#But Thena is like no we're not...dating
For Mob bosses AU. What if one time Thena was mad at Gil and she just barged in to Gil's office and got him like pinned to the wall and Gil's guard suddenly held a gunpoint towards Thena and Gil was like don't you EVER DO THAT OR ELSE I'LL SHOOT YOU ONE BY ONE. Maybe this happened when they're still not having 'meetings' but you decide!!!! Thankie!!!!
Gil looked up. He had a feeling; he knew that forceful but light pace of walking, the way the wind felt, the faint scent of lilies in the air.
His office door slammed open, spooking the general security he had stationed outside. She had stormed right past them, clearly knowing exactly where she was headed.
Gil looked up from his paperwork, watching the Ice Queen herself storm over to his desk. It was no wonder she was so feared in their line of work. She certainly painted an intimidating picture--a beautiful, intimidating picture.
Thena marched right around the side of his massive desk and gripped the front of his shirt, pulling him up and throwing him against the wall behind them.
Gil blinked as she slammed him backwards, letting it happen passively, "hello to you, too."
Gun safeties clicking filled the room. Gil gripped Thena's shoulders, holding her in place. "Every single one of you, stand down!"
His guards froze, eyeing them - and each other - warily.
"If you ever aim at her again!" Gil roared, not caring in the least that he was threatening his own men. He met each of their eyes, "I'll have you put down before you can blink. Do you understand me?!"
The weapons slowly lowered, heads turning anxiously.
"I said," Gil pushed of the wall, still holding Thena to him, "am I understood?"
"Yes, sir!"
"Out!" he snapped, pointing with his free hand until every single one of them was out of his office. Only then did his shoulders lower and his back loosen slightly.
Thena pushed against his chest until she was free from being pressed into his shirt. She raised a brow at him.
"What?" he asked, meeting her defiant gaze with a completely blank one.
She crossed her arms at him, "a bit dramatic, no?"
"No," he rebuked easily, crossing his arms as well. His stuck out a lot further than hers did, although she still was hovering a vague distance away from him. "If anything happened to you-"
"I need your protection, do I?" She was picking a fight with him deliberately. She was trying to lure him into saying either yes, he thought she was weak enough to need his protection. Or no, in which case he was confirming his own worry and the lack of need for it.
He puffed out his chest, meeting his stubborn Ice Queen blow for blow, "doesn't matter if you need it or not. It's here anyway."
She narrowed her eyes at him. It was a solid rebuttal, and even she could admit that. Not aloud, but still. "You didn't have to hold me like that. It will give them ideas."
Gil gave her a look this time to broadcast his own skepticism. His lips came up in a lazy smirk, "Sweetness, I'm pretty sure they already know about our d-"
Thena glared at him as sharp and fast as one of her knives.
"Meetings," Gil mumbled. That was the term she had come to use for their arranged time stolen for each other. He knew it was her not wanting to call them dates, but he was pretty sure it was just as embarrassing to call them 'meetings'.
Thena huffed, stepping back from him again. She always knew when to put some distance between them--when it would most drive him crazy because all he wanted was to reach out and hold her.
"They can't threaten the woman I love, Thena."
She looked at him--for the use of her name, for the open and raw tone of his voice. All of it.
"No one gets to do that," he shook his head, moving closer to her until she told him to stop. She never did, so he took the opportunity to reach out and pull her hands into his. "No one."
"Gil," she sighed. The fight had left her, leaving only fatigue. She was more or less recovered from her poisoning, but Gil had come to recognise every little breath, every step, every rise and fall of her shoulders. He could tell that she could still become fatigued faster than she used to.
"So I don't care if I have to tell everyone in Koreatown," he continued, pulling her against his chest and kissing the top of her head as he tucked her against him. Her hands slipped under his suit jacket and around him to his back. "No one threatens my Ice Queen."
"Hm," she sounded displeased, but he knew that her eyes were closed. She was trying to resist melting into him.
But even the Ice Queen had a melting point.
Gil rested his cheek against her hair, "my Thena."
Melting point achieved; Thena sagged against him, letting his arm settle in the curve of her waist meeting her hips, his hand all the way around her delicate shoulders to tap his thumb against the lace around her arms.
"Hey," he whispered, pulling his head up and meeting her eyes when she did the same. "What brings you over here?"
Her mouth pulled a little as her eyes darted around, "I...I was here to tell you that I don't need an escort the second I set foot in Koreatown. I have my own security, you know."
Gil smiled. The fight really was drained out of her, because now she seemed sheepish over the anger that had driven her to storm in here in the first place. "Yeah, but what's wrong with double security?"
"It's redundant, Gilgamesh," she made a point of using his full name just to scold him. "And it's conspicuous."
He shrugged, not sorry at all for having her tailed as soon as she was in his territory. He really did have no problem letting everyone on his turf know that - weakness be damned - she was not fair game. "So? A man does what he has to, Princess."
She just rolled her eyes at that one.
He kissed her cheek, "I mean it, Thena. Keeping you safe comes before anything else."
She huffed again as she accepted his kiss. She was trying to keep herself from letting his words get to her. But he knew she was letting her defenses down, whether she wanted to or not.
He kissed her cheek again, then slightly closer to her lips, and continuously closer to a real kiss, his fingers tipping her chin up for him. He breathed against the silken skin of her cheek, "is that acceptable, Ice Queen?"
She inhaled, and he could hear the slight tremble in it. Her hands floated up to his, although they just rested there, not pulling him away from her. She whimpered as he finally kissed those enchanting lips of hers.
Gil pulled away once he was satisfied with at least getting one kiss from his girlfriend. He pulled away, resisting the urge to point out how cute her stubborn little pout was. He grinned, "so...meeting?--since you came all this way."
Thena stepped away from him again (definitely knew when it would most drive him crazy). "Perhaps I'm no longer in the mood for a...meeting."
"Aw, come on, Princess," Gil pleaded with her. He had no problem doing so--he didn't care if she wanted him to beg and plead. He'd throw himself on the ground and grovel if it got him another kiss. "You're already here. You won't even stay for some tteokbokki?"
She eyed him in a way that certainly made him feel looked down on, even though he was taller than her.
"What about some sundubu?" he suggested, watching her unfurl so he could wrap his arms around her again. "Jjimdak?"
Thena pursed her lips; she was considering it. Gil gave her lithe waist a squeeze in his hands. "Rose jjimdak?--with glass noodles?"
"Done!" Gil beamed. He knew just who to call, "they can deliver it here."
"Good," Thena sighed, officially worn out from the trip over and everything that proceeded it. "I don't have all day. My next meeting is at 2."
"So I have a little time with you?" Gil dared to suggest, following her over to one of his two office couches. She sat herself primly, which was fine because if he sat next to her and spoke softly, he was pretty sure he could get her to lean on him.
Thena nodded to the spot beside her.
Gil leapt over the back of the couch, gleefully plopping himself next to her. The stiff cushions of the couch bounced her lighter body and he took the opportunity to pull her against him.
"Just for now, baby," he sighed, inhaling her lily perfume and relishing in the slight but solid warmth of her in his lap.
She sighed - now who was the dramatic one? - but let him hold her. Her hand came up to the back of his head, "they're not coming in here with us like this."
"They know to leave the food outside," he promised, happy with just nuzzling his face into the hollow of her throat.
"Fine," she mumbled, and he guessed that he might be able to lure her into dozing off before the food arrived. "Just for now."
Gil laid himself against the far arm of the couch with Thena curled up in his side, half on his chest with her legs folded between his. This was becoming an increasingly familiar sleeping position for them. He hoped they would get the opportunity to sleep like this more in the future.
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rekino2114 · 10 days
Presenting your profile to the ace attorney girls
A/n:I got inspired by a post I saw and decided to make it with the girls mainly cause i LOVE writing stuff that fits with the gameplay of a game if that makes sense, please tell me you understood that
Let's pretend that you can show profiles in every game
Ngl putting the tags on this might have taken more time than writing the fic itself (I literally exceeded tumblr's tag limit)
Maya fey
Maya:Oh hey, it's y/n. Do you know what they're doing now? I'd like to go on a date with them
Phoenix:....we're in the middle of solving a case.
Maya:so? There's no wrong time to go on a date with your partner
Mia fey
Mia:y/n? What about them?
Phoenix:they're your partner aren't they?
Mia:Yes, that is true....although I'd like it if you could keep that private. I am your superior, after all
Phoenix:s-sorry boss
Lana skye
Lana:what is it?
Phoenix:nothing I just thought you'd have a stronger reaction to seeing a picture of your s/o
Lana:I don't like to mix my work and personal life, ask Ema if you're really interested
Phoenix:(how does she have an s/o at all with that attitude?)
Ema skye
Ema:That reminds me, if you see y/n, please don't tell them I was eating snackoos
Apollo:hm? Why?
Ema:they.....might have put me on a snack ban cause I spilled fingerprint dust on their clothes
Apollo:......why were you carrying fingerprint dust in your home in the first place?
Ema:......y-you don't need to know that
Franziska von karma
Phoenix:prosecutor von karma might I- ow what was the whipping for?
Von karma:that was for carrying a picture of y/n without their permission
Phoenix:I keep photos of everyone involved with- ow! Again?
Von karma:that was for presenting it to me
Phoenix:why are you mad at me for tha- WHAT ABOUT NOW?
Von karma:nothing, I just felt like it
Adrian andrews
Andrews:Oh,that reminded me. I should probably call y/n and see how they're doing
Phoenix: You must really love them
Andrews:Of course, after celeste's death, they were the only good person I had in my life. They really are so so important to me
Iris Hawthorne
Phoenix:they're your partner right?
Iris:yes....they-they're the only person involved with me that didn't get their life ruined by dahlia, I couldn't be happier about that
Trucy wright
Trucy:Please don't tell y/n about this, but I'm preparing a super cool magic show made just for them
Apollo:oh that sounds great.....I'm not participating in it am I?
Trucy:Of course polly, who else is gonna be my assistant?
Apollo:(and when did I agree?)
Vera misham
[She draws a heart on her notebook with a smile on her face]
Apollo:I think that's the most emotion I've seen out of her
Trucy: Yeah she probably loves her s/o a lot
Athena cykes
Widget:y/nnnnnn, I love them soooo much
Athena:*blushes* w-widget!....s-sorry boss
Phoenix:it's alright, I know how widget is, that just means you really love your s/o and that's great
Athena:Yeah you're right, I do really love them a lot
Juniper woods
Woods:*blushes* t-thena, don't go around showing me y/n's photo randomly
Athena:Sorry, Junie, but there's nothing wrong with that, right? After all, they are your partner that you love sooo much
Woods:*blushes* If you continue like this, you're gonna make me die of embarrassment
Kay faraday
Kay:there they are! The person who stole my heart
Kay:Get it, Mr Edgeworth? Cause I'm a thief
Edgeworth:yes I got it, I didn't laugh because it wasn't funny
Kay:come on!
Justine courtney
Edgeworth:judge Courtney, this is your romantic partner correct?
Courtney:Yes, they are, y/n is my fiance actually,John is very happy to have another parent figure other than me
Kay:Wow, it must be nice of him to have both of his parents
Courtney:.........shall I remind you that technically he has none of them
Kay:......o-oh yeah I forgot, sorry......eheh
Edgeworth:were you jealous of him?
Kay:........a-aren't you too?
Susato mikotoba
Susato:Is y/n in need of something?
Ryunosuke:oh no I just wanted to speak to you about them
Susato:oh alright then
Ryunosuke:you were really ready to go to them?
Susato:Of course, I'd do anything for them, I want to be the best girlfriend they could ever have, just like I want to be the best judicial assistant you could ever have
Gina lestrade
Ryunosuke:Hey Gina I wanted to-.....w-wait where's the picture?
Gina:you looking for this oddo?
Ryunosuke:....I thought you stopped with the pickpocketing
Gina:Sorry, but I'm gonna keep it, it's of my s/o, and we don't all have fancy cameras like Mr sholmes
Ryunosuke:Scotland yard doesn't?
Gina:Nah,we do, but the boss won't let us use it for "personal purposes." trust me I tried
Esmeralda tusspells
Tusspells:Oh, you have a picture of y/n perfect! Do you mind selling it to me?
Ryunosuke:Hm, why?
Tusspells:I want to make a wax statue of them to celebrate our anniversary but can't use them as a model since I want it to be a surprise, so a picture would be perfect
Ryunosuke:sorry but I need this for the case
Tusspells:Should I remind you what position your detective friend is in? I'm sure you need all the money you can get
Ryunosuke:.......that's fair
Maria gorey
Gorey:That's y/n.....why do you have a picture of them?
Ryunosuke:o-oh you know for case-
Gorey:You know it's been a while since I gave them a gift. Maybe they'd appreciate a real heart to show them my love
Ryunosuke:ok ok I'll throw the picture away (every time I'm near her i feel like she wants to kill me)
Espella cantabella
Espella:ah y/n, they're so sweet
Layton:they must be very important to you am I right?
Espella:yes they treat with so much love and kindness, they truly are the light of my life
Layton:ah young love is so beautiful
Darklaw/eve belduke
Darklaw:if you want to ask me about y/n then don't. Do you want to end up on trial for disrespecting the high inquisitor?
Phoenix:o-ok (with how scary she is y/n must feel very protected)
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tom-whore-dleston · 6 months
jordan turns 25
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hey siri, play my birthday playlist...
hello and welcome to my online 25th birthday party!! I hope you all got your dancing shoes on bc we're gonna party like it's 1999 iykyk xD we all know how much I love to party, but even the life of the party has to lay down some rules. Please click the keep reading button for more party information:
House Rules
This is an adults only party! You must show some indication that you are 18+
Any minors, blank blogs, ageless blogs will be blocked
You are welcome to participate in multiple party activities but please send one ask at a time
The party is open to all followers and non-followers ❤️ again, as long as you are 18+
Please do not send requests regarding the following:
non-con, smut with minors (all parties will be aged up), pregnancy/baby/child fics, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, incest, step-cest, foot fetish.
Please be patient with your response. I cannot guarantee I will respond in a timely manner however I can do my best.
The party begins April 4th (my official birth date) and ends April 30th
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Party Activities
Social Hour: ask me anything about me and my life on/off tumblr
BYOB: share one of your creations (fanfic, art, moodboard, gif, playlist, original writing) and I will share your amazing talents with others
Party Games: cym, fmk, wyr, smash or pass (with any hottie not listed)
Arts and Crafts: select a hottie + scenario/AU/trope/prompt** and I will make a playlist/moodboard/fic (please specify the creation you are requesting)
see prompts tag for ideas/inspo; please indicate the post the prompt is from
VIP Access: mutuals only! send me your fave hottie (doesn’t need to be on list) and I will create a ship moodboard based on how I imagine your relationship with them
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RSVP'd Hotties
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi, Frank Castle, Peter Parker (any variant), Wanda Maximoff, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson, Sersi, Thena, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Layla El Faouly, Adam Warlock, Gamora, Kate Bishop
DC: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Jaime Reyes
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker, Poe Dameron
The Bear: Carmy Berzatto, Luca
Bridgerton: Anthony Bridgerton, Benedict Bridgerton, Colin Bridgerton, King George
Misc: stereotypical!Barbie (Barbie 2023), Tangerine (Bullet Train), Joel Miller (The Last of Us), Soldier Boy (The Boys) 
RPF: Harry Styles, Jensen Ackles, Will Poulter, Danny Ramirez
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Early Bird Invite tags
@inklore @psychedelic-ink @fluffyprettykitty @buckets-and-trees @witchywithwhiskey @mothdruid @mochie85 @navybrat817 @jobean12-blog @vonalyn @goldylions @wintersoldierdarling @wint3r-h3art @buckybleu @blackbat05 @neganwifey25-blog @give-me-a-moose @yummymatcha @ozarkthedog @hollandparkersx @mrs-illyrian-baby @jen-with-a-pen @late-to-the-party-81 @little-diable @undutchable11 @littlestatesman @tonystarksfavoritedaughter
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eternalowl · 2 years
Thenamesh incorrect quotes part two
Part one
Thena: Since we're in a relationship now, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is our shirt.
Gilgamesh: Fine, but when I come strutting in with your fuzzy socks I don't want to hear shit.
Gilgamesh walking into the kitchen and seeing all of the limes in the house peeled: Thena, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK.
Thena, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
Thena: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Gilgamesh: Okay.
Thena, nonchalantly: And make out during the scary parts.
Gilgamesh: Th-
Gilgamesh: The scary parts.
Gilgamesh: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Thena: *closes a cabinet*
*a crash is heard behind the cabinet door*
Gilgamesh: What was that?
Thena: The sound of someone else's problem.
Gilgamesh: I want to be with you for the rest of my life.
Thena: Damn, that sounds like a marriage proposal.
Gilgamesh, getting down on one knee: That's 'cause it is.
Thena, tending to Gilgamesh’s wounds: How would you rate your pain?
Gilgamesh: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
*Thena and Gilgamesh are holding hands*
Kingo: Why are you two holding hands?
Thena: Studies show that holding hands can reduce stress.
Kingo: Oh, I thought you two were dating or something.
Gilgamesh: We are. We’re also just really fucking stressed.
Gilgamesh: What are you writing?
Thena: The government wants to know what kind of weapons we have in the house. I'm letting them know it's private information.
Gilgamesh, looking over Thena’s shoulder: This just says “fuck around and find out” in calligraphy.
*in some friends to lovers au or something*
Gilgamesh: I thought that maybe-
Thena: *Cuts Gilgamesh off by kissing him*
Gilgamesh: -you’d love me again.
Thena: Who says I stopped?
Kingo: Awwwww!
Kingo: I ruined the moment.
*Thenamesh is at IKEA*
Gilgamesh: *staring at all the desks*
Thena: *walks up behind him* What are you doing?
Gilgamesh: I’m wondering which one of these you’d look best pinned aga-
Thena: We can do that tomorrow.
Ajak: *sits down*
Ajak: …
Ajak: I was going to ask you if you wanted an empanada-
Ajak, internally: She’s down bAD.
Gilgamesh: What the FUCK is this?!?
Thena, sitting down, surrounded by corpses and smiling: I won Mafia, that’s what.
Thena: *Sees someone doing stupid shit*
Thena: What an idiot.
Thena: *Realizes it's Gilgamesh*
Thena: Wait, that's MY idiot!
Thena: My partner must be top of the line, graceful, organized-
Gilgamesh: Hey guys! I- *trips*
Thena: I want that one.
Computer: Please enter a password.
Thena: *Types in Gilgamesh*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Thena: You wanna saY THAT AGAIN-
Thena with post-Mahd Wr’ry confusion, pouring water into the ocean: The ocean is thirsty.
Gilgamesh: …
Gilgamesh: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Thena: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Gilgamesh, trying to reach something: Thena, could you give me a hand?
Thena: Sure.
Thena: *Holds his hand*
Gilgamesh, blushing: Adorable, but that’s not what I meant.
Thena: Relationships should be 50/50. Gilgamesh cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
Ajak: Hey Gilgamesh, are you free on Friday? Around 8pm?
Gilgamesh: Yeah.
Ajak: Thena?
Thena: I’m free.
Ajak: Well, I’m not. You two go enjoy your date! *Leaves*
Gilgamesh: Did she just-
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1132: Cuddly Date Night (King of Fighters)
9:45 p.m. at Yabuki's Residence's Living Room........
Leona: Unbelievable~ (Cuddling Under a Blanket With Shingo on the Loving Room's Sofa While Smirking Seductive at Him) Cuddling with the Colonel's daughter at the comforts of your own home?~ (Starts Snuggling Up on Him) How very scandalous of you indeed!~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly and Ticklishly by his Girlfriend's Snuggles) Easy for you to say!~ Snuggling up with your cute boyfriend in his own home is a pretty rebellious move on your end, ma'am~
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow While her Smirk Starts Getting a Little More Wider) You're cute you say?~
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Realization of What He Just Said) Cute? H-Handsome! Handsome. W-What I meant to say that you're snuggling up with handsome, cute- Ah dang it! (Starts Pouting a Little While Twiddling his Fingers) Can we start over? I messed up on a few lines......
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Shingo!~ There's nothing wrong with being labeled as "cute". It's one of many traits I love about you~
Shingo: ('Sigh') I know, but I wanted to sound more cool and rebellious like you did a second ago.
Leona: Well, I'm flattered you think highly of me amd performance~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Though, to be honest, I don't think I have what it takes be an actual rebel.....
Shingo: Same. I'm too chicken to cause trouble on purpose for the life of me....
Leona: (Shrugs) It's seems we're both too pure for this troublesome world I suppose.
Shingo: I don't mind the sound of that. As long as we're in this together.
Leona: (Smiles Softly) Of course~
Shingo: (Gives his Girlfriend a Kiss on The Lips Before Sighing in a Relaxed Manner) I'm so glad I have the day off tomorrow......
Leona: (Frowns a Bit in Worry) I take it your day at work today was stressful this time around.
Shingo: ('Sighs a Bit Heavily') Yeah....Something like that. Rude customers constantly rushing us to get their orders done, I had to break up a fist fight shortly after while having a cup of coffee thrown at my face.
Leona: Oh no. Was it hot and scolding?
Shingo: No, it wasn't fortunately, but it wasn't any less annoying that's for sure. Then after that, some big guy with glasses starts barging into the shop, and rather than order his drink like any sane person here, he instead starts going around demanding us to bring Athena out and give him a Psycho Ball across the face!
Leona: (Genuinely Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing Right Now) Why....couldn't he asked for an autograph instead? That would've clearly been more safer.
Shingo: THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!! But when i tried to tell him that and Athena's busy at the moment, he started yelling at me about how I'm just some common slave worker who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone be associated with her establishment to begin with!
Leona: (Forms a Darken Glare on her Face) You don't say......
Shingo: (Quickly Calms Leona Down) N-N-Now hold on, Leona-san! There's no need for you to worry! Really!
Leona: (Slowly Calms Herself Down) Are you sure?
Shingo: Positive! I mean, sure, what he said was upsetting and it almost made me wanna punch the guy, but lucky for him, Malin and Hinako were able to kick him out before another fight happened. 'Thena even went out of her way to make caramel tea to help calm my nerves before it was finally time for me to clock out for the day.
Leona: ('Sighs in Relief') That's good to hear. I'm happy we have to day to ourselves tomorrow.
Shingo: You're off too, Leona-san?
Leona: (Simply Nodded) That's right. Father insisted I take the a day or two off to a change.....(Smiles Softly) And luckily for you, I'm more than willing to spend every moment of with you, darling~ (Starts Snuggling Up on Shingo Some More)
Shingo: (Smiles Back While Blushing) Yeah~ How was your day, Leona-san? I hope it wasn't as bad as mines.
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Don't worry, it wasn't. It went a lot better than I expected it would go actually.
Shingo: Nice! Did anything exciting?
Leona: Not really? I was tasked to train and instruct some of the new recruits in the lower ranks while Ralf and Clark were away to their mission.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) You did? That's so cool! What did you taught them?
Leona: Only the basics: How to prepare themselves in the battlefield, how to aim and shoot at the target precisely, how to blend in with their surroundings without begin seen by the enemy, and so fourth.
Shingo: Were you nervous?
Leona: A little, but it didn't take too long for me to work up the courage to the take the lead fortunately. It also helps that the recruits were all cooperative throughout the whole ordeal.
Shingo: That's good. Does it feel like something you wanna do again sometime in the near future?
Leona: I suppose, but only when I'm ordered to do so again. I don't think I have the capabilites become a full fledged leader just yet.
Shingo: That's understandable. Leadership takes a lot of work from what I've heard.
Leona: You've heard right. It takes years of building trust and forming a strong connection with your fellow comrades into becoming one. Both qualities I must learn if I were to ever lead again.
Shingo: (Gives Leona a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Don't be afraid to give it your all. I know you'll become a great leader one of these days.
Leona: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) And I know you'll become even more a stronger fighter than you are now. Which is why we are going to the gym and train first thing tomorrow morning.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened Again) On our day off!?
Leona: (Gives Shingo a Stern, Yet Cute Looking Pout on her Face) Don't act suprise, mister. You know as well as I do that we've been falling behind in our training sessions as of late, thanks to our work schedules.
Shingo: ('Sigh') True. And I have been wanting to try out a few new moves I've came up recently.....Can we go to gym at 10am instead at least?
Leona: I suppose we can do that. But ONLY if you give me more of your loving for the reminder of the night. That's am order
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) Yes, ma'am~ (Starts Kissing on Leona's Cheeks)
Leona: (Giggles Ticklishly by her Boyfriend's Kisses) Shingo-Kun, you adorable dummy! Slow down a bit, will ya?~
Shingo: (Stops Kissing Leona For a Second Before Chuckling Some More) What?~ You said it was an order.
Leona: (Starts Calming Herself Down From all the Giggling) I did, I did. But you haven't given me the time to prepare myself yet.
Shingo: Right. Sorry about that. Take as much time as you need, 'hon.
Leona: Thank you. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Smiling Brightly Again) Okay! Now I'm ready~
Shingo: One kissing session coming right up!~
And so Shingo resumes back to kissing Leona on the cheeks, causing her giggle amd smiling even more ticklishly than she did originally under his embrace as the movie they were previously watching, continues to play the whole time.
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blackquillchillin · 2 years
Got home from work today and realized I never posted the jailbirds new house! screenshots below, It's a long post of a large Sim house, but I'd love to hear your thoughts!
First, Junie and Thena's room!
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I picked out dark blue wallpaper cause it seems fun but also restful, you know? and picked out a pink bed, chairs, and rug to contrast, and because I think Junie would love it. They've got photos of friends, Junie's pet fish, and some flowers from their wedding! let me know if ya'll wanna see wedding photos by the by, I took plenty.
Next up, Thena's Work Room!
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The missing wall just has a few pictures on it, nothing special. Thena's got her posters, her hard drives, her nice couch, her speaker, and all of the figures Junie's been collecting for her! everything she needs for her programming Job, and a cute little bookshelf and chair that came with the house!
Quick break to see the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms, since we're right next to one of them anyway.
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Don't mind the puddle, mostly just made the bathrooms look lived in, though I did give them a more modern tub upstairs, as well as add lighting. does no one in the sims have a well lit home?
Next up, Simon's Room!
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Inside we have his lovely furniture, a double bed this time, an upgrade from his last room, which he shared with Fulbright, and didn't have room for two doubles. :(
It also has his writing corner, and an easel! he's writing still, but I think it would be neat if he had another hobby, just for fun! also, a space rock, just for fun. quick look at the missing wall, bookshelf and all.
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Next, Bobby's room!
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Bobby where are you going.
That's Simon's room, you have your own!
Bobby's odd choices aside, I think he'd be the kind to have a liiittle bit dated wallpaper, and not replace his computer (It's still good!) despite the fact that it is, in fact, Thena's old computer from when they lived in the dinky little starter home, and were not making several thousand a day.
It just feels right.
Lastly for the upper floor, work out room!
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Before they had a treadmill in Thena's room and a punching bag in her workroom, but no more! the original house just had a weird corner, so I turned it into a room!
The upstairs hall has some fossils in it, but isn't that interesting, so we'll have a quick look downstairs instead. Living room ahoy!
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Frankly, this space is a little too big, Ended up splitting it into two spaces. This is why I don't really like open floor plans, but in the last house it was really nice? maybe I'm just bad at space. here's a quick look at their last living room for comparison:
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Double living room and dining space, which I liked. If you guys have any advice for better using the space, let me know. Maybe add some rugs?
Speaking of dining rooms, quick look at their dining room and kitchen, nothing special!
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Mostly unchanged from the base, though I did bring the nice fridge and stove with. they didn't survive at least twelve kitchen fires to miss out on their unbreakable stove and fridge now. It is smaller then the last kitchen, but not enough so to be really notable. Maybe sometimes I'll extend the building, we'll see. I also added some clutter and things, since no base house in this game ever looks even vaguely lived in.
Oh, and the sculpture on the table bobby made! it was a wedding present for Thena and Junie.
One last living space, and then a quick look outside!
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That's Simon's pet fish, a Rainbow one lives in there! also Simon's print, from examining all of Junie's fossils. She has so many. Still looking for places for some of them. Maybe the bathroom? not sure. Kinda hate that they don't fit on any of the shelves. Any way to put them on top of the bookshelves? I feel like that'd be a great place.
Overlook at Junies Garden, and a quick peak at Metis's resting place, and then we're done!
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Yes, they did move that gravestone from the last house, and yeah, that has implications, but it's finnneee. No worries.
Thank you so much for reading this! here's a bonus ghost for your trouble, and goodnight!
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casi-eternal · 3 years
Valentine's Day?
Druig X reader
First at all. English isn't my first language, sorry if there's some mistakes.
You were sitting in kitchen eating your cereal with the others having small talks when a loud noise alert everyone, following by a curse and a fast footsteps was notice in the staircase.
"Is just Sersi, probably is late for work" said Sprite and everyone relax.
"Good morning guys" said Sersi enter the kitchen with a smile, with a morning response from all of you, she made her way to the coffee machine and start to prepare a cup.
"Happy Valentine's Day"
"Happy Lupercarias" you said.
"Oh c'mon don't be a anti cupid today"
"I'm not! But I choose to celebrate the lupercarias than the valentine's day"
"Oh yeah? And whys that" ask Druig.
"I prefer to stay with fertility and purification that the "love" everyone wants to show, I mean, you have the whole year but you show who you love in one day? Nah, I don't buy that"
"Wow girl, who broke your heart so bad to said that?" Asks Phastos.
"No one!... Well maybe I got a broken hearted I'm not gonna lie, but the reality is that valentine's day came after the lupercarias, I choose celebrate the real one that what humans do this days"
"So you choose the fertility, sounds fun, who's will be the lucky one?" Asked Kingo with a smirk and you roll your eyes.
"The fertility is not only in a sexual way Kingo, I take the purification for the community, leaving behind the winter and reborn with the spring, have a new fertility and power"
"So you gonna reborn" said Druig.
"Great, now your crazy"
"I'm not, but there's so many beautys in the world, and other things to celebrate, I don't want to stay in the typical ones"
'What about Christmas? You're come and celebrate together Christmas' Makkari signed.
"It's Christmas, of course I'm celebrate Christmas"
"And Halloween? I remember how you like to scared all of us, Ikaris was so done of you" said Sprite.
"Well is not like I celebrated Halloween"
"You kidding me?" Screams Kingo "You put a fucking party every year and I'm never invitees"
"That party is just for closes friends!"
"You make a stream every year! Last year you getting Taylor Swift, Elton John and the Backstreet Boys to performance"
"Taylor and I we're really good friends, and the point is that I don't celebrate Valentine's Day"
"But this year will be the exception" said Sersi happy.
"We all going to a Valentine's party"
"We all?" Asked Druig "I don't remember agreed to that"
"Ha! Even Druig said no"
"Druig always says no"
"C'mon guys, it will fun" Sersi look at you and you shrugs "The others will be there, right?"
"Oh definitely I'll be there, I love party's and Karun can have the night off"
"I think it will be fun" said Gilgamesh and look at Thena "It will be nice a night out" said Thena without worries
"I'm going to spend the day with Jack and Ben, sorry Sersi" said Phastos.
"Oh it's okay, hope you have fun"
'Count with me, I love party's' signed Makkari.
'Yeah, when your not stealing historical instruments or art' you sign while laughing and she give you a sly smile.
"Well I think everyone is free to celebrate wharever you want" said Ajak sipping from her coffee "I would be happy to join you Sersi"
"Thanks Ajak, so I decide to stay home, I want to relax" you said standing and taking you plate in the dishwasher.
"Me too, I don't really fondly of party's"
"Please don't, Dane would be sad if you didn't go"
"We saw Dane yesterday, I really doubt he can be disappointed of any of us don't showing up at the party" said Druig while finish his cup of tea.
"If anyone is interested I have a dance ball, so I can't go neither, which mean you and Druig had the house for you two" said Sprite and all eyes was now on her "What?"
"Oh my little girl is having her first ball" Ajak walk and hug Sprite.
"Is not my first ball, I been in others balls before"
"But is your first as a human" you smile.
"You have a date?" Sersi ask excited.
"Oh if you had one you definitely need to bring it here, I need to know if is a good choice for you" said Kingo enter in his big brother role.
"I don't have a date, is a dumb ball in school, I'll go with some friends, can you please stop being so weird about that?"
"We're not weird, we're proud of you Sprite" Gilgamesh give her a proud smile and she sighs.
"It's getting late, I have to go to class, enjoy your date and party guys" she said looking at Druig and you.
She stand from her sit and go out before the others stop her.
"Shit is really late, I'm going too, but the party start at 6, I'll see you all in Dane's house" Sersi take her purse and run at the exit.
The rest of you go out of the kitchen and start to get ready for your day.
"So the house would be for just us" Druig approach you and follow you to your room.
"Lucky us"
"Believed or not I'm really curious about your heart broken"
"Oh I bet for that, but I'm not in mood to tell the story of my poor little heart"
"In that case, you know, if you want to celebrate the lupercarias I would be glad to joining you"
You laugh and get close to him, your lips were almost touching his.
"And do you think you can keep up with me?"
He stare at your lips "If you can follow mine"
"Then I guess it would be a good day after all. Only if you can catch me"
And with a wave of your hand you disappeared and appeared on the other other side of the hall.
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taking marvel imagine requests!
Hi all! It's been so long! So much has happened since I last wrote on here including a mental health break and coming out as bisexual! I'm back and ready to dive in to new and old characters :) prompts are not mine!'
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characters i write for:
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Sam Wilson
Nat Romanov
Aged Up! Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Fake Dating prompts
“ my ex won't leave me alone, okay, i'm in desperate need of a diversion. “
“ are you fucking kidding me? you're the one who asked me to be here. “
“ where's my soap? “ “ i replaced it. “ “ it smells like fucking cinnamon. “
“ this is my house. “ “ but... we're married? “
“ we've been best friends since middle school, nobody's going to believe us." "everyone's going to believe this.“
“ you gon' hire a child, too? “ “ well, do you happen to have a niece...? “
“ i wanted to prove to everyone what a terrible match we would be together but... i think this weekend might have proved otherwise. “
“ you're the one who fucking told me to be your fiancé! “
“ there's only one bed here. “ “ okay, so take the couch. “
“ so i'm your... “ “ fiancé. for the time being. “**
“ kisses aren't necessary. we can stick to hugs, and hand holding. “
“ would you pretend to be my date? just... for tonight? “
“ what i'm about to ask you might be a little... inappropriate. “
“ do you think we should practice? you know, just to be sure it looks believable? “
“ i need a favor. “ “ no more corpses! “ “ no corpses. “ “ you promised. “ “ no corpses. not this time. “
Christmas prompts
Decorating the tree
Dancing in the snow
Present shopping
Gift giving
Wrapping gifts
Making a gingerbread house
Gingerbread house competition
Snowball fight
Christmas baking
Christmas market
Making snowmen
Christmas party
Watching Christmas movies
Dancing to Christmas music
Going ice skating
Christmas dinner
Making Christmas dinner
Fake dating for Christmas Ball
Secret Santa
Both reaching for the last cookie
just send the list, number & who you want to prompt about :)marv
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littlefankingdom · 2 years
Eternals rant because why not?
I had a LOT going on in my life, so I'm finally able to catch up with the MCU. I also wasn't excited for Eternals, but I refuse to not see the movies and shows in order, so I had to force myself to sit through it, while doing something else. But, yeah, it wasn't that bad, just not my type.
/!\ Beware, spoilers incoming /!\
As an aspiring anthropologist, I study history and archaeology and I deeply hate the trope "Humans were able to evolve because of an interaction with a more "evolved" being", which this movie was presented as. Even if the Eternals do not speed up the process, they do create inventions, which I hate because it undermines humans' intelligence during Prehistory, something that is way too common to do. Also, the movie began with a flashback from 5000 B.C. and it would have been fine if it hadn't portrayed humans as less evolved as they were at the time! I studied the Neolithic just last semester, when humans started farming, with plants and animals, but no signs of that in Mesopotamia in the movie, but it's the region where it started in 9000 B.C., and well advanced in the 5000 B.C.. Anyway, I'm going to stop myself before I start to rant about the buildings being wrong...
By the way, I didn't need to know Ikaris and Sersi had sex, thank you very much, pretty useless information. (Tony Stark shown to have sex shows his playboy personality. Here, it's useless) Also, this guy is yet another generic white cismen and we have enough. How can I distinguish them from each other's if we're still getting more (Literally took me a while and the credits to recognize Harris Style as Eros). Happy to see Ikaris being the bad guy because I had enough of everyone praising him when Sersi was chosen has the new leader. I did have a heart attack at the end of their fight, because she really was going to forgive him for killing and trying to kill the others, just because she dated him for way too long, but he k*ll himself by flying to the sun (they made TWO references to the myth with him being the "closest" to and literally flying to the sun. I would have liked it if it wasn't one of the most known myths, and so way too easy. Do it with the others characters) And Ikaris is so bland, he has little personality, but everyone is fighting over him? Thena could also be seen as bland, but she seems just reserved and she shows a lot of love for Gilgamesh, when I just believe Ikaris "love" Sersi because he told us so. The guy is empty.
I do sound like I hated the movie, but it's not the case. It was okay, I loved the secondary characters like Kingo, Gilgamesh, Mikkari, but they didn't have a lot of focus on them. I would have loved to have a point of view of Thena and her traumatic deaths coming back to her. But that's the problem when you have that much characters in your group, you can't focus equally on them, even if they do seem to have tried. The characters with values to the plot (Ikaris, Sersi, Thena, Sprite...) don't have their personality explores much. Also loved Phastos having a husband and a son, it made my day.
Anyway, I'm going to be an annoying marvel fan on this one and ask where the f*ck is everyone? The Shield? I mean, it could be explained in the following stuffs, so I will see...
Favorite character: Gilgamesh. I was "if you kill him, I hate this movie", and then he died. What a shame, he was so caring and nice, the most attractive one of the group because of his personality. I also love Kingo, his Bollywood acting career and his "you don't betray your family" thing, but then he still side with Ikaris and left the team, so... Gilgamesh.
Least favorite character: F*cking Sprite. What a little b*tch. There are a ton of generic white cismen, don't betray your family to follow one into a murderous rampage. She was so jealous of Sersi that she stabbed her and tried to kill her, but she was "so sowwy", so everyone is okay with that. Sersi need to grow a backbone because you cannot let someone WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE A FAMILY MEMBER TO YOU betray you like that and forgive them because they cried...
Expiration date: One time is enough, could still watch again if I had to, but not because I love it.
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This is only my opinion, pls, don't try to start a debate
0 notes
It’s been a while for the life interrupted one. Would you write more?
Druig being worried about Thena not coming home and it’s being very very late that he rushes to Gil’s and almost breaks the door from his angry knocking?
"Where is she?!"
Half the apartment complex would be woken.
"I know you can hear me you bastard!" Druig raged, not caring who heard him--not caring what time it was. He pounded on the door, "let me the fuck in or I'll-!"
The door whipped open just before Druig was yanked inside.
"Will you calm down?"
Druig looked up at Gilgamesh with wild eyes. "Calm down? My sister disappears and you tell me-"
"She didn't disappear," Gil huffed at him as if he were pitching a fit over nothing.
Druig took in the man who was 'dating' his sister. His t-shirt was rumpled, his hair dishevelled; Druig grabbed the front of his shirt, "you have idea what I am gonna do to you?!"
"Easy," Gil spoke calmly, despite Druig seeming completely ready to let his fists fly. At least Druig wasn't nearly tall or strong enough to actually haul Gil up by the neck of his shirt.
"She's vulnerable," Druig snarled through his teeth, "and you-"
"Thena is asleep, in my room, untouched," Gil defended, holding his hands up to Druig as he backed him up to his couch again. "Fully clothed, you can check on her in you want."
Druig looked at Gil's pointed hand for a second. He let go of his shirt and did just that, stomping the few feet to Gil's bedroom and opening the door none too gently.
Thena didn't even blink, curled up in the middle of Gil's bed, on top of all the covers but with a blanket thrown over her. He had taken her hair out of a ponytail and taken off her shoes, but she was clearly still wearing the stockings she wore under her dress to work.
Druig whirled around; he wasn't done being angry.
Gil huffed as Druig closed the door gently so they could talk man to man. He put his hands on his hips, "we were watching tv on the couch and she dozed off."
"So call me," Druig snapped at him, circling him like a wild animal. He certainly looked wild in the eyes.
"I did, but there was no answer," Gil shrugged. "I left you a text."
Druig's face twitched. He did actually have that text--it was what had made him storm all the way over here.
"But you're not-" Gil cut himself off before he could say something that would only worsen Druig's feelings towards him. He cleared his throat, "Thena doesn't need you to worry about her every minute of the day, is what I mean."
Druig tried not to pounce on him for the simple statement. It was true, T didn't need his worrying and fussing. She more and more often was telling him to leave well enough alone--that she was his older sister and that he did not have to baby her.
He wasn't babying her! He was worried about her! He was worried about the only person in his life on whom he could rely, ever. Thena had always looked out for them their whole lives, and he knew that standing up to their father came at a price. She was more fragile than she let on, even before being committed.
Now he was more worried about her than ever, and this 'boyfriend' of hers wasn't helping things.
"Look, Druig," Gil sighed, holding out a hand for them to talk at the ledge connecting his living room and kitchen. Druig waited for him to move but he rolled his eyes and sat himself down. "I have no intention of hurting Thena."
Druig held back some more biting and acerbic responses. He leaned against the edge of the counter, leaving a stool between them. "Yeah, and our father never 'intended' to backhand 'er 'cross the face."
Gil looked away.
Druig gripped the counter edge. "She's a lot more vulnerable than she lets on to be. She's more vulnerable than she even knows she is, and she's puttin' a lotta trust in you when she comes over 'ere!"
"And I take that seriously, Druig," Gil scowled. "I would never let anything happen to her, whether we're out or back here."
Every time either of them brought up their 'dates' Druig wanted to grind his back teeth flat. "You wanna know why I don't like you?"
Gil sighed, still rubbing at his eyes, "I'm sure you'll tell me."
Druig pointed at him, "you show up like magic during the worst time in T's life? And suddenly I'm hearing about this amazing guy who's a li'l too perfect?"
"I hear about how they're not even wearin' real clothes, just these loaner scrubs that've been fuck knows where?! I hear about how they get woken up on the hour and the showers don't have bloody doors and they're barely allowed to take a piss by 'emselves!"
"You expect to hear about the hell that place was and have a good opinion of ye?" Druig hissed at him. He realised none of those things were Gil's fault, and not even things he would be able to change or influence in his position. "So forgive me if it's a li'l hard to swallow my sister's trauma bond to you with all that goin' on."
Gil sighed after he was done his tirade. "I get it, okay, man? That place is a hellhole, you're right. But a job's a job--obviously they don't exactly pay me in gold."
Druig shrank as Gil held out his hands to display his modestly sized flat.
"And I never thought anything of it before," he shrugged. "But Thena was there for three months. And I saw her every single day, dragging herself around, obviously just wanting five fucking minutes when she wasn't being watched like a rabid animal."
"So yeah, I let her hang out with me and the potatoes, and I made her fresh mac and cheese, and I saved her pieces of cake so she'd have a singular thing to look forward to." Gil tilted his head at Druig, "obviously you wouldn't have preferred I give her up."
No, he didn't want that. And as resistant as he had been, Thena had asked him to pass her contact onto Gil, and he had done it. Because the look in her eyes when she said that she would miss her chivalrous cafeteria cook was too much to bear.
"Gil," Druig said just above a whisper, looking at his hand fidgeting on the back of the stool. "T really likes you, and I'm tryin' to accept that. But...I haven't been able to do much for her in our lives. She's always been older, stronger, tougher--her balls are bigger than both of ours, I'm sure you'll agree."
Gil just nodded.
"This is the one thing I can actually do to keep her safe," Druig professed, shifting as the feelings attached to his words became too much to bear. "After it was me who landed her there in the first place."
Gilgamesh smiled, though, "y'know she doesn't think of it that way."
"Maybe she should," Druig grumbled.
"Well, she's not going to," the older man chuckled and ruffled his hair again. The size of them arms... "So you can forget it."
Druig sighed as Gil slipped off the stool. He resisted the urge to ask Gil if he had been excused.
"Here," Gil set down a glass of water for him, smiling like Druig hadn't barged into his home and harassed him.
Dammit, he was just a nice bloke, huh? Druig snatched the water and chugged it aggressively. "I should go."
"You don't have to," Gil shrugged, leaving it up to Druig what he would prefer.
He shook his head, "T'll lose it if she knows I came o'er here."
"Fuck," he bit his tongue as Thena emerged from the other room.
Druig watched Gil get up and go right over to her, speaking softly and reaching for her hand. She was drowsy, blinking a lot against even the living room lamp's dim glow. Gil brushed some hair out of her face with a smile. He must have asked if she was okay, because she nodded with a smile Druig had never seen before. Gil kissed her forehead, and Thena blissfully leaned into it.
"Sorry, I was just-"
"Druig, what are you doing here?" Thena asked, knowing the last thing her brother would do was ignore her.
Druig's shoulders drew up and inward, "I, uh, was just comin' to see if you wanted a drive home. But-"
Thena looked at Gil, who shrugged. "I texted him when you fell asleep. He just got here."
Traitor; Druig glared at him again.
"Oh." Thena just shrugged, no hands on her hips, no lecture about how her baby brother didn't have to come barging into her love life, please and thank you. She smiled, "I see."
Shit, was this guy really such a miracle drug for her? Druig tried not to be even more suspicious of his temperamental sister's serenity. He sighed, "yeah, but, clearly I had nothin' to worry about. I'll head out. You two...whatever."
"Really?" Gil raised an eyebrow.
"Druig," Thena spoke up a little more firmly, making him freeze partway to the door.
He sighed as she came over to him, but rather than jab him with her bony little finger, she tugged at his rumbled jacket affectionately.
"I know you were worried. But thank you," she gave him the eyes, "for trusting me--and Gil?"
Druig made a face and looked away from the woman who was as good as his own mother in many ways. "Fine, fine, I'm goin'. I'll see you when I see'y."
Thena nodded, pressing her hand over his heart for just a second before pushing him gently, "I do hope you didn't make a scene when you arrived."
A chill ran through him; how did she know that? "'Course not."
Gil chuckled, "not at all."
Okay, maybe he wasn't so bad.
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Hiii, how are you?
I had this little idea in my mind, that i wanted to share with you.
Thenamesh 10 things i hate about you AU.
Dane the new guy at school, wants to go out with his beautiful classmate Sersi, but there's a little problem with that. Sersi can't go out unless her cold and scary older sister Thena does. So Dane does the most sensible thing, and hiers Gilgamesh a mysterious boy with a bad reputation, to date Thena.
- Btw thank you sooo much for your works, they are so cute and perfect, and always make my days better. 🩷🤍
"Hi Dane!"
The two bounded over to each other like puppies, or fawns with a little kick in their step. Thena did smile faintly as she watched her sister excitedly greet this equally sweet, equally nerdy boy she had found to her tastes.
It was the only reason Thena had agreed to this charade of a 'date'.
It was the only reason her 'date' had agreed as well, as far as she could gather. Dane had heard that she and Sersi could not go anywhere unless it was together, their father taking advantage of Thena's naturally repellent presence to keep people away from his more sociable daughter.
Gilgamesh was - according to reputation and rumour - a juvenile delinquent allowed to attend school for a last attempt at graduating before he joined a mob or gang for the rest of his life. He was quiet, certainly looked tall and big enough for it to be believable that he had been in some trouble with authority. He wore only dark t-shirts and jeans with unintentional tears in the knees and heavy boots. And he smoked.
"Ready for this, or what?"
Thena let some bemusement show on her face as Sersi and Dane galloped up to the snack counter, arm in arm. She drifted vaguely in Gilgamesh's direction. "You seem even more displeased by this arrangement than I could have anticipated."
He gave her an equally shrewish look, both of them in a standoff in the theatre lobby. He made the grand effort of pulling his hands out of his pockets and relaxing his posture. He really was big. "Is that how I seem?"
Thena crossed her arms at him, "you need not pretend for my sake, Gilgamesh. What did you get paid?"
He blinked.
"No one does anything with me willingly," Thena said lightly, looking towards her options for food while Dane counted out his pennies to pay for a combo to share with Sersi.
He slid a little closer to her, both of them hovering just outside the bounds of being in line. "Is that what this school is like? Guys bidding for the privilege to go out with your ladyship?"
"They have attempted it before."
"Well, that's disgusting."
Thena blinked at him, this time.
He looked over at her with his arms crossed, "you don't seem like the type who would tolerate that. For you or your sister."
"I don't," she scowled, happy to resume her previous frostiness. "But it is not that original a tactic, is all I'm saying."
"You mean this?" he pulled a few bills out of his pocket, crisp and brand new.
Thena shrank somewhat.
"Dane told me he was trying to ask out Sersi but she wasn't allowed to go anywhere without you. I told him I don't exactly have the spare cash to be taking out anyone," he raised a cool brow at her with that stupid smirk on his face, "her ladyship or otherwise."
Thena's shoulders rose, "so Dane paid you off."
"He lent me the cash to actually buy the tickets and some popcorn, Princess, so put your axe and noose away."
"So, you wanna see a movie or what?" Gilgamesh stepped in even closer, leaning his head down when the thickness of his arms stopped him from encroaching more.
She eyed him. "Do you?"
He chuckled, "y'know, I really am strapped for cash. I could have just taken this and fucked right off."
Thena continued to regard the cash in his hand with disgust. She must have been feeling generous when she looked at him again, "why didn't you?"
His eyes were very brown, but warm, in a way. "Maybe I wanted the chance to figure out why everyone calls you the shrew."
"Ah," Thena scoffed, finally moving into the snack line for herself, "so you have heard."
"You seem to have heard about me."
"Everyone has heard about you," she both argued and defended, lest he think she had asked about him at any point.
"And what you think?"
It came out soft, hard to hear over the popcorn and the pretzels and the teenagers screaming at each other behind the counter. She looked over at him, but his face didn't match the almost vulnerable tone of the question.
She straightened her posture again and held her chin high, "you are not as frightening as you think you are."
His eyes slid over to her again, a grin on his face, "you're not as mean as you think you are either."
The two stared at each other, digging as deep as they could without exposing too much of themselves, either.
"Uhm, would you like-"
Gilgamesh slapped the cash on the counter and glared at the kid, "whatever the lady wants."
Thena rolled her eyes, but it couldn't be said that she wasn't laughing just a little. She sighed, looking at the LED screen menus again. "Pretzel bites and a medium iced tea, please."
"Iced tea?"
She glared at his loud and amused scoff. "What of it?"
"Even your drinks are uptight," he snickered at her, although he wasn't arguing against the choice as the employee filled up the soda fountain cup in front of them.
Her eyes narrowed, "I like iced tea."
Gilgamesh held up his hands and leaned off the counter, "I did say whatever the lady wants--the old lady, apparently."
Thena met his sardonic chuckling with her own, "if I am an old bitty then perhaps I should not be dating such a young specimen, then."
"Oh, so we are dating!"
She whipped around, ready to glower and snipe and insult him into leaving. But he reached over her shoulder to accept the drink from the kid and take a sip for himself--the first sip! "Hey!"
Gilgamesh made a display of licking and smacking his lips before slipping the cup into her hand from above and behind her, "I guess it's not vile."
Thena huffed, holding the cup protectively, soiled straw and all. "This better not taste of smoke now."
"Relax, I haven't had any today," he assuaged her, also reaching around her - rude - again for the paper cup of pretzel nuggets. He offered her one, "heard you're pretty repelled by the stuff."
"Oh." Thena accepted a pretzel bite (although, really, weren't they hers?). She turned, still somewhat pinned between him and the front counter, "well...yes."
"I do brush my teeth too, y'know," he gave her another devilish look and leaned closer again, "care to test?"
"Hm," she mused, eyeing him again. She let him drift closer until she could jam a pretzel bite between them, "no."
Gil caught the pretzel bite in his hand as she slipped away from him, rejoining her sister as Dane claimed his and Sersi's seats. The sisters traded a few, quiet words, glancing in both directions as they did. Sersi was visibly charmed by Dane.
Thena glanced briefly in Gil's direction, but that was definitely a smile on her face, "perhaps."
He took that as a good thing, walking over with the pretzel bites to her iced tea. "Well?"
Thena merely held her hand out for him to approach the counter himself.
He smirked again, dragging her with him by the wrist and then throwing his arm around her much smaller shoulder when he got up front. "Two for the same movie as them."
The young man eyed them, nothing short of confused at the display Gilgamesh was putting on. He scanned the tickets, "enjoy the movie."
Gil angled Thena to look at her again. She glared at him for man-handling her. He grinned, "I think I will."
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softquietsteadylove · 8 months
Would you continue something for the president one? Maybe Gil protecting her against someone who is very angry during a meeting and is about to attack her but he intervenes very fast and powerful?
"I believe the treaty is fine as it stands."
"I believe it requires amendments."
They hadn't made all that much progress since those two mission statements, unfortunately. They had been in this meeting upwards of an hour and everything, but with no real progress to speak of. Thena maintained that they needed a new agreement according to her new term and policies.
Kro was of the mind that the treaty - already tenuous and reluctant - was fine as it was.
"Perhaps we should reconvene," Gil suggested from the side, keeping Thena's schedule in his hand. He had a few notes he'd taken, but more than that, he had his eyes on Thena.
She was tired, the stress of their meeting weighing on her, the worry of what to report to the press, even just the fact that Kro gave her the creeps on a personal level. She was obviously on edge.
"What amendments would be made?" Kro asked, all but ignoring Gil and his attempt at intervention.
"Amendments which would prevent the repetition of my, " she blinked, "predecessor. Amendments which I believe would better protect both our peoples."
Kro was unmoved by her attempt at convincing him to amend. "Madame President, I do not know if this is the kind of agreement into which you would like to enter."
Thena glanced at Gil. They knew that Kro and Ikaris had made some sort of arrangement. That was most likely the real reason behind his reluctance to make changes. It would seal any cracks he was currently using to his advantage.
"My assistant is correct, we should reconvene," Thena declared. They would have to look at things from an investigative standpoint before continuing. She stood.
"Oh, we're done, are we?"
Gil bristled, uncomfortable with the tone that was being used with Thena, but stood his ground. He held out his hand for her to join him, "our meeting time has already gone over, sir. The President has other obligations."
Thena's hand drifted to Gil's subconsciously. Kro rose from his chair in the same second, extending a hand from an arm that looked longer than anticipated. She barely blinked.
"I don't believe I dismissed you."
Gil moved between them, his security training kicking in. He grasped Kro's wrist, twisting it and forcing it back to the table. He used his other hand to grab the elbow, pressing it in the wrong direction. "Don't!"
Kro snarled at him, and his own security reacted from the back of the room as well. "Let go of me!"
"Do not attempt to touch the president," Gil repeated, although it was equal instinct for him to tell the bastard not to touch his girlfriend.
"Stand down!" Kro's security ordered, their weapons already held and pointed.
Gil didn't look up from holding Kro down. He wasn't wearing a vest - because this was a diplomatic meeting - but he was at least in front of Thena. He looked at Kro, growling up at him like a caged animal. "Call them off."
"Gil," Thena whispered behind him. She snuck her hand up the back of his suit jacket to tug at his shirt from behind.
Kro held up his other hand to signal his security to stand down. "Excuse me--a reflex from my days in service."
Gil released the diplomatic leader, stepping back and straightening his suit. "Excuse me--my reflexes are the same."
The two men looked at one another, fully understanding that both statements were at least partial lies. But Kro sank back to the far wall of the room, his security slipping their weapons away. "We will have to revisit the treaty at a later date, ma'am."
"Indeed," Thena answered evenly, although she hadn't moved, even amidst all the commotion. She kept herself poised properly as Kro was led from the room.
Gil looked back at her as the door closed. Thena was tough, even for being the president. But he saw the extra pallor in her cheeks. "You okay?"
Thena looked around the room. It was just her and Gil. She moved forward, pressing her face in his chest, "never a dull moment."
Gil chuckled, rubbing her back as she let herself relax against him. "I guess you could say that."
Thena sighed, intaking his scent, "I knew you had it under control."
"Can't let the foreign bodies get handsy with you, sweetheart," he smiled, enjoying Thena's brief moment of being touchy-feely. "You sure you're okay?"
"I never liked him," she sighed, wilting against him even more. "I should have known he and Ikaris had some kind of underhanded deal laid out between them."
It was suspected that Ikaris had made his escape through Kro's protected territory.
"No use worrying about it now," Gil attempted to reason, still rubbing her back. "We'll have Druig look into some stuff, then we can come back and negotiate better."
"That does make sense," she conceded, turning her cheek against his shirt. "And I'm exhausted after all his blathering."
"Sorry love," he kissed the top of her head, "you have two more meetings today."
Thena pressed her face into his chest again just to let out a pained groan.
"I know," he kissed her hair again, "but I managed to squeeze in some lunch for you."
Thena tilted her head up at him, leaning up on the toes of her sensible heels, "what would I do without you?"
Gil sighed into the brief but luxurious kiss. "That's my line, hon. Now, let's get outta here, hm?
"Let's," she agreed, slipping her hand into his more properly. It was a courteous hold, perfectly appropriate for helping the president about her daily duties. And it was one of the few small luxuries they could afford as a couple. "What's on the menu?"
"There are a couple options, but how would you feel about a sandwich from that place you like?" Gil helped her into her coat, catching the way her eyes sparkled at the notion. "And a cup of soup?"
She sighed anew at the promise of a cup of tomato basil and a hot grilled cheese. He liked to tease her for being the president and also having very basic tastebuds.
But every night they had in the house together, he would make her fresh tomato soup and a sourdough grilled cheese if she asked.
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what do you think which kind of music every eternal is listening to? every eternal but makkari of course
Aww, this is so cute an ask!
Okay, so I guess there are a few layers to this answer.
Ikaris, I don't think he listens to music--I don't think he lets himself have fun like that. Like I know we see him in modern clothes, but I bet he's actually that old man who doesn't have a phone and he pawns ancient artifacts for cash. But if he does indulge in music, then I think he's like a gym bro who unironically listens to that, like, 'it's about drive, it's about power' song.
Sersi actually does listen to music. She loves it! What a beautiful expression of humanity! She likes all types, all styles, all cultures and languages! I think her personal faves are indie vibes, maybe First Aid Kit? She loves the emotional music of Adele and Florence and the Machine, and she definitely listened to the ten minute version of All Too Well on repeat when it came out. Poor girly went through the longest term breakup possible. But I also think she likes, like, Maneskin, maybe some J-pop/K-pop stuff? I think she would like the idea of the large group having a family dynamic (poor thing misses home).
Sprite listens exclusively to, like, emo music, I think. And I know that's a dated term, but seriously, emo punk from the 2000s was their thing. She loves angsty love ballads, but she would never tell anyone that, ever. Because no one understands her--she's not like other immortals.
Phastos liked old music, I think. Soul and blues and jazz and he likes love songs, because he and Ben dance to them at home. He definitely says things like he doesn't 'get' music these days. Ben tries to expose him to more music but Phastos is like I've heard it all before, babe. Jack listens to overstimulating remixes of songs at home and Phastos tries to figure out how to turn off all sound in the world.
Druig is such a hipster and only likes instrumental music. I bet he listens to ancient gregorian chants. Maybe he likes some classic Celtic music, some folk stuff and classical. Maybe when he's out in the modern world he's not opposed to some punk rock. He would love MCR and Fallout Boy with Sprite back in the day, and maybe Bivattchee and Asian Kung Fu Generation.
Makkari would love all kinds of music, I think, but she loves, like, dance and EDM, because she can feel the beat and the rhythm of the remixes so well. She loves jumping and dancing around to them, and she loves watching other people having a great time dancing to them too! Every once in a while, if Druig is listening to something with earbuds or something, she'll lean against him to feel what he's listening to.
Ajak likes mom/grandma music. I don't have any better way to put it. She likes old country songs (not American nationalist propaganda, I mean c o u n t r y music). She loves doo-wop and 60s bops and old songs from the 20s. Can't Help Falling in Love with You is what she sings while doing the dishes.
Gil loves love, because he's soft and sweet. He listens to the lyrics of songs more than genre or melody. He loves ballads and love songs and slow dance numbers. He likes old vinyls and puts them on at home on an old record player and dances with Thena around the kitchen. And I mean if we're talking about different circumstances, then he loves 'girly' music. And he would never be embarrassed about that! He loves love songs, and sappy pop ballads and happy, boppy songs. Look at the man's apron!
Thena likes whatever Gil likes. She's not a lyrics girly, so if it sounds nice, she'll like it, and if Gil likes it, she'll love it. If she's popping in earbuds at the gym or something, maybe she'll listen to wordless workout remixes, but I think her taste might be a little bland otherwise (sorry).
Kingo likes listening to himself. He's that actor who sings songs for his own projects, and he listens to them all the time. But otherwise I think he likes whatever's trendy. Just listens to top trending, has broad and diverse tastes. I do think he likes pop groups because he likes learning the dances. He's a performer, y'know?
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I would like to do a request for the Doctor AU
How about some protective Thena?
She hears angry shouting from 3 woman in the waiting area, letting their anger out on Gil, even lashing out on him physically. He tries to calm them down but doesn’t fight them back of course.
They are angry because they are waiting so long (minor things nothing dangerous) and they saw how Gil came in with a patient with life threatening wounds just going passing them and they decide it was enough of waiting for them 🙄
And Thena won’t stand there and watch them!👀
Thena sets down her charts with a sigh. It's been a busy night for the emergency room, not necessarily by seriousness but by sheer volume. They can't seem to catch a break. It's been patient after patient, so far.
And she feels like she hasn't seen Gil in hours.
He's been on run after run for minor accidents and taking patients to other hospitals. He's texted her a few times between runs, but mostly they've commiserated about how busy they've been tonight.
She can't wait to get off shift and go home with him.
Not that they necessarily go home together all the time, now. And even when they do, it's not always a date...thing. Sometimes they really do just go home and fall asleep on the couch together. She doesn't know if that makes it better or worse.
Thena's heart leaps in her chest at the familiar greeting, and she tries not to look disappointed when she realises it's Ajak who said it and not a certain someone. She smiles, "hey."
Ajak holds her hand out and nods her head, "you're almost done right? Let me finish those."
Thena nibbles at her lip a little, looking down at her charts (arguably her least favourite part of the job). She peeks up at Ajak, "are you sure?"
Ajak just gives her a smirk and pulls the clipboard towards herself. "I'm sure, honey. You go and find that hot hunk of yours."
Thena rolls her eyes at Ajak, storming away so she won't know how embarrassing she finds it that Ajak knows all about their little secret. It's not like she told her!
She didn't have to.
Thena does leave the nurses' station and heads towards the main waiting room. Gil should be done his last run by now, judging by how long ago he texted. She reaches for the end of her ponytail idly.
"We've been here for hours!"
She frowns; it isn't uncommon to get people who are unhappy with the wait times. And feel happy to take it out on them (those still seeing them despite the global shortage on people in the healthcare profession).
"Why did they get seen before us?!"
"Or do these numbers mean nothing?!"
Thena rolls her eyes. A couple of Karens cawing up a storm like seagulls in a parking lot. Nothing new, and certainly nothing interesting.
"Ladies, please, we're doing what we can."
Thena picks up her pace until she's jogging towards the waiting room. When she arrives, there is indeed a swarm of women cawing about their wait time. But they're taking it out on Gilgamesh.
Gil is trying to look at all of them at once, holding up his hands close to himself as they swing and smack him with their hands and even their purses. He grunts a little, obviously not pleased but not exactly one to fight back, either.
"You call yourself a medic when you leave women with possible fractures waiting like this?!"
Thena storms over, moving between the women and Gil, who looks like a dog getting water poured on him. She plants her hands on her hips.
"Who the hell are you?" the one who thought swinging around her purse was appropriate behaviour.
"I'm the doctor here, and I want to know what the hell you think you're doing to my paramedic!" Thena snarls at them, not one to back down from intimidation, whether it be from a Karen or a Chad. She glowers at them.
"We saw him take people in there!" another one points with her pointy little finger. "When we've been out here for hours!"
Thena swats the hand away from them. "You are out here because of the degree of your injury and because the emergency room is understaffed. Every emergency room is understaffed!"
"Well, that's not our fault!" the third one huffs in her face. She holds up her wrist, "I have a wrist fracture that needs treatment! And you've taken three people in there ahead of us!"
Thena eyed the woman. If her wrist were fractured, she most absolutely would not be holding it up in that position. At worst, she had pinched a nerve between her ulna and tibia and it was being aggravated from being waved around. "Then put it down."
All three women looked aghast.
"Thena," Gil tried to put his hand on her shoulder, no doubt to talk her down from getting into a screaming match with the patient and her accompaniment.
"This is how you treat your patients?!" the purse swinger rages at her.
Thena doesn't take it lying down, though. If anything, it's taking everything in her not to give the wrist a hard squeeze to give her something to be genuinely hurt over. "For the treatment of my paramedic, you're lucky I haven't called security and ordered you to a different ER."
"Has other patients!" Thena steps forward, forcing the other women back with her sheer anger. She clenches her hands into fists, bellowing at them. "People who have been in accidents, people who are in need of a lot more than an x-ray and a compression sleeve!"
"Have a repetitive stress injury at most!" Thena barks at her. She puts more distance between them and Gil behind her. "And it's no excuse to treat him the way you have!"
The women are almost all the way back in the seats they vacated just to harass Gil. "We-"
"If I ever see you anywhere near him again, I will have every authority there is to drag you out of here! And you should count yourself lucky I don't do it myself!"
The women are practically clenching their metaphorical pearls. They eye her with disgust, "th-this is unacceptable! We'll call the hospital for the way you're treating us!"
"By all means, ladies!" Thena invites, moving from angry to practically manic. She wants to lie down so bad. "Name's Thena, and you can complain all you want! But no one lays a hand on him while I'm alive and breathing!"
The women turn on their heels, already huffing and muttering up a storm about their treatment. But Thena couldn't care less. They can try to sue her for all she cares. She tugs at her scrub top, "the nerve of people these days."
Thena inhales and finally looks up at her soft, precious Gil. He gives her a sheepish smile and she frowns again, reaching up to his cheek, "are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he laughs, leaning into her touch as they make their way out of the waiting room and towards the ambulance bay and parking lot. "It's a couple of mean ladies with press-on nails, honey. They're not gonna break me."
"Still," Thena grumbles, tugging at his work hoodie until it's less rumpled and sitting properly on him. She tilts her head, "if you have so much as a bruise I'm gonna find where those women live and-"
Gil kisses her.
She stills for a second, panic flooding her as she thinks about anyone seeing them. But then the cool of the ambulance bay and the wind tunnel it creates rushes over her. She melts into the kiss because she's not very good at thinking about other things when Gil is kissing her. She's tried--it never works.
Gil pulls away slowly, his lips leaving her oh-so reluctantly. He raises his brows at her, "what were you saying?"
She nibbles at her lip a little, turning shy not that he's doused the embers of her temper so lovingly. She looks down at their shoes as they keep walking, "just...making sure you're okay."
"I'm okay," he assures her, taking her hand in his once they're in the employee parking lot and relatively alone. He smiles, "thanks for the save, though."
"Hm," she nods, letting his thumb trace over her skin and chase away the last of her energy. She sighs, "let's just go home."
"Sounds perfect," he chuckles, kissing her temple as they head to her car. "Hungry?"
"Nope," she declares definitely now that sitting down is so in-sight. She digs out her keys and tosses them at him, "just sleep."
"You got it, baby," he chuckles, pulling her in for another kiss before letting her drift to the passenger side of the car. "Drive thru?"
"Fine," she groans as she throws herself into the car and yawns loudly, "you pick where."
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Thenamesh Ballerina/Boxer AU
Heyyyy I absolutely LIVE for ballerina/boxer AU
Could you maybe do one where you give a name to one of the mean girls, like create a character y’know? And can these mean girls just consistently get on Thena and Gil’s nerves (similar to the last one) except instead of thena scaring them off, Gil does 😌
I love your thenamesh fanfics btw ❤️
"Knock, knock."
Thena stood from the dressing room chair, flying over to him and into his arms. "Hey."
"Hey," he greeted back just as softly, holding her in his embrace as she sagged against him. She was always exhausted after these shows, and he was very familiar with how it would soak in physically before full realisation hit. "You were amazing."
Thena leaned up to kiss him, purring against him in contentment. "I'm glad you could come."
"Of course!" he laughed as she parted from him just enough to finish brushing her hair. "If I didn't have to pay, I'd be here every night!"
Thena shook her head at him, rolling her eyes in the mirror. "I told Sersi to go on without me."
"Late dinner date?" he suggested as he came over to her again, holding up her coat to slip into. Her arms settled into the sleeves like wings unfurling--so elegant, his Swan. "Or do you wanna just get takeout and go home?"
"Home," she sighed again, turning and burying herself against him again.
He let her, happily taking his time with his cuddly girlfriend. She was really feeling fatigued if she was being all cute and clingy.
Gil and Thena both sighed at the voice calling and the name it was blaring through the backstage. He looked down at the top of her head, "what do they want?"
"Probably just to harass you," Thena grumbled, just barely pulling her face out of his chest before the door was slammed open.
The usual flock filtered into the room they had already finished leaving a mere half hour before. Lara spearheaded them, as always. "I knew you were dragging your feet."
Thena glared at the much taller woman, holding onto the lapel of Gil's jacket. "I didn't think it was a secret I would be picked up. I hardly asked you to wait for me."
"But it's the cast party, Thee," Lara pursed her lips at her in a unique mix of condescension and disdain. "Everyone's going."
"I'll pass."
"Don't your little ugly ducklings want to meet your handsome boyfriend?" another one giggled from the edge of the room.
Thena bristled, "my goslings are quite lovely little cygnets, it seems. The crowd seemed far more engaged with their piece than ours."
Gil couldn't help but smile; Thena's pride and joy was in the classes she taught. She had no problem denouncing herself and her colleagues if it was in the defense of her little goslings.
Lara rolled her eyes, "kids have it easy."
Gil gripped Thena's hand, hoping to make an escape before he found himself in the middle of another conflict, "sorry, but we were just-"
"You can come too, y'know!"
"It's true," Lara added, leaning a little closer to him (until Thena yanked him back to her side). "Partners are welcome, and I'm sure the girls would just eat you right up."
All the better reason not to go. Gil traded a look with Thena before looking up at the ring leader of the group. He tugged at his already partially undone tie. "You'll have to break the news to them that I'm taken."
Lara - making no progress with Gil - looked at Thena again. "You've got him well trained, huh? What are you feeding him, Thee?"
All the ladies in the room looked at Gil as he dropped some of the usual warmth and charisma he naturally carried. He put his hands in his pockets but looked at Lara head on, Thena still holding his arm beside him.
"Look, I don't care what politics you have going on here," he frowned, somewhat eyeing the passive but complacent posse around them. "But I don't take kindly to people who have a problem with the woman I love."
All ladies in the room practically gasped.
"If she says we're not interested, that's that," Gil continued, moving an arm but only to wrap it around Thena and squeeze her hip. "And I'm not interested in humouring you or anyone else who thinks it's funny to imply I'm not in a happy, committed relationship."
Lara actually took a step back as Gil started leading him and Thena out of the room, past their group of assailants.
"Maybe the partners you have don't know what loyalty really means, but I do." He held Thena on the far side of him, grasping the door to pull it closed behind him with one final glare. "I'm where I belong: with Thena. And I don't wanna hear another word about it."
Thena stared at him in somewhat of a stupor as he pulled the door closed and started walking out with her.
Only once outside the backstage door did he let out an anxious breath. She giggled as he tugged his tie all the way off and fanned his shirt a little. "God, that woman has a mean mug."
"She's not particularly pleasant," Thena agreed as her poor, sweet - non-confrontational - boyfriend gathered himself.
He looked at her with a frown, "is she gonna give you an even harder time next time you see her 'cause of that?"
Thena shook her head, slipping her hand into his again and kissing his cheek. "I won't know until I see her again, and that shouldn't be for quite some time, now."
Gil led her away from the door, looking back a few times to make sure a hoard of angry swans wasn't going to follow them to his car.
"I love you, too."
Gil's head whipped around to look at her. The parking lot lights had a yellow glow to them, and even though there wasn't snow falling into her hair, she was still as breathtaking as she always had been. Her cheeks had a soft pink to them as she squeezed his hand.
Thena let him tilt her head up to kiss her. He nuzzled the tips of their noses together, making her giggle again.
He moved his hand from her cheek to her hair, brushing his fingers through it and moving it over her shoulder in one - hopefully - smooth move. "I imagined that going differently."
"Telling you," he blushed this time, "for the first time...y'know."
Thena tugged at his sleeve to hurry their pace along, "you can keep telling me. I'll be quite happy to hear it."
Gil followed her beckoning blissfully, thinking about all the opportunities to shower her with just how much he loved her from now on.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
omg hello i am literally obsessed with your work on ao3 and i had no idea you take TUMBLR PROMPTS??? this is the best discovery of my life i'm so THRILLED!! may i possibly request more from the spies AU? i just read it and it was SO GOOD, and i would love to see gil & thena put in more situations where they have to save and look out for each other as they do! thank you and again, thank you for your lovely writing!
"Thena, how's it going?"
"I'm working on it," she muttered, knowing her mic would pick it up. "What does it look like out there?"
"Boring without you."
She could imagine the little smile on his face as he said it, although her eye on him via security cameras did nothing to bring out his handsome features. She moved her eyes back to the main screen, searching through emails for the intel they needed. AI could only get them so far.
"I see her."
Thena watched the monitor as their target approached. The wife of a very rich, very connected, very not-law-abiding citizen who was profiting off of all the art present at the auction--real and fake alike. "That's your cue, tiger."
"Come on, you know I'm terrible at this."
"You better not be--it's your job," Thena let her smile leak into her voice as she continued her work. And she knew it wasn't true, either; Gilgamesh was much more charming than he thought he was.
Sometimes he was a little too charming.
"Let me," Gil said quietly as he retrieved a sparkling glass of champagne for the lady.
Thena listened to the small talk - the flirting - over their open channel. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as Gil flattered the woman shamelessly. But the target drank it up, taking every shiny little compliment and batting her eyes in response.
"Are you here to buy one of the works of art?" the target asked between sips.
Gil took a pause, and Thena knew what he was doing. He was looking down at his feet, then up, raising a cool brow; "I see only one masterpiece worth anything right in front of me."
Thena did roll her eyes at that. "That was terrible."
"Mister Lee!" the target laughed, and Thena watched the visual of her give him a playful shove. It was a little more friendly than playful. And it wasn't a shove, so much as she put her hand right on his chest. And it stayed there.
"Rein it in, Gil." She didn't expect an answer, and obviously he couldn't respond to her with the target present. But she heard him chuckle. He was having a little too much fun with this.
"Although, should I be worried about the masterpiece on your finger?"
A massive diamond, sparkling band, and about as symbolically bloodstained as it got.
"Oh," the target tucked some hair back in a display of shyness. "I...my...we're together in name, I suppose. But my husband could name the inventory number of this diamond before he could remember my middle name."
"What a disservice to such a beautiful woman."
Thena keyed in her commands and watched as the data transfer began. It felt slower than it usually did. "Too much, Gil."
"And what service should a beautiful woman like me have?"
Thena's brows raised. She could respect the target for going after what she wanted. It just wasn't allowed to be Gil.
"How about..." Gil paused, and Thena watched him adjust his stance. She didn't have to be there to know that his hand - hidden by their close stance against the bar - was slipping against hers. It was to extract her room key, but still... "I meet you in ten minutes and show you?"
Thena watched intently. She tapped her finger against the desk with every step the target took towards the elevators. She had to manually switch cameras to follow her, but she felt...compelled. The target stepped on, and as soon as she had a mirror handy she fluffed up her hair and adjusted her dress. Thena switched back to the main ballroom feed.
"Meet you up there?"
Thena couldn't resist a little jab, "don't you have a hot date waiting for you up there? I wouldn't want to interrupt."
"Come on, I got the key, didn't I?" Gil laughed, sounding much more like himself as he loosened his bow tie.
"What a disservice to such a beautiful woman," Thena repeated in a thick, drawling tone.
"Yeah, okay, it was a little much. But it got the job done."
"Toying with the poor woman's heart, Gilgamesh?" Thena let out a faint laugh as the data transfer completed. She stood, "this job has changed you."
"Hey," he snorted before lowering his voice, obviously looking down at his shirt to speak directly into the mic in his collar. "You know you're the only woman for me."
Thena huffed, ignoring the heat flushing her cheeks. "Your little pick up lines won't work on me, you realise."
"I realise," he said as he headed for the elevators. "They're true when they're for you."
"Luckily the target craves flattery like her husband craves money laundering," Thena mused as she also headed to an elevator. A freight elevator, but still. "I'll try not to startle your girlfriend."
Okay, maybe she was laying it on a little thick, now.
But Gil laughed loudly, having the elevator to the lavish suite all to himself. "Hope she doesn't mind I invited my wife."
Thena rolled her eyes, and she was sure he could tell she was smiling despite her exasperation. He was entirely too charming for his own good.
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