#But I have no hope against kkr๐Ÿ˜ญ
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jaeyunluvr ยท 9 months ago
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stokesy55 ยท 27 days ago
well i love fake dating so you've of course got me sold on this version of events!
okay, first things first: who is the actress yashasvi throws wine on out of jealousy? can it pretty please be suhana khan? ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคฃ
wait, i'll explain about suhana:
1. it's getting very confusing to refer to the character as "this actress" or "she" or "another omega" or something in that vein. ๐Ÿ˜† i need a name to keep track now ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚
2. suhana is the daughter of shah rukh khan, the most famous bollywood actor ever. shah rukh owns the ipl franchise, kolkata knight riders, which as you know, shubman played for during 2020-21. in that time, there were a lot of rumours that shubman and suhana were having an affair. so suhana being the actress works for reasons related to canon and timelines. ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿ˜œ
3. I really don't like suhana. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ she can't act and she only got her debut because her father is the king of bollywood, that's all.
here's an image of suhana for reference. (i hope you start hating her too ๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ˜œ)
so for now let's assume it's suhana who is the actress. maybe they're at an ipl function? all the players from all teams are invited, and since shah rukh owns kkr, it won't be impossible for suhana to be attending too.
maybe in ficverse, shubman and suhana actually had that fling that tabloids were speculating about? and shubman naturally dumped her after the ipl because that's how he is, nobody can keep his attentions for too long. that pisses suhana off because she's the daughter of the richest and most famous bollywood actor ever, surely any man would consider himself lucky enough to have her? and here shubman has dumped her?! suhana never imagined someone could dump her. she's always wanted shubman back, wants to be the person who finally ties him down, for ego's sake if nothing else.
at the function, even though shubman plays for gujarat now, suhana approaches him. initially she acts like she's catching up with an old friend and her advances aren't too bold. as the evening progresses, suhana's intentions become clearer: she's here to rekindle her romance with shubman.
suhana is too close to shubman throughout the evening: she hugs him for a moment too long when they meet, straightens his blazer for him. she begs him for a dance and grinds against him, sliding her arms around his neck. she sits next to him, her hand resting on his knee or on his thigh. shubman is uncomfortable throughout, but he knows they're in public, there's paparazzi around, plus suhana's father is present too; it won't look good and it won't end well if he pushes suhana off his lap right here, right now.
yashasvi is aware of their circumstances too, but he just can't stop himself when he sees suhana straddle shubman's thighs. something inside him snaps and rage clouds his vision. before he knows what he's doing, he's getting up, seizing a flute of wine, and splashing it all over suhana. the clicks of a thousand cameras going off simultaneously brings him back to earth. he stares in horror at what he did.
wait, now let's make this even more dramatic: if yashasvi throwing wine at suhana wasn't enough, suhana isn't gonna take this sitting down. she's the daughter of the biggest bollywood actor, how dare this two-bit omega spoil her dress and humiliate her like this? she lunges at yashasvi, prepared to claw his face open.
that's when shubman finally intervenes. he steps between yashasvi and the furious actress, grabbing suhana's wrist before she can make contact with yashasvi's cheek. his grip is gentle enough to not hurt her, but firm enough to ensure she can't get away. "don't touch him." he pronounces, his voice eerily steady. boom! cameras going off again!
the gala ends abruptly in hushed whispers as shubman grabs yashasvi and storms off with him. back in the hotel, shubman pesters yashasvi as to what made him react that way. but as you said, yashasvi remains tight-lipped about his reasons, still thinking he's not good enough for shub.
the next day, the bcci summon shub and yash to a meeting and fling a newspaper upon the table. news of their escapades are splashed over the front page of every tabloid in the country. speculations that shubman and yashasvi are secretly dating are rife: that's why yashasvi got so jealous and that's why shubman protected him from suhana, or so the newspapers claim.
the bcci ask them point blank if they're dating. yashasvi says no, and things would have gone south if shubman hadn't slipped his hand into yash's just then, saying. "no baby. we can't hide this any longer. yes, yashasvi is my boyfriend and has been for the last six months. if the world knows, let it know."
because as you said, suhana is planning to press charges of assault against yashasvi. shubman knows the only way to keep yashasvi out of court is to claim him as his omega. if he does that, then the onus is on suhana, bad luck, she shouldn't have flirted with a taken alpha. if the world knew shubman was also single, then no court could've stopped suhana from having her way. also, maybe since suhana comes from a very powerful family, shubman is unsure as to how much sway his own authority will have with the judges? if it was someone else, shubman is confident he could've paid the judges to let Yash off, but suhana is also just as rich and famous as him, if not more, considering how prominent and powerful her dad is. she can probably offer the judges a better deal and convince them to convict yashasvi. so shubman isn't sure this is a battle he can win, which is why he's so keen to keep it from going to court. if it does, he has no faith in his ability to protect yashasvi there.
to make it worse, suhana is also alpha? or at least beta? so yashasvi not only attacked the daughter of one of the biggest celebrities in india, he attacked a sub-gender "superior" to his. there's a huge hue and cry against him, and pretending he's shubman's omega is literally the only way to keep him safe.
as you said, yashasvi is convinced shubman is only keeping the pretense up for the cameras, and once the furore dies down, he won't look twice at him. yash would also feel guilty that his one moment of immaturity and jealousy caused such trouble for shubman. he now feels like a burden on shubman, that the poor alpha has to pretend to be his boyfriend and defend him in the media, all because he couldn't control his temper. due to his horrible past experiences, yashasvi can't believe shubman genuinely cares about him, and thinks he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart, for charity.
the fake dating makes yashasvi fall harder for shubman though. he longs for it to be real, but is too scared to make it so. yashasvi is too scared to admit his feelings for shubman, and shubman is trying to be gentle and respectful, giving yash space to come to terms with everything, hence why he doesn't make a move. so they go about in an endless and frustrating loop of misunderstandings and miscommunication ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ vk is soo done because they're forever cuddling up to each other for the cameras, how has one of them not snapped and snogged the other yet?
who do you think is the alpha who shares their story of fucking yashasvi to the public? okay, again, "this alpha" is very tiresome and confusing, we need a name ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ who do you think it is? an oc? and who do you think tracks him down? suhana again? she definitely has the money, power and other resources necessary to pull off something so nefarious.
maybe suhana believes the ruse shubman and yashasvi are feeding everyone, about dating? but she still won't admit defeat, she wants to punish yashasvi, first for humiliating her, and then for stealing shub from under her nose. she's desperate to have shubman back, because she is too proud to lose to some two-bit nobody of an omega like yashasvi. it's a competition for her now. she does her best to break shubman and yashasvi up, and when all else fails, this is her final scheme.
if it's someone else who pays the alpha to reveal yashasvi's backstory, who is it? would be interesting if it's an omega who orchestrates all of that, as a bit of a contrast to the omegas supporting omegas thing going on. thoughts?
either way, yashasvi would be so panicked after finding out his history is exposed. he would definitely ignore jos, which would break both their hearts. as you said, yashasvi expects shubman to leave in disgust, instead he's right there, putting comforting arms around him, rocking him gently, pressing soothing kisses to his forehead. when yashasvi blabbers something like "i'm so sorry, you must be so disgusted now.." shubman just bends down and kisses him to show him he's not disgusted.
but of course he pulls away later because he thinks he took advantage. that in turn, makes yashasvi think shub was lying when he said he wasn't disgusted. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ
how do you think other omegas on the indian team, like, idk hardik and ishan and abhishek react to yashasvi's history? yeah, yashasvi would definitely stop shubman from getting violent with the alpha, but maybe we can have another scene of shubman losing his temper?
ok, maybe as you said now that yashasvi's history is known, there are alphas who believe that he'll bend over for them too. once, another alpha corners yashasvi and tries to have his way with him, when shubman intervenes and beats him up for daring to lay a hand on yash. or if people still think shub/yash are dating, another alpha jokes that shubman should let him have a go on yashasvi too, and shub beats the shit out of that alpha for daring to say that. bonus if it happens after the kiss, when they're avoiding each other.
yashasvi whimpers to shubman, "why did you do that? he was right, i am a slut. why do you care what people call me, or if they're trying to force themselves upon me?" "because I love you!" shub bursts out.
"really?" yashasvi snaps. "if you did, you wouldn't have steered clear of me after kissing me. you are clearly disgusted by me."
shubman almost laughs. "that's what you think? i was keeping my distance because i was afraid i took advantage of you. you were so sad and panicked that day, all crying and shivering. i didn't ask for your explicit consent before kissing you, nor were you in a state of mind to give your consent. that wasn't very gentlemanly of me, to kiss you like that, without your permission."
and yashasvi is left speechless, because how did he get lucky enough to have such a kind and respectful alpha in his life? before shubman can complete his sentence, the omega flings himself at him, kissing him full upon the lips. "i hope that's consent enough." he says shyly.
and that's how they get over the numerous misunderstandings and start actually dating. thoughts?
Yeah, I like a lot of that. No idea who this actress is but let's go with it - I like how it all tracks out. And I like that it's her spearheading the demise of Yash; like a 'If I can't have him I'll destroy you,' and her actions ring true that she'd do something like that.
I'm steering clear of alphas beating up people, honestly. There's a bit plot with Ben (Bristol, eeek) that's going to cover it, but honestly outside of that I don't really want people beating up other people for the sake of it. They are in the public image, remember, and however chivalrous or protective of their omegas it is, it's not a look the boards are really going to support.
However, getting in an alpha's face or enforcing his dominance might not be off the table. Kind of like the reverse of what Yash did for him; seeing him in peril and coming to the rescue. I love Yash yelling at him for interfering, something like "I'm not your problem! Stop making me your problem!" But I think I prefer Shub suddenly realising that no matter how perfect the last six weeks have been, dating Yash, Yash has no idea how he feels.
I'm not sure about Shub avoiding him after the kiss - it's important that that's the first time they do that and I really want that to mean something. Even with all the 'fake dating', Shub never goes there, never kisses Yash, never pushes him to be anymore intimate than holding hands or cuddling, because he doesn't think Yash has a choice in the matter and forcing that would be unfair. But that kiss, it's THE moment. It's the moment they both put their cards on the table and realise they've both been skirting around the whole thing. Shub now understanding Yash's past gets why he's dubious, and does everything to promise him he would never do that, and that he's never felt like this about anyone but Yash.
Maybe the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth comes after Shub defends Yash from the rouge alpha? It's the only time Shub has forced Yash to do anything, but he can't keep going round in circles on this; he needs answers.
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