rob likes to riffle through the thrift shops for clothes. The kids like to go look at Dorks and Dickheads and nerd shit, and then after hours of that torture, demand Steve buys them ice cream.
He’s never usually here alone. And he’s doing something else he never thought he’d do; he’s trawling book shops.
He’s wearing shades inside, like that’ll stop people from seeing him in the adult sections. One thing he’s learned from Dustin Henderson over the years; if you need to know about something, there will be a book about it.
And it turns out, there is. One of them, as far as Steve can tell, is just a dirty novel, so he’s not sure how much use that will be. He picks up something by someone called Marquis de Sade, reads the back, and puts it down again. Definitely not.
He leaves with four books that he has wildly varying degrees of confidence in.
There’s an adult shop in the city; it’s got blacked out windows and everyone knows exactly what it is. Steve’s not expecting a bell to tinkle happily over the door when he walks in, and that’s almost startling enough for him to walk back out again.
He doesn’t though. He sticks it out. He needs to show Eddie he’s serious.
He needs to take care of Eddie. He needs to keep Eddie safe.
Also, he kind of needs to win.
He also needs to figure out how to fuck Eddie without having sex with him, since Eddie has made it pretty clear this is a sex thing. Not just a sex thing, the whole thing is pretty integral to Eddie getting laid, so. He’s going to have to do something. But that’s later Steve’s problem.
He walks past a very impressive collection of dildos and buttplugs and...very, very briefly considers the possibility. His brain stalls out a little bit, decides that this is...too much for right now, and keeps walking.
Steve’s not going to lie to himself. Out loud, yes, he lies all the time, but not in the privacy of his own head. And in the privacy of his own head...he was expecting handcuffs. Maybe like...fluffy pink ones.
He wasn’t expecting quite so much...leather. He sees a harness type contraption that he knows instantly Eddie would like. For the aesthetic, obviously. It’s just that it’s black leather with metal fixings and looks like it would form an ‘x’ over Eddie’s chest. That’s just, Eddie’s style. Or something.
“For yourself-”
Steve nearly screams. He swears his feet actually leave the ground. He thinks he maybe pee’d a little bit. He’s actually clutching at his chest, at the material of his shirt, like some scandalized middle aged woman clutching desperately at her pearls.
He takes a second to breathe through it, and to remind himself that he has been tortured by Russians and has beaten monsters from another dimension to death with a baseball bat and he is better than this, godamit.
It’s a diminutive woman that's speaking to him. She’s made a good six inches taller by the luminous green mohawk she’s sporting though, “sorry, you startled me.”
“I can see that, hon,” she pops her gum, “you’re like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. First time, huh?”
There’s no point in denying it, “yeah. Yeah, first time.”
“Right, so, shopping for yourself, or someone else? You need any help?”
She’s so without judgement, so open about the fact that they’re squeezed into an aisle of the store with leather wear hanging on one side, and gags and…muzzles hanging directly in Steve’s eye line.
“Someone else and...yeah, I think I do. Kind of...new, to all this.”
“Uh hu, so what are you looking for?”
“Well, he wants to be tied up,” Steve blurts before his brain to mouth filter can intervene, “I’m not gay,” he tacks on, panicking.
Both of her eyebrows raise a little, and Steve can tell that she is absolutely fighting not to smile at him, “uh hu. Right. So you want some restraints for...platonically tying up your...friend?”
“Yes,” Steve nods like his head is on a loose spring, “yes, exactly that, yes.”
“Hon, either you are outright lying to me, or there is a story here I absolutely want to hear.”
Steve almost...he feels like he collapses in on himself. He bluffed his way through the last encounter with Eddie...and he fucking loved it, he did. But now he’s got nowhere to go, because this is a sex thing, isn't it? So what the fuck is he supposed to do?
Steve doesn’t know what his face is doing, but he guesses it must be bad when she tuts sympathetically and says, “oh. Oh wow, hon, come on, I’ll make you a coffee, yeah?”
“I bought some books about it,” Steve offers weakly as he trails after her through the store, and she laughs right the way through making them both a coffee. There’s nothing mean about her laughter though, and by the time Steve has a mug in his hand, he’s laughing along with her.
When Steve tells Maria that his name is Steve, she gives him this look, but doesn’t say anything. She thinks he’s lying about his name, he realizes. Apparently ‘Steve’ sounds like a fake name you give when you’re panicking.
Steve guesses she’s not wrong.
“Okay, come on then. Spill. Trust me, nothing you tell me will shock me.”
“But it might make you laugh.”
“Well...yeah,” she grins at him, and something about her kind of reminds him of Nancy, a no nonsense honesty about her.
Steve figures he has nothing to loose, it’s not like she knows who either of them are.
“So...my friend, he’s a...submissive?”
“You sound so sure hon,” but she’s laughing in that kind way again. Steve doesn’t feel like he’s being laughed at, he feels like they’re seeing the funny side together. It helps that this lady is probably old enough to be his Mom.
“Right, well, he is. And he’s...he’s a good friend. We’ve been through a bit together and we’re kind of close. And he’s been showing up with like, bruises, split lip and...dropping. He explained to me what that was,” she nods, “and I just...I can’t let him keep going through that. I’m not going to let people keep treating him like that if...if I can do it, for him. If I can look after him.”
Maria makes a face like that is the sweetest thing she’s ever heard, and she’s looking at Steve like he’s a basket of puppies. Which is weird, because if Steve were to lean too far to the left, he’d knock over a towering display of different flavors of lube and glow in the dark condoms.
Steve lays his purchases out on the bed. He’s just spent way more money than he initially intended, but he figured if he’s doing this he might as well do it right. Maria was a font of information.
First and foremost, this is not, necessarily, a sex thing. It’s a trust thing. And when Steve had really thought about Eddie’s brain going quiet when he’s restrained...yeah, he kind of gets it? He thinks?
He knows shit all about how to safely tie someone up with rope, so he bought handcuffs instead. Velcro ones. They’re soft inside and might not be what Eddie’s used to, but if they’re going to do this, then some things are going to be none negotiable. If Eddie wants out of the restraints, Steve is going to make sure he can do that on his own.
It just makes Steve feel better about the whole thing, knowing that Eddie could take his control back at any moment if he really wanted to.
And he’s got a plan. Sort of. To start small. Might be pretty tame by Eddie’s standards, but Steve’s happy to admit that he’s totally new to this, so that is where they’re going to start.
Maria was very opinionated on the importance of enforcing your own boundaries in a healthy relationship, and Steve soaked up everything she said.
If Steve does something he doesn’t want to, simply because he thinks it’s what Eddie wants...Steve won’t enjoy himself. Steve won’t like it. And if Steve grows to really not like it...then this will fall apart really fast and any stability he managed to create with Eddie will disappear.
Probably to Eddie’s detriment. Probably having some negative fall out.
Which, all of that, is hugely logical, but it wasn’t until Maria very plainly pointed it out that Steve saw it that way. But now that she has, Steve’s really thought about it. He feels like he gets it now, at least, in principle. So for Steve’s comfort, as much as Eddies, they’re starting really, really small. Super safe.
When Maria had said they have to build trust, Steve had scoffed and Maria had raised an eyebrow. He didn’t mean to make that noise...it’s just, they’ve saved the world together. Literally relied on each other when their lives were on the line. Steve can’t imagine building any more trust with Eddie, they’re already at maximum trust.
He doesn’t know how to explain that considering he can’t tell anyone about the alternate dimension full of monsters, or the kids with magic powers. So.
But he didn’t come to Steve with his split lip, did he? The thought makes Steve frown, a niggle of doubt. Maybe he was just embarrassed? Probably that. It isn’t that he doesn’t trust Steve with this, necessarily, it’s just he didn’t want to deal with Steve freaking out at him again.
Sure. Probably that.
Regardless, Steve has an idea of something he wants to try, and he feels better equipped to do that with Advice from Maria.
And if he did get half way to reading one of those dirty novels, no one needs to know.
Eddie eyes the cushion warily, “that’s it? You just want me to sit on the floor.”
Steve crosses his arms, “that is what I’ve asked you to do, yes.”
Eddie hesitates long enough that Steve wonders if he’s going to do it or not, but eventually Eddie does. He’s moving gingerly, like he thinks the cushions going to bite him. He sits just as Steve asked him to, back to the couch, facing the TV. Steve puts on ‘Born Free’ and absolutely does not react when Eddie snorts and rolls his eyes. Steve settles himself behind Eddie. Not shying away from pinning Eddie’s shoulders between his thighs, encouraging Eddie to settle back even further. He does, but he's sitting stiffly, and Steve can basically feel the tension radiating off of Eddie.
But this is step one. To get over this.
They might be incredibly familiar with each other at this point, and may have already built up a mutual trust...but this. This is something new they’re going to have to sort through and get used to if they want to make it work. And Steve does want to make it work. He can’t let Eddie put himself in one of those situations again if he can help it.
Not if he can do this a better way.
Part five
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twistedbloodstain · 1 year
marquis de gramont x reader: with you, i serve. with you, i fall down. | a seal of fate
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plot: the one where the marquis takes you for himself.
warnings: hella down bad marquis, some flulff, break in, violation of privacy, slightly dubious content
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he can hear the shower running through the floor and the occasional humming from a tune coming from the bathroom.
the living room is dark, save for a vintage lamp illuminated beside the couch. it looked too rusty and drab to basically function but it brought a rustic and classy feel to the room. although, the light withered occasionally.
someone is staring at him. more like something, something feline. it’s been tracing his movements the moment he entered the humble abode. vertical pupils squinting from the unidentified person that has entered his castle, a ball of fur that was mounted beside the lamp on the side table.
it’s body was sprawled on the table but it wasn’t relaxed. it was tense, as if playing camouflage to its prey. staying still as the prey walks past him and when it does he pounces on them for the kill.
he is no prey. more like the owner, it depends on how sentimental this ball of fur is to you. he hears the shower turn off, it catches his attention and waits to hear a door close and another to open along your soft footsteps trudging through the apartment. you call out for your feline pet, the cat makes no sound to meow back to you. focused on him, if he made any sudden movement to attack him. you sigh then ignore the absence of communication and he guesses that you make a beeline for your bedroom.
he waits a few minutes before getting on his feet. several minutes pass and he stands up and walks towards the cat beside the lamp. the cat tenses along with its back legs fidgety for an attack he slowly halts and reaches for it with his hand.
the cat hisses bravely and swiftly raises its paw to attack the hand attempting to touch him with his sharp claws. it makes vincent hiss in pain and retract his hand, he checks his palm for blood. he realizes no blood was drawn and that relieves him. he’s definitely getting this little shit replaced when you move in with him. he’ll get you a sweeter one, a ragdoll or persian just not this demonspawn from hell.
he makes his way towards the bedroom door, as he passes by he can see some trinkets lying on the kitchen and tabletops. a few cooking books and old history textbooks stacked on the floor. this reminds him that he needs to buy you a few books to keep you entertained in the manor.
as he faces the front door he stealthily turns the knob of the door and enters, it was time.
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you brushed the tedious knots in your hair with a comb in difficulty, you forgot to brush your hair before showering again. you searched for your hair brush on your vanity but to no avail. you turn towards your bed and gasp in surprise.
he was here, the marquis was here. in your bedroom.
his face remains the same, still and calm as the sea. but you knew better, this was only the calm before the storm. deep inside him, a storm was brewing but he kept his composure to seal away what he truly felt and right now you, the sailor needs to run away from the storm.
you slowly eyed him from top to bottom, as usual his hand stayed in his pockets. a string of gold strewn across his pocket. the chain shines from the luminescence it received from your bedside lamp. he was dressed impeccably, something you often admired. he’d often used his wardrobe as a form of intimidation to his enemies when speaking to them and it often worked. you pray that it doesn’t falter you, that he doesn’t falter you. maybe he’ll leave when you show a strong front to him.
he gazes upon your face like he was taking in a treasure presenting itself to the sight of his eyes. you were still frozen on your spot after you gasped in surprise from seeing him.
“good evening, cherie.” he breaks the silence with the sweet endearment.
you hesitantly greet out a reply to him, you fail to build a strong front and your voice visibly wavers from fear, “evening,boss.”
he begins to walk, it takes all the power in you not to back away from him. you try to appear composed and resilient. a farce attempt to show that you aren’t scared of him, but you know you are and so does he.
thankfully, he doesn’t make his way towards you. he saunters towards the edge of your bed and sits down. his eyes wander around your room, taking in the personal touches you made to the room. gradually turning his head to face you once again.
“how are you?” he politely asks.
“i’m fine. nothing bad happened to me.” you answer.
this again. what’s his game? it was never just simple conversation with your boss, there was always a point he wanted to come across. a lesson to be learned. right now, it wasn’t looking good for you. you need to take control of this conversation.
“that’s good. the doctor commented a few days ag-“ he speaks to you again but got interrupted.
“sir, with all respect. what do you want? why are you here?” you whisper to him. any attempt to gain the upper hand with him is futile, he always gets his licks back. silence follows the conversation before he speaks up again.
“you know what i want.” he sternly retorts.
“i don’t know what you’re here for. much less what you want.” you fire back, strength is solidifying itself inside you.
“is that so? surely you do.” he says mockingly, still playing a game.
“i don’t.” you say firmly this time.
“fine.” he scoffs to your face before reaching into his pocket, you flinch afraid he might’ve brought a weapon of some sort, he notices this and his hand remains inside. his eyes all on your frame and yours on his hand inside of his pocket.
you should really hope you’re not fucked.
“perhaps this will jog your memory.” he continues, “three days ago, you sent me this message. subject: resignation letter. to the marquis de gramont, i'm writing to let you know that, as of the seventeenth day in august of this year, i'm leaving from my employment as the marquis de gramont's personal assistant. due to schedule issues and unanticipated consequences encountered while working, i am leaving my position. i appreciate the chance to work with you over the past two years. sincerely-.” he recites the entire letter of resignation to you with a false professional tone to patronize you..
“i precisely know what i wrote there.” you look away from him annoyed as you cut him off once again.
“then you precisely know why i’m here.” he argues back. “i’m glad we’re finally getting on the same page, mon coeur.”
no we aren’t, i don’t want you here. i want you out of my house and i don’t want to see you ever again. how come you never ask what i want? you want to scream at him but your silence continues.
“look at me.” he pressed.
you stay quiet and keep your gaze away from him.
“you will not leave.” he finally claims. finally this makes your head snap back at him and makes you scoff loudly, the marquis frowns from your reaction although you did give him what he wanted.
“you can’t do this.” you respond weakly, your breath hitching in your throat.
“i can. i actually can.” he states certainly.
“why’s that? because you said so?” you challenge him. defying him is never a good idea, you know this. you know better and you should do better, but you’re too petty and exhausted. you want him out as soon as possible even if that means being blunt to him.
“tell me the truth. why do you want to leave?” he changes the subject and presses once again.
“i already told you. it’s in the goddamn letter.” you were getting tired of repeating the same words.
“i don’t believe you.” he discloses firmly.
“don’t act so foolish and dense-“ you retort in exasperation.
“are you calling me a fool?” he immediately questions. oof i think you hit his pride in that one.
“i’m asking you not to be one. boss, i literally got shot, i almost died. this may be something you can brush off easily but i can’t. you don’t have to worry about me spreading your secrets because i literally signed an nda and i have no intention of getting back in that kind of work! i’m gonna ask you once again, please leave.” you beg him, hoping he hadn’t missed the point of what you were trying to say.
you already knew that this job was already insane. not only do you cater the whims of an insanely rich man whose money seems to have no end but the danger and fear it came along with had to be taken into measure. not to mention, you didn’t exactly feel like living when you worked for him. how many opportunities for happiness had you turned away because that meant disregarding the marquis’ orders and facing his wrath if you chose to have that? god, you hadn’t even been home in a long time. you deserve this, he should at least have the courtesy to understand that.
“you don’t have to be scared anymore, cherie. i’m here.” he interrupts your thoughts as he softly affirms to you.
you don’t want that. you want nothing to do with him, sooner or later you’ll get killed and it’s likely going to be because of him. you know that he’s regretful and shameful of what happened to you but keeping you by his side isn’t going to change that, people die, more fact than speculation and by mere calculation you could tell it’ll happen sooner than later. after all, the marquis was still human. deep down, he’s still vincent and if you were to stay with him for protection that choice should be coming from you, not from him.
his determination to keep you locked away in his manor did nothing but frighten you to death. it had been so unexpected, not to mention you haven’t processed that fully along the fact you almost died.
you sigh loudly from resignation, the marquis keeps you in his line of sight, probably wondering what was going inside your head.
‘i can’t,” you finally utter out, “what can’t you understand? i’m scared…so fucking scared and you keep waltzing into my life like your entitled to it which just scares me more. i needed time to think, to process..all of this.” you gesture around you, the marquis stays silent listening to your words with no visible reaction on his face.
“i finally thought all of this through, i want to stay alive. staying alive means quitting, i-i have so much to live for, my family needs me and i need them. i don’t need you to look out for me, i don’t need you for this. i can help myself.” you refrain to him, letting the words sink to him.
“i’ve done so much for you. i’ve kept and guarded your secrets, everything i’ve ever heard while i worked never escaped my mouth and never entered ears that weren’t meant to hear them. i’ve protected your power, i upheld every system and order you gave me, so for god’s sake. haven’t i done enough for you? what else haven’t i gave to you?” you spill out to him, he deserves to know this, how you carried his burden with you everywhere without him knowing. the burdens you carried that he couldn’t be bothered to touch, every order of assassination, every fearful attempt of getting killed and his mercurial violence.
he needs to know that you can’t take it anymore. there is so much that you could take, let him find another. another that might be more tolerable of how he runs his system, more understanding of his work. someone who doesn’t flinch at the mention of drawing the blood of his enemies. someone that’ll encourage his determination for the never ending pain and ruthlessness.
you can’t be that someone, not anymore.
working for you is pure torture, you want to say but as usual you hold it back from him.
the marquis stays quiet. you don’t see his face twist in displeasure or anger..which is good but a quiet marquis wasn’t any better. he suddenly jolts onto his feet, scoffing from what you just said as he paced on your bedroom with his head infrequently looking at you. he was getting heated from what you said.
he shakes his head with his hands on his hips before finally speaking, stopping in his tracks, “that’s it?”
you try to speak before he cuts you off.
“that’s it, you’re simply leaving me because you’re scared?” he angrily questions you.
“please, you have to understand.” you try to plead once more.
“cherie, i can protect you. i saved you the same way you saved me. i am owed something.” he reassures you, pieces of his anger slightly heard from his tone.
“i was in the way! i didn’t-“ you try to clear it with him.
“clearly, your memory isn’t serving you well, more reason to keep you safe with me which is for the best.” he firmly asserts.
“i’m not going back there!” you yell at him, “just because i took a bullet for you doesn’t mean you get to dictate how i live my life, at the end of the day, you don’t get to control me, i don’t exist for you and most importantly just because i almost died because of you doesn’t mean i owe anything to you.” you lament at him, exhaustion and animosity getting the best of you as the marquis marches towards you, as you finish, slightly out of breath from your rant. he stands still before you. you hope that your words might put some sense in him.
he stares at you and you look back at him, returning his gaze. you gulp, alarmed that maybe you’d gone too far and perhaps…perhaps you should’ve done this more softly or professionally. you should’ve conjured a foolproof plan when confronting him about this, you should’ve expected he wouldn’t let go without a fight however, it’s not like you had a choice with him breaking into your apartment.
he slowly strides towards you, step by step. you take a deep breath in despair as he leisurely closes on you while you feel your back hit the wall.
“you are going back there. it is where you belong, you care for me. don’t even try denying it, cherie. i saw, i saw the way you looked at me that night, you’re afraid that’s all. you’re right,” he takes a deep breath, inhaling your scent then continues, ”i don’t control you but you do that to me, you control me, you control every ounce of thought that occupies my mind. most of the time, it’s all my head does. you might not exist for me but i exist for you, you make living in this cruel world brighter and sweeter than before but this is where you’re wrong. you do owe me something, you owe me your life and i can make it lovelier if you just let me.” he speaks in a hushed tone as he looks through your eyes. you can feel something grabbing your arms, you glance and see that he’s taken hold of your limbs. rubbing circles around them, attempting to soothe you.
the pattern of his strokes reminds you of that night at the plaza.
he only deters you even more.
“i owe you nothing.” you whisper, your voice growing weaker by every second.
“you owe me something.” he repeats once again.
“i don’t.” you mutter looking into his eyes.
“that’s where you are wrong, you do.” he emphasizes to you.
“then we’re even. i-i saved you too and you saved me.” you quietly mumble to him.
he raises a brow in your response and lowers himself to your ear. the hairs in your body rise and you can feel goosebumps crowd your skin.
“i don’t want even…i want you.” he confesses.
you frantically sigh in distress, attempting to wrench yourself out of his grip, something you should’ve done earlier, but it’s too late. he abandons the hold he has on your right arm and clasps it to your neck to bring you closer to him and he kisses you.
you squealed in shock but it’s devoured when he takes your lips to his. you can feel your back press to the wall even harder trying to evade his touch, his kiss, but the marquis presses himself to you. his hands had abandoned your neck and arm, opting to snake around your waist as he pulled you closer to his warmth.
the marquis is kissing you.
he kissed you like a devoured man. as if he’d been deprived of something sweet for years and he finally received what he’d always wanted. he wouldn’t let his grip on you soften, afraid that you might abandon him once again, which you did before. he softly moans into the kiss, content and happy with what was happening.
“don’t leave.” he pulls away to whisper into you. “don’t leave me.”
you whimper as you feel his hands exploring your body, one of his palms tugging at the buttons of your satin white pajama shirt, wanting to feel more and more of the warmth beneath the clothes.
“i want you to promise me.” he mumbles to you, your foreheads pressing together, as he brushes his thumb over your bottom lip. you make no sound of promises and affirmation to him. he stays quiet expecting your words as he stares into the depths of your eyes and speaks up once again.
“no matter, you’ll be begging for me soon enough.” he sighs from your lack of communication then delves back into the warm haven he has found earlier.
seldomly, he’d pull himself back to bite your bottom lip. you’d wince from the ache coming for your mouth, slightly parting and he’d take that opportunity to slip inside your mouth. his hands continued to explore through your body, randomly squeezing a part of you to force a moan from you, then return to making out with you. you can feel him smile against you whenever he did. you felt bitter because this was looking victorious for him.
“please…stop.” you sigh in pleasure when he starts kissing and biting your neck.
“do you, cherie? i don’t think you do, not when you’re making all these pretty sounds for me.” he whispers against your neck then continues his attack on your skin.
“s-sir, stop..stop that.” you plead once again.
“vincent.” he stops to correct you.
“what?” you ask confused.
“none of that courtesies from now on. you’ll call me vincent. do you understand?” he softly reminds you, he’d halted his movements of affection, his forehead was pressed against yours again as his eyes looked at you with the utmost devotion known to man.
you stay silent as he smiles at you, that stuns you even more. you’ve never seen him smile from something pleasant. his eyes shimmered with love and desire like the stars when you got shot. your lips were wet and plump from the sudden assault the marquis had given them and your pajama shirt had several buttons undone but the marquis by comparison almost looked the same except for the disheveled clothes.
finally, he presses a chaste kiss to your lips, the seal to your fate awaiting his words.
“as much as i want to continue this right now, we must usher home. we wouldn’t want to be late for dinner, do we mon amour? cold food never tastes as good when it is warm.”
you stay quiet, slightly mind blown from the make out session your ex-boss just gave you. your head feels fuzzy and unclear, christ your legs feel like giving out if the marquis hadn’t been holding you up against the wall.
he leans back down into your collarbone and begins to leave a trail of kisses throughout the skin, you whimper as he bites into some areas of the skin, eliciting a groan from him. you begin to feel his head go lower and lower, entering the region of skin where your unbuttoned shirt had failed to cover, you look down at him hesitantly and you see him looking up at you with affection.
suddenly, he grabs at your hips then raises himself up along with you. hoisting you on him, you hastily grip his shoulders as he lifts you, afraid to fall onto the floor of your bedroom.
“i changed my mind, perhaps it can wait. what do you think mon amour?” he whispers into you in the dark of the night.
you are now his love.
his to have and his to keep.
just as he is yours.
with you, he serves. with you, he falls.
you’re staying with him. not as his assistant but as his partner.
he will be your love. your heart. he will be yours.
you will be his love. his heart. his wife.
and god forbid anyone who takes you from him.
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author’s note: sooo that’s part five and the last part of the marquis series! i really enjoyed writing this as it helped me explore my writing capabilities (especially in part two) even in my fever induced state. (it had me giggling in a cafe while i had a fever) thank you so much for the kind words and sweet comments yall have about the series (it has me kicking my feet pls continue). although im tempted to write a drabble of the aftermath of part five + that keith toshko fic and two requests ;)) please like and reblog and feel free to comment!
taglist: @dcgoddess @1mawh0re @davvydobrik @ilunapb @hesvoid3434
part one part two part three part four
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quietlyinlife · 3 months
The Marquis’s Obsession
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summary; You are a victim to a crazy love
warnings; death, gore, stalking, obsession, murder, abduction, horror, violent themes, unhealthy behaviour, obsessive Vincent
word count; 6,253
You sighed in frustration as you typed away on the laptop. The company you are currently in has always been serious and busy as usual and it makes you wonder how much energy your new colleagues have while dealing with this new exchange program.
Following your CEO's alliance with another from Paris, he announced that there would be an exchange program between the companies.
The chosen employees will work in the CEO's company (the man your boss is allied with), while the CEO's employees will work in your boss's company. Each person is given a certain month on when you could leave to go back to the previous company you were in before.
And unfortunately for you, after 7 months, that is when you could leave. You had traveled to Paris from your home place because of this exchange program. You never liked this at all.
And what's even worse, many months ago? Somewhere in the middle of the month, you don't remember that, when you were adjusting to the new environment. You started to receive many gifts and romantic letters, which had a lot of French endearments. Of course, because you're currently living in France.
After hours in the office, it was finally time to go home. You quickly packed your things up and joined your friends outside the building. At least you weren't alone in this stupid exchange program you never wanted to be part of.
You spend your afternoon outside with your friends, strolling through the streets and visiting shops and other places. Chatting and buying snacks; you enjoy moments like this, forgetting all about your problems, including the whole secret admirer thing and just having a good time.
And when it was finally time to go home, due to how dark it was getting outside. You started to wait for your bus stop while scrolling through social media on your phone. A bit farther from the bus stop, you saw a familiar expensive SUV parked to the side. Your heart started to pound rapidly against your chest in fear as you felt your hands become sweaty and clammy. This is the same car you started to notice recently, either outside your house, at the workplace, or anywhere you go.
You start to wonder if you're the next target for human trafficking. You opened the messaging app and started to text one of your friends again like you always have about the car stalking you for these past few weeks. Just in case you disappear without a trace.
Finally, the bus arrives and you and the few people enter inside as you take your seat. Your troubled mind still rapidly thought about the car but it made you wonder why the person is not kidnapping you yet or maybe he is preparing to.
And what makes you even more sick is that you are aware you can't do anything about it. You're not sure if the police are willing to do anything and you can't just quit the job you worked hard for as well. Especially when it pays you well. You doubt that your boss even cares about you, considering how strict he is when it comes to business and working hard.
The bus stops and everyone including you leaves. You ran straight into the building and into the elevator. Pressing the elevator button, leading up to the 6th floor as you stood there inside. Catching your breath, it was only a matter of time before you were taken and silenced.
The door slides open and you stroll through the empty hallway. The sound of your heels echoes until you stop in front of your door to pull out your keys from your bag and unlock the door. Right before you were about to enter, your shoes collided with the objects on the floor; causing you to stumble for a bit but you still got inside the apartment you shared with your friend.
Nia who is also your roommate. She too had to come along to France with you. Such a shame she leaves earlier, around March or May.
Looking down, there were those expensive gifts all wrapped up inside a big white box with a pretty bow on top of it and roses next to them. You knew they were from that rich secret admirer as you gently shoved them inside with your hand before quickly shutting the door and locking it. 
Lifting the heavy elegant box and roses into your arms, you placed them on the dining table.
You were tired of these gifts, you don't know who sent them except the woman behind the receptionist’s desk. Who refused to tell you who it is and you noticed how scared she is whenever you confronted her about it, you're not sure if it's of you or the secret admirer. You didn't do anything to her so it's the creepy secret admirer.
Your room and the living room were littered with those expensive gifts that consisted of sparkly party dresses, high heels, high-quality makeup, and jewelry that looked so otherworldly due to how elegant and beautiful it was, and that probably cost billions of dollars. You didn't want too much so you gave half away to Nia who happily accepted them.
All tucked away inside their boxes. Romantic letters declare the admirer's love and that you will always be protected. You unwrap the box and discover many expensive rings, outfits, and hair care products. And a folded note too.
Your hand reaches to the note first, unfolding it.
To the most beautiful woman,
Mon amour, how are you? Do you like the gifts that I sent you?
Forgive me if this is too much for your liking but I can't help myself. I can't describe how much I love you with just simple little words, so I resorted to sending you many gifts that represent the love I have for you. And soon you'll feel the same for me one day. After I finished preparing for your arrival.
Your heart stopped beating as your eyes widened in shock, you continued to read the next line with a bad gut feeling.
Do be aware that you are not leaving me at all, watching over you through my men won't be enough to satisfy me. I will need to have you by my side physically, I have been patient for many months for you and now I will take what's mine. I do plan to marry you as well, I hope to get your opinions on how should our marriage be after you come home of course-
You didn't allow yourself to finish reading, you crumbled the paper and threw it inside the garbage. Sweat started to coat your skin as you struggled to maintain your heavy breathing; you glanced down at your shaky hands and clenched your fist to at least in some way stop shaking but it was hopeless. In an attempt to distract yourself, You started the process of wrapping the box back to the way it was before taking it in your arms again.
This is crazy, you thought as you set the box inside your room, in the corner. You sat down on your bed and started to email your boss through your phone, you were finally going to let your boss know despite the voice at the back of your head telling you it might not be a good idea. What if the stalker somehow finds out about it? What he will do? But you ignored those questions, insisting on letting your boss be aware of this dilemma. After you finish typing that letter– informing him about the scary situation you are in and that you are leaving France.
Your boss doesn't respond immediately but you know he will the next morning. So you took this time to quickly pack your belongings and stuff them inside your suitcase.
Your phone buzzed on the bed, thinking it was your boss; you picked your phone up and saw it was from your friend. Who suggested not to leave instantly, whoever is watching you might speed up the process and just kidnap you the moment you step a foot out of your building.
Frustration and hopelessness build within your chest as you plop down on your bed. Staring mindlessly at her text message, you knew that she was right as you responded with an okay before switching your phone off. You are dumb, but it is understandable considering you will need to get the hell out. Far away from the secret admirer and his men.
You gazed up at the blank ceiling, pondering what might the future bring and you hoped, you would still see the sun the next day.
On Saturday in the early morning, you got out of the building after making sure your apartment was alright and yourself too. You decided to take the offer from this guy at your workplace whose name is Allen to hang out. And also to keep your mind from constantly panicking each time you go out.
You received an email from your boss who wrote you a long paragraph on what you should do in this situation and told you to contact the police. Leaving instantly will cause the stalker to act instantly.
You feel flattered to discover that your boss cares and this causes you to feel guilt. After all, you never cared to learn about your boss. You hopped inside the bus and took a seat as the bus started to move again. Leaving you to your thoughts about yesterday's events and it made you wonder who it is.
You thought about all the men you encountered in your life but none of them ever showed any sort of interest in you considering they would disappear for a long time and you barely even interact with them or any guys in your life.
You also thought about Allen, he is a nice person who helps you with paperwork and goes far to pay for your drinks whenever you two encounter each other along the way to work. He even asks for your permission to hug you or slung his arms over your shoulders.
You liked how respectful he is towards you or anyone else he meets. The bus slowly comes to a stop and you see Allen waiting for you at the same stop you are about to get off of, his hand grasping onto the lilies he brought.
His face brightens when he sees you exiting the bus and in front of him. You tilted your head as you gave him a curious look at the lilies he had in his hands.
Allen snaps out from his trance, "Oh, I got this for you to have." He lifts the lilies to your face, avoiding your gaze with blood flooding his cheeks. You smiled at him despite Allen looking away. You took the lilies from his hands and inhaled their sweet fragrance.
"Thanks, Allen, they're beautiful!" You exclaim in happiness, he glances at you with a shy smile now adorned his face; nodding his head.
"So uh, should we go to a nice restaurant? Or to the park? Where do you want to go?" Allen questions, nearly stammering over his words but manages to complete his sentence. The two of you started to stroll through the streets while you wondered which place should you both go to.
"Let's go to a park, I don't know either." The corner of your lips forcefully lifts upwards in a small insincere smile, glancing up at Allen hesitantly before looking away.
"Yeah, that's fine by me." He nodded his head before peering at you, "How about we get some ice cream? It's all on me."
You gazed back at him with your brows furrowed, "Are you sure? I don't want you to waste your own money." Worry laced your tone, you didn't want to be the reason why he became broke.
"It's fine, I got a lot of money since I just saved up a lot. Only buy hair products, skincare, and food." He assures you, waving off your concerns.
"Oh okay." You said unsurely, nodding your head at him. You and Allen visit an ice cream parlor, you choose your type of ice cream and he does too. While you and Allen sat down on the empty chairs, waiting. You noticed in the corner of your eye, through the window, that same black expensive car with tinted windows right around the corner, securely parked.
You felt your heart jump from your chest as you quickly looked away to maintain your breathing and composure. Soon you and Allen both get the ice cream and the rest of the day was you being paranoid about the car stalking you, Allen being shy and hopelessly in love which made you feel bad since you don't harbor any romantic feelings for him.
By the end of the day, Allen offered to drop you off at home to which you agreed. During the entire car ride home, you and Allen kept on conversing until he started to bring up your sudden paranoia.
"Is everything alright? It's good to let it out sometimes." Allen glances over at you with concern before looking back at the road. The sun slowly sets, and you can see various colors showering through the sky. It makes you appreciate the beauty.
"Well, it's...Complicated." You answered with hesitation, you searched for the right words to describe the current situation, it was easy emailing to your boss but why did it become so hard to explain it in person?
"It's okay, I don't mind if you don't tell me everything. I'm just worried for you." Allen says, his brows pull downward together as he makes a left turn, avoiding the traffic ahead. "But I don't mind lending a hand if you need one."
You pressed your lips together in a thin line before finally speaking, "So, I'm being stalked...By this rich secret admirer who always sends me expensive gifts and love letters. The only one who knows about the secret admirer is the lady behind the receptionist’s desk. But she's too scared to tell me, thinking she's going to die if she says a word about the secret admirer."
You say each word carefully with no stutter. Your eyes gaze over at the side of his face. Noticing a frown evident on Allen's face.
"That's...." Allen was left speechless as silence filled the car, "But do you at least know something about this secret admirer?"
"I know he's rich and French too." You mumbled, looking out the window. "And, he's mysterious too."
"Do you have the love letters? Because I got an idea." The car finally comes to a stop, the building is in your view now as Allen parks the car.
You glanced over at him with curiosity, with a raised brow you asked. "Really? what's the idea?" You unbuckled yourself but stayed inside the car.
"I have a friend who can identify people by their handwriting." Allen says before getting out of the car, you followed along as well. Shutting the car door closed, Allen strolls over to you with a serious expression on his face. No sparkle of light can be seen within his eyes and it made you wonder if he is bothered by this secret admirer on a personal level.
The two of you sauntered into the building and inside the elevator as you pressed on the button. The door slowly slides closed, now it is only you and Allen.
"How long has this been happening?" He inquired, turning his head over to you. His brow furrows and the corner of his lips fall downwards. Sympathy can be seen swirling in his brown eyes. You started to think rapidly in search of how long it has been occurring but none. You didn't keep track of how long has these gifts and letters and the stalking been happening.
"Um, I think for a few months or more?" You replied with unsureness, staring at the blurry reflection of yourself through the elevator door. You felt flattered by Allen's concern and care for you despite you knowing the reason why behind it all.
Finally, the elevator door opens and the two of you stroll into the quiet and empty hallways. "You said that you have a friend who can identify people by their handwriting?" You repeated his words, mentioning his idea.
"Yeah, even if he's old. He's good at these kinds of stuff." You pulled out your keys from your handbag and unlocked your door, entering inside along with Allen. His eyes survey the small but elegant home, noticing the gifts tucked away in the corners.
"Sorry, I had so many, didn't know where to place them." You shrugged, apologizing for the unnecessary mess even though you were sure he wouldn't care about the house.
"You don't need to apologize, but do you have the letters?" Allen questions to which you immediately answer.
"Yes, it's here." You quickly hurried to the gifts and opened one of them, picking the letter in your hands before going back to Allen. He lifts his hand out to you and you place the letter, Allen folds the letter into a smaller piece and stuffs it inside the pocket, he lets a gentle smile crawl upwards onto his face.
"Don't be scared because I don't think this guy wants to see your dead body," Allen reassures you, you nod--aware of the secret admirer's intentions.
"Yeah, I was informed of his intentions from the beginning when I first got his letter. He mentioned many times that he would never hurt me."
Allen presses his lips together in deep thought, wondering what he should tell you but decides to let it go and says his goodbyes to you, leaving your home as you watch him. Hoping nothing goes wrong.
The sound of your phone ringing is what slowly woke you up from your slumber. Your eyes flutter open as you turn in your sleep, snuggling the side of your face deep into your pillow but the constant ringing from your phone causes you to lift your arm to your nightstand, your hand searches for the device for a few seconds until you felt your phone beneath your fingers.
The name of the caller of none other than Allen and it made you curious what made him call you around 4 am. You answered and placed the phone against your ear.
"Allen? What happened?" You groggily asked, your voice raspy and deep.
"Y/n, I am very sorry to call you around this time but I found out who your secret admirer is." His words held worry and fear on the other side of the call. This causes your brows to furrow.
"But listen to me, come all alone to this address, and don't tell anyone. I'll send it to you through messages because I don't want anyone to know if I say it aloud to you. I'm going to share with you some secrets regarding this admirer."
You wanted to protest considering how early this is but the urgency in his voice prevents you from voicing out.
"Oh okay, I'll meet you there." You softly say before the call ends, you slowly get up from the bed to get ready.
Surprisingly, the address Allen sent you wasn't that far. Just a 15-minute walk through the empty and eerily quiet street. You stood in front of the door, knocking but no one answered. This causes you to frown but remain patient, he's probably getting ready. You looked at your phone repeatedly to see if he messaged you but to no luck, he didn't.
This worries you because of how urgent he is when telling you to arrive at the address he sent out. But now, you're not sure if you went to the wrong house. While you waited and waited, your phone in your pocket vibrated as you took it out. Now seeing Allen's message,
Sorry for waking you up but this can wait until tomorrow because it turns out the identity of the person is incorrect.
Uncertainty and confusion fill your being, and your eyes narrow as you keep on reading over the message repeatedly to make sure you read it correctly. Something about this feels off, you can tell. There is no way Allen would bring you all the way here just to send you a message saying he is mistaken.
So, something must have happened. But still, you stared at the door and slightly moved your head down, your eye looking through the keyhole, noticing how dark inside the room is which is somewhat expected. But wouldn't Allen at least keep the lights on?
You took your eye away from the keyhole and decided to retreat. You quickly walk all the way home just to be safe and not get ambushed while terror and paranoia slowly creeps its way onto you. Not noticing a tiny note sticking out underneath the carpet of the front porch, that is written the word "Run".
When you arrived home, you didn't feel like going back to sleep. You simply took your coat and shoes off before plopping onto your couch, turning the TV on but turning the volume down. Not desiring to wake up Nia. You felt so confused about what just occurred, Allen wouldn't end it that way. You were sure he wouldn't just randomly call you and then message you it was just a mistake.
You are one hundred percent sure that it might be the secret admirer must have done this because first, the lady behind the front desk is terrified when you confront her, even when you enter the building; you see her wide eyes stare at you before looking down to avoid eye contact with you. And now Allen is scared too. What exactly happened behind that closed door is something you were sure you didn't want to have any knowledge about.
Time passes by as you either make drinks for yourself or sit on the couch and watch TV or scroll through social media. By the time the sun rises fully, you start to leave the house to go back to work.
During your time working, your mind kept on replaying Allen's words when he called you. And he didn't arrive to work today which is weird because Allen always comes to work. You prayed nothing went wrong with him when discovering who this stalker was.
When it is time to go home, you notice that there are no expensive cars following you today which is a huge relief because you didn't know when you'll end up having a whole breakdown. Your phone started ringing again and this time it was from Nia. You quickly answered and placed the phone between your ears,
"Y/n, oh my goodness you have to check the news. That Allen dude is dead." Nia says in a full panic tone, you felt fear clench your heart as you responded,
"What? How? I'm coming home." You ended the call, not sure how to even feel or react. But you felt fear, shocked, and surprised, even when you got inside the bus and entered your apartment. You dashed to the remote on the coffee table and turned the TV to the recent news.
The picture of Allen's dead body shocks you to your core. Despite the image being blurry due to how graphic it is you can tell by staring. His head looked like it got smashed, his brain splattered everywhere and his face nowhere to be seen. Intestines and other organs spurt out from his body and so much more. This crime occurred at the same address you went before.
You stared at the screen, aghast. You're not aware how long you sat there as the picture disappears and only the woman on the TV speaking, but her words become nothing but a muffled sound to you. The door unlocks and Nia strolls in after locking the door.
"This is so crazy! I never thought Allen would die like that!" Nia exclaims, cupping her face with both hands as she sits next to you. "And my colleagues kept on talking about it too when we were watching the news through our phones!"
You felt too numb and speechless to even reply to her. Allen was one of Nia's friends, he met you through her. Nia and the others were talking about Allen's death and you were there wondering about Allen's absence. How are you so oblivious?
You thought about the secret admirer, is he dangerous? Who else could it possibly be then?
During the entire day, you stayed home and Nia did so too. Both of you took time to recover by distracting yourself and conversing about the secret admirer. Both of you conclude that it is the secret admirer's doings. But none of you two knew what to do about it. So you and Nia stayed quiet about the murderer, you and Nia are aware of who is the killer.
It is around the evening when Nia goes outside and you take a nap in your room. But around midnight, you woke up to the sound of loud footsteps that didn't belong to Nia echoing in the living room. You quietly bolted out from the bed to lock your door and took your phone with you to the bathroom. You're not going to die by jumping off from your window when you live on the 6th floor.
You called the police while stuttering when telling them about the intruders in the house. Telling them the address you live in as you could hear the harsh kicking against your door. You are doomed for sure.
There is no space to hide because your room is small, hiding under your bed is obvious because that's where it is first checked. The door breaks open, causing you to flinch as you hold your breath. If you don't have any weapons, might as well use your phone. Your heart hammers against your chest, and sweat coats your entire body while you struggle to maintain your heavy breathing and your wobbly legs.
Clutching your phone tightly against your chest as the door knob to the bathroom shakes. The man shouts to others to which they reply, but you only hear your heart rapidly banging against your chest. You prayed intensely to god at this moment when the man started to let out a powerful kick to the door, near the door knob.
This is it, you thought to yourself as tears streamed down your face, weeping quietly to yourself before you remembered that you had a small pocket knife behind the cabinet. You immediately took it out before the door slammed down, the man made quick strides towards you and reached a hand out to grab you but you pierced his hand with the pocket knife and bolted out from the bathroom.
The man grunts before chasing you out of the room, you sprint through your home until a hand roughly grabs your arm and places a cloth on your face. You could only see darkness filling your vision and hear their muffled words as you passed out completely.
You woke up to the silver light against your eyelids which caused you to turn to your side and snuggled deeper under the thick and soft blanket. The sweet fragrance erupting from the bed is what caused your eyes to flutter open in confusion, you slowly lifted your head from the blanket to the most beautiful and elegant room. Your head turned to the closed glass doors of the balcony and everywhere in the large room. The room looked like it was made for a queen.
Reddish walls with expensive paintings, the softest large bed, and shiny floors. Including the sparkly crystal chandelier with small light bulbs. You know you are kidnapped as you lift yourself from the bed, your bare feet slip into the flats lying on the ground, near your bed. Your captor is generous enough to give you a gorgeous room after having you abducted.
You fixed your messy hair as you ambled towards the bathroom, by the appearance of rooms, you could tell it was all prepared. You started to do your business; brushing your teeth with a fresh new toothbrush and splashing your face with cold water before turning the faucet off. You left the bathroom and strolled towards the double doors of the balcony and attempted to open it to find a way to escape but failed, due to how tightly shut it is. You were still in your pajamas but you didn’t want to go out of the room all dressed like this so you took a short black dress and jeans before heading back into the bathroom to change.
After you come out all ready the door suddenly opens, causing you to turn around in surprise as a man peeks his head out.
"The marquis wishes to have you for breakfast." The man with the serious expression announces, his dark eyes intensely bearing into yours. "Follow me."
He leaves the door open before retreating his head back, you quickly leave the colossal room and follow the bodyguard behind through the gigantic hallways that consist of elegant statues, paintings, red carpets, elegant chandeliers with sparkly teardrop stones dangling, and many more. This is making you feel broke.
Finally, the two of you entered a colossal dining room with a large table filled with various foods that you can't name. At the head of the table, sitting on the elegant chair is the Marquis, you figure who lit up when he sees you. Standing up, he strolls towards you with a smile painted on his face.
"Ma chèrie, how was your sleep? I deeply apologize for the ruckus I created in your home." Marquis apologizes, his voice heavy with the accent as adoration and guilt fester within his captivating green eyes, "But do allow me to introduce myself, I am Vincent Bisset de Gramont. Also known as the Marquis. But you can call me Vincent."
You rapidly blinked at him, you've seen many handsome men in your life across the internet and other places but this man is paralyzing. He is the most gorgeous man you ever met face to face, his beauty is so bewitching that it could rival the Greek gods. And then you notice how tall this man is by the way he is towering over you.
You didn't realize that he took your hand into his and gently pulled you with him toward the dining table. Pulling out a chair for you as you stood there with hesitation before sitting down. With you and Vincent now seated, Vincent broke the silence.
"I am aware you have a lot of questions but do hold onto them and eat your breakfast. You must be quite hungry."
You glanced up at him with brows furrowed while he started to eat as if nothing had ever happened. Despite your hunger, you didn't lift your hand to the fork and start eating. You wanted answers first.
"Why am I here?" You inquired, your tone firm as you glared at him. Vincent didn't bother to look at you, only after he finished devouring his food is when he started to talk.
"Only after you eat, I will answer questions." With that, he started to go back to his food.
You decide to give in and start eating your breakfast, and one taste has you eating it all. It is delicious, you had to admit as you took a sip from your water. The maid comes and takes your and Vincent's empty plates away.
"How about we talk in your room? So it'll be easier to converse freely." Vincent stands up to which you do the same. His hand unexpectedly wrapped around your waist tightly, pulling you closer to him as the two of you sauntered through the halls. You immediately attempted to pull away but his hand remained locked on your waist, preventing you from distancing yourself away.
He just gives you a look before glancing away. "Tell me Ma belle, did you ever think I would let go off you easily?" Vincent asks, leaving you in confusion about what he means by that. Leaving the country or keeping your distance from him?
"Um no?" Your words come out in unsureness and confusion. Not knowing how to respond to that. He merely smiles as he opens the door for you, allowing you to enter first before he gets inside and shuts it. You turned around to face him.
Vincent ambles towards the closed doors of the balcony. Looking outside with both hands in his pockets. You stood there awkwardly before he finally spoke.
"Why I brought you here is simple, it's because I want you here. The world out there...Is cruel." He places his hand on the glass of the door, looking at his reflection through the glass door and at the same time outside.
You didn't say anything which made him continue.
"I am the one who had your little friend killed. Why? It's because he was about to expose me to you, and I didn't want that. I was aware that he plans to take you away from me as well once he tells you my identity." Vincent paused, "And, I tend to go a bit crazy. When someone attempts to take my love away from me."
He turns around to face you, a dark look cast across his face. "I was the one who sent you those gifts and had you followed everywhere to keep you safe."
"And that is when I came to know from one of my men about the friend you had been seeing."
"Why do I do this? It's because I love you. I always loved you even if you forgot about me."
This causes you to raise your brow,
 "What do you mean?" You inquired.
"Do you remember? Around 2 or 3 years ago, in New York, you went to a ballet show and I was there. Only after it ended we talked until it got late." He explains as you thought deeply, searching for a memory of you meeting Vincent but you only remember going to a ballet theater with your friends.
Not desiring to anger him you pressed your lips together, and he could tell that you don't remember him.
"I do remember, but I don't recall seeing you or talking to you." Judging by the way you are looking at him, realization doesn't hit you. 
Vincent takes a deep breath before continuing again,
"But I remember every last one of it. You stayed in my mind since then, and I didn't get the chance to ask for your name before you left. Everything about you captivated me, your smile, your eyes, your innocence, everything." Vincent's words held nothing but obsessiveness and adoration when he named each one about you. This terrifies you to your core as you stand there speechless.
Vincent takes quick strides towards you as you take a step back but his hand reaches out and grabs your arm. Pulling you close to his body, his strong cologne fills your nostrils as you hesitantly gaze up to his eyes and this makes you regret doing so. Madness and lust could be seen in his eyes.
"Tell me amour, do you have any idea how much I thought about you? Morning, afternoon, evening, night...How much I longed for you? Without you I feel incomplete, my world is nothing but darkness." He carefully explains as you hold your breath, you can't recall the last time you were this close to a man.
His hands cup your cheeks, bringing your face closer to his. Your eyes widened in shock as you grabbed onto his wrists but his grip on your face remained firm.
"But fate brought me to you again, at the Louvre." His tone transitions into a whisper, staring deeply into your eyes. "And I felt my world started brightening. And I start to feel complete with you in my life. You may not remember but I do, I went to your side and started to tell you about each painting. You listened to me with the most beautiful smile on your face."
Your bottom lip quivers, "L-let go off me. I want to go home."
He narrows his eyes at you, "You are home, you don't need to go back to a life with hardships. With me, I can solve everything--just let me handle it."
"You're just going to keep me locked up here." You shakily pointed out, aware of the fact he's never going to let you outside.
Vincent shakes his head gently, eyes glued to your face. "As long as you listen to me, you are free." He presses his forehead to yours, nuzzling his nose against yours with his eyes closed.
You were paralyzed when Vincent whispered.
"Wherever you go, I will always follow you."
"You are mine, only mine." With that said, your fate becomes sealed forever as his lips capture yours. And you realize that this is only the beginning of the horrifying reality.
A/n; Took me weeks, I decided to write for John wick.
feedbacks is always appreciated. <3
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choiceofgames · 5 months
New game! “Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names” — Unleash Rage and wield spirit to heal the land and rebuild your fallen pack
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is now available on Steam, iOS, and Android!
It’s 25% off until May 2nd! Furthermore, as a special offer, if you purchase "Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names" by 11:59pm PDT on April 26th, we'll give away the "Wardens and Furies" DLC, featuring the options to play as a member of the Black Fury tribe or the Hart Warden tribe, for free.
You and your shattered werewolf pack must save the living Earth with Rage and spirit! In this interactive novel with hundreds of choices, can you defeat a Wyrm Spirit who manifests as a lie that you want to believe?
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is an interactive novel by Kyle Marquis set in the World of Darkness. It's entirely text-based—1.8 million words, without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
Shapeshifter. Mystic. Hero. Monster. You are a werewolf, and you are all these things. Werewolves are the living earth's last guardians, created by Gaia, given the gift of shifting between human and wolf forms, and called to stop humanity from destroying the world.
But you have failed.
Three years ago, packs of werewolves worked together as a Sept in Broad Brook, Massachusetts, battling the Wyrm, the enemy of Gaia. While other Septs fell to the Wyrm or tore themselves apart with fratricidal Rage, Broad Brook thrived. Some said they would be the ones to stop the Apocalypse.
But in one night, a Wyrm Spirit called "the Answering Tiger" destroyed the Broad Brook Sept and defiled its caern. In fact, Broad Brook had never been thriving at all. The Tiger had deceived their senses, disordered their thoughts, and turned them against one another. Where the different tribes saw trust, in truth there was resentment and growing Rage. Where the different packs saw safety, there were security flaws that could be exploited. Where they saw the Wyrm, there were innocents that they massacred, before reporting to other Septs about another glorious victory.
Their cruel pride allowed the Wyrm Spirit to deceive them, and they mostly destroyed themselves. The Answering Tiger had servants, too, monstrous Banes and fomori, and even werewolves sworn to the Wyrm. But they were only there to pick off whoever was left.
Now, the Stormcat, once the Patron Spirit of the Broad Brook Sept, has called upon you to rebuild a pack from the survivors and fight back against the Answering Tiger. In the savage woods and decaying towns of New England, you will forge your own legend.
Build Your Pack. Human and werewolf survivors haunt the woods and hide in the cities: find them to learn what happened and to rebuild the werewolf nation. But not all werewolves can be trusted: shun those wolves consumed by Rage, and pity those who have lost the Wolf and become empty shells.
Survive the Wilds. A desperate exile, shunned by those of your old pack who have abandoned their oaths to Gaia, you'll have to survive by your wits. A winter night can kill as surely as any monster: find shelter, seek allies among spirits and humans, and learn how far you'll go to survive.
Unleash Your Rage. You are one of Gaia's monsters, a living weapon, herald of horror and death. Now the Apocalypse is here: wield your Rage with savage cunning and keen discretion, or it will swallow you whole.
• Play as male, female, or nonbinary; befriend or romance werewolves and humans of all genders.
• Shapeshift among five forms to slaughter your enemies, or outwit them to take what you need.
• Choose your auspice (moon-sign) and your werewolf tribe: Bone Gnawer, Child of Gaia, Glass Walker, Shadow Lord, or Silver Fang
• Claim your territory and heal the spirits there to unlock Gifts that let you summon animals, see into the past, or enter the spirit world.
Buy it now!
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unreliablesnake · 1 year
Hold on tight (Vincent de Gramont x reader)
Summary: You keep your end of the deal and return to Paris to visit Vincent.
Note: I'm not happy with this. / previously on... / The title comes from this song. / If you want to know when I post new stuff, follow @unreliablesnakefics and hit the get notifications button. I don't have a taglist.
Warnings: smut(ish)
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“It's been more than half a year,” Winston noted one night when you couldn't sleep and decided to join him in the bar. “The Marquis is already looking for you.”
“I know.”
He was right. Rumor had been flying around that he was paying some people to come to the Continental just to check on you in these past months. And all along, Winston did his best to shield you, keep you away from having to face the possibility of meeting him again. But lately things had gotten worse, you knew it.
“You know,” you began once you took a sip of your drink, “I thought time and distance would help me. That I would feel better. That I wouldn't feel the need to be near him. But it's not working, I still want him,” you explained sadly.
“Then go and meet him,” he offered the solution as if it was that easy.
Because it wasn't easy. You were fighting your emotions so hard for a long time, but that emptiness from being away from him just kept crawling back. “And if he somehow convinces me to stay with him?” you asked since it was a possibility. You might get weak and stay if he asked.
“Is that what you're afraid of?” Nodding, you leaned back in the chair and crossed your legs. “He's a bad man. We're not saints either, but at least we follow the rules.”
“How is this supposed to help me? I already knew he's a jerk.”
Winston let out a heartfelt laugh. “What if he can change for the better because of you? What if he would change if that was the price of being with you?”
“I'm not so sure about that.”
“I am,” came his reply that took you off guard. You gave him a questioning look then waited for the explanation. “He's been sending you handwritten letters, and tries to call you almost daily… This man is in love, sweetheart. Who knows how far he would be willing to go to get you.”
You shrugged. “Maybe he will kidnap me again.”
“That didn't work out the first time,” Winston pointed out.
“Also, he's not known for his patience, yet he's been waiting long months for you to keep your end of the deal.”
He was right again. Vincent was surprisingly patient with you, he didn't start harassing you through his men, instead he kept his distance and kept an eye on you without saying a word. And while you didn't even want to think about it, Winston pointed out this difference.
The man who was so used to getting whatever he wanted and whenever he wanted it was waiting patiently for a woman. He could have gone out to pick up someone else, but no, according to rumors he was waiting for you. It was hard to decide whether it was flattering or terrifying.
Your boss let out a sigh as he glanced down at the notebook on the table in front of him. “You should go to Paris. However long it takes,” he added before you could say you didn't want to be away from this place in case he needed your help.
He didn't even have to look up to know you were about to object. But you kept your mouth shut, and so you ended up buying a ticket and packing your suitcase in the following hours. “I'm an idiot for doing this,” you told yourself as you collected some items from the bathroom.
Thirteen hours later you once again landed in Paris, although this time you were on your own. Or so you thought. At the airport you were greeted by a man Vincent sent there to pick you up and take you to him. You followed him without asking questions, knowing full well it would be futile to resist and insist on traveling on your own to the hotel where you reserved a room for yourself.
Unlike the last time, the mansion didn't look cold and threatening. No, it was warm and welcoming, a place where you could feel safe right away. Safe. With him. You didn't think these two things would ever be connected by the same sentence. While you'd been here the last time, you were always on the edge, feeling like you didn't belong.
But now? Now you had a feeling you were exactly where you were supposed to be.
A staff member came to help you with your luggage, assuring you that they would take it straight to your room, while a woman came to accompany you to the room Vincent was in at the moment. Your eyes scanned the paintings on the walls as you passed by, the familiar sight making you feel at home.
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t come,” you suddenly heard the familiar voice say. You looked up and noticed him standing in the hallway, hands folded behind his back as he watched you. He sounded unsure, a quite shocking experience compared to the authoritative Vincent you had met the last time.
You waited until the woman was told to leave and the two of you were left alone before you said anything. “Me too,” you replied quietly. “But someone convinced me to come here and keep my end of the deal.”
Vincent’s jaw tightened and you wondered what made him do it. Was it because you said you were only here because of that deal? It could be the reason.
“I’m glad I’m here,” you added, surprising yourself with this sentence.
Because if you wanted to be honest, you were glad to be in Paris again. To be with him. All those months of thinking about him while your brain tried to warn you forget him had its toll on you. You were tired and doubted your feelings all the time. But now that you were here with him, you began to see clearly.
This man had managed to get under your skin despite being a kidnapper, planting the seeds in your brain that then turned you into this mess eventually. But it worked. You were here, you were yearning for his touch, and you had to fight your instincts to keep your distance for now.
Let's see what he does. You shouldn't throw yourself at him as if he had done nothing wrong. Having a spine is a good thing.
“I got your room ready,” he spoke up again, sounding surprisingly awkward. “I thought you might want to get some rest first. I have a dinner reservation, but if you'd rather stay here, I can have something made for us.”
“We can go out, I guess,” you replied as you nervously swept a strand of hair behind your ear.
Vincent nodded. For a few moments you both stood there in silence, but then he cleared his throat, excused himself, and went back into the room he had previously emerged from. After letting out a long sigh of relief, you headed towards your room, ready to get some well-deserved sleep.
A few hours later you put on a nice dress and did your makeup properly, ready to head out with him for the evening. Because you were sure it wasn't just a dinner he was planning for the two of you. A play? An opera? Maybe a museum? Whatever it would be, you wouldn't object.
As it turned out, you knew him perfectly well, because you were right about his plans. He was hesitant the whole time, as if he wasn't sure how to approach you anymore, but he managed to stay in charge, and that was a good thing.
Because you were too focused on your own needs, on his beautiful green eyes, on his lips, and on his suit. It was just too much to handle, and when you were in the back of the car on the way back to his home, you slowly reached out to take his hand.
He looked surprised, but he wrapped his fingers around your hand, then raised it to his lips to place a soft kiss on it. “I really missed you, my love,” he said.
“Don't think that kidnapping me all those months ago is completely forgiven. But in all honesty, I missed you too. I really did,” you added with a smile before resting your head on his shoulder.
In the next two days, Vincent made sure you felt comfortable in his company. He was nice, and sweet, and things eventually got as intimate as they used to be. You found yourself in his bedroom after a wonderful afternoon in the Louvre, your body pressed to the wall as his lips traced your skin.
He explored your body like this was the first time he had seen it without clothes, and he kept you from moving around, pinning you down to make sure you didn't start removing his clothes. No, he wanted to take his time with you, driving you crazy by not giving you exactly what you wanted.
But a sick part of you loved every second of it, it craved the physical pain not being able to touch him caused. Because you wanted to lay your hands on his body, feeling the smooth skin under your fingertips before moving down to tease his cock.
Vincent could tell you were silently suffering by now, so he kept praising you, even as he got on top of you in bed and leaned down to kiss your collarbone before slowly moving up to your neck. This is when you began to beg him to fuck you, to skip this stupid teasing and finally give you what you needed so badly.
“Would it be weird if I told you I loved you?” you asked him while you were lying in bed together, both of you on the brink of falling asleep.
He let out a quiet, uncharacteristic laugh, then kissed your forehead. “I feel the same way, mon amour,” he told you. “What do you think about staying here for a while? For a few months, maybe.”
You let out a sigh as you thought about his suggestion. Winston had told you to stay as long as you had to, but did you really want to leave him alone for that long? “That's a lot of time, Vincent, I'm not sure. I have responsibilities back home,” you said, more to convince yourself than him.
“Don't you want to be with me?”
“Why don't you come to New York for a week or two? I could show you around,” you offered with a laugh.
He watched you silently for a while, carefully thinking about this idea. Sure, after what had happened the last time he was there, it was understandable if he was a little hesitant.
Maybe it wouldn't be weird to stay in France after all. After leaning over to give him a soft kiss, you rested your forehead against his. “Okay, fine, I'll stay here.”
Little did you know at the time that you wouldn't stay for just a couple of months. You stayed here for good, eventually marrying the man who had almost destroyed your life at one point.
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shakertwelve · 11 months
the problem with Palatine is that he was introduced for a filler storyline in the old Wards comics called like Gallant Vs The Black Knight or something and they gave him long blonde hair to facilitate a one-panel joke where Gallant mistakes him for the damsel-in-distress of the week and his fanatical loyalty to his crimelord father was written into his character purely to tie into that issue’s b-plot of Gallant learning to stand up to his strict dad and take his girlfriend of the week to the school dance. but it’s been decades and the fans aren’t buying Wards comics anymore and no one remembers Gallant’s villains so when the studios were like “we want to make a Wards movie and if it does well enough Gallant will get a spin off” the comic writers had to dig way back in the archives to find material to reboot so Palatine got retconned into The Nefarious Estate (modernized to The Estate because it’s not the 80s anymore) and his unseen father/boss became an alternate universe version of Marquis from the Brigade run and all of Gallant’s generic blonde damsels/girlfriends from the past are supposed to be Glory Girl now so he has to be an evil alternate universe Glory Girl. but his natural habitat is on a neon splash page where Gallant is about to sock him in the face or something
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the-l00ker · 5 months
It's clear from the way Helluva Boss is operated that most the scenes that are shown in the trailer are going to be from the next 2 to 3 episodes and we're gonna break some of them down!
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Full Moon:
Is the musical episode that came far the actual episodes we found out that Stolas is planning to give Blitzo an Asmoden-Crystal to truly get an answer as to of the blitzo actually wants him or not
We get confirmation that he does take the crystal from the scene
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So it's evident that they do break up. However I believe that he takes the crystal not because he doesn't want to see Stolas, it's instead because they want nothing to hold them back and no one has leverage over the other.
However I think this makeup will come in a layer episodes, that being Apology Tour. (but that's later stuff ekshdjwkdb)
And I also believe that the mirror shattering scene is right after Blitzo break up with Stolas, because we know from the clips and from previous episodes that he was hopeful that's something good would come out of this.
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I believe this breakup scenario will span though much longer in universe time period like through days.
It's clear that in this scene this will be the scene in which they break up and it's clear buy Blitzo's character and his straightforward attitude that Stolas is not going to get a word in before they break up from Blitzo's resolve
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I believe Blitzo will internalize what stolus has said with Fizz and we'll go on a apology tour.
He will apologise to Bee/Vox, Veroica, Stolas but be unable to apologise to Barbie-wire as she's gone off the grid to avoid him.
Bee/Vox will accept the apology with open arms.
Stolas will ACCEPT IT but more in a "let's start over" with no strings attached.
Veroica will hate him for the rest of his life but won't actively try to avoid him.
Barbie-wire will avoid him for the rest of his life, aka till season 3.
Barbie-wire and Veroica deciding to hate him even after his apology will highlight the fact that his actions still do have consequences and he can't just be handed everything because he's sad.
And this scene is from apology tour, and it's the beginning of the episode.
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I think this isn't internalization of his guilt before he goes on an Apology Tour
He hurt Veroica EMOTIONALLY.
Got Vortex hurt 'physically' as he had to fight for Veroica in the beach episode.
But Stolas is the forefront of his guilt because he hurt him EMOTIONAL and got him hurt PHYSICALLY.
And the Pumpkins are there because it relates back to the Harvest Festival we're Blitzo first had to defend Stolas.
I don't think this prince who is already in deep trouble is going to be singing about his affair partner that he used as an escape from his abusive, manipulative and also problematic as well as probably cheating on him partner- and how it wasn't worth it.
HOWEVER I believe the way Stolas and Blitzo properly make up is AFTER they had to defend each other from Andrealphus because Visago??? Statan, Bee, Ozzie and Fizziroli??? Will defend him.
If be Andrealphus and Mammon VS Visago, Statan, Bee, Ozzie (and Fizz).
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It's clear things don't go Andrealphus' way simply because he's seen attacking Stolas and Blitzo, which I assume he summoned them after the trial. Only intending to summon Stolas with the intent on killing him because the trial did not go his way but ended up accidentally summoning both of them as Blitzo was trying to make up for past mistakes in Apology Tour.
And the reason why Stolas will not die here is because Andrealphus didn't count and accidentally summoning both of them.
Andrealphus obviously once Stolas' position as a prince instead of a Marquis (or whatever he is), and it's doing this ploy to get his position.
Mammon is after Blitzo because he along with Ozzie were the people to try and convince him to quit. Which costed Mammon alot of money.
When we see the Fizz bots attack Moxxie and Millie I think those were sent out with the intent of catching Blitzo, but he wasn't there in the van on the mission doing whatever they were doing, because he was too busy making up with Stolas in Apology Tour. YES I THINK TRIAL WILL LOWKEY SPAN OVER 2 EPISODES BECAUSE IT'S IMPORTANT-
They will loose.
Bee will defend them because she's seen there situation and seemed like one of the most empathetic rulers. And she's also dating a hellhound so we will be a bit hypocritical if she went against them.
Ozzie will defend them because he's also dating and imp and he's also getting away with it so why can't Blitzo?
And then the kicker. I think Satan well also defend Stolas and Blitzo. This is because Imps are primarily from the Wrath-ring and it would be an insult on his people if he didn't defend them. Despite Blitzo not being born in the Wrath-ring.
I also believe that Satan will see as a noble regard of strengths that both are defying the odds so we'll let it be.
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blackstarmylove · 10 months
Spoiling You (Scenario)
Fandom: Blackstar Theater Starless
Pairing: Sotetsu x gn!Reader
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can I request a fluffy scenario for Sotetsu with a GN!reader? I know he’s a menace but I think he’s also the type that cherishes/spoil his S/O (I’ll never get over the time where he said he just want the best for his woman *cries*) (Oh and, I think I saw the post where you said you accidentally broke your toe…? I hope you get well soon :((( )
A/N: Yeah, he definitely would spoil his s/o but also tease to no end while spoiling. 😂 I did and it's so painful. 😭 Thank you! 💖
Word Count: 319
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You stood by the window with your arms crossed and back turned to your boyfriend, who was amused by your reaction. Moments ago, he gave you a beautiful silver box with a purple velvet ribbon neatly tied around it, but when you opened it, there was nothing inside. 
"Sotetsu, why is the box empty?" You asked quizzically. 
"It's the thought that counts, right?" He replied with his signature grin pasted on his lips. 
Now, here you were, not knowing how to react to his question; saying yes would mean you didn't want the gift, and saying no would mean you were being greedy. Sometimes, you felt like grabbing and shaking him by the shoulders or using him as a punching bag, but that would only result in your hands getting hurt. 
Walking behind you, Sotetsu leaned close to your ears and whispered teasingly. "Are you upset?" 
When you didn't reply to his question, your boyfriend chuckled, but to your surprise, he didn't say anything else; instead, you felt something cold touch your necklace, causing you to flinch. Shifting your gaze down to your neck, you noticed a platinum necklace with an alternating marquis and round diamond pattern. One look at it was enough to tell you the necklace must have cost a fortune, but before you could comment about it, Sotetsu spoke up. 
"Enjoy the gift, will you? Don't worry about anything else." 
Despite his remark, you still couldn't resist asking the question in your mind. "But...how were you able to afford this?" 
"That's a secret." He laughed. 
You took your time admiring the necklace and delicately brushing your fingers against the smooth gemstones. But then another thought crossed your mind - Sotetsu never did anything for free. Turning your head to him, you narrowed your eyes and spoke with pursed lips. "What do you want in return?" 
"Why would I want anything in return when I have everything I want?" He said with a slight smirk. 
Your brows furrowed, and though you tried to make sense of it, you couldn't figure out what he meant. "Everything you want? What did you want?"
"You." Sotetsu gently said, his rare soft expression appearing on his visage - the expression that always made you melt. "All I ever wanted is you...and now, you are by my side. What more could I ask for?" 
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average-guy-reviews · 2 years
Mrs Harris Goes To Paris (2022)
"In 1950s London, a widowed cleaning lady falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, deciding she must have one of her own. After working to raise the funds to pursue her dream, she embarks on an adventure to Paris that will change not only her own outlook -- but the very future of the House of Dior."
The very first thing I want to say is what a pure dose of delight this film is. It has been a very long time since I have watched a movie that has been such a "feel-good" romp from beginning to end. Yes, it has moments of pathos, and even sadness, but they do not take away from the overall feeling of happiness currently residing in my heart.
Historically this film is firmly on the nose. Everything about this film, from the timescale for Dior to the garbage strikes in Paris in 1957, from the fashions to the vehicles, seems to have been fully researched and recreated in great detail. The effort was utterly worth it as it made the film, and everything happening within its confines, seem completely genuine. This along with the cinematography, especially one night shot over the roofs of Paris, drew me in and made me feel like I was a part of the scenery. Magical.
Every performance was on a par with the best I've seen in a very long time, from Jason Isaacs, as Archie, and Lambert Wilson, as the Marquis, to Isabelle Huppert, as Claudine Colbert (the closest thing to a villain in the whole film). There are two stand out performances, from two young stars, as the will they/won't they love story subtext. Alba Baptista, as Natasha, and Lucas Bravo, as André Fauvel, were simply exquisite and their on screen chemistry was absolutely perfect. Bravo in particular was a performance I was very pleased to be able to see.
The absolute star of the movie though, in every single way, is Lesley Manville. As the eponymous Mrs Harris she sparkles on film in every scene. Whether she is cleaning someone's house, or getting fitted in Dior, she is flawless in the role. As a woman who finds out for certain her husband has died in the war, some 13 years after the event, she brings a level of sorrow to the screen that had tears in my eyes right near the beginning of the film. And then she decides to go on an adventure to Paris to buy a Dior gown, massive undertaking for a character who is, in her own words, an 'invisible woman'.
Her marvel at the sights she sees in Paris, despite walking past huge piles of rubbish, underlie the massive differences between her everday ragtag life, and the magic she feels in the bourgeois magnificence that is the French Capital. Manville's performance is outstanding, and at no point did I ever believe she wasn't Mrs Harris. That kind of depth and ability in a performance is the mark of master of her craft.
The director, Anthony Fabian, has done an incredible job with this film. He has given us a story of pure joy, inhabited by fully fleshed out characters that we can relate to and a tale about following your dreams, however big they may be. As for the soundtrack? It has Johnny B. Goode by Chuck Berry on it, ergo it is automatically awesome.
Overall this film is a magnificent piece of art. I was legitimately punching the air in happiness by the end of it. In all the time I've been doing these reviews properly I have only give one film top marks, and that was Elvis. Mrs Harris joins those lofty heights with a perfectly well deserved 10/10, with a full recommendation to everyone to go and see it, as the French would say, vite, vite vite!!!
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Murder Mystery 3
One afternoon, you walk past the Starlight Theater. Looking up from your phone, you notice there's a new name of the show on the marquis. It now read, "Workin' Boys: a New Musical" and opening night is tomorrow evening. You shrug, thinking, "Yeah, a couple of hours in the theater should be a good distraction from the stresses of everyday life." Plus, everyone else would have to shut up about the recent murders. So you buy yourself and another special person, tickets to opening night.
The next day, you hurry home from work/school and get ready for the show. You met your friend/partner/family member outside the Starlight, and soon you're led to your seats by an usher who smiles and tells you to enjoy the show.
Soon, the lights dim and the curtain rises. Then there's screaming. You weren't sure whether it was part of the show. The petrified actor on stage points to the pit.
At first, it seemed like nothing was wrong. But from the actor's perspective, he's seeing Henry Hidgens, the playwright of the musical, sitting at the piano, with some gaping hole in his throat, dripping blood on the ivory keys, and even eerier than that, his mouth had been literally sewn shut.
Immediately, a few cops from the audience get up to investigate. You're a bit surprised they were there, but then again, the HFPD's a sucker for theatre.
You and your companion get escorted out of the theater by the usher from earlier, and the show was cancelled. So much for an escape from reality.
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mybookplacenet · 1 year
Featured Post: The Ordained Demon: The Story of a Young Priest by Oladapo Osuntokun
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About The Ordained Demon: The Story of a Young Priest: "The Ordained Demon" is an exciting book that combines self-help, Christian fiction, and thriller genres. It tells the story of a young priest named Michael who faces temptations and battles the demon possessing a man. With the power of God, Michael heals the possessed man and eliminates the demon. However, the demon returns and threatens to harm Michael. The book explores the consequences of ambition, abandonment, and failure to adhere to sacred vows. It highlights the importance of being attached to Jesus Christ and avoiding the traps of Satan. The story is cleverly woven and presented in a straightforward and easy-to-understand format. It will take readers on a thrilling journey and keep them engaged from beginning to end. Targeted Age Group: all Written by: Oladapo Osuntokun Buy the ebook: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Print Book: Buy the Book On Amazon Buy the Book On Barnes & Noble/Nook Author Bio: Dr. Oladapo. R. Osuntokun was born in Nigeria and emigrated to the USA many years ago. By the time he got on the plane, he was training to become an orthopedic surgeon. As the plane was air bound, he had an Epiphany. It was the voice of God gently instructing him about his impending mission. The voice was reassuring but gently instructing him that he would no longer heal people with a "knife but the words. He uses the words in various ways, including his current mission as an Author, a Psychiatrist, and a Pastor. Dr. Oladapo Richard Osuntokun is the Word of God Parish pastor in Luzerne, PA. A Pentecostal Spiritual filled Bible-based Church.He is a guest/ visiting Professor at Clark's Summit University, where he has taught African and World Religion since 2017 till date. Dr. Oladapo Richard Osuntokun is a board-certified pediatric and Adolescent Psychiatrist. He is also a board-certified General and Adult Psychiatrist. He attended the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Montefiore, Bronx, NY, from 2000 to 2005 for his education. Dr. Osuntokun is also an Associate Professor of Psychiatric Medicine at the Geissinger College of Medicine in Scranton, Pa. He has won the Top Doctor award for the past several years. The Marquis "who is who in America" has included Dr. Oladapo Richard Osuntokun as a biographical listee. Follow the author on social media: Learn more about the writer. Visit the Author's Website Facebook Fan Page Twitter Instagram Read the full article
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llyrarg · 1 year
llyr im not telling you to sit on your ass I'm telling you not to try killing a fucking wither- if you really want a star get markcheese to summon one for you or Buy One Illigeally which I'm sure you'd have no problem with since summoning a wither is 100% illigeal if not a warcrime just straight up -ren
ethan and marquis. are otherwise. occupied.
and trust me, i’ve tried to buy one. those things are past a bitch to get ahold of. summoning a wither isn’t illegal if nobody catches us— which. they won’t.
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kamil-a · 2 years
gowlandposts below cut
JUMPSCARE shaved gowland!!!!! aaaaa!!!!
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scary and unnatural. put back his scruff
btw this is because he made a whole fancy meal to come out to her as a marquis. and hes like do u think im creepy now :( and shes like im an alien to you arent I the creepy one?
guys i just feel like youre getting hung up on small stuff and brushing past, um, the killing,,
i especially like her description of herself to him as ‘an alien who only looks as if i’m the same species as you’... like yea u sure are!!!
the comedy in that event. going to your friends house and him going ok just a second and changing into really fancy clothes and shaving and taking his glasses off and youre just sitting there like. well great but im stuck in my normal clothes. because im at your house.
i want to believe he doesnt own contacts he just had that whole convo unable to see clearly
alice he is the head of a government and, i cannot stress this enough, has directly taken lives
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always love snoots analysis
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also strix suggested a headcanon that lorina's funeral happened in gowland's hour. ;;0;; i really like that... he seems to subconsciously draw those events closer to her surface (even if he himself has no idea hes doing that lol)
also she walked in on them CLOSED: WAR CLEANUP. and gowland in a terrible mood playing terrible music (the bgm gets all layered and horrible, it’s perfect) and she does a duet with him to calm him down ;w;
peter reveals to her hes slightly team gowlalice
i do wonder if the recent attack was from the castle tho. lol if so
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free reaction images to good home
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id buy it!
secret special locked account crossposting. not married to any of this as headcanonry just going ??? :
[half asleep] no but its WEIRD that gowland (ROLEHOLDER) seems to have gotten land/wealth from ??? hereditary sources ?????? when from what i remember vivaldi route sort of goes into roleholders legally give up previous familial attachments . 
not that everything vivish didnt get heavily retread later but this stuff is still written before that im pretty sure
is duchess a uniquely hereditary by birth role???? i can role (eyyy) with that i guess??? getting land and status bc ur mom died and passed it down but immediately upon claiming it no longer being legally related to your mom??
(in discord som ppl speculated he was a noble outsider n some ppl speculated he was a noble born faceless. which could be very cool like. oh yeah theres actually all this noble court richguy stuff but it doesnt come up much because of the second, rulier, ruling class)
anyway. fun stuff!! lol i feel in this one they have such a good friendship going i was slightly jumpscared when he starts getting kissy w her and then was like AAA YEA. DATING SIM. FORGOT!
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librarycards · 2 years
All the even numbers!!
What are 2-5 already published nonfiction books you think you want to read in 2023?
Okay, so I'm doing a directed reading in trans studies for dissertation prep, so I'm going to include 5 of the books on that list that I haven't yet read: Trans Care by Hil Malatino, The Terrible We by Cam Awkward-Rich, Black Trans Feminism by Marquis Bey, Females by Andrea Long Chu, and Side Affects by Hil Malatino.
Do you plan to read any genres you haven't read much before?
Not really, but I am always trying to branch out and explore small presses whose catalogues I'm unfamiliar with –– I'm definitely going to do that this year.
Do you have any conceptual reading goals? E.g., I plan to read books on food history.
Apart from the above on trans studies / new presses, I'd like to read more books that incorporate time shifts onto the printed page / skip between "present" and "past" in interesting ways.
Are there any reading challenges you want to try?
I just set myself my goodreads reading challenge every year...but maybe this will also be the year I do that poetry (chap)book every day for a month thing! (unlikely, I'm really busy).
If you're more of a mood reader, what do you think your 2023 reading mood(s) will be?
I think my reading orientation this year will be toward research –– what can/will I receive from each text, how are these texts tools for my projects? That isn't to say I won't be "pleasure reading" (or that there's a clear binary between research/pleasure) but this year will be a time of pretty intense writing practice for me, and I'll need to engage with more books rigorously both for my academic and "nonacademic" pursuits.
What's your 2023 stance on rating/reviewing books?
I do it on goodreads, and include my five-star reviews on my substack newsletter. I don't rate/review every single book, but I do log them all on goodreads and enjoy keeping things organized there.
Do you plan to mostly buy or borrow your books? (Or be the unicorn who reads the books they already own?)
I do a combination of ebooks, audiobooks (both mostly from the library/Libby); purchased print books, purchased/torrented ebooks, and the rare borrowed book. When I purchase books, it's mostly either used or from a small press. I only go to Barnes and Noble twice a year, with gift cards!
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the-book-queen · 3 months
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $1.99!
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FREE ✦ Love, Lies, and Lattes by Karen Cimms
1st POV. He's a famous actor headed to Broadway to prove he's a serious actor -- but the grumpy barista doesn't recognize him when she mistakenly serves him the wrong drink.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3XK3P0R
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$1.49 ✦ Bearista by Zoe Chant
Single mom/barista + former military bear shifter who is now a bodyguard. They meet when an armed robbery happens at the shop.
KU Title
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4btCaED
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$1.99 ✦ A Rogue's Rules for Seduction by Eva Leigh
Second chance + forced proximity. He jilted her for Reasons (TM), now they're stuck at a house party on a remote Scottish isle, thanks to some meddling friends.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/4eZSu30
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$1.99 ✦ Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas
He's a railway magnate wanting to find the perfect wife. But the beautiful and quick-witted woman he wants is determined to marry for love -- and he can't give her that.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3XOEIK7
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$1.99 ✦ The Wild Marquis by Miranda Neville
He is notorious for his wanton ways. She's a perfectly upstanding shopkeeper with a mysterious past.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3ztTMCY
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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