#But now levs like yep your symbols and my symbols and it's about how we connect and we will make our own rituals
abyssalpriest · 1 year
I should've seen this coming bc I always was interested in religion but like. Lev said OK lmfao we should and are now going to make a religion (for the two of us). We Are. That's your practice now.
And I haven't been this excited in ages
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the last text that i sent my ex was "I'm on the toilet."
It's Lev here, today, I thought I'd share something a bit more personal - a tale of my latest romantic adventure...or should I say, misadventure? You might want to grab some popcorn for this one, it's gonna be a wild ride. (I wrote this so I can finally move on & forget - for the better! I reflected it on the whole thing, yesterday.)
Alright, story time. You know how some people say their last words to their ex were something profound, like, "I wish you the best," or "I hope we can still be friends"? Well, mine was, and I kid you not, "Hey, just sitting on the toilet." Classy, right? Yep, you read that right. Toilet texting. If that's not an Olympic event, it should be.
But let's add some context to that bizarre send-off, shall we? Trust me, it was less of a cute "we share everything" and more of an unhealthy "you're not giving me enough" sort of thing (and we were pretty much the opposites). It's like we were from different planets. Money, food, music taste, humor - I mean, he thought the things I made were CRINGE. Now, that was the ultimate deal-breaker. And then, like a cherry on top of this disaster sundae, my notifications stopped working. Yes, I swear on my mom's homemade stew, it wasn't me ignoring him. (I mean, come on, it's not like I was chilling in a spa - I just couldn't reply for a hot 5-20 minutes. We're not running a crisis hotline here). Everyone knows that my notifications are as reliable as the British weather, and even if it were, did he really need to know about every piece of toilet paper I was using?
After much reflection, I decided that it wasn’t working out. The relationship didn't survive much longer after that text, thankfully.
But hey, don't get all somber on me. The breakup was a blessing in disguise. Honestly, I'm doing better than ever. I feel like a weight has been lifted, and I've found a newfound freedom in doing things just for me.
And guess what? The music? Yeah, it's playing loud and clear now, without any background noise of criticism. I'm living the indie-pop dream!
So, in retrospect, that breakup text while I was on the throne (I mean, the toilet) might be the funniest and most symbolic thing I've ever done. In a weird way, it was the beginning of me flushing away a relationship that wasn't serving me anymore. And, guess what? There's a new guy! Let's call him Mr. Tolerant because that's what he is – tolerant and understanding. He doesn't cringe at my zines (he actually thinks they're cool!), and is on the same wavelength about important things. Sometimes, it's essential to step away from situations that make you lose your essence, your flavor. Once you find yourself again, you can share your life with someone who loves your version of weird, because let's be honest, we're all a bit weird.
And note-to-self, if you ever find yourself having to text someone while on the toilet just to keep them happy, it's probably time to hit the flush button.
Until next time!
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