queerlyvictorian · 2 years
Okay but somebody has to talk about the way Brennan including an in-world storyteller at the top of the first scene in the first episode of main campaign, vaguely name-dropping world geography and some of the lore on the different casters, is MASTERFUL exposition.
I also can't get what seem to be Umora's version of sorcerers and warlocks out of my brain. Warlocks, okay, making a deal with a spirit makes sense makes sense.
I want. Give me. Give me nowwww. I want a character (NPC or Guest PC) who is the child of a human and a Wild One like Eursulon who lost their spirit nature. I want the product of star-crossed lovers and MORE TRAPPED SPIRITS. The mechanics of that whole process [as explained in the Children's Adventure, Episode 5, not specified here so I don't have to tag spoilers] is so fascinating.
The mark of excellent fantasy/speculative fiction worldbuilding for me? When I can start speculating at the possibilities. When there are so many possibilities that your brain starts to populate the world with unfathomable diversity without that ever being spelled out to you.
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phoenixcoreaw · 22 days
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Freddy Fazbear from famous game five nights at freddys, but hes human and (thank god) fat
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phantasmalnightmare · 8 months
“You know, you’ve been oddly quiet today…” Sitting down beside Ibuki on the stairs, the mechanic rubbed the back of his head. Truth be told, he wasn’t even sure if he’s right or not, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something might be up. “I mean, yeah, you chimed in a couple of times in class, but… I don’t know. You’re usually way more lively than that.” He tentatively glanced at the other. Maybe he shouldn’t be the one talking to her right now, since they weren’t exactly that close, especially when he thought the other was a bit of an oddball sometimes, and he didn’t get her music taste at all, but… that didn’t mean he particularly disliked her. “Is… is something bothering you?”
lbuki sighed softly as she sat on the steps. Usually, she'd be eating lunch with Mahiru, Mikan, and Hiyoko, but she felt uncharacteristically down in the dumps today. She'd waved them on ahead, promising to catch up with them later, and assuring them she was fine. She would be, after all.
She was startled though, when a certain mechanic plopped down beside her. "Uwah!" She exclaimed. The musician had been so distracted, she'd failed to notice him approaching. She was even more surprised that he'd picked up on her sour mood. They weren't exactly close or anything. "Ibuki is fine.." She hesitated. She hadn't wanted to tell her friends anything, not wanting to worry them, but maybe it would be good to get things off of her chest.
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"It's nothing. Just this cute girl said my music sucks. I know not everyone can rock out with the best of them, but it was hella rude to say it sucks! And.. it just had to be a really cute girl!" She grumbled, puffing her cheeks out a bit. "Kinda surprised that you noticed something was up but, thanks. Ibuki will just practice so much, that one day, everyone will love her music!" She proclaimed, making the rock on sign with her hands.
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marcannerz · 3 months
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Five!! (Art I made awhile back posting for funnsies)
Weeeh I made a draft and it disappeared dangnabbit!!
It's fine it's fine.. Now how do I work this thing? First time posting on Tumblr so uh.. Hi Tumblr!!
Eeeeee this is so scary have not posted anything on any socials in yearsss gahhh...
Oughhh it's 2am I should be getting some sleepies
Ack tags almost forgot em!! Aaaaa hope I'm doing this right or I'm going to cry/silly
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windywallflower · 1 month
Hey folks!! We're running a HUGE clearance sale over on our SHOP!!!
We're trying to make room for new designs of our merch and figured it was high time to get these buggers on sale after FIVE YEARSSS of running Windy & Wallflower!! Wow time flies!! Thanks to all of the support of our work all this time <3 our weird queer business couldn't survive without you so we're giving back by dropping all our big selling pins on sale all month long!! Get them while you can because once they're gone, they're GONE.
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Any support you can offer, any boosts you can make helps us tremendously! Thank you all so much everyone!! <3
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 2 months
I have not written any fanfics for so long, this was just a small warm up drabble.
He never thought he’d ever get the chance to raise a child again, not since his son’s banishment, and even more so ever since he realized how terrible he had treated him in the past. He swore an oath to protect those young ones, but to ever have any under his care again is a much more complicated idea to grasp. At least, that’s what he thought…
Earlier, during the meeting they had with the council, he introduced the twin dragons to the others. As expected, they immediately got into an argument with the greenish-red dragon Hollyberry managed to ally with, and attempted to fight them. He himself had sparred with the dragon a few times, how they’d annoy him with their arrogant and brash nature. He and Hollyberry had to immediately cease further hostility between the reptilian beasts, lest the Vanilla Kingdom have its property destroyed… again…
After the meeting, the twins went on a ramble about how they could’ve taken Pitaya Dragon in a fight, and all the other things that immediately passed through his head. Tired of their antics, he encouraged them to have a look around the kingdom, just to make sure to not get into any trouble, and they immediately ceased their ranting, flying off to who knows where. 
Not long after, Pitaya themselves came up to him, demanding they spar with the dragons, attempting to belittle him at the same time, also (not so subtly) hinting they want to brawl with him as well. Dark Cacao had long since tuned them out, not wanting to entertain them the same way Hollyberry does. But then they mentioned something that piqued his intrigue.
“Don’t be sssso arrogant, cookie. Thossse excussses of dragonsss only call you ‘massster’ becaussse they’re only ssso young. You won’t be hearing them call you that in a few hundred yearsss! You’ll sssee!” 
It was that sentence that made Dark Cacao finally turn to the red dragon. 
“Huh?” He raised a brow. “What do you mean by that?” A sigh of annoyance escaped his lips when he saw them grin, seeing as how they finally captured his attention. But he had to know more.
“Oh? Can’t you tell? They’re ssstill only youngssstersss who know no better.” Pitaya claimed.
“And yet they can transform into beings that stretch across mountain ranges.” He recalled the first time he encountered them. How their roars shook the ground, and each strike against the other caused shockwaves through the mountains. It was as if the gods themselves fought for territory of the earth.
His reply only caused the red dragon to shrug. 
“They probably absssorbed too much power asss sssmall drakesss.” 
Ah. He remembers the tale of Stormbringer, how she split the black and white dragon into two and banished them to the furthest corners of the land. But he also remembers how the dragon just hatched out from its egg, and immediately devoured the world in pursuit of power.
He turned back to Pitaya, arms crossed as he asked, “How old do you think they are?” A small ‘tsk’ escaped the dragon’s lips, he could tell they’re growing a bit impatient. 
“Hell if I know. But from what I could tell, lesss than five hundred or something.”
“And how old do dragons get until they’re considered fully mature?” 
There was a small pause. Pitaya scratched their chin, pondering their answer.
“At least a thousand years old.”
He knew he shouldn’t be surprised, but he couldn’t help but feel his eyes widen. It’s been over a thousand years since he defeated the dragons and founded his kingdom. And yet, according to Pitaya Dragon, they’re still only so young. Had they not aged while trapped in his sword? It made sense maybe, they laid dormant within his weapon unable to do anything for so long. But the thought that he may have robbed them of the opportunity to grow. Something about that just—
Pitaya huffed, a small amount of smoke escaping their nostrils. They had enough of the questions, and pointed their lance towards him. 
“Enough with the chit chat, I demand a battle, right now!” 
Just as they spoke, the twin dragons returned, snarling as they immediately flew to their master’s side, as if to defend him. Dark Cacao sighed, and decided to get things over with and spar with them. 
Hours had passed, nobody emerged as the victor as Hollyberry interrupted their battle and immediately ended things as soon as she arrived. 
The twin dragons, tired from the fight, immediately curled up on Dark Cacao’s sleeping mat, leaving no space for him, but not that he minds. He sat down on the floor next to them, a hand reaching out to stroke the black dragon’s head. 
It was strange. Upon learning how young they really are, it’s as if a new, yet familiar, sense of protectiveness grew in his chest. He knows that the dragons are more than capable of fighting and defending themselves, he saw the damage they had caused to the land a thousand years ago, but he couldn’t help but feel responsible for them. 
Was this his parental instinct? Or was this him wanting to right his mistakes he made when he failed to properly care for his son? 
He sighed, shaking his head as if to free him from those thoughts. Nevermind that for now. He’ll work on these feelings another time.
“You’ve done well today… Rest now, young ones. I promise to protect you…”
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bigboobyhalo · 11 months
people saying “4halo finally met!” is so funny cuz they’ve only known each other like . five months . badboyhalo had skeppy waiting literal YEARSSS, forever is LUCKY
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p-perkeys · 8 months
here's a funny life update if you feel like giggling:
i went to the studio this morning for bungee fitness at 10. great cardio/strength workout. anyways. there was a new woman in there with the instructor. i introduced myself. she told me her name but it honestly didn't stick with me (bad with names and also woke up like 20 minutes before class so).
random tidbit, important to know: i wore leggings and a crop top (typical fitness attire, but just wait). she complimented my stomach and my outfit?? she's an older, kinda frail looking woman. so i was just like, girl thanks you look so good too trust me. her leggings were cute and she told me where she got them from.
we talk like the whole entire time. i'm hyping her up, she's scared to do some of the flying moves so i was cheering her on excessively, being real Woo Girl, you know. she was asking me questions about the other classes. *even said she would possibly try pole* (note in the same area as her complimenting my body/outfit, you'll see why).
so class ends she says she loved it and she'll be back next week. she makes a point to say bye to everyone and my corny ass is like "byyeeeee!!! you did so great!!!! :D" thinking she's my new bestie friend.
fast forward five hours and i'm scrolling on facebook and i see the ad that T put up for the bungee class this morning. there was a comment. a woman said 'this was so much fun!' i know everyone else in class, so this was the new woman.
the woman who's name i admittedly paid no attention to when she told me what it was.
this woman is the wife of my ex-pastor who i sent a really mean message to when some shit went down and i stopped going to church (and then i blocked her because i know how to dish it but i sure can't handle taking it, especially when i was a literal kid). :)
why the fuck did i not recognize her???? why did she not recognize me??? why didn't i understand her name???? why is she in a studio that teaches you how to pole dance??? we give each other OF tips in there??? why did she tell me my stomach looked good and my outfit was nice??? aren't you supposed to be holy?? did you change??? are you faking?? is this real life???
i haven't seen that mean old woman in YEARSSS and she looks a lot different. i imagine i do too. i'm not 18/19 anymore. she's not... idk, 50? anymore.
sooo yeah. :) i called my mom and said, bitchhhhhh guess who i talked to for an hour straight and didn't even realize. she was flabbergasted.
so now i can never to bungee fitness on saturdays again.
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bunnygirl678 · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
i felt like doing one of these lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30! Which most of them are for Nameless lmao
2. What's your total A03 word count?
304.751, about to go up again lol, probably another 80k in this month, 268,863 have been in 2023, lol. I spent a large portion of time not writing, but after my breakup this year I've started writing frequently again.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now really just pokemon, if something else comes to me I'll write it, I'm working on a dragon ball z fic, but I don't touch it a ton.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
This is sad for me cause they all suck. I wrote them late high school early college, and they're all based on the Avengers movies (although one i think may have been the comics) it's a huge fandom, and I've had them up for 10 years so (god it's been that long already???) All of my good marvel 616 fics are missing, buried in a discord that I don't have access to anymore and word docs from a computer long since recycled
But in order, I feel Salem, Astronaut, Almost Honest, Wicked Games, The Whole World Was Moving But I was Standing Still (God what was with my names then lol)
Please don't read them haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I miss them, but I try to respond when I see them, even a few weeks/months later. I really appreciate comments, and I feel like I've made some friends through them, or at least they comment on stuff I write, and I can reference my other fics to them lol, though they can totally make friends on here or discord, happy to talk to anyone. I've had people tell me I inspired them to write which is seriously the highest honor.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ummmm prolly the one where Tony dies after Steve cheats on him, I think that one is 616 based, but don't quote me, or go read it, the writing is...undeveloped, I think at that point I just started writing them, my characterizations weren't great, they got better but none of that is available lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ummmmm maybe Ode to my Soulmate? I can't do sad endings for the most part, my philosophy is real life sucks so I always try to make happy endings, Frank Left has a nice ending, that one gets almost no love, but I adore it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not good enough/big enough to get hate, lmao. Smaller fandom now, i think there might be some negative comments on the marvel ones but I haven't read those in yearsss.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I'm trying, Oral Fixation is my most recent published, but I'm working on one where Green gives Red a blowie in his Neo Champ uniform from masters, i've been writing that since the neochampion uniforms came out months ago ahha. I'm not great at smut, but I'm practicing, fun fact I learned how to give a bj through fanfics, and used to get compliments all the time in my younger sluttier years lol (Pre-kid haha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not anymore, I used to do 101 dalmatian crossovers lol, i doubt any are published, maybe on fanfic.net but i don't even remember my username haven't touched that since like 2011, i used to do x-men crossovers where various characters would have mutant powers, but i doubt those are published either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I'm probably too small to get that kind of notice. I always welcome people to steal my aus and write their own fic with it (not copy paste my stuff, but write out the au the way they come up with with their own words)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I doubt it, but anyone can, I might end up translating one or two when I finally start learning a new language, or maybe improve my output on spanish (i can read it but not write/speak/listen well lmao)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah but this was high school and I don't think we ever posted them, again might be on fanfic.net, but like I don't even remember my username
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't have a favorite, maybe reguri, or 616!stony which i don't read much anymore but will always hold a place in my heart, my oldest ship is probably rougexgambit
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Blood Bank- but only because there is no ending, I'm going to continue that thing for the rest of my life, (at least quarterly updates lol although working on a new chapter now), there's also a reguri one that i wrote like 10k words on after i first started writing again, but it sucks ass, I don't love the plot to rewrite, I've written a lot more better stuff for them
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I do pretty well with hints/twists. Certain characters I'm really good at writing, feel like I've gotten really good at world building, and coming up with off the wall aus. IDK i'm not good at pointing out my strengths.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything not listed above? Lol. No, probably missing edits and not noticing them until I'm reading the fic months later, I'm getting better at pacing and general flow, sometimes I overdo it on dialog, and leave out movement. Smut too, but i'm working on everything, the key is to just keep writing, also too many fics going at once,
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I typically don't do it unless I know the language, I'll just put it in english and say they said it in whatever lang. So like for Kalos I just say they're speaking Kalosian lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I used to tell stories with 101 dalmatians, but the first I ever actually wrote was from Stargate SG-1, I was like 10ish, I didn't post it, it's long since been trashed, but I was obsessed with Carter/O'neil and wanted them to adopt Cassie (i think that was her name, it's been years since I watched that show), first published is probably x-men i remember writing phoenix's force fics and posting on fanfic, might have done a ginnyxdraco for harry potter. These would be on my old fanfic.net or possibly livejournal, i don't remember,
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I write all my fics for myself, so i really love them all, and go back and reread them often lol
Unfinished, Under the Alolan Sun and Blood Bank, those are my passion projects, I have fun writing them,
finished, either The Most Expansive Collection of Champion Red Merch in All of Kanto (probably one of my least angsty lol) or How to Beat Champion Red at Something (my silly little ficlet about Red being a picky eater, i just giggle when i reread it)
Ode to My Soulmate is also up there.
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
Fun fact: I actually hated rick the first time I watched Twd. (I was young and dumb) and one day I was like.. imma give this show one last try.. NOW I'VE BEEN OBSESSED FOR YEARSSS
I was a Daryl guy, through and through. I only made it to S5 back then because of Beths death (she was one of my faves and I loved hers and Daryls Dynamic! He treats her like a little sister and I ADORE them).
But then my grandma got me back into TWD like 4ish weeks ago and I'm sitting here drooling over Rick. SEASON FIVE RICK??? FUCK ME GODDAMN-
One character that I didn't like then, and I still do not like. Is Eugene. I cannot stand him <3 Fucking hate him tbh
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iamraebear · 1 year
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I am upset why did I just find the picture I been a stay for FIVE YEARSSS
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florenceisfalling · 2 years
when you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy! then, send to the last ten people in your notifs! you never know who might benefit from spreading positivity! ♥️
hiii this ask is from ages ago but :3
shelby!! my love shelby
christmas lights
chocolate milk
recently i finally found a song id been searching for for yearsss
my outfit matches my winter coat today
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eepyartz · 3 months
Yeah- I was one of these watchers- But bro..
I was and still am OBSESSED with this one and I want more but, there hasn’t been a new ep in five yearsss Please i hope this series gets finished so, i can watch the whole playlist in peace 😭
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hoonvrs · 9 months
saintt hello OMGG its been way longer than what it should’ve been ✋😔
ive been ok school struck me which was why i was never on here for a while, finals got me stressing like crazyyy (hows school for you?)
im so mad that i blink and winter break is almost over like working my butt off in school should not just give me a 2 week break hello??? the ppl at my school are bad in general which is why i don’t wanna go back 😭😭 the cocky popular girls be tryna cause problems with meee (bye so sorry for that rant)
i hope u had a good holiday with your familyyy esp new years since it was recent,, did u have a good one?? (I hate how everything was going well until i got sick the day after new yearsss)
bye i keep ranting but i miss talking to u smmm i hope ur always doing well <33
CHAE CHAEE wayy too long i’ve missed u pooks
goodluck with finals😭 wishing u all the best bae, unis fine tbh but i have two essays that i haven’t start so😄
girllll i had FIVE WEEKS off and it felt like a weekend like HUH???? the girls🙂 i’ll get them for u
new years was goodd a bit emosh cause when isn’t it not it’s but other then that i was happy cause i wasn’t sick for new years which is rare and omgg are u okay now?? take care of urself before i do it myself😡
ALSO NEW THEME HELLOOOO wonbin heyyy twirls hair
nooo i love ur ranting and I MISS U🫵🏼 more. hope everting works out well for u lovie mwah
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theherooftime00 · 2 years
Hey stranger, you probably don't remember me but I've just been searching for my old followers from yearsss ago and stumbled across this account. So here's a lil positive note for your inbox ^_^
I hope everything has been ok over the last five or so years, and that things between you + Cthulhu have improved. Sending you a long distance hug!
WOAH I wish I knew who this was lol You must have been someone very special to me if you know that name. Well things are good for me because I am decided to cut contact people like Cthulhu lol. I am a lot happier now. Best wishes for you as well and also a hug right back!!
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jezy · 3 years
You have Uno (Ft. Ninjago Baddies)
Ultra Violet : You are the one with fucking Uno! *hysterically laughing*
S8!Garmadon : I don't FUCKING have Uno, motherfucker!
*UV ran off to Killow*
S8!Garmadon : *sighs* I don't have Uno...so go FUCK OFF, you scaly bitch....
Aspheera : Everyone hassss Uno, stupid man-thing, it came free with your fucking Xbox.
S8!Garmdon : For the last time; I didn't get it. The First Spinjitsu Master gave me the oldest Xbox known to man, as per usual.
Aspheera : No, you have it. I have mine 1000 yearsss ago and I still have Uno.
S8!Garmadon : Well mine didn't have it!
Aspheera : You have Uno, you fucking man-DICK!
Aspheera : You have Uno!!!
S8!Garmadon : I don't fucking have Uno, MOTHERFUCKER!
Aspheera : Go to Prime Empire, call your traitorous brother even
Aspheera : And you will be able to download it for free, you idiotic man-thing!
Aspheera : Itsss a fucking card game, they don't even charge people for it!
Aspheera : Go to a goddamn village and every townsspeople will tell you they have Uno!
S8!Garmadon : I DON'T. HAVE IT.
S8!Garmadon : I DON'T HAVE IT!!!
Aspheera & S8!Garmadon : *overlapping arguments*
The Ninjas : (◎_◎;)
It came from this video that was originally from Twitter ↓
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