#But don't tell me it's not just a little bit awsome
What if I made an au where I just paired up random people who aren't sublings as siblings? Like....
Or eddie+Robin(+mike)
Or steve+dustin+max
Or steve+Robin
Or max+will
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not-magdi · 9 months
"Home for the Holidays"
Summary: Going home for the holidays with your boyfriend 
Word Count: 1.9k
Reading time: 7 min 40sec
Genre: Fluff
A Pedri image for some change again, I wasn't sure at first with who I was going to write it but he gave me better vibes for this. 
Hope you enjoy it!
Love you guys Magdi <3
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(His smile aagghh, it's so cute!!)
You were currently packing your bags as you were flying home for Christmas. The whole day, you were in a good mood, blasting Christmas songs through your speakers and dancing around your house to them.
Since you moved to Barcelona for your new job six months ago, you haven't been able to travel home for once. Work and other things were always getting in the way.
But now you finally have time to go home and spend the holidays with your family. You were beyond excited you hadn't seen your parents in a long time, the last time they visited you was in summer when they came to visit you and meet your new boyfriend, Pedro Gonzáles.
The same boyfriend who is currently sitting on the floor beside you, laughing at all the stupid Christmas sweaters you own.
"Amor, why do you have so many of them !?"
"Because they're awsome. Look! This one has little kittens with hats on them!"
You threw a reindeer one at him as he still laughed at you. The two of you continued to joke around until you heard your phone ringing.
"It's my mum, give me a sec."
As you picked up, your smile faltered when you heard the sad voice of your mum as she greeted you. Walking out of the room, you tried to find a quiet corner so you could speak to her.
"Hey Mum, is everything alright?" You asked her concerned.
"Well, not quite. We just got a national wetter warning for the whole country. There's a big snowstorm coming. All airports cancelled their flights to here."
Your phone nearly fell out of your hand as you heard the news. "No please, no." Tears started to gather in your eyes as you let the information sink in.
"I'm so sorry, honey, but we can visit you soon, after this storm is over. I promise."
Snapping out of your thoughts, you quickly say goodbye to your mum and hand up again. When you put your phone back into your pocket, the first tear ran down your face. Not being able to go home meant you would be spending Christmas alone for the first time.
Your long absence made Pedri curious about where you ended up, so he stood up and began to search for you.
"Y/N where are you?"
You quickly dried your tears as you heard him rounding the corner to the living room.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. ¡No te preocupes!" (Don't worry)
You tried to make your voice sound more steady than it actually was. But as soon as you locked eyes with Pedri, the dams broke. With tears streaming down your face, you tried to explain to him what happened, though nothing but sobs left your lips.
"I-I (sob), I can't-"
"Hey, it's ok. Estoy auqí, estoy aquí." (I'm here, I'm here.)
Pedri rushed over to you and immediately took you into his embrace. Gripping his hoodie, you buried your face into his neck and continued to cry.
Not knowing what happened, Pedri let his fingers run through your hair in an attempt to calm you down a bit.
"Tell your Pepi what happened Amor. Maybe I can help you fix it." He softly stroked your cheek while tightening his other arm around you.
Shaking your head, you answer with a shaking voice. "I don't think you can help me with this. The only thing that could help me would be a magical change in the weather."
"¿Qué quieres decir cariño? (What do you mean honey?)
"Th-There is a massive storm at home. (Sniff) I-I can't go home, Pedri."
You looked up at him as you told him the reason for your misery, your voice barely a whisper. Pedri felt his heart squeeze as he saw your red eyes and puffy, wet cheeks.
While holding you in his arms, trying to reassure you, an idea sparked into his mind.
"Baby, do you wanna spend Christmas with my family?"
You smiled slightly at his suggestion. Pedri would do anything to make you happy. But you weren't sure about his idea. You see, Pedri and you have only been together for five months. Yes, you've already met his family, but you didn't want to intrude on such an intimate holiday.
"Pepi, I'm not sure. You've not seen your family for so long I don't want to intrude."
Looking at you in disbelief, Pedri takes your face into his hands. "Bebé, my parents love you! You would be the last person to intrude. Please do it for me. I couldn't enjoy myself knowing you would be here, alone."
Your heart melted at his statement, so you agreed to go to the Canary Islands with him and his brother.
It was the 23rd of December, and after paying way too much for a last-minute plane ticket, you and Pedri met Fer at the airport and are now waiting for your gate to open.
"I'm happy you're here. Pedro is way more fun when you're with him."
You blushed at Fer's words. He is always so friendly towards you. Ever since the day Pedri introduced you two. Fer made you feel welcome, and you really appreciated that. As you wanted to say something to him, your gate opened, and Pedri ushered you to board the plane.
Your flight was pretty chill. A few people asked Pedri if they could take a photo with him, which he happily agreed to do. You always admired how kind he acted around his fans.
After you landed, you three got a taxi and drove to Pedri's and Fer's childhood home.
Fernando and Rosy were already waiting by the door to greet all of you. As soon as the two brothers were out of the car, they were already in the warm embrace of their parents.
You stood beside them for a while, not wanting to interrupt their long-awaited family reunion. But as soon as Rosy saw you, she let go of her sons to give you a big welcoming hug.
"Y/n! It's so great that you're here!"
"Thank you for letting me stay here. I really appreciated it!"
Fernando also came over to give you a quick hug. "Oh please, we are more than happy to have you here."
After unpacking and resting for some time, Pedri decided to show you around in his hometown. You visited his school, first-ever football club, and the beach where he and his friends would always go after training.
You were amazed to see all the places that made your Pedro who he is now.
After spending the whole day exploring the island, you two came home to a home-cooked meal. You ate dinner and had a wonderful time with his family. You were unbelievably grateful to be a part of all this.
The next day, you woke up on top of Pedri. His warm hands were stroking your back, which ultimately woke you up.
"Bon dia bebé." Kissing the side of your face, Pedri greeted you with his slightly groggy morning voice.
"Mhm, morning Amor."
You cuddled deeper into his warm embrace again and nearly fell asleep until Fer banged his fist against the door.
"Morning lovebirds! Get up!"
Groaning, Pedri moves you from him and slowly sits up. "I swear to god I love him, but sometimes he needs to be smacked on the back of his head."
You both start to giggle and decide to get up and begin the day. You put on some old training shorts and a shirt that you took from Pedri. You head downstairs to the kitchen, where Fernando is already preparing dinner for the evening.
"Good morning, you two! Breakfast is at the table, take what you want."
Thanking him, you head to the dining table. Fer and Rosy were already eating. You sat next to Pedri's mum, who greeted you with a warm smile.
While eating breakfast, you decide what you should do for the day. You choose helping Fer with the shopping while Pedri stays at home and helps his parents prepare for the evening.
It turned out that buying snacks and drinks for fourteen people takes longer than you thought. You and Fer came home barely before the first members of his family started to arrive.
The house looks beautifully decorated. It looks like it came straight out of a postcard. Pedri's family was unbelievably welcoming to you. You had a great time and enjoyed yourself truly.
When it was time for the presents, you quickly ran up the stairs to grab presents for Pedri and his parents. As soon as it was clear that you would join Pedri for the holidays, you immediately searched for presents for his parents.
You got his mum a beautiful necklace and his dad a bottle of wine. You hope they will like them. Pedri wasn't much help while buying them, so you just guessed.
When you arrived at the living room, wrapping paper flew around, and you could see Pedri playing with one of his cousins. Sitting next to him, you gave Pedri's parents their presents.
They absolutely loved them. Rosy hugged you tight after you put the necklace on her.
"My dear, thank you so much. I love it!"
"I'm glad you like it. But give me a second I have to hand Pedri his gift to."
You approached him with a small red envelope you picked up from under the Christmas tree.
"Merry Christmas, Pepi."
Smiling at you, he took the envelope and pulled you onto his lap. You squealed and blushed, not used to showing so much affection in front of his family.
"What are you doing!?" You whisper-shouted into his ear.
"I missed you, my family has had way to much time with you."
You smirked at his slight jealousy. Pedri was never the biggest fan of sharing your attention.
"Come on, open your present now."
He ripped the envelope open and gasped.
"You got me tickets for Quevedo!?"
"Yeah, I saw that he is in Barcelona next summer, so I quickly bought them."
You felt Pedris arms tighten around you as he nuzzled his face into your neck. "I love you so much, thank you!!"
"I love you too ba-woah!" You gasped as Pedri literally threw you off his lap and sat you down on the couch.
"Wait here for a second. I need to get your gift."
As he rushed upstairs, you looked on in confusion. After a few minutes, he returned with a small white box in his hand.
Sitting down before you, he gave you the little box.
You quickly unwrapped it and gasped loudly, "No, you didn't!"
The box contained a Pandora bracelet, the kind of bracelet that allows you to add multiple charms. You talked to Pedri that you loved the idea of them. But that you thought they were too expensive.
You lunged yourself at him, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!"
"You're welcome Amor. I'm happy you like it."
He helped you put the bracelet on, and as you looked closer, you saw a little Barcelona charm hanging from it. You gave Pedri a sweet kiss and continued to watch the rest of the family unwrapping their presents.
You spend the rest of the evening chatting and laughing with his family. You had a great time and felt truly like a part of the family. Something Pedri was already planning on making you after today.
Don't forget to leave a like if you enjoyed it, feedback is always welcome !!
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mishietishie · 4 months
Gojo as your bf headcanons!
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Includes: fluff, lots and lots of fluff, Gojo being silly, mention of having kids and possible spelling errors
So let's start off with how you two lovelies meet :)! You're probably a new teacher who got transferred from the sister schoo Kyoto to Tokyo because of your skill and prowess as a Jujutsu sorcerer. While principal Yaga gives you a tour of the school, you meet the strongest sorcerer, Gojo Satoru. He'd get all into your personal space, getting a good look at you before a smile crept up onto his face, greeting you with an enthusiastic smile.
"Hey, heey! You're the new teacher from Kyoto, right?~ Welcome to Tokyo!~ You know me as Gojo Satoru, the strongest, what's your name, newbie?"
Before you could properly introduce yourself, Yaga gave Gojo a good smack on the head, telling him to stop bothering you and act a bit more professional.
While Yaga started walking to continue the tour, you looked at Gojo who gave you a sheepish smile.
"Heeey, I still didn't get your name!"
You laughed and told him your name was L/N Y/N, which earned you a toothy grin from Gojo
"L/N.. I like that name! Say, do you wanna get a bite during lunch? My treat~"
And that's how it kinda all started!
let's just say that ever since you began working at the Tokyo school, the students started to absolutely adore you! Especially Nobara and Yuiji find you absolutely awsome! Megumi found you quite the Jujustu Sorcerer, though he didn't really let it show.
Okay, onto the actual headcanons lolsies
Gojo randomly barges into your office at whatever time. Either telling you about the latest gossip, bringing you mochi he bought from the sweetshop, or to complain about the higher-ups. He somehow always finds a way to be near you and spend time with you instead of doing his paperwork.
He likes to try out different foods with you! Whenever the food is too spicy, he'll give it to you wether you can handle spicy foods or not. (If you can't handle spicy food, you'll both be burning your tongues)
We all know Gojo is too rich for his own good, so what's a better solution then to let his amazing partner spend his money! Whether you use it for clothes, shoes, accessories, vehicles, hobbies, etc.. He doesn't care, as long as his pretty/handsome baby is happy, he is too!
He totally pranked you once by picking you up in his arms and flying with you in the air when you were still asleep.
He really likes playing with your hair! Sometimes he makes little braids in your hair (or atleast tries to) when you guys are just chilling in the comfort of your home.
He'd be totally down to wear matching outfits/shirts with you!
When you're both seperated because one (or both) of you are on a mission, he totally spam texts/calls you at any given moment. Sometimes even when he's fighting! (He is the strongest after all!)
Would be totally down to put a ring on your finger and make you Mr/Mrs/Mx Gojo Satoru
DEFINETLY wants kids, like he wants an army of babies that look like him and you!! His heart melts at the thought of it :((
If you can't get kids then he's always down for adoption! But if you don't wan't kids then you two can always adopt a few cats/dogs :)
Totally NOT a morning person, you seriously gotta drag him out of bed bc his ass is NOT MOVING (unless you're not a morning person either, then you're both stuck n late)
Ya these were the headcanons, thank you for reading to the end!~
Go back to Gojo's Master List?
Go back to the JJK Master List?
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dinas-a-bird · 1 year
A Rocky Start - 2
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Pairing: Ellie Williams x fem!reader
Warnings: jealous!Ellie, nice!Ellie, drinking, frat party, reader being attracted to and flirting with a man (briefly), modern college AU, Ellie is handsome because I say so
Summary: You start college and meet your roommate, Ellie Williams.
Word Count: 1,525
one three four
A/N: Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes, there will probably be two more shortish chapters unless I decide to combine them.
Over the next few weeks, you slowly settle into college life. Classes become more routine, and you start to make friends with some of the people in your dorm. Ellie is still distant at times, but you notice that she's become more talkative and less hostile.
One night, as you're studying at your desk, Ellie comes in and flops down on her bed with a sigh. "What's up?" you ask.
She groans. "I have a huge paper due next week, and I haven't even started on it yet. I'm so fucking screwed."
You look up from your notes. "What's the paper over?"
"Philosophy of Science," she says, rolling her eyes. "It's so boring. I don't know how I'm going to get through it."
You nod stifling a laugh, "Yeah, I hate those kinds of papers. Have you tried to see a tutor?"
Ellie shakes her head. "I don't want to seem like an idiot. Besides, it's my fault for waiting so long to start on it."
You pause for a moment before speaking. "Well, if you want, I could take a look at it and help you out. I'm not an expert, but I'm pretty good at writing papers."
Ellie looks surprised but then nods. "Really? That would be fuckin awsome. Thank you."
You smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Maybe you could help Ellie out and show her that you're not just some random roommate. You spend the next few hours going over her paper, making suggestions and edits, and helping her refine her arguments.
As you work, Ellie starts to open up about herself. You learn that she's from a small town in Wyoming called Jackson, and her adoptive parents are both ranchers. She was always interested in space, and her dad, Joel, used to take her out stargazing when she was a kid.
After a few more hours of working, you both finish the paper, and Ellie looks relieved. "Thank you so much," she says, giving you a small side hug. "I don't know what I would have done without you."
You hug her back, feeling a sense of warmth. Maybe Ellie wasn't so bad after all. As you both sit back down at your desks, you smile. Maybe you could help each other out and make this year a little easier.
Ellie walks into your dorm room, practically bouncing with excitement. "Hey, you wanna come to a party with me tonight?" she asks, her eyes sparkling.
You glance up from your textbook, slightly surprised. "What kind of party?"
"A frat party," she replies, grinning from ear to ear. "My friends, Jesse and Dina, they invited us. It’ll be fun."
You hesitate, feeling a bit apprehensive about the idea of going to a party with a bunch of strangers. But then you realize that you are in college and this was the perfect time to let loose and enjoy yourself. "Sure, why not?" you conclude with a shrug.
Ellie smiles and immediately starts rummaging through her closet, pulling out a white tee, worn black jeans and a nice belt. "You should wear something cute," she suggests, leaning down to collect her signature converse off the ground.
You raise your eyebrows, feeling your cheeks heat up at her suggestion but quickly change into your nicest outfit anyway and follow Ellie out of the dorm. Jesse and Dina are already waiting for you outside, and you can tell from the way they were giggling that they were already a bit tipsy. "You guys look hooot," Dina slurs, giving Ellie a sloppy kiss on the cheek.
Dina then links arms with you and begins leading the way to the frat house, swaying a little as she walks. "Let's go get fucking drunk," Jesse chuckles from his spot beside Ellie.
As you approach the frat house, you can already hear the music blasting and the sound of people shouting and laughing. You feel a little intimidated by the sheer number of people, but Ellie seemed right at home, bouncing from group to group and introducing you to her friends.
After a few drinks, you start to loosen up and dance with Ellie, feeling the beat of the music pulsing through your veins. You bump into people and spill your drinks, but it didn't matter because you were having so much fun.
At one point, Jesse and Dina disappeared, leaving you and Ellie to dance together. "Glad I could get you to loosen up a bit," she yelled over the music, grinning from ear to ear.
You nodded in agreement, feeling the heat of the alcohol warming your cheeks. "Says your tight ass," you giggle watching as Ellie chuckles at the comment.
Ellie pulls you in for a hug, her breath hot on your neck. "I’m glad we came," she says. "You’re not that bad of a roommate."
You hug her back, smiling. "You too," you say, feeling your stomach flutter from her breath on your neck.
As the night wore on, the party got wilder, and the music became louder. You and Ellie were still dancing, swaying to the beat, and cheering with the rest of the crowd. You could feel the bass thumping in your chest, and you were both laughing and shouting to be heard over the noise.
Suddenly, Ellie grabs your hand and pulls you towards a group of guys who were standing near a keg. "Hey, guys," she says, slurring her words a little. "This is my roommate."
One of the guys, a tall blond guy with a chiseled jaw, grins at you. "Hey, I'm Jack," he says, holding out his hand. "You're Ellie's roommate? She's been talking about you all night."
You shake his hand, feeling a little self-conscious. "Nice to meet you, I'm..."
"Her name is y/n," Ellie interrupts, putting her arm around your shoulders. "She's the best."
Jack smiles at you again, and you feel your heart skip a beat. He was definitely cute, and you can feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. "So, you guys want a drink?" he asks, gesturing towards the keg.
You and Ellie both nod eagerly, and he hands you each a red solo cup filled to the brim with beer. You take a sip, it wasn’t the best but it still warmed your belly.
You found yourself gravitating towards Jack as the night wore on, drawn in by his easy smile and the way he made you feel. You talked about everything from your classes to your hometowns, and you laughed together over the silly things that happened at the party.
Ellie is standing by the keg watching as Jack leans in closer to you, laughing at whatever dumb thing he said. She feels a pang of jealousy and a scowl crosses her face for a brief moment. She had been crushing on you since the first day you met, even if she didn’t show it, and the thought of you being interested in someone else made her feel uneasy.
A time later you notice Ellie standing apart from the group, her arms crossed and a slight scowl on her face. "Hey, El, what's up?" you ask, walking up to her, you notice her mood shift.
She shrugs, looking away from you. "Nothing, just getting tired of watching you flirt with Jack, we were supposed to hang out," she mutters.
You were taken aback, not sure what to say. "I'm not flirting with him, we're just talking, and I've been with you for most of the night." you protest.
Ellie rolls her eyes. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you say," she says, storming off towards the dance floor.
You exchange a worried glance with Jack, a sense of unease settles in your stomach. You didn't want to hurt Ellie's feelings, but you also didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to get to know Jack better.
As the night continued, you tried to balance spending time with both Ellie and Jack, but it was clear that Ellie was getting more and more frustrated with each passing moment. Eventually, you decide to call it a night, feeling a sense of relief that the tension was over.
As you walk back to your dorm with Ellie, she is quiet, her head down. "Hey, are you okay?" you ask, concerned.
She looks up at you, her eyes dark. "I'm fine," she mutters, her voice low. "Just tired."
You can sense that Ellie isn't fine, but you don't know how to break the silence between you. The walk back to your dorm is long and awkward, filled only with the sounds of your footsteps on the pavement.
When you finally reach your dorm room, you turn to Ellie. "Do you want to talk about what’s making you upset?" you ask, hoping to resolve the tension.
Ellie shakes her head. "No, I just want to go to bed," she says softly.
You nod, feeling helpless. "Okay, well, let me know if you need anything," you say, giving her a small smile.
Ellie returns the smile weakly before laying on her bed, facing the wall silently. You watch her, feeling guilty and unsure of what to do next.
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deeptrashwitch · 4 months
A Haunting Past (pt.9)
Once again, Aly is @alypink gorgeous OC and the awsome WTF is @islandtarochips creation! Go and give some love to this amazing people!
Shout out to Taro for being my beta reader 💕 thank you, querida! I love you! For u 💐💐
Tw: I don't think there's any trigger in this part, but please tell me if I miss anything and I'll fix it as soon as I can ^^
Tag list: @stuffireadandenjoy @snootlestheangel @alypink @welldonekhushi @mctvsh @midnight193
@tapioca-milktea1978 @islandtarochips @mutantthedark @justasmolbard @raresvtm
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The next day, Alejandro flew back to Las Almas, promising to call Alicia back once he's there, while he continued thinking. Meanwhile Wraith was preparing everything to hunt the other two members of Six Aces before Red Dragon, they were called Maroon Salamander and Silver Deer, and to be honest they probably are the most dangerous now. One was a pirate and the other a terrorist, that makes that operation way more risky than usual.
"Alicia, I have an answer from Aly." Wraith said when she walked inside of her office "She’s on her way with Lily.”
"Good to know, but where's Price?" Alicia asked with a raised eyebrow "Isn’t he coming as well?"
"I'm not very sure of it. Only Aly and Lily are coming."
"...I have a bad feeling about it"
"Same here…”
Before they say anything else, Wraith's earphone starts to transmit a message, and by her facial  expression it’s NOT very good news. The agent was surprised and had become furious while mumbling her words with a frown. Alicia waited and wondered what happened.
"He did what?!" Wraith screeched with rage "Why did you let them do that, Watcher?!"
"Dominique?" Alicia asked with a confusing tone in her voice.
"I know why Price isn't coming." She hissed before muting the microphone. "The stupid idiot decided to execute General Shepherd himself!"
"What?! But he is still a General even in a trial! If someone learns that Price did this-"
"I know." Wraith sighed with frustration. "Listen, take care of whatever we need on the next mission, okay? Talk with Aly and the team she recommends, I'll figure this out to stop this...burning dumpster."
"Deal, take care."
"You too."
Like that, Wraith left Black Tomb that same day when Aly and Lily arrived just two hours after she left the base. The Captain welcomed them with a smile and the doors opened, making sure as well that no one was following or stalking them. She hugged Aly and kissed Lily's chubby cheek. Smiling when the little girl giggled with joy.
"Welcome to Black Tomb, Aly, I hope you don't mind the sounds" Alicia joked happily.
"No worries, General Flores' base was like this." Aly answered with a chuckle "Thanks for having us for such a long time, Licia. Even more with Lily on the package."
"I already told you before, my doors are always open for my friends. It's always been my pleasure! Also, you're the one helping us the most, it's the least I can do."
"Speaking of, Wraith talked to me...I have some ideas."
"Let's discuss it after I show you where you can stay, 'kay? It must have been a long trip for you both."
Alicia guided Aly to one of the rooms in the barracks, the one accommodated especially for them. And helping her with the luggage. Then two went to walk around the base for a bit before finding Alexander and Marcus in the kitchen, with the sniper baking as usual. Until the boys noticed the two women walking by as they waved at them with a smile. They’re also very surprised to see an infant there.
"Hi Mrs. Price! Welcome to Black Tomb!" Marcus exclaimed while standing up and walked over to shake hands with her.
"Mrs. Price, it's good to see you." Alexander said softly. "Sorry I can't greet you properly, my hands aren't exactly clean." He said with an awkward smile while showing her dirty hands.
"Hi Alexander. Marcus. It’s very nice to see you again. Sorry that we're cramming up in your base." Aly said with a chuckle before Lily noticed the cookies and tried to grab one between them babbling.
 "Lily no! That isn't for you!" Aly said, pulling Lily away from reaching the cookies.
"Oh, it's okay. If you want, she can have one." Alexander said with a smile, pointing to a plate. "Those are already cold."
"Sorry to be a bother, but yes, a cookie would be great."
"Here you go, lil' lady." Marcus said with a small smile while giving Lily a cookie. "Alex's baking is the best around here!"
"You sound confident about it."
"Sure are, right Cap?"
"That's true, they always fight when Alexander makes his pastries or snacks." Alicia said, taking a cookie for herself and offering one to Aly. "Wanna try?"
Aly smiled at Alicia before accepting the cookie. "Thanks."
"...Seems like you need to talk." Alexander said, frowning slightly. "Do you need us to take care of your daughter, Mrs. Price? I promise to keep her away from the oven." He offered her before opening his arms out to Lily.
"Oh no, I don't want to cause you any trouble." Aly said with a small smile while holding Lily up.
"It's not trouble, the lil' lady is adorable and I bet she's also well behaved." Marcus commented with a little smile. "We'll give her back to you as soon as you finish talking with our Captain."
"...Qué vergüenza oye." Aly whispered, making Alicia scoff.
"No te preocupes, la cuidarán bien." Alicia reassured Aly. "Se ven intimidantes, pero son sorprendentemente delicados."
Aly gave Lily to Marcus, feeling a bit nervous, then she went with Alicia to the conference room where Wraith left all the information for them. Once inside, their expressions changed. Aly got more serious as she looked at everything and Alicia had her stone face again.
"Where's Wraith?" Aly asked, almost unsure of the answer.
"Fixing the disaster that Price caused."
"Ugh. John, what the hell?" She murmured while pinching her nose bridge. "Sorry for that one."
"Nah, it's not your fault." Alicia said as she shrugged. "Shall we start?"
"Yes, so Dominique told me a lot of things about this organization. Six Aces. Did you already take down three of them?"
"Two, the one in South America and the one in East Asia. The third was killed in Africa but not by us. We are not sure why, but someone else killed them."
"Well, we can look at that later. The other two, a pirate called...Maroon Salamander? And the terrorist called Silver Deer? What's with the animal nicknames?"
"No idea, as far as I know it's normal to have a nickname like that in the underground. I have an ally that has the nickname 'Golden Empress'. And also, have you seen OUR nicknames?"
"Fair enough I guess." Aly muttered with a sigh. "So this Salamander works mostly across the South Atlantic, why the movement to the South Pacific?"
"We're not sure but the theory says that maybe they are planning to attack a big cargo ship that is supposed to arrive in Yakarta." Alicia explained with a sigh. 
"White Tiger's last shipment before their death."
“And their contents?"
"Two types. Ballistic bombs and..."
"Bio weapons."
"Exactly, that's why we need a Tier 1 team for this. Suggestions?"
Aly thought about it as she tried to think of this situation. "If the plan is to attack the ship. Then we need to make sure those things never arrive to where it's destined to...just a team that can take care of it." Aly murmured with a frown. 
"But it'll be difficult to convince the General to let them help."
"Kanoa's and Tiala's team?"
"They're the best for this kind of mission and we both trust them completely. Also they have Agnes, she can get rid of the ballistic weapons in seconds."
"Good point there, but knowing General Kalani...it'll be difficult.”
"Yeah, I'll figure it out. Will you go after Silver? How do you know where they'll attack?"
Alicia tapped her finger onto her chin. Trying to think. "Right now? I don't know, but I have a good way to know.”
"Which is?"
"People that owe me one.”
"...For some reason I'm not even surprised"
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It wasn't until two days later that Alyssa managed to convinced General Kalani to send the Warrior Task Force to help, and that day the Task Force would be arriving. Aly and Alicia were waiting on the entrance of the base, chit chatting while they noticed how the team were taking care of Lily. All of them are surprisingly dedicated to it.
"Can I borrow them for babysitting sometimes?" Aly asked with a chuckle.
"I bet they'll be happy to help." Alicia said with a smile
Then the sound of two vehicles caught their attention and Alicia made a sign towards the guards to inspect them before letting the vehicles pass. From the first vehicle three people came down; Nigel Harrison, Agnes Falagi and Aelan Kalani, three members of the WTF. With a smile, Alicia welcomed them to her base and thanked them for their help and hearing how, Noah especially, the boys were cheering to have them there.
"Just a favor, don't let Noah and Agnes alone, would ya? I don't need a burning base." Alicia jokes.
"I'll take care of them along with Jackson, Captain." Aelan said with a little smile, hearing Agnes saying 'HEY!' in the background. "Nigel is calmer...usually."
"Nah, pranks are okay."
"Really? Hehehe." Nigel asked before starting to laugh with a wide malicious smile
"It's not carte blanche, Harrison. At least tell me who you're gonna prank in advance..."
"Yes ma'am!"
And then, while the three of them went to talk with everyone and say hi to Lily. They saw how Tiala and Kanoa were getting down from the second vehicle with their luggage. Tiala waved at Aly and Alicia with a smile as she put her bag over her shoulder. Then went to hug Aly tightly and then went to hug Alicia a little softer.
"We heard what happened, are you okay?" Tiala asked with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have any broken ribs or any wounds?"
"Is that why you hugged me so softly? Don't worry Tia, I'm back at my hundred." Alicia said with a chuckle. "But I have a raspy voice now."
Tiala sighed with relief. "Well, I’m glad-"
"That's your usual voice anyway, Licia!" Kanoa joked, making Tiala and Alicia roll their eyes while Aly chuckled. "But it's good that you're still up and kicking!"
"I'm also happy to see you too, Noa! Now hurry, you damned slow turtle!" She answered with a laugh, then looking at Tiala. "Thanks for coming so quickly."
"We had to before the General changed her opinion, also this is part of our job."
"Aly told you?"
"Most of it."
"Then we have somewhere to start."
After Kanoa joined them he hugged both of them tightly and then waved at the Specters as well. Soon they went to the conference room, in a second they turned to their work attitude, looking at all the intel they had about the two objectives. The Toa siblings were frowning at the sight of the cargo ship, but also at the documents protected on the screen.
"We are still investigating the complete route of the ship, but as far as Wraith could find, it'll pass near the Cook Islands." Aly said with a sigh. "The only good thing we could find is that it is a general cargo ship. So the possibility of bio weapons is off the table, but the ballistic bombs...might be more powerful."
"With that turn of facts, we have a list of the 'favorites' weapons of White Tiger. There you might find the ones you need." Alicia said with a frown. "I can give it to you as soon as we end here.”
"Will be amazing, but we need everything about this pirate." Kanoa said, looking at Aly. "You have anything, Aly?"
"Just what Alicia's team has." She said while opening some files. "This one seem skilled, but I'm worried about something."
When Aly played the video as it started normally, the camera was from a ship on the trip across the Atlantic and everything seemed normal. Soon another cargo ship arrived nearby, and it didn't answer to the attempts of warning coming from the first cargo. Instead it seemed like it went a bit faster. But that didn't alarm the three Marines. What did was how all the pirates moved, they knew that so good that it was terrifying.
"Aren't those...?" Tiala whispered with horror.
"The tactics we learn in Camp Lejeune…" Kanoa answered, absolutely pale.
"Aly, we need the status of the Navy." Alicia ordered with absolute fear in her eyes "Will they help us?"
"Give me a second." The woman muttered as she tried to ignore the sudden pressure they all felt.
Meanwhile, the three Marines continued looking at the video with tension written all over their bodies, fists and jaws clenched with frustration. Those movements, the way of working precisely with the team, the efficiency...it was the same they perfected during their times as recruits. If the WTF went to chase Maroon Salamander like that, then they would fight at a disadvantage.
"I have it, apparently they don't have register of an order from the Admiral that Wraith contacted." Aly said with a chill down her spine "Even worst...the request never left any server from the Marine Corps."
"...What?" Tiala asked surprisingly. "Let me take a look, maybe there's a mistake on the servers or something.”
While the two of them were figuring out about the missing request. Alicia made a sign towards Kanoa to talk outside and he nodded before following her. In silence they went to the nearest armory, where they leaned against opposite walls and for a second nothing happened. Then Kanoa sighed and moved his hand through his hair before looking at Alicia.
"What is it?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"There's information that Wraith and I have been gathering. Intel we kept secret for many reasons, mostly personal. We intended to keep it for us until we have enough proof to accuse someone. But seem that now it involves the safety of another team, allies and friends no less...I'll tell you what we have."
"Sounds serious, I'm all ears."
"...After an operation we figured out that something was wrong with everything." She pinch her nose bridge. "Lately we discovered that there's a traitor inside the high ranks of the US Armed Forces. I can't tell you the details but we are sure that it is superior.”
"A traitor? Do you know who it is?" he asked, tense
"No, we had many possibilities at first. But now, seeing that video and how that kind of people have our tactics so perfected...then the traitor is also involved in this.”
"You think that it's a Marine?"
"And what now?"
"We'll continue with the hunt of Salamander and Deer, but if you decide that you won't risk your people and Alana's Marines...then you're free to go back home." She said with a bit of guilt in her tone. "It was never my intention to put you and your people at risk. I'll talk with the General myself to explain it. Sorry Noa.”
"...No." Kanoa said with a tired smile "C’mon Licia, will you make us go back after we come here? And also, if that cargo ship is gonna pass near the Cook Islands, it is still our ground. So, if you're worried that the traitor might know that we are involved in this then fine, we'll step out officially. But we'll have a mission to seize and board the cargo ship.”
"Well, I guess that you are the bravest warriors for a reason." Alicia joked with a side smile. "I'm glad to have you in this, but seriously, take care, Noa"
"Of course, I'll bring my people back as always." He answered with a chuckle before wiping down his smile. "Let me warn Alana, as Captains we're limited, if she can help us..."
"Do it, tell her. I trust her as much as I trust Tia and you.”
With a smile, they went back to the conference room to talk with Tiala and Aly, who were as worried as they were when they heard about the traitor. In the end they decided to create plans for any possible case they can think of. And the Toa siblings will train with all their team any other form of combat that doesn't include MCMAP or tactics of the Marines, they need all kinds of elements of surprise.
"Now that we have the Salamander matters out of our hands, we can start looking at Silver Deer..." Aly said, projecting more documents and videos.
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automatictrashwolf · 6 months
TLOU HBO Episode 2 thoughts:
Why are we back in preoutbreak times?
Oh cool, we get to see stuff from the very beginning. I loved seeing thr aftermath of it in part 2, so its awsome to see it for real. We are also seeing it from another country, which hear nothing about in the game.
Doctor Lady is terrified, as she should be
"Bomb this city and everyone in it"
I can't get over how much Bella Ramsay looks like Ashley Johnson
So many killer lines, too many to quote
Ellie lieing about being alone when she got bit
We get a lot more down time with Tess, its nice, in the game we were always running, no time to chat
I hate it when people don't just explain things, just tell Ellie what a clicker is so she knows why she has to be quiet people are more likely to do things when they know why
Minor collapse. I love that, yeah this building that hasn't been maintained for 20 years and is in a city that was bombed has gotta be unstable as fuck
Clicker found us. I'm still saying "us" even tho its a show not a game, weird, guess I just feel like I'm on of them
Ellie got a little extra bite next to her other one
Wait, was that it? Is Tess bit? She's kinda acting like she might be, but his did she get a bite from a clicker and not get torn apart?
Yeah, we're here, Tess is bit
Oh shit, the cortisps here is communicating through the ground to all the others to tell them there are living people here.
This is cooler than FEDRA coming after them, instead of getting shot Tess gets to blow up the building
Eww, why did it put it mouth fungus tentacles in her mouth? Is it checking to see if she has fungus too? This is weird and gross. Except for the weird kiss, I feel like the show version of Tess's death was cooler than the game. It feels a lot more meaningful to me that she took out a bunch of infected, the only compleat way to do it, with fire, rather than the very few FEDRA she would have got before they shot her.
Good episode overall.
But the fungal mouth tentacles still weird me put
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nayaraclara · 2 years
Not to be sounds pathetic, tp klo misalny it was never been this hurt, gue merasa cck bgt anjir, kek dri batin aj udh kek adh. Kenapa lu harus udh ad cewe anjir,,, i tried to let go (alay) tp ah anjir what if u never attend that event, and i could do my best till i get to tell u how i feel, what if u never catch up with her again, like i can shoot my shot. I just fall before even trying, its no fair but thats it. Maybe i just desperate to find someone like u that maybe just one in million, smile brighter and silly than everything..... U stand out even in the crowds. No ones can compare u, just the way u talk, i can identify its u. Ure unique just when u try to be urself, smart af, and aaaaa so attractive. Just why i have to let myself down,, why is it have to be when i feel like i have a chance, when i already fallen deep to u, why i can't erase my feelin for u, i've try hard. I tell myself that i can't be like this forever, its unethic. My friends says its okay to just crushing u, but I can't. If i keep this feeling, thats just make me way more want to be with u, thats way too pathetic in my head. Just why it is so hard to do. Just a few days ago, i thought i alr moved on, i moved on, i moved on. But then u struck again, out of nowhere in my minds. I thought, "oh u alr have her, maybe lets call it over for crushing u, but jt just make it worse, the pain are much worse, tears right in my hearts, just realize i just lose, i can't confess it to u, it hurts. It hurts just pretends im okay, im fine, i moved on, pretends that i still adores u, admires u, fall for u, even u don't know it, like.. i just fall i was enchanted, but can't do anything. Just now, this evening theres hole in my mind, i tell my friend i just pathetic for waiting his stories somehow, and he just posted something,,, what if mines work? What if,,, just what if u don't have her,, what if we can be together,,, this just looks like i envy her, why she have to come when i was high of him,, yea she's pretty, talented, just hearing him talking abt her makes me want to date her too. But why him, all of boys,, the one a adores alot
Now i feel sad
I liked a boy, he's mesmerizing, active, smart, he tells about his past he would top the class, and i know he smar af rn. He's just looks like a nerds, and thats cute. He's kind, just talking to him makes my hearts throbs faster. He's cute, whatever he do, its makes me interested. He's talkative, he likes to talks, and i like to hears him, his voice just feels nice in my ears, i can hear him talk for hours. He's talented, yeah, he can do anything, thats awsome. The way he talks to me, its sooo cute, like i want talk to u longer pls, i just can't help myself when we talked. Oh, the way u do some gestures, tje way u askme to do some handshake or whatever it calls, jabs? Idk, u do plenty of that, cheers, i liked it. The way u always make a peace sign when sayin goodbye to me, that one at the parking lot, its soooo cuteeeee, u event don't feel ashamed do it in front of my friend and yours, its way to cute. It even carved in my memories, speaking of memories, i still remember that moments, u sat on a table, u resting on a wall, with windows behind ur back, the light come from ur behind, the rays, u look so eyesblinding, i want to draw that somedays, i still remember the details that day. Also, i liked rain, cause that rainy day, when i just feel like i interested on u, u came, yeah i still remembered that. Hmm... U smart, attractive, and make me feels giddy. With that long legs of yours, your lean limbs, nice hands, and cute af face... Ure so cute, i just can't describe it, the hairs of yours looks a little bit short but they still looks so tempting, i liked to pat and plays with my bros hair, i wonder how yours feels. Although sometimes i make fun of ur posture, its a bit down, but thats what makes u, u (sebenerny mau negor lu tuh nunduk bgt) but u still looks good. Ur voice, i really likes it.. overall,,, hehe
Just thinking that i liked him, i cried.
I like u
Why i have to crushin u
Yeah i can't help that
I can't help that i fall
I just liked u
And it hurts
0 notes
siren-sent-by-cupid · 3 years
What Do I Look Like (Foggy x Matt)
It was like any other weekend. Foggy was high out of his mind and Matt was doing everything in his current limited power to freak him out and mess with him.
"Ok ok ok ok ok ok... ok" Foggy started on what seemed like a very interesting idea and sat up to face Matt. "What do I look like?"
Matt laughed "How am I supposed to know?"
Foggy laughed along with him for a bit and then said. "Ok, smartass. what do you think I look like, then?"
The perfect opportunity to mess with Foggy has presented itself. As it usually does after Foggy's finished smoking. Matt settled in and thought for a second about the perfect place to start and what would freak Foggy out the most.
He cleared his throat. "Well, I think you have long, shaggy hair and facial hair, only a little bit though."
This made Foggy burst into a huge belly laugh "Dude what the fuck! How do you know that?"
Matt started laughing too "Am I right?"
"Scarcely so my good friend."
There was a pause and then Matt spoke up "How do I know you're not lying to me? The whole 'Pitty The Blind Man' shtick." Of course, he knew he was right, he just wanted to see what Foggy would do. If he would apologize, or tell him to shut up. Not that he had any reason to apologize.
Foggy started to talk and then stopped, thinking for a bit. Thinking about what his next move should be. He had a huge crush on Matt. Pretty much since the day they met. How he smiled and laughed at his dumbass jokes and played along in his dumbass games. He thought that maybe Matt might like him, too. His only hang-up was how Matt's religion might come into play.
Weed wasn't nearly as effective as liquid courage, but at this moment it did the job just fine.
So with his next move carefully decided he beckoned Matt over "Fine wiseass, come over here."
Slightly confused he made his way across the room to Foggys bed and sat on the edge, facing him. "What're you doing?"
Foggy cleared his throat, thankful that  Matt couldn't see him blushing. "Well, and feel free to punch me in the face is I'm being insensitive, but you know that Lionel Richie music video where the blind girl feels his face and then makes a bust of him and is all like 'This is how I see you ooh la la let's make out'?"
Matt laughed "Of course I know about how blind people "see" Foggy, I am blind people."
"Oh yeah of course." he cleared his throat again as his blush deepened "Why don't you do that? So you can "see" my long, luscious hair and awsome beard that would put Tony Stark to shame."
Matt laughed again. He always laughed when he was around Foggy, he really was Matts best friend. But sometimes, at night, Matt found himself listening to Foggys heartbeat and deep breaths, wishing that they could be more than friends. It took him a long time and a lot of nights praying to figure out his feelings and to realize that he wouldn't be rejected from God's golden kingdom for loving another man.
"Ok," He said, turning to face Foggy completely. Now sitting cross-legged in front of him. He wiped his hands on his jeans. He was nervous and his hands were sweaty to prove it. "Stay still so I don't end up thinking your nose is one your forehead."
He had only done this once or twice before, with his dad and a few girls along the way that thought it would be a saintly act to hook up with a blind guy. He knew what Foggy looked like, or at least an idea of it. But still, he couldn't help but feel excited to know what he looked like in more detail.
He let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding and reached forward for Foggys face. Starting by holding his face slightly. Since his sense of touch is so sensitive he didn't need much to feel like fine details of Foggys face. He kept one hand on Foggys cheek as the other gently traced down his jawline to his chin and chuckled to himself when he got to the little bit of scruff that was previously deemed to but Stark to shame. In Matt's mind, it did. He moved his hand back to Foggys cheek and ran his thumbs under his eyes and then moved up to run them over his eyebrows.
Again, He left one hand on Foggys cheek and took the other one to explore the shape of his nose. He then moved both hands into Foggys hair, just a little bit. it wasn't part of seeing what his face really looked like, it was just something he always wanted to do. Through all of this, he could feel Foggy staring at him. While Matt was feeling his face, he was trying to mesmerize every little detail of Matt's. Every curve, dot, and line, burned into his memory.
Done, with feeling his face he kept his hands on the sides of Foggys face, holding it.
"Uh, Matt?"
This seemed to knock him out of a slight trance he was locked in, focused on his movements he didn't know what to do once he was done. In that moment, he decided to be his blunt self.
"Can I kiss you?" Matt blurted out. Now extremely red, his hands were still resting on Foggys cheeks and he could feel Foggy starting to heat up.
"Uhm, I mean I- Man,"
Matt could hear his heart racing and decided that he would just go for it.
He kissed him.
And Foggy kissed him back.
They broke apart and laughed
Matt took his hands off of Foggys face and put them in his lap. Foggy didn't know what to do so he just reached forward and kissed Matt again, grabbing him by his shirt collar and pulling him into a hug.
"I can't believe you did that!" Foggy exclaimed, his heart still racing.
Matt pressed their foreheads together
"Yeah," He chuckled "Me neither."
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awsugar · 3 years
Ok tbh I have this theory that gerard and lynz are somewhat separated and have been for at least a little bit. And the only reason we don't know about it is because gerard seems to think he's a way bigger celebrity than he actually is (no hate) and thinks that everyone will freak out if the public knows. This is just a little theory I have, but also if they're still together, I wouldn't be surprised if they're not in the next couple years. I'm not even lynz bashing here I just get weird vibes from them.
yea im not a theorist like this but i have a friend thats a conspiracy theorist and they've been telling me they're separated for over a year. i think that would be wonderful. a real 2022 win. (i am lynz bashing personally<3) but im not holding my breath. gerard was still wearing his ring most recently that we saw him.
and i never got the impression that gerard thinks he's this huge celebrity. i think he's just private now. and until he turned off comments he did have tons of people telling him to get divorced, and he definitely saw a lot of crazy in his twitter replies when he was extremely active for a few years. so i think he knows sort of how this fanbase works and i don't think he would be wrong to assume that if they were separated/divorced that there would be a big reaction to it. including a lot of people celebrating which like yea she sucks but would probably hurt to see obviously. so i have no idea if they're separated or divorced or if he's like afraid to be single and also have the public scrutiny of a divorce OR if he like thinks shes fucking awsome still. i have no idea. but keeping it private, if anything is going on, is probably a good and safe move on his part and tracks with what i know about him.
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alinkishere · 3 years
Reactions to Tumblr's reactions to episode 5
Greetings, the name's ALinkIsHere and Made in Abyss was the very first anime that I ever enjoyed and made me realize at just how great anime can be. These series of posts are just me reacting all the new people who are watching the show on Toonami as I too have had many of the same reactions to moments in the show and it's just a joy to see what many of you are thinking while watching for the first time.
Big things that I am seeing are: 1. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!?! THAT SHIT IS DARK AF. (Yep. Also explains why the area is called the Forest of Temptation. Oh and uh, this isn't even the darkest that this show will get.)
2. HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS AWSOME. (One of my favorite parts of the anime. The animation on that entire sequence was just downright amazing. Like just look a the priming sequence and then the from behind shot)
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3. HOLY SHIT, REG. Also, Riko, put your shirt back on... (Now you understand the power behind his Incinerator. And yeah, that last bit is another part that I don't know why it is in here... But I will tell you now, this scene is nothing compared to the original manga as the manga... well, has more extreme in stuff like this. In fact, that's the reason why I steer people towards the anime over the manga. Don't get me wrong, the manga has some absolutely stunning artwork in it, it's just the mangaka likes to add a few too many details)
4. And Reg just passes out... OH DEAR GOD, THAT DREAM (Yep. And like I said before, this isn't even the worse of it.)
5. Riko, why the hell are you so detailed in the journal and do you realize what you are doing by cooking that thing? (Yeah, I kinda answered the first part in my previous post. She and everyone on the surface views Reg as a thing that should be extensively studied on and tested on. No thought given to his privacy and basic human rights. The whole reasoning behind cooking the meat though, I've got nothing. In fact, I kinda forgot that part existed.)
6. Hellooooooo Lady! (We'll get to her in the next episode) Preview of the next episode with little context: 1. Don't let the outfit fool you 2. "It's revolting" 3. Goddammit Riko 4. KILL IT WITH FIRE 5. Curiosity killed the cat
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caramel-queen · 5 years
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Okay I'm happy to do this sorry I'm a little late...
Warnings: none 😂
Being Ellie and Awesome's daughter and everyone finding out you have a boyfriend
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Ellie would be so happy for you but at the same time confused that you wouldn't tell her.
"Why did you tell me"
"I don't know how u would react"
"I think I'm doing better then him" she points to chuck who is trying to fine anything he could use as a weapon. Making you laugh.
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Awsome would be totally happy for you. Other then being not so bright captain Awsome would be ready to kick anyone's ass if they hurt his little girl
"You'll always be my baby girl"
"Aw thanks...are you crying"
"Dad your not giving me away at my wedding"
"Not yet"
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Sarah would be so proud. Believing that she thought you well in the art of "flirting"
"I'm so proud "
"Aw thanks "
"Of what she has a boyfriend now " chuck yells
"Oh calm down she learned it from me"
"You" chuck laughed
"How do u think I got you"
"Cause I'm hot" chuck smiled
"Something like that "
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Chuck isn't very thrilled I mean you are his niece. He cares about you all the time so he is welling to kill anyone.
"How old is he"
"Why chuck"
"Cause I need to know? Is he bold."
"Wh..at..what..is he bold what the hell? Type of question is that." you laughed
"Just making sure"
"Okay I love uncle chuck"
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Casey would be happy for you but a little bit unsure he most likely would check everything about this guy and make sure that he was totally safe for you even if it means going undercover as like an old woman trying to beat him down at the way where he works and just make sure that you're okay cuz you're his little sunshine
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lovenhooka · 7 years
If you know you don't want to get back with him, you should stop talking to him! It's just gonna hurt you more (probably him too but sounds like he needs to be hurt a little bit). Not trying to tell you how to live boo. But I just want you to stay strong and keep the poison out of your lifeeee. Block that number. Delete them voicemails. Start moving on. It will hurt you both and be hard for a while, and then it'll start to get easier with every passing day. I'm fucking cheering for you girl
The thing is, is that it is not that I don't want to get back with him. I love him. I just can't see anyway that it could work. I don't even know if I could be comfortable around him anymore.The more leeway I give him the more he just fucks it up. An I thought I already blocked his number but his texts still came threw and he keeps acting like he is doing bad and needs me so I reply and then acts like everything is fine and disappears for days and then does it again. He uses me, I think more than he knows. I am strong. I am doing my best. Late night is the hardest but this isnt the first time so I'm healthier now. I'm not going to just move on in the first month after 6 years but I'm getting there. I can't wait for my crazy thanksgiving party! I have awsome friends that support me ;)
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