#Buy Accelerant Series Book
madsworld15 · 3 months
New Fic: You Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark (Brian/Justin) - Part 1
Synopsis: Brian is an Award-Winning Author in the process of writing his fourth novel. He's struggling to get the words out on the page while also struggling with the curveballs life has insisted on throwing his way. Justin is a reclusive artist who never fully recovered emotionally from a bashing at his senior prom a decade prior. He rarely goes out in public beyond presenting his art to the gallery owner and getting food/groceries. Both of these men need a spark to jumpstart their lives. Lindsay just might know the perfect accelerant.
Prologue: Brian
Brian sat at his computer. His open document's white, blank nature caused his vision to swim. He rubbed his temple, trying to prevent a headache. At 38, he’d been a published author for a decade. He’d published his first novel independently when he was almost 29. Then, a year later, he’d signed a three-book deal with his current publisher. They’d forced him to write the following two books (his 2nd and 3rd novels, respectfully) in 4 years from signing on the dotted line. His 3rd book was published on his 34th birthday. 
The only reason he’d been able to hold off the vultures about his 4th book in the series, the final as part of his book deal, was that he’d been diagnosed with cancer when he was 34. For the last three and a half years, he’d been fighting cancer and then recuperating. Part of his recovery process had been to purchase the nightclub where he’d spent most of his misspent youth. Babylon had gone under because Saperstein had misappropriated funds into his own pockets and had been more concerned with fucking the dancers than he was about turning a profit. The club quality had gone down by the time Brian stopped frequenting it when he was 34, just shy of his diagnosis. So, last year, when it went on the market, Brian was depressed about the cancer, so his financial advisor and best friend, Ted, told him to use some of his savings to buy a new toy. 
With a sigh, Brian flipped the monitor of his computer off and decided that he wouldn’t get anywhere with this new novel today. It was only 4:30 in the afternoon, but he’d already been staring at a blank screen for 3 hours to no avail. Writing his first book had been easy. The words had simply flowed out of him like they were a piece of his soul. Brian believed they were. He crossed the room and left his office. A quick walk down a short hallway brought him to his kitchen, where he hoped there would be something he could eat in his refrigerator.
Most of the people in his life had gawked at him when he’d sold his loft right after getting the news that he had testicular cancer. The diagnosis had been his wake-up call. He stopped going to the club. He pushed Mel and Linds to renegotiate their custody agreement so that he could spend more time with Gus. Naturally, all this change meant he had to change where he lived, too. There just wasn’t room in his life for a fuckpad anymore. That’s not to say Brian didn’t still have sexual encounters with strangers; he just didn’t do it as frequently as he used to. Part of that was due to the side effects of the cancer (his libido wasn’t what it used to be) and partly because he’d gotten bored with all the anonymous sex. 
What Brian wanted more than anything in the world, and what he couldn’t tell another soul was someone he could come home to. Brian wrote about love and romance in his book series – his protagonist having found the love of his life under a street lamp one hot summer day in the early 2000s when they were on the verge of truly growing up – but couldn’t make it happen in his own life.
After making himself a quick peanut butter and banana sandwich, something Gus had introduced him to and he was now obsessed with, Brian walked toward the back of his two-bedroom house to the ensuite bathroom off the main bedroom. The other small bedroom was Gus’ when he came to stay every other weekend and for a month during the summer. Technically, Brian could say his house had three bedrooms, but the third room had been converted into a study for his writing the moment he’d moved in. The woman who had sold him the house had told him it was the perfect room for guests, but had clapped excitedly when he told her his plans for the room. She’d been an ideal real estate agent if only Brian could remember her name.
He slowly got undressed and stared at his reflection in the mirror. If anyone were to ask Michael or Ted, they would say he’d never been better. According to them, Brian Kinney was at the top of his game. He was a successful author with three books under his belt and a fourth one on its way. Neither of them would say he was lonely or depressed. That’s because Brian hid those parts of himself from them. He’d had enough pity and sympathy to last a lifetime during the year and a half he’d been undergoing cancer treatments. 
Just as he was about to step into his shower, his phone rang, making a hideous vibrating noise on his bathroom sink countertop. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and recentered himself before answering whoever thought calling him right now would be a good idea. He didn’t even look at the caller ID before answering, which was a huge mistake.
“Mr. Kinney.” It was Hunter, the young kid Michael and Ben had adopted. He was now 21 and managed the bar at Babylon. Brian secretly liked the kid, which is why he let him manage the bar instead of just working it. However, today, he didn’t have the patience for whatever Hunter’s nervous tone brought with him.
“Hunter, I’ve told you many times. Mr. Kinney was my father. It's just Brian.” Brian squeezed his temples between his fingers.
“Right. Brian, so we have a problem.” Hunter stalled, clearly not ready to incur the wrath that Brian is famous for on occasion. “I came by the club early because I wanted to be sure the alcohol shipment delivered this morning was stored properly before we open the doors. Anyway,” Hunter stalled out again.
“Just spit it out, kid.” Brian knew he was unreasonably exasperated, but Hunter wasn’t helping matters.
“Someone broke in and trashed the register. It’s not going to be in working order for tonight.” Brian could see Hunter’s nervous face and habit of biting his lip despite being miles from the young man.
“Did they steal anything? Did you check the office upstairs?” Brian was already throwing his jeans back on as he spoke. He could reach the club in about ten minutes once he walked out his front door.
“I don’t have a key to the office, but from where I’m standing, I think someone busted the window on the door and forced it open.” Hunter continued. 
“Fuck.” Brian swore under his breath. “I’ll be there in about ten minutes. Just take stock of what might be out of place or missing. I will call the cops on my way.”
“Okay, Brian.” Hunter agreed, and then, just before hanging up the call, he added, “I’m sorry.”
Brian knew it wasn’t the kid’s fault, but he didn’t try to rush out words of assurance before the call was disconnected. He’d have time to reassure Hunter once he could assess the situation at the club. As he pulled out of his drive, Brian used his hands-free to call the local police.
“Liberty Station 23, how may I direct your call?” The chipper yet well-rehearsed voice that answered almost sent Brian’s nerves off the cliff.
“Hello, my name is Brian Kinney. I own the nightclub Babylon over on Tremont. My employee arrived to do pre-shift set-up duties and informed me of a break-in. I am on my way there now to assess, but I wanted to see if we could get some officers out to make a formal report.” Brian turned onto Tremont just as the woman responded to his statement.
“Do you have security cameras on your property, sir?” She asked in response.
Brian had to take a giant, steadying breath and remind himself that this was a standard question. “Yes, ma’am. I can give the police access to the tapes upon their arrival.”
“Great. I have informed one of our uniformed officers of the complaint. Our closest patrol car is dealing with a minor accident a few blocks over and will be to your address within 20 minutes.” 
“Thank you,” Brian responded with a sigh of gratitude as he pulled into his reserved parking spot at the back of the club.
He pocketed his cell phone and climbed out of his Jeep. Brian did not have the energy or patience for this. It had been a long day, thanks to his doctor appointment with his oncologist and the tests he had run. Brian was confident his cancer hadn’t come back, but every time they went through the checkup paces, it was a bitch. 
He shuffled across the parking lot, entered the club through the back door, and was soon met with Hunter’s harried expression. Brian forced a smile and let out a cough, leading to a coughing fit. Fucking summer allergies.
Hunter raised an eyebrow at him in concern. Brian waved his hand to brush him off. 
“Anything missing here?” Brian glanced around.
“I noticed we were a few cases short on our shipment. High dollar stuff.” Hunter met Brian’s gaze solemnly.
Brian desperately wanted to punch something. He didn’t need this right now. Instead, he turned through the keys on his keychain until he landed on a small silver one. He then motioned for Hunter to follow him as he trudged up the stairs to the office. 
“Have you gone up here yet?” Brian threw over his shoulder.
“Nope. I was waiting for you.” Hunter shrugged. 
Brian shook his head, “I actually kind of miss the snark you used to have all the time. You were one hell of a bratty teen, but it was amusing to watch.”
They arrived at the office, and Brian sighed heavily at seeing his neatly organized employee and budget files strewn all over the floor. Before he could step into the room further, Hunter’s arms locked him in place against the broken door and its frame.
“We’ve got some time til the cops show up. I’ve always wanted to show you my appreciation.” Hunter waggled his eyebrows and looked Brian up and down before he pushed off the wall and laughed.
“Missed my obnoxious flirting, did you?” Hunter smirked as he started to help Brian pick up the mess of papers.
Brian rubbed his hand across his mouth, hiding his smile. Hunter was indeed a great person to have around in a crisis. The stress and anxiety that had been coursing through his veins minutes ago was gone entirely. Now, Brian could focus on checking the safe for the extra cash and important documents and ensuring they hadn’t been taken.
Once he got to the safe, it was clear it hadn’t been broken into. So, it looked as though the thief only made away with what they could find as the bar, which wasn’t much since the register had been empty, as they hadn’t opened yet. Brian wondered who would’ve broken in and messed with the documents in his office. Turning around to survey the whole room, Brian wondered if he had any enemies. Or worse, if someone had finally discovered his identity.
When he published his first novel, Brian purposely published it under a pseudonym to maintain anonymity, especially if the book didn’t do well. But when it sold well and Brian hired a publisher, he kept the name. His publisher tried to say he needed to use his real name instead of Peter James to be more than a one-time success, but Brian stood firm. He liked living a normal life and not having to deal with the general public.
Hell, even Debbie didn’t know he was a published author. She still believed he wrote ad copy for Vanguard. His secret was much too precious to him, and Debbie meant well, but more often than not, she ran her mouth where she shouldn’t. In the early days of his writing career, Brian had contemplated keeping it a secret from everyone but Michael and Lindsay, but he soon realized he needed financial advice from Ted. And he couldn’t keep a secret from Emmett even if he tried; the Southerner was too perceptive.
“Brian?” Hunter’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He was holding Hunter’s employment file in his hand. Brian smirked.
He looked up and saw a couple of uniformed officers standing before him.
“I heard them arrive, so I showed them around downstairs. They wanted to see the office and talk to you.” Hunter gave a small smile before he backed out and headed back down the stairs.
“Hello, officers.” Brian tossed Hunter’s file on top of the desk. “I appreciate you coming over to assess the damages and theft.”
He gave them his most charming smile. It lasted only briefly before he started coughing again.
“Of course, Mr. Kinney. Dispatch said you own this establishment.” The older of the two cops scoffed as he looked around. “Are you sure anything was taken? Maybe just a jilted lover trying to get back at you.”
Brian licked his lips, drawing them in. He wasn’t going to lose his cool on this clearly homophobic cop.
“I’m happily single. I have been for years. And, yes, some alcohol was stolen from behind the bar. And so was our emergency stash of cash hidden at the back of the shelf under the bar.” Brian gave him a winning smile. “Not to mention the hundreds if not thousands of dollars in damages done here.”
“Lt. Bowers didn’t mean anything by it, sir.” The younger cop, a blond about Brian’s age, jumps in, hearing the bite in Brian’s voice.
“No, he did. But that’s okay. He doesn’t realize our money is just as good as his.” Brian stepped up to the older cop, “Bowers, is it? Maybe just take the report and let someone else investigate it.”
“I can take down your complaint, sir.” The blond stepped up again as Lt. Bowers glared at Brian, spit on the floor between their feet, and left to go back down.
Brian shook his head, rubbed his temple, and addressed the remaining officer. “What’s your name?”
“Officer Corbin. I, um, actually come here a lot on my nights off.” The young man looked at the floor all of a sudden.
Brian nodded and smiled. “Of course. I’m sorry you have to work with that.” He motioned downstairs before crossing over to sit behind his desk.
“Do you know why someone would target this establishment?” Corbin pulled out his notebook.
“You mean besides the obvious?” Brian raised his eyebrow. “No. I was just starting to look through employee files when you arrived. Maybe someone I recently fired.” 
Corbin nodded along, taking notes. “How much was in your emergency cash stash?”
Brian closed his eyes, a headache was starting to form behind his eyes. “Uhm. I would say around $150. We don’t keep a lot there. Just enough to stock the register during a rush.”
“You also mentioned some alcohol was stolen?”
“My bar manager, Hunter, came in early today to put away our shipment. He stated that a couple of cases of high-shelf liquor were missing. I haven’t had a chance to check with our supplier yet, but my money's on the thief. I’ve never had an issue with my supplier.”
Corbin nodded again, looking over his notes. “Alright, Mr. Kinney. We have enough to start the investigation. If you find out more on your end, let us know.” 
The blond pulled a card from his notebook and handed it to Brian. Corbin winked at him before whispering, “I also wrote down my cell in case you need or want to call.”
Brian appreciated the man’s balls. He full-on propositioned the owner of an establishment he was investigating. It was something Brian would’ve done five years ago.
After the officers had left, Brian wanted to go himself but knew his office needed to be put right. As he gathered the scattered files, he noticed Hunter standing in the doorway.
“Do you think it could be someone we’ve kicked out or fired?” Hunter had his hands shoved in his pockets and his shoulders hunched, reminding Brian how small he used to make himself while working the streets.
Brian dropped the papers in his hand and crossed the room. Without a word, he wrapped Hunter in an embrace.
“It’s okay. You’re safe. I’ll make sure they catch who did this.” 
Hunter returned the embrace briefly before he moved back, clearing his throat.
“Anyway, you need help up here?” 
Brian shook his head. “No, I’m just going to be reorganizing these and trying to find something to point the officers in the right direction.”
“What are we going to do about the register for tonight? Or are we staying closed?” Hunter fiddled with the broken wood hanging loose on the frame. 
“Shit.” Brian brought his hand to his forehead again. He bit his lip, thinking hard. “We are going to be open. I’ll think of something.” 
With that, Hunter went back to the bar to continue the cleanup process. Brian watched him walk away until he was low enough on the stairs and fell out of sight. Brian’s headache was persisting to the point he could barely focus.
He pulled out his phone and dialed the person he could rely on for a quick solution.
“Em, hey. I need a huge favor.” Brian responded the minute his friend picked up.
“I will not have sex with you, Brian. I have to draw the line somewhere.” Emmett deadpanned, not missing a beat.
“Haha.” Brian snarked. “Do you know where I can get a cash register replacement in the next few hours?”
“Did you consider asking Michael? You know, the other budding entrepreneur in our group? Maybe he can loan you the one from his shop.” Emmett smiled brightly, and Brian could feel its warmth through the phone. 
“Em, how do I survive without you?” Brian heaved a sigh of relief. He knew without asking, his oldest friend would come to his aid in a pinch.
“You don’t.” The queen laughed. “Look, I gotta go. Leavenworth’s Bridal Shower waits for no one.”
Brian wasn’t able to thank the man before he was gone again. 
With one last look at the stack of files, he needed to move from his desk to the cabinet where they belonged. Brian decided to abandon the task and instead find a replacement register. He walked down to see how Hunter was fairing with his portion of the mess. 
“Hey, do you think your dad could let us borrow his cash register?” Brian leaned on the countertop and watched the lad straighten the shelves.
“They smashed quite a few of the open bottles. I swear our shoes are gonna stick to the floor for months.” Hunter muttered, clearly not hearing Brian’s question but registering his presence.
“Shoes have been sticking to the floor of Babylon for years, and not because of the liquor,” Brian smirked. Hunter met his gaze and shuddered.
“Oh, come on. You used to do much worse on the streets.” Brian quirked an eyebrow, “Besides, I was kidding. Now, about your dad.”
“Which one?” Hunter returned to wiping down bottles with a towel before placing them back on the shelf.
“Keep up.” Brian snapped his fingers. “Michael. The one who’d have a cash register we could borrow.”
Hunter shrugged. “I’m not sure. Why don’t you just ask him?”
Brian kicked his lips. “Because he has the ability to say no to me, but with you, he doesn’t.”
Hunter shook his head with a smile. “You’re bad. Fine. I’ll ask him and then go and get it from him.”
“Good boy!” Brian gripped the back of Hunter’s head briefly.
It was after midnight, and Brian was finally back home. He was certain that if he tried to shower now, he’d fall asleep standing up, so he set his alarm for a little bit earlier and threw his clothes toward the hamper. He climbed into bed and was asleep within minutes.
The following day, his alarm blared much too early. Brian groaned but knew he couldn’t hit snooze because he was meeting the group for breakfast at the diner. And, of course, that meant he had to dress in a suit and tie. He wasn’t looking forward to it. 
He got out of bed, coughing as he walked into the bathroom for a shower. The steam cleared his chest more than he’d experienced in days. These summer allergies were killing him this year. He washed his hair and body quickly before getting out. Usually, Brian loved to take his time showering, but today, he didn’t have time.
He walked over to his closet and tried to decide which button-down and tie to wear when his phone rang. A glance at the clock told him it was 7:45 am. Who the fuck would be calling him this early?
He picked up his cell and answered it. He cradled the phone between his shoulder and left ear, threw on a navy blue shirt, and fiddled with the cuff as he answered.
“Brian? Oh, thank god I was able to reach you. We are kind of in a bind. Mel’s mom is in the hospital, and we need to be with her. I’d bring Gus, but hospitals are terribly boring, and it’s summer. Can you take him for your month a few weeks early?” Lindsay’s tone was highly anxious, and Brian knew the blonde was downing all the coffee and donuts possible.
He smiled, tucking in his lips. More time with his son was always welcomed. But he also liked to make Lindsay squirm a bit.
“I don’t know, Wendy. I’m pretty booked. I just don't have the time between writing, doctor's appointments, and public appearances.” Brian switched the phone to his other shoulder and worked on pulling his shirt on the other side.
“Oh, Brian!” She exclaimed. “You almost had me. But then you had to say public appearances. You hate the general public.”
“Guilty as charged. I’ll be at Liberty Diner for breakfast with the guys for the next hour. Bring him there. I’ll get him some pancakes.” Brian chuckled.
“You’re a lifesaver. Truly.” Lindsay exclaimed with a breath of relief. “See you soon, Peter.”
Brian hung up his phone and finished putting on his pants, socks, and shoes. He grabbed a light blue tie and walked to his kitchen to get his keys. He had a coughing fit just before leaving and considered bailing on Thursday's breakfast with the gang. Then his lungs calmed down, and he knew that if he didn’t show up, everyone would end up here, which was worse.
“You look like shit!” Brian was greeted by Michael’s harsh tone the minute he sat down.
“You would too if you’d been up half the night because of a break-in and then had to get up early the next day.” Brian groused and motioned for Debbie to bring him some coffee.
The redheaded woman came shuffling over. “You okay, honey? Your health still good?” She placed a gentle hand on his face and poured him a cup.
“I’m fine, ma. Just tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. Someone broke into Babylon yesterday morning. So, that was a nightmare I had to deal with all afternoon and evening.” Brian sighed but gave Debbie a reassuring smile.
Debbie placed a hand on her chest in concern. “Was anything stolen? Anyone hurt?”
“No. The place was empty. They got away with a couple hundred in cash and some high-shelf liquor. Hunter was able to help me clean things up.” Brian looked up at his mom and reassured her once more.
“Speaking of which. Where’s my cash register?” Michael stared at Brian from across the booth.
“Relax.” Brian sighed again. “I instructed Hunter to return it to your shop and set it back up for you.” 
Michael looked as though he was about to argue when a blur of brunette hair and knobby limbs attached itself to Brian’s chest and lap.
“Daddy!” Gus cried with a wide, half-toothless grin. “Momma said you’d get me pancakes!” 
Brian turned slightly to see a majorly put-out Lindsay. She had a bag slung over her shoulder and forced a smile as she dropped it by Brian’s feet.
“You do know he has clothes at my place, right?” Brian glanced at the bag.
“You don’t have my Superman shirts, Daddy!” Gus petulantly exclaimed, moving to the bench next to Brian. “‘Sides, I’m with you ALL summer.”
“Try a month and a half. That’s hardly all summer.” Brian laughed and made a face at Gus to get him to laugh, too. 
Just then, his lungs revolted again, and Brian found himself in a coughing fit. He got himself under control and gulped down a glass of water, but everyone else stared at him.
“Jesus, it’s just a cough. Chill.” Brian glared at each of his family members separately, except Gus.
“I had a cough and runny nose last week. Momma said it was poolen.” Gus shrugged, drinking the juice Debbie had left and brought back for him.
“Pollen, Sonny boy.” Brian rubbed Gus’ hair and turned to everyone else. “A trait he gets from me. Now stop clutching your pearls and move on.”
A small voice at the back of Brian’s mind started raising alarm bells about the cough, but he shoved it down. He didn’t have time to investigate that train of thought, nor did he want to. His testicular cancer had been hard enough, considering it had spread to his abdomen and his lymph nodes on the kidneys. His doctor has warned he could relapse with cancer in another part of his body. He didn’t have time to think of this.
“Brian,” Lindsay’s voice cut into his inner thoughts, bringing him back to the surface. He turned his head to look at her directly.
“Gus has a playdate with his best friend, Walter…” Lindsay began before Brian cut her off.
“Walter?! What is he friends with a 78-year-old man?” Brian scoffed.
“He’s eight.” Lindsay rolled her eyes, her patience for Brian’s usual banter nowhere to be found, “Anyway, he has this playdate on Saturday. You can just drop him off around 11. Gus will stay for lunch, and usually, when Mel and I pick him up, we stay for dinner with Walter’s family since we’re friends with his mom, but you don’t have to.”
“Thank you for the permission,” Brian grumbled.
“Don’t be a dick.” Debbie chimed in; Brian had forgotten she was still hanging around.
“Walter’s the best! He has the latest Mario!” Gus looked up from his plate of pancakes, pausing his fork halfway to his mouth.
“The latest Mario?!” Brian’s eyes got big in excitement. “Why didn’t you say so? Of course, I’ll take you over to see him.”
“Thank you, Peter.” Lindsay leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “Gus, baby. Momma and Mama Mel have to go away for a few days. We will call you tonight. Be good for Daddy.” She then leaned behind Brian to catch Gus on the top of his head.
“Bye, Momma,” Gus stated without looking at her, more interested in his plate of pancakes.
Once Lindsay was gone, Debbie finally got around to taking Brian’s breakfast order. Then she, too, walked off to get back to work. Brian watched her walk away. Debbie had always loved him from the moment she met him. But that also meant she was his toughest critic. Brian hated that he kept his true career from her. She deserved to know the truth, but Brian also deserved to be able to live a life without harassment from people who were fans or otherwise.
“So, do you have any idea who could’ve broken into Babylon?” Ted broke the silence, sipping from his coffee.
Brian shook his head, “No, the one officer thought I deserved it. But, the younger one thinks they’ll be able to solve it easy enough. He was the one who sent over some forensic people to fingerprint the bar and my office. If it had been up to his partner, nothing would’ve been reported.”
Michael looked up from his eggs, confused. “Why?”
“Because, Mikey, it's a gay club.” Brian gave his best friend a pointed look until the dark-haired man’s demeanor changed.
“By Jove, I think he’s got it!” Brian mocked.
“Shut up, Brian.” Michael groused just as Debbie returned with Brian’s egg whites and wheat toast.
“I swear, you need to eat more. You’re nothing but skin and bones.” Debbie commented as she placed his plate down. He saw that she had added a glazed donut to his order. Brian smiled at his plate.
“It’s not my fault my body doesn’t gain any fat.” Brian shrugged.
The door jingled, and Brian turned to see who was coming in. It was a stranger, but the most beautiful stranger Brian had ever seen. The young man had to be almost 30 with hair as golden as sunlight. He didn’t look around or even make eye contact with anyone. However, Debbie must recognize him because she walks over to him and greets him with a nickname. Brian doesn’t pick up on their exchange because they’re too far away. Satisfied that he’d stared at the young man long enough, Brian turned his attention to his food.
A few hours later, Brian was back at his house typing away at his manuscript with Gus on the floor, playing with his trains. Just then, his train of thought was interrupted by the shrill ringing of his phone. Brian sighed. He had a specific tone for his editor, and this was it.
“Roger!” Brian answered the phone, making a face at Gus, who giggled.
“Brian, I’m waiting for your first draft. Can I expect it by the end of this week?” Roger was pretending to be cheerful and nice, which meant Brian was in deep shit with him if he didn’t have some kind of response.
“I can’t send you a whole draft, but I should have at least 3 chapters for you by then. I’m almost done with the first two as we speak.” Brian continued to type and talk at the same time.
“Brian,” Roger gave an exasperated sigh. “You know we gave you some leeway a few years ago because of your cancer diagnosis, but you’re obligated under your contract.”
“I know!” Brian stopped typing and practically hissed through the phone, “I went to see my oncologist yesterday for a follow-up, and I’m a bit rundown at the moment because of a cold. I will get you the first three chapters by tomorrow.”
Gus looked up, concerned at Brian’s tone, but Brian smiled at the young kid and silently reassured him.
“Fine. But we expect you to have the rest of the draft by the end of the summer. No more extensions, or you will be in breech of contract.” And with that, Roger hung up.
Brian threw his phone down and dropped his head into his hands. His whole body was exhausted, and the headache from last night had never gone away. If he didn’t have Gus with him he would’ve already crawled back into bed. Before he could start his writing once more, his phone went off again. This time it was the regular ringtone which meant it was from a nonsaved number or a contact he hadn’t given a special tone to.
“Hello?” Brian answered his cell, not recognizing the number.
“Mr. Kinney? This is Officer Corbin from last night.” The voice on the other end replied.
“Oh! Officer Corbin.” Brian relaxed considerably. “What’s the word?”
“Well, we had time to review your security tapes, and we found some suspicious people lurking about outside early yesterday, and one went out of frame, so we believe he’s the one who broke in. Because when we look at the time stamp on the videos from inside the bar, a person shows up in frame not 30 seconds after one disappeared from outside.”
Brian rubbed his temple, “That’s great. Are you able to make an ID off the video?”
“Unfortunately, the person is wearing a hood. But, we are still analyzing the fingerprints we lifted from the scene. Those might turn up something. In the meantime, I suggest you go about business as usual and let me know if you think of anyone who might have done this.” Corbin’s voice was gentle and kind. Brian’s dick twitched, hopefully. Fuck. I need to get laid.
After hanging up with Officer Corbin. Brian got up from his desk and went to the kitchen. Gus followed him, asking for some juice. Brian shook his head and smiled to himself. He was so grateful that after years of disinterest, Brian was able to convince Lindsay and Melanie that he deserved some time with his son. 
“How about we go to the skate park later so you can work on your skateboard tricks?” Brian asked Gus as he handed the kid a glass of watered-down apple juice.
“Really?!” Gus’s eyes lit up, and he started to bounce around the kitchen. “Mommas don’t let me skateboard; they say it’s too dangerous.” 
“That’s why you only do it with me.” Brian tapped his nose to signify the whole thing was their little secret.
“You sure you aren’t too tired?” Gus stopped abruptly and looked up at Brian with concern. “You have what Momma Mel calls raccoon eyes.”
Brian knelt down to Gus’ level. He placed a hand on the kid’s cheek in gentle reassurance. “I’m a bit tired, but not too tired to watch you skate. Never too tired for that.”
Gus nodded, but his eyes told Brian he was still concerned. They were settled back in Brian’s study when his cell rang for a third time.
Gus looked up, “You’re super busy today, Daddy!”
Brian chuckled and gently shook his head, “I really am. Must be famous or something.” He stuck his tongue against his cheek and gave Gus a wink.
This ringtone was the one assigned to his doctor. Brian took a deep breath, tucked his lips behind his teeth, and steeled himself for an unpleasant conversation. He glanced over at Gus once more and decided he needed to take this call in his bedroom instead. If it wasn’t good news he didn’t want Gus to worry.
“Hey, Doc.” Brian tentatively greeted him once he finally answered. “Sorry for the delay. I have my son with me, so I wanted to keep him occupied before we talked.”
“I’m glad you did that.” Dr. Sanjay sighed, “Brian, I was concerned when you told me you’d been more tired lately, and then I heard your cough yesterday. So, I rushed the results of your bloodwork.” He paused.
“It’s not good is it.” Brian’s stomach dropped. His fears were realized as he thought over his bone-deep exhaustion and persistent cough the past week or so.
“I would much rather we have this conversation in person. Can you come by my office this afternoon?”
“I just promised my son I would take him to the skatepark.” Brian knew his excuse was pathetic the minute it left his lips. “Can’t we wait until tomorrow morning?”
“I would much rather you come in today. With your age and your history, it’s best we handle this sooner rather than later.” Dr. Sanjay all but confirmed Brian had relapsed.
“But, I’ve been in remission for over a year.” Brian could hear his own voice break. He wasn’t an outwardly emotional person, but it was all too much. He had just started to lead a life he was proud of. Brian was spending most of his time with his son, appreciating his friends like he should. He’d even stopped smoking and doing drugs upon his previous cancer diagnosis.
“Brian.” Dr. Sanjay was a patient and kind man, but even he had his limits. “Please come into my office at 3 pm today.”
“I’ll try to find someone to watch my son. He doesn’t need to hear any of this.” Brian replied before he hung up. 
Holding his cell in his hand, Brian felt the sting of tears. He didn’t deserve any of this. Or maybe he did. After all, most of his younger years were spent being closed off and a borderline asshole to everyone around him, including his closest friends. After a lifetime of verbal, physical, and emotional abuse from his parents, Brian decided he didn’t need love. Love was something idiots convinced themselves they needed, but he knew the truth. You could only rely on yourself.
Then, he’d been diagnosed with embryonal carcinoma, one of the most aggressive kinds of testicular cancer. Go figure. Knowing that his cancer wasn’t so easily cured, Brian realized he needed to make some changes. He stopped drinking, doing drugs, and going to the club almost every night. He spent more time with his son and told himself that he was ready to find someone to have a serious relationship with. The only problem was Brian forgot to worry about the supreme likelihood that his cancer would relapse within five years.
Brian dropped his phone to the mattress beside him and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes. He couldn’t cry. Not with Gus in the other room. He had to remain strong. His son didn’t need to know he was sick again. At least not before he got the details from Dr. Sanjay. No, Brian needed to take a deep breath and regroup. Gus was going to be disappointed that plans had changed, but Brian knew his doctor meant business. With another deep sigh, Brian got off his bed and went back to his study.
He stood quietly in the doorway and watched as Gus drew pictures in a sketchpad. The kid was only 8, but already he was showing signs of true talent. Most kids his age liked to scribble or make nondescript images and claim they were things such as a parent or a pet. But Gus drew things that actually looked like the stuff he would then describe. He must’ve sensed Brian was back because he looked up, smiled, and then held up his drawing.
“I drew us at the skatepark, Daddy!” Gus exclaimed. Brian held back tears as he looked at two somewhat humanoid figures on skateboards.
“But I don’t know how to do that. I barely function with my feet on the ground.” Brian stepped into the space and ruffled Gus’ hair. He leaned over and placed a kiss where his hand had been. “I really like it though.”
“Later, when we go skating, I want to show you this kickflip Walter’s older brother showed me.” Gus turned back to his art.
Brian cleared his throat. “About that. I know I said I would take you to the park today, but something came up. I can’t today, but I promise we will go tomorrow.”
Gus didn’t even miss a beat, “Don’t promise something you can’t keep.” 
And boy, did that one hit Brian deep in his chest. Gus was old enough to remember the times Brian had promised to visit or come to some achievement of his and hadn’t bothered to show up. He had been making strides these last three years, but it didn’t make up for five years of disappointments. 
“I can keep this one. I don’t have anything on my calendar tomorrow so we can go first thing in the morning even.” Brian bit his bottom lip, his eyes never leaving his son.
“Whatever.” Gus was disappointed but he’d never outright say it. “So, who will I stay with when you go do your thing?”
“I was thinking Emmett. This thing I have to do. I don’t want others to know about it, and Auntie Em is the least likely to give me any grief about it.” Brian had a no-bullshit policy when it came to how he talked to Gus. The kid appreciated it and Brian found it went a long way toward building Gus’ trust in him.
“Facts.” Gus nodded, then, with a mischievous grin, looked up at Brian. “Plus, Em always gives me all the cookies I want.”
“No more than four,” Brian responded in his firmest dad voice.
Brian shook his head as Gus went back to happily drawing. He pulled up Emmett’s number and dialed.
“Wow, two times in one day, Mr. Kinney must be bored.” Emmett greeted him. “Or needs to get laid desperately, so he needs a babysitter.”
“Emmett,” Brian warned. 
“Okay. Fine. What can I do for you, Brian?” 
“One, I’m never bored. Two, I get laid more than you think. And three, it’s not babysitting when the kid is 8.” Brian leaned back in his chair. “But you weren’t wrong. I do need a sitter for about an hour around 3.”
“Don’t you think Gus would have much more fun playing around Michael’s comic book store than watching me prepare appetizers for a black-tie affair?” Emmett’s voice sounded a bit distant, which told Brian the man had put him on speaker.
Brian rubbed his temples again. “He probably would, but Mikey,” Brian emphasized the name in an exasperated grit, “Would ask a million questions.”
Emmett’s breath hitched on the other end of the line. “Bri? What exactly will you be doing during this hour?”
Brian closed his eyes and sighed, “Dr. Sanjay wants to go over my test results from yesterday.”
Emmett gave a small gasp but then quickly recovered. “And you don’t need Gus knowing something is up.”
“Exactly.” Brian readily agreed. He was so glad he called Emmett. “I knew you’d understand and drop it.”
“Of course, no questions asked. Unless you want to share.”
“Not at this moment. But we will see what he says, and I’ll go from there.” Brian let out a shaky breath but masked it with a small cough.
“I’ll see you soon,” Emmett whispered, his emotions flooding through his voice. Brian knew his friend was going to wrap him in a hug the minute he dropped off Gus, but found in that moment he didn’t mind. “Tell Gus that we’ll be making Brownie Bites and Cake Pops. I’ll even let him taste test.”
Brian smiled, “Thank you, Emmett.”
“Anytime, Kinney.”
“Whatever, Honeycutt.” 
The two hung up. Brian felt considerably lighter than he had hanging up with Dr. Sanjay. Even if he got the worst news a few hours from now, Emmett would be there to make sure it was business as usual for Gus. Brian wasn’t alone in this fight. The thought of having a family worry about him used to freak him out and send him running for the hills, but now, he embraced it.
“Sonny boy.” Brian broke the silence to get Gus’ attention. “We are going to head over to Emmett’s in about an hour. You can go watch cartoons if you want. I need to call your Momma.”
Gus jumped up and ran to the front room. Brian watched his son leave, unaware that after today things would never be the same for him again. He didn’t remember Brian’s illness last time because Lindsay and Mel had decided he was too young to know. So, they hadn’t told him. He just knew that his Daddy was sick a couple of times when his Momma brought him over for a visit.
Brian worried his lip; he didn’t want to give Lindsay the heads-up. When it came to emotional reactions, hers was always the worst out of everyone in the family. He knew she would want to rush back home to be with him and that she’d want him to immediately tell everyone else. But he also couldn’t keep this from her because if Brian had to start treatments right away, someone would need to be there for Gus, despite their custody agreement.
“Bri, is everything okay? It’s only been a few hours. Is Gus okay?” Lindsay’s voice was immediately on high alert.
“Gus is fine.” Brian sighed. “I just wanted to call and give you a heads up. My doctor called a little bit ago and asked me to come in for further discussion. I’m certain I’ve relapsed.”
“You don’t know that. He could just want to go over all the results and give you pointers on how to stay healthy.” Lindsay tried to be devil’s advocate, but even she knew her words didn’t sound confident in the slightest.
“What about Gus? Is he aware?”
“No, I left him in the other room before I answered my doctor’s call. And I’m taking him over to Emmett’s. He knows I have to do something, but he thinks it's for work.” Brian rubbed his free hand through his hair.
“Well, please let me know what you find out. We are here for you. Please don’t forget that.” Lindsay’s voice was back to being the strong, confident, empathetic friend that Brian knew and loved.
“I will. I might need to adjust our Gus agreement. Depending on what he says.” Brian bit his lip. The tears stung the back of his eyes again. 
“We will cross that bridge when we need to. In the meantime, take a deep breath. Everything is going to be fine.”
“I’m not so sure this time, Wendy.” Brian’s voice came out broken and wet.
“You just have to believe, Peter.” Lindsay’s warmth caught him in his chest, and he smiled despite himself.
Brian sat nervously across from Dr. Sanjay. The man had a file folder open with Brian’s test results inside. There was an awkward silence building between them. He knew the man was just trying to collect all the facts and determine how he would tell Brian, but that didn’t make the wait any easier.
“How are you feeling today? Any better?” Dr. Sanjay finally looked up, addressing Brian directly.
“No worse, no better.” Brian’s leg started to bounce nervously. “Can we just cut the bullshit?”
“Sorry, I figured I would ease you into it. I forgot you’re more of a rip the bandaid off kind of guy.”
“I’d rather you give it to me straight than worry about feelings.”
“Your blood work came back with an elevated white blood cell count. I would like for you to get a Chest CT done before you leave here today. That will just confirm what I already suspect.” Dr. Sanjay gave Brian a grim look before continuing. “I told you last time that your form of testicular cancer had a chance of spreading and taking root in other parts of your body. I know it’s been over a year since we cleared you, but there’s a chance that, at that time, your vascular system had an amount of cancer undetectable by our testing.”
“I know. You told me that remission didn’t mean completely gone, just that it was no longer actively detectable.” Brian sucked in his bottom lip and gave Dr. Sanjay a stony gaze. “Now, you’re saying it's detectable again and probably spread.”
“My guess is that it’s spread to your lungs or that you’ve developed lung cancer as a secondary diagnosis to the embryonal carcinoma.” Dr. Sanjay responded, his eyes soft and sympathetic. “We won’t know for sure until after the results of your CT scan and a lung biopsy.”
“What kind of prognosis am I looking at this time?” Brian whispered, barely able to get the words out past the heaviness in his chest.
“With lung cancer, your prognosis drops to about 60%, even lower if it’s in an advanced stage.” Dr. Sanjay reached forward as if to grab Brian’s hand, but he pulled himself back.
“Okay. Great. Let’s do that scan, and I’ll be on my way.” Brian needed to get out of this small, cramped office before he exploded.
“Brian, I understand you need time to process this, but please don’t bury your head in the sand.” Dr. Sanjay called after him. “I will call you when I have the results of your scan.”
With that, Brian left his office and walked over to the diagnostic center next door. An hour later, he was with Emmett and Gus, eating his weight in chocolate chip cookies and denying that anything was wrong.
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bookish-loner · 2 years
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“Powerless” by Elsie Silver
“Like we’re two opposite ends of a magnet, there’s no resisting the pull. There are forces beyond us at work now, and we’re at their mercy. Maybe it’s science. Maybe it’s fate.”
Sloane Winthrop’s wedding day has arrived, but something doesn’t feel right. After receiving information about her fiance’s less-than-faithful behavior right before walking down the aisle, she decides to leave him at the altar. Her best friend and childhood crush, Jasper Gervais helps her escape to their refuge: Wishing Well Ranch. Once the two are alone, they’re forced to face the feelings they’ve denied for years. What’s more, devastating news about Sloane’s cousin, Beau, rocks their fragile happiness. Wanting to support their loved ones, Sloane and Jasper volunteer to take a roadtrip to Gold Rush Ranch and help Violet. Could time alone be the perfect solution to their problems? Or will it only accelerate the tough conversations they’ve been putting off?
-I was really hyped for “Powerless”, and this book absolutely delivers. Somehow Elsie managed to top “Heartless”, and Jasper is my new favorite MMC. This book is full of great tropes: runaway bride, there’s only one room at the hotel, childhood friends to lovers. But more than that, Sloane and Jasper are really interesting characters. I enjoyed every second of this book and their love story.
-I haven’t read very many friends to lovers romances, but I think it’s a trope I need to explore further. Elsie did an excellent job establishing a background for Sloane and Jasper that was easy to buy into. Jasper is a character readers are somewhat familiar with, he makes appearances in “Flawless” and “Heartless”. However, Sloane’s first appearance is a brief scene in “Heartless”. Jasper and Sloane are best friends, but readers aren’t privy to their relationship until “Powerless”.
-Jasper’s backstory is in many ways a mirror opposite to Sloane’s. Jasper comes from a low income family, and his parents abandoned him after a horrifying accident involving his sister. Sloane’s father is a wealthy businessman, allowing her to grow up in a protective bubble. Yet, despite Sloane and Jasper’s differences, they begin to confide in each other and build a strong friendship. Outside of their romance, I enjoyed their friendship, and learning more about how they’ve constantly supported each other for nearly two decades.
-Sloane’s character arc is one that I think will resonate with many readers, it certainly did for me. I loved the comparison between Sloane being a people pleaser, and a ballerina in a music box. You open the box when you want, wind it up, and the ballerina pops out dancing and smiling. It’s not much different for Sloane. All of her life she was told what to do, including who to marry. The breaking point for her is simultaneously sad and satisfying. We can see how deeply she cares for her parents and their approval, but along the way she lost sight of her personal identity and happiness.
-The spice wasn’t what I was expecting, but I mean that in a good way. Readers will get to enjoy a level of intimacy not seen before in Elsie’s novels. By the end of the book Jasper’s kinks make a lot of sense, and Sloane’s ability to accept them proves how compatible they are.
-I loved reading about all the previous couples, including the ones from the Gold Rush Ranch series; it felt like checking in with an old friend. While these books do contain stories about singular relationships, I think the Chestnut Springs series will be more enjoyable if they are read in order.
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philippmichelreichold · 3 months
on Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney
Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney, consists of a number of simply plotted little stories by some of science fiction's best. They are simply plotted yet enthralling. Don't know what passes for young adult fiction these days, but these stories fit the bill for me in days gone buy.
10. "Yesterday's Fantasy, Today's Fact-an Introduction". essay by Ross R. Olney No one has read much science fiction without having been told how imaginative/speculative/science fiction/fantasy foretold most common place advances long before they were made. This may have been the first book in which I read the idea.
15. "All the Time in the World". (1952). short story by Arthur C. Clarke Sir Author C. Clarke is best known for "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Childhood's End", and "Rendezvous with Rama".
Any offer that sounds too good probably has a catch, and so it is in this story. Say you're a thief by trade and someone offers a million pounds to hire you to clean out a national museum. They offer to lend you a bracelet that accelerates time around you so that you can be in and out in a flash. or a blink of an eye. You'd be a fool not to, right?
A tight little story about the thief's moral qualms. The ending was not surprising. Would have made a good Twilight Zone. It was an episode in the TV series Tales of Tomorrow. It was Clarke's first story adapted to TV.
34. "Puppet Show." (1962). short story by Fredric Brown. Fredric Brown also wrote "Arena", the story the Star Trek (TOS) episode of the same name was/wasn't based on. First contacts can be dicey. Say you're assigned by a vast Galactic Federation to evaluate Earth in general and the United States in particular. What questions would you ask and what assurances would you make? And what sort of tests would you perform? And what is a "master race" anyway? A pointy little story about ethnocentrism. It's one of Brown's last stories and one of several First Contact stories. Brown does a wonderful job of setting up the reader for the ending.
50. "Birds of a Feather" is a1958 novelette by Robert Silverberg
Robert Silverberg sold his first stories in 1953 and 1954. He still writes a column for Asimov's Science Fiction. The first story of his I remember reading is "Nightwings" in The Hugo Winners.
Birds are ruthless competitors. They are the surviving dinosaurs, and their survival instincts are hard-wired into their old reptile cortices. How fitting an analogy to describe the protagonist and antagonist in this story. Say you run a special sort of show. Non-humans line up to get in. You have to turn away most. But what if a con artist puts one over you and horns in under false pretenses? Now you've got an employee sharp enough to squeeze you out of a sweet deal. But he can't out-con a con, when you've got the goods on him.
This is a fun and imaginative read. The variety of xenomorphs reminds me of Poul Anderson's stories.
82. "Clutch of Morpheus" is a 1946 a short story by William Campbell Gault [as by Larry Sternig
Say you were born with a mutation. Not an obvious-to-the-eye mutation, but you don't sleep, haven't slept, can't sleep. Say you've been poked and prodded and examined by scientists and physicians and the public to the point of taking an assumed name to avoid further publicity. But you're curious-- what's it like? you wonder. What's it like to sleep? So you look up the leading anesthesiologist in the country and discuss it with him over dinner. Meanwhile, there's a comet in the sky, and Earth is situated in its tale, and will be for some time. Long story short, it has a soporific effect on everyone else. You get to figure out the solution to their problem, which happens to be the solution to your own, through an incredible string of co-incidences.
The story stretches the ability to suspend disbelief, which wasn't a problem when I first read the story, and which does not seem an insurmountable problem in most readers of science fiction. Mumblety-mumble years of reading this stuff means seldom being surprised by an ending, but I enjoyed it just the same.
105. "The Last Command" is a Bolo 1967 short story by Keith Laumer Dave Drake tells in his preface to Hammer's Slammers that he was heavily influenced by Laumer's Bolo's. The professionalism and dedication to duty that Drake describes in his own unit, the Viet Nam era Blackhorse , is seen also in Laumer's , "Unit LNE of the Dinochrome Brigade." It is the story of a Mark XXVIII Bolo and his former commander, Lieutenant Sanders.
Say you awaken buried and crippled, the blasting at a construction site 70 years after your burial has jarred you awake and triggered your Battle Mode Reflex. On escaping your tomb and finding yourself not only crippled but alone, you conclude that your unit has been annihilated by a counter attack. You do not realize 70 years have past and that the city ahead of you is a civilian city and not the enemy's stronghold. Your duty is clear. Whatever the cost, duty demands that you charge the ramparts and inflict as much harm on the enemy as you can before you succumb. Nothing now on planet can stop a BOLO Mark XXVIII. (The artillery and air strikes they lay on you just knock some of the debris off.) Your old commander, Lieutenant Sanders, is 90 years old and still has his old uniform. He sees your return on TV and knows that he will need to talk to you to stop this rampage. Communication from a distance proves not to be efficacious, and Sanders must climb aboard your hull to make contact. The problem with this is you are still incredibly radioactive from the hits taken during the late battle. (You don't know you and the others had been buried under 200 yards of rock because clean-up would have been too costly.) Sanders receives a far greater than lethal dose in making contact, but you recognize him despite time's ravages; you break-off and retire ten miles to the desert. Together you roll into the past of a world that no longer needs nor can appreciate your service.
136. "Fog" is a 1951 a short story by William Campbell Gault
This is a somber tale that is hard to grip. Perhaps it would fit in today's idiom in which understanding of the goals and motives of the antagonist isn't important. It isn't important to understand how the protagonist got into this mess. The important thing is the courage and self abnegation of the protagonist. More subtly and appalling is the extremes to which the U.S. is willing to go to win. Russia lies a desolate, radioactive wasteland. So the means used to end the Veneran threat is a logical extension of a successful solution. I thought the story a little cheesy and the emotion rending (or not) ending reminded me of the ending of "A Question of Courage" by J. F. Bone.
Say you're an orphan. The only father you've known is the head of the Science Department, your boss, The Old Man. So The Old Man calls you to his office to send you to investigate a killer fog in San Francisco. Fog in San Francisco is not troubling. The dramatic increase in suicides associated with this fog is troubling, and it is accelerating. Unbeknownst to The Old Man is that you are secretly working for the Venereans, the inhabitants of the planet Venus. Of course, the Venereans are behind the fog. After allowing sufficient time for the significance of the escalating suicide rate to sink in, the Venereans issue an ultimatum-- surrender or else. Your job becomes to carry the response to Venus.
161. "The Martian Crown Jewels" is a 1958 a short story byPoul Anderson Poul Anderson is best known for his Technic Civilization and Time Patrol stories.
Say you're a Martian private detective who admires Sherlock Holmes. Say the Crown Jewels have been loaned to Earth and stolen during the journey home. The diplomatic situation that would result from knowledge of the loss of the jewels becoming public would be unfortunate. Through application of some physics, clear thinking, and deduction, you solve the mystery and expose the culprits.
189. "Of Missing Persons" is a short story by Jack Finney
Say you work at a mediocre little job and live a desperate little life. The meanness of your existence eats away at you a little more each and every day. Each and every day you yearn for something better. At last, the way out, the way home, the way to a better life is there for you to take. If you don't funk at the crucial moment.
Jack Finney's best known work is "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers". This poignant tale touches the reader because the protagonist's feelings of quiet desperation in this story written sixty years ago are the feelings many of us have today.
Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney.
On Ross R. Olney's Tales of Time and Space. Philipp Michel Reichold. 09/25/20
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cryingoflot49 · 8 months
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Book Review
Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr.
This neighborhood in Brooklyn is a vision of Hell that could torment Dante Alighieri. It’s just as poetic too. Hubert Selby Jr.’s notorious Last Exit to Brooklyn takes its readers to rock bottom levels of social depravity. This isn’t a book that utilizes shock value solely for the sake of controversy though. It is animated by an unspoken compassion and righteous anger that would ruin the book’s impact if it were stated explicitly.
Last Exit to Brooklyn isn’t a novel in the conventional sense. It is actually written like the past-together pulp science-fiction novels of the 1950s and done so for the same purpose. It is a series of short stories with overlapping characters and themes, some of which appeared in literary publications before being strung along as a continuous narrative here in novel form. This might cause some confusion to the reader who doesn’t know this beforehand. Once you realize it is constructed like a symphony or a work of modal jazz, it is easier to understand. Maybe that is one good reason to read it twice.
The first thing you might notice from the start is Selby’s unconventional style of writing. He uses Jack Kerouac’s style of spontaneous prose as a springboard and launches into paragraphs with minimal punctuation that follows the author’s own rules. Selby wrote this way so his typing fingers could keep up with his rushing mind since the language traveled at speeds too fast for his body to keep up with. The result is a fast-paced flood of language that resembles the delirium of Arthur Rimbaud’s Symbolist poetry only it is without so much symbolism and maintains a vivid clarity all the way the way through. It makes you feel like you’ve just stolen a car and as you accelerate and drive away at high-octane, speed you suddenly realize that the brakes don’t work and it’s too late to do anything about it. You can risk jumping out, you can keep driving until the gas tank is empty, or you can continue on until you crash and burn, living in the fleeting thrill of the wildest ride in your life.
The first chapter opens by introducing a blue-collar neighborhood in Brooklyn. There are no main characters in the novel; you could actually say the neighborhood itself is the main character. Populated by a gang of hoodlums, drag queens, cops, soldiers, working class men, and anybody else unlucky enough to wander into this rough side of town, it also houses a Greek diner, a dive bar, a labor union headquarters, a factory, and a military base. Nearby is a housing project which enters the narrative in the last chapter.
This first chapter introduces a young thug named Vinnie and his friends. They get their kicks by committing petty crimes, mostly shoplifting and mugging soldiers from the military base who are out on leave. When these kids aren’t beating someone up, they take turns beating each other up. That’s just the kind of world they live in and they live in it with confidence and comfort. The character of Vinnie returns after the next section which simply describes a working-class family party celebrating a shotgun wedding and the birth of a child with the subplot of a guy whose only ambition in life is to buy a motorcycle. In the third chapter, Vinnie is the object of Georgette’s desire. Georgette is a drag queen who turns tricks uptown for money so she can buy drugs and liquor and live the life she wants. In a brutal twist of symbolism, Cupid’s arrow hitting a smitten lover’s heart becomes a weapon of senseless cruelty, Vinnie and his friend torment Georgette by throwing a knife at her over and over again in front the the Greek diner. The fun ends when the knife gets stuck in her leg. Georgette goes home where her brother assaults her for being gay rather than helping her with her wound. Georgette gets through her trauma by desiring sex with Vinnie. A couple days later, she goes to a party with several other drag queens and prostitutes and Vinnie shows up with his friends. They stay up all night eating benzedrine tabs like popcorn and getting drunk. When dawn approaches, it turns into an orgy. Georgette gets what she wants from Vinnie, but is disappointed since it doesn’t turn out the way she wants it to. The end is a spiral into self-destruction that is a precursor for the way the following stories end.
This whole section is beautifully written, almost more like a work of poetry. It is a lot like a literary rendering of The Velvet Underground’s “Sister Ray”, though maybe a bit darker. And on a Velvet Underground record, you get seedy lyrics along with rough, sometimes poorly executed music recorded on lo-fi technology, yet the passion of the music is what matters and it stimulates strong emotions. That is how Hubert Selby Jr. writes and it reflects the kinds of people he writes about. It’s no wonder that Selby had such a big influence on punk rock.
Next up is the story of “Tralala”. The titular character is a prostitute whose johns tend to be soldiers from the nearby military base. When an officer on leave takes her to an upscale bar on Times Square, she goes on a rampage selling sex for money and rolling passed out drunks, but mostly just selling her body. After getting kicked out of that bar, she starts heading downtown, frequenting lower class places rapidly descending downmarket towards sleazier and dirtier drinking holes until she ends up back in Brooklyn. Tralalala does little thinking and any thoughts that enter her head are subservient to her intuition. Her intuition doesn’t do her much good as her purpose in life ends up being nothing but screwing losers for money without even knowing why she does so. Tralalal crashes hard in the end when she consents to pull a train in a parking lot next to a junked, abandoned car. It doesn’t stop there. She pulls every train that passes through Brooklyn and then some until she is abandoned as nothing but a piece of rancid meat in a pile of garbage.
Does this make you uncomfortable? It should and not for the obvious reason. Tralala does everything she can to get herself into such a wretched fix so it is difficult to sympathize with her. This is what is clever about the story: it pushes you to the limits of your empathy and makes you confront the possibility that you may not be as kind-hearted as you think you are. It’s like having an angel on your shoulder saying “Don’t worry about her. She’s a trashy girl who got herself into that mess” while Hubert Selby Jr. wearing a devil’s costume, sits on your other shoulder saying with a lower-class Brooklyn accent, , “Of course you should pity her, you asshole. She’s a human being just like you are.” (Now it’s time to take a break and re-read William Blake’s “Proverbs of Hell.”)
By this point you might see a pattern emerge. Selby writes about people who are trapped in a nightmare world they didn’t create. With limited psychological, social, or economic resources, they don’t have the means to escape so they take whatever path they think is open to them. Just because they make the mistake of choosing the wrong paths doesn’t mean they aren’t striving to be something better. Saint Selby mercilessly challenges you to sympathize with the least desirable people in American society.
So Georgette seeks liberation in romance with a thug who doesn’t respect her and Tralala pursues transcendence by immolating herself in the self-destructive life of prostitution. Now Harry enters the novel in “Strike”, the longest and most developed passage in the book.
Harry is an odd character. From the opening paragraph, we learn that he is more sexually attacted to his infant son than he is to his wife. Nonetheless, every night he has sex with her and then sleeps fitfully while being tormented by nightmares that symbolize his feelings of entrapment. In the daytime, he works as a lathe operator in a metal working factory. He is also the union’s shop steward. As an apathetic worker, he does the bare minimum of labor and spends the rest of his time either doing nothing or stirring up trouble over union rules. The union leaders know he is a fool, but they keep him on as shop steward because he is such a thorn in the side to the factory managers.
When the union contract comes to an end, a strike is called. Harry is put in charge of “managing” the strike although his duties are little more than sitting in the headquarters, stamping the striker’s union books, and getting drunk while listening to the radio. The union leaders give him carte blanche with an expense account and most of the money he spends is on beer and junk food for the strikers. Really, he is being set up as a fall guy in case the union gets into any trouble, legal or otherwise.
The strike grinds on for a long time. While the strikers morale sinks lower and lower, Harry’s sense of self-importance grows. Being the nominal boss of the strike makes him feel like a big shot even though he contributes nothing of any value to the cause. Then he befriends Vinnie and his gang of hoods. They take advantage of him, drinking up all the beer Harry pays for with the expense account, but Harry naively thinks they are his friends. They mark a turning point in the story when the union president hires them on the sly to blow up the trucks of a shipping company that broke the picket line at the factory. More importantly, they introduce Harry to a drag queen who he later pursues in a gay bar. Harry comes out and begins leading a double life that involves gay relationships. You can almost feel happy for him since his nightmares end and begins feeling good for the first time in his life. But this is undercut because at the same time he begins beating his wife who has no knowledge of his alter-ego. Harry thinks he has found his true self and then the strike ends; he goes back to being a mediocre lathe operator while all the elation he felt while being the boss of the strike wears off like a magic spell that has run its course. For Harry, it all ends in tears. Those tears are bloody tears too.
What makes this story so great is hard to explain, not because an explanation is beyond description, but because the story really speaks for itself. Harry runs the course from being an unsympathetic character to someone you can begin to cheer for and then falls back into being a sad and lonely loser in the end. At the peak of the story, you hope that his liberation will help him work out all the anger that makes him violent and irresponsible if he is just given enough time. Harry gains your sympathy and understanding, then while some of that lingers his life descends back into a nightmare existence. He isn’t a great person but that is the whole point. Hubert Selby Jr. isn’t concerned with portraying heroes. He is concerned with portraying the kinds of troubled people we don’t like and asking us to re-evaluate them in terms of the rotten situations they live in.
Finally, the last chapter is not so much of a story as a weaving of narrative threads and vignettes all taking place across the span of a day in a low-income housing project. As all its inhabitants cross paths, we get a picture of a concrete hive in Brooklyn like the inner circle of Dante’s Hell. It’s filled with fighting couples, domestic violence, adulterers, neglected children, alcoholics, delinquent teenagers, snobs, bums, alcoholics, and all around inconsiderate people. To top it all off there is an elderly Jewish woman, living a life of quiet despair in her loneliness, running on the fumes memories she has of her dead husband and a son who got killed in the war. She anchors the narrative by showing us how alone in the world all of us really are and how painful that loneliness is. Under the worst circumstances, we could all end up being just like her. Reading this passage is like listening to some melancholy musical suite in its execution. It brings you into a world that you would rather not be in. Doesn’t that just re-enforce the point that none of these characters want to be where they are anyways? You, the reader, can always close the book and refuse to finish reading. Like the guilty being punished in Dante’s Inferno, these characters don’t have the luxury of escaping. For you, this is the last exit TO Brooklyn; for them there is no exit FROM Brooklyn or at least, they don’t have what it takes to find an way out.. You may not like these people but the least you can do is have some understanding of what they are struggling with. After all, they might be better people if they were thrown into a kinder world.
Last Exit to Brooklyn is crude in its content, style, and execution and that is the point. There are times when it makes you feel like you’re being punched in the head while throwing up and having diarrhea at the same time. Hubert Selby Jr. has commented that he wrote this novel to portray a world without love. He actually said that he wrote about each character out of love. Selby wasn’t a mean-spirited or a sadistic man; in actuality, he was a gentle soul who felt a lot of anger over the human condition. A lot of this resulted from the absence of his irresponsible and alcoholic father and this can be seen in the consistent theme of terrible fathers in this novel. This novel is a picture of city life that he holds up in our faces as if to shout at us about how our society has taken a wrong turn. Along the way he dares us to find it in our hearts to have compassion for those we think of as irrelevant, unimportant, uninteresting, or worthy of our scorn. As repulsive as this novel is, it was written out of courage and we as readers need to be courageous enough to read it.
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gertlushgaming · 11 months
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged Review (PlayStation 5)
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 For this Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged Review, we get behind the wheel of the coolest cars and vehicles from the Hot Wheels universe. Race the favorites you’ve always wanted in your collection, plus new additions like ATVs and motorcycles!
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged Review Pros:
- Beautiful graphics. - 13.39GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Racing gameplay. - Opening race with controls tutorials popping up. - Officially licensed. - Accessibility options - offline game speed, steer assist, brake assist, acceleration assist, and Jump assist. - Unit measurements - metric and imperial. - Four difficulties - Easy, normal, hard, and extreme. - Controller settings - can rebind controls, vibration, and trigger effect vibration. - Graphics setting - AMD FSR 1.0. - Three ways to play - Hot Wheels creature rampage, quick modes, and online multiplayer. - Track builder - you can create, share, and download Creations from the Internet. - Six racing locations - backyard, mini golf course, arcade room, gas station, dinosaur museum, and track room. - The track creator has a tutorial and in-game help. - Surprisingly quick and easy to snap a track together and it allows a lot of freedom and creativity. - Unleashed missions are a series of tasks that give huge rewards and the missions are broken into categories - trainee, superstar, specialist, collector, and fan. - Profile - you have - a favorite vehicle, background, card background, profile icon, and tag to show off. - Livery editor where you can create, share, and don't load liveries from the Internet. - Hot Wheels Spin is where you earn tokens to spin for prizes. - Stickers can be created, shared, downloaded, and then applied to your vehicles. - The shop is where you spend earned in-game money to buy new cars. - Each car is shown in its blister pack. - Customize your car with liveries, boost sound, and boost color. - Earn upgrade tokens to improve your car's stats. - Cars are labeled on a rarity scale. - You have an overall player rank, you earn exp from events, online races, and Unleashed mission rewards. - The controls are really tight, and drifting is silky smooth, and responsive. - When in the air you can do tricks and move around. - Sideswipe opponents into the walls or off the track. - Handy reset to track option. - Boost bar fills with drifting, slipstreaming (driving behind someone close), and pickups. - Physics is at play so if you are too slow on a loop then you will fall off. - Excellent soundtrack with a mix of genres. - Tracks have their own unique environmental hazards. - Every location looks really cool. - World map level select and you can replay levels. - Cutscenes are comic book-style stills with full voice work. - Each car has unique base stats (as you can upgrade them) for - speed, acceleration, braking power, handling, and boost. - Jump is important now as you use it to dodge obstacles and go through hoops etc. - Fast loading times. - Proper arcade driving atmosphere. - It feels like a more compact streamlined experience. - Big boss races. - Many event types like time trials, races, eliminators, etc. - The shop and spins are on a refresh timer so it's always mixing it up. - Cars can be Official street cars, unique Hot Wheels cars, and even licensed and fun cars like the Delorean and Hotdog cars. - You can pay with in-game cash to refresh the store. - Split screen support for local races. - Quick mode solo lets you choose from the events - race, Time attack, Drift master, elimination, and waypoint. - Waypoint races are open locations where you follow arrows and look for checkpoints all whilst being timed. Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged Review Cons: - Hitting the walls is very abrupt and really does mess with you in a non-funing way. - So easy to go off the track. - The garage shows all DLC cars which is a bit off as it makes you think you own them. - The story is very throwaway. - Hitting barriers has horrible rag - dolling and controls. - The checkpoint for respawns is sporadic and mostly broken as it’s too far from where you actually crashed. - Blind box drop rates are poor with dupes a common event. - Jumps are fine but being able to see the need to jump in the first place is the issue. Related Post: Lords of the Fallen Review (Steam) Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged: Official website. Developer: Milestone Publisher: Milestone Store Links -  PlayStation Read the full article
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manalitravels · 11 months
Unlocking the Thrill: BMW Rentals for Car Enthusiasts
For car enthusiasts, there's nothing quite like the feeling of sitting behind the wheel of a high-performance vehicle, the engine roaring to life as you accelerate down the open road. The BMW brand has long been associated with luxury, style, and precision engineering, making it a top choice for those who crave an adrenaline rush and appreciate the finer details of automotive craftsmanship. While owning a BMW is a dream for many, the cost of purchase and maintenance can be a significant barrier. Fortunately, there is a solution that allows car enthusiasts to unlock the thrill without breaking the bank - BMW car on Rent. In this article, we will explore the world of BMW rentals, the advantages they offer, and why they are the perfect choice for car enthusiasts.
The Allure of BMW
Before delving into the world of BMW rentals, it's essential to understand why BMW cars are so highly regarded among car enthusiasts. Bavarian Motor Works, or BMW, is a German automobile manufacturer known for producing some of the world's most desirable and well-crafted vehicles. Here are a few reasons why BMW holds a special place in the hearts of car aficionados:
Performance: BMW is synonymous with high-performance vehicles. The brand's M series, in particular, has a cult following, thanks to its potent engines, precise handling, and outstanding driving dynamics. BMW cars are designed to provide an exhilarating driving experience that enthusiasts crave.
Luxury and Style: BMW vehicles are celebrated for their sleek and sophisticated designs, featuring a perfect blend of luxury and sportiness. The interiors are often crafted with premium materials, ensuring a comfortable and elegant driving experience.
Engineering Excellence: BMW has a rich history of innovation and engineering excellence. From their iconic inline-six engines to the use of lightweight materials, BMW continually pushes the boundaries of what's possible in the automotive world.
Heritage and Tradition: BMW's history and racing heritage add to the allure of their cars. Enthusiasts appreciate the connection to motorsport and the brand's commitment to delivering high-performance vehicles.
Cutting-Edge Technology: BMW is at the forefront of automotive technology, offering features like advanced driver assistance systems, infotainment, and connectivity options that enhance the driving experience.
BMW Rentals: An Affordable Alternative
While BMW cars are undoubtedly appealing, their price tags often put them out of reach for many car enthusiasts. The cost of ownership includes not only the purchase price but also insurance, maintenance, and depreciation. This is where BMW rentals come to the rescue.
Affordability: Renting a BMW is significantly more affordable than buying one. Instead of committing to a long-term financial obligation, you can enjoy the thrill of driving a BMW for a fraction of the cost.
Variety: Car rental agencies often offer a wide range of BMW models, from the sporty BMW 3 Series to the luxurious BMW 7 Series. This variety allows you to choose the BMW that best suits your preferences and needs, whether you're seeking a high-performance sports car or a comfortable luxury sedan.
No Long-Term Commitment: With a rental, there's no need to worry about long-term ownership, depreciation, or resale value. You can simply rent the BMW for the duration you desire, whether it's for a weekend getaway or an extended road trip.
Maintenance Included: Most rental agreements include maintenance and service, so you don't have to worry about the additional costs and hassles associated with keeping a BMW in top condition.
Convenience: Renting a BMW is a convenient option. You can easily book one for a special occasion, vacation, or simply to satisfy your craving for a thrilling driving experience.
The BMW Experience
Now that we've established the advantages of renting a BMW, let's dive into what it's like to drive one. The BMW experience is unlike any other, and it's one that every car enthusiast should have the opportunity to enjoy.
Exhilarating Performance: The moment you press the accelerator in a BMW, you'll feel the surge of power and torque propelling you forward. The precision engineering and finely-tuned suspension result in a smooth and exhilarating ride, whether you're cruising on the highway or navigating winding roads.
Sporty Handling: BMWs are known for their sporty and responsive handling. The steering is precise, and the suspension is designed to provide exceptional feedback and grip, making every twist and turn on the road an adventure.
Luxurious Comfort: While BMWs are performance-oriented, they don't compromise on comfort. The interiors are meticulously crafted with high-quality materials, plush seating, and a range of advanced features that create a luxurious and comfortable driving environment.
Advanced Technology: BMW vehicles are equipped with cutting-edge technology, including infotainment systems, advanced driver assistance features, and connectivity options. You'll have access to navigation, entertainment, and safety features that enhance your driving experience.
Head-Turning Style: BMWs are known for their striking designs. From the iconic kidney grille to the sleek body lines, these cars are sure to turn heads wherever you go. Driving a BMW isn't just about the experience behind the wheel; it's also about the statement you make.
Occasions for BMW Rentals
There are countless occasions and reasons why renting a BMW is a fantastic choice for car enthusiasts. Here are some scenarios where renting a BMW can truly enhance the experience:
Special Celebrations: Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, or a promotion at work, celebrating a special occasion in a BMW can make the day even more memorable.
Weekend Getaways: Planning a weekend getaway to explore scenic routes and charming destinations? Renting a BMW can add an extra layer of excitement and enjoyment to your trip.
Business Travel: Impress clients or colleagues by arriving at a business meeting in a stylish and luxurious BMW. It not only conveys professionalism but also ensures a comfortable and smooth ride.
Vacations: A vacation is the perfect time to indulge in a luxury car rental. From road trips to exploring a new city, a BMW offers the perfect blend of comfort and performance.
Test Drives: If you're considering purchasing a BMW in the future, renting one is an excellent way to test drive different models and see which one suits your preferences best.
Choosing the Right Rental Service
Selecting the right rental service is crucial to ensure a smooth and enjoyable BMW rental experience. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a rental agency:
Reputation: Research the rental agency's reputation and read customer reviews. A well-established and reputable agency is more likely to provide excellent service and well-maintained vehicles.
Fleet Selection: Look for a rental service with a diverse fleet of BMW models to choose from. This allows you to find the exact BMW that matches your preferences.
Rental Terms and Conditions: Carefully review the rental terms, including rates, mileage limits, and any additional fees. Make sure you understand the terms of the rental agreement before booking.
Insurance Coverage: Confirm the insurance coverage provided by the rental agency and consider whether you need additional coverage for peace of mind during your rental.
Customer Support: Ensure that the rental agency offers reliable customer support in case you encounter any issues during your rental.
Booking Process: A user-friendly booking process with transparent pricing and policies simplifies the experience.
Additional Services: Some rental agencies offer additional services like chauffeurs, airport pick-up and drop-off, and customized packages. Check if these services are available and whether they meet your needs.
BMW rentals offer car enthusiasts the opportunity to unlock the thrill of driving a high-performance, luxury vehicle without the financial commitment of ownership. The allure of BMW's precise engineering, stunning designs, and thrilling performance is well-known in the automotive world, and renting a BMW allows you to experience this firsthand. From special celebrations to weekend getaways and business trips, there are numerous occasions where renting a BMW can elevate your experience.
So, if you're a car enthusiast who dreams of experiencing the ultimate driving pleasure, consider renting a BMW. The world of BMW rentals is ready to unlock the thrill for you, providing an unforgettable journey behind the wheel of one of Germany's most iconic automobile brands.
Manali Travels is a renowned and professionally managed Car Rental Service Provider based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. With our strong operational presence across Gujarat, we are committed to delivering top-notch transportation solutions to our valued clients. Our fleet of well-maintained vehicles and expert drivers ensure a safe, comfortable, and reliable travel experience. Whether it's business trips, family vacations, or special occasions, we cater to all your travel needs. At Manali Travels, we take pride in our dedication to customer satisfaction, making us your trusted partner in exploring the beautiful state of Gujarat.
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Day 5: Putting It All Together - Your Path to Financial Freedom
 Congratulations! You've embarked on a journey to financial freedom by understanding its meaning, cultivating a healthy money mindset, mastering money management, and embracing saving and investing. Now, it's time to put it all together and create a roadmap to your financial dreams.
 Start by setting clear, achievable financial goals. Whether it's retiring early, buying a home, or funding your children's education, having specific targets gives you direction and motivation. Break these goals into smaller, manageable steps and assign deadlines to them.
 Next, create a comprehensive financial plan that includes budgeting, debt management, savings, and investment strategies. Your plan should reflect your current financial situation and outline the steps needed to reach your goals. Regularly review and adjust your plan as circumstances change.
 It's essential to continue learning about personal finance to stay informed and adapt to changing economic conditions. Consider attending financial workshops, reading books, or seeking advice from financial professionals.
 Lastly, stay disciplined and patient on your journey to financial freedom. There will be challenges along the way, but with determination and a clear plan, you can overcome them. Avoid comparing your progress to others and focus on your unique financial goals and timeline.
 Remember that financial freedom is not a destination but a lifelong pursuit. As you work towards your goals, don't forget to enjoy the journey and celebrate your achievements along the way. Financial freedom means having the freedom to live life on your terms, and with dedication and the right strategies, you can attain it.
 If you're ready to take your financial journey to the next level, consider joining our 1 Day SMART MONEY WORKSHOP. In this workshop, you'll learn the 3 Steps to Financial Freedom and Successful Money Management. Click the link below for further information and take the next step towards securing your financial future.
 **Summary of the Series: Your Path to Financial Freedom**
 This series of articles has explored the multifaceted concept of financial freedom, from defining what it means to you personally to understanding the importance of a positive money mindset, effective money management, and strategic saving and investing. Each article has provided valuable insights and practical tips to help you on your journey to financial independence.
 Financial freedom is about more than just accumulating wealth; it's about taking control of your financial destiny and using money as a tool to create the life you desire. It involves setting clear financial goals, managing your money wisely, and making informed investment decisions.
 Putting it all together requires discipline, patience, and a commitment to lifelong learning. It's a journey that may have its challenges, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can achieve your vision of financial freedom.
 Finally, the importance of having a mentor or coach cannot be underestimated. All top performers in any field have a coach or mentor. They realise that they need other people to help them get to where they want to be and, more importantly, to stay there and keep improving.
 If you're serious and eager to accelerate your progress, consider joining our 1 Day SMART MONEY WORKSHOP, where you'll gain valuable insights into the 3 Steps to Financial Freedom and Successful Money Management. Take the next step towards securing your financial future and living life on your terms. Click the link below for more information.
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paynxt360fintech · 1 year
Merger and acquisition trend accelerates in the global buy now pay later sector
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Even though the adoption of buy now pay later schemes has continued to grow in 2023, firms have been finding it difficult to achieve profitability. The inflation-led macroeconomic environment has had a severe impact on the bottom line of many buy now pay later firms worldwide. The uncertain economic conditions have even led to the downfall of big names like Openpay and LatitudePay. Industry leaders like Klarna, on the other hand, have seen their valuation decline significantly. 
Amid the ongoing consolidation in the market, some of the firms that are struggling to extend their runway have turned to merger and acquisition strategies to keep their business afloat. Uplift, which offers BNPL services for travelers, is among the providers that have chosen the strategy.
Upgrade, which offers personal credit lines and other consumer financial products, entered into an acquisition agreement with Uplift in July 2023. The US$100 million cash and stock deal will see Upgrade further improving its product lines through the acquisition of Uplift.
For Uplift, this is not the ideal exit, as the firm had recorded significant growth during the pandemic outbreak. Since its inception, the firm has raised approximately US$700 million in debt and equity. In its Series C round alone, the firm secured US$123 million at a valuation of US$195 million.
According to Upgrade, Uplift initially reached out to the firm in May of 2023. This was to inquire regarding a potential strategic investment in the BNPL provider, which was looking to raise its Series D round. However, Upgrade believed that a potential acquisition made more sense for the firm, as it would enable it to further expand its product offerings and customer base.
The acquisition of Uplift will add 3.3 million users to Upgrade’s platform and will also boost the prospects of its initial public offering, which is on the horizon. Furthermore, the purchase will also enable Upgrade to expand its loan book, as it seeks to offer nearly US$10 billion in credit by the end of 2023.
The travel market is growing at a rapid pace after the global pandemic outbreak. Uplift, which happens to be one of the leading players in the travel-focused BNPL segment, also has a wide distribution network. The firm had secured partnerships with 300 airlines, hotel chains, and cruise lines. Upgrade is getting access to it all for just US$100 million, which otherwise would have taken much more if built from scratch.
With travel becoming more expensive, the demand for BNPL products is expected to remain high from the short to medium-term perspective. Consequently, PayNXT360 expects Upgrade to generate high revenue through its purchase of Uplift, which has operations in the United States and Canada.
Read More - The B2B BNPL sector is benefiting from soaring inflation and working capital optimization in 2023
In the United States, the BNPL industry is expected to grow at a significant rate, based on PayNXT360's estimates. BNPL payments, for instance, are expected to grow by 19.0% on an annual basis to reach US$112.9 billion in 2023. From 2023 to 2028, the BNPL payment adoption is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.4%. The steady adoption rate of the payment method will also aid the growth of Upgrade from the short to medium-term perspective in the United States.
Read More - Strategic partnerships continue to aid the buy now pay later industry growth in 2023
In another acquisition deal, NymCard acquired Spotti in the United Arab Emirates in June 2023. In the MENA region, NymCard is one of the leading payment infrastructure providers. The acquisition of Spotti will provide NymCard with Spotti's technology, risk engine, and market expertise to offer credit-on-demand products in the region.
Read More - Klarna makes a resilient comeback with losses halved and profit on the horizon
The acquisition came at a time when Spotti was beginning to wind down its operations in the United Arab Emirates. The firm, notably, also acquired a BNPL license from SAMA in June 2023. Since its inception, Spotti has amassed more than 1 million registered users and partnered with 1,500 merchants. The purchase will extend the runway for Spotti, whereas NymCard will be able to offer a more comprehensive suite of payment solutions across the Middle East and North African region.
Based on PayNXT360's estimates, the BNPL market in Africa and the Middle East is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.8% from 2023 to 2028. During the period, the gross merchandise value in the region will increase from US$9.49 billion in 2022 to US$27.7 billion by 2028.
Going forward, PayNXT360 expects more mergers and acquisition deals to emerge in the global market, as consolidation is expected to continue in H2 2023. Despite consolidation, the adoption of BNPL schemes has remained strong worldwide. During the 2023 Prime Day sales event, the usage of BNPL products have recorded an estimated increase of 26-31%, compared to last year.  This is a clear indication that the demand for BNPL has remained strong and the trend is projected to further continue from the short to medium-term perspective. In line with this trend, other global players are also incorporating the BNPL strategy to push forward their commerce ambitions. TikTok, for instance, entered into a strategic collaboration with Atome to provide BNPL payment options on its e-commerce marketplace in Malaysia. The Southeast Asia market has emerged as a high-growth region for TikTok over the last 12 months. The incorporation of the BNPL strategy is expected to further aid the growth of TikTok over the next three to four years. The projection comes on the back of the accelerated adoption of BNPL services in Malaysia and other Southeast Asian countries.
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bmenginespecialists · 2 years
BMW 5 Series Engine: Most Common Problems
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People always give respect to BMW due to its elegant design and specs. They launch very famous cars due to their famous engineering and excellent track record which attract the users for BMW 5 Series. They offer mid-range luxury models that gain more popularity and these make it easy to fill the gap between the users with a furious engine and the best family car. Since 1972 in Europe these machines have gained popularity on the roads. Most people buy second hand cars because they are recognised as a good investment. People love these vehicles due to their durability and keeping its exterior and interior for a long lifespan. But you must be aware of a few things that create major issues for your BMW 5 Series models. So everyone must be aware and vigilant from these issues because being a car they create disturbance for you. 
Cooling Problem:
In this case most of the time the water pump and thermostat create problems in the BMW 5 Series. So keep eye open on the servicing of the engine if light is indicating or the temperature gauge must watch. If the engine is too hot then the cooling system will be responsible for it. If this issue is not fixed timely then it can lead to the cause of the whole engine. So timely fixing this issue is very important.
Air conditioning Problem:
This issue is frequently reported by users in this BMW 5 series. This issue can be felt as the fan speed changing without any immediate alert and the system only blowing out cold air at low setting. So everyone must make sure one thing is fixed at the specific level before buying a second hand car.
SunRoof Problem:
Do you want to buy the Sunroof for your BMW 5 Series? Check very carefully the sound of the vehicle while driving it because mostly it occurs due to a rubber seal which is not correctly placed on the vehicle due production fault. This fault also creates an impact on the fuel economy of the vehicle and increases the fuel cost and fixes it as soon as possible.
Fuel Pump Problem:
In the E 60 of the BMW 5 series, people widely report that the 535i model creates fuel pump issues, engine performance goes poorly and engine not performing idly. In this case the user must replace the whole pump and fix it as soon as possible. Keep an open eye on following things like disturbing acceleration, misfiring continuously and excessive chase of stalling.     
Tensioners Problem:
Tensioners and idler pulleys create an unusual sound that's very shocking which is rising from the engine bay. In any case you hear noise from the engine then we recommend you to check engine belts quickly or any other damage. If the belt is misplaced from its position then it damages the cooling system.
Timing Chain Problem:
BMW officially said the M47/N47 engine was free from the timing chain error but unfortunately this part also suffered due to sudden snaps which make it useless for users.  So you must make sure your BMW 5 series has been fully serviced or not. Also make sure everything is inspected. BMW 5 series is an excellent car and also perfect for families. When you want combo features then BMW is a good choice that gives you comfort, quality and prestige. They are not just limited to it, also giving an excellent fuel economy and sufficient space to owners to enjoy a memorable journey. But usually people buy second hand BMW models and face these issues that mentioned above. So now they have no need to worry about it. BM Engine Specialists provide the best platform and also offer top quality reconditioned BMW engines at cheap rates. So don't hesitate just contact our expert staff and book an appointment confidently.
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unendingbooklist · 2 years
Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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 About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
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About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being
a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases.
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and
in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
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Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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 About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
Full Review
Buy the Book – Amazon
Book Video 
 About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being
a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases.
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and
in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
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n--i--s--s--e · 2 years
Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
Full Review
Buy the Book – Amazon
Book Video 
 About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being
a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases.
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and
in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
0 notes
whomovedmywine · 2 years
Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
Full Review
Buy the Book – Amazon
Book Video - https://vimeo.com/724254945
About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being
a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases.
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and
in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
0 notes
philippmichelreichold · 3 months
on Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney
Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney, consists of a number of simply plotted little stories by some of science fiction's best. They are simply plotted yet enthralling. Don't know what passes for young adult fiction these days, but these stories fit the bill for me in days gone buy.
10. "Yesterday's Fantasy, Today's Fact-an Introduction". essay by Ross R. Olney No one has read much science fiction without having been told how imaginative/speculative/science fiction/fantasy foretold most common place advances long before they were made. This may have been the first book in which I read the idea.
15. "All the Time in the World". (1952). short story by Arthur C. Clarke Sir Author C. Clarke is best known for "2001: A Space Odyssey", "Childhood's End", and "Rendezvous with Rama".
Any offer that sounds too good probably has a catch, and so it is in this story. Say you're a thief by trade and someone offers a million pounds to hire you to clean out a national museum. They offer to lend you a bracelet that accelerates time around you so that you can be in and out in a flash. or a blink of an eye. You'd be a fool not to, right?
A tight little story about the thief's moral qualms. The ending was not surprising. Would have made a good Twilight Zone. It was an episode in the TV series Tales of Tomorrow. It was Clarke's first story adapted to TV.
34. "Puppet Show." (1962). short story by Fredric Brown. Fredric Brown also wrote "Arena", the story the Star Trek (TOS) episode of the same name was/wasn't based on. First contacts can be dicey. Say you're assigned by a vast Galactic Federation to evaluate Earth in general and the United States in particular. What questions would you ask and what assurances would you make? And what sort of tests would you perform? And what is a "master race" anyway? A pointy little story about ethnocentrism. It's one of Brown's last stories and one of several First Contact stories. Brown does a wonderful job of setting up the reader for the ending.
50. "Birds of a Feather" is a1958 novelette by Robert Silverberg
Robert Silverberg sold his first stories in 1953 and 1954. He still writes a column for Asimov's Science Fiction. The first story of his I remember reading is "Nightwings" in The Hugo Winners.
Birds are ruthless competitors. They are the surviving dinosaurs, and their survival instincts are hard-wired into their old reptile cortices. How fitting an analogy to describe the protagonist and antagonist in this story. Say you run a special sort of show. Non-humans line up to get in. You have to turn away most. But what if a con artist puts one over you and horns in under false pretenses? Now you've got an employee sharp enough to squeeze you out of a sweet deal. But he can't out-con a con, when you've got the goods on him.
This is a fun and imaginative read. The variety of xenomorphs reminds me of Poul Anderson's stories.
82. "Clutch of Morpheus" is a 1946 a short story by William Campbell Gault [as by Larry Sternig
Say you were born with a mutation. Not an obvious-to-the-eye mutation, but you don't sleep, haven't slept, can't sleep. Say you've been poked and prodded and examined by scientists and physicians and the public to the point of taking an assumed name to avoid further publicity. But you're curious-- what's it like? you wonder. What's it like to sleep? So you look up the leading anesthesiologist in the country and discuss it with him over dinner. Meanwhile, there's a comet in the sky, and Earth is situated in its tale, and will be for some time. Long story short, it has a soporific effect on everyone else. You get to figure out the solution to their problem, which happens to be the solution to your own, through an incredible string of co-incidences.
The story stretches the ability to suspend disbelief, which wasn't a problem when I first read the story, and which does not seem an insurmountable problem in most readers of science fiction. Mumblety-mumble years of reading this stuff means seldom being surprised by an ending, but I enjoyed it just the same.
105. "The Last Command" is a Bolo 1967 short story by Keith Laumer Dave Drake tells in his preface to Hammer's Slammers that he was heavily influenced by Laumer's Bolo's. The professionalism and dedication to duty that Drake describes in his own unit, the Viet Nam era Blackhorse , is seen also in Laumer's , "Unit LNE of the Dinochrome Brigade." It is the story of a Mark XXVIII Bolo and his former commander, Lieutenant Sanders.
Say you awaken buried and crippled, the blasting at a construction site 70 years after your burial has jarred you awake and triggered your Battle Mode Reflex. On escaping your tomb and finding yourself not only crippled but alone, you conclude that your unit has been annihilated by a counter attack. You do not realize 70 years have past and that the city ahead of you is a civilian city and not the enemy's stronghold. Your duty is clear. Whatever the cost, duty demands that you charge the ramparts and inflict as much harm on the enemy as you can before you succumb. Nothing now on planet can stop a BOLO Mark XXVIII. (The artillery and air strikes they lay on you just knock some of the debris off.) Your old commander, Lieutenant Sanders, is 90 years old and still has his old uniform. He sees your return on TV and knows that he will need to talk to you to stop this rampage. Communication from a distance proves not to be efficacious, and Sanders must climb aboard your hull to make contact. The problem with this is you are still incredibly radioactive from the hits taken during the late battle. (You don't know you and the others had been buried under 200 yards of rock because clean-up would have been too costly.) Sanders receives a far greater than lethal dose in making contact, but you recognize him despite time's ravages; you break-off and retire ten miles to the desert. Together you roll into the past of a world that no longer needs nor can appreciate your service.
136. "Fog" is a 1951 a short story by William Campbell Gault
This is a somber tale that is hard to grip. Perhaps it would fit in today's idiom in which understanding of the goals and motives of the antagonist isn't important. It isn't important to understand how the protagonist got into this mess. The important thing is the courage and self abnegation of the protagonist. More subtly and appalling is the extremes to which the U.S. is willing to go to win. Russia lies a desolate, radioactive wasteland. So the means used to end the Veneran threat is a logical extension of a successful solution. I thought the story a little cheesy and the emotion rending (or not) ending reminded me of the ending of "A Question of Courage" by J. F. Bone.
Say you're an orphan. The only father you've known is the head of the Science Department, your boss, The Old Man. So The Old Man calls you to his office to send you to investigate a killer fog in San Francisco. Fog in San Francisco is not troubling. The dramatic increase in suicides associated with this fog is troubling, and it is accelerating. Unbeknownst to The Old Man is that you are secretly working for the Venereans, the inhabitants of the planet Venus. Of course, the Venereans are behind the fog. After allowing sufficient time for the significance of the escalating suicide rate to sink in, the Venereans issue an ultimatum-- surrender or else. Your job becomes to carry the response to Venus.
161. "The Martian Crown Jewels" is a 1958 a short story byPoul Anderson Poul Anderson is best known for his Technic Civilization and Time Patrol stories.
Say you're a Martian private detective who admires Sherlock Holmes. Say the Crown Jewels have been loaned to Earth and stolen during the journey home. The diplomatic situation that would result from knowledge of the loss of the jewels becoming public would be unfortunate. Through application of some physics, clear thinking, and deduction, you solve the mystery and expose the culprits.
189. "Of Missing Persons" is a short story by Jack Finney
Say you work at a mediocre little job and live a desperate little life. The meanness of your existence eats away at you a little more each and every day. Each and every day you yearn for something better. At last, the way out, the way home, the way to a better life is there for you to take. If you don't funk at the crucial moment.
Jack Finney's best known work is "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers". This poignant tale touches the reader because the protagonist's feelings of quiet desperation in this story written sixty years ago are the feelings many of us have today.
Tales of Time and Space, edited by Ross R. Olney.
On Ross R. Olney's Tales of Time and Space. Philipp Michel Reichold. 09/25/20
#review #sciencefiction
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mariahcaarey · 2 years
Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
Full Review
Buy the Book – Amazon
Book Video - https://vimeo.com/724254945
About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being
a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases.
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and
in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
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littleglasswalelu · 2 years
Saving Ryan by Emil D. Kakkis
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About the Book:
Saving Ryan is the inspiring story by physician-scientist Dr. Emil Kakkis about his journey to develop a new, first-ever treatment for an ultra-rare genetic disease called MPS. The scientist had great challenges getting grant and industry support for this rare disease despite the solid science behind doing the treatment. Simultaneously across the country, Mark Dant was in a quest to save his 9-year-old son, Ryan, afflicted by MPS for which there was no cure.
Through extraordinary persistence, and with a clock-ticking on Ryan’s declining health, Mr. Dant eventually learns of Dr. Kakkis and his work, whose enzyme replacement therapy could potentially treat Ryan successfully. With renewed hope of saving his son’s life, Mr. Dant turns his attention to fundraising through his own Ryan Foundation to support the continued development of the life-saving treatment. Through an extraordinary series of obstacles and heartaches, Dr. Kakkis develops a successful treatment and ultimately gains the required support of a biotech company to complete the project.
Despite early success treating MPS patients, the FDA’s abruptly changing policies caused great uncertainty as to whether the therapy would ever get approved – leading to a dramatic showdown at an FDA Advisory Committee meeting. In the end, the treatment was finally approved for all MPS patients, and ultimately saved Ryan. Ryan has been on the enzyme replacement therapy for more than 23 years. He went on to graduate college and in 2021 was married.
“In this memoir, the author describes the research he conducted to develop an enzyme replacement therapy to combat the disease on minimal funding. He recounts the early stages of research in which the treatment was used on dogs in trials. Besides the therapy’s successes, Kakkis outlines the risks of the treatment, including a crisis one patient experienced during an infusion. Along with Ryan’s story of hope (which features family photographs), the volume relates the conflicts with the Food and Drug Administration and the uncertain road to the treatment’s gaining eventual approval...An erudite and heartwarming account about determination in the face of overwhelming odds.” 
~ Kirkus
Full Review
Buy the Book – Amazon
Book Video
About the Author:
Emil Kakkis is a physician/scientist best known for developing many novel treatments for rare and ultra-rare diseases and being a leader for policy change to accelerate biotechnology innovation for rare diseases. 
Through experiences in academia at UCLA, in biotechnology at BioMarin and Ultragenyx, and in nonprofits as founder of the EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, Dr. Kakkis has advocated and innovated ways to take the science that exists and treat patients struck by genetic lightning with first-ever approved treatments that can save their future.
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