#But i had fun rewriting s2 finchel
helbertinelli · 3 years
How would you have written Finchel’s season 2 storyline differently? If everything in Season 1 was kept the same I mean
I would have gotten rid of the Finntana/Puckberry drama from the beginning. There would also be no Fuinn and no Jesse. Also, Sam and Quinn don't actually get together. Their relationship didn't really add anything to the story anyway.
Finchel are together for most of the season.
In the Sexy episode, Finn confesses to Rachel that he lied about not sleeping with Santana. She gets upset and breaks up with him.
Finn does try to get Rachel back but she tells him she's still hurt by what he did. They do stay friends. It would be cool to see Finn pining for Rachel and fighting to get her. It would be a nice contrast from s1 where Rachel was doing that.
Quinn tries to get Finn back, so she tells Rachel that there's no hope for her (Rachel) and Finn in order to discourage her from getting back with Finn. Rachel writes Get It Right about her relationship with Finn.
In Rumours, Rachel and Finn do the stakeouts still because they're curious about what's going on with Quinn and Sam and Kurt. Rachel realizes that she misses being with Finn and they probably have a talk where she tells him she forgives him. I don't want them getting back together during this episode because Rumours is mainly about Brittana and Sam's home situation, so it would be too much to add Finchel too.
During the Prom Queen episode, Finn doesn't run with Quinn obviously because he never gets back with her. Rachel, Mercedes, and Sam plan to go to prom as friends as in the actual episode. Finn asks if he can join them and Rachel is hesitant to say yes, but Mercedes convinces her to accept. The four of them go to prom together. Mercedes and Sam go into the gym where the dance is, but Finn stops Rachel before they enter. He shows her a pink corsage (of like peonies or something cute like that) he got for her and he asks if he can put it on her wrist and Rachel agrees. She then helps him pin the other flower to his suit so they match. They hang out with Samcedes at prom. Finn and Rachel perform a song together at prom, instead of Rachel singing Jar of Hearts. They could both sing a ballady cover of Just A Dream by Nelly. I really like the duet cover from Kurt Hugo Schneider that Sam Tsui and Christina Grimmie sang. That could be a good Finchel song. So they sing that, and at the end, Finn kisses Rachel, instead of kissing her at Nationals. I like the Nationals kiss and what it represents, but it's not extremely important to their relationship. Like we all knew that Rachel is way more important to Finn than any competition.
In New York, Finn writes Pretending with Rachel. He comes up with most of the lyrics as he wants to write something for Rachel to show her he's serious about their relationship this time. I would love for them to win Nationals because those songs were amazing. But if they don't win, I would have made them finish in the top 10. Maybe in the 2nd place. Finn and Rachel get back together officially after Nationals.
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angelhummel · 4 years
So I saw a post about the eras of the Glee fandom and I am in the Resurgence Era. I began watching the show back in May 2020. I know people like to make fun of the show a lot, and I totally understand, but I unironically enjoy this show. Well maybe not a majority of S4-S6, but I like the music, the comedy, the heartfelt moments, the zany characters. But I can also see how even in the early seasons, which people hail as Glee's Peak, how it could have been better. (1/?)
With the exception of a few song changes and polishing clunky dialogue, there isn't much I would change in S1 or S2 (although I would cut down on the cheating plotlines in S2). S3 should have been about the club finally being unified with almost no infighting, and they shouldn't have tried to cram so many PSAs into one season AND Santana's coming out story should have had more focus than it got (and it should have been handled more sensitively period) But the music in S3 still rocked.
In S4-S6 I can see almost exactly when people began dropping from the fandom and I understand why. S4 through S5 (especially S5) seemed to be flailing for some sense of direction with the characters and juggled too many nonsensical (and often tone deaf) storylines for it to be coherent. S6 saved it from ending disastrously, but by then it was too late to truly save the show. Not to mention Ryan Murphy's unprofessionalism leading to actor drama and just butchered story lines.
But I can see how the show could progressed coherently and satisfyingly. In S3-S4 the New Directions should have become the champions for the underdogs. In S4 with most of them graduating, they should have had the theme of branching out into the big world beyond their small, closeminded town in Ohio. S5 could have been them getting too big for their britches and then failing because of arrogance. Then S6, they go back to Lima as a humbling reminder of where they started.
In S6, with the allotted 22 episodes they should have had, they could have started up the Glee club again, and be reminded why they joined in the first place. It makes me sad that bad writing and Ryan Murphy's unprofessionalism tanked a show that had all the groundwork for being absolutely amazing. Glee is many things: wacky, musical, bizarre, heartfelt, frustrating, insensitive, sometimes all those things in the same episode, but when it was good, there was nothing else like it.
I mean that last plot is basically what they tried to do but just with Rachel while everyone puttered around for ten episodes before they wrapped all the pointless crap up. I mean I was never a fan of them having to go back to Ohio in the final season just bc they’d already done it multiple times by then and it’s like can we please see something new?? All I wanted for the last two seasons was all my faves and a few guest stars in NY lmao. It’s still an ensemble show with like 7-10 characters and some good guest stars, right?? 
Also like I’ve sort of said this before lately but. S2 is a hot damn mess. If you didn’t have Kurt or Klaine and you didn’t have Santana or Brittana?? That season would be nothing lol. Maybe it’s just me but idk all the het nonsense that season really drags it down for me. And s3 is fucking awful but that’s what so many people cite as their favorite. Which to me it just proves that people talking about “it was really good at first then sharply declined when everyone graduated” is complete bullshit and it’s just people looking at the seasons they actually watched through rose colored glasses and just saying it got 100% when they stopped being interested in it. 
And I swear I’m not trying to just shit on everything you’re saying lmao but again people saying s3 had the best music of all but like. I dunno I think DWS had the best music and was the best actual tribute ep. Michael also had really good performances. Then there’s maybe five other performances I’d put in the iconic tier lol. Idk I think it’s overrated all around and I just hate s3 so damn much (: But yes it does have some good music
But anyway your last paragraph. If I could rewrite Glee with 20/20 hindsight I would have the s4 and s6 newbies switch. So the new and interesting characters for s6 are introduced earlier and actually bring something new to the table. And then in s6 we get the wannabe copies of the oldies so that when all the alums are there, they pick out the person that reminds them most of their high school selves to mentor them. So like Thanksgiving but for like half the season or whatever lol. And it’s like sweet and nostalgic for them to sort of see themselves at the start of their friendship again and to give everyone the advice they wished they knew back in the day. Stuff like that. Could’ve been cute
And idk I don’t agree with everyone else saying s5 sucked lol. I mean obviously one of the contributing factors to the strangeness and sloppiness was one of their main characters dying and having to write around that. And poor Sam having to fill Finn’s crap shoes and become Finn 2.0 and I think you can see that best with the nurse Penny stuff. But idk I mean there’s twerking and puppets which are nonsensical and only one of those things comes off as tone deaf to me. I don’t think it’s as bad as people wanna say. But after the boringness of them coming back to Ohio for the glee club in the middle of the season?? And then my favorite characters are in NY after that?? Those are some of my absolute favorite episodes. I mean I’m in my top 40 glee ranking episodes and I’ve got 5 eps just from the back half of season five to go. I love it. It’s some of my favorite Glee
Although I still agree that s1 is the best. And that’s with the show focusing mainly on Mr. Schue, Finchel, and Quick. And I still adore it as much as I do. Season one really is something special. I mean just about every season is like watching a different show. And no one is going to agree on what they like best or why. But idk I’m just glad everyone in the fandom has something to hold onto. 
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