#But I live for high school Jumin and Jihyun okay? I just love them in general but still. xD
juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Hii☺️So, we have RFA+Minor trio being single fathers after Mc's death, what about reversing it?So that Mc is a single mother after they died(
I waited really long to finally make a request and I am very excited right now, especially since it's you.I really love your writings and I read all of them for like a dozen of times and I can't get enough of them😍Thank you so much for your work and stay healthy 🙏🏻
Mc being a single mom after the RFA + Minor Trio died    ( Trigger Warnings! ) 
Trigger Warnings, mention of death, parental death
RFA + Minor Trio as single fathers after Mc’s death (Parental death/ Trigger Warnings)
Did I mention that I like drama? Enjoy! 
You pressed your lips together as tears went down your cheek. The baby you just gave birth to was sleeping in Jaehee‘s arms as you sobbed into Zen‘s embrace.
,,It‘s as if he planned everything,“ you sobbed, making your red haired friend shake with his head.
,,When he found out you were pregnant, he made me do all this. He didn’t plan to die a month after the birth of your baby, really, he just feared that if something happened to him, his father would have acted the way he did,“ Seven explained.
The reason why you were currently staying over at Jaehee‘s place was that Jumin died a week ago. One day you let him go out of the front door, still smiling as he kissed your newborn, and not even half an hour later, you found yourself in the hospital.
Someone shot him.
And as if it wasn’t enough, your father in law tried to take away your baby, saying that he had to give his grandchild a better life.
But Jumin, even in heaven, saved you once again, saving a lot of money and having an external saving method thanks to Seven.
He even left behind a letter to his father filled with lies, explaining that the baby wasn’t his child.
Of course everything was a lie, but this lie made it possible for you to see your baby grow up.
,,I can’t even go to my husband’s-” your words died in tears.
,,He will always look over you, Mc, and we’ll help you. It will all be better soon…“ Zen patted your back. He too was mourning for his friend.
,,Mommy, do I really look like daddy?“ your youngest girl asked you as she brushed her long white hair.
You gulped as you looked over to your oldest daughter.
Her eyes were again filled with tears.
Zen died two years ago, leaving you behind with three wonderful children.
You had to give up your job as manager and instead began to work part time in a restaurant at night and other little jobs while the girls were at school.
,,Daddy… I don‘t even remember him,“ your middle child hissed as she entered the room.
,,I don’t even know him, that’s worse!“ your youngest began to sob.
She indeed looked like Zen. He would have been proud to see her beauty.
Well, he was proud of every daughter he had. He loved them with all his heart.
,,Trust me, I would rather not remember him than live with memories,“ your oldest daughter Mina hissed as she put down her lipstick and rushed out.
You sighed as you looked at your little family.
You were all sleeping in one single room. No one had their own space and instead they all argued with each other whenever they had the chance.
,,You’re always so negative, MINA!“ your middle child Hana hissed, followed by the youngest, Sera.
,,I HATE YOU GUYS! HE DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!“ she screamed, making your heart stop.
Mina glared at her and fell on her feet as she began to scream a loud, high pitched scream.
,,SERA RYU!“ you screamed.
The house died down as only sniffles were heard.
,,Your father died when the three of you caught a virus. He was trying to go to the shop for some medicine, but that doesn’t mean that one of you is at fault, understand?“ you hissed.
You sat down and began to cry yourself as you called them over into your arms, ready to embrace your crying children.
,,No one is at fault. Please, please don’t fight, girls, your father would be devastated to see that,“ you begged.
,,Sera, you do look like dad,“ Mina sobbed and smiled, making your youngest smile brightly.
Your son finally fell asleep after a long crying session.
Nothing hurt you more than consoling your son who was in deep pain because he got bullied at school for not having a father.
Yoosung died six months ago, making you move into a tinier apartment which led to your son attending another school.
However, you regretted every single decision.
You pulled your phone out as you tried to dry your salty tears.
You entered a new chatroom as you asked for help.
,,What happened? Shall I come over?“ Jumin responded, being the first one online.
,,I can come quicker, I‘m omw,“ Zen shortly afterwards responded.
,,No no, I just…
Can you please bring Jinyoung to school tomorrow? He got bullied… I think if other children see him with you guys, they will respect him more,“ you wrote.
Of course Seven jumped in and wrote six lines about how happy he would be to play ⅓ of a father, making you actually choke on your tears.
,,Thank you,“ you typed and decided to bring your son to bed.
Indeed the three boys kept their promise, making him laugh like never before.
,,And that‘s how we met,“ you laughed as you told your son about the meeting between you and Jaehee.
He nodded as he looked at the picture over the table.
It portrayed you, him, and Jaehee on his first day of school.
Jaehee died a year ago from an illness.
It all went so quickly. One day she got diagnosed and a few months later the two of you prepared the funeral for her.
As if it was yesterday, you remembered picking up your son and driving him to the hospital to give Jaehee the chance to see him one last time.
And indeed, it was their last goodbyes.
Jaehee would never see him finishing school, university, or begin a job, fall in love, or try to cheer him up while being lovesick.
She would never see him get married or have his first child.
It hurt your heart to know that you were the only one left for him.
On the other side, Jaehee was happy that at least he had you. ,,How did your favorite TikTok go?“ she groaned.
,,Take him to the moon for me,“ she whispered.
,,Mom was a strong woman,“ you told your son as a tear left your eye.
,,You too, Mommy, you too.“
You sighed as you turned off your alarm to get off the bed.
It was still dark outside, but you had to wake up with the last strength you had. You pulled yourself together and walked back to the kitchen where you prepared some breakfast for your child.
Like every morning, reality hit you as you silently sobbed while putting some rice into the bento box.
Your hands trembled as you looked up, just to gasp for air and keep going.
It was hard ever since Saeyoung died. Things weren’t going well for you.
You thanked God daily for the remaining person you had, that you had friends and family who supported you.
But you also begged God to make this bad life end. Even though it was selfish, you just wanted to see your family again.
Even if Jaehee often tried to make you understand how lucky you were, even at the times where Jumin promised to help you with the medical expenses, even at those times when Yoosung came over to cook dinner, and even at those times when Zen promised to go with your and your child to the park, you just wanted this to end.
You inhaled again and dried your tears as you made yourself a cup of coffee.
,,Good morning, baby,’’ you whispered as you turned on the lights of your son’s room.
,,Mo….m,’’ the boy groaned, probably in pain as you helped him get up to sit on his wheelchair.
,,Wet…’’ he gasped as you noticed that he wet his bed again.
,,It’s okay, baby, don’t worry,’’ you smiled, pushing the chair through the door, passing at the picture of Saeyoung, Saeran, and your two perfectly healthy children.
That day, Saeyoung didn’t just die in a car accident from speeding, he also took his brother and one of your children with him, leaving you with your second son disabled by the accident.
,,It’s okay,’’ you whispered.
You looked up to the ceiling as you felt a warm, little hand on your chest.
Turning your head, you could see how relaxed the face of your daughter was as she slept safely and soundly, not worrying about anything or anyone.
You smiled as you saw how much she resembled Saeran, her father.
Your hand moved to stroke her head as you remembered the day you told him that you were pregnant, how he cared for you and his daughter in the pregnancy, how hard labor was, and how emotional it was when he once again decided to save his brother after seeing his own daughter.
,,He would be happy to see her,’’ he said after she was newly born and he was finally allowed to hold her in his embrace.
As if it was yesterday, you remembered how he taught her to walk, how he stood behind her while going to the park and how much he loved to feed her.
This all disappeared one day.
In the morning, he told you that he might have found Saeyoung and in the evening he came home, beaten up with a shotgun wound, collapsing in front of your porch.
It was your worst nightmare and you were honestly happy that this all happened at night, knowing that back then, your three year old daughter wouldn’t have seen anything.
Ever since then, life became harder.
You moved, fearing the Prime Minister or the agency Saeyoung was in would track you down and kill your daughter. The RFA kept helping you guys, but questions like, ,,Where is Dada’’ weren’t always easy to respond to.
,,Mommy,’’ she mumbled and opened her eyes, smiling brightly at you and rubbing her eyes to wake up.
,,Mhhh?’’ you asked her.
,,Daddy visited my dreams…’’ she giggled and fell asleep again, making you wander back to old memories too.
,,Mom, I don’t understand my homework,’’ Lucy said, whispering as she entered the room as quietly as possible.
You looked back to her and nodded as you looked back to the little bed your son was in before you walked away, your hand on Lucy’s hair as you smiled at her.
,,What topic?’’ you asked her.
You noticed that she was hesitating so it was probably art since it was related to her father.
,,Art?’’ you asked her to make it easier for her. She had a pretty hard time ever since Jihyun died, well, you too. You all had a pretty hard time.
Jumin wasn’t the same person anymore, or so Jaehee said. Yoosung seemed to regret a few things, and Saeran and Saeyoung were grieving, just like Zen.
Everyone was in pain after the painful death of that one special person.
,,Our teacher told us to draw a painful happy moment but… how am I supposed to make something happy if it’s supposed to be painful?’’ she asked you.
You nodded. ,,Well, describe something painful. What is painful?’’ you asked her.
,,Getting hurt is painful, falling is painful, getting hit is painful…’’
,,How about losing someone?’’ you asked her, making her think about it for a few seconds before she asked you if it wasn’t something sad instead of painful. 
You nodded. ,,When I told you that daddy wouldn’t come home anymore back then when you were younger, do you remember how you felt?’’ you asked her.
,,Did your heart hurt? Did you feel scared and suffocated? Wasn’t it painful?’’ you asked her and even though you could see that she was tearing up, you knew that this was something the two of you had to talk about.
Indeed, Lucy closed up about her feelings ever since then, but this was also a good opportunity.
,,Now, think of a happy moment with your father. Isn’t it something painful but a happy moment as well?’’ you asked her and got up, knowing that she knew what to do.
A week later, you were invited to see your daughter receive a prize for the most beautiful portrait of Jihyun as an angel looking down at the world, a painful and happy moment for everyone who knew him.
,,Mommy,’’ your son asked you, pulling at your shirt as you stood in front of the stove.
,,Mhhh?’’ you asked him without looking as you were cooking.
,,Why did Daddy leave us?’’ he asked you out of the blue, making you stop everything and look at him.
,,The fish is burning,’’ he suddenly said as he saw the flames, making you shriek and quickly take care of everything.
After everything was taken care of, you took him in your arms and showed him a few pictures of his father.
For now, you never showed him his father. You never dared to speak about Vanderwood, fearing that your son wouldn’t understand your words, but by now you learned that he was much stronger than you ever thought.
,,This is your father, Vanderwood. He didn’t leave because he wanted to, he was kind of forced to,’’ you told him, gulping down the bad feeling you had as your heart began to beat quickly.
,,And why is he gone?’’ he asked you, softly touching the picture of a cool looking brown haired man.
This was on the day you two went to eat after you craved a salad and ice cream.
,,He had an important job to do,’’ you explained. Of course you didn’t tell him that the agency tracked him down and killed him brutally while he tried to keep you, his heavily pregnant, hidden.
,,And what is he doing now?’’ he kept asking you as you remembered the day, as if it was yesterday, when he pushed you into the closet, begging you to close your ears and never come out until called you.
However, that call never came. Instead, Saeyoung pulled you out moments later. You didn’t remember how much time passed.
You just knew that he asked you to keep your eyes closed as he led the way out of the room.
,,He is now protecting you, me, uncle Saeyoung, uncle Saeran, uncle Jumin, uncle Zen, uncle Yoosung and aunt Jaehee,’’ you answered with a smile.
How much he would have loved to meet his son, you were sure.
He was your happiness after all, the last memento of Vanderwood.
26.07.2021// 00:13 MEST
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jihyuncompass · 3 years
This Year
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Happy Birthday Jihyun! It’s hard to believe this is my second year in a row writing a birthday fic for you. But of course it’s deserved. Even as time passes and I don’t have the time to play Mysme much anymore that has never changed the fondness I feel for you dear Jihyun. Happy Birthday <3
Jihyun Kim (V) x MC
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: N/A 
V hiked up towards the top of the mountain. Looking up he could see the peak not too far into the distance. Not wanting to stop just yet he kept pushing ahead, he was so close to the top. Taking heavy breaths he quickened his pace, his heart beating heavy in his chest as he got closer. 
Chest heaving he looked down and over the summit, he stood just above the low hanging clouds, still he could look down and take in the rolling green hills below, the trees that up close would be towering but from this height looked like toys. The scenery seemed to go on forever and ever. Around him was no noise beyond the sound of leaves in the breeze and birds flying nearby and his own heavy breaths. However, beyond that, there was no people, no cars, nothing but himself and nature. 
He let his backpack fall to the ground beside him as he slipped the straps off of his shoulders. V remained standing for another minute to fully admire the scene in front of him catching his breath taken from him on the way up. 
Finding a good spot V sat down on the ground. He stayed silent as he looked up towards the blue sky. Perfectly blue and warm even as the summer started to fade into autumn, for now though summer remained. As did the sun as it warmed his face. 
Unzipping his hiking backpack he reached for the small bundle he’d packed away in there earlier, setting it down on the ground in front of him. Closing up his backpack he pushed it to the side just slightly then turned his attention to the bundle in front of him. 
V separated the small containers from one another. He couldn’t pack much for this hike but he’d managed to include a small meal to eat at the summit of the mountain. V smiled only to himself as he took the lids off. He settled with his back against one of the trees, looking at the scenergy he dug into his lunch.
He took his time with his meal, wanting to savor every taste and every sight in front of him. Tomorrow he’d get on a plane to his next destination, last week he’d booked a ticket to a different place. Somewhere new for him to explore and enjoy, and for all he knew he wasn’t ever going to return to this place, so he would take in as much as he possibly could. Committing every part of this to his memory. 
The final part of his meal was left in front of him, clearing the rest of the containers he took a moment before opening the last one. He sighed softly at the small slice of cake he’d gotten from a small bakery that morning. He’d spent almost ten minutes trying to decide which slice of cake he wanted to get. Eventually he’d settled on a slice of champagne flavored cake with vanilla frosting. 
Sitting alone on the top of the mountain V quietly sang to himself, at the end pretending to blow out the invisible candle he’d imagined on top. Making his wish for this year, a much different wish than he’d asked for in the years before. 
As a child birthdays always meant large lavish parties hosted by his father. Always lacking children V’s age. Usually the parties his father hosted for his birthday were attended by their extended family and his father’s friends. Some of them brought their own children along, but they either were much younger, or much older than him. So besides Jumin his birthdays were most often spent in a stuffy suit chatting with adults about school and his future plans. 
He’d never enjoyed these parties, always so formal and more of a party for the adults than the child at the center of it, and every year he’d made the same wish. To be a son his father would be proud of.  
Those parties stopped after the fire. Jihyun wasn’t interested in formal business birthdays. He wasn’t interested in his father’s friends or his world. Instead his birthdays were spent with Jumin or Rika. Going on vacations, drinking wine, enjoying peaceful quiet affairs to celebrate a new year of his life. Back then his birthday wishes had been much different, he’d wished for  Rika’s happiness, or for his own success.  He had been fine with that, enjoyed it even. However, that was the past now, a past that felt a million years old.
That year sitting on that mountain he made a brand new wish. This year, he wanted to be happy, and he wanted to be ready to go home. 
Jihyun could recall that hike in great detail, the way the breeze ran through his hair, the sprawling trees on the way down the mountain, the formations of fluffy clouds, all of it stayed in his mind even after a year had passed. 
Like that day a year ago Jihyun felt the warmth of the sun on his face. His eyes fluttered open to face his bedroom window. The sun was already high in the morning sky and bringing warmth throughout the whole room. Laying still he enjoyed the warmth of the blankets around him and the brightness of the sun on his face. 
After laying like that for longer than he could count he sat up in bed. Stretching his arms over his head with a deep exhale. Next to him the other side of the bed was empty. The covers had been pushed aside but already cold. 
Leaving the bedroom Jihyun glanced into the living room. They must have woken up a while ago, he couldn’t hear the shower running or cooking in the kitchen like he would have expected after waking up in the late morning. 
He stood in the middle of the living room, looking for evidence of where his beloved had gone off too. The keys weren’t in the usual spot by the door, they must have gone out somewhere then. 
Feeling the mystery solved Jihyun sat on the couch against the living room wall. His eyes landed on some of the framed photos on the wall. Some were prints from his former photography career, but most were photos from the last few months of his life. Photos with the members of the RFA, of his beloved, of him. Each one a snapshot of warm memories in his mind. Even the old ones from when he was V, those photos still managed to bring warmth to Jihyun’s heart. 
The click of the lock on the front door brought Jihyun out of his thoughts. Not wasting a second Jihyun rose from his seat and walked through the apartment to meet them. 
His heart swelled at the sight of his beloved, he smiled warmly as they met his eyes with a matching smile. They balanced a couple bags and box in their arms as they entered the apartment. Without a word Jihyun took the box and one of the bags from their arm to lighten the load. 
“Good morning love.” Jihyun said, leaning forward to kiss his lover hello. 
“Good morning Jihyun.” They whispered. “Happy birthday.” A larger smile grew on Jihyun’s lips. 
“I woke up and you were already gone.” Jihyun said, stepping back to make his way to the kitchen. They followed behind him, shaking off their shoes in the process. 
“I thought I could sneak out and get back before you woke up.” They said, “I figured since you and Jumin were up late together you’d sleep in longer.” They put the rest of the bags down next to the others. As they spoke they placed the items in the bags in their proper places in the fridge or cupboards. 
Jihyun worked next to them doing the same process of putting the groceries away. “What are all of these for?” He asked. 
“They’re for dinner tonight love.” They answered. “I figured since it’s just going to be the two of us tonight I should make a nice dinner for your birthday.” MC lifted the one box to put it next to the new groceries in the fridge. “And this is your birthday cake. Which you’re not allowed to look at yet.” They pointed at Jihyun with a teasing smile. “So no peeking okay?” 
Jihyun nodded with a flair of drama. “I would never.” 
“Oh really?” 
“I wouldn’t!” Jihyun insisted. 
“Sure.” MC laughed. “But I mean it, don’t peek until after dinner.” MC closed the fridge door. 
“I promise.” Jihyun said with a sweet seriousness. “I’m looking forward to tonight.” Jihyun put an arm around their waist to bring them closer. Jihyun held them close. A year ago he could have only dreamed of getting to have this. Getting to hold them close, see them like this. Just be near them and able to say whatever it is that’s on his mind. 
He must have been staring at them for a long time without saying anything because their expression changed. “Jihyun? What are you thinking about?” 
Jihyun pulled them closer to kiss them, hardly able to contain the smile on his face as he did. Their hand travelled up to rest on his shoulder to keep him this close. 
“I’m sorry.” Jihyun whispered when he eventually pulled away. “I just feel really happy.” He said. MC pulled him back in to kiss him again. They held each other close, both smiling in between kisses. 
At that moment Jihyun knew what his birthday wish would be this year. For the first time in his life he wished for exactly what he had at this moment. He didn’t wish for anyone but himself, and he didn’t wish for some miracle. All he wanted was this. A million more moments just like this.
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minthearted · 7 years
Nose in the Books
For @juminvweek Day 5: School | Bickering
It’s a little late but that’s fine! This also touches on V’s route a little bit so there’s some spoilers!
Words: 1,264
Reading was supposed to be fun, wasn’t it? So just why wasn’t Jihyun having fun?
The book that he currently had resting on his desk was another business related text that he had found in the school’s library just a week ago, but he hadn’t even made it passed the second chapter. Every word and number blurred in his mind as his eyes ran over every sentence. To him it just sounded like a jumbled mess despite his countless studies of the subject. Not that he couldn’t understand it if he truly wanted to, but that was just it. Why did he want to? He was completely bored and he had too much time to kill till the next bell rang for class.
If he could pull out his sketchbook he would, but with other classmates wandering around where he sat he’d feel all too exposed. Not only that but some kids could be snitches and word would surely get to his father, or even his professor, and that thought alone had his stomach churning.
With a soft groan he wanted to slam his face down into the book. His eyes were getting tired at this point and all he wanted was something else to do. Flipping to the next page carelessly he didn’t even bother allowing his eyes to zero in on the words that littered the yellowing pages. Instead he pressed his cheek into the palm of his hand to hold his head up. How did Jumin do this every day?
Speaking of the heir as if on cue he entered the classroom with the same professional air that he always did. Some of the students stiffened, others were glaring, and then a few were even giving heart eyes. It was truly a sight whenever Jumin walked into a room, and in any other situation Jihyun would’ve smiled but with his eyes tired and mind fogged he couldn't even lift his head back up. All he wanted to do was something else, or nap, but he’d be promptly scolded by someone if he tried so he felt that his choices were severely limited.
“Good morning, Jihyun.” Jumin’s voice was the first to break the silence as he set his bag down onto the floor. Taking his seat he wasted no time pulling out the materials that would be needed for their class arranging them neatly onto the surface of the desk. Nothing was short of perfection when it came to the dark haired boy. “That’s an interesting read that you have there. I read it a few months ago.”
“How did you get through it?” Most would be sarcastic but Jihyun’s question was all too genuine. Just how could anyone sit through a book like this let alone enjoy it?
“I read it.” The reply was blunt as Jumin turned his attention back towards his materials for class. All Jihyun could do was let out a sigh at that as he now face planted the book causing the other to look back over at him curiously. “Is everything alright? Are you not feeling well?”
“I think my eyes are going to fall out.” Jihyun mumbled while shaking his head causing the book to scrape back and forth across the desk a bit as he kept his face buried in it.
Silence had fallen over them again as Jumin pressed his lips into a thin line as he contemplated just what to say. He immediately understood why the blue haired boy was acting this way. Jihyun was meant for the arts and his secret meetings with his mother that Jumin was informed of only made that message clearer. This made it obvious that his friend craved a more creative read than something that was just facts and numbers. Unfortunately Jumin also knew the situation that Jihyun was stuck in making the idea of participating in such things a lot harder than they would’ve been. It also didn’t help that Jumin wasn’t knowledgeable in things outside of his own studies so he was at a loss in that department, but that wouldn’t stop him from still being practical and trying to give advice to his friend.
“Why not get a different book from the library and remain in there as you read it? No need to check it out so no one will know.” Relaxing back in his seat, Jumin played with the cuffs of his uniform. “Most people won’t bother you in there and if you keep the book on your lap or a table they might not be able to guess what you’re reading.”
“Do you think that’ll really work?” Now Jihyun’s turning his head as he lifts it up to get a better look at Jumin. His eyes are shining with a bit of hope only for it to crash and burn momentarily. “But what if they do see what I’m reading and tell my father? What then?”
“Tell him that it’s for a project.”
“I…I don’t know. I don’t want to lie…” Biting his lip, Jihyun now just stares back down at the still open book with a look of guilt on his face. “It’s already bad enough that I’m seeing my mother and drawing but if father or the professor finds out about me drifting from my studies…”
“Living in your father’s shadow like this isn’t good for you. We’ve already been over this.” Jumin folds his arms over his chest as brows push themselves together. “I’m not saying lying to them is the best thing to do, but it wouldn’t be bad for you to try branching out and do the things you actually want to do. You’ll end up miserable otherwise.”
There was no doubting that Jumin was right. With all of the changes coming into his life Jihyun’s world only became more tense. The path of where he should go in life and where he actually wants to be weighed heavily on him, but throughout it all it seemed that Jumin would be there to support him. His best friend’s words were somewhat comforting allowing a smile to come to his face just like he wanted it to moments ago.
“Thanks, Jumin. Would you like to go to the library after school, then? I could use some company.” The smile on Jihyun’s face only seemed to brighten with every second that passed and for that Jumin returned the sentiment.
“Sure. I don’t really feel like going home as father is still sorting out stuff with that woman, so it would be for the best. Besides, I’d like to check out a new book myself.”
“Oh? Are you going to try reading something different too?” With a blue brow raised Jihyun tilted his head.
“No. They got in a new stock of books about the latest trends and I think it’d be good to read up on that.”
With a laugh, Jihyun lightly touched his head to Jumin’s shoulder before turning to close the book and shove it into his bag to get ready for class. “Well I guess that was a foolish hope that you’d read something fun with me, but I guess you enjoy those business books more than I do. Either way I’m excited to try something new! Maybe I’ll find something good!”
Now the bell for class was ringing as the teacher went to stand up at the front, and a smile was firmly planted onto Jihyun’s face. He could hardly wait for school to be over so he could actually read something interesting. Finally there would be something fun to read!
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marveloussupernerd · 4 years
the 1 - V (Jihyun Kim)
So I haven’t actually done V’s route (I have done the secret endings though) and I haven’t been spoiled much for it either so get ready for your character to be very unaware of what’s happening. Vague spoilers for like stuff about Rika?
Summary: you and V had been pretty close in high school, but you haven’t seen him since he got with Rika. You meet up with him a year after Rika passes, promising to help heal his wounds.
You had known Jihyun, V as he goes by now, since elementary school; he was your first-grade crush. The two of you started to become close when you were in the same classes in high school; a friend group had formed that included the two of you.
Jihyun was the kind of guy you wanted to take home to your parents. He was always polite (he never swore, even when he did poorly on a test or your friends did), extremely smart, and he spent a lot of his free weekends going to church and volunteering. Somehow nobody realized just how much of a catch he was. You set up a few of your friends with him; much to your dismay, it never worked out.
You had never even considered dating him. In retrospect, you had a very unusual relationship. When you’d volunteer together, you’d often go on impromptu trips to get lunch together or maybe ice cream. When the friend group bailed on plans you still went over his house to hang out with him; your parents had gone to school with his so they were particularly fond of you. Maybe from an outside perspective it looked like you two were dating, or “talking” at least, but you had never considered it that way. It was ironic to you looking back that you had set him up with every eligible person you knew back in high school that met the high standards you set for him... except yourself.
Not that it mattered. Because then he met Rika and started spending most of his time with her. They’d volunteer together; he’d drive her home. The days of getting ice cream were long gone. He’d still hang out with you though! Group hangouts were fewer and farther in between, and he even brought Rika to one of them, but you still enjoyed playing games with him during game night and seeing his family again.
You didn’t dislike Rika, no. He seemed to be happy with her. Admittedly, you were kicking yourself that you didn’t set him up with her in the first place; but honestly you had never considered Rika. You had only seen her a few times at volunteering events before her and Jihyun started seeing each other. She seemed nice enough, but more outgoing than anyone you had set him up with in the past.
As you got older, it was more difficult to keep in touch. What used to be messaging each other every other day became random late-night conversations once every three months or so or random snapchat messages. And then Rika died. For a while he stopped replying altogether. After six months he finally let you back into his life; you made small talk. You’d talk about the sky or the newest photo of his that was auctioned off for a fortune and how you had never expected him to take that route. Heck, he planned on going to college to major in mathematics. You still didn’t message often, but you made sure to bring back the late-night conversations. This time once a month to check in on him.
Then eventually he invited you to lunch. You hadn’t seen him in years. You looked so different from your past self; how had he changed? Remember, you scolded yourself, he’s lost the love of his life. The conversation might be... challenging.
You tried not to dress too nice, you wanted to be casual and look as though you weren’t trying as hard as you were. You planned to meet at one of the lunch spots you used to go to, opting to sit outside. You were surprised when you saw him with a cane, though, standing up to greet you.
“Jihyun! It’s been too long,” you smiled, taking your seat across from him. “You haven’t changed one bit.”
He stared at you, assumedly taking you in, although you couldn’t tell behind his sunglasses. “You’ve changed your hairstyle. Altogether still the same though,” he grinned.
“What’s the cane for, if you don’t mind me asking? Did you hurt your leg or something?” But then why didn’t he use it when he stood to greet you? Maybe it was just when he walked. It was odd to see him with such a thing.
“Oh! Ah-“ he toyed with the cane, “I had an accident a while back.”
“Oh no! I’m sorry, I hadn’t heard. Are you alright? Like, you’re recovering, right?” After everything that happened with Rika, he hadn’t deserved this.
“Uhm, something like that. Can we talk about something else?” He whispered, his cheeks flushing at the attention brought to his injury.
You agreed and changed the subject, focusing on a good memory. Asking about if he remembered when you had that one elaborate Christmas party. You were over the moon with meeting Jumin Han, but Jihyun wasn’t phased at all. It was just so unreal for you that you had to make sure it even actually happened.
“Oh that happened. Jumin and I are still good friends. We work in the RFA together,” he smiled, thinking fondly of his friend.
“RFA...?” You asked. You felt out of the loop.
“Oh! Rika set it up,” he paused for a minute, likely composing himself, “we planned parties to raise money for different organizations.”
“I’m sure it was lovely.” You didn’t really know how to handle Rika talk. It made you feel... weird.
He must have sensed so, because he went back to the topic at hand. “Yes, but, I remember it was so funny because you were so flustered by Jumin. I kinda thought you had a thing for him.”
“Agh, no!” You laughed. “He was definitely not my type.”
“He seemed to be-“
“He wasn’t, Jihyun.” The two of you were laughing at this point, getting strange looks from people at the other tables.
“Do you want to hang out at my apartment? We’re causing quite a scene. You don’t have to if you don’t want to!” You added, not wanting to peer pressure him in any sort of way.
“Sure, that sounds nice. But... before we go, I have something I need to tell you,” he paused. You could tell by his face he was clouded by his thoughts. “You’re gonna find out anyway.” He said, seeming to rationalize the decision to himself.
“I’m losing my vision. That’s why I have the cane. I can’t drive anymore or anything like that.”
It made more sense now. He had seemed a bit different. “Okay,” you said cautiously. “Well I’ll just drive you then.” You wanted to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. You were sure he was self-conscious of it.
The two of you stood to leave, and poor Jihyun crashed into the doorway. You gently took his arm in your own to help him lead the way. This felt so natural, walking arm and arm down the street. There was nothing you could do about your relationship with him; it was selfish for even fantasizing these things after what happened to Rika. But you didn’t want to stop thinking about it. It would never work in real life, but it played out well in your head.
The drive was silent for a while until you could no longer hold your tongue, asking the question you had been dying to get out. “Can you get it fixed? Your eyesight I mean.”
“I could but... I don’t know.” He stared out the window. “I wonder if I was meant to live like this.”
“Why would you think that? It was an accident, Jihyun. Not a divine act. An accident. Unintentional. You should fix it. What about your photography? You’re so talented and your photos help so many people.”
“You have a point. I’ve been taking lots of photos before I lose my sight entirely, so I should have a surplus to go off of for a few years,” he explained, his voice careful as always.
“But why do you want to coast? You’ve always been a perfectionist; working hard to have perfect grades, a perfect relationship with your family, volunteering. Why are you settling now?”
“Because it wasn’t an accident,” his voice raised. “Not really. I deserve it.”
You parked your car at the apartment, silently getting out and grabbing his door for him, taking his arm to help him up the stairs. Neither of you talked as you let his words fill the air and cloud your thoughts.
Finally, once you let the both of you into the apartment and shut the door, you spoke. “I’d like to know what happened.”
“I...” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Rika...”
You pulled him into a hug. When was the last time you hugged? Probably not since your graduation ceremony. It was familiar. Him. His cologne. That had never changed. You felt comforted. He dropped his cane and wrapped his arms around you too, dropping his head to your shoulder. “You don’t need to say anything more,” you reassured him. He sighed, melting into your embrace. You hadn’t realized you were crying.
There was something off about her. It wasn’t fair. If you had made a move before he started spending time with her... no. You wouldn’t let yourself think about the what if’s. He needed you here. Now.
“Have you ever thought about... maybe if one thing had been different...” he whispered. You could feel tears slowly saturating your sleeve. You nodded.
“Always. But I’m here now. Let’s think about now. You don’t have to fix your eyes. You don’t have to love me or kiss me or anything. Just let me be here for you Jihyun. Please. I know you’re hurting and it’s been how long? A year now? And you’ve been hurting alone. Please let me help you.”
He squeezed you tighter. He didn’t have to say anything. His actions told you everything.
“I can’t take on your pain. But maybe I can help you face it. Just let me in,” your voice waivered. You were begging him.
Maybe he wasn’t the one. Maybe you had missed your chance with him. It had been fun to fantasize, but he needed you now. No relationship, no false pretenses, just you... here for him. And you would do everything in your power to help.
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mysplaced-pen · 7 years
Hi! I really love your works. I enjoy reading them during my vacant time and sometimes in the office. lol. Anyways, I do not know if you've done this before, scenario: MC and RFA + trio are high school students, and RFA + trio trying to confess to MC. **i am not sure if you got the idea, somewhat hard to put into words. lol** anyways, thank you in advance ^^
hey, hun!💛 Sorry this is so late, but I hope you like this!
it’s a really cute request ^^ It’s my pleasure to do it and I’m glad you like the others too!~
[ side note: zen’s got lowkey angsty whoops ]
his gang members hate that he always actually goes back to the school
but he can’t help himself - there was still someone there that he needed to see
it was his best friend, mc. whom he had been friends with since middle school
and he was actually pretty surprised they still wanted to see him
they were finishing their second year of high school, like he would be if he stayed
he knew it was dangerous…going back. but he couldn’t help himself
hyun had a huge crush on mc. and he was going to tell them. at the very least so he wouldn’t regret not telling them
so he texted them to meet him outside after class 
he was waiting in their usual meetup spot, which was by a tree near the school
but this time, it was for a goodbye.
“Hyun!” mc’s voice made him look over and smile at them
“Hey babe. How was school?” “Boring without you, you know that”
he laughed, which was his first laugh in a while
it was so easy to laugh with mc…he might not get this chance ever again 
“But anyways, what’s up? I haven’t seen you around lately.”
“Yeah, sorry about that…but I just needed to tell you something.”
“Are you going somewhere?” “Kind of?” “…What is it, Hyun?”
He sighed and took their hand and kissed it gently 
“I needed to tell you that I really like you before I left.” 
“what?- hyun-” they called, but he walked off
yoosung wasn’t supposed to fall for mc
he was their tutor for crying out loud
but…they were so cute….
a lil backstory: they met at a volunteer event the school ran
they were partnered up for a help desk, getting people where they need to go and giving out extra supplies
and they’d talk when they got a break
listen, he had no intention to actually fall for mc
what happened, however, was he fell for their dedication to getting through this
they tried to learn the subject and made efforts to just talk to him besides school work
the two of them shared interests, possible plans for the future - along with their insecurities of the future
and a friend of his told him to just ask them out
…what did he have to lose?
it was their last study session together - in the library
30 minutes in and he still couldn’t gather up the courage
yoosung, you literally have 2 minutes left, just ASK 
what ended up happening was he asked while they were both packing up
mc was grabbing their things, but took a second to look up and smile at yoosung
“thank you for everything, yoosung. I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow!”
it literally slipped out - yoosung didn’t even think about it
“how about a date?” yoosung’s mind: whatdidijustdoijustdidthatohmygod
mc paused for a second before packing up again
yoosung felt embarrassed, just going to quickly pack his things 
but he saw mc move a hand to his bag, putting a piece of paper on the very top
“saturday. 8?” and then they walked off
it was their address. and he turned red for a second
oh there was no way jaehee could do this
there’s no way mc would like her
they barely even hung out! 
sure, they would text each other every now and then. they’d talk in the hallways and eat lunch
but…they weren’t really friends
yet jaehee somehow managed to get a crush on mc. great.
she was sure mc saw her as everyone else did - quite robotic. not any fun at all
and..she had to admit, she was sometimes
so how was jaehee going to do this again?
ah yes, slip a note in their locker
she was just gonna pass by and slip it in
if it went wrong, mc could just text her a no. she could live with that
if it didn’t then…great! 
that’s what she told herself as she slid the note in
now to wait
it honestly was on her mind all day and she could barely focus on school work
and apparently her being nervous made her more robotic because everyone around her asked her about it
but who cares? she was only waiting on a response from mc 
she’ll probably get it when she gets home
“jaehee!” mc called, making her turn around
oh no no nono  they’re going to reject me right here right now, i was specifically trying to avoid this
“oh, hello mc. do you need help with anything?” 
“yeah, actually. what time should we go? and should I meet you somewhere or at your place?”
“….i’m sorry?” 
“our date, silly”
usually, jumin han was a confident teenager, but now…well..
im cr ying i just remembered i said jumin’s emo phase was in high school rip
so imagine a small, emo-phase jumin han trying to ask out his crush
you think it would be kind of weird, especially considering his outlook on life right now
but it was actually pretty simple
I mean, of course, besides the fact that he was still surprised he had a crush on someone
V had to literally tell him, “it’s because you have a crush on them, jumin. that’s why you keep thinking about them”
please spare this child
he invited them over after school one day to help them with their math homework 
and, trust me, everything was Prepared
so as you can imagine, it was going very well
they were getting their homework done, there were snacks, and mc honestly seemed to be having a good time
so…he just kind of went for it
“mc, may I ask you something?” 
of course his manners are still top of the notch, even through his emo phase
“sure, jumin. what do you need?”
“would you like to get dinner sometime? we could do tonight if you’d like, and I could have anything you’d like prepared. but don’t feel pressured, of course”
he’s rambling, how cute
mc laughed a little before putting a hand on his shoulder to get him to stop
“are you asking me on a date? or to just stay for dinner?”
jumin blinked, “A date.” 
“then yes.”
707 / luciel / saeyoung
one of his friends wouldn’t shut up about it
“the great luciel has a crusssshhhh” [ he still goes by luciel and hides his Angst, but he’s not a hacker ok ]
“no I don’t.”
he’s not allowed to have crushes, he has too much on his plate to worry about already
having a crush would only hinder him
but….mc was really fun to be around
and they cared about him 
maybe they would…be able to see through his mask 
but they wouldn’t like saeyoung. saeyoung was too weak and sad
no, he shouldn’t waste his time thinking about this, he had work to do
…….15 minutes later……..
wait, he built a little butterfly robot
and now he was seriously considering writing a letter
maybe he will
he just won’t sign it so they’ll have to guess who it was from
you think the butterfly robot would give it away, but honestly? 
it still could be anyone, they shared the same classes and they were all full of people who could do that
so he wrote the letter and sent it off the next day
it reached mc just before their first class together
they walked in holding the butterfly
saeyoung did a really good job, playing around and pretending he had no idea about it 
however, right before class was over, there was a note on his desk
but..he was the last one there? 
he opened it to find it saying, ‘did you forget I know your handwriting? also, I like you too - mc’ 
v / jihyun
you think jihyun would be rather shy about it
however, he was so smooth
the whole thing was really casual
they were paired together for an art project and started working at mc’s house
and they kind of got side tracked from the project to just talking
honestly, they were talking for far longer than they meant to
the project was forgotten
“oh! it’s getting late and I never realized…I should get going..” V said, looking at the time
mc looked at the time as well and gasped, “Oh!  and we barely finished the project”
V just stood up and smiled, shaking his head. “It’s alright, there’s tomorrow. We can focus on that tomorrow”
mc nodded in agreement, standing up as well. “Sounds good. And hopefully we’ll get the chance to finish that conversation”
v started making his way to the door, mc following him
“that sounds great, but I have a better idea.”
“oh do you? what is your idea, then?”
v turned around to face them, smiling lightly.
“we focus on the project tomorrow and finish it. Then we can finish that conversation another time. Over dinner maybe? We could start a new one too”
honestly, it was pretty direct and mc was caught off guard for a second
but they laughed once and nodded, “that sounds great, jihyun.”
V smiled wider. “great. I’ll see you tomorrow, mc”
no no no no absolutely not
there was no way saeran had a crush on someone
absolutely not 
he refused it
but then he saw mc again the next day
well…maybe it’ll go away if he doesn’t tell them
so that’s the plan
until saeyoung stares him down
and he knows he’s in trouble because saeyoung knows him too well
so they had a conversation at home about it
“why do you think it isn’t good to have a crush on someone?” saeyoung asked
“because there’s no way they’ll like me back? especially mc.”
and this pretty much continued all night because saeyoung wouldn’t let it go
but they eventually reached a compromise 
saeyoung would pretend to be saeran and ask for him
horrible idea, i know
so….let’s go! 
“hey, mc. may I ask you something?” saeyoung asked, trying his best to act like saeran 
“sure, saeran, what is it?” “would you…like to go out sometime? we could…check out that new place that opened up and get some ice cream after?”
saeyoung could literally feel saeran’s death glare from nearby
mc just laughed and nodded. “that sounds great. tell saeran I’ll meet him there at around 1, okay saeyoung?”
“sure thing, mc!” saeyoung said, “wait.” 
now saeran was really glaring at him
but mc just walked away smiling
…at least it worked
i feel like it was easy for vanderwood
the only problem was that they were friends and he didn’t want to make it weird
but honestly? they were planning to ask each other at the same time
so yeah, it was actually kind of awkward
and neither one of them really thought it through, it literally just showed up in a normal conversation
the two of them even asked at the same time
spare these awkward children
like, okay…listen..
their current conversation had nothing to do with it, either
“hey, vandy. do you want to go out for lunch or cook something?”
“how about we get something delivered? I don’t feel like doing much of anything, really.” 
“alright, i’ll order something in a second.” 
“by the way, mc?”
“yeah? i need to ask you something too.” 
and…you know? they actually spoke at the same time 
“for dinner, you wanna go on a date?” 
they both just..decided to Go For It, huh? 
the two of them stopped everything they were doing and looked at each other for a second 
and then they just laughed with each other
“I guess we know each other’s answers then.” Vanderwood said
mc nodded with a smile
“still, lunch first.” 
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mysmess-seol-blog · 8 years
RFA Members Korean Name Meanings (will edit in the future)
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Hi nonny♡
Once again, I looked through my requests to find the fastest one I can get done. This one seemed the fastest for now so I am answering this question first ^^;;;; I should stop saying I will answer these questions the order they come in.
But in all honesty, I’m really sorry for the hold up in the requests, especially to those that sent them in a long time ago but I haven’t gotten back to. A lot of them takes so much time and I currently don’t have the time to actually get them done.
But this one seems really fun. I can finally put the 한자 (Chinese Characters) I learned from like preschool to high school to use ^^
You are definitely right when you say that names do have meanings. They all derive from the 한자 that I mentioned above! Depending on the character, the meaning to one’s name could be completely different! Currently, the only precise 한자 name I know from MysMess is Jumin’s because his was on his business card. I can guess what Yoosung and V’s are, but for now I’ll tell you guys what I think.
So, let’s start with mine since anon would like to know~
Seol Ryu (류설)
My name is very unique in the sense that my name itself is only one character long (외자). Most people in Korea tend to have two characters in their name.
I was wondering if I should reveal which Ryu I am, but I decided not to because it doesn’t really have a meaning? It is just a family name so I will just go on to explain my first name.
偰 맑을 설
My name means pure, clean, clear, things like that! I…seriously don’t live up to that LOL. Sometimes I wonder what my parents were thinking when they named me ^^;;; I still think about this. My brother always says that my name is so misleading.
Well, so is his. Jk I love you.
I’ll explain because while I also thought about this for a while. I wanted to share this fun fact a long time ago, but I decided not to. Now, I have a reason to lol and that is, my brother actually dead ass has the same name as Zen.
Yep, my little bro is also Hyun Ryu. Except he’s 20, two centimeters taller than Zen, and a medical major not a musical actor =w=
ZEN/Hyun Ryu (류현)
Well, I don’t exactly know what his 한자 name is. But I can definitely share my brother’s. I’m not sure if it would be the same but let’s see lol.
炫 밝을 현
My brother’s name means, bright. If Zen also shares the same 한자 character then hey, that’s what his name would mean! I’m not sure which “Ryu” Zen is, but I think in my imagination all the time that we have the same character =w=
Sorry, Hyunnie. I didn’t mean to expose you but lol, too bad. He doesn’t even have a tumblr, what am I sorry about lols. Noona still loves you♡
Jumin Han (한주민)
So, Jumin has his name in 한자 if you see his business card in either the calling menu or the VIP package~
韓 한국 한, 나라 한 (우리 나라의 성의 하나)
主 임금 주, 주인 주
旻 하늘 민
Let’s start with Han! If I remember correctly there is only one Han for family name. Which is the same character for 대한민국 (South Korea). Correct me if I’m wrong. I’m an uneducated little walnut.
Next is his name, Ju Min.
임금 means wage (Ju) or 주인 means owner
하늘 means sky (Min)
I will be honest, I knew what the characters meant separately but lol, I don’t know what they are supposed to mean together. Am I just stupid? I think I have issues. Maybe it is related to how he is the company director of C&R. I don’t know. I’m pretty sure it means something like that ^3^
Yoosung Kim (김유성)
Same with the family name, I do not know which Kim he is, but I can definitely predict which Yoosung he is, and he gives it away when he refers to himself as a shooting star ^^
流 흐를 유
星 별 성
Exactly as it is written, 흐를 유 means, falling and 별 성 means star. His name is so pretty ;3; I remember this name a lot because my first crush’s name was 유성 with this exact 한자 don’t tell Hyun.
Jaehee Kang (강제희)
I wish Jaehee’s business card had her 한자 characters on it. I am curious to know because a friend of mine has the same name and I will just assume that she might have the same meaning? Who knows =w=
帝 임금 제
喜 기쁠 희
We see 임금 again for the “Jae” part of her name! (The same meaning in Jumin’s name meaning wages).The “hee” part of her name is 기쁠 희 which means happiness.
I feel like this would make sense since she works for C&R in the game.
V/Jihyun Kim (김지현)
This one I made a guess judging by V’s personality lolol.
至 이를 지
賢 어질 현
His name (that I just made up just from his personality in the game) virtually means 매우 어질고 착함. 더할 수 없이 어질고 슬기로움.
Orrr, in English, very gentle benevolent, wise.
As you can see, even though both Zen (and my bro lol) and V have the “hyun” character, they could have different meanings.
Lol, I had to bring my 한자 book from my shelf to try and make this and I think it worked out well. I really hope that this is the 한자 for his name because it fits him so well.
Okay, for 707 and Saeran….I am actually on a blank T3T I’m not sure how to go about their names. I’m sure if I look around enough I can make a name but it is a lot harder than I thought. I wish everyone was given their names just like Jumin =w= if I have enough time maaaaybe I will go through my 한자 textbook and try to assemble a name that I can base from their personality, but I tried thinking for now and nothing is coming…
Saeyoung and Saeran fans, Seol is sorry ㅠㅠ
I will come back in the future and edit this post. 세영 and 세란 is kinda hard for me…if there are other people out their who have some sort of 한자 assembled for their names, please let me know. I would love to know because I am at a loss TwT
For now, I’ll go bye bye~
See you next post!
- 류설♡
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mystic-head-canons · 8 years
How MC wins the families over
This is a continuation of “RFA++’s familes don’t like MC” which you should probably go read first. Just sayin’.....
Well, it turns out MC is actually some kind of super genius, she's just really bad at doing school work
So when she's talking with his parents one day, she casually mentions something she learned about quantum physics recently
They start talking a lot of random, deep academic subjects, and half the time, things go completely over one or the others head
Yoosung is able to keep up if only because she talks about this stuff at home all the time
He makes a half-joke about how MC has really helped him keep his grades up with all her random facts and crazy intelligence
Plus, she likes to change the wifi password and hide his gaming equipment when he needs to study
Instant respect
MC memorized everyone's birthdays and bought them each a gift and sent it to them along with a card for each one
They're all marked as "from Jaehee and MC" but it's clear MC is the one sending them
After two years of this -despite the fact that Jaehee wasn't even speaking to them- they sent a few gifts back along with an apology card
I mean, Jaehee and her family still don't see each other, but they're at least on good enough term to email from time to time
His parents are terrible actors, so MC knows right away that they don't like her
To be fair, she doesn't like them either
They're snobby, plus she knows they used to put him down all the time about his looks
One day, when they're all at dinner together, Zen's mother begins ranting about how she has no idea where Zen's coloring came from
Zen's brother has the decency to try to quiet her down
Meanwhile MC speaks up and begins explaining the genetics of albinism and how she's surprised they're ignorant of such things considering they're supposed to be highly educated individuals
She goes on to explain that, if Zen has kids, the only reason the kids would also be albino would be if MC had the genes for it as well
MC also tells them that she wrote a high school paper about albinism
After the dinner, his parents pull him aside as say that they like her
Zen says, "Good. Because I'm planning to marry her."
Mr. Chairman found out about the prenup
What it outlines is that, if at any point it should become clear MC is not faithful, she will get nothing in event of a divorce
In fact, she will basically signs away her ability to get anything in the event of a divorce or the death of her spouse
Okay, in the event of his death (so long as it is not under mysterious circumstances), she just enough to give Jumin the funeral he'd wish for, and then go get an affordable apartment and hold her over until she can get a job
Mr. Chairman is.... shocked that's she so willing to give it all up
And he can see MC is a strong, positive influence on his son
When Jumin complains to him that he thinks this prenup is unreasonably unfair towards her, Mr. Chairman explains that, if nothing else, it's a great way for her to prove that she's marrying for love, not money
Jumin's just concerned that something will happen to him, and she'll be left with nothing
Mr. Chairman has no choice but to approve of MC now, and has it arranged with her and a lawyer to have the prenup changed so she gets a significant amount in the event of tragedy
She sticks with original prenup out of spite
Mr. Chairman is proud to have this girl as his future daughter-in-law
Plus, after she marries Jumin, she ends up helping the company significantly as both a figure head and an actual leader because of her business degree
She brought ice cream, books, video games, and took Saeran for long walks in the park when he was feeling down
Okay, yeah, MC could be a little annoying or gross when she was with Saeyoung because, lets face it, they're peas in a pod, but they're in love, so whatever
Basically, Saeran was the one who went to Saeyoung and said, "If you don't marry MC, I will, so get on it so I can have a sister."
Saeyoung cheered and hugged Saeran so tight, he was afraid he was going to turn blue
"It's bad enough I have to live in Rika's shadow in the RFA, but with them, I understand. Rika was their friend, their ally, their supporter. But to you, she was just your sons fiancé and you met maybe five times? Knowing Jihyun, he probably didn't tell you this because he didn't want you to worry, but let me tell you a few things about Rika. She was a master manipulator, and abusive. She almost destroyed your sons career by blinding him, and he let her because he thought he was helping her. She did so much damage to him, mentally, emotionally, and physically, that he's very lucky to be alive right now. So I don't care if you don't like me. Whether we stay together or not isn't up to you. But don't you EVER say that Rika was better for him. And please don't compare me to her."
After her little speech, MC stood up and walked out of the room to calm down (and prevent arguing)
V and his family were speechless
V was extremely proud of her
His family may not have liked her at the moment, but they respected her and couldn't think of a reason to argue with her
Well, except to ask V, "Is what she said true?"
Saeyoung finally approaches MC and talks to her about her involvement in Mint Eye
MC explains that she was kidnapped, tattooed, and chained to a wall while they attempted to brainwash her
Apparently, the way she acted in captivity reminded Saeran of himself as a child under the reign of their mother, so he made a deal with MC
She pretends to be brainwashed and does whatever he says, and he would free her
He knew Rika had a plan to infiltrate the RFA and Saeran volunteered MC to act in their place
It worked, got MC out and into the apartment
He honestly saved her from months of torture
She's only considered a "former member" because she has the tattoo
Nothing more
Saeyoung feels guilty, but approves of her now because she's something that his brother wants to protect
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sooyummieunnie-blog · 7 years
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SO before I start this blog, I would like to let you all knpow that I honeslty had to stare at this picture for so long trying to figure it out and I’m still honestly super on edge about who I wanna say it is. Like I feel right now like “It’s obviously Jungkook, that’s Jimin next to him.” But when I saw it at a smaller size I, no questions asked, absolutely KNEW it was Sehun and Kai. also the person to Jungkook/Sehun’s right (our left) kind of look(ed/s) like LuHan, so I just like... I don’t know, I’m gonna stop thinking about it before my head explodes.
Alright, Here I go!!
So, to give anyone knew to this scene some background- though to be completely honest, I don’t know much about it either- apparently fans of BTS (Armies) and fans of EXO (EXO-Ls) have some kind of rivalry going on, and so I’m here to present to you some information in the form of a persuasive essay (kind of, not really) because I can also turn it in to my English teacher for credit so, there’s your explanation as to why you’re reading this, if you even are. 
Personally, I first got into K-pop at the age of 14. BTS was still brand-spanking new, Jungkook was only 15, and Kris was leaving EXO. Of course, in the beginning, I could give two less shits because I only cared about one band- that band being BOYFRIEND, and I still love them. I was exploring the K-pop world a little bit, looking for bands that suited my- at the time- cutesy tastes. I had listened to a few songs by EXO, but at the time, my taste in music wasn’t exactly at it’s finest, so the fast-paced, kind of dark, and a little bit sexy-toned music of EXO (only in comparison to BOYFRIEND or B1A4) wasn’t exactly my thing. I think I also listened to ‘Boy In Luv’ one time before deciding I wasn’t into it- though I had seen a picture of Suga somewhere and thought he was cute. 
fast-forward to sophomore year- I was still listening to a lot of K-pop and had opened myself up a little more to bands like SHINee, B1A4, BEAST, BIGBANG, and, of course, EXO. I had pretty much forgotten about BTS. But let me tell you this about my little fake exo-l 16 year-old self! The only member of the band whose name I knew was BaekHyun. I had decided he was the cutest member, and at the time that was all I needed. I didn’t need to know the other members’ names because Baekhyun was the one I liked. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I knew Kai’s stage name because I also had a nephew named Kai, so I thought it was cool, and I knew Chanyeol’s name because the only picture I’d ever seen of him, his hair was outgrown, unkempt, and dyed ginger, and he was smiling really wide. Needless to say, I thought the fucker looked like fucking Chucky. He scared the shit out of me for a long time to be completely honest. I still don’t like that picture and always change my EXO bias for a few hours after seeing it. 
Fast forward again to February 2017. The middle of my senior year. 
I was (am still, while I’m writing this, but I don’t know when you’ll be reading it so whatever.) 18 and had just finished the Jumin route on Mystic Messenger. I was angry because, while I loved the characters I had to choose from, there was one I really liked who I couldn’t choose to have a relationship with.. If you haven’t played the game, the main characters/characters you interact with, are Yoosung, Zen, Jaehee (the only female you interact with), Jumin, 707/Luciel (the true ending and my husband, I’m cuddling with a body pillow of him as I type), Unknown, and an aqua-haired (going)blind photographer named Kim Jihyun who goes by the alias V. 
Now, most of you probably know, some of you may not, but BTS has a member in their band- a wonderful panda who is nothing less than precious and perfect and I love him- who goes by the stage name V. His birth name, for the sake of you who don’t know, is Kim Taehyung. Well, one day I was searching for Kim Jihyun, though I searched “V,” so of course, this is how I discovered (For the second time) BangTan Seonyeondan. 
I saw the pictures of Taehyung popping up all over the place, and I just thought “my god, have I ever seen a real person this adorable?” Well.. that got me thinking some more. 
“Well.. What about that BaekHyun guy? From that ‘EXO’ band?” 
And thus, I started listening to BTS while I tried to re-establish my connection with the K-POP fandom, and eventually started listening to some EXO as well, and some other bands that were really just fillers because I only liked 1 or 2 of their songs. I was getting really, really into the fandom. Started watching some K-dramas to go with it, starting with Descendants of the Sun (Song Joong Ki was the first person to get me into the Koreaboo fandom). 
I was really digging in, you know? And then came the BBMAS. I was feeling it. Just bought myself a ChanYeol sweater, had a BTS dust mask on the way, was following all the idols I could on social media. I heard that BTS had won best social artist and was stoked! I was so proud of my babies! I mean, I guess I’m still considered new to the fandom, but come on, I love these boys just as much as anyone else and you can’t tell me otherwise. Because while it was V’s looks that inspired me to look into the band, it was the music that caught my interest. Originally, I thought they were all a little bit funny looking (my very first thought of Jungkook ever was ‘oh my god it’s young Asian mark walberg’ and I have no idea why) because I wasn’t used to seeing people who were fully Korean. What I mean by that is: There are a lot of Half-Korean students at my old high school, so they were what I was used to seeing. You know, inherently white-looking.  
Anyway, I decided pretty quickly that I had needed my eyes checked because those boys and their music are both beautiful in every way. 
Back on topic: 
I was getting in the celebrating mood. My boys had just won an award, I was getting to watch videos of them meeting all kinds of western artists who were just as excited to meet them as they were to even be there at all. I was so proud, like a mom watching her 7 grown ass men sons go to pre-school for the first time. 
On one particular video- I think it was one of them performing ‘Save Me’ in the billboard studios- I found a comment that made me stop. I hadn’t realized before I saw this comment that EXO-Ls and ARMIES are kind of rivals. What the comment said isn’t entirely important, I can’t remember it exactly, but basically, it was an EXO-L very harshly and rudely expressing her anger (more like jealousy?) that it was BTS and not EXO. She said some things about BTS being untalented and how EXO is much better and how BTS used EXO for popularity. 
That’s right. 
But I didn’t say that. I thought about it for a long time, and then decided “Alright. Fans will be fans, it’s okay to be butthurt, but why this much hostility? Why do you hate BTS so much? Why are you literally threatening the lives of fans of BTS?” 
I’m not saying I’ve found and answer to these questions, but I am saying this: The rivalry between EXO-L and ARMY is ridiculous and kind-of out of hand.  
Let me start by telling you what made me so upset. 
The event she was referring to, when BTS allegedly “used EXO for popularity” was at an awards ceremony (I think). Baekhyun posted somewhere a Selca from after the ceremony of himself and V posing together, making a face that made them look just about identical. They’d also been seen shaking hands and talking earlier throughout the ceremony. This wasn’t even the first time this happened, they’d been seen being friendly with each other once before at another award ceremony. Of course, BTS being a less popular band than EXO in some areas, some people were bound to see it as suspicious. Kim Taehyung getting close to his sunbaenim, Byun Baekhyun? Of course someone somewhere would say ‘That’s a publicity stunt!’ if not for this fact: 
BaekHyun approached Taehyung. Not the other way around. 
Both times, BaekHyun was the one to approach Taehyung, greet him with a friendly handshake 
And there’s also this picture, which came from a Chanyeol fan-site that I’m not sure about, I just found it on google to be completely honest, but I think it says something about my point: 
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I’m not sure if you can tell, and I’m not sure if i’m even right, but to me this picture looks like (from left to right) (BTS)Taehyung, (BTS)Yoongi, (EXO)Chanyeol, and (EXO) Kyungsoo. They all appear to be pretty friendly with each other, clearly Chanyeol has his arm around Suga/Yoongi. That’s clearly D.O to Chanyeol’s right, and It’s not 100% clear but I’m almost certain that the leftmost person is Taehyung. 
Basically, what I’m trying to say is this: 
Just because one band may be more or less popular than the other, it doesn’t mean that when they interact the less popular band is only doing it for popularity. They may really, truly, honestly be friends. 
Let me show you this quote from an interview with BTS’ Maknae, Jeon Jungkook: 
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Do you see that? Jungkook would want to fuck Kyungsoo if he was a girl (not to be vulgar, I’m really just trying to throw in some humor but I’m not a funny person). 
My point is: Jungkook idolizes D.O apparently, so if you saw them together, would you be excited for Jungkook, or would you say Jungkook was using Kyungsoo to get more famous?
Since finding that comment, I see more and more hostility everyday between the two sides, and both sides start it, it’s not one side being worse than the other because I’ve seen ARMIES post some awful things on Baekhyun’s instagram photos. Which is like-
I won’t get into some of the terrible things I’ve heard both sides say, because that’s not my point. My point is this: 
Stop it! If the boys can be friends, why can’t we? I know many EXO-Ls are also ARMIES and vice versa. I don’t think I could ever choose between the two, I love them both so much and if Chanyeol and Taehyung were both standing in front of me right now asking me to choose which one of them I would marry, I’d probably just shoot myself because how the hell could you possibly choose? 
What I’m trying to say is, if our boys can be friends then so can we. There’s no reason to fight, because everybody has their own preference. It’s okay if you prefer BTS over EXO, just like it’s okay if you prefer GOT7 over B.A.P or BOYFRIEND over B1A4. It’s totally cool! But there is no reason for you to go after somebody else because they like someone else. 
AND GOD DAMN IT IF I HEAR SOMEBODY SAY “B1A4 SUCKS BTS IS BETTER” I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL show you this picture of Jin and Sandeul at an amusement park together (Gongchan got so jealous~!) 
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They look like they just got married tbh. 
Alright. Here’s my conclusion: 
It doesn’t matter who likes what band. Just because you like BTS doesn’t mean you can’t like EXO. Just because you like EXO doesn’t mean you can’t like BTS. You can love and support both bands. And just because somebody else likes a ‘rival’ band better than they like your personal favorite band, it doesn’t mean they’re personally attacking you and their is no reason to be hostile. Let’s just call an alliance between all fans of all K-pop and just do what we were meant to do with this fandom: 
Enjoy the music.
0 notes
juminsmysticmc · 3 years
ohhh so i would love if you could do rfa who‘s child gets hit by a car (Happy End) with v and saeran since the other were really good!😙💚
Minor Trio’s child get hit by a car ( Trigger Warnings, Angst! )
Mention of blood, hospital, death
Hello! I am so happy that you liked the HC! I am more than happy to write it for you! Vanderwood is a ,,Bonus’’, lol! Hope you enjoy! Please tell me your honest opinion! Stay well!
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You observed your husband playing with your son as you gently rubbed your belly, carrying Saeran’s twin daughters.
You never imagined back then that this day would ever come or that you would feel so much happiness.
This was love, you thought.
Your son accidentally kicked the ball over to your feet, making them both approach you.
,,Isn’t it hot in the sun, Mc?’’ Saeran asked, concerned as he looked up into the clear blue sky. There wasn’t even a single cloud present.
You nodded. ,,You’re right, I’ll wait inside for the both of you,’’ you smiled as you tried to get up, however, Saeran quickly helped you.
The both of you were proud that you chose to buy a house in front of the park where cars drove a bit slower than in the city.
The nature around your home made the atmosphere so beautiful. You were happy that you were able to show your son the beauty of the world.
,,No, Mummy, why do you want to go home?’’ your son whined as he looked at you.
You smiled at him as you ruffled his hair. ,,Mummy is tired and besides, it’s too hot for your sisters!’’ you laughed.
,,Okay! Then I will go with mommy and make her feel fresh with some cold tea!’’ he laughed and took your hand.
You had such a sweet son and you were so happy that you and Saeran seemingly didn’t make any mistakes in your parenting.
Well, maybe you did make a mistake - your son still couldn’t cross the street. He always forgot to look both ways before crossing.
And this time too, Saeran was walking hand in hand with you towards the street to approach your home. You guys just had to cross the street when your son’s ball fell out of his arms, making his one favorite ball roll into the street.
,,Oh no! My ball!’’ he whined as he jumped and ran, speeding on the street.
It all happened so quickly - as you let go of Saeran’s hand to run, at least as much as you could towards him, your sunshine.
Your scream was so loud that Saeran twitched. ,,THE STREET!’’ you cried, but your son simply didn’t look both ways.
The honk made your son stop in the middle of the street as you heard a hit. In front of your eyes, you saw your son falling with blood everywhere.
,,NOO!’’ you screamed louder as the car stopped immediately. Saran approached your son quickly and ever since then, your mind was fuzzy. You couldn’t remember how you got to the hospital, how you cried, or how helpless you were.
You just came back to yourself when your son called your name, his arm and leg was broken, his head was hurting, and the boy was whimpering in fear.
,,I’m here, baby. I won’t let go of you. Tell mommy what you need,’’ you whispered, still relieved that your son had an angel who prevented his death.
Lucy was between the both of you as you walked to the coffee shop where you planned on buying a cake for Lucy as she received a good mark on her test today.
The weather was beautiful, the birds were singing, and your little girl next to you was laughing happily.
,,I am so proud of you! That’s our daughter!’’ you praised her again, making her smile even wider.
Jihyun also told her more than once that he was proud and that he never had such a good mark in math.
,,Really, Daddy?’’ she asked him. She couldn’t believe what her dad was telling her, making you chuckle.
,,Okay, let’s take a picture before we go in,’’ he said, holding his camera up, ready to take a picture.
You nodded and went on your knees, hugging Lucy as you both smiled brightly. 
,,Oh, look how good it looks!’’ he told you.
Both you and Lucy approached Jihyun, looking into the camera.
Lucy was behind the both of you as she turned around, seeing a big beautiful balloon shop.
Not being able to stop herself, she gasped as she walked towards it, not noticing that she was in the middle of the street.
,,Lucy, let’s go in. What cake do you want?’’ you asked her. When you turned around, a horrifying scenario played in front of you.
,,JIHYUN!’’ you hissed and grabbed his shoulder as you saw her on the street.
,,LUCY!’’ he called too, trying to run towards her to stop her.
But he was too late.
Before he could even pull her back, a car ran into her, making her fly and fall on the floor a bit further away from the both of you.
The squeaking sound of the brakes was so loud that you had the feeling that no one could eat with your high pitched scream in panic.
Everything and everyone stopped as you ran towards her. The woman who just hit her with the car was already on the phone, crying and talking to a hospital who was sending an ambulance to the site of the accident.
,,Lucy, Lucy… you can’t leave mommy…’’ you sobbed as you put your jacket over her pale body to not make her feel any cold.
You didn’t dare to move her head, scared that you would hurt her even more.
,,She is strong. They will be able to help her, don’t worry,’’ Jihyun said as you kept on sobbing on his chest.
,,What if they take her away from us? I’m such a bad mother. I should have…. oh my God I’m okay if they take her away from us as long as she stays alive,’’ you sobbed, fearing you might lose her in whatever way it may be.
Jihyun could just rub your back as he tried to stay strong for you.
,,She’s alive. She will have a big headache as soon as she wakes up because of the trauma, but she will be able to keep on living without any damage. Just let her rest here for the next few days and then we can send her home.
For the night, the both of you can stay here,’’ the doctor said.
,,I will log into the chatroom to keep them updated,’’ Jihyun said, meaning the RFA.
Of course they all went crazy when they found out and it didn’t take even five minutes until Lucy got transferred to the VIP Room due to Jumin’s connections in the hospital.
You were a big family now, after all, and everyone was willing to support the both of you as good as possible.
There was no way that they could even try to take Lucy away from the both of you because you were still the best parents for her, your daughter.
It all began to be a beautiful day, so how did this day manage to become a living nightmare for the both of you?
Days passed as you and Vanderwood sat in silence next to each other.
The room was cold, the atmosphere was killing the both of you, and your tears no longer stopped falling as you saw your son.
The machine was keeping him alive.
The tubes around him made him seem dead, even though he was still alive. At least that was what the doctors were telling you.
Vanderwood kept holding your hand as he now observed you, worried for your well being.
He knew that at night you couldn’t sleep anymore.
He knew that even when you managed to close an eye, you were whining and crying in your sleep.
Your skin too was pale as the room and your lips were dry.
You didn’t eat anything, you were barely drinking, and he almost had the feeling that he forgot your voice.
A week ago, your son happily gave you a kiss as he walked to school.
You and Vanderwood sat around the table, having breakfast, when suddenly someone called you.
It wasn’t even 10 AM when the hospital told you that your son was hit by a bus at the bus station.
He and his friends were playing when he was accidentally pushed on the street, a bus coming right at that moment, hitting him.
,,He has fallen into a coma,’’ they told you as you cut the call and looked at Vanderwood with a teary face.
Ever since then, you kept thinking about your life: how you raised him and how you lived with him.
,,I wish I would have walked with him to school,’’ you suddenly whispered. Vanderwood’s heart stopped beating for a second as he heard your words for the first time in a week.
,,I wish I would have let him sleepover at his friend’s house.
I should have bought him the latest PlayStation and I shouldn’t have scolded him a week ago.
I… I regret so many things… What if he dies now? He’s still so young…’’ you sobbed louder.
,,We agreed on not raising such a brat who gets everything.We didn’t want a spoiled boy,’’ Vanderwood tried to calm you down.
However, he managed to make you angry ,,Well, yes, because a dead child is better than a spoiled one, right?!’’ you hissed at him, your face red as you were angry.
,,You know that that’s not what I meant!’’ he hissed.
Suddenly, the both of you found yourself arguing and hissing at each other, but the both of you quickly stopped when a little voice called you.
,,Mommy…’�� your son gagged as the tube was into his mouth, the mask making it impossible for him to say anything.
,,CALL THE NURSE!’’ you hissed and jumped up, approaching your son and stroking his head as you looked at him with a pained face.
,,Everything is okay, everything will be fine. Mommy and Daddy are here. The nurse will be here too, don’t worry,’’ you kept on telling him as your son kept panicking, a sight that broke your heart.
Indeed, the nurse, followed by countless doctors, entered the room.
Vanderwood pulled you apart from the bed as they checked him.
,,He is awake and he is alive…’’ you whispered and hugged Vanderwood, a warmth he hadn’t felt since that all happened.
,,We can send him home the day after tomorrow,’’ the doctor began, telling you what treatment was needed for your son.
But the good news was that he didn’t have anything life threatening and that he could soon live normally again.
26.04.2021 // 22:35 MEST
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hello! Can we get a MC who is terrified of falling. Like hights are ok, put her in a plane and she’d want the window seat, roller coaster she wants the front row. But have her get on a ladder, Ferris wheel or walk over an overpass. And, oh look at that anxiety and fear has returned. Her breathing becomes uneven, she might freeze up or start to shake. How would the RFA+duo help her or calm her down in these cases?
RFA + Minor Duo with a MC who is terrified of falling
Hello did you call me? Although my fear is kinda different, like, I can fo on the Ferris Wheel or so but don’t let me walk staircases or god leave me alone with double beds, hahaha! I always needed my friend’s hand when we had to walk on these high bars at school for the sports lesson….well, I hope you enjoy the HC! Please tell me your opinion dear!
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As the wife of Jumin Han, you often had to go on a plane with him to visit very important people who also invited you. When Jumin first found out that you were scared, it was on the way to your honeymoon. The both of you were at the airport and you were just about to get on his private plane when you suddenly stopped walking and grabbed his hand. ,,My love, is everything alright?’’ he asked you, stroking your hand. ,,Yes, yes, Jumin, it’s just, I am too scared to… to… walk on the ladder…’’ you mumbled. His plane was really big. It took Jumin a while to understand what you were trying to tell him, but when your hand began to get sweaty he began to understand that you were scared. He took off his tie and used it to cover your eyes. ,,Ju-Jumin?!’’ you called his name. ,,Mc, don’t be scared. I will lead the way. Trust me. I won’t make you fall for anything in the world,’’ he whispered and helped you to slowly get on the plane.  ,,The window. I need a window seat…’’ you told him. Jumin couldn’t understand the reason because he thought that if someone is scared, they don’t want to look down, but apparently, you were different. Of course, the flight went well, but as soon as you were on the ground again you had to throw up because of the panic. And that triggered Jumin into finding a solution for you and your phobia.
A few years passed since you and Zen got to know each other. Zen first wanted to get his family approval before he would ask you to marry him, but since it didn’t work out and in his opinion, you waited for too long, he decided to bring you to the park and propose to you on the Ferris wheel. This ended up being a mistake. There were still a few things he didn’t know about you, even though you guys were together for so long. For example, he didn’t know that you were afraid of heights. Well, at least he found out. Hyun Ryu aka your future husband planned everything in his head. He didn’t know that real life had something else for him. For example, you cried in front of the big wheel for ten minutes. ,,I don’t want to, Hyun!’’ you sobbed. ,,Why, Mc? I have something important to ask you!’’ he begged you. He even prepared some fireworks which would begin as soon as you were on top. He planned to ask you to marry him, you to say yes, and then kiss you while the colorful flowers in the background made everything look even better. But at this point, he wasn’t sure if this would all have a happy ending. Still not telling him that you were scared, you finally went up with him. ,,Okay, still right on time,’’ Zen mumbled to himself, noticing finally that you were pale. ,,What’s wrong, princess?’’ he asked you, concerned, and took your hand. ,,I… am terrified of falling…’’ you gasped. Zen went on his knees, knowing that this was the perfect moment to make you think of something else. ,,Hyun…’’ you gasped and nodded, immediately jumping up and yelling out of fear. Zen quickly took you in his arms and kissed you. Just like he planned, the fireworks began. ,,I will protect you now, later, tomorrow, and in the future, okay? You have nothing to fear with me,’’ he kissed you again.
,,Do we really need to go on that?’’ you asked Yoosung. Both of you were in Japan visiting the Tokyo Tower. However, both of you now realized that you were scared. ,,Uhm, the guide is going up so I guess we have to follow,’’ Yoosung mumbled and took your hand. ,,Let’s go through this together in good and bad times,’’ he quoted what his father said when the both of you got married seven years ago. You had to laugh at his comment, but this wasn’t the last time. Yoosung tried to distract the both of you while making jokes and being kind of dumb. That way you two actually forgot that you were really high and missed what the tour guide tried to tell you. But when the two of you arrived, you actually forgot your fears and enjoyed the wonderful view. You decided to take pictures of the view, yourself, and the two of you together. ,,At least we don’t need lessons from V, like Jumin does, to take pictures,’’ you laughed and kissed your husband. ,,We came up here together. I can’t believe it,’’ you smiled. Well, the next problem was to get back down. But this was perfectly fine since you two literally ran down.
,,Oh, oh! OHH I’M FALLING!!’’ you cried on the ladder, a few feet from the floor. Jaehee couldn’t help but laugh at you. ,,Not funny, Jaehee!’’ you whined and tried to hold yourself at something. Your girlfriend immediately gave you her hand and reassured you that it was going to be alright since she was by your side. Changing the light bulb was hard… When Jaehee however noticed that you began to turn pale and tremble, she helped you get down. You were really scared by now and couldn’t even move your legs. ,,Mc, I am by your side, don’t be scared…’’ she tried to calm you, now actually feeling guilty. Trying her best, Jaehee took a blanket, the cookies she had, and turned on the TV to watch a DVD from Zen. Indeed, she was able to help you and swore to herself that she would never laugh at you for being scared.
Your future husband was desperate. The both of you were on the rollercoaster, but since you couldn’t be in the first row, you began to shiver, cry, and hyperventilate. By now he understood that you were scared, but he didn’t know what to do. Patting your back he pressed your face in his chest while you helplessly mumbled that you didn’t want to fall. ,,We won’t fall, Mc, I swear,’’ he tried to make you feel better. He could finally breathe again when the both of you had gotten down. However, the fear suddenly made you collapse in his arms, making him freak out even more. ,,Gosh, Mc, don’t die on me! What will I do without you?’’ he began to cry and picked you up bridal style to lie you down somewhere where you could stay alone. Saeyoung luckily always carried around some water and managed to wake you up while spilling some on your face. ,,I will get you a cookie ice cream, okay? But please don’t faint ever again, okay? Even if we fall, I will be there to catch you, like a superhero…’’
Your boyfriend and you for once decided to walk around Seoul, the city you were now living in. You guys never used your time to see what the big capital had for you. And so, since Saeran needed a break, you guys decided to walk around today. Saeran was so eager to see everything in the city and so it was even harder to tell him that you weren’t comfortable walking up the stairs. They were just so high. Of course the view was amazing, but you weren't able to enjoy it. It got even worse when Saeran wanted to walk over a bridge. And not one of the good bridges like the Han Bridge, no. A long old wooden bridge. Saeran was already in the middle when you broke down in fear. ,,Mc? MC!“ he called you and ran all the way back, making you feel even more anxious. Hugging you and making you cry into the shoulder, he asked you about the reason for your tears. ,,What?“ he asked you when you mumbled that you were really afraid of heights. ,,Okay, I understand…“ he mumbled and picked you up bridal style. He pressed your head against him to prevent you from looking as he walked all the way down once again. ,,I will always love and support you, Mc. You're my angel…“
,,I don’t think I can do it, Jihyun,“ you mumbled, looking at the high place. Your puffy wedding dress moved a bit as a light wind blew across you. A swing was hanging on a very high place. The place was so high that you had to walk up a ladder and sit down on a swing from that place. The people would then let go of the swing little by little so that you would be in the air. And Jihyun planned to take a picture of you like that. ,,Didn‘t you see the picture I sent you on Instagram? It’s so beautiful! We need to do it too!“ Jihyun was excited about the hit. But suddenly your face turned pale and you just felt sick at the thought of getting a picture like that. Did he want to make you die on your wedding day? You opened your mouth but noticed that you couldn’t speak at all. Instead, a solely sob came out of your mouth and then tears. ,,Good job, the whole makeup look will be destroyed… Who makes their bride cry on her wedding day?“ Zen asked. Jihyun was totally puzzled. ,,I‘m scared of high places…“ you mumbled… Jihyun nodded and kissed you on your forehead. But since he still wanted to make a wonderful picture of you to put it in your room, he ordered them to let the swing hang only three centimeters from the ledge. Jihyun really had the eyes and hands of a photographer. He ordered Yoosung to go behind the swing and put a beautiful fabric on the swing to hide him. Then he asked Mc if she could stand on the swing while Yoosung held her. And after you agreed to it and he had his picture, he kissed and cuddled with you the whole day.
19.10.2020// 22:57 MEST
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