#But I really like this artist’s style!! Their boards are very expressive and also sometimes have funni captions <33< /div>
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dailyhtfboards · 1 month ago
Day 4
Today’s Board is:
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Identity Fraud!!!
(From TV episode 2C Don’t Yank my Chain)
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tossawary · 1 year ago
I think SVSSS as a 2D cartoon would be the best moving medium for it imo.
I mean, personally, yeah, that's how I'd enjoy seeing it as well! My ideal slightly pretentiously artsy SVSSS screen adaptation would probably look only a little more detailed than linograph prints (2D or shaded 3D?) (someone hit me up in like two weeks to draw an example of what I mean, if I don't remember on my own, I don't have access to art stuff right now), very stylized and vibrantly colorful, because that's one of the art styles that I particularly enjoy.
I'm not a personally a fan of the 3D SVSSS show because I find the characters a little too doll-like and same-facey for my tastes? It's fine! It works! It's serviceable! It's just all, backgrounds included, a little... safe? I tend to like over-the-top bright colors and intricate details and impractically weird shapes and yet also coherent world production design in my fantasy, which is a lot to demand of any production, perhaps especially with animation productions, which are always squeezed for time and money.
(EDIT: I know the SVSSS show was under heavy constraints and the results are impressive considering their resources; it doesn't change the fact that I just don't like the art style and nevertheless find the results underwhelming. I don't like a lot of "realistic" modeling / rendering styles, not just "anime" ones, even if they are extremely technically impressive. Believe me when I say that I know the vast majority of the entertainment industry is overworked and underpaid and creatively restrained.)
Slightly tangential general note: I don't think 2D is inherently superior to 3D (EDIT: NOT trying to imply asker is saying this, just having some general thoughts), especially because, with the realities of production, each have their advantages. 2D has a lot of stylistic advantages still, but 3D shaders are catching up and doing some incredible things these days! More advanced puppet controls and particle effects and such are doing some beautiful things for 2D shows as well these days. A lot of stuff has been subtly mixed media as soon as 3D became possible. It is potentially possible (note: not saying any studio would actually greenlight this) to do an equally slightly weird and artistically stunning 3D SVSSS show, given the freedom to work. (Good boarding and writing is also sooooo important in both mediums, obviously, it's not just about the art design. You can get away with incredibly limited animation with good boarding, writing, and art design.)
Another slightly tangential ramble: both 2D and 3D have the potential for stiff animation and poor character acting, which also comes down to production limits and animator skills? (I often think of character animators as a type of actor!) There are a lot of 2D shows that I don't really like because I find the animation incredibly stiff, both puppet and handdrawn (there's great 2D puppet stuff out there these days), which pretty much always comes down to production limits (deadlines and budget and software, saving up their animation for the coolest scenes). One of my favorite things about Studio Ghibli films (which as features get a lot more space to focus on art compared to the demands and restraint of television) has always been the squash and stretch in otherwise relatively realistic action, making things like hugs look SO nice for example. But 3D stuff is getting better at that these days! The ways characters slumped into each other in "Nimona" for example was great. And it's just fascinating to look at the elasticity / stylized sculpt of expressions in "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish" compared to the technical limits of the models / rigs in "Shrek" or "Shrek 2".
Adding these side notes because I want to be clear about my respect for both 2D and 3D artistically! A lot of video games are doing cool stuff in 3D that looks very close to 2D with stylized shaders, which you can sometimes spot by the large or small rotations in character action / acting, which is difficult (and therefore often expensive) to do in 2D with all of those extra drawings / angle poses. Also, I think the current push towards funky shaders in 3D is so cool and it's hard not to gush about them!!!
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trainsinanime · 1 year ago
For the ask game: Do you think RL railway enthusiasts are comparable to internet fandom?
Yeah absolutely. Now, it's not identical to say an anime or French TV show fandom, it has its own expressions and experiences and industry behind it; it's comparable to internet fandom in the same way that sports or car enthusiasts are comparable to internet fandom. Very different, and yet very much the same.
Railway enthusiasts have their own unofficial fan lingo. If I talk about a shed, a Ludmilla, a Quietschie (squeaky), a Hamster, Taurus, Ferkeltaxi (piglet cab), Swiss crocodile, or similar, those are all trains and many rail fans will know exactly which ones I mean (I have all of those on my model railroad, except for a "shed" because those are just ugly).
Rail fans also have fan art, most famously in the form of model railroads which can be anything from fun toys to intricate pieces of artistic expression, but also drawings, paintings, classical music (thanks Arthur Honegger) and so on. Train photography is also a huge field. I used to do lots of that.
And these subcultures intersect, but aren't identical. There are plenty of model railroaders who don't care about actual railroads at all, and vice versa. In model railroading, it's also divided by which scale or scales you have. I use N gauge, the smallest practical one (Z heads you know I'm right), and someone who models European 0 gauge - I really have almost no point of contact with them. Let alone American O gauge (yes, one's the number, the other is the letter), with their Lionel and third rail, that's a part of the hobby that is a complete mystery to me.
You also absolutely get big fan events. I sat out the ones in Friedrichshafen and Leipzig, but I was at the one in Göppingen this year, which was simultaneously massive and one of the smaller ones I've seen. It's not the same as a "fandom con", there is nobody there cosplaying a Czech freight car (well, except for me), and there are no autograph sessions for famous creators (except for Hagen von Ortloff sometimes), but you do see (invited) clubs bring their model railroads. There are also a lot of shops around for model railroad stuff and railroad memorabilia. My personal favorite: The bin at the Lemke stand. I got some really fun stuff there, including e.g. the Quietschie.
Compared to internet fandoms, the whole thing tends to skew older; the median rail fan is a retired white man. There are also more classic infrastructures, like official clubs with official meeting hours and so on. Not really my style, to be honest, but it exists. It's also a field where classic printed publications still hold a lot of sway, some aimed at fans of the real thing, some aimed at model railroaders, some at both, some at specific sections of any of these groups.
That being said, there is also a huge internet component. I'm not really active there, because e.g. the Drehscheibe-Online forum is incredibly interesting but also every other thread devolves into a flame war immediately. But it is a huge thing.
Rail fan culture doesn't necessarily look like the thing that came out of Star Trek fanzines to bulletin boards to eventually Tumblr pipeline, it has its own distinct history and expressions. But at the end of the day it is the same thing: We narrativise the things we're interested in, and we identify with them, and we seek others who we can share that with. And that sparks creativity, and it sparks people who try to make money off of it, and it absolutely sparks flame wars and people identifying with certain teams and so on. It's fun!
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oblivionscribe · 11 months ago
Hi i've always admired how big you draw your characters and was wondering if you had tips for a novice. All the references I find for specific poses are very thin - how would I go about using those references to make the body much thicker, but anatomically correct?
Hi there! I hope you haven't been waiting too long for me to answer this! I would look up some anatomy references to help guide you when using references of thinner bodies. I look up references using terms like strong men, bodybuilders, bara, bears, and dad bod (if you're looking for a softer gentleman). For female bodies, cury or full-figured generally, give me some good results but to be honest, I rarely do draw women ;;;;;>_> and it's not that I don't like drawing women, I just rarely get a chance to draw them what with knowing the type of content my followers enjoy. That's totally on me though, I should really put aside some hours to draw more women. Okay, moving on from that little bit of yapping. I would look up some artists that draw the type of bodies you're interested in drawing and have some images pulled up in a separate window so you can reference how they would draw a particular part of the body. This isn't a bad thing to do, mind you, I know there's a lot of stigma around reference using and ''copying styles''. We artists are constantly inspired by other artists, so as long as you're not tracing their work and instead are using it for reference and inspiration, go ahead and save some works from your favorite artists. There have been more than a few times that references of actual people don't quite have the pose or the mass that I need for a particular body part, so then I look through my saved image folder to see if I can find a drawing to help give me a little guidance. I know some people hate this site but Pinterest can be a godsend when searching for references. I suggest making a couple boards for pose, anatomy, and expressions, if you haven't already done so. Pinterest has come in clutch when I needed to find something to help with anatomy or posing. Google image search can also be a tool if you know what you're looking for but be prepared as the search results can be hit or miss a good portion of the time. Learning to break the body down into shapes can also help someone learn to stylize bodies if that's the look you're going for. Breaking things down into basic shapes is a good exercise for artists that I don't see talked about much? Maybe I'm missing those conversations?? If you have the means, there are posable figures you can order. I'm not sure their exact pricing but I think it's safe to assume that those figures cost a good bit of money. If that's the case, you can search on Ebay for a male doll used for ''action figure'' making. Because sometimes having an actual physical thing you can hold can help a great deal. All artists are different though! There's no one way to learning this stuff! I hope these suggestions can help you out. Again I apologize if this is a bit late. Tumblr plays the fool on me and it just so happened I clicked on my inbox tab. Have a great day and thanks again for sending me this question.
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hawkinasock · 5 months ago
Really wanna try drawing my ocs that I made for Yanqing, but I dont know how to draw. I also dont want to pester my friends (and cousin) with my Yanqing brainrot, so all of my ideas are repressed lol, how do i copeee 😭😭
I'm not the best at giving advice, especially because I'm still improving as an artist myself, but whenever I can't get my brain to work properly, sometimes I'll go to picrew.me and mess around with the customizations.
Picrew is like the modern Doll Divine. The options are usually pretty limited, but I'd argue it's a good starting point/boost to get whatever character you've had rotating in your head out and into a state that you can actually visualize. Because of the limits of picrew, the character may also change when you attempt to draw them, and when that happens, you can put in your own flair into that design that makes it more distinct.
For tips on how to improve your artistic skills, as basic as it is, look for beginner art tutorials. There's not exactly one be-all end-all solution I or anyone else can give to help, because everyone learns differently. Everyone has different styles and personal quirks in the way that they create that's unique to them, and it's when you're still developing your skills that it's the hardest to figure that out. So, when you're in this stage, the one thing I can suggest to any beginner is to just experiment, and experimenting is the messiest stage in my opinion.
When I was still starting out, I actually did a lot of tracing, mainly with mlp bases. I consider it a rite of passage for every beginning artist to try out a deviantart base when they're still at a point where they can't draw that style on their own, a canon event even. I actually think it's beneficial. While learning through guidance should not be disregarded, and tracing should never become a permanent crutch, learning through hand-holding is helpful in its own ways. Doing this with multiple different art styles can also help navigate your own style. If you find yourself stuck in own medium, it wouldn't hurt to explore other artistic mediums that aren't limited to a pencil or paper. There's a ton of ways to express your ideas in an artistic way, it all depends on if it calls to you.
Every art style is a beautiful mish mash of different styles and aesthetics that a person has observed over their lifetime and absorbed throughout their development, and there never comes a point where you stop absorbing those concepts. Even professional artists' styles may change over time, and you can see that in their work. It goes to show that even when it seems like you've made it as an artist, you never stop learning, and by extension, you never stop changing.
Again, I can't say what method will work best for everyone, because it's not all the same across the board. I'm just recommending what's worked for me and sharing my own experience over the years. I know it all feels very daunting, and maybe like you're improving at a snails pace, but every new thing you learn is a milestone in and of itself. When you look at what you've made now and compare it to what you made yesterday, or six months ago, or years ago, that improvement can be genuinely astounding and serve as a motivator.
Hopefully you found something helpful in all my blabbering. I wish you luck in your artistic endeavors, anon <3
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(p.s. if you ever have an image of your oc, feel free to send it, and also do I have permission to draw them?)
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ilovejosukehigashikata · 1 year ago
Do you have any art of gent? I'm curious to see what he looks like
GOD i've been letting this ask languish in my box for months i'm SORRY!!! so the truth is... i am Not An Artist. i Cannot make the beautiful handsome man in my head real on paper even though i really really try. BUT i'll put down some bullet points about how he looks so you can hopefully get a feel for him!! and also i made a giant pinterest board for him if you want to check that out
i've invented a whole new family for gent that's stylistically frozen in the 1700s in quite a few ways, and this reflects in his design--he's got this Fancy Rococo Prince energy mixed with traditional ainu clothing (he's ainu now heehee... i'll have to give him a proper ainu name, gent is short for regent and it's really more of a nickname/title than anything)
he's got this giant lion motif that's mostly expressed in his hair... gone is the pomp (although i think he still has something strongly resembling one in the front) and instead he's got this Gorgeous Curly Mane that's dyed dark brown and blond
also i think he's got sideburns because 1. it's the 70s and 2. it'll make him look a little more masculine in a Fun Way
i figure he's got the attushi robe over all the frilly stuff, possibly in black and gold, and some moreu (whirl) motifs can look a lot like stylized lion manes so it works great for him
his color scheme is all golds and pinks, and since his thing is candy he's sure to have some silly candy-looking bits somewhere
he's got a funny little fur capelet just like prince's here... i guess he's REALLY prince-influenced in style
his more casual looks (if you can call them that) are still pretty fancy-shmancy peacock revolution stuff, just comfier
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gent does whatever he wants and has (had) more money and resources than god, so everything besides (parts of) his head, spine, and tail is swappable---he likes to play around with how he looks, so he doesn't exactly have a set body type
yes he has a tail. yes it's got an elaborately curled tuft that he takes care of like the hair on his head. no he doesn't have the ears that'd be too silly and nobody would take him seriously, he just styles his hair to look like lion ears if you squint sometimes
his favorite might be the kind of idealized look of takarazuka's otokoyaku, with the disguised curves and stuff like that, and this reflects in the makeup he likes to put on (another prince-y aspect, he likes wearing a little bit of pink eyeshadow)
sometimes he likes to just run around looking exactly like a cute girl just for fun, but the only pronouns he'll ever use are he/him
skintone-wise he's naturally tan, and he might have a freckle here or there...
he's got body hair levels closer to (or above) westerners than japanese people, but he only rarely has a tiny bit of facial hair (beards are more his dad's thing)
this is definitely the hardest thing for me to figure out without having reliable drawing ability, but i'm forming a decent picture of it in my head
he has double-lidded, hooded eyes like josuke, but his are brown instead of blue
he's definitely got some bit of puffiness and/or darkness under his eyes that can either be played off in that cute way or in the I Haven't Slept For 24 Hours Because I've Been Making A Perfume/Candy/Entire Sentient Being That Will Blow Your Tits Clean Off way
of course he's still got the :-} smile. you can't drop that or he loses the josuessence
his eyebrows are thick but don't have that sharpness or model-like angling that josuke's did, they're pretty horizontal in a way that can make him look Mildly Concerned in his resting expression
i'm really enamored by shizuka kudo's eyebrows in how they have that effect combined with the undereyes
i think his jaw is what he mainly gets gender presentation across with, and it's still usually a fairly masculine one, so it's more likely for people to assume he's just a flamboyant guy and not a very princely girl
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SO yeah i can ramble and ramble about how he looks but that probably won't do a bunch for you, hopefully this still helps you somewhat! my biggest influences in making him besides josuke were two other characters voiced by the late and great billy kametz, maruki from persona 5 and ferdinand from fire emblem three houses! it's about their Serene Energy... it's about how much they Care being expressed in their faces and their eyebrows... THANKS FOR READING!!
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asheskyler · 2 years ago
Mind, Body, Spirit
Daily writing prompt: What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being?
Health and well-being is a big topic that can’t really be limited to just one thing. There are several overlapping factors to it, yes, but overall health is your overall life. Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. You are worth investing in yourself if you want to be happy and at peace.
I am a very physical person, so diet and exercise is high on my list.
An ideal week of exercise for me is four hours of karate, three hours of jiu jitsu, running a few times per week, a little bit of boxing and muay thai, and a few hours of strength training and stretching, yoga (I recommend Yoga with Adriene), t’ai chi (I recommend Terrence Dunn), or qigong. I enjoy going on nature walks, hikes, or visiting botannical gardens.
Lean meat, fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, beans and grains, dairy, a sparing amount of sweets, and a low sodium diet can take care of a multitude of minor illnesses can be handled with diet, including depression and anxiety. When I’m on top of my own diet, I have oats, peanut butter, and milk in the morning. In the mid-afternoon, a large lunch of plain rice, and some mixed vegetables and skinless chicken heavily seasoned and stir fried in a tablespoon of butter. Sometimes I’ll have a tuna sandwich, and my guilty pleasure is homemade chicken or pork fajitas with guacamole. I usually drink just water throughout the day. At night I may have a small snack of peanut butter and crackers. I drink medicinal teas for minor illnesses and for general well-being.
A healthy lifestyle goes a long way for my mental health, including keeping a clean and tidy environment. Or as tidy as us artists are ever able to be. I organize my clutter into specific piles!
I listen to a broad range of music including classic rock, gothic rock, alternative, grunge, metal, power metal, symphonic metal, pop, country, classical, neoclassical and instrumentals (I love “ambience” mixes), a variety of folk music (Celtic, Gaelic, bluegrass, folk metal such as The Hu or Tennger Calvary), and some ’70s R&B.
One part of my mental health I have neglected for a few years is artistic creation and expression. Life has been hectic and I’ve been unable to draw more than just commissions and work-related stuff, but soon I’ll be remedying that and getting back to illustrating and writing.
I’ve recently been getting back into reading, and the escapism feels good, as does indulging in my grammarian side by studying the writing style of what I’m reading. I’m careful about what I allow on my social media feeds as part of my mental health. I have little interest in drama or negativity.
Never stop learning. There are always interesting things to study and poke at to enrich your mind. It’s also important to maintain your cognitive abilities. I personally enjoy jigsaw puzzles, logic puzzles, and sometimes board games. Not that I’m very good at it, so if you want an easy win at chess, hit me up!
Spiritual well-being can arguably be a subcategory of mental well-being depending on how you feel about it. I am a very spiritual person, and quiet prayer, grounding, study, philosophy, and reflection helps me. When I’m indoors, I’ll meditate to something soothing, but when I’m outdoors, I like to meditate flat on my back in the grass just listening to the wind and wildlife.
Don’t underestimate the value of good people in your life. An exercise buddy, reading buddy, music buddy, prayer buddy, study buddy, whatever you’re in to, a friend or relative as passionate about the things you are can make an activity that much more fulfilling. I am very fortunate I have a good partner in my life who enjoys nearly all the same subjects as I do, so to a degree he is my one-stop-shop for a friend in art, martial arts, hiking, music, reading, food, and spirituality!
Work/life balance is not my forte and too often I’m working over 40 hours/week. Especially during tax season when I’m usually hitting 60-90 hours/week. On the bright side, I can usually keep my stress low enough my blood pressure doesn’t stay high and I don’t lose sleep from ruminating thoughts.
So that’s generally how I take care of myself. Not perfect by any means, but I’ve about gotten myself figured out!
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peppertaemint · 3 years ago
So I’m kind of mad because I’m a new BTS fan (I rather not identify as Army cos I just don’t think I fit that mentality) and I’m beginning to feel like I missed their best years?? Not only music-wise but personality-wise as well. Does anyone else feel this way? I look at Vlives and interviews from the past and yes they were probably heavily monitored even then but there was also some degree of spontaneity and their individual personalities really shone through. Now I feel like it’s the same repetitive lines from a script every time they are interviewed and even their behavior in vlives (whenever they could be bothered to do one) seems faker and more robotic. Sometimes they manage to show sparks of their old selves but very rarely nowadays. The only person who still comes across as genuine to me in his interactions with fans is jungkook on his intagram stories, and I bet they’re going to stop those too soon enough. Taehyung also tries, bIess his heart, but there still seems to be something lacking. Jimin is my bias but even I can admit that all we see from him of late (the rare times we even see him) is a carefully crafted idol persona. Even when they claim to be “acting so natural! Wow army we’re not acting like celebrities at all!!” It comes across planned and scripted. I feel so sad and robbed. Maybe it’s the price of their increased popularity and scrutiny, maybe it’s unfair of me to want more, but it honestly sucks. Makes it even worse that they seem to be completely out of inspiration (except when making music for other ppl. I see you Suga) and are focused mostly on charting and awards as opposed to art.And they will likely never know how short they are selling themselves because Army will literally empty their bank accounts for a turd with the BTS logo stamped on it. Hybe will never change their strategy if they keep getting validated financially, the boys will never consider re-evaluating or improving their art if ARMY pukes glitter and rainbows at everything they put out regardless of how bad. I have a tiny glimmer of hope because I have seen more fans openly expressing their dissatisfaction about this upcoming comeback than I ever did before, so maybe there will be just enough of a dip in the sales to cause HYBE to step up their game. A more rational part of me knows however that the sales are going to be through the roof and things are only going to get worse for BTS artistically.
Hi Anon,
I can relate to how you're feeling. When I started paying attention to them, there was this brief period where things felt really buzzy and exciting. The Vlives were spontaneous and funny, their fashion was A+ and Dynamite was this one off that no one expected would become their dominant style. When BE came out, even tho I didn't like the music (except maybe Stay which idk is still kind ehn), the entire thing of it felt like a step in the right direction. I looked back at the editorial shoots that Tae organized the other day, and they are really good. Probably the last time they looked that good. 👁👄👁
BH doesn't seem to be a place where individuality creativity and personality is allowed to flourish, warts and all. I add in that last bit because at some other kpop labels, we see a lot more imperfection and individuality. People trying things and reflecting on it, success or failure. You also see more genuine interactions between artists. Men working with women, people having disagreements or arguments then resolving them. People trolling one another, lol. With BH brands, because I do sense this with TXT too, unfortunately, things feel neutered to a degree. Though watching TXT be bratty en masse is rather something LOL. The company culture is different at BH/Hybe, and it does feel like even BTS are still tip-toeing. They're in their 9th year now. In SHINee's 7th year (I hope I'm mathing right, lol), they signed a contract that gave them huge freedom and last approval above the board. Jonghyun and the others had been writing songs for a while, but with ODD etc, things became that much more artistic and "shinee". For whatever reason, I still don't see this happening with BTS. Instead, things are becoming well... whatever Butter, PTD and collabs are. Top 40 Billboard pop.
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eregyrn-falls · 2 years ago
Hey! About Stan's redesign... I have a big conflic, because... I love both designs... Stan yes, he looked jaded in season 1 and that's what made him look great and hansome in his own way. But in season 2, he looks more adorable and also gave him a fancy and handsome vibe. So... it's very conflicting... this old man is perfection incarnate he's handsome whenever you see him!
So... I don't know in which season he looks better. He always looks good, doesn't matter the art style!
Sorry for that.
Not at all -- I think that's perfectly fine! And I don't think anyone is really saying that Stan's S2 design is "bad" or anything. It is definitely a bit different, and it's really interesting to look at those differences and think about what it means for expressiveness and so on.
At the end of the day, though, whether you prefer S1 or S2, or like both equally, is entirely subjective. There's no right or wrong answer, and I don't think anyone is saying there is!
I do think it's a fun discussion, especially for making people aware of sometimes subtle stylistic differences between various storyboard artists, that they might not have focused on before. Or of course, becoming aware of broader design differences. (Clearly -- see the ask answer just before this one -- S2 got redesigns across the board, and then the storyboarders were all working from that model version.)
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sunflowersunshinevol6 · 5 years ago
Just You
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Warnings: fluff
Summary: Y/N is Gemma's best friend, she has known her family for years. When Harry comes home to pay a visit after tour, it's the first time the two see each other in a few years, and Harry's still got quite the crush.
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You had known the Styles/Twist family for years. You and Gemma having been in the same class and becoming fast friends, you grew up with her and her brother Harry, often spending holiday with them.
It was always fun and chaotic, Gemma sometimes feeling territorial of your friendship as Harry would follow the two of you like a lost puppy sometimes. There had been quite a few arguements because of it, especially when Gemma wanted girl time and Harry wanted to hover.
"Y/N's my friend!" Gemma would pout, while you just stood there.
"She's my girlfriend!" Harry would say, crossing the room to grab your hand, never mind you were two years older than he was. You were his, in his mind.
Anne would always laugh and tell you all to play nice.
So when you looked down at your phone to see the picture of you kissing Gemma on the cheek lighting up your screen you pressed the answer button immediately.
"Hey babe!" You greet happily as you put your paintbrush down.
"How's it going Y/N? Feels like it's been ages since we last talked!" You smile, having missed your best friend's voice.
"It's going great actually! Got a couple commissions I've been working on," you were a visual artist, or at least trying to be.
"Well I've a question for ya, what are you doin' next weekend?"
"I don't think I'm doin' anything yet, wha's happenin?"
"Harry's commin' home from tour. Thought you'd like to see him."
"Harry told my mum he was gonna marry you one day." Gemma said, nose twisting up slightly as you two laid on her bed, flipping through magazines. You laugh rolling your eyes.
"He says that now. I can't wait till he gets an actual girlfriend." You smirk mischievously. "It'll be fun to tease him." Gemma laughed with you.
Harry listened, standing outside Gemma's door. He let his hands fall to his sides, looking at the floor, he could feel tears prickling his eyes and he hastily reached up to wipe them away.
He knew you were only teasing, but it still hurt. He may be eight but darn it! He knew he loved you and wanted to make you happy. Quietly he moved away from the door, picking up the valentines day card he had made for you.
"Harry doesn't know you're coming," Gemma said. You were coasting now, heading back towards Holmes Chapel, it felt good to be going home for the first time in a while.
"Why didn't you tell him?" You asked, she shrugged.
"Wanted it to be a surprise. Thought it'd be fun to tease him a bit ya know?" Gemma was always playful. You had supported Harry of course, through the X Factor, One Direction, his solo career. You followed his career and bought his music and did all you could to support him. You were incredibly proud of your dear sweet friend.
And you couldn't help the fact that your heart raced with excitement at the thought of seeing him in person again.
"How are you feeling?" You asked Harry. He swallowed hard, looking at you with wide eyes. You were all backstage st the X Factor, he was about to perform for the judges for the first time.
"'M nervous....Y/N what if they say no?" His voice shook as he spoke.
"They'll be crazy to reject you Harry. Your voice is beautiful." He felt his heart drop to his stomach at your words, his cheeks heating up.
"You really think so?" He asked, you smiled encouragingly.
"I know so." You don't know what came over you, but you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his quickly. His lips were soft and before he could kiss you back you pulled away, leaving his head spinning. "Jus' a good luck kiss." He grinned.
You were so happy when you pulled up outside of Anne's home. It felt like going to your own home as you and Gemma quickly got out of the car, deciding to leave your bags in the car until later. You followed her up the walk way towards the front door.
"'Ello?!" Gemma shouted as she opened the door, she pulled you with her, linking your arms together as you had done as children. Anne's face lit up when she saw the two of you, rushing forward to hug 'her best girls.' You loved her hugs, you always felt safe and comfortable around her.
"Y/N let me look at you." She said stepping back to examine you head to toe. "It's been to long. You know you're always welcome here. Come visit anytime darling." You grin, hugging Anne again.
"I will. I've just been busy-"
"I see you've brought the trouble maker with you." You pull away from Anne when you hear that voice, deep but warm and teasing. Harry stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame, a boyish grin on his face. He's no longer the chubby cheeked boy with a crush.
"I'm the trouble maker?" You tease, releasing Anne and letting Harry take you into his arms. He's solid, firm, his muscles flexing as he squeezes you. Your heart skips a beat when his lips brush against your ear.
"'ve missed you. How've you been?" He asked, pulling away. You immediately step back, knowing Anne and Gemma are still there, watching the two of you. What you don't see is the knowing smiles on both of their faces.
"Really good. And you've been doing phenomenally." You praise. He blushes, running his hand through his hair as he looks away from you.
"All my babies here under one roof," Anne says, wrapping her arms around the three of you. "Come on. Dinner's almost ready."
"'m gonna miss you." Harry says as you help him pack up his bedroom.
After the X Factor and the band One Direction was formed, it was decided Harry would live with his friend Louis, who was also in the band. Even though Harry was only sixteen, Anne trusted Louis. She knew he would take care of him.
"I'll miss you too." You say as you pack up some books. You don't realize Harry's behind you until you feel his hand on your arm, pulling you to your feet. You turn to see him gazing at you intensely. "Harry-"
"I know there's been...lots of rumors about me," he shifts uncomfortably, you know what he's talking about. Him being a womanizer. "I jus' wan' ya to know tha' it's always been you. Jus' you." You want to ask him what he means but before you can his hands are on your face and his lips pressed against yours. You kiss him back gently, pulling away and resting your forehead against his. You wish the moment would never end.
Later in the evening you'd stepped outside to get some air. You can't remember the last time you had this much fun. After dinner you played board games, drank some wine and caught up on each other's lives. You felt so warm and at home. You couldn't help but grin.
"Wha' are you smiling about?" You jump, grabbing your chest as you turn to see Harry joining you on the porch, he chuckles upon seeing your expression. "Sorry love, didn't mean t' scare you." You shake your head, rolling your eyes playfully.
"I'm just enjoying the night air."
"It is nice and warm out innit?"
"Mhm." You stand side by side in silence for a moment, looking up at the sky and watching the stars. You recognize the Big Dipper immediately.
"Y/N?" Harry questions, you turn your head to see him gazing at you in a way that is familiar to you. You smile softly.
"Yeah Harry?" He steps closer to you, leaning forward to brush your hair out of your face.
"Jus' want ya to know it's still you." Your eyes widen slightly at his confession. To say you were surprised was an understatement. You'd heard how smitten he was with Kendall and how in lo d he was with Camille.
"I thought you would have forgotten about me." You confess quietly. Harry places his hand on your cheek, his nose brushing gently against yours.
"You said her name Harry. Who the hell is Y/N." Camille yelled at him. Harry only shook his head, not exactly knowing what to do. He knew he fucked up, had been thinking of someone else while making love to her, he couldn't take it back.
"She's someone I used to know Camille. I haven't seen her in god knows how long-"
"You clearly still have feelings for her."
"Camille I do-"
"I'm leaving. You have a choice to make Harry. Get your shit together."
You were the one. He knew it the first time he met you. He'd always known it. No matter what happened or how far away from each other you were, it would always be you he came back to. He could never get enough of you.
"Can I have ya as my girlfriend now?" Harry asked, finally saying the words he'd been longing to say to her for years.
Y/N looked up at Harry through hooded lashes. Maybe this really was meant to be. You knew for sure at least that Harry was the sweetest person, and he would never hurt you.
"I think I'd like that very much." When Harry pressed his lips to yours he felt like he was in heaven.
"'m gonna marry her someday mum." Harry said to Anne as she made him lunch. She smiled at her son, setting the grilled cheese sandwhich down in front of him.
"Does Y/N know that?" She teased. Harry's crush on you was so sweet. The eight year old shook his head.
"Not yet...but someday. Just you watch."
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everythingthemoontouches · 4 years ago
Heeyyy!! Im having a lil trouble trying to read my chart so i was wondering if you could give some opinions on these placements
Virgo Sun 4h conjunct Virgo Venus (5h)
Leo Jupiter 29⁰ 4h
Aquarius MC with Aquarius Neptune and Pisces Uranus in MC
Leo Moon 4h
Virgo Mercury 5h trine Taurus Lilith 9h
Thank you!! ♡
Virgo stellium
Venus is combust. Does your ego sometimes get in the way of relationships?
As a virgo venus, you really need your romantic partners to put their money where their mouth is and do the things they said or implied they would.
It's hard for you to take people seriously if they don't take care of the little things for you.
Virgo venus is a super giving placement. Some people may think you have impossibly high standards. But if course u do. It's because you are someone who goes the extra mile. Like almost every single time when you truly love a person.
Sun in virgo : you're all those brilliant virgo things everyone says they are : probably messy but still have your lists, know how to put a good outfit together. You could have some serious bouts of insecurity about yourself, or the way you speak. Like people are whispering about you. There could be a tendency to second guess yourself. This usually manifests as high quality work.
However you have to remember that not every single person is gonna take a microscope to examine every little move you make, or word you utter. It's okay to chill out once In a while.
Mercury trine Lilith : watch your tongue when you're mad at someone. For real.
You could be the type to send 350 word long tetxs pointing out all the things you did wrong.
Your rants are like a thesis. They're grammatically worfect, artists cukate and extremely well thought out. You're really clear headed and have immaculate speech when you're telling someone to go fuck themselves basically.
Lilith in Virgo could have a bit of a sub kink.
Dirty talk could be one of your major turn ons. That 5th house mercury really knows how to have fun and get uts point across.
The sun too does well in the 5th house. I feel like if you were a teacher you'd do well with the kids. Liek you could make a math like subject interesting for the kids or really simplify jt because of how well you explain things.
The 5th house is also children and the sun here in Virgo could show a career in pediatrics or as an obstetrician because.
Leo Moon
You take pride in the work you do, Or the family you build around you.
You're lavish in your living settings or really want to be.
You're responsible. Like a king would be over their kingdom.
Your mom could be the authority figure at home/ have a govt job / be a tutor.
She was warm, friendly and knew how to have a Good time
Was your home considered the place where people went to for parties or to just have a good time?
Your mom could have a big influence on your dating life or romance.
You really feel your feelings. Could get really angry when people disrespect how you feel. You're not here for it. And with mercury in virgo trining Lilith you probabl let them have it if they hurt your sense of pride.
unless you overthink it. The sun can tend to overshadow the expression of other Planets sometimes
As a Taurus rising creativity, relationships and sports / board games could be a really big part of how you have fun kr take care of your inner child.
You may have a really sensuous, earthy sense of style. Taurus risings usually get compliments for how they dress. I'm thinking yours is on the dressy side of denim perhaps? Or dressy work wear.
Ooh, crazy, innovative, erratic genius.
People are either energized by you (Uranus / Aquarius dominants) or feel like you need to dial it down and just fit in.
You're not about that life. You're here to be beautiful, resplendent, creative, and refined.
Neptune on the 10 th could show someone who is known for their creativity . Or that people project their fantasies on you.
You find beauty in innovation. You want to see the world in all its glory. There coudk be a tendency to get lost in a sense of what if xyz happened. You could literally dream up a whole new order of making things work in a very public setting.
Uranus in Pisces : could redefine some kind of spiritual practice. Maybe like virtualize ceremonies that would/ could earlier only happen in person.
(for example virtual weddings during the pandemic?)
I would definitely suggest keeping the drinking / smoking to a minimum as there could be a heavy tendency for people to perceive you as someone with addictions and there are not very many jobs where that's looked upon favorably..
Do I think this could be a good placement who works as a DJ or runs an alcohol brand / bar? Definitely.
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yunkiwii · 4 years ago
tattoos together | college au
Pairing: FWB!Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff დ
Warnings: slightly suggestive, drinking, language
Word Count: ~3k
Requested: no, but you can see how to do so here if you’d like!
A/N: I recommend listening to tattoos together by lauv, since this is based on that song. ♡
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Summary: (y/n) met Seonghwa in college and they quickly became close, ending up as friends with benefits. On a night out with some friends both of them ended up drinking a bit to much and well, I think we all know where this is going.
“Whereee shouuuuld weee go next?” (y/n) asked, loudly, as she grabbed Seonghwa’s arm so she wouldn’t fall, being tipsy from all the wine she had been drinking with her friends at dinner.
“You should probably head back home before you hurt yourself or someone else.”
“Don’t be a mood killer, sweetie!” (y/n) groaned back to Mia, pointing a finger to her way too sober roommate and best friend. "We still have a long long night ahead of us!" (y/n) stumbles making Seonghwa hold her closer to him.
Seonghwa wasn't nearly as drunk as (y/n), just tipsy enough to go on board with her crazy plans without thinking twice.
"So, let’s go find a party to crash!" the boy started walking away from his friends dragging a smiley faced (y/n) with him, both clearly more intoxicated than the rest of the group.
They hadn’t gone far, mainly because of how slow their feet were moving, when Hongjoong intervened.“Guys! Wait up!” they stumbled on their own feet when turning around to look at their friend. Their two friends were already approaching them. “Do you guys really think it is a good idea to just wander around like that?”
“YES!” both stated firmly at the same time before bursting into laughter.
“Well, I’m not in the mood and since you’re both adults you can take good care of yourselves.” Mia shrugged her shoulders and was about to leave when she remembered something else, “Please be quiet when you get home, and be safe.” She threw a warning look at Seonghwa when saying the last words. She knew how crazy her best friend could get with a couple of drinks and a party, and Seonghwa had a strong effect upon (y/n) that Mia never understood, and she only hoped he would use it for (y/n)’s sake.
“I’ll take you home, Mia. See you tomorrow guys.” Hongjoong did a little run to catch up to the girl. The other two friends bursted into laughter again when they saw Hongjoong place an arm around Mia’s shoulder.
“Now we know why they wanted to go home so badly…”
“Oh Seonghwa, they’re not like us. They will probably just cuddle for now. Let’s go!” (y/n) grabbed the boy’s hand and started her demand to find a party again.
“What do you mean they’re not likes us? We also cuddle!” (y/n) giggled at how offended Seonghwa sounded.
“Hm you know, they want a real relationship, we’re just friends having fun. Besides, our cuddles are never just cuddling.” She said it like it wasn’t a big deal and didn’t really think much of it. Seonghwa on the other hand got hurt, he didn’t quite understand why though. They agreed from the very start that this was a casual friends with benefits kind of thing, nothing more.
He shook these thoughts out of his head, thinking perhaps it was just the alcohol speaking.
In the meantime (y/n) uploaded a story of them on Instagram asking if there were any parties they could crash. That story led them to a new club that had opened recently, making (y/n) almost run there out of excitement. This was her first night out in two months, after being trapped between her room and the library to study for exams. Now she was finally free and wanted to live it to the fullest, Seonghwa not minding at all to join in.
Unfortunately, the excitement soon turns into disappointment. They get to the club, ID’s in hand, bodies already moving to the muffled beat leaving the building, but the security guard stops them from going any further. They look at each other and back at the big, buffy man, that blocked the entrance with his arm, with confused looks. They had already showed their ID’s, it didn’t make sense.
Then, the guard pointed at (y/n)’s clothes. She was wearing black shorts, fishnet tights, combat boots and the piece of clothing that seemed to be the problem, an oversized boyfriend style t-shirt.
“You can’t come in with boy’s clothes.” The big man stated, without an ounce of emotion in his voice.
“WHAT?” (y/n)’s posture changed completely; a defiant look marked all over her face, “That doesn’t make any sense! These aren’t boy’s clothes; these are MY CLOTHES! And even if they were boy’s clothes, we live in a free country, I can wear whatever I want!”
“Then go wear whatever you want somewhere else. You can’t come in like that, it’s the club’s policy.”
“Fuck the club’s policy! That’s so unethical what the hell?! I can’t believe people were recommending me this shit hole!” (y/n) screamed into the guard’s face, pointing fingers, waving arms and when she was finished, she spat on his shoes. Yes, she spat. Seonghwa grabbed her hand immediately pulling her out of there before they got into trouble, and ran away into nowhere, just wanting to get away.
“I’ll make sure to fill a complaint later.” Seonghwa stated after catching his breath from the unplanned cardio. “Also, I think this run sobered me.”
“I can’t believe that wearing oversized clothes is breaking club’s policy, what the hell?” (y/n) sat on the sidewalk still annoyed with the situation. “I’ve would’ve spat on his face if he weren’t to be that freaking huge.” Seonghwa laughed loudly sitting down next to her, making her laugh as well. “Thank you for pulling me out, he could probably smash me with one hand.”
“That’s what I’m here for (y/n), Mia delegated me the job when she decided to go home. But I got to say, you scare me sometimes.” He bumped his shoulder on hers lightly, making her look up at him smiling. “What should we do now? Go home?”
“I guess... the night is ruined anyway, and I also think the run sobered me.” (y/n) chuckled, leaning her head to rest on the boy’s shoulder. This simple gesture almost made Seonghwa forget how to breathe, starting to feel funny things in his stomach. He remained as still and quiet as possible, afraid that even the slightest movement would make her stand up and break the contact.
They stayed like that for a while, still recovering from the run. Until (y/n) noticed something right in front of them that made her stand up with a sudden movement, startling Seonghwa. She widened her eyes and looked down at her friend, as happy as a kid opening Christmas’ presents.
“This night can still be memorable! I’m a genius!” she started crossing the road, stopping in the middle to look at her friend, still standing up from the sidewalk. “Come one! Hurry up!”
Seonghwa could not believe how a person could change their mood that fast. A few moments ago, she was pouty, annoyed, angry, and just wanted to go home. But now, she looks like a child and is ready for a new adventure as if nothing had happened before. He did love that about her. Love? Wait, no what? He liked her, liked, as a friend. He was sure of it. Or was he?
“How what?”
“How are you going to make this night memorable?” that question made her smile even wider, grabbing his hand for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night, dragging him to a small shop with a neon light sign. As soon as Seonghwa realised what it was he stepped back.
“No, (y/n), no way you’re getting a tattoo here!” his face expression was shock, and nothing else.
“No, I am not. We are!”
“What do you even know about this place? Is it even hygienic?” Seonghwa glanced over the tattoo shop with disgust.
“I don’t know,” (y/n) shrugged her shoulders, “but we should get inside and find out.” She stepped in without a care in the world, a little bell rang when she opened the door.
Seonghwa walked behind her looking around, analysing every small detail searching for any red flags that would tell him to get the hell out of there. So far, everything seemed nice, it was organized, the store overall seemed clean, and the tattoo drafts hung upon the walls were actually aesthetically pleasing.
“This doesn’t look so bad… but what kind of tattoo shop is opened until this late at night?” The boy wasn’t yet convinced, and (y/n) knew it would take him a while, being as cautious as he is.
“Stop being so septic about everything, Hwa!”
“May I help you?” a voice coming from behind them made (y/n) jump. A tall woman came out of the side door, probably leading to where the tattoos were made, and greeted them with a smile. “Sorry if I startled you, love.”
“Oh, hm, we want to get tattoos! Together!” Seonghwa glanced over at (y/n) wondering why she was being so weird and flustered all of a sudden, so lost looking at her that he didn’t even corrected the together part. But he went back to reality when the woman spoke again.
“So, you want matching tattoos?”
“NO! We don’t, I don’t, I haven’t agreed to this yet! (y/n), a word please?”
“We’ll be right back!” (y/n) said all smiley to the woman, who smiled back at her while she was basically being dragged to the outside again. “What the hell Hwa? You could’ve been nicer back there!”
“You are all heart eyed looking at that tattoo artist!”
“So what? … are you jealous Hwa?”, (y/n) smirked, tilting her head sweetly, pleased with how annoyed the boy looked about the situation.
“What? No! I don’t have any reason to be jealous, this,” he pointed between them,” this isn’t a relationship, so no, I’m not jealous. You wish. And don’t give me that look!”
“You look cute when you get nervous, Hwa.”
“Shut up, let’s just go home!” he said as he started to walk away, but (y/n) was stubborn and wouldn’t leave without a tattoo so she stood in front of him so he wouldn’t go any further.
“We haven’t gotten our tattoos yet. And I really want a tattoo on my thigh and I really want to do it with you!”, she pointed her index at him touching his chest slightly.
“Why though?”
“Because I don’t have any thigh tattoo yet, duh..”
“And you should get one, there’s plenty of space for it.” He smirked glancing at (y/n)’s thick thighs, getting a soft punch on his shoulder as a response. “But why with me? Do I really have to make one too?”
“Yes! I really want us to have something ours, I have one with Mia as well and you’re my only other best friend and I don’t want to lose you.”
“And how will a tattoo help you with that, huh?” he crossed his arms looking down at (y/n) with furrowed eyebrows.
“When I get mad at Mia for some reason and I want to hate her, I look at the tattoo we made together and it just brings back all the good stuff and I know everything will be okay, because at the end of the day we still love each other and that won’t change over a stupid fight.” The girl gets embarrassed as soon as she realises that she just shared something that until now was only hers, making her look down at her feet. “You probably think it’s silly and that’s okay, we won’t do it if you don’t want to.” Voice quieter than before, barely audible but Seonghwa heard her just fine.
“Okay, let’s get thigh tattoos. Together.”
(y/n)’s eyes widened at the statement, and the looks of happiness and excitement of before came back to life again, making Seonghwa laugh at how adorable his friend looked.
“Really? Thank you so much Hwa!!!” she hugged his torso so tightly that he almost went out of breath.
“I have one condition though. To make it more fun, you know?” (y/n) nodded, indicating him to proceed, “I pick a design for you and you one for me, and we can only see it after it is already tattooed on our skin. What do you say?”
“Uhhh that does sound like fun! But don’t make it too big nor too dark, please!” he nodded in agreement and they went back inside to pick the said designs.
They shared their idea with the tattoo artist, who got really excited about it and took them, one at the time, into the other room to discuss their ideas and bring them to life. (y/n) picked a woman’s body silhouette, besides looking really cool it just made sense since their friendship started as something more physical than emotional. Seonghwa on the other hand chose a minimalist alien, it reminded him of when they first met and (y/n) couldn’t pronounce his name correctly and would just call him alien face, he also asked the tattoo artist to make it face her so she wouldn’t have to look into a mirror to see it properly.
(y/n) went in first to get her right thigh tattooed, so excited that she didn’t bother to take off her clothes, simply ripping her tights in the spot she wanted the tattoo.
“Hm ok, that was hot!” Seonghwa said softly, trying to control himself avoiding looking at (y/n)’s now more exposed thigh.
“Keep it in your pants, Mr. Park.” (y/n) laughed as she laid down to finally get the tattoo her dear friend picked, getting more and more anxious as the moment approached while Luna got her supplies ready. Seonghwa then pulled a chair to sit next to her and keep her distracted so she wouldn’t try to peak.
After a while, (y/n) stopped feeling the needle puncturing her skin and looked up at Luna, eyes wondering if it was already done. The other woman nodded, and she immediately stood up to see the result, a high pitch squeak leaving her lips as soon as she saw an alien facing her.
“Hwa!! I have your face on my thigh!!” her eyes wide, looking between her leg and her friend, a huge smile on her face and eyes almost tearing up at how happy she was. “I love it, I love it, I love it!” she wrapped her arms around the boy’s neck and gave him a kiss on his left cheek, squeezing him against her and holding him there for a few seconds before pulling away. “Now it’s your turn! Go, go!”
Seonghwa got up right away and started to take his pants off, making (y/n) look away.
“Please (y/n), as if you’ve never seen me naked!” he chuckled throwing his pants at her as soon as got them completely off, catching her off guard making her laugh.
They repeated the same process, now with (y/n) seated in the chair keeping Seonghwa distracted by making terrible puns and dad jokes. The needle puncturing his skin stang a bit but, just like (y/n), he already had a few tattoos, so he got used to it quickly. When Luna finished the second tattoo of this iconic duo, as she started to call them, Seonghwa couldn’t help but laugh at (y/n)’s choice.
“This will certainly remind me of you and make me hate you a little less if it comes to that.” He chuckled making (y/n) blush a bit without him noticing. “Thank you for talking me into this, it’s a memorable night for sure.” And kissed her cheek, not as roughly as she did to him, it was a soft kiss, his lips barely touching her skin, and yet it was enough to make her even more flustered, awakening funny feelings in her tummy.
After spending all that money on the tattoos, they decided it would be best for their bank accounts to walk home instead of getting an uber, making their way across town to (y/n) and Mia’s apartment in a slow pace, most of the way made in silence for they were too tired and sleepy, needing to channel all their remain energy towards their legs to be able to walk.
As they were approaching (y/n)’s building their pace slowed down, stopping right in front of the pathway, the girl already looking for the keys in her messy bag while walking towards the front door.
“See you tomorrow (y/n)” he says as they reach the door, (y/n) with the keys in hand already opening the door, and he places a kiss on her forehead not breaking the contact right away. (y/n) didn’t say anything until he was already halfway the pathway.
“Hwa, wait.”
“Huh?” the boy turned around, standing near the sidewalk.
“Why don’t you stay for the night?” she asked almost in a whisper, but Seonghwa heard it anyway and took a few steps closer to her.
“Oh (y/n), I would but I’m really tired and-”
“Just for cuddles, Hwa…” she tried to keep her eyes in his but the vulnerability her request showed made her instinctually look down at her feet.
“Just cuddles? Are you sure?” Seonghwa couldn’t hide his amusement, since (y/n) always made it clear that to her the benefits part of their friendship should be associated with sex at all times because, according to her, getting emotional and cuddle just for the sake of cuddling would turn this into a real and serious relationship, even though the boy tried to convince her otherwise multiple times.
“Shut up and get in before I change my mind.”
They went up to the apartment as quietly as possible, making their way to (y/n)’s bedroom right away and changing into more comfortable clothing, which to Seonghwa meant underwear and nothing more.
He laid on his back wrapping an arm around (y/n)’s shoulders as she laid her head onto his chest, embracing his torso and putting one leg over his. It was comfortable, warm, and felt safe, for both of them.
“This still doesn’t mean we’re in a relationship Hwa.” (y/n) groaned falling deeply into sleep.
“We could be though.” But (y/n) didn’t hear it.
net: @ateezlovenet
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onf-headcanons · 4 years ago
ONF and their high maintenance S/O (mostly about makeups and manicures)
dislcaimer : I dont support the mentality of aegyoing/manipulating/sabotaging your partner to buy you stuffs. Gifts are gifts but its not their are not full responsibility. It is also not a duty/obligation for your partner to recognize delicate makeup product when they can't and buy you your makeup product as well.
What i am saying even though here is that bf gifting lipsticks it does not mean guys should do it and also does not mean that if your own bf could not do it then they dont love you. ok let go to hcs.
I think he will ask you to drop the heavy makeup after you two are comfortable with each other. To him it was not your makeup that impressed him to date you.
He is the type that "I don't get make up but ok you look good" type of person, I mean have you watched how he get ready to go out in the Berlin trip? He just do basic stuffs not even a delicate touch XD
I think because he has a sister back at home? But if you think he will at least know a bit of stuffs because he has a sister then you are wrong lol
But he does understand if you wanna doll up a bit. I think he personally appreciates those times when he caught himself felt that you are dazzling.
I think its cute that maybe you only do basic light make up when going out with him but then when you join him with his friends, you wanna look good so you will put on proper make up (not over heavy ones). But Hyojin be like , " oh, come on... Its just my friends XD"
He is the type that waits for you, unless you have really bad time management, he will come over to rush you. "Hey hey hey, we are gonna be late"
Does not interested at make up or beauty stuffs so he would always questions with curiosity when he saw stuffs like.. " Glue? for what? Eyelashes? Won't it be dangerous?" (Especially you are the type that watches make up vids)
Bonus, you are in charge of his skin care, most of the time.
another bonus, the type that laughs at you if you are the type that opens your mouth when you are drawing eyeline
Very similar to Hyojin so I will skip make up and focus on the nail polish
(Also expanding the Changyoon who loves your hand hcs)
He knows of nail polish and the basic stuffs like base, polish and top, but did not pay full attention on manicure and pedicure stuffs
So when the first time you brought out mini UV light to cure your nails, he goes " Woah they got stuffs like that? why no one told me? I spend minutes blowing at my nails to dry during BB era"
Bonus if you work in nail salon or pick up manicure as hobby, i think you might share a bit of design you found online and ask him his opinions. His will comment a bit.
Also you might grasp his hands and try out newly thought designs on his hands
Bonus if he blushes and burst into laughter until you jokingly snap at him, "Ya, its not the first time I do design test out using your hands? Why are you beet red?"
To go deep into his mentality, he does not hate make up, he gets it. But for manicure he acknowledges it as art expression of oneself as well.
I think he prefer short nail manicure, once you get a longer sharper designs and you cant do your task like how you did normally, Changyoon nags you.
Also Changyoon thoughts on fake nail stickers, "Super convenient!"
He would love to try do your manicures if he got the chance. Not just painting plain color, he might also try following designs that your show him.
He is a delicate boy hahahah (watch leaders Berlin trip then you will get it)
Not the type that can recognize different shades of lipstick or foundation, but he still have basic knowledge. I do see is the type that will keep in mind what color you uses and will present you your favorite lipstick color. Or even randomly choose 1 color that he thinks it might look good on you.
I think you two will stand side by side in front of mirror and do make up and help each other check a bit. Especially eye shadow color, and hairstyles (if it is outdoor date day)
The type that notices changes on you but will tease you by keep saying the wrong answers. "Hey you look different? Is it the eyeshadow? Or was it a new earring? eh I was wrong?*devilsh smile"
He has two sisters so he is used and knows that girls and high maintenance people wears makeup. BB cream at least.
Fascinated when he first time sees you do your own manicure, he saw Changyoon paint nails during BB era, but if it is his first time seeing you painting quite complicated nail design from scratch, he goes "OOOOOOH so thats is how it done? 0A0"
I think he might introduce his sisters to you if you are a makeup artist or if you work at nail salon
Bonus if you are the type that do really minimum skin care, because of his (idk if i am using the right word) eagerness of doing facial mask, you might pick that up too lol
Both of you having facial mask on and chilling on the couch watching TV
another bonus, you two bickering because either one of you made the other one laugh too much making the mask cracked if it is dried up cream type.
He is like a combination of Hyojin and Seungjun?
Not sure on his skin care stuff but he will do basic stuff and I think he focus on stylizing his hair more? (but unlike Seungjun, Jaeyoung is more on styling using wax and hairspray)
the type who cant tell difference in lipstick shade lol
He thinks light makeup with less procedure/product look good on you. Especially if you are the one who is super insecure and wakes up super early to do heavy but natural looking makeup before work
Owh special mention, natural shade/nude shade themed makeup is his favourite
He has high respect on people who are high maintenance, but if you are too over enthusiastic he will tell you to slow down and go light heart on it, "Its to boost confidence/feel good about yourself right? Its not to impress others by overdoing it right?"
If you are a tiktok-er. I think you might ask Jaeyoung to do the my boyfriend did my make up challenge (To add, you cant trust Hyojin and Seungjun on this cos high chance if their prank mode kick in, rip. Changyoon will do it tho but you need to persuade him. Jaeyoung and Minkyun are the easiest to ask)
If sometimes Jaeyoung caught seeing you watching manicure design vids or you happened to try out a new manicure design from tutorial you saw online, he will sit beside, try hard to not disturb you. But while watching he will goes "Uwa, Shingi hada/ this is intriguing/amazing." (Try watch Mini game heaven season 2 0316, when he is the one holding the word board, the face he make as he is watching the leaders appeared in my head when writing this lol)
bonus, if you are doing really intricate work like placing a small sticker or draw a small design or sticking a small trinket? on your nails, Jaeyoung will also focus with you by holding his breath as he watches you doing your tasks
You trusted this boy to do BF do my makeup challenge and you regret it soon after, but the view results are amazing lol
but i think their S/O might lowkey get trauma lol and always decline Minkyun offer to help do makeup hahah
But again, when he do try to do it properly, he is ok
bonus, you two had to get another mirror because Minkyun is standing in front yours to check himself out every time he styles his hair a single bit, and it delays your pace of doing your make up.
Appreciate effort of you wanna look good, also he is the type who sits behind S/O while waiting them to finish up makeup (others will wait outside, But Minkyun is the type I want see whole process of how their S/O "transform")
Also the one who will sit beside you as you do your own manicure, or, the bf who will sit beside their S/O at nail salon watching the whole process.
But his hands are busy as he is also curious, so he will reach out to check the nail polish bottle or even the UV cure machine
So, he is also the type that will follow you into Sephora or makeup selling shops (is not that the others wont follow, but I want to highlight specifically for Minkyun). Hands busy, checking out stuffs.
Unlike Seungjun, the type that really cant tell if you change new lipstick or switched new eyeshadow.
BUT I THINK THIS PERSON, HE WILL SUDDENLY DROP A NEON EYESHAOW OUT OF BLUE IN FRONT OF YOU WHEN YOU ARE PAYING. You are gonna fluster if you are not the type who do daring colors. Minkyun only giggles and say " You wont know if you don't like it if you try?"
the funny bit, its not even him paying when he wants you to try lol
He is more of skincare type person. Similar to Seungjun, both of you cuddling with sheet masks on.
The one who sticks to basic stuffs, skincare mostly
Also the type who will try to do makeup challenge diligently, asking you how should he do it rather than making a mess on your face.
The type that gives you thumbs up and affirming nods when you ask him how do you look.
He won't comment too much or nags/persuade you to stop doing heavy makeup eventually because he respects effort and confidence boost behind your makeup/high maintenance mentality
But he is flustered when you suddenly did a "I did a instagram summer gal makeup and show my bf" (for example) as it was way different and you look different. The moment you suggest to make this makeup theme as your usual, YUTO PANICKED, "Stop, stop, Mon sori yo? / What did you just say?"
IF you are office worker, he will nag at you if you are thinking straight to wear that makeup to office lol
The type that just quietly follows behind you when you are doing your shopping tour at Sephora or makeup shop.
But he will stop you if he sees your eyes gleaming as you stand at lipsticks corner lol (If you are the type who loves to collect and have too much lipsticks)
Occasionally surprise you with your fave lipstick color as well. Especially on early days of the relationship, you think he is the type that does not care. But turns out he is observant (because it is you so he is observant at your favorite stuffs)
Owh... i think he will be the perfume sensitive type person? He will mention what type of fragrance that he think you will go along well with.
Also I think the type who will recognizes if you changed perfume. Also the type who recognizes if you used his.
He might ask you to try on a sample and then you two might get a couple lover perfume/fragrance.
A/n : finally T^T this draft is in draft for like what... 6 months??? T^T
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sweatergirlsposts · 5 years ago
Imagine Confirming that you, a Famous Italian Singer, are Dating Harry Styles
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Title: Down in Little Italy 
Pairing: Harry Styles x Fem Italian Singer!Reader 
‘Connecting with WIRED’
Your screen took a couple a seconds before loading to up to see the producer and editor on the other end. You sat in your private home studio with all your instruments, ready to do your in home interview for WIRED. 
“Ciao,” you wave to the camera and greet the producer and editor.
“Hey there,” waved back the editor
“Hey (Y/N), nice to see you again!” expressed the producer before immediately jumping into instructing you, “Okay (Y/N) we want you to do exactly what you did in your last interview with us, short answers for the most part unless you feel the need to extend it”
“Buono” you answered in your main language before switching into your English dialect.
“Also did you receive the question boards in the mail?”
“I did, one of the question strips came off so I taped it back on,” you laughed at the damaged board before holding it out in front of you. 
“That’s alright, you’ll be taking them off anyway, now you can start whenever you want to, and we’ll be receiving the live footage from your DSLR camera.” 
You nodded before taking a deep breath and looking into your camera, “Hi I’m famous singer, (Y/N) (L/N),  and I’m doing the Wired autocomplete interview part two, quarantine edition!!”
“Alright let’s get this started,” you pulled off the first question, “Is (Y/N) (L/N) from Spain? No, I am from Rome, Italy and that is currently where I am quarantining”
“Is (Y/N) (L/N) a good singer? Well I like to think I am but you tell me”
“Is (Y/N) (L/N) friends with Harry Styles? I’m very close with Harry, we’ve been very close for the last couple years. We actually met at Coachella a couple years ago, when I was performing as a smaller artist at the time. His manager had reached out to mine to meet me. I was very shocked when I heard that he wanted to meet me but apparently he was a new fan of mine. It just took off from their and we decided recently to make an album, next question!” you hastily moved on trying to avoid this question the sort.  
“Is (Y/N) (L/N) collaborating with Harry Styles? Oh Santo Cielo, what is with you people on the internet and your obsession with Harry and I?” you laughed trying to make a joke about all the search questions of Harry and yourself.
“I will be honest, we are indeed collaborating and spoiler alert our album is called ‘Down in Little Italy’. It’s very story-esque and that’s all I can say about it. I’m very excited to be working with Harry.” you threw the the board away to the side and picked up the next one. 
“Who is (Y/N) (L/N)? I’m am the one and the only Grammy winning Italian singer and pockets enthusiast (Y/N) (L/N),” you pronounced doing an announcers impression.   
“Who was (Y/N) (L/N) with at the Rome farmers market?” you looked at the camera like the do in the office, “None of your business.....”
“Who is (Y/N) (L/N) dating? Harry Styles?” you read the question you revealed to the camera. 
“Again I cannot say. We are planning on-”
“(Y/N) I’m home love!!” you heard Harry yell from your front door. You told Harry that you had an interview this afternoon and asked him to pick up some fresh produce for tonight’s dinner. He must of forgot that you were still in your interview. 
Your face turned blank at hearing your lover yell to you from the other side of the house. You guys wanted to keep it private for at least another couple weeks before coming out about your guys relationship. As of present time, you both had been dating for the last nine months. 
“Was that-” the producer spoke up before you cut him off.
“Maybe..... cazzo” you muttered under your breath. “Beh, immagino che i gatti siano fuori dalla borsa
“(N/N) I’m back, how was your interview?” Harry trailed off before realizing that you were still filming. You look over to your boyfriend who stood behind your camera setup. 
‘Are you still filming?’ he mouthed to you and you nodded awkwardly still looking into the camera. 
‘Oops’ he mouthed again. Harry walked over in front of the camera, face fully in front of it, and waved, ”Hello”
“We’re never gonna here the end of it il mio amore” you spoke letting it hang in the air. Harry came over to you and kissed you on the cheek.
“Eh it was bound it happen sooner or later,” he whispered in your ear before turning back to the camera.
“For all that are really clueless at the moment as of what’s going on, (Y/N) and I are dating. We wanted to wait a little bit longer before telling you all, but I guess that there’s no better time like the present. Hope you all are having a good quarantine, I’m gonna let my beautiful girlfriend finish her interview,” he winked at the camera before stealing a quick kiss from your lips and walked out of the studio. 
“Ummm well..... do you want to continue (Y/N)?” the producer spoke up awkwardly due to how the interview derailed for a couple minutes.
“Uh yes definitely!” you snapped out of your daze of surprise of how Harry and you just revealed your relationship on camera. You picked up the cards and continued the interview.
After you finished the interview, you went around your house to try and find Harry. Walking around the first floor of your house, you kept checking different rooms but you didn’t find your boyfriend. 
Checking all but one room, you head to the kitchen. As you got closer you could tell by the smell of the herbs, fresh cut tomatoes, and cooked dough what he was making. 
Harry had his back towards you when you walked into the kitchen. You went up and slithered your arms around his midsection. He jumped slightly but relaxed into your touch. He grabbed your hand from his midsection and placed a feather-light upon it.
“Sorry about interrupting your interview.....and letting them know about us”
“It’s alright Harr, like you said it was bound to happen sooner or later,” you snuggled into his back, “Pizza again?”
“You know it love, it’s the best Italian dish I can make for you,” He twisted in your arms in order to face you. He cupped your face in his hands and scanned your beautiful skin. He couldn’t wait for the album to come out. It was supposed to be about how your guys love developed in California, London, but mainly in your home in Italy. 
“Well I guess I’m gonna have to teach you sometime. My mother won’t let me bring you home unless you know how to cook something else other than pizza”
“I don’t mind that,” Harry nuzzled his nose against yours and gave you a small sweet kiss on your lips, “I love you”
“Ti amo anch'io”  
Request By @writerdream22
(A/N: Here are the translations below from this imagine, I got them google translate and I hope they’re close to accurate! Ciao = Hello/Goodbye, Buono = good, Beh, immagino che i gatti siano fuori dalla borsa = well I guess the cats out of the bag,  il mio amore = my love,  Ti amo anch'io = I love you too) 
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neocatharsis · 4 years ago
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The Brilliant Members of World Renowned NCT 127 Share Their Thoughts Fashion, Music, Lifestyle, Favorite Things… What Their Individual Styles Are #007 JUNGWOO
Read more https://mensnonno.jp/post/53212
Some Excerpts
What’s the relationship between JUNGWOO’s “appeal” and “confidence”?
MN: To the question, “How would you particularly like to appeal to the readers of this series”, you wrote,“I have yet to show all of what is fascinating about me as a person. There are many appealing sides to me”. Of all those appealing aspects, what are you most proud of?
J: I’m sure many know this by now, but “being sort of cute and lovable” is my strong suit. Because I believe that the fans deeply love that adorable charm I have, I honestly think that “my cuteness” is my strong suit!
MN: How lovely that you feel ‘the part my fans love = my strong suit’. For the question, “What is important to you in expressing yourself and conveying your style as a global artist?”, you wrote,“By far, the most important thing to have is confidence. That is because I believe that with confidence you can achieve anything”. Is it because you value self-confidence that you are able to find yourself to be fascinating?
J: But to be honest, for a while after our debut, I didn’t really have much confidence in myself. So, I was constantly thinking about and wondering “how I could gain confidence” and was always trying to be confident.
MN: For “your favorite motto”, you also wrote,“Be confident and do my best”.
J: Yes. I have also been training to strengthen my mind for a very long time. Even if I may sometimes tend to lose confidence, I tell myself not to, and I have continued to try to overcome these things. At first, I often felt nervous and unsure, but by keeping that in mind, over time, I think I became confident in a natural way.
MN: Even though you say “natural way”, there probably was a tremendous amount of effort that went into it… You told us that you worked very hard to become confident, and now, through that process, from the viewpoint of the performer JUNGWOO of NCT 127, could you kindly share with us what you are able to feel confident about?
J: Personally, I have the most confidence in my performance for the song “Hero; Kick It”. We practiced hard for it, especially since it has been a while since we have been able to present something to our fans. So, how do I say this, it was like ‘sharpening our act’.
MN: Woooooooooooh.
J: It was a deeply awakening feeling preparing for this stage. So, for me, it became a very memorable piece of work.
MN: Was there something that was particularly challenging?
J: I would have to say managing our facial expressions on stage. We were very particular about how we wanted to present our expressions, so we challenged ourselves with many options. I thought about what I was lacking, and I challenged myself to be bolder and more confident. Those were the goals I placed on myself. I’ve always wanted to show my fans how wonderful I can be, but in this case, I wanted to go deeper, beginning with my facial expressions, so I prepared much more differently and with creativity.
MN: You are the seventh person to be featured in this series, JUNGWOO-san, but all the members up to now have pushed with confidence “Hero; Kick It” as their most recommended NCT 127 song. Perhaps we can say that it was that challenging for all of you, and that what you felt, as well as your self-assessments, was in line with one another. As each member responded with the same song one after another, you could feel a strong sense of accomplishment that is shared within the group.
J: I agree with that. The song “Hero” is a powerful song, and so a lot of practice and preparation went into it. I think that it is very NCT 127 and expresses our personality more than ever. On top of that, we were confident that the fans would love the song. Our fans tend to love our individuality and our unique “color”, so we thought this was the perfect song.
NCT 127 is like a chameleon?
MN: You mentioned the word “color”, but to the question, “What do you feel is the “coolness” of NCT 127, you responded,“To impress and share empathy with our fans, and show them our unique “color”. If you were to share something that is truly your “NCT127 color”, what would that be?
J: Regardless of the type of song or genre, we are a team that has the power to absorb whatever it is, like a chameleon! To continue to express genres across the board; I believe that is the best of our team when it comes to “color” and strength!
MN: Right from the opening, you mentioned the metaphor “Yairo-Bird”. You seem to have a very colorful image when it comes to yourself as well as your group and its activities, JUNGWOO-san. Now then, let’s share with the readers that ever-changing chameleon attitude that challenges all types of songs. Could you recommend any MVs other than “Hero; Kick It”?
J: Yes! There’s a song called “Punch” that I would like to recommend first. It was released after “Hero; Kick It” and it was part of a re-package album. It is really a strong and powerful song. In addition, even in the visuals our personality shines through. It is a very well put together piece and I love it. Another one is a song called “Highway to Heaven”. The music video has a wide open feeling and is amazing, and it is a song that suits us very well. So, I would like to recommend these two songs.
MN: It certainly is a song with a completely different feel. You can see how you challenge different tastes.
J: Yes! Exactly! I wish we could ask everyone what they would like to see about NCT 127, too.
MN: You’re sure to have a bunch of different responses.
As a global artist, what have you found meaningful?
MN: When you’re being creative while also constantly challenging yourselves, teamwork is imperative. Could you share with us exactly what NCT 127 means to you, JUNGWOO-san?
J: We members are family as well as a team. We all make up for what each of us lacks and what we need, which unite us as one strong team. We are all there to help each other to be our best. In that way, our individual personalities and virtues work together like a synergistic effect…. creating synergy, and I believe it further enhances NCT 127’s “color” so-to-speak. I hope more people will get to know this about us.
MN: Listening to what you have to say, JUNGWOO-san, our image of the group becomes even more colorful. Speaking of complementing one another, in what way in particular do you feel the members help you out?
J: Oh, that begins with song and dance, all the basic stuff, I know I am being supported and helped by all the members. And not only for our performances, but also, for example, I feel that the parts in which I have no confidence, the other members are right there to jump in and help out. We talk things out and I get advice on what I feel I am lacking. In that way, I am able to discover what I need to improve on from a different angle than I would have on my own. Thus, they give me a lot of insight and make me think. That’s the kind of role they play for me.
MN: For the question, “What do you think has had the most impact on you as a global artist?”, you responded,“By being able to share what is appealing about us to all the different fans around the world, I feel that it has given us an opportunity to become even sharper”. Does the presence of your fans help you, JUNGWOO-san, to have confidence when it comes to your “appeal”, as mentioned earlier?
J: This is something I’ve felt as we’ve traveled around the world, but the reaction from the fans differs depending on where we are. Even so, everywhere we go, the fans welcome us with such enthusiasm, making us feel, “wow, we really are loved”, and we’re so moved by their passion as we tour the world. As we go to places for the first time and see all the fans for the first time, it is touching to know that they actually listen to our songs and are able to relate to us in such a way. Their reaction also differs depending on the atmosphere of the songs. It has to be because they diligently listen to each and every one of our songs. They sing together with us, and it means a lot to me when I feel like, “ahhh, so we can interact and relate to each other through the songs in this way”. That has left a powerful impression on me.
What triggered you to start singing and dancing?
MN: And now you perform on the global stage, but what is it that made you wind up loving to sing and dance?
J: The first time I became fascinated by singing and dancing was through a movie. I was in the junior high and it was a movie called “Step Up”. It was very popular at the time and everyone around me was crazy about it. The characters in the movie were portrayed doing all these really cool dance moves. That’s when I thought, “Wow, I would like to dance like that, too.” So, I started taking dance lessons. Through taking lessons, I was naturally exposed to all kinds of music, and that’s how I became fascinated with music.
MN: That’s true, learning to dance also means you come in contact with music.
J:“Exactly. I seek out and listen to a wider variety of music than before I began dance lessons, and regardless of genre, whether it’s HIP HOP, the trending songs in the US, jazz, etc… by listening to a whole range of songs on an even scale, my love for the music itself has grown deeper and deeper, and that’s how I developed a desire to sing and dance.
MN: That makes a lot of sense. So, the flow is that you then became a trainee at your agency?
J: Yes. My desire to continue to sing and dance became stronger, and so I decided to audition. I was lucky enough to join a major company like SM (SM ENTERTAINMENT=NCT 127’s agency), but thinking back now, “My dream really has come true,” which is an enchanting feeling. I have the confidence to say that I will continue loving to sing and dance even more, and that’s the kind of person I want to become.
What fascinating person, piece of work, words have had an impact on you?
MN: Your desire to do more as a performer comes through. To the question, “What kind of adult do you want to become in the future?”, your answer was,“To become a cool adult. I’m still searching”. You mentioned earlier that you did not have confidence in yourself, but this comment feels like you are now looking forward to the future you. What kind of person is the “cool adult” to you, JUNGWOO-san?
J: To me, an adult that is cool is someone who has integrity, works hard at and continues to work towards a goal, and is able to be a good role model for others. Someone who does their best with what they have been given and are passionate about everything. That’s the type of adult I think is super cool”
MN: Do you have a specific role model of the kind of person you want to be like?
J: Well that role model would have to be our senior artist BoA! Of course she’s a senior artist from the same agency, but more than that, watching her pour her passion into her music and the love she has for singing and dancing, without skipping a beat for 20 years… This is truly inspiring. That is why I plan to continue to cheer her on with as much passion as I can round up, and I also hope to be a senior artist to my junior artists in the same as BoA has been for us. I want to become an adult that will give it his all.
MN: To the question, “What culture has had an impact on you?”, you wrote,“I watched ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ with deep interest. It made me feel that nothing is impossible to achieve.” In the same way as “Step Up”, it seems that movies have had an impact on your mindset and behavior.
J: You can see from the main character of that movie [editorial staff note: An editorial assistant of a fashion magazine], that she is really passionate about everything she works on. No matter what anyone says to her or about her, she’s going to achieve what she believes in and what she intends to do. That really struck me. After I saw that movie, I thought, “So there really is nothing I can’t achieve…”, which left a strong impression on me and that is why I wrote this.
MN: It seems that many things have had an impact on you, such as the people you have met, what you have seen and heard, and the times you have spent. To the question, “What piece of advice you have received from others has left the biggest impression on you?”, you wrote,“The words that have left a lasting impression on me are, ‘You do whatever it is you want to do’.”When do these words come to mind?
J: I believe that whenever there is something that you want to do, it should be done without hesitation. I also believe that you should never do anything you’re going to regret. No matter what it is… For example, I always do the best that I can when I’m up on stage, and for mental preparation, I always think, “I’m doing what I love to do”. To think in that way. I think that’s what motivates me, and these words often come to mind in moments like that. I want to reach out to everyone with that kind of power and I think the people around me have given me that kind of power as well.
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thornaelle · 4 years ago
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These are now closed, thank you everyone!
I’m accepting up to 15 portraits (I may cut off at less if what I have is looking very complex), and no more than 3 per person. I’m not going via ko-fi this time; I will be sending PayPal invoices and also sketches for approval, which I haven’t done with these in the past. Invoices will go out at the same time as the sketches, and will need to be paid before I continue to the next phase of work.
You can see my kofi rewards tag for more previous examples.
£25 per portrait. Max of 3 per person. Email [email protected]
I’m happy to take questions via ask or DM, but I NEED an actual email from you with the full details of your commission.
To save your dash; full details, filled slot status and terms below the cut ~
Updated: 12th Feb, 13:18GMT
Here’s what I’ll need from you:
Your PayPal email address.
Your social media username(s), if you’re happy to have it tagged alongside the art when I post it. If you would prefer to post it yourself that’s fine too! Just let me know so I can reblog it (and please tag me with credit as the artist). This also gives me a backup contact if my emails are going unanswered.
Info about your character: Who they are, what they’re from, a brief and relevant description of personality. It’s also really helpful to know a characters race and body type, as these are often not obvious in reference images and overlooked in descriptions.
How you want your character portrayed: Their pose (portraits are draw from around the waist up so bear that in mind when choosing a pose), expression, description of anything you’re not able to cover with visual references- I prefer not to work solely from descriptions, but they’re great in conjunction with images.
Visual references for the characters face, outfit, pose and any props. You might include game screenshots, face claims, photos, or existing art. Character sheets are AMAZING. Aesthetic boards are a good add-on for getting a feel for a character but not great on their own, similarly I’m not going to go through your whole character tag and read everything in it but it might be helpful to skim if I want more references. If you have a face claim it’s useful to know their name so I can get more refs if I need to. If you’re very particular about the colours used it’s also great to have a palette or colour values. If you have a background colour preference that’s also great! It’s stupidly hard to chose one sometimes.
What I won’t draw: Extreme gore or body horror, explicit sexual content. I reserve the right to reject commissions that I am not interested in, make me uncomfortable or just don’t feel like a good fit for my art style.
All prices are in £GBP and your invoice will be charged in GBP.
Only a digital copy of your commission will be available, I will not be providing a physical copy.
If you have a deadline in mind (such as a birthday), it must be agreed upon before the commission is confirmed and must be stated in your initial email. I will not be able to meet any deadlines sprung upon me later in the process.
Commissions are for personal, non-commercial use only. You may display your piece wherever you wish, accompanied by credit to me as the artist, but you may not resell it in any form. I retain the right to display the piece on my own accounts/portfolio.
Payment: Invoices will be sent at the same time as sketches are sent for approval. Invoices must be paid before I continue with the work and payment will be taken as approval of the sketches.
Revisions: I am willing to do up to two revisions to the sketch. Once you have approved the sketch you will not be able to make any changes to the pose, so be sure that it is what you want! I will offer up to two rounds of detail tweaks and changes to the colours (please consider providing a palette or colour values if you have very particular preferences).
Refunds & cancellations: Refunds are negotiable based on how much work has been completed. You are unlikely to receive a full refund unless I have not actually progressed past the sketch yet. You can cancel at any time before payment has been made.
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