#But I doubt the feds would make not getting him shoved in the slammer easy because thats what they want
qtubbo · 1 year
tubbo going to prison really depends on whether or not he gets a fair trial. which i do not expect will happen. he has full permission for his perimeter project, it's not going to stay a hole forever, and it's going to be cool and functional. and if we're talking about past crimes, most of them were not technically illegal until after he did them or they were things that other islanders were doing at the same time. i wonder if any of them will start to pick up on the fact that he isn't just a rule breaker and that he's being made into a scapegoat.
Honestly he does break the rules a lot, but I get your point he really hasn’t done anything other islanders don’t do themselves. It just seems like he gets a more aggressive response, including actively changing laws to prevent him. One of the main reasons I think that he’ll end up in prison even in a fair trial is who would vouch for him, most people have literally evidence of them saying or talking about him breaking the rules. Everyone has already decided he deserves to be there, or actively think of it as a joke.
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