#But his parents were Togolese for one and Beninese for the other
satellite-blossom · 4 months
I'm going to say something that's probably going to get misinterpreted but it's not because you're black that you can't have US-centric beliefs. It's not just a white person thing. At one point you'll have to acknowledge that there's a multitude of black experiences that don't align with Afro-Americans' or even British black people's, because yes, there are other countries in the world than the USA or the UK.
I see a lot of "very bad takes" on certain issues on this site, for a lack of a better word, and their main issue (beyond the condescending tone they're written in) is their blatant US-centrism, which is particularly irritating when it's coming from people who beg others to "listen to diverse voices" and "educate themselves" while they themselves can't even acknowledge realities outside of North America. Being Afro-American doesn't guarantee you don't have US American mindsets to unlearn.
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