#But of course who gets to watch the house wheeeee
dewitty1 · 1 year
Saturday Six (Stuff)
Idk the last time I did one of these. I think it's been a few weeks, Oops. Stuffs been going on.(。-ω-)ノ
We did a little deep cleaning. It's the worst. Especially ovens. Blargh.(;*´Д`)ノ
The markets have been what they are. Too peopley. Always asking dumb questions, like if I'm me? Like who else would I be?(๑•॒̀ ູ॒•́๑)
I love how popular my cat Boots is. (=^-ω-^=)
Interesting things from Thursday's market - a girl walking around trying to sell a live chicken, a dude with a shirt showing/saying that all calibers of bullets are faster than 911 (gross), a car alarm that went off for like 20 minutes, someone bringing a cage full of kittens, and the chicken girl finally trading her chicken for a kitten and $6 (this was pretty cute actually).“ψ(`∇´)ψ
Idk why but my post about Roger Payne has taken off in the past few days. (;¬_¬)
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hari-writes · 7 years
Three Sides to the Story - Chapter 2
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairings: Adrien/Marinette Summary: It’s been almost three years since Adrien Agreste walked out of Marinette’s life. An accidental meeting at a party starts a course of events that will either drive them together or further apart. Meanwhile, Plagg and Tikki have had enough of their holders’ indecision and obliviousness.
Read it on A03
25th July - 2½ years ago
The Night of Alix’s Legendary End of Le Bac Party™.
Alix threw the best parties. It was an established fact before her end of exams blowout and if anyone doubted her credentials beforehand, there would be no doubt by the end of the night. It was a party that would go down in infamy. Rose and Juleka finally admitted their relationship to much cheering. Ivan proposed to Mylene to even more cheering. Kim jumped into the pool fully clothed with Chloe in his arms, then kissed her, by which point the cheering turned raucous, even Chloe found it funny. Oh, and Marinette got very drunk.
Nino was DJing so the dance floor was full all night. Marinette thought she might fall down if she stopped. Everyone was having the time of their lives. Le Bac exams were over and the relief was palpable. Sure, the nerves would return a couple of weeks later on results day as her friends waited nervously to find out if they did well enough to pursue their dreams, but that was weeks away. When Alya handed her a glass of wine she hesitated. What if there was an akuma? Relax and enjoy yourself, you deserve it, she told herself. She was nearly 18 now, what was the harm?
Two bottles of wine later, she answered her own question.
“Dude, Marinette is really drunk. Someone should help her.” Nino told Adrien pointedly.
“Yeah.” Adrien agreed. She was currently dancing with Kim. Well, he assumed it was dancing, Kim could just as easily be trying to juggle with her. He was throwing her in the air and catching her more than actually breaking out any dance moves. In fairness to her, she did look pretty graceful in spite of the alcohol. Her form in the air rivalled an Olympic gymnast or maybe a high-diver. However, Kim was wasted too and was likely to drop her eventually.
“I meant you. You should help her, you sweet innocent idiot.” Nino said.
“Oh.” He blushed. Four years at school and he still managed to miss social cues from time to time. “But, she’s drunk.”
“I’m not telling you to take advantage of her. I’m suggesting you get her out of here before someone else does.” an exasperated Nino sighed.
“Ok, ok, I’m going.” Adrien held his hands up in surrender.
As he approached Marinette, Kim saw him coming and threw her towards him. Cat-like reflexes kicked in and he caught her in his arms. Adrenaline set his heart racing.
“Taaa-daaa!” Marinette shouted, jazz hands waving. “You are strong, Adrien.” She squeezed his bicep in appreciation. “Whoa, you’re like a Greek god under there!”
“Thanks… I guess” Adrien said, embarrassed at the attention. Contrary to what most people thought about the model, he didn’t like it when everybody was looking at him. He lowered his voice. “Come on, I’m taking you home, Marinette.”
“That’s very forward of you Adrien.” She slurred, relaxing into his arms.
“Not like that…” he started.
“I know that, silly minou.” She booped his nose with her index finger and jumped out of his arms, landing delicately on her feet. “I will let you take me home, Adrien Agreste, on two conditions. One.” She held up a finger. “You give me a piggyback. I appear to have lost one of my shoes.”
He looked at her feet. Both of her shoes were securely attached.
“And three.” She held up the same finger as before and poked him in the chest with it. “You know where my house is because I am not sure I remember where I live anymore.”
“Deal.” He said unable to hold back a grin, she was a funny drunk and it was nice to have her so relaxed around him. The stuttering died out somewhere between collège and lycée, but he still felt like Marinette was holding something back from him. He turned his back on her so she could climb on to him and she jumped lightly into position.
“Wheeeee! Let’s go!” She nearly toppled them both with her enthusiastic gesturing.
It was a balmy summer’s evening and the air outside of Alix’s house was just as warm as the air outside. They (he) wandered lazily along the road. It wasn’t very late, around 11pm and Gorilla wasn’t expecting to collect him from the party for at least another hour.
“Adrien?” Marinette asked into his ear. “Did you leave the party early for me?”
“I didn’t mind, Mari, I just want to make sure you’re safe.” He replied.
“You really are perfect, aren’t you. No, no, you are. Such a good guy. I mean, you’re always looking out for me. You and Cat Noir. I’m lucky to have you in my life.” She said and clumsily stroked his face.
“Um...thanks?” Adrien wasn’t really sure how to respond, but he felt Marinette squeeze him a little tighter afterwards so he must have said the right thing.
Adrien and Cat Noir. Two people Mariette felt lucky to have in her life. He was both of those people and he felt a swell of pride to have the respect of such an amazing girl.
After a few blocks, he felt Marinette’s weight shift and he tried to hoist her further up his back, but instead, she swung her legs away from his body and dismounted with a flourish. Was she secretly a cheerleader?!
“Ok, now that we’ve ditched the party poopers, let’s have some fun.” He caught a mischievous glint in her eye before she spun around, arms wide until she staggered onto the road. Adrien caught her before she fell. “Let’s go clubbing!”
“We can’t go clubbing, Mari. I’m meant to be taking you home.” He pleaded.
“Swimming?” She suggested. Adrien raised one eyebrow.
“Ok, bad idea.” She agreed. “Ooh! I know!” and she ran off down the street with arms flailing, like a woman being chased by bees.
Sighing, Adrien set off after her. She was surprisingly fast for someone running in heels, even more impressive when he considered that she was drunk and running in heels. He followed her around the corner, then another until he caught up with her. As he pulled alongside her, she came to a halt. He’d been so intent on catching up with her that he wasn’t paying attention to where they were going.
“Ok, so. It’s not clubbing, Adrien.” She wagged her finger at him, “that was a silly idea. This...” She held her arms above her head. “...is my favourite place.”
He looked around, they were in the Square de la Tour Saint-Jaques. In the darkness, the gothic tower was lit up. It was beautiful and imposing and it took his breath away. He’d lived around the corner from this park all his life, but this was the first time he’d seen it at night. He looked at Marinette, who was watching him with a smile on her face.
“It’s awesome, isn’t it?” She said. She linked her arm through his and rested her head on his shoulder. They stood like that for a few minutes, silently gazing at the tower.
“Thank you for showing me this.” He said into her hair, his voice almost a whisper. “I’ve never seen it lit up before, it’s beautiful.”
“Adrien Agreste.” She looked up at him, “I must warn you, I am about to kiss you. Now, don’t get the wrong idea, it’s not because I like you. Although, I do actually have a crush on you, shhh, don’t tell Adrien. It’s just because on a night like this, in such a pretty place, I just think it would be nice.”
“Marinette…” He tried to interrupt. Did she just admit to having feelings for him?!
She pressed her lips to his and he was sure he could hear electricity crackling as sparks passed between them. Her lips were soft and warm and he knew he needed to reciprocate. She kissed him and Adrien felt like he was drunk. His head swam with a thousand questions. The one at the top of the list was, when can I kiss her again?
“Hmmmm…” Marinette purred. She took his hand and guided him towards the bakery. She did know where she lived after all.
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my-dear-hammy · 7 years
Mobs and Agents and Bartenders
Backstories WHEEEEE...kinda
@hamilton-angst this is for you!!!!!!
The light glanced softly off the glass as it was gently set back in its place on the shelf. No remnants of the dark whiskey that had stained it earlier. Just as the margarita glass was free of the lipstick and fingerprints that mottled its surface. Another glass clicked against the polished mahogany bar top and amber liquid poured precisely into the glass, not a drop wasted.
“When are you going to make a move?” the bartender's smooth voice flowed under all the noise with a charming smile.
“Are you crazy? I can't ask James out! He'd laugh at me. Probably shoot me in the foot.”
“Or the balls.”
A snicker, “Yeah, that sounds like him.”
“Thomas, ask him out. And if he shoots you, entire night of drinks, on the house.”
Thomas laughed, “Thanks Aaron. Fine, you win, I'll ask him out tomorrow. What about you? When are you going to stop with this one night stand shit?”
Burr smiled, stepping away for moment to refill someone else's glass and came back, setting a number written on a napkin down in front of Thomas. “This lovely string of digits were from a lovely young woman, lovely build, looking for a goodnight. And this,” Burr pulled another from his pocket and set it down on top of the last, “was from the most beautifully sculpted man, and his hips?” Burr whistled lowly. “I'm rather happy with my arrangement.”
Thomas chuckled, “I remember those days. Then I met James.”
“You'll have to bring him in here some time so I can meet him.”
“So you can steal him, you mean?” Thomas laughed. “I think not.”
Burr grinned, “Is he hot?”
Thomas grinned back, “The nicest ass I've ever seen.”
“How about if he shoots you, I get a go?”
“He'll shoot you five times. At least. Just for the suggestion.”
Burr laughed. “Get out of here and go get yourself a boyfriend.”
“Do you think the coworker thing will get in way?”
“Always does. Now go, before I have someone drag you out.”
“Alright, alright, I'm going.” Thomas pulled out his wallet and paid for the drinks, leaving an excessively good tip behind for Burr and waving as he walked out the door. Burr smiled as he watched him leave, swiping up the glass that was left behind, along with the cash and putting them back in their proper places.
Another glass placed on the bar top, another bottle upended, a couple more.
“One brain hemorrhage,” Burr said, sliding the shot over to another man with a smile. Another person plopped down in the seat Thomas had vacated a little while before. “One moment, I'll be right with you,” Burr said smoothly, quickly moving across the other side of the bar, replacing and filling glasses as he went. Flirtatious remarks and charming smiles the whole way.
Burr leaned against the counter, “What can I do for you? Another drink?”
“No, I came for something else,” the woman looked him up and down.
“Got a number?” The woman smiled and slid one over. Burr smiled, looking at it and then tucking it into his pocket. “Maybe I'll give you a call.”
“I look forward to it,” she purred, pulling out some cash and paying before disappearing out the door.
Burr cleaned up that spot and quickly moved back down to the person who had sat down earlier. “Sorry about the wait, what can I do for you?”
“Something strong, preferably.”
“Of course,” Burr replied, setting another glass down on the bar top and fetching a bottle. “I've never seen such a beautiful young woman like you around before. Trying new venues?”
“Man,” he corrected. “I'm a man.”
Burr glanced over his frame quickly, pouring his drink. “Ah, my mistake, I apologize, it's obvious, I haven't a clue how I missed that.”
“A distraction,” he said, taking the glass into his hands and taking a drink. Burr watched the way the man before him delicately held the glass, his fingers leaving prints on where it touched the glass and smudges his lips left upon the rim.
“Ah, my specialty.” Burr’s eyes flickered over his frame again. “Have something specific in mind?” The way people drank their alcohol could tell you a lot if you knew what you were looking at. Burr had a lot of practice.
“One night stands aren't really my thing.”
“One moment,” Burr said, making another round to all the other customers. He returned a couple moments later and leaned languidly against the counter. “Long term connections also don't seem like your thing.”
The man chuckled. “I suppose, when do you get off?”
“Half an hour. There's a room in the back if you want to wait.”
“How about I stay here and you keep this glass full until then?”
Burr chuckled and refilled the glass, “Got a name?”
The man hesitated a second. “Francis. My name is Francis.”
“Aaron,” Burr smiled.
Half an hour came and went and Burr wished his employees well before disappearing into the back room. Usually, Burr used it to let one or two people crash of they've had too much and couldn't get home. But he always kept it perfectly clean. He pushed open the door, pulling off his vest as he walked. Francis had disappeared into the back room about five minutes ago, however, when Burr closed the door behind him, he found the guy curled up into a ball.
Francis heard him come in and hastily cleaned up his face and uncurling, propping himself up against the headboard. “Sorry,” he said, “Sorry, let's get this over with.”
Burr draped his vest over the chair as Francis repositioned, readying himself. Burr walked over and crawled over him, holding himself above him before dipping down and gently kissing his forehead, rolling off onto his side. Francis looked at him, confused. Burr didn't say a thing, just simply wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him into his chest, holding him gently. “What are you doing?”
Burr chuckled, “Did you know that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they drink their alcohol? Before I walked in here, I had no intention of having sex with you.”
“What? Then what is this?”
“I'm cuddling you.”
“Do you often take random strangers and cuddle them in the back room? It's creepy.”
Burr laughed. “No. I never do this. You can leave if you want. But I had a free night and I don't think you're going to slit my throat. You don't seem the type.”
Francis laughed, cuddling further into Burr, starved for human contact. “You don't know a thing about me.”
“And you know nothing about me. I could be a mob boss for all you know.”
Francis stilled. “And you could be an FBI informant,” he responded, a bit of an edge in his voice.
Burr chuckled. “If only. No, actually, I’m content with what I do. You hear all the juiciest gossip as a bartender. Everyone trusts you. Soon, you know all the secrets. Plus, I get a lot of numbers.” Burr smiled. “But you, you're new. I don't know anything about you.”
Francis relaxed a little. “I bet I can get more numbers than you.”
Burr laughed easily. “With your charm?” he flattered, “easily.” Francis was relaxing from whatever was bothering him earlier, and that's all the Burr was really aiming for. “You know, if it's a distraction you're looking for,” Burr continued, “you could always work the house with me for a night.”
“The house?”
“The bar.”
“Oh. Do you mean tonight?”
“Tonight? I'm already off. And I'm very comfortable,” Burr said, squeezing him slightly. “Tomorrow night.”
“I'm busy tomorrow night. I've got...business,” Francis murmured.
“Then whenever you can. Feel free to walk in and join me behind the counter, I'll show you the ropes and how to make a few drinks.”
Francis smiled softly, pressing his face into Burr’s chest, wondering how his night took such a drastic turn for the better. How could people be so trusting? This guy didn't know a thing about him or anything about what it exactly was that he did. Yet, here he was, comforting a random stranger because he had nothing better to do.
Francis decided in that moment nothing bad was ever happening to this nice stranger if he had any say in the matter.
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austinpanda · 6 years
Letter to Dad
13 May, 2018
Dear Dad--
I'm having an acceptable weekend! I'm pleased to report that I'm not in the middle of any crises at the moment, and things at my casa are nominal. I really like weekends when I can do nothing but a few chores and a lot of listening to audio books. Today I'm going to start a Nelson Demille audio book, one I've read before, but not in a long time, Plum Island. That's the start of a series of five "John Corey" books, including Plum Island, The Lion's Game, Night Fall, Wile Fire, The Lion, The Panther, and Radiant Angel. I hadn't even heard of those last two until I looked them up just now. 
Most of my spare time in the last week has been spent in anticipation of moving to Spokane, some 10 months (or so) in the future. A few things I've discovered: Rent is still ridiculously cheap there. And although weed is legal, a lot of jobs drug test you for it anyway. I think this is pernicious and stupid, but that's no surprise. I think it makes sense to drug test a potential employee if they're driving a school bus, or manning a missile silo, but not for most people, for most jobs. If I want to get a job writing for a local newspaper, e.g., do they really care if my biggest sins are smoking pot and reading too much Washington Post? I think not. I'm not carrying the nuclear briefcase for the President, fer chrissakes. Lighten up, you damn inconvenient puritans. 
As I've probably mentioned, the prospect of pulling up stakes and moving to a whole different corner of the country is scaring the hell out of me. Interestingly, though, by the time I get there, I'll be 50. I don't expect I'm going to feel any large "CLICK" when I turn 50, representing the sound of all my old white guy privileges snapping into place, thus giving an instant boost to my self confidence, but I'm considering pretending that that's going to happen. I think it'll just be a matter of repeating to myself, as often as needed, "I'm 50. Just shut up and do what I'm telling you, please and thank you." I'm hoping this will come across in my job interviews. You don't need to know about the last time I handled an angry interaction with a customer, interview person. Just shut up and give me the job. It'll be okay. Trust me.  ;)
Interesting: I just watched 2001: A Space Odyssey yesterday and today I find out it's the movie's 50 year anniversary. I've watched that movie A LOT. I've also read about it a lot and looked at lots of pictures of the movie while it was in production. When I watched that movie as a kid, I always wondered why the shots with the monkey people looked like they were filmed inside when the background indicated clearly that they were outside. Now that I'm a grownup, I know the answer. The monkey people looked like they were inside because they were inside a sound stage, and the backgrounds were projected onto a reflective screen behind the monkey actors. Now that I have the movie on BluRay, I can actually see the pattern they used to apply the super-reflective material to the screen the actors were standing in front of. And I know how they did all the other special effects. Lo, I am a sci-fi nerd!
Everywhere I go on the internet this morning endeavors to remind me that it's Mother's Day. I was at the grocery store early this morning, and the entryway was choked with forgetful losers who still hadn't bought the flowers or balloons or chocolates or whatever else they'd forgotten to get for their moms. Procrastinators! I smirk at you! *smirk! smirk!*
Here are some other quick updates. File this one under Stuff That Excites No One But Me--I've had one flavor of incense in the house for the past year, and I've finally ordered a variety pack from Amazon. My apartment will have more than one smell! I'm getting more and more hummingbird visits, but I've abandoned my plan to feed them on a regular schedule, because fuck that noise. I seem to prefer feeding them at my leisure, every couple of days. I've seen several excellent documentaries lately, but I can't recommend any of them because they're all depressing as hell. (As an example, one of them is about guys in Syria who rush to areas that have been bombed and dig the civilians out of the rubble. The main character dies in the end. Wheeeee!) I'm still watching the TV series Westworld, and I have to say, I think it's some of Ed Harris' best work. And he's a very talented guy anyway.
I will, of course, have more to offer next weekend. Stay safe!
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