#But it works for this to avoid the reference to a king in ‟kunglig‟ so I dug it out of history
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annyinacastle · 2 years ago
Snippet (Swedish + English)
On Friday evenings I take the time and effort to, instead of writing, translate Blood of Destinies Rewritten into my native language, Swedish.
In part, this is because I want all of my work to be available in both languages (and I'll send the Swedish editions to publishers, while the English editions are going to be self-published, generally speaking).
It's also helping in making edits because I need to rethink sentences and sentence structure. I always originally draft in English these days. I'd probably do that for things like essays and such as well, even if I had to translate it later. (Note that I'm a translator though.)
So here's a snippet from this week's translation, in Swedish first, and then in English. The Swedish snippet is in its baby stage and is unedited and does need some work, lol, while the English got through some work once before I started my translation project, but obviously needs work too.
Beröringen var förvånansvärt försiktig och häpnadsväckande kall, lindrande och smärtsam på samma gång. Trots detta var flickan fast besluten att inte visa någonting, för att inte inte förolämpa kejsarens klan. Prinsen tog hennes haka och lutade hennes huvud för att kunna se henne bättre.
»Vad obarmhärtigt.» Prinsen uttryckte sitt missnöjde och studerade den rött svullna kinden. »Sade fader kejsaren åt dig att du ska slå de vackraste flickorna? Att slå dem tills de är gräsliga att se på?»
»N-nej, självklart inte, Ers Nådiga Höghet. Det var ett misstag, ett misstag.»
Prinsen släppte flickans »Så bråttom han har att förklara att det var ett misstag.»
The touch was surprisingly gentle and astoundingly cold, simultaneously soothing and painful. Yet the girl was determined not to show anything, lest she offended the Imperial Clan. Taking her chin, the Prince tilted her head to get a good look at her.
“So ruthless.�� The Prince tsked while studying the red and swelling cheek. “Did Father Emperor instruct you to hit the prettiest girls? To beat them until they’re ugly?”
“N-no, of course not, Your Royal Highness. It was my mistake, my mistake.”
The Prince let go of the girl. “So quick to declare it was a mistake.”
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