#But noooo because now my dad wants to come downstairs with my youngest sibling and make dinner
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pronounrespector · 9 months ago
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amor-immortalem · 3 years ago
My Adoring Fan chapter 9
a/n: time to get back to this
“Alright I’ve got them...” Aurelius dumps his books in the center of the little group consisting of Zulima, Max and himself. “Where’s ‘Zay?”
“Your dad wanted to talk to her as we passed by your parents’ room.” Max offered. “About what happened at RAD.”
The white- and black-haired boy nodded. “Alright then. Let’s get started then.” He flipped open to a random page and checked with his cousin and the human to make sure they hadn’t already covered the material yet: Transfiguration.
With a negative answer they began.
Arella was deciding on something to make for lunch, when Cyrus and Mahlon made it back home from their time out. As soon as the toddler could get his little shoes off, Mahlon was in the kitchen tugging on the hem of his mother’s shirt as he bounced like an excited puppy.
“Mama! Mama! Mama! ‘M hungry. When’s lunch?” He asks with wide green-to-blue-to gold gradient eyes. “Awso- Awso- Awso, me ‘n Cy... me ‘n Cy saw a weally pwetty kitty on da way home.”
“You did?” She asks with a soft chuckle. “Well, I’m not sure what I’m making for lunch just yet so why don’t you help me decide. Sound good?”
The toddler nods as Arella picks him up and places him on the counter. Cyrus enters the kitchen shortly thereafter.
“Sorry I couldn’t keep him occupied longer, Mum.” The half-demon reaches into the fridge to grab out a sportsdrink. “I know Dad’s not in the best of shape today so I tried to get Mahlon to stay out with me longer but he wouldn’t have it. Is he doing any better now, though?”
“A little bit...” Arella nodded. “He and your sister fell asleep together upstairs so I’ll wake them when lunch is finished.”
“’Zay’s home?!” Mahlon’s eyes lit up as he hopped down. “I wanna see ‘er.”
“Mahlon, honey, no. You’ll wake them right now.”
“But I wanna see ‘em!” The boy complains.
“They’re not going anywhere, Buddy.” Cyrus chuckled. “And I thought you said you were going to help Mum choose what’s for lunch?”
“Yeah.... Yeah but...”
“No buts, little one.” Arella smiled as she opened the fridge. “Your brother is up in his room with Zulima and Max. You can go see them if helping decide what’s for lunch doesn’t interest you anymore.”
Mahlon nodded taking off for the stairs as Arella turns back to the fridge to continue her task
“Auwelius!” Mahlon exclaims as he jumps on his older brother’s back. “Why’dyu come home eawly? Hi, Zuli!” His multicolored eyes narrowed when he noticed Max, “Human... go away.”
“Hm?” The older teen looks back, “Don’t worry about it just yet, bud.” He ruffles Mahlon’s fluffy black hair. “Also don’t talk to Max like that. You may be the baby of the family but that doesn’t mean you get to act like a brat.”
Mahlon on let out a hmph as he turned his attention to one of the spell books. “What’s that?”
“It’s a spell for transfiguration,” Zulima explained.
“Can I see how it's done?”
“Sure,” Max offers, “I can do it for you.”
“No!” The toddler growled as he glared at her. “I wasn’t asking you. I was asking Auwelius or Zuli. Not you, Stupid.”
“Whoa,” Both Aurelius and Zulima cut in.
“Cool your jets there, Mahlon.” Zulima started, “Max just offered to show you what you wanted to see. You don’t have to be mean.”
“If you can’t act nicely, then you can go. The door’s that way.” Aurelius points toward the door. “The three of us are trying to study.”
“No! I wanna stay! I wanna stay!” The nearly three-year-old shouts as Aurelius covers Mahlon’s mouth with his hand.
“Mahlon, stOP! You yellin’ at the top of your damn lungs like this is not a good thing. Dad’s probably sleeping right now. Do you really want to be the one that wakes him up?” Mahlon shakes his head as Aurelius removes his hand from his brother’s mouth. “That’s what I thought.”
“Too bad it already happened.” Mammon says as he leans against the doorframe. “Mahlon, apologize to Max and then go downstairs.”
“I’m not sayin’ sowwy. Not to ‘er,” Mahlon crossed his arms with a huff.
“It wasn’t optional, Mahlon. Say yer sorry. Right now.”
“No! You can’t make me!”
“I sure as hell can put ya in time out until yer ready to though. Downstairs, now- or do I gotta come over there and get ya myself?”
Mahlon only shook his head and marched out of Azalea’s room, headed downstairs for his punishment.
“Here’s yer phone back, Max. Send me that audio so I can get it to Lucifer and Lord Diavolo.” Mammon sighed, “There’s no excuse for the four of ya ta have had what was said ta ya said ta ya.”
The blue-eyed human only nodded as she put her phone away and the demon left.
As Mammon and Mahlon make their way downstairs, the demon flips on a 5-minute timer on his phone.
“When this timer goes off, I’ll come get ya and we’ll talk about why what ya did was wrong and why ya did it, ‘kay?” Mammon says as he puts Mahlon in a corner for his time out and the boy nodded. The white-haired demon flips on the time and heads into the kitchen to get something to drink.
“Hey, right behind ya,” he says as reaches over Arella to grab a water bottle from the fridge. “So... Mahlon’s in time out right now because he’s refusin’ to apologize to Max for callin’ her stupid.”
“What? really?” Arella looks up at him with wide eyes. “That’s the second time he’s done that while she’s been over...”
“Yeah ‘n it's gonna be the last too.” He hums, “I think he’s just jealous of her because ‘Zay gives Max the attention that he wants from her. Ya know how much he loves ‘er despite the way she treats him ‘n how possessive he gets over us or his siblings.”
“Yeah, I thought we’d managed to curb this behaviour from last time though...” She rubbed her temples. ���How are you feeling though after you’ve had that nap? You ready for lunch, love?”
“I’m a lil’ better. Kinda nauseous from not eatin’ all morning so I’m more than ready for lunch. Maybe gettin’ some food in me’ll help kick the rest of this. I’m tired of just sittin’ around doin’ nothin’.
“Just take it easy, alright? Remember what the doctor said all those years ago? Rest is the quickest way to come out of this.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m just bored.” He sighed as the timer went off. “Welp, time to go talk to our son.” He took a swig out of his water bottle and went back out into the living room to talk to Mahlon.
“Alright, I’m going to wake Azalea and collect the others for lunch.” Arella says as she climbs the stairs.
“Azalea,” Arella calls softly as she’s tries to rouse her daughter from her nap for lunch. “Time to wake up, my little flower.”
“Don’t wannaaaaaa,” The teen only rolls further onto her side trying to bury her face in the pillow. “’m not hungry.”
“I know you don’t but you have to. You’ll never sleep tonight and then you’ll be tired for school the next day.”
“Noooo, I’ll be fine.”
Well, if her daughter was refusing to get up, Arella had other strategies to wake the girl. Her hands snuck to Azalea’s sides and she began to tickle the girl.
“Ah! Stop! Stop! I give!” The half-demon laughed as she tries to roll further away from Arella only for Arella to pull her back in when she was in danger of falling off the king-sized bed. “Mercy! Mercy!”
The human ceases the tickle attack as she holds her daughter close. “I’m glad you saw it my way,” She smiled. “Lunch is ready, Princess. Your brother and I made sandwiches.”
“Which one? I have two.”
“It was Cyrus and no- you have three brothers, Darling.”
“Does Mahlon really count?” She asked.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean he can’t do much in the way of helpin’ if he can’t even reach the bloody counter now, can he?”
“Oh, that’s what you meant,” She let out a relieved sigh as Azalea laughed softly.
“So, are ya ready to apologize to Max, now, Buddy.” Mammon asks as he sits with his youngest on the couch.
“No... I’m mad at her.” the black-haired boy puffs his cheeks out in a pout.
“You’re angry at her? Why? Did she do something to upset you?”
“She took ‘Zay away.”
“Whaddya mean by that, Mahlon?” The demon asks as he readjusts the boy on his lap. “Max didn’t take yer sister away from ya.”
“Yes, she did. ‘Zay don’t love me no more... She’s always with Max...”
“Mahlon, bud, that ain’t true,” The Avatar of Greed sighs. “Your Sis is just bad at showin’ those types of feelings sometimes but I promise you she does love ya... in her own way.”
“How do you know?” Mahlon’s multicolored eyes peer up at his father.
“Can I let ya in on a little secret?” He asks as Mahlon nods. “When you were a baby, Azalea hated ya. She didn’t want ya to be here- even still she’s not really yer biggest fan.”
“What? Why? Did I do someting wrong?”
“No, it's just that up until Mama and I had you, she didn’t have ta share our attention with anyone but Aurelius so she felt like you were taking us away from her and she felt like she was being replaced. Ya see, babies require a lot of work after their first born so we really didn’t have a lot of free time ta spend one on one with your brother and sister like we used to. She resented having ya around but as ya got older and ya started ta get more independent and not in need of constant supervision, she started ta calm down about it.”
“So she doesn’t like me?”
“She’s getting better about it. Ya just gotta give her time which leads me to my next point: You can’t be mean to Max. Not only is it wrong since she’s been nothing but nice to you, but do you really think your sister is going to like that you’re being rude and nasty to her friend?”
“... No...”
“So doncha think you should apologize?”
“That’s my good boy,” The demon ruffles his son’s hair. “It’s lunch time now so let’s go ahead and wash our hands and get to the table, ‘kay?”
“’Kay,” The toddler hops down from his father’s lap and heads off for the kitchen.
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