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debbieesmoth03 · 6 months ago
Navigating the Modern World: Insights into Technology, Business, and Health
In today's interconnected world, staying informed about the latest trends in technology, business, and health is more important than ever.
Technology news,Latest tech news,Technology articles,Latest technology news,New technology news,Business news,Online business ideas,Small business ideas,Financial news,Business journal,Health news,Health blogs,Health articles,Healthcare news,Wellness blogs,Nutrition blogs,Health and wellness blogs,Fitness tips
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Mr. Yuvraj Bhardwaj, the CEO at Petonic Infotech gives us insight of his life, how he balances his life and leads a successful Business Venture. He talks about his Management Mantra which helps him to get new heights.
Read #magazine to know about this #interview with India Business Journal:-
Visit https://www.petonic.in/ to know more about #PetonicInfotech
ceointerview #ceotips #businesssuccesstips #magazines
ceo #ceomantra #ceotalk #ceomindset #ceolife #ceomillionaires #ceolifestyle #ceolifestyle #ceolife #interview #interviewtips #ceotips #magazineinterview #pr #publicrelations #interviewmagazine #indiabusinessjournal #journal #businessjournal #successtips #successstory #story #tips #motivation #motivationpeople #marketingstrategy
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amiontherightpath · 3 years ago
I need to document my path
Denpasar, April 11 2022
Tonight, I ordered a bunch of food through Grabfood, watched korean dramas: last few episodes of Business Proposals and one episode of Twenty One Twenty Five where both made me smile and laugh, had nasi campur babi guling Pan Ana and then crispy donuts. I shared with my sisters too. Dek Muti screamed with happiness that the donut she picked tasted so good. Ayak loved the surprising suckling pig. We’re now back on speaking terms. Then I saw Dek Muti working on a funny meme for an eco company where she’s currently working on the sofa. It makes me happy to see her enjoying her job. I told her she’s really smart and so professional. I hope she’s always ok and thriving. I got motivated seeing her work, so I watched a pick a card tarot reading for career prediction and the reading made me happy. The tarot reader said I’m on the right path and should document my progress for future flashbacks. So here comes this blog. 
Note: I watched tarot readings just for affirmations, motivations and hear random people complimenting me unconditionally. I don’t believe bad readings about me. I don’t recommend anyone to trust bad readings about themselves. Your life is at the palm of your hand and I believe God grants you with that ability!
I worked hard today. I posted more stories on IG. I’m not totally satisfied with my social media work yet. I haven’t posted a single feed since ages. I’m planning on it. Strategic planning. I wish I have one good gen-z employee just for Instagram contents... or maybe one more who can take better pictures and videos. Since I’m not there yet. Just going to take advantage of the malfunctioning Gen Z’s I got. I want to make reels and tiktoks. The cool ones Gen Z’s gona love and old millenials like me dying in annoyance.
I managed to print banners for Canggu. Eka was very helpful by cutting the wood fiber stuff so the banner won’t be wrinkly outside in extreme weather condition. Iluh and Eka successfully hung the banner just below our signage just outside the neighborhood. I saw the video they took and pretty impressed. Some things pissed me off about them today like how the garbage not getting picked up yet because they missed the garbage truck therefore making the fucking backyard goddamn smelly, like someone hid a bloody human corpse there for months. But at the end of the day, they got a donut too. I still feel hard to let them go, but they’re not here to stay. I’ve saved a lot of money anyway.
Lots of CVs coming in. A little annoying. I’m no HR, I just need someone I can hire for cheap and wants to do all kind of things.
Financially, I’m not okay. I have to cancel my gym membership.
Romance wise, I need to remember to take a Cleopatra bath for my boyfriend and do serious workout. I’m going to have a wedding this year and I can’t be like the big black rat hiding under my kitchen stove. 
My boyfriend was so sweet today. He called and listened to a lot of crap about my dream last night. It always makes me happy when he calls and listens to my endless one sided talking. He made me laugh and calmed me down in his very gentle manner. He reminded me to eat lunch and take an afternoon nap. I needed that and so happy he reminded me, but I didn’t have time for afternoon nap. Hehe
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MEM News - Growth Continues
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MEM News. Modular Elevator Manufacturing is in the news again. Mark Madler from the San Fernando Business Journal conducted an in depth interview with our vice president of sales, Hugo Beltran and they discussed the significant growth in nationwide sales since the company made the move to increase distribution earlier this year. Here is a link to the story here. Or download it below. MEM News ArticleDownload Modular elevators are the future for any low and mid-rise applications and the modular industry provides significant benefits to any project. It is a faster, greener and smarter way to build. However, without quality the benefits of modular dissipate quickly. That is why MEM is the leader in the modular elevator industry. MEM understands that quality is the biggest contributor to market growth and why they are so much different than others. If you have a project that requires a quality elevator completed faster, greener and smarter, click the button below. With just general information we can provide a quote in less than a day. MEM is quality elevators taking you higher. Request a FAST TRACK QUOTE Read the full article
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infos-stuff · 5 years ago
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Business Journal I will like to ask 'Do you have a business journal or you think it is not necessary?' The Essence of having a business journal 1. It is where you put up your business plans, goals both now and into the future (you don't have this, you won't accomplish anything in your business) 2. You need to write your thoughts down; it is one of the most powerful ways to accomplish your goals in life (it has been said that 85% of those who write down their goals at their young age or while in school do 100% full them without actually knowing until they see their journals.) This is why successful business owners etc own a business journal 3. it pulls into your mind's perspective power to accomplish what is written down 4. It makes for accountability of fulfilling what you wrote down; it gives focus and commitment to your goals Check all successful men and women, you will see them with journals in form of note Books, jotters, note pads etc 5. In the journal can be for brain storming on your business ideas or strategy or spreading sheet This is how I know accurately how much I make per time because I have journals that I use as a business sales report which I love to call MY EVALUATION SHEET PERFORMANCE You can have business journals for different things that can enhance your business growth The truth is, your business journey is never complete without owning one I have four I use for my life and business, you can't success without it too #entrepreneurship #lifecoach #journal #success #selfemployed #startups #businessjournal #marketingsheet #salesreport #bizcoach #ideas #planning #mind #accompliments #businessgrowth #evaluationsheetperformance (at Oyo State) https://www.instagram.com/p/BdN03NSgsMc/?igshid=14too7qk75130
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natoriumu1023 · 7 years ago
Business Journal「もはや「ありきたり」のSL、東武が巨費投入…衰退一途の鬼怒川温泉復活の狙い、失敗か」記事への批判
もはや「ありきたり」のSL、東武が巨費投入…衰退一途の鬼怒川温泉復活の狙い、失敗か という記事がTwitterのタイムラインで話題となっていたので読んでみたところ、あまりにも酷い、つっこみどころ満載の記事でした。Twitter上でも色々言いましたが、思ったより指摘点が多く大量になってしまった���め、こちらで改めてまとめてみたいと思います。
→△ ウィキペディア風に言うと「要出典」。私が無知なだけかもしれませんが、どこで言われているのか出典が欲しいところです。あと、「運行だけ」というのがどこまでの範囲を指すのか(切符売上分のみな��か、車内販売売上を含むのか、SL乗車駅までの運賃増収分を含むのか等々)が曖昧です。
→× 東洋経済の記事「東武鉄道「51年ぶりSL復活」、感動の舞台裏」3ページ(http://toyokeizai.net/articles/-/184208?page=3)などにありますが、東武の根津社長は「SLに乗っていただくこと自体はもちろん、乗りに来る際に東京から利用してもらう特急列車、さらに関連のグッズ発売などを含め、トータルでは十分に採算は取れると見ている」と発言しており、少なくとも東武はSLに関して赤字覚悟ではありません。
→△ 「主導して」というのがどういうニュアンスなのか微妙ですが、鬼怒川温泉の観光開発には確かに東武線の乗り入れが大きく寄与しましたが、東武が大がかりに株式投入をして開発したものではなかったはずです(多くの場合融資元は地銀の足利銀であり、バブル崩壊後衰退したのはその足利銀の倒産によるものが大きい)。箱根や伊豆(東急と西武)、秩父(秩鉄)くらい観光地に電鉄資本が入っていれば「主導して開発した」と言って差し支えないでしょうが、鬼怒川温泉についてはその表現が適当かは微妙です。
→× 2017年4月21日のダイヤ改正で、スペーシアの約半数が東武日光発着の「けごん」に振り分けられました。鬼怒川温泉発着の「きぬ」にしても、下今市で東武日光行きの接続列車があるので、日光が墜ちない限り「屋台骨が揺るぐ」ほどのことにはならないと思われます。また、現時点では週末朝の下り特急、夕の上り特急はどれも満員に近い状態で、乗車率低下は喫緊の問題ではありません(むしろ繁忙期の供給力不足が問題)。
→× 関係者って誰やねん。社員なら社員と書いてあれば分かりますが、そうでないのなら、社員ではない人間の意見など公式見解でも何でもないので意味がありません。だいたいこの宇宙に存在するすべての事物は「同じ宇宙に存在する」という「関係」を有している訳で、「関係者」という語は全く持って無意味です。「関係者」という語はよく低俗週刊誌で用いられますが、恣意的な意見をあたかも公式見解かのように示すというジャーナリズムも糞も無い下品なやり方ですよね。
→× 確かにC11形は動態保存機としては両数最多の形式ですが、そもそも趣味者ではない一般の観光客からすれば、SL列車というのは「SLそのもの」が珍しいのであり、集客効果に形式などほぼ関係ないと思われます。さらに鉄道趣味者からしても、東武のC11-207は前照灯が2灯の「カニ目」として貴重であり、車掌車を連結して14系原型車に乗り込めるという点からしても、「珍しさ」が薄いものとは考えられません。
→? なぜここで新幹線云々の話が出てきたのかよく分かりませんが、一応言っておくと東武SLほど「抱き合わせ商法」なSL列車もなかなかありません。東武のSL列車の運転区間は下今市―鬼怒川温泉駅で、乗車駅までの移動手段はほとんど東武線しか選択の余地がありません(別にJR日光線今市駅から歩いてもいいけどさ)。先ほど上げた根津社長のコメントにもありますが、東武としてはSLの乗客は乗車駅までは特急利用を想定としている、まさに抱き合わせ商法です。
→△ 運行��離・時間がそのまま利用客数に比例するというのは執筆者の独自の考えであり、必ずしもそうとは限らないと思われます。鉄道趣味者でもない観光客が皆、「SL列車は乗車時間が長ければ長いほど良い」と考えているでしょうか?少なくとも僕は乗車時間3時間半超の「SLばんえつ物語」を家族旅行の行程に組み込んだら家族から「長すぎる」と顰蹙を買いましたが。また、東武はSLについて、「手軽に乗れるSL列車」というマーケティングを行っています。(参照:http://www.tobu.co.jp/sl/trip/guide/)
→× 東武のSLが他のSL列車に対抗できない、対抗できるほどの魅力がないということを言いたいようですが、果たしてそうでしょうか?日光という一等観光地の至近から、鬼怒川温泉という有名温泉地まで走るという東武のSLは、「観光地内移動」というこれまでにない新たな性格を有しています。日光も鬼怒川温泉も元からかなり集客力のある観光地であり、そこへ来る観光客を拾えるというのは東武SL最大の特徴であり、東武特有の強みだと思われます。Twitterのフォロワーさんがおっしゃっていたことですが、東武のSLはあくまでそれ単体が目的となるものではなく、元からある日光鬼怒川の観光地としての魅力への「付加価値」として、目的の一つにできる移動手段として運行されているものです。
→× 先述してありますが、SLの運行区間に行くには実質的に東武線を利用するしかありません。SLを見に来るだけのギャラリーや撮り鉄も、ほとんどの場合下今市や鬼怒川温泉まで東武線の列車を利用するので、乗らない人たちも運賃収入増に大きく寄与します。
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glendaportfolio · 2 years ago
India's largest winemaker Sula Vineyards is set to go public, betting on the diversifying tastebuds of a booming urban middle class in a country that's long favoured strong liquor. I look at the growth opportunities and challenges facing Sula for AFP. You can read the text story here.
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edwardianbusinesslibrary · 3 years ago
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The list of full collections, invest piece by piece in order to receive your basic business journal in order to have access to the other collections.
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Pre-Stressing?  What is that?  This article by NTG makes the most out of it, so we made a video, so you don’t have to read it all.  Here are 3 steps of De-Armoring Yourself.
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onlytabletops-blog · 5 years ago
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Thank you @phxbizjournal MultiTable Makes The 2019 Largest Family Owned Business List by Phoenix Business Journal! Call Nicole at 602-773-6911 for Immediate Ergonomic Office Furniture Orders! https://www.multitable.com/ #pbj #phoenixbusinessjournal #bizjournals #businessjournals #top100lists #phoenixsmallbusiness #officefurniture #furnituredealers #furniturewholesale #interiordesign #designoffice #officefurniture #officeofthefuture (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6OU01KhEZs/?igshid=op3gavk2xfno
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debbieesmoth03 · 6 months ago
Digital Abouts Presents: A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Informed on Technology, Business, and Health
In the digital age, staying updated with the latest news and trends is crucial for anyone looking to thrive in a fast-paced world.
Technology news,Latest tech news,Technology articles,Latest technology news,New technology news,Business news,Online business ideas,Small business ideas,Financial news,Business journal,Health news,Health blogs,Health articles,Healthcare news,Wellness blogs,Nutrition blogs,Health and wellness blogs,Fitness tips
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handabanda · 5 years ago
Munkahelyi kiégés – hogyan javíthatunk a helyzeten?
2016-ban Németországban a munkahelyi kiégés évi 9 milliárd eurós hiányt okozott a termelésben.
Több, mint 4,1 millió német tapasztalt érzelmi vagy mentális szorongást a munkája miatt és átlagosan 2-szer annyi napot voltak betegszabadságon (évi 35,4 millió nappal többet), mint akik nem tapasztalták ezeket.
Csupán a megkérdezett dolgozók 29%-a érezte úgy, hogy a munkaadója törődik a jólétével és ez az arány már évek óta változatlan.
A vezetőknek fel kell ismerniük, hogy jelentősen csökkenthetik a kiégés kockázatát, ha:
elismerést kap a dolgozó, aki jól végzi a munkáját
rendelkezésre állnak az eszközök az adott munka megfelelő elvégzésére
a munkavállaló úgy érzi, számít a véleménye
A munkahelyi kiégés még nincs pontosan definiálva, de magában foglal olyan tüneteket, mint a depresszió, érzelmi kimerültség, ingerlékenység, lecsökkent energiaszint és a végzett tevékenységgel szembeni undor.
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bgrpublications · 4 years ago
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#june12 Call for Papers, * ROAD indexed e-journal, * #globalreach https://drbgrpublications.in/call-for-papers/, #businessjournal #drbgrpublications #tuticorinjournals https://www.instagram.com/p/CQAOuBVF85-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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edwardianbusinesslibrary · 3 years ago
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“Diamond Castles V(versus) Glass Houses” is now being sold here at The Edwardian Business Library. Priced at $24 for this Matte blank lined journal.  Eccentric Society Publications offers you your own personalized journals which would contribute to the Edwardian Business Library. ESPublications created in 2022 offers the best deal possible for Business Journals and we have to be honest we couldn’t find anyone else that compared.
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timpanys · 6 years ago
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I spent today working from home and planning my business strategy for 2019! There is nothing like a good plan and a concise list to make one feel clear headed and motivated! 💪🏻 Journal from @weekview_international on amazon (of course)! #businessjournal #businessplan #businessplanner #sme #femalefounder #businessoffashion #weekview (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqfeMHLFYm7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c63ywcxtkviq
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onlytabletops-blog · 6 years ago
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Congratulations! MultiTable Makes The 2019 Largest Family Owned Business List by Phoenix Business Journal! Call Nicole at 602-773-6911 for Immediate Ergonomic Office Furniture Orders! https://www.multitable.com/ #pbj #phoenixbusinessjournal #bizjournals #businessjournals #top100lists #phoenixsmallbusiness #officefurniture #furnituredealers #furniturewholesale #interiordesign https://www.instagram.com/p/B08raFjBkzF/?igshid=2efooz3ac032
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