#Business Speaker Johannesburg
astralstudiosza-blog · 4 months
Engaging Video Content Ideas to Grow Your Business
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Imagine harnessing the power of video not just to promote your business, but to create real change. That's what we do every day in Johannesburg at our video production company. We've worked on projects that tackle critical issues like the environment, social justice, and economic upliftment. One of my favourite projects involved making a video series about the absurdity of littering. Spoiler: we had a talking trash can that really stole the show.
These experiences have shown us that video can inform, inspire, and drive change. Now, let’s dive into some video ideas that can help your business shine and maybe even save the world—or at least your neighbourhood.
Animated Explainer Videos
Animated explainer videos are like having a digital magician on your team. They simplify complex topics and keep your audience glued to the screen.
Custom Characters and Graphics: Create quirky characters that reflect your brand’s personality. Think less “stodgy corporate” and more “fun animated series.”
Clear Narration: Use a friendly voice-over artist who sounds like they’d help you move furniture on a Saturday.
Engaging Storylines: Develop a narrative that’s as engaging as your favourite TV show. Plot twists welcome.
Social Media Teasers
Social media teasers are like the amuse-bouche of your marketing strategy. These short, snappy videos can create buzz and drive traffic to your site.
Eye-Catching Visuals: Use bold visuals that scream “look at me!” but in a polite way.
Clear Messaging: Get your point across quickly. Social media attention spans are shorter than a goldfish's memory.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure your videos look great on mobile devices. Because no one’s watching on a CRT monitor from 1995.
Customer Success Stories
Customer success stories are like fairy tales where your business is the fairy godmother. Show how you’ve transformed your customers’ lives (or at least their day).
Authentic Interviews: Feature real customers sharing their experiences. No actors. Unless you’re casting Tom Hanks.
Visual Proof: Show before-and-after scenarios. Everyone loves a good makeover.
Diverse Perspectives: Include customers from different backgrounds. Everyone’s story matters.
Live Product Launches
Live product launches are like your business’s birthday party, but with fewer balloons and more exciting announcements.
Interactive Elements: Include Q&A sessions and live demonstrations. Because who doesn’t love a good demo fail? Just kidding, aim for success.
Professional Quality: Ensure high production quality. Think “Oscars” not “home movies.”
Promotion: Hype up your live events in advance. If Beyoncé can do it, so can you.
Behind-the-Scenes Documentaries
Behind-the-scenes documentaries are like reality TV for your business, minus the drama (unless you’re into that).
Company Culture: Show your team at work, office tours, and company events. Make sure to feature the office dog.
Production Process: Take viewers through the process of creating your products. From the “eureka” moment to the final product.
Day-to-Day Operations: Share a day in the life of your business. Spoiler: it involves a lot of coffee.
How-To Tutorials
How-to tutorials are like the instruction manuals no one reads, but way more fun and actually useful.
Focus on Common Questions: Address common questions your customers have. Like, “How do I use this thing without breaking it?”
Visual Aids: Use diagrams, close-up shots, and maybe even some memes.
Clear and Concise: Keep your tutorials straightforward. No one likes a rambling explainer.
Event Recaps
Event recap videos are the highlight reels of your business’s greatest hits.
Key Moments: Capture the most exciting parts of your events. Like the time Bob from accounting did a backflip.
Interviews: Include interviews with attendees, speakers, and organizers. Ask the hard-hitting questions, like “What did you think of the snacks?”
Engaging Editing: Use dynamic editing techniques. Add some funky music for good measure.
Animated Infographics
Animated infographics turn boring data into a visual feast. They’re like the dessert of your video content.
Visual Storytelling: Use animation to bring your data to life. Think of it as a Pixar movie, but with stats.
Highlight Key Data Points: Make the important numbers pop. Use colours that make your eyes happy.
Flow and Pacing: Keep the information flowing smoothly. No one likes a data traffic jam.
Interactive Q&A Sessions
Engage directly with your audience through live Q&A sessions. Think of it as a talk show where you’re the star.
Real-Time Interaction: Answer questions from your audience in real-time. Be witty, be wise, be wonderful.
Expert Insights: Share expert insights and advice. Make sure to drop some knowledge bombs.
Promotion: Promote your live sessions in advance. Give people a reason to show up (like, free pizza).
Video content is a powerful tool for engaging your audience and growing your business. From animated explainers to live product launches, the possibilities are endless. Experiment with different formats and see what resonates with your audience.
If you need professional video production services, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our team in Johannesburg is ready to help you bring your vision to life. Let’s create something amazing together—and maybe even save the world, one video at a time.
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izdatazn · 8 months
S.U.I.T.S - Terrans Hidden War
TERRAN 27 - United South Africa
I woke up in cold sweats again, panting in the dark before my breathing became shallow. The nightmares won’t leave me and it pretty much terrified me. The lights slowly turned on for my eyes to adjust to the surrounding. I’m not in my room. I’m in one of SUITs dorm-like building. They had me stationed in SUIT’s American facility with my other team. They gave us time off to rest until they’re confident we can move again. It’s Sunday, October 15th 2079, a month and a half since our activities came to a halt. We were anxious to continue our mission since last week but the higher ups wanted us to rest more.
I stood up from my bed and stride across the room towards the bathroom. We’ve been hearing chatters from the comms while we were resting. SUITs has been scoring major victories across the world against the common enemy. I’ve been learning that every time we find a hidden production or distribution factories, half a dozen more factories pop up in the raid. That’s not what I expected to hear during my leisure day off.
I walked out of the bathroom and dressed up in my uniform. After that, I stepped out of my designated room. Isabel and Miyoung were waiting in the common room. Isabel tossed a water bottle at me.
“You look terrible,” Miyoung spoke.
“Thanks? I guess.” I joined them and took my time drinking the bottle.“We have no lead for Zaporg and Mio?” 
“None.” Isabel answered. Ever since their escape in Hawaii, they’ve been masking their trails till this day. It’s like they escaped the planet. 
“And we still have no whereabouts or dossier on Sang Hwang and her name?”
“Scrapped.” Isabel answered. “Like they were physically deleted a long time ago.”
“Where’s Viktor?” I asked.
“Engineering sector.” Isabel answered. “He says he has a surprise for us.” We gathered whatever we had and left the common rooms. “Daisuke would like to talk to us, seems like our rest has been lifted from the higher ups.” We crossed the busy center atrium of the facility. She gave me a two ear devices for Miyoung and me. I put them on and transparent visor materialized in front of my eyes. 
“I hope you had a good rest, Kobayashi and team,” Daisuke spoke. “I’ll keep this short as possible.” We entered the engineering sector. He continued. “We have received report of increasing aggressive activities in the African region for the past couple months. Twenty failed assassination attempts and six failed coups during the past week. While Queen Xaba declined helped for the passed couple of months, we have received an invitation from the Queen herself. She requested a couple of us to join her.”
“What was the reason?” I asked.
“She declined to answer.” Daisuke answered. “She would like to talk to us in person.”
“Then we’ll be heading to New Johannesburg.” I answered.
“I will be joining you in the city as well with Asuka Shigihara and Kokoro Kubo.” He added. Well damn, that’s a surprise.
I chuckled. “The gangs getting back together.”
“It’s not just the gang, Kobayashi.” Daisuke added. “She requested a hundred of us to join her in her meeting.”
“It must be extremely important then.” I spoke. “Then let’s not disappoint her. Kobayashi, signing off.” 
I took off the ear device off and came to a sudden stop. I was staring at a massive vehicle sitting in front of me. I looks like it’s at least three-four stories tall. I glanced at Isabel and Miyoung.
“What are you gaping about, Kobayashi?” A familiar voice asked, through the speaker. “Your looking at the upgraded version of ‘THE BERTHA II.” He laughed. 
“Viktor?” I spoke.
“It is Viktor on the speaker!” Viktor laughed. “While you were lazing away for a whole month, Viktor upgraded and rebuilt The Bertha II.” He continued laughing. 
Isabel tossed a small metallic ball onto the ground and a schematics of The Bertha II popped up. 
Viktor continued. “The Bertha II is a super heavy assault vehicle with added layers of armored plating equipped with a dozen projectile and laser base weaponry on the rears, twin cannons above the bridge, store four times as much equipments in the storage room and two sizable battery reactors. The battery upgrade is significant. A single battery reactor can be used in heavy situations but we can use two when we come into difficult situations.  The garage can hold two medium assault vehicles, one small support vehicle, three single vehicle assault submarine, and four single vehicle assault aircraft. This is Viktor’s greatest creation!” Viktor laughed. 
Isabel added. “The interior is also upgraded and spacious as well.”
“Wait, Viktor was getting to that!”
She ignored him and continued. “The Bertha II is big enough to commandeer sixteen people. So instead of four cramped private crews quarters, we have sixteen slightly lavish bigger private rooms and our own smaller cramped bathrooms. At least our rooms are soundproof.”
“Viktor didn’t think this through?” I asked.
“He did not.” Miyoung answered.
Isabel continued. “He didn’t go into details so I’ll do it. What I do like is the added Research/Bio/Tech labs on deck one with a three layer secured doors in the bio lab there was a breach. As you can see from the schematics, the three decks have a door leading towards the garage instead of one. The medical bay is retrofitted and slightly bigger on deck two. Adding on deck two is the meeting/common room in the center and crew quarters off to the side. The common room has a full 180 circular sofa with a table in the center. That’s where our plans are laid out. We have an upgraded dining facility not far off. We didn’t forget the bar. The common room is connected to the bridge where it holds a driver, a gunner, and a navigator. It’s spacious. The escape pods are used for their purpose but instead of being in one single place, they are in multiple areas. You’ll get use to the limited space though. This is Miyoung’s favorite part so I’ll let her explain it.”
“Let Viktor explain it!”
Miyoung ignored him. “Instead of a single forward single cannon on deck three, it has a forward, starboard, port and two stern twin cannons. The forward cannon have s a transparent half dome. These domes are also upgraded, able to withstand a substantial amount of heavy damages. The others are in a slightly comfy spherical shaped ball turrets slightly bulging out from the body.  I will be living on the forward cannons. The four cannon placement is automated. And then a dozen smaller machine guns attached to the body, stern, and bridge. Lucky for us, the ammunition storage room has upgraded.
“Seems a bit of an overkill,” I chuckled. “Let’s believe that The Bertha II will do its job.”
Viktor interrupted. “Miyoung likes the name! That’s one thing we agreed on.”
I glanced at her. “I will allow it this one time.” She answered. “While it is three the size bulkier and slightly faster, it’s still gonna need improvements on the crews quarter.”
“Bertha?” I asked.
I heard a ping. A few seconds later, she spoke. “Operational and online. Welcome back, Kobayashi.”
Looking at the Bertha’s schematics a bit more, I could definitely see how heavily layered the exterior is, even covering the circular hover pads underneath Bertha. Because of its size, Viktor added four hover pads in the underbelly. A dozen pads are operational to suspend our vehicle to hover above ground. Viktor and Bertha explained it pretty well that the added hover pads will help in difficult situations. Let’s hope so that the upgraded electrical transformers can hold out in heavy combat situations.
I heard a ping from Bertha.
“Status?” I asked.
“It is Monday, October 18th, 2079.” Bertha answered. “My camouflage is at nominal. We will be arriving to New Johannesburg shortly.”
We avoided the lease common trail from Europe to the Middle East to the entrance of North Africa. We’ve been hearing that there’s a heavily defended wall on that checkpoint so we decided to just traversal through the Atlantic Ocean. The Bertha II wasn’t showing any water damage, which is showing promise.
Bertha continued. “We will have Empresses Xaba’s aide guide us to her when we arrive.” I heard a ping. “We have a United South Africa Air Force on the line.”
“Patch them through.” I answered.
I heard a ping again. “Good afternoon, Kobayashi.” A male voice spoke. “This is 1st Squadron leader, Charles Miller, on the line. Please disable your camouflage.”
“Acknowledge.” Bertha answered.
“Thank you, Kobayashi.” Charles Miller. “My team will escorting you to the hanger and after that we will be meeting with Empresses Xaba.”
Miyoung pinged in. “We have four fighter jets and eight escort cruisers guiding us.”
“Apologizes for being extreme, Kobayashi, but we have strict guidelines to adhere.” Charles continued. “With the increase domestic terrorist attack from our enemy in the north and constant assassination attempts with my Queen, I can’t loosen my caution.”
“I understand the situation,” I answered. I joined Viktor and Isabel in the bridge. I noticed two aircraft above us and four cruisers in front of us. They lead us to our destination.
“We will be passing through our cloaking shield shortly,” Charles spoke.
I could see their cloak become transparent when we drove pass through three layers of it. When we finally went through it, I noticed something spectacular and it left my team in awe.
“Welcome to New Cape.” Charles spoke, “Queen Xaba’s new capital megapolis.” From a distance, it looked like any other city I visited the past couple of months but this is unexpectedly different. Its oceanfront cityscape skyscrapers extended as far as the eye can see but that’s far from it. There’s a massive infrastructure leading into the space. That’s one thing I’ve noticed from far away but as we got closer, we’ve also realized the cityscape is pretty extraordinary. The skyscrapers beyond the oceanfront are much taller than the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
Charles spoke. “What you’re seeing is an orbital elevator and besides it is Xaba Pharmaceutical, the second tallest building. New Cape is the central hub of United South Africa.” We arrived onto land and continued following our escort. The megacity or mega region  has this sense of futurism I couldn’t explain. It’s not just the Oceanview but these skyscrapers extends farther inland. Charles explained. “The megacity you see extends as far as New Johannesburg and continue our infrastructures in former neighboring countries such as Nambia, Angolaw, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Malawi.” He continued. “We rather hide from the global media and used New Johannesburg as a ploy to show that we are a weak country.” “Unified South Africa is the forefront of space technology and medical development.” I gasped.
I observed a space elevator climbing up an energy tether that connected the ground to the almost tiny speck of infrastructures in space. With our escort leading the way, we entered the bustling hangar and docked our ship. As we stepped out of our vehicle, we introduced ourselves to Charles, who was inside the chaotic hangar.
Charles shook my hand. “Finally to meet the team that followed Zaporg across the United States.” He changed subject. “Empress Xaba will be delighted to meet you.” “I hope so.”
Charles Miller was born in 1430, amidst the reign of the Lancastrian Dynasty. He played an active role and formed an alliance with Richard of York during the Duke of York's Revolt in 1455. This rebellion sought to claim the throne. After York's passing in 1460, Charles remained steadfast in his support for Edward IV of the Yorkist faction, who eventually assumed kingship. Unfortunately, Charles met his unfortunate demise during the Redesdale Rebellion in 1469 - a subsequent uprising that supported the Lancastrians.
I spoke.  “Charles, are you sure this is the place?” I’m standing in front of generic wooden door instead of something what I thought was a spectacular greeting at the grand entrance.
“You don’t have to worry, Kobayashi.” Charles spoke. “It is the right location.”
I ruffled my head and tapped my ear coms twice. Miyoung spoke. “My seismic sense can’t detect any suspicious movement within a 5 mile radius. Charles seems to be telling the truth.”
“Besides the formal greeting at the hanger,” Isabel added. “There’s nothing out of the ordinary.” 
“Let’s hope so.” I answered.
The wooden door opened and we followed Charles into the building. It was a different atmosphere after the doors closed. We watched servants hustling about in the corridors, cleaning whatever in the vicinity and a massive sculpture in the foyer. As we walked passed it, I noticed it was Empresses Xaba standing in victory with her allies along with two strange creatures besides her. We continued on with aids and maids running around.
“There’s no guards here?” I asked.
“A queen would really let her palace unguarded, Kobayashi?” Charles chuckled.
I tapped my ear comms again.
Miyoung answered. “My seismic sense can’t detect anything within the palace.”
“It’s not just you, Kobayashi.” Isabel added. “This feels to normal and I don’t like it.”
We continued on until we arrived to another door. We stopped in front of Charles. He turned around and faced us.
“The Empress is waiting beyond this door.” Charles bowed at us. The doors opened and beyond is a bright room and in the center is an empresses waiting for us. Charles took a step to the side and we walked in. The doors closing echoed in the empty room. We noticed her sitting in her throne, wearing extravagant bright clothes and holding a jewel scepter on her left hand. I noticed a scar across her face.
“Welcome to my palace, Mr. Kobayashi.” Xaba spoke.
“We hare humbled to be here, Empress.” We bowed to her. 
Xaba clapped her hands as it echoed around us. “But first.” She spoke. “Your team must impress me.” We noticed the walls slowly started to move and the sun entering in the room. As the walls traversed into the ground, we quickly learned we’re not in her residential palace but in a colosseum full of crowded spectators
“I didn’t not pick any of this up with my seismic sense, Kobayashi,” Miyoung spoke. “There’s no way she could hide thousands of people.”
“When did we move?” Isabel mumbled. 
I took a step forward. “What do I need to impress you, Empress?” I asked.
Xaba stood up from her throne and dropped her robe. “Your report is fascinating when I read it.” She undressed her gown and tossed it away. “Your team is fascinating, taking down multiple important target within a year.” She was wearing a decorated uniform underneath her gown. We noticed branches growing out from the ground underneath her. It formed into a gun. “I have just one simple favor to ask you.” She took her gun and uncock her gun.
“It’s a double barrel shotgun, Kobayashi.” Miyoung lifted her weapon and took the shot.” A part of ground lifted up in front of Xaba and lowered right after. Xaba nonchalantly added two shotgun shells into her gun. “Simply best in me in a duel.”
“Four against one?”
Xaba chuckled. “Nonsense, Mr. Kobayashi.”
A figure appeared behind Miyoung, a knife immediately aimed at her neck. She caught us off guard. I felt the tension among my group but Xaba was calm. It happened in seconds and Miyoung or Isabel didn’t sense him within our surroundings.
“Sizwe, don’t scare them.” Xaba spoke. “Come back to me.” His figure melted away immediately. Not a single speck of water seen in sight. “Your disappointing me, Mr Kobayashi and team.” We noticed a puddle form behind Xaba and then that same water forming into a human figure. Xaba sighed. “You can do better than that.”
“Light My Way, Calm Princess.”
“Wilma, Let’s Have Some Fun.”
“Kimchi, Guide Me.”
“Pozole, Extend My Reach.”
“Excellent, Mr. Kobayashi and team.” Xaba glanced at me. “Show me everything.” She cocked her gun. “Kneel, My King.” In one single motion from my surrounding, the spectators drop to their knees.
In unison, their voice echoed in the colosseum. “We Will Protect Our Empress.” We felt an overwhelming energy released from her.
Noxolo Xaba is believed to have originated from the oldest tribe, known as the San Tribe, a hundred thousand years ago. Together with her six siblings, they used to roam the African plains, constantly facing threats from apex predators until they perished. However, SUITS brought them back to life. While her siblings remained in Africa, Noxolo embarked on a journey across multiple continents, witnessing the rise and fall of civilizations. In the 1900s, Noxolo finally returned to her birthplace alongside her six siblings. It was there that she rebelled against her controlling siblings who held power over the entire continent. With a strong determination to bring unity and peace to Africa, she aimed for an uprising and successfully established control over part of South Africa which continues until today with her loyalists.
It’s not only the spectators but I’ve noticed a couple dozen of cameras as well. But that’s the lease of our worries. Xaba is making my team nervous and it doesn’t help me calm my nerves. It’s just not her overwhelming energy but she also radiates charisma. It’s not her that scares me but Sizwe standing besides her. Miyoung didn’t sense him. Her seismic sense is rendered useless in this fight.
“Miyoung.” I stuttered. “Viktor.”
Viktor charged forward. Miyoung shot multiple bullets from her gun. He hopped and wrapped himself into a ball. We noticed a wooden ramp being formed in front of Xaba. It was sturdy enough for Viktor to fly over Xaba instead of shredding into pieces. Miyoung’s bullets slightly changed direction at the last minute. They didn’t even graze Xaba. They struck the ground near Sizwe.
“Kobayashi.” Isabel mumbled.
I charged forward and Isabel followed. Miyoung supported us and fired her gun at Xaba. Viktor unwrapped himself and slides forward. He slam his fist into the ground, stopped, and charged forward. We felt a rush of wind pick up and this slight tingly static spark in the stadium. We reacted late after the event and it happened in seconds. Two figures suddenly appeared out of nowhere. One standing in front of us and another standing in front of Viktor.
The figure caught Viktor’s weapon when he swung vertically. The figure kicked Viktor backwards and stood its ground. He attacked. Isabel swung her weapon from underneath and slide passed the figure’s shield. Once again, Miyoung’s bullet trajectory struck the ground. She continued firing her gun. The figure swung its weapon at me when I was within reach of its sword. Both figures quickly stopped us from advancing forward. It felt this terrifying silence in the stadium when Miyoung stopped as well.
“It’s not four against one,” Xaba spoke. “It’s an even match, Kobayashi.” She continued. “Let me introduce my personal security detail from Xaba’s SECUIRTAS, Bayu Igwe and Nala Okeke.”
I noticed Nala wearing a lightly armored uniform but that’s not the only thing that peaked my interest. Her eye patches were covering both her eyes but I noticed faint x scar markings. Bayu has this different charisma to him. Half his body is covered what looks like metal alloy but his body is infused with electronic hardware. Bayu looks half robotics/half human.
Bayu spoke. “Xaba SECUIRTAS Maxim is to protect the country but this Detail’s Maxim  is to Protect the Empress. With my life, I will not let you through.” Both arms shifted, his left arm formed into a small shield and a long pole blade formed on his right arm. His shield sparked as it extended slightly.
“Protect The Country, Protect the Empress.” Nala slammed her shield into the ground and took a step to the side. They stood their ground.
“Miyoung, find a way through that defense. You’re with Isabel, distract Nala. Viktor, see how you can crush his defense.” I spoke. “I’ll see if I can get close to the Empress.”
“What’s the plan?” Miyoung asked.
“Our opponents have more experience than the four of us combined. We won’t win.” I answered. “Our plan is get through their defense and within reach of Xaba.”
Born in 1907 in the Tefari Xaba Region Control of Botswana, Sizwe Zivai grew up listening to tales of an uprising occurring in the Azibo Xaba Region Control. These stories inspired Sizwe to embark on his own rebellion in 1925, joining forces with his fellow citizens with the goal of countering Tefari's influence in Botswana. In 1935, as they continued their efforts to diminish Tefari's power, Sizwe encountered Noxolo Xaba, Nala Okeke, and Bayu Igwe. Tragically, Sizwe lost his life in 1937 just a few hours shy of witnessing Tefari's influence eradicated from Botswana. However, a miraculous event occurred when Noxolo revived him after death. Grateful for this second chance at life and moved by her cause, Sizwe pledged his allegiance to Noxolo and became a trusted ally.
Viktor charged forward once again, aggressively throwing his fist into Bayu’s shield. Viktor thought if he used enough strength into pounding his fist into his shield, it would shattered into pieces. It didn’t work and they held firm from Viktor’s attack. Bayu pushed Viktor back and thrust his blade forward, grazing Viktor’s body. Bayu continued dodging or blocking Viktor’s forward attacks. It’s difficult to analyze who has the advantage in the fight when Bayu is just standing there. Bayu blocked a strong straight fist attack to his shield, strong enough for shockwave to spread out from the impact and have a slightly minor pushback. Bayu pushed and knocked Viktor backwards. He slammed his shield into the ground and stepped to the side.
“I analyzed your fighting style.” Bayu spoke. “I am not impressed.” Another pole blade formed on his left arm. “So show me what made your enemies fear you.”
Isabel, Miyoung and I did what we can to overwhelm or distract Nala. We strategized what we could to get through her defense but she was a couple of steps ahead of us in our movements. She has this massive advantage over us despite being 3 vs 1.
“I’m being blocked.” Miyoung spoke. She fired a few more bullets from afar. Her bullets changed trajectories. “My seismic sense is being nullified.” 
Nala was making it difficult for us in close combat. Despite Isabel being a pro at close combat, Nala is making her look like a fool for both of us. Miyoung fired another bullet from her rifle. Her bullet shattered into thousands of smaller pieces but continued their path to us. Isabel and I swung our weapons at Nala while dodging the smaller pieces. I noticed some pieces of her bullet changing directions despite aiming directly at her. 
“Ya’ll probably figured this out.” I spoke. We continued our attack on Nala. “But I believe that Nala has two main elements, wind and sound.”
“Live long enough and you’ll probably know how to main all the elements.” Miyoung added. Miyoung latched her rifle on her back and took out her pistol attached to her leg. She joined us in our close combat with Nala. We didn’t gain a slight advantage. We can’t get through her defense and she knows this. Nala used enough wind to stagger Isabel and I back. After that, we felt the earth underneath us grab our legs. The roots slowly extended until it wrapped our entire body and held us firmly. We couldn’t break free as we watched our teammates face Xaba’s security leaders in a one vs one battle.
“It’s Bayu.” Isabel gasped. I took a quick glance at Viktor. We were watching Viktor attacking his opponent but Bayu is easily stopping every single attack. He’s not paying attention to Viktor. Bayu’s attention is all of us. We did what we can to free ourselves while Miyoung and Viktor were focused on their opponent.
“I have your teammates out of the way.” Nala sheathed sword. “Miyoung, you peaked my interest with your fight style.” Nala reached for her left patch. “I hope you impress me.” Nala removed her patch and we felt this massive wave of energy release from her body. It shocked us including Miyoung. 
Nala Okeke was born in 1903 in South Africa, which is now known as the United South Africa. Similar to Bayu, Nala lived under the rule of Azibo Xaba, the Regional Leader of South Africa who also held territories in Namibia, Botswana, and Mozambique. Upon hearing about the demise of Dakarai, the local leader in Lesotho, Nala joined forces with many others to rise against Azibo's regime. Unfortunately, during this uprising she lost both her eyes and was subjected to torture by Azibo. However, she was eventually saved by Chike Xaba, Noxolo's sibling. Together with Chike's support, Nala continued fighting for liberation in their region until they successfully eliminated Azibo in 1930. Throughout their journey for peace on the continent, Nala developed a strong bond with Chike and remained loyal to Noxolo's leadership.
Nala didn’t pause for a second. In one quick motion, she took a step closer to Miyoung and wrapped her patch around her arm while at the same time connected a kick to her chest. Miyoung staggered backwards and Nala pulled her close to her, connecting another heavy punch to her chest strong enough for the ground to crack underneath them. Miyoung flew backwards but was pulled back to Nala once again. She connected another punch to her chest and unwrapped her patch on her. Miyoung was sent flying across the coliseum and slamming into the wall.
Nala leaned backwards when Miyoung appeared underneath her. She dodged Miyoung’s uppercut while at the same time wrapped her patch around her arm. Nala pulled her to the ground, connected a kick to her face and pulled her to the ground again. She wrapped her patch around Miyoung’s other arm and held her down. Nala played with her.
“I’ve apprehended my opponents.” Nala commented.
“Acknowledge.” Bayu answered.
Viktor released a left hook at him. Bayu blocked his attack and made him stagger backwards. He took a step forward and swiftly connected multiple attacks to Viktor’s body before he could react. Bayu took a step back and stepped to the side. At the same time, raised a thick tree root out from the ground at a 45 degree again. It struck Viktor in the back which made him quickly stagger forward. The root attached itself onto Viktor and quickly grew around his chest before he could maintain his footing. The roots extends to his arms, slowly stretching his arm, and reattaching to the main root. The roots held firm as Viktor tried to break free. The roots continued to expand to his legs and did the same to to his arms. It restricted his movements before stretching to the ground and holding him firmly. He resisted for a couple more seconds before the roots pulled him to his knees. A few more roots stretched out from the ground and attached themselves to the roots.
“I’ve immobilized my opponent.” Bayu declared.
We couldn’t get passed Xaba’s first defense. They quickly apprehended us in one swift move but I felt less pressure on my body. The roots were also unwrapping Isabel as well when I glanced at her. The roots retracted to the ground. Isabel helped me up my foot while I noticed Sizwe stepping forward as Nala carried Miyoung away.
“Your team impressed us, Kobayashi,” Sizwe interjected. “As Empress Xaba’s security detail, our maxim is to protect the queen and immobilized our enemies as quickly as possible. You gave us an interesting bout.” Sizwe declared. “Isabel, how about you focus on me instead. I will Kobayashi clash with my empress.”
Isabel took a step forward. I can feel a tense aura around her. She’s serious considering that our teammates were restrained as fast as possible.
“Good.” Sizwe uttered. He appeared behind her. “Let’s begin.”
Isabel twisted around and swung her swords. Her weapons crossed through water before it splashed into the ground. She glanced at Sizwe standing at the same spot. He didn’t move.
“Did you see something, Isabel?” Sizwe probed. 
“Oh don’t you mess with me!” Isabel sprinted at him.
“Well then,” he taunted. “Let’s begin.” 
Sizwe Zivai was born in 1907 in Tefari Xaba Region Control Botswana. He would listen to current stories of an uprising in Azibo Xaba Region Control Botswana throughout his life. Sizwe would start his own uprising in 1925 with his fellow citizens to push back Tefari’s influence in Botswana. He would meet with Noxolo Xaba, Nala Okeke, and Bayu Igwe in 1935 during the push of Tefari’s influence in Botswana and would later die in 1937 when finally pushing Tefari’s influence out of Botswana. Sizwe would be revived by Noxolo and swore his alliegence with Noxolo Xaba.
Sizwe threw multiple throwing knives at her. Isabel quickly dodged them as she continued advancing forward. She noticed his knives shattering into smaller pieces in mid-flight. Isabel quickly learned that each steps she takes, his knives were splitting into micro pieces, unseeable to the naked eye. She felt multiple pricks piercing her body but she continued advancing.
I watched Sizwe pulled his knives back to him. Isabel noticed faint energy strings surrounding her. She watched the knives reconstruct themselves back to norm when they returned to Sizwe. His knives formed into bladed long pole. He reacted swiftly and blocked a swing from Isabel when she was in reach. Sizwe swiftly threw a knife to his left and right before pushing Isabel backwards. Isabel hasn’t noticed but watching from afar, I noticed his knives changing trajectory as it wrapped around Isabel. His knives splintered into micro needles.
Isabel gained her footing and swung her weapons again before Sizwe tugged Isabel closer to him. Their weapons clashed for a couple seconds. Sizwe’s long pole shattered into two pieces when Isabel added more aggression into her swings. It didn’t stop Sizwe though and continued blocking her attacks. Between those attacks, he reattached his pole arm and continued blocking them. It took a few minutes for Isabel to notice that his pole weapon returned to normal.
Isabel took a step back, attached her hook swords together and spun. Her weapon clashed with his pole weapon again. She continued spinning while her weapon clashes with his weapon in different directions. Ice formed on the tip of her weapon when Isabel took another step backwards. She continued spinning and Sizwe continued dodging in speeds I couldn’t imagine. Isabel stepped up her game but Sizwe was on par with her. 
Sizwe took steps forward while dodging her attack. Isabel moves inches backwards while she continued swing her weapon. It hasn’t slowed Sizwe for a bit. He swings his weapon and shatters Isabel’s ice weapon when he came into contact with it. Sizwe tugged Isabel forward and connected his pole weapon to her face. She reacted as quick as possible but her arms didn’t move. Isabel was being held tightly by something she couldn’t see. He added more connected attack before making her stagger backwards. Sizwe dragged her towards him again and connected a straight punch to her forehead. He spun and connected a strong kick to her face, strong enough for her to slam into the ground before she went unconscious.
“My target is unconscious.” Sizwe voiced. 
I thought Isabel, Miyoung, and Viktor were steps ahead of my skills but Empress Xaba’s defense detail are far beyond skillful then them. Sizwe, Bayu, and Nana easily apprehended their opponents with ease and without releasing their first form. I honestly don’t know how I would have the advantage when fighting with the Empress. It’s frightening how skillful they are.
“Isabel did well.” Sizwe picked her up. “But we were born hundreds of years ago. We had time to master our skills.” Sizwe walked away. “The Empress would like to assess your skills. Please, don’t bore her.”
Sizwe cleared the stadium with Isabel. It just me and Xaba in the stadium. Her demeanor scares me but what distracts me is the unified movements from the spectators echoing in the stadium.
"Mr. Issei Kobayashi," Empress Xaba interjected, "You won't improve your skills if the spectators are distracting you. What did Nakamura Mio, the Jack of Clubs, teach you?"
She was right. I had to block out the surrounding sound and focus solely on my target.
"Magnificent, Kobayashi," Xaba complimented. "I can sense your unwavering focus on a single objective. I now understand why your master chose you as his student." She appeared before me. "However, I cannot go easy on you, Kobayashi. I hope you comprehend that."
Without any time to react, she swiftly connected the end of her weapon with my face, swiftly followed by a forceful kick to my thighs. Additionally, she added a quick and powerful punch to my chest, propelling me across the station and causing me to forcefully collide with the wall. Without pausing for even a moment, she continued her relentless assault. Xaba suddenly materialized in front of me once again, yanked me away from the wall, and forcefully hurled me back into the ring.
I rolled violently on the ground several times and slid until I regained my footing. I swung my sword when she was in reach. She effectively blocked my swing with her weapon and moved closer into my personal space. I instinctively leaned to the left, narrowly evading a quick strike aimed at my face, yet this did not deter Xaba from pursuing me. I tried my best to evade her attacks, but occasionally she managed to land a hit on my body. Despite exerting pressure on her, it seemed ineffective. It was apparent that she possessed a calm demeanor even in intense situations, which made me question if this situation truly unsettled her given her long life experience.
I collided with her shotgun as I swung my sword, causing a clash. Swiftly, I spun around her while maintaining a tight grip on my sword, holding it in reverse. Once again, our weapons clashed as my sword connected with her shotgun. Without missing a beat, I continued to swing at her before swiftly changing my grip once more. She was a step ahead, blocking every single attack.
Xaba delivered a powerful kick to my chest, which forced me backwards into an earth wall she had cleverly constructed while I was engaged in combat with her. Seizing the opportunity, she swiftly grabbed hold of my neck and tightened her grip.
"Not satisfying enough. Show me the other side of you, Kobayashi," Xaba demanded sternly. "But can you control that dark aspect of your personality?"
Releasing her grip on my neck, she swiftly unleashed a forceful blow to my stomach with her shotgun. The impact was so intense that it shattered the earth wall, propelled me across the stadium, and forcefully slammed me into the wall.
I fell to my knees and gasped for breath. She witnessed my best and wanted to see the side I couldn't control. Even though I was desperate to gain an advantage in a fight, I refused to use it regardless of the voices that controlled my intentions.
I noticed the voices had started to silently whisper around me. Xaba persistently provoked me to let my other side take over. Her tactics were effective; the voices grew stronger and started reverberating. 
"I'll allow you to embrace the dark side, Kobayashi, even if it’s for a little bit" it whispered. "You will discover the gratifying feeling of strength.”
My left eye sclera suddenly engulfed in crimson flames, while my pupil morphed into a deep shade of red. I experienced an overwhelming and powerful energy enveloping my body. It granted me access to its limited energy reservoir. I sheathed my first sword and drew out my second sword, which was calling out to me.
"Great," Xaba proclaimed. "Demonstrate to me the abilities of that opposing force.”
Xaba reappeared in front of me and unleashed a flurry of attacks without hesitation. I mirrored her actions without hesitation. We did not back down when we exchanged shots. The fight escalated quickly as we tried to outdo one another. The spectators were still echoing their chants for the queen, louder than before, but it didn't deter me for even a second.
She once again grabbed my neck and flung me across the coliseum. Several thick roots shot out from the ground and pursued me. I managed to land on my feet, simultaneously slicing through the roots as I slid backwards. Xaba suddenly emerged behind me. Before I had a chance to react, the roots beneath me swiftly coiled around my ankle, firmly trapping me in place. She launched a relentless series of attacks on my body, causing me to be flung across the stadium as the roots unraveled. I landed firmly on my feet and slid backward. Coming to a sudden stop, I swiftly swung my sword below me, severing the roots being propelled from the ground.
She swiftly landed a powerful punch straight to my face, followed by another strike with her weapon, causing me to crash into the coliseum wall once more.
"It whispered softly, 'You have witnessed the power of dark energy. Allow me to take control, and I will bring this to an end on my own.'
'I won't,' I gasped, feeling excruciating pain emanating from my left eye.
'You don't dictate to me, Kobayashi,' it uttered. 'I am the one who controls you.’"
 did my best to resist, but it soon became apparent that I had no control over the situation. The veins near my eyes bulged and, within seconds, it completely overwhelmed my senses and took control of my body. I was helpless against its influence.
"It appears that the other side has made their presence known," Xaba observed. "I hope you're ready to be entertained."
"Oh, I will most definitely entertain you," Kobayashi replied. "I will thoroughly enjoy tearing you apart, Empress.”
"Is it safe to do that?" Isabel inquired.
"We have implemented a containment shield in the coliseum," Nala replied. "If anything, Bayu and I will apprehend Kobayashi if he attempts to harm our Empress."
"If?" Isabel questioned.
"Kobayashi's other side is still feral and does not stand a chance. Xaba will take care of apprehending him," Nala added confidently.
The arena was filled with excitement as Xaba and Kobayashi engaged in a thrilling heavyweight fight. Despite the fierce competition, Xaba maintained control throughout the match, effortlessly keeping up with Kobayashi's every move. Kobayashi found himself unable to lay a finger on Xaba, while she remained composed and coolly delivered swift yet precise attacks to his body. 
In a decisive moment, Xaba forcefully sent Kobayashi crashing into the ground, triggering the rapid growth of roots that swiftly ensnared him. Although he struggled to break free from their tightening grip, more roots continued to emerge and tighten around Kobayashi's body. These roots rendered him immobile, covering every part of his body except for his eyes.
Standing before him, Xaba gazed at Kobayashi and spoke calmly. "If you can master your other side, Kobayashi, I will be intrigued by our future battles.”
Breaking free from his restraints, Kobayashi launched another attack towards Xaba. However, she effortlessly leaned to her left side and dodged the strike aimed at her face. Although she felt a slight graze on her left cheek, it did not deter her from swiftly seizing his arm and snapping his elbow in one fluid motion. Without hesitation, she quickly immobilized him once again.
Her roots extended from the ground once more and prevented any movement from Kobayashi. Four stumps emerged from beneath them and pressed firmly against him as her roots forced him down onto his knees. To further ensure he couldn't escape their grasp this time around; more roots entwined around his wrists and pulled them apart forcefully. Breaking free proved much more challenging for Kobayashi this time as he struggled against Xaba's formidable hold on him
Placing her thumb firmly against Kobayashi's forehead with determination, she twisted it decisively and sealed off his other side.
I felt my veins compress beneath my skin around my left eye as it returned back to normal. Gradually regaining consciousness, I realized that my veins compressed from my skin around my left eye as it returned to normal. It took some time for me to comprehend that I was now in control of my body but still restrained by Xaba's roots. The stumps pressing onto me crumbled, and the roots slowly untangled my body.
"Kobayashi, you've done well," Xaba said as she turned away. "Once you have rested, we will continue in the war room with the others."
Suddenly standing up, I quickly noticed my blurred vision due to the sudden movement. Breathing heavily, I dropped to my knees and then collapsed onto the ground. After that, everything went black.
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thxnews · 10 months
TEDxJohannesburgSalon: Food for Thought
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  Southern Africa's Hunger Challenge
As Southern Africa grapples with alarming levels of food insecurity, TEDxJohannesburg, in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), is set to host a groundbreaking TEDx event. The region faces a stark reality, with over 60 million people hungry across 12 countries. Practical solutions are vital, and the WFP aims to bring together experts to share insights and effective strategies in the fight against hunger.   A Feast of Ideas to Disrupt Hunger Menghestab Haile, WFP's Regional Director in Southern Africa, emphasizes the importance of practical approaches. "WFP is excited to bring together various experts to share their insights and help bring effective solutions in the fight against hunger. I hope it will be a feast of ideas to disrupt hunger."  
TEDxJohannesburgSalon: Food for Thought
Kelo Kubu, TEDxJohannesburg licensee, expresses enthusiasm about the event. "At TEDxJohannesburgSalon: Food for Thought, we have a diverse array of solutions and possibilities that we hope will spark inspiration and foster collaboration." The event promises unconventional perspectives, cutting-edge research, and inspiring success stories challenging traditional thinking to explore new approaches to ending hunger across Africa.   Keynote Speakers: Champions in the Hunger Battle The event boasts keynote speakers from various sectors, each contributing uniquely to the fight against hunger. Andy du Plessis: Heading South Africa's Largest Food Distribution Non-profit Andy du Plessis spearheads FoodForward, South Africa's premier non-profit dedicated to food distribution. His leadership focuses on recovering surplus food to combat insecurity and hunger. Deprose Muchena: Leading Amnesty International's Human Rights Advocacy in Southern Africa Deprose Muchena plays a pivotal role in Amnesty International, leading efforts to end human rights abuses and promote societies that respect individual rights in Southern Africa. Tumi Dlamini: Advisor for African Peer Review Mechanism and Corporate Governance Advocate Tumi Dlamini serves as an advisor for the African Peer Review Mechanism, contributing to corporate governance reforms across Africa. Forrest P. Branch: Leading KolAgri – Focused on Sustainable Agribusiness in the DRC Forrest P. Branch is at the helm of KolAgri, an agribusiness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The organization specializes in grain storage, maize packaging, and sustainable agricultural strategies. Isak Pretorius: Innovative COVID-19 Food Distribution with Electronic Voucher System Isak Pretorius innovatively streamlined COVID-19 food distribution using an electronic voucher system, blending humanitarian and business expertise to serve Africa's urgent needs.   Further Speakers Mzimasi Jalisa: Young Black Farmer and Co-owner of Jay Jay Farming Mzimasi Jalisa, a young black farmer, co-owns Jay Jay Farming in Baziya and Ugie, Eastern Cape, contributing to the agricultural landscape. Mourine Achieng: Postdoctoral Fellow at Unisa, Focused on Technology for Societal Solutions Mourine Achieng, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Unisa, specializes in using technology to address societal issues and create opportunities for all. Terence Maphosa: Leadership in KwaTerry Rural Restaurant – A Champion for Rural Tourism Terence Maphosa takes the lead at KwaTerry Rural Restaurant, championing rural tourism and sustainable agriculture. Lance Quiding: Founder of Integrated Aquaculture – Pioneering Commercial Fish Farming Lance Quiding is the founder of Integrated Aquaculture, a commercial fish farm that integrates aquaponics and aquaculture for sustainable practices.   Event Details - Location: Ground Floor, Wanderers Building, the Campus Office Park, Cnr Sloane Street & Main Road, the Forum Bryanston, Johannesburg. - Date and Time: Wednesday, 22 November 2023; 09:00 AM - 15:00 PM.   Sources: THX News & World Food Programme. Read the full article
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xtruss · 1 year
Jackson Hinkle: Western Elites Want War Against Russia, China
The US Establishment is Not Hesitant to Start World War III to Maintain its Globalist Dominance, American Political Commentator Jackson Hinkle told Sputnik's New Rules Podcast.
— Sputnik International | September 23, 2023
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B-52H Stratofortresses from the 2nd Bomb Wing line up on the runway at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana., October 14, 2020. The B-52 is a long-range, heavy bomber that can perform a variety of missions and has been the backbone of U.S. strategic bomber forces for more than 60 years. - Sputnik International. © Senior Airman Tessa Corrick
"I guess Tucker [Carlson] has got a point when he says, 'I'm willing to bet my house that Joe Biden is going to start World War Three with Russia,' because look what they've done," Jackson Hinkle told Sputnik. "These people are insane. Even like, taking [ex-House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi on her jet to go to Taiwan and meet with Taiwanese officials. There was a lot of people, myself included, who were thinking, 'Goodness, the [Chinese] People's Liberation Army (PLA) is going to shoot her out of the sky or something right now? Is this going to be how it all begins?' They're reckless. They are completely Russophobic and beating the drums of war to go to war with China."
Moreover, the American elite's hostility toward Russia has surpassed that of the Cold War era, leading to a worrying breakdown in communications between Washington and Moscow, according to the political commentator.
"The level of communication breakdown is so severe compared to the Cold War," he said. "I got to meet the guy that actually developed the telephone, they had the red hotline telephone between the US and the USSR during the Cold War. And he told me he’s like, 'there's nothing like that right now in the White House. There's no communication whatsoever.' And we're not too far off from that same sort of a lack of dialogue with the Chinese, because they want to go to war against the Chinese."
It did not happen overnight, according to the analyst. Over the past 30 years, Washington and its allies have reneged on all the pledges they made to Moscow at the end of the Cold War. One of them was a verbal promise that NATO would not extend an inch east of Germany. "NATO since then, at the behest of the US, has violated that promise on 16 occasions now," Hinkle remarked. The transatlantic alliance does not conceal its plans to draw in Ukraine and possibly Georgia, thus moving even closer to Russia's borders.
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Jackson Hinkle. “These people are insane. Even like taking Pelosi on her jet to go to Taiwan and meet with Taiwanese officials. There was a lot of people, myself included, who were thinking, "goodness, PLA is going to shoot her out of the sky or something right now? Is this going to be how it all begins?" They're reckless. They are completely Russophobic and beating the drums of war to go to war with China,” Jackson Hinkle, host of The Dive, told Sputnik.
US Elites Seek to Dismantle Economic Alternative Offered by Russia & China
The emergence of a multipolar world order - with Russia and China at the forefront of the movement - is challenging the globalist Great Reset aimed at prolonging centuries of Western colonial hegemony, according to Hinkle.
"[The multipolar world] poses a serious threat to the West's effort to secure the Eurasian heartland, which that's been like the basis of US foreign policy for so long, is to have control over the people and the resources in the Eurasian heartland, which of course encompasses Russia," Hinkle said. "And now that Russia and China and these other countries more and more and more are working together to form BRICS and develop a new currency that's going to challenge the dollar, I would be worried if I was the United States and I was also refusing to do business with them. We could just do business with them and we'd all win, but they're not going to do that."
At the recent BRICS summit, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in August, the group's participants condemned the West's unfair trade practices and unilateral sanctions and discussed the increased use of national currencies and domestic financial mechanisms instead of the US dollar. The Global South leans toward Russia and China, whose economies have proven remarkably resilient despite Western predictions of imminent collapse. Moreover, in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), China has overtaken the US as the world's largest economy. Russia, for its part, overtook Europe's three largest economies - France, the UK and Germany - in PPP terms in 2022.
"The State Department and Wall Street are very concerned," the US political analyst said. "I think the State Department currently, as it presents itself, is just a tool of Wall Street, because what is Wall Street? Wall Street is just this Byzantine labyrinth of predatory economic schemes. It's rent, it's interests. It's speculation on stocks. All of this is just BS. It's nothing. And at the end of the day, when you compare that sort of an economy to what China and Russia represent, which is real production that's aimed at uplifting the public good, China's lifted 840 million people out of poverty over the last 40 years through developing oil, gas, coal, doing land reform, silver, gold, all these things and more, agricultural goods. Yeah, that is a challenge to the West, and it's a substantive one because the West doesn't produce anything anymore. We outsourced all our manufacturing. So what is left? Nothing, really. And that can crumble very easily if there's a real challenge." — Jackson Hinkle, American Political Commentator
Russia and China Aren't Enemies of US People
It's not Russia and China that pose a real threat to Americans, Hinkle emphasized, but those who hoard all U.S. resources and act contrary to U.S. national interests.
"We have this rich group of people in America that are hoarding all of our resources. Some of these large investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard. (…) BlackRock, they're making money off of all this real estate. Bill Gates is as well. Why is it that they get to buy up all the real estate, but 60,000 American veterans have to sleep out on the streets every night? That's supposed to be acceptable, and we're not supposed to question that?" Hinkle asked.
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“Average Americans are being put in prison because they can't pay their taxes, because we're sending $250 billion to Ukraine, and hundreds of millions to Taiwan. Anyone who thinks that Russia or China is our enemy is sorely mistaken. Our enemy is Wall Street, World Economic Forum, the DC Beltway region and the city of London,” Jackson Hinkle, host of the Dive, told the New Rules podcast, commenting on the real enemies of the American people.
"There is no reason for them to be running free on yachts and traveling back and forth to Lake Como, to the Hamptons and wherever when average Americans are being put in prison because they can't pay their taxes, because we're sending $250 billion to Ukraine, and hundreds of millions to Taiwan. The people that are our enemies are really this globalist class of finance capital that are sucking out every last bit of breath from the American public in the working class. For anyone who thinks that Russia or China or whoever is our enemy, they're sorely mistaken. Your enemy is Wall Street, World Economic Forum, the DC Beltway region and the City of London," the political commentator continued.
The neocons in the Biden administration, Wall Street and the U.S. military-industrial complex have already profited from Washington's proxy war in Ukraine and are salivating at the opportunity to profit even more from the US conflict with China. However, these overseas conflicts have nothing to do with core US interests. What's worse, these proxy wars would most certainly backfire, according to the analyst.
"I think a lot of people have their eyes set on China and a war with China, and I think that's what they really want. And I think that [they’re also eyeing] a war with Russia. I pray that there's no World War Three with Russia. That's how it starts," Hinkle concluded.
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minutemann789 · 1 year
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stellaonas · 2 years
Top 10 Cryptocurrency Events that You Should Not Miss in 2023
Attending cryptocurrency events is a great opportunity to learn more about web 3.0, blockchains, Defi, NFT, the metaverse, and other cutting-edge concepts. Through these physical and digital networking chances for cryptocurrencies, users can connect with other blockchain users, experts, and builders. Many of these bitcoin events are multi-locational and have a worldwide scope. If you want to learn more about the sector, gain experience, and gain insight into it, as well as grow your network and form partnerships, you must attend these biggest blockchain events in 2023. The top Cryptocurrency events taking place in 2023 are covered in this article.
1. Fintech And Crypto Summit
When: February 15-16 
Where: Bahrain
Fintech and Crypto Summit is a 2-day in-person event held from 15th February to 16th February 2023 at Crowne Plaza Bahrain Hotel. The event is organized by Smart Vision. The event will attend the Cryptocurrency and Financial Markets investors. The summit aims to promote safe ways to invest in global electronic commerce as well as financial technology knowledge and culture in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 
2. Blockchain Economy Summit London
When: February 27-28
Where: London, UK
On February 27 and 28, 2023, the Blockchain Economy London Summit will take place in person in London, United Kingdom. The event will bring together leading figures in the cryptocurrency sector and industry specialists to rethink the future of finance.  This is the 6th edition of the Blockchain Economy Summit to explore the web3, NFTs, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and Metaverse.
3. Blockchain Africa Conference
When: March 16-17, 2023
Where: Johannesburg, South Africa
The two-day Blockchain Africa Conference 2023 will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa on March 16th and 17th, 2022. This conference is being organized by Bitcoin Events. The conference focuses on global cryptocurrency potential and applications, as well as blockchain technology. 
4. Paris Blockchain Week Summit 2023
When: March 22-23, 2023
Where: Paris, France
Paris Blockchain Week 2023 is a two-day in-person conference held from 22n March to 23rd March 2023 in Paris, France. The event is organized by Paris Blockchain week. The summit will explore the most recent advancements in blockchain technology and its potential uses for it in various industries.
5. Fintech India Expo
When: March 27-29
Where: New Delhi, India
Fintech India Expo 2023 is the FinTech India and Blockchain Summit a 3-day in-person event held from 27th March to 29th March 2023 in New Delhi, India. The conference gathers 150+ speakers who discuss the topics of Fintech, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Advancement in AI, Robotics Process Automation, Machine Learning for financial regulators, and Financial Services in the IoT Era. 
6. WOW Summit
When: March 29-30
Where: Hong Kong, China
WOW, Summit Hong Kong 2023 is a 2-day in-person event held from 29th March to 30th March 2023 in Hong Kong. The event is organized by WOW Summit. The summit will offer the opportunity to meet industry leaders, government officials, NFT and digital artists, entrepreneurs, and multinational corporates. 
7. Canadian Fintech Summit
When: April 18-19 
Where: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Fintech Summit is a 2-day in-person event held from 18th November to 19th November 2023 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Each year, the conference brings together Fintechs, Investors, Businesses, Financial Institutions, and Service Providers from around the world to network, learn, and share. 
8. World Metaverse Expo 2023
When: April 23-25
Where:  China National Convention Center
World Metaverse Expo 2023 is a 3-day in-person event held from 23rd April to 25th April 2023 in China National Convention Center. The event is organized by GL events Group. The event's mission is to encourage global innovation, reshape the virtual reality experience, and promote industrial growth in the area of solutions for the metaverse. 
9. New York Fintech Week 2023
When: April 24-28
Where:  New York, US
New York FinTech Week 2023 is a 5-day event held from 24th April to 28th April 2022 in New York, US. The event is organized by Empire Startups the world's largest group of bank innovators, investors, and entrepreneurs in the field of fintech. The week is jam-packed with conferences, workshops, hackathons, meetups, and parties.
10. Web Summit Rio 2023
When: May 1-7
Where:  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Web Summit Rio 2023 is a 4-day event held from 1st May to 4th May 2023 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The event is organized by a Web Summit event organizing company. More than 15,000 people will attend Web Summit Rio, the biggest tech event in Brazil, which will take place at Riocentro.
Attending cryptocurrency events can be the best way to improve your knowledge and build connections in the cryptocurrency space. However, it is very important to attend so don't miss any top upcoming crypto events in 2023 which I have aligned above.
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Fill in your information and improve your visibility In Johannesburg, Infobel has actually noted 101,283 signed up companies. These companies have a projected turnover of R 5753.
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wespeakglobal · 2 years
(via Mbali Nwoko | Black Female Motivational Speaker | Johannesburg)
Mbali Nwoko is an award-winning commercial farmer, entrepreneur, speaker and columnist. She is the CEO of Green Terrace which is an agribusiness based in Boksburg, Johannesburg that farms high value crops namely; baby marrows, green peppers and green beans and supplies to leading retailers, food processing companies and the fresh produce markets across South Africa.
Prior to establishing her agribusi- ness, she previously co-owned a successful headhunting talent organisation called ClientScape for 3 years, which niched in headhunting professional engineers and artisans for the manufacturing, engineering and chemical industries.
Mbali is a BCom Industrial Psychology Graduate from the University of Johannesburg and also an alumni from the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) after being selected from a thousand applicants across South Africa to complete an intensive business boost program sponsored by J.P Morgan.
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axislascl · 2 years
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speakinc · 2 years
South African business speaker, entrepreneur and industry pioneer Mummy Mthembu-Fawkes is the epitome of entrepreneurial excellence and an example of women’s ability to succeed despite adversity. The self-taught corporate striver successfully climbed the corporate ladder being in specialist, strategic and leadership roles within the telecommunications and IT sector including senior Sales accounts manager for the largest telecommunications company in Africa and head of business development for South Africa’s second largest Internet Service Provider.
After a successful 14 years in the corporate world, she developed and launched her natural hair-care range Earthy in 2014 which is recognized and available in every province in South Africa, now venturing to the rest of Africa and beyond. Her humble beginnings fuel her passion to empower Entrepreneurs, fellow Africans and organisations into seeing the bigger picture by sharing the vision and influence that African millennials and women have on the continent.
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architecisaro · 4 years
Inspiring Living African ‘Female’ Architects, biography and ground-breaking achievements.
A personal research that led to the creation of africanfemalearchitects.work
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Olajumoke Olufunmilola Adenowo, Nigerian (born 16 October 1968) is an architect by profession. She is also an entrepreneur and philanthropist, a public speaker, radio host and author. CNN described her as "Africa's Starchitect" and The Guardian (Nigeria) has described her as "the face of Architecture in Nigeria". In 2018 she was recognised by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) as one of the inspirational women in architecture today.
Adenowo has been featured in the architectural journal Architectural Record and has spoken at summits and conferences including the Global Women's Forum and Harvard Business School (African Business Club). She hosts a syndicated radio show on leadership "Voice of Change".
As an architect Adenowo's portfolio includes a host of multi-national and Nigerian clients including Coca-Cola, L’Oreal, The Nigerian Stock Exchange, Access Bank Plc and Guaranty Trust Bank.
As a public speaker, Adenowo has lectured on the arts, architecture, gender issues, women's empowerment and entrepreneurial activities in Africa. She has been featured by the international media such as CNN and Fortune.
  - She started her own architecture and interior design firm AD Consulting in 1994. The firm is based in Lagos, Nigeria. At 14 she enrolled in Obafemi Awolowo University and graduated with a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Architecture at age 19. As an undergraduate she won the prize for Best Student Design. She obtained her Master's of Science in Architecture, with distinction, from the same university in 1991.
She is also an alumnus of Harvard Kennedy School (2019), the Yale School of Management (2016), Lagos Business School Chief Executive Programme (2002) and The IESE Business School at the University of Navarra in Barcelona, Spain (2005).
Adenowo has stated that her interest in architecture was ignited by visits to Paris and the Palais de Versailles as a young child, as well as living on the Obafemi Awolowo University campus. These inspired her design philosophy - the core lesson being that in its functionality, architecture must be sensitive to its climatic, technological, infrastructural and physical contexts. Visit https://www.adconsultinglimited.com/architecture.html
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2. Shahira Fahmy of Shahira Fahmy Architects -  Fahmy was born in Egypt. She holds a master's degree in Architecture from Cairo University (2004). In 2003 Received her Ph.D., from the Missouri School of Journalism, Columbia University, USA and She obtained her MA in Architecture from Cairo University in 2002-2003. In 2012, with London-based Delfina Foundation, Fahmy won an architecture competition and as a result worked on the architectural expansion of the Delfina Foundation headquarters near Buckingham Palace in London. which was completed in 2014. Fahmy also designed the modern Block 36 in Westown, Cairo. Fahmy has participated in various architectural exhibitions, including the Atlas of The Unbuilt World, The Home in the Arab world, Andermatt Swiss Alps AG, Green Good Design Exhibition, Cityscape Abu Dhabi, +20 Egypt Design, Cairo, Egypt, World Architecture Festival, Cityscape Dubai, MIPIM, Traffic, Furnex, LEAF Award, 100% Design/ 100% Futures, Salone Internationale del Mobile Salone Satellite, and Bibliotheca Alexandrina.
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Art of Change mask from recycled paper to promote conscious design by repurposing waste.
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Pyramid House - 2019
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A House - 2011
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1999 - Ahmed Bahaa Edin Cultural Center, Upper Egypt
3. Sarah Calburn was born in Johannesburg where she attended Roedean School, matriculating in 1981. She studied architecture at the University of the Witwatersrand, graduating in 1987, and in 1996 was awarded a master's degree for her research at Australia's Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The same year she set up an architecture practice in Johannesburg.
Calburn has also worked as an architect in Paris, Hong Kong, Sydney and Melbourne. In addition to many housing projects, she designed Johannesburg's Momo art gallery. She also serves on the committee of the Gauteng Institute for Architecture and was programme director of ArchitectureZA 2010, the first South African Architectural Biennale. aimed at creative urban development in Johannesburg. Calburn has also taught at the University of the Witwatersrand,the University of Cape Town and RMIT Melbourne. 
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Visit http://sarahcalburn.co.za/
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Somerset House School
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Cocoon House - Residential Project 
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Paul Smith - Retail Project
4. Anya Van der Merwe completed the Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) with Distinction in 1984 before moving to London, England, to further her studies at the Architectural Association, from where she graduated with an Architectural Association Graduate Diploma in History and Theory (AAGradDip)in 1987. 
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Van der Merwe Miszewski Architects is an award winning architectural practice based in Cape Town, South Africa. The company was founded in 1991 by directors Anya Van der Merwe and Macio Miszewski.Anya Van der Merwe and Macio Miszewski met at the University of Cape Town School of Architecture in the early 1980s. Anya left VDMMA as director in 2016. 
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VDMMA Tree House - 1999
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De Beers Corporate Headquarters - 2004
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Cape Town Internatonal Convention Centre - 2003
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Cliff House- 2000 Visit https://www.vdmma.com/
5.  Linda Mvusi (c. 1955 in Bloemfontein- ) is an actress and architect. Mvusi took an award for best actress[1] at the 1988 Cannes Film Festival for her role in the film A World Apart which was directed by Chris Menges. Mvusi was the first South African to get a best Actress award at Cannes.[2]
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Mvusi also shared in an award for excellence for her architecture on the Apartheid Museum. She  practices with her own company in South Africa.
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6. Katherine Maree Otten, usually known as Kate Otten, (born 28 March 1964, Durban) is a South African architect, who has won numerous awards for her South African traditional work.  Born in Durban, Kate Otten attended Roedean School in Johannesburg, matriculating in 1981. She then studied architecture at the University of the Witwatersrand, graduating in 1987. After working for a number of other practices, Otten established her own firm in 1989 in Johannesburg, just after one year of her graduation. She has designed community libraries, the waterfront development at Tzaneen, an art therapy centre in Soweto and the museum exhibition space at the former Women’s Jail at Constitution Hill which received a commendation from the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA). Kate has won many awards including the SAIA Award of Merit House Staude in 1998 to the Mbokodo Awards Architecture and Creative Design in 2013. In 2020, She became the President of the South African Institute of Architects.
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Visit http://kateottenarchitects.com/
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House Blount
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Law on Keyes
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Art Therapy Centre
7. Co-Arc International Architects director Catharine Atkins and architect Malika Walele are the leading women behind the 55-story building on Maude Street, which was designed by Co-Arc’s emeritus partner, Francois Pienaar. — TimesLIVE  - 2019
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 Malika Walele, South African, Master’s Degree in Architecture in 2015 at the University of the Witwatersrand. currently working as a full-time architect in Johannesburg, Co-Arc International architects.
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Co-Arc International Architects director Catharine Atkins and architect Malika Walele are the leading women behind the 55-story building on Maude Street, which was designed by Co-Arc’s emeritus partner, Francois Pienaar. — TimesLIVE  - 2019
Visit https://www.co-arc.com/
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scarletenvy · 3 years
eastbound, homebound. — chapter 3
this is for the nony who the other day asked me to post any previously unpublished parts of the airline au i might have. here’s 5k of unfinished, unbeta’d and not edited ch3. includes smut.
Chapter 3: concrete jungle.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Violet squeaks, startled and surprised, and tries to get up, but Pearl just lets out a guttural grunt and tightens her grip on the junction of Violet’s hip and thigh under her skirt, thus effectively trapping Violet where she’s straddling Pearl’s lap. Violet produces a disagreeing noise that turns into a shameless moan as soon as Pearl sinks her teeth into her flesh just above her collarbone, and involuntarily grinds her hips down.
“Come on, guys, again? Really? In my fucking cockpit, too?” Kameron whines.
Violet’s lids flutter open and she looks up. Kameron is standing in the doorway, shielding her eyes with her palm theatrically. Pearl detaches her mouth from Violet’s body, settling against the backrest of her pilot’s seat, but her index and middle fingers curl under the waistband of Violet’s panties.
“Oh knock it off, Michaels, you can’t possibly expect us to believe you haven’t done this with your purser wife even once,” Pearl says while her other hand slides up Violet’s back under her unbuttoned blouse and sneakily unhooks her bra.
“Pearl!” Violet protests half-heartedly and slaps Pearl’s arm. Pearl just smirks and pushes her hand under the undergarment to cup Violet’s breast.
“I’ll be happy to inform you that my wife and I can actually keep our hands off each other for longer than five minutes, because we’re not a pair of libido-driven bitches, thank you very much,” Kameron says sternly.
Pearl hums in a noncommittal manner and leans back in to drag her lips against Violet’s collarbone. Violet’s lids fall closed again and a pleased purr forms somewhere deep in her chest and escapes her.
“I should really fuck you in first class next, doll,” Pearl states. “You’d look so fucking good, getting yourself and the seat all wet and messy while I finger your pretty little pussy. Would you like that, babe?”
“Oh, God, I can’t hear you, I can’t, I’m not listening!” Kameron shrieks before Violet can react.
Violet blinks, trying to bring her surroundings back into focus, the rampant arousal that pools in her gut making it difficult. Kameron is squeezing her eyes shut and covering her ears with her palms, looking equal parts flustered and amused.
“Pearl,” Violet repeats hoarsely.
“Mmm,” Pearl says, slipping her hand to squeeze Violet’s ass under Violet’s skirt while her other one is still playing with her breast. “Okay, go on, then, doll, the sooner I land this thing the sooner I’ll get to actually fuck you.”
She manoeuvres her hands to rest on Violet’s waist and swiftly pushes her to her feet, proceeding to straighten her tie and crack her neck like she wasn’t just walked in on by her captain. Violet reaches to wipe her lipstick off Pearls mouth, and then secures the hooks of her bra behind her back and buttons her blouse up.
“C’mere, princess,” Pearl beckons her closer as soon as Violet’s done straightening her uniform.
Violet bends over, planting her hands on the armrests of the seat Pearl’s occupying, and Pearl presses a gentle kiss on her mouth, her plum lips so soft and good against Violet’s own. Before it can escalate, Pearl slaps Violet’s ass lightly and repeats her command to go on. Violet pecks Pearl once more and grabs her blazer from Kameron’s seat where she shedded it not too long ago before circling Pearl and heading out of the cockpit.
Kameron is still standing in the doorway, her arms crossed on her chest. She’s shaking her head slightly, her expression scolding, and it would almost make Violet bashful if it weren’t for the way Kameron’s so obviously fighting off an entertained grin.
“Nice bra, Chachki,” she shoots as she moves aside to let Violet through, and that’s when Violet is assured she’s not nearly as irritated as she tries to act.
“Why, thank you, captain,” Violet says, making sure it comes out pointed and clear, audible.
Behind her, she can hear Pearl snap around in her seat and let out an actual growl, low and dangerous, and she runs off quickly, feeling oddly pleased with herself for provoking a reaction.
There’s always a small part of her, shy and quiet, that keeps nagging that she should be ashamed of such vulgar, flamboyant behaviour she’s engaging in. Lately Violet’s grown very talented at ignoring it, progressively more so around Pearl, but today it’s louder, more persistent somehow. Maybe it’s because of where they are right now. Violet doesn’t let that thought linger, doesn’t let any of it linger, just works harder to not think of it at all.
She arrived in Atlanta early in the afternoon yesterday to overnight there before their flight to Johannesburg. She hadn’t told anyone she’s back, hadn’t left her hotel room, either. It was unlikely she would run into someone familiar in the busy streets, but she didn’t particularly feel like risking it. It’s been a while since she’s been back, and it was a peculiar feeling, being here as a visitor, a passer-by on her way to another, faraway destination.
Now they’re at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International, getting ready for their flight. The airport is, at core, the same it was eleven, thirteen, fifteen years ago, but at the same time it’s not. The difference is, she’s never seen it like this before. She’s never seen the staff security checks and airline meeting rooms and unnoticeable doors that only open with a swipe of one’s I-D. badge. It’s both unnerving and comforting, the way a place can change so much, but not because it hasn’t, essentially, remained the same; rather, because she has not.
It seems no one’s really missed her in the main cabin. Farrah is standing in the middle of one of the two aisles, her palms placed on the backrests of the seats either side of her, and one of her knees is bent, her foot lifted coquettishly and the heel of her shoe brushing against her ass. Michelle is standing in one of the rows, her back to Violet, and she’s snapping photos of Farrah as she poses. Her expression is simultaneously oozing both seduction and saint-like innocence in the way only one Farrah Moan is capable of perfectly mastering.
“NorthWest should really use you in their next advertisement campaign, Farrah,” Violet chuckles.
Farrah strikes another pose, standing back on both feet and popping her hip, her hand moved to rest there now.
“I’m Farrah. Fly me to Milwaukee,” she breathes out, her tone eery and empty like she’s a bimbo from some 60’s movie.
“Amazing,” Violet laughs. “Do they even have an airport there?”
“Does it matter? It’s Milwaukee,” Farrah shrugs and reaches for her phone Michelle’s handing her.
“You ever been to Atlanta before, Violet?” Michelle asks.
“This is the first time this is my base,” Violet replies vaguely.
“So you’ve never been to Johannesburg before?” Farrah says wistfully. “Me neither. Gonna be fun!”
Violet hums her acknowledgement, then looks around the cabin. “Where’s Brianna?”
“We’re missing two life vests, she’s sorting that. We should be able to start the boarding soon,” Michelle says.
“I’m sure someone stole those vests during the previous flight,” Farrah chimes in expertly.
“Why would anyone steal a life vest?” Violet questions.
“Girl, people tend to steal the most random unnecessary shit, you’d be surprised,” Farrah says like it’s obvious.
“She would know,” Michelle notes.
Farrah whines, that drawn, high-pitched sound that has become her signature in Violet’s mind by now. Michelle doesn’t seem too bothered by this reaction, just laughs and suggests they get back to work.
They monitor the cabin together swiftly, making sure everything is taken care of before Brianna returns with the missing vests. Violet is unsettled, craves to get going already, but luckily Farrah is rushing them in her palpable excitement, so Violet clings to that excuse as she moves through the familiar steps with more urgency than is usual to her.
They’re one-third into the 15-hour flight when Brianna asks Violet to check if the cockpit needs anything for her while she deals with something in first class. Violet uses the intercom in the back galley, holding the receiver between her ear and shoulder as she leans against the counter, her legs crossed at the ankles, and examines the fresh coat of nail varnish she applied that morning while she waits for Kameron and Pearl to accept the call.
“Liaison,” she hears Pearl’s absentminded drag after two rings, her voice thick with amusement as if Kameron and her were just laughing at something when Violet phoned.
“Captain,” she purrs seductively. “Main cabin here, Violet speaking.”
“Blatant erasure,” Kameron chimes in before Pearl can reply.
“Shh, Michaels, you’re ruining the fantasy,” Pearl snorts.
The playfulness in Pearl’s tone makes Violet smile involuntarily, and she glances down at the tips of her black pumps and bites her lower lip like she’s trying to hide her reaction despite being alone, convince herself her heart doesn’t beat faster and her cheeks don’t get a little bit warmer whenever she hears Pearl sounding happy or imagines her grinning.
“So, what’s up, main cabin?” Pearl prompts.
Violet straightens her posture, crossing one arm over her chest and grabbing the receiver, and quietly clears her throat, seductively narrowing her eyes and dropping her pitch before she speaks. “Just calling to see if the cockpit needs anything, captain. Maybe I could get you something to eat?”
“That depends,” Pearl drawls cheekily, clearly playing along with Violet’s flirting, her voice husk. “What’s on the menu?”
“Why don’t I come and personally show you?” Violet chirps immediately.
“Jesus, Chachki, you’re on fucking speaker, come on,” Kameron groans.
Pearl laughs roughly, and Violet lets out a pouty sound, not really caught off guard by the interruption — it’s a wonder Kameron let it fly as long as she did, actually — but still a little dismayed. It’s been six days since their last flight together, six days since Pearl rushed her into a toilet stall at Seattle-Tacoma and took her against the wall, hot and desperate and messy, six days of radio silence and waiting and waiting and waiting, and Violet is itching for contact now, restless to get her hands on Pearl, hardly satisfied by their quick make out session from earlier.
“Goddamnit, Michaels, you’re such a bitch,” Pearl complains through laughter. “Why can’t you ever let me have any fun?”
“Because your idea of fun is having phone sex at work while you’re flying a craft and I’m sitting a foot away, you absolute genius,” Kameron shoots back.
“It’s better than your idea to play I spy with my little eyes for three hours straight, Michaels. There’s only fucking sky and clouds to spot!” Pearl says and Violet giggles, knowing full well the line was punctuated by a huge eye roll.
She moves her arm from her chest and tucks a loose lock of hair behind her ear, then fits her hand between herself and the counter and slips one of her heels out of the shoe, absently dangling it on her toes in the air. Pearl is in a good mood today, had been already when she had come out of the conference room to meet Violet in the hallway before their briefing and, despite Violet’s protests, taken her suitcase from her and carried it herself. It’s not exceptional, Pearl is in a good mood more often than not, but it’s a contrast to how she had been in Seattle last week, curt and rough and on edge, almost as if inflammable if approached wrong. It had been a three-hour layover, a flight that wasn’t even scheduled for Violet but that Aja had magically made happen anyway, and they had spent the majority of it with their hands and mouths on each other. After Pearl had made Violet come, Violet had backed her up against the opposite wall and gently rubbed her through her panties, the damp cotton catching on her swollen clit so perfectly, a light teasing touch insistently right where Pearl needed it until it had slowly gotten too much and she had let go and released.
Violet hadn’t asked if something was wrong, and Pearl hadn’t said anything, either, had just hidden her face in the crook of Violet’s shoulder and held her close while she came down, and then abruptly pushed past her out of the stall and the restroom without another word, and Violet hadn’t seen her again until the briefing.
“Seriously, though, is there anything you two need?” she interrupts Kameron and Pearl’s friendly bickering, her tone more professional now.
“No, babe, not really, I don’t think. At least I’m good, how about you, Michaels?” Pearl replies.
“Nah, I’m good, too. Maybe like a bathroom break in a half hour? But send someone else, I don’t want this plane crashing while I’m peeing because Liaison got distracted getting her fingers wet.”
“Ha-ha, you’re so fucking funny, Michaels, fuck all the way off,” Pearl snorts. “But what a glorious way to go, huh?”
“I’ll send Brianna or Michelle up there in like twenty,” Violet promises, stepping back into her heel and pushing herself off the counter.
“Thanks, Chachki,” Kameron calls. “Tell my wife I miss her and I love her and I can’t wait to get back to her.”
“Ew, you two are gross,” Pearl says before Violet manages to get her reply in.
“You just tried to have public phone sex and I’m the one getting called gross?” Kameron gasps in mock offence.
“You wish, Michaels, I know you’d like to hear how pretty she moans,” Pearl deadpans.
“Oh, trust me, I have heard her moan. Our room has been next to yours more often than I’d care to remember.”
“Okay,”Violet cuts in before Pearl can continue. “Nice talking to you, cap, main cabin will check in again later, have a good one. For the love of God, stop torturing her, Pearl.”
“Okay, baby, if you say so,” Pearl agrees solemnly. “I’ll see you soon.”
The line clicks in indication that the call is over, and Violet stays staring at the mute receiver for a while, the word Soon heavy on her tongue but never having had the chance to leave her lips.
They arrive in the early morning, and despite it having had been a fairly easy flight, Violet is physically drained and a little disoriented. It’s immediately clear Pearl likes Johannesburg, and while she puts her chin on Violet’s shoulder and keeps pointing out places and landmarks, painted in the soft glow of the quickly rising sun, through the tinted car window on their cab ride from the airport to the hotel, Violet thinks she could see herself falling in love.
Their accommodation is located in the northern part of the city, and Pearl tells her the neighbourhood, as well as those surrounding it, is considered one of the most prestigious in Johannesburg. The establishment is scattered across an undulating hill, a bunch of separate villas rather than one big building with rooms, and Michelle says it’s lovely, one of her favourite overnight locations she’s ever been to. Farrah snatches a little booklet from the front desk upon their arrival and check-in, and buries her nose in it, reading away and informing Violet that the name of the business — Zandfontein — comes from one of the early farms in the area.
Inside, their villa turns out to be a cosy, open space with a number of bedrooms and a shared kitchen and lounge. Everyone just kind of silently agrees that Pearl and Violet will take one of the two doubles, with the Michaels’ occupying the other, without any discussion or explicit acknowledgement of it. Violet thinks she should feel flustered about the way they’re treated by everyone as an extension of each other, a package deal, almost, should resist the implications, but there’s a craving crawling under her skin and she can’t think far past it, needs Pearl close and can’t deny herself.
“How do you feel about thunderstorms?” Pearl asks her when they’re settling in and the air between them is mostly filled with weary contentment and slowness of thought and motion, no energy to jump each other until they’ve slept the flight and jet lag off.
She’s changing into something comfortable to nap in, her uniform shedded and carelessly draped in a messy heap over the first somewhat suitable surface, the back of a chair today. She always does that, and then curses on the day of departure, stressing over how wrinkled the fabric is and resulting in Violet trying to straighten her up to the best of her ability. Violet is only slightly better than Pearl at this. Her uniform usually ends up strewn across the floor of whatever hotel room they’re entering as soon as they’re through the door, but at least she picks it up later on and makes an attempt at actually hanging it.
“Um,” Violet says, a little taken aback by the randomness of the question. “I feel fine? Or, like, I’m not, like, afraid of them or anything. It’s kinda nice when it’s thundering outside and you can just curl up with a blanket and a cup of tea and a book, yeah, you know, the cliché. I don’t know, why?”
She glances at Pearl over her shoulder, a hanger with her blouse and blazer temporarily looped over her wrist. Pearl is pulling on a white tank top, her bra already off, and Violet succeeds to catch a glimpse of the perfectly round underside of her breasts right before Pearl tugs on the hem and covers the rest of her upper body. Violet lets out a pouty noise and blindly tries to hook the hanger on the closet door handle, eyes concentrated on the visibly darker spots on the material of Pearl’s top where her nipples are stiffened and poking against it.
“Just figured I’d ask for, you know, later,” Pearl shrugs, running her hands through her hair to get it out of her face and then readjusting the waistband of the loose black cotton shorts she often sleeps in. “Baby, my eyes are up here,” she adds with a low chuckle after noticing Violet’s spaced out staring.
“I know, but I’m talking to your tits,! Violet muses, finally managing to place the hanger where she wants it and reaching for her skirt to hang it. “Whats happening later?”
“The thunder?” Pearl says like it’s clear while she moves to pull the comforter aside on the bed and adjust the pillows and covers like they’ve grown accustomed to having them. “It’s gonna be raining and thundering in like five hours or so.”
“Oh, come on now,” Violet snorts and brushes her off, finally turning to fold the skirt over the little bar on the hanger and grab the oversized t-shirt she packed as her pyjama. “There’s not a single cloud in the sky and it’s getting progressively warmer by minute. Thank God you’re a pilot and not a meteorologist ,”
“Babe…” Pearl says softly, and there’s a pause in the rustling of the sheets.
“Hm?” Violet hums and spins to face the rest of the room, pulling her locks out of the collar of her shirt where they got stuck upon her putting it on,
Pearl now has one knee perched on the bed, stretched out to place the pillow she’s gripping wherever it is she sees appropriate and frozen mid-movement, gaze turned up to scan Violet. Violet fixes her a quizzical look and spreads her arms in the air with a little shrug, almost challenging Pearl to disagree with her observations and deduction, and suddenly Pearl’s expression lights up, one corner of her mouth twitching up into a lopsided, extremely pleased smirk, her eyes narrowing slightly.
“What?” Violet demands.
“Nothing, babe,” Pearl says and shakes her head, going back to her pillow arranging. “It is an awfully clear day, isn’t it? Almost like calm before the storm, huh?”
“You’re such a cryptic fucking bitch, Pearl,” Violet complains, slipping her hands under her shirt to unclasp her bra and toss it aside. “The fuck is that even supposed to mean?”
Pearl laughs uproariously and throws a pillow at Violet. It hits her in the thigh and lands at her feet, and Violet sighs in exasperation as she bends over to lift it. When she straightens up, Pearl is already sprawled on the bed, limbs splayed out in disarray like a human-sized starfish. Violet crosses the room and shoves the pillow in Pearl’s face as soon as she’s close enough to aim.
“Bitch,” Pearl mumbles into the soft material, giggles spilling out of her in sporadic gales.
“Idiot,” Violet shoots back,
“Yeah, but you like that,” Pearl retorts, still making no attempt to free her face.
“Do I really, though?” Violet mutters absently and flops onto her back on the bed next to Pearl.
“Uh-huh,” Pearl says assuredly, like there’s no care in the world, no doubt whatsoever, and maybe there isn’t, maybe she’s right, maybe she knows something Violet has no clue of, and Violet allows it soothe her until there’s something heavy in her belly and throat.
They lie there for a while, both completely quiet, and Violet enjoys the weight of the body next to her, just the way it makes the mattress dip different than it does when she sleeps alone, the warmth of it, the familiar scent, cherry blossom of Pearl’s perfume twining with the smell of cigarettes, lacing lacing lacing until it’s so unmistakably her Violet thinks there’s no replicating it,, not even coming close to. She verges on searching for Pearl’s hand, but then changes her mind and interlocks her own fingers beneath her chest, wonders how and when the silence between them got more comfortable than mindless chatter with most people is.
“What’s the meaning behind your thigh tattoo?” she asks finally, when the atmosphere gets too light, too easy, close to compressing in how natural it feels.
“Huh?” Pearl finally raises the pillow off her face and drops it somewhere in general direction of the head of the bed. “Oh, this one?”
She throws her legs up and props her ass off the mattress, trying to keep her lower body up with her abs and failing spectacularly, almost tipping over and nearly ending up with her feet over her head and eventually just falling back down on the sheets with a frustrated huff. Violet resists the urge to laugh for approximately a split second and then cracks up, drawing her hand up to facepalm. Pearl mumbles something under her breath and elbows Violet in the ribs lightly, pretending to be dismayed by her temporary loss of cool, even though she’s never been hiding her dorky side around Violet and they both know it.
“Each flower represents a woman in my life,” Pearl says when Violet succeeds to stop cackling and outstretches her arm to brush her knuckles against the ink. “There’s one for my mom, then my sisters, and my grandma, oh, yeah, and this smaller one is for my nephew.”
“that’s so sweet,” Violet smiles. Pearl must be close with her family, she seems the type, seems like somebody who keeps in touch a lot and insists on spending at least one set of holidays a year together, makes it work despite everyone having their own busy lives. Violet doesn’t ask, though, wants to avoid the series of corresponding questions touching the subject will surely breed painfully harder than she wants to learn these things about Pearl, feels claustrophobic more than she does intrigued. “You designed it yourself, didn’t you?”
“Yah, doll, all of my ink,” Pearl confirms. “Nap time?”
With that, she pushes herself up on the bed to lie down on the pillows, Violet follows her, pressing close to her side and twisting her gently until Pearl’s back is to her chest and she can loop her arm around her middle and bury her face in her hair. Pearl sighs happily, her hand immediately covering Violet’s where it’s resting on her tummy, and relaxes, and Violet falls asleep to the deepening pattern of her breathing.
Sure enough, Violet wakes up to the sounds of thundering and raindrops against the window some hours later.
It takes her a moment to register she’s in Pearl’s arms now, despite them having had been in the reversed position when she dozed off, but it doesn’t particularly alarm her — she’s used to Pearl’s tendency to flip them around in her sleep, as if she can’t possibly get enough of holding Violet and will utilise any chance she gets. Next, Violet registers Pearl’s open mouth dragging against the skin of her neck and her fingers aimlessly stroking her stomach through the fabric of her shirt, the light trailing of her blunt nails sending chills up Violet’s spine.
“Pearl…” she croaks, her voice cracking a little.
“Shh, baby,”Pearl breathes out.
Violet gasps almost soundlessly, shifting a bit, and Pearl presses a kiss right where her whisper is still burning Violet’s skin. Her palm flattening on Violet’s middle, she starts unhurriedly sliding it higher, pulling Violet’s shirt up with it. She reaches Violet’s tits, gropes the flesh forcefully, but before Violet can push her chest out into the contact, Pearl drops her hand lower, hooking her fingers under the rolled up hem of the shirt. She tugs it over Violet’s breasts, and Violet barely bites down a filthy moan as the cool air on her bare body gives her goosebumps.
“Pearl,”she repeats, a pleading tilt to her tone.
Pearl’s mouth moves to Violet’s ear, and she closes her teeth around the lobe lightly, then laps her tongue over the spot, and Violet’s toes curl, the action causing her to lose a bit of her breath. “Shh, I’ve got you.”
Pearl presses two of her fingers right between Violet’s exposed breasts and starts slowly tracing them down her chest and abdomen, her leisurely pace nearly torturous and making Violet’s gut twist and her whole body tense and shiver in anticipation and excitement. She’s still hazy from sleep, soft and a little powerless, ardent and almost shapeable under Pearl’s touch, needing her to set the tempo and do whatever she pleases, and Pearl seems to be in the matching mood, wanting to take control and have Violet her way, dominant in such a tender, disarming fashion. She reaches Violet’s panties, twiddles with the waistband, slipping her index finger under it and swiping across the skin there, and Violet involuntarily bucks her hips into the impact, a whimper escaping her as Pearl retaliates and puts her palm on Violet’s pelvis instead, swiftly drawing her back closer.
“Baby…” she mutters, scolding, teasing, perhaps a tiny bit breathless.
“Please,” Violet utters instantly, not caring about how desperate the thickness of her voice sounds.
Pearl’s lips are back on Violet’s skin immediately, kisses being peppered in a neat string from behind her ear all the way to the crook of her neck. She simultaneously forces her foot between Violet’s ankles, and gradually pries Violet’s legs open with her own, fitting her full thigh high enough to be lightly brushing against Violet’s pussy. She starts sucking a mark on top of Violet’s shoulder, and moves her hand and places it on the back of Violet’s own, fingers feathering over the knuckles before interlacing with hers.
As Pearl begins to drag their joined hands lower, Violet squeezes her eyes shut and exhales in shattering pants, wanting to squirm, to rock her hips to try and get some friction against Pearl’s thigh, but also immobilised, unable to recall how to use her muscles, her lust rendering her boneless and completely pliant. Pearl detaches her mouth from Violet’s skin, leaving the spot hot and throbbing in her wake, and lifts her face to nose Violet’s curls, her deep and heavy breath tickling the nape of Violet’s neck. She guides their hands all the way down and stops right above Violet’s panties again, her fingers still securely clasped over Violet’s, and Violet senses how prominently her muscles tense under her palm as Pearl stalls deliberately.
There’s a moment of stillness, the only sounds disturbing the almost perfect silence — the rhythmic drumming of the rain and the occasional thundering that feels like it rolls over the area in huge waves, as well as their noticeably laboured breathing. Violet’s wound up, thinks she might snap any second now, loves how charged all of this is, utterly enjoys the way Pearl is torturing her and the ache in her core from too much tension without any relief.
After the longest while, Pearl nuzzles her faze closer and presses her lips behind Violet’s ear, and that’s what finally sends Violet right over the edge.
“Daddy,” she whines, so fucking needy and desperate that there’s no mistaking it.
Pearl must lose some of her composure with that, because she curses lowly and screws her knee, thus working Violet’s legs farther apart. With determination, she pushes their hands into Violet’s panties, and Violet produces a surprised Oh, her eyes flying open, not having had realised Pearl was planning something like this, but promptly relaxing her wrist to allow Pearl full control of the situation and her body, relishing in the way surrendering to Pearl turns her on so much.
Without delay, Pearl presses their fingers between Violet’s lips, and Violet hisses as she senses her own wet heat, nearly burning against her skin. She’s slightly mortified by the ease with which Pearl reduces her to this state, by the fact Pearl can feel it just as well, by the way the humiliation only stirs her on.
“God, Vi, dripping already,” Pearl rasps, her fingers twitching like she can’t contain it. “Slutty little thing.”
Violet whimpers and squirms, too overwhelmed and consumed by all the sensations, all the softness and intensity of their position to produce anything intelligible, limbs too heavy to try and speed the things up, to do anything except give up and let go. Pearl aligns their fingers so that hers are lying primly along Violet’s, and. with another kiss pressed to the side of Violet’s neck, thrusts her wrist to rub the digits against Violet’s aching clit.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
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The revolutionary  Nelson Mandela 
Early Life
Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, in the tiny village of Mvezo, on the banks of the Mbashe River in Transkei, South Africa.
His birth name was Rolihlahla Mandela. "Rolihlahla" in the Xhosa language literally means "pulling the branch of a tree," but more commonly translates as "troublemaker."
Mandela's father, who was destined to be a chief, served as a counselor to tribal chiefs for several years but lost both his title and fortune over a dispute with the local colonial magistrate.
Mandela was only an infant at the time, and his father's loss of status forced his mother to move the family to Qunu, an even smaller village north of Mvezo. The village was nestled in a narrow grassy valley; there were no roads, only footpaths that linked the pastures where livestock grazed.
The family lived in huts and ate a local harvest of maize, sorghum, pumpkin and beans, which was all they could afford. Water came from springs and streams and cooking was done outdoors.
Mandela played the games of young boys, acting out male right-of-passage scenarios with toys he made from the natural materials available, including tree branches and clay.
At the suggestion of one of his father's friends, Mandela was baptized in the Methodist Church. He went on to become the first in his family to attend school. As was custom at the time, and probably due to the bias of the British educational system in South Africa, Mandela's teacher told him that his new first name would be Nelson.
When Mandela was 12 years old, his father died of lung disease, causing his life to change dramatically. He was adopted by Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo, the acting regent of the Thembu people — a gesture done as a favor to Mandela's father, who, years earlier, had recommended Jongintaba be made chief.
Mandela subsequently left the carefree life he knew in Qunu, fearing that he would never see his village again. He traveled by motorcar to Mqhekezweni, the provincial capital of Thembuland, to the chief's royal residence. Though he had not forgotten his beloved village of Qunu, he quickly adapted to the new, more sophisticated surroundings of Mqhekezweni.
Mandela was given the same status and responsibilities as the regent's two other children, his son and oldest child, Justice, and daughter Nomafu. Mandela took classes in a one-room school next to the palace, studying English, Xhosa, history and geography.
It was during this period that Mandela developed an interest in African history, from elder chiefs who came to the Great Palace on official business. He learned how the African people had lived in relative peace until the coming of the white people.
According to the elders, the children of South Africa had previously lived as brothers, but white men had shattered this fellowship. While Black men shared their land, air and water with white people, white men took all of these things for themselves.
Political Awakening
When Mandela was 16, it was time for him to partake in the traditional African circumcision ritual to mark his entrance into manhood. The ceremony of circumcision was not just a surgical procedure, but an elaborate ritual in preparation for manhood.
In African tradition, an uncircumcised man cannot inherit his father's wealth, marry or officiate at tribal rituals. Mandela participated in the ceremony with 25 other boys. He welcomed the opportunity to partake in his people's customs and felt ready to make the transition from boyhood to manhood.
His mood shifted during the proceedings, however, when Chief Meligqili, the main speaker at the ceremony, spoke sadly of the young men, explaining that they were enslaved in their own country. Because their land was controlled by white men, they would never have the power to govern themselves, the chief said.
He went on to lament that the promise of the young men would be squandered as they struggled to make a living and perform mindless chores for white men. Mandela would later say that while the chief's words didn't make total sense to him at the time, they would eventually formulate his resolve for an independent South Africa.
University Life
Under the guardianship of Regent Jongintaba, Mandela was groomed to assume high office, not as a chief, but a counselor to one. As Thembu royalty, Mandela attended a Wesleyan mission school, the Clarkebury Boarding Institute and Wesleyan College, where, he would later state, he achieved academic success through "plain hard work."
He also excelled at track and boxing. Mandela was initially mocked as a "country boy" by his Wesleyan classmates, but eventually became friends with several students, including Mathona, his first female friend.
In 1939, Mandela enrolled at the University of Fort Hare, the only residential center of higher learning for Black people in South Africa at the time. Fort Hare was considered Africa's equivalent of Harvard, drawing scholars from all parts of sub-Saharan Africa.
In his first year at the university, Mandela took the required courses, but focused on Roman-Dutch law to prepare for a career in civil service as an interpreter or clerk — regarded as the best profession that a Black man could obtain at the time.
In his second year at Fort Hare, Mandela was elected to the Student Representative Council. For some time, students had been dissatisfied with the food and lack of power held by the SRC. During this election, a majority of students voted to boycott unless their demands were met.
Aligning with the student majority, Mandela resigned from his position. Seeing this as an act of insubordination, the university expelled Mandela for the rest of the year and gave him an ultimatum: He could return to the school if he agreed to serve on the SRC. When Mandela returned home, the regent was furious, telling him unequivocally that he would have to recant his decision and go back to school in the fall.
A few weeks after Mandela returned home, Regent Jongintaba announced that he had arranged a marriage for his adopted son. The regent wanted to make sure that Mandela's life was properly planned, and the arrangement was within his right, as tribal custom dictated.
Shocked by the news, feeling trapped and believing that he had no other option than to follow this recent order, Mandela ran away from home. He settled in Johannesburg, where he worked a variety of jobs, including as a guard and a clerk, while completing his bachelor's degree via correspondence courses. He then enrolled at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg to study law.
Anti-Apartheid Movement
Mandela soon became actively involved in the anti-apartheid movement, joining the African National Congress in 1942. Within the ANC, a small group of young Africans banded together, calling themselves the African National Congress Youth League. Their goal was to transform the ANC into a mass grassroots movement, deriving strength from millions of rural peasants and working people who had no voice under the current regime.
Specifically, the group believed that the ANC's old tactics of polite petitioning were ineffective. In 1949, the ANC officially adopted the Youth League's methods of boycott, strike, civil disobedience and non-cooperation, with policy goals of full citizenship, redistribution of land, trade union rights, and free and compulsory education for all children.
For 20 years, Mandela directed peaceful, nonviolent acts of defiance against the South African government and its racist policies, including the 1952 Defiance Campaign and the 1955 Congress of the People. He founded the law firm Mandela and Tambo, partnering with Oliver Tambo, a brilliant student he'd met while attending Fort Hare. The law firm provided free and low-cost legal counsel to unrepresented Black people.
In 1956, Mandela and 150 others were arrested and charged with treason for their political advocacy (they were eventually acquitted). Meanwhile, the ANC was being challenged by Africanists, a new breed of Black activists who believed that the pacifist method of the ANC was ineffective.
Africanists soon broke away to form the Pan-Africanist Congress, which negatively affected the ANC; by 1959, the movement had lost much of its militant support.
Wife and Children
Mandela was married three times and had six children. He wed his first wife, Evelyn Ntoko Mase, in 1944. The couple had four children together: Madiba Thembekile (d. 1964), Makgatho (d. 2005), Makaziwe (d. 1948 at nine months old) and Maki. The couple divorced in 1957.
In 1958, Mandela wed Winnie Madikizela. The couple had two daughters together, Zenani (Argentina's South African ambassador) and Zindziswa (the South African ambassador to Denmark), before separating in 1996.
Two years later, in 1998, Mandela married Graca Machel, the first Education Minister of Mozambique, with whom he remained until his death in 2013.
Prison Years
Formerly committed to nonviolent protest, Mandela began to believe that armed struggle was the only way to achieve change. In 1961, Mandela co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe, also known as MK, an armed offshoot of the ANC dedicated to sabotage and use guerilla war tactics to end apartheid.
In 1961, Mandela orchestrated a three-day national workers' strike. He was arrested for leading the strike the following year and was sentenced to five years in prison. In 1963, Mandela was brought to trial again. This time, he and 10 other ANC leaders were sentenced to life imprisonment for political offenses, including sabotage.
Mandela spent 27 years in prison, from November 1962 until February 1990. He was incarcerated on Robben Island for 18 of his 27 years in prison. During this time, he contracted tuberculosis and, as a Black political prisoner, received the lowest level of treatment from prison workers. However, while incarcerated, Mandela was able to earn a Bachelor of Law degree through a University of London correspondence program.
A 1981 memoir by South African intelligence agent Gordon Winter described a plot by the South African government to arrange for Mandela's escape so as to shoot him during the recapture; the plot was foiled by British intelligence.
Mandela continued to be such a potent symbol of Black resistance that a coordinated international campaign for his release was launched, and this international groundswell of support exemplified the power and esteem that Mandela had in the global political community.
In 1982, Mandela and other ANC leaders were moved to Pollsmoor Prison, allegedly to enable contact between them and the South African government. In 1985, President P.W. Botha offered Mandela's release in exchange for renouncing armed struggle; the prisoner flatly rejected the offer.
F. W. de Klerk
With increasing local and international pressure for his release, the government participated in several talks with Mandela over the ensuing years, but no deal was made.
It wasn't until Botha suffered a stroke and was replaced by Frederik Willem de Klerk that Mandela's release was finally announced, on February 11, 1990. De Klerk also lifted the ban on the ANC, removed restrictions on political groups and suspended executions.
Upon his release from prison, Mandela immediately urged foreign powers not to reduce their pressure on the South African government for constitutional reform. While he stated that he was committed to working toward peace, he declared that the ANC's armed struggle would continue until the Black majority received the right to vote.
In 1991, Mandela was elected president of the African National Congress, with lifelong friend and colleague Oliver Tambo serving as national chairperson.
Nobel Peace Prize
In 1993, Mandela and President de Klerk were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their work toward dismantling apartheid in South Africa.
After Mandela’s release from prison, he negotiated with President de Klerk toward the country's first multiracial elections. White South Africans were willing to share power, but many Black South Africans wanted a complete transfer of power.
The negotiations were often strained, and news of violent eruptions, including the assassination of ANC leader Chris Hani, continued throughout the country. Mandela had to keep a delicate balance of political pressure and intense negotiations amid the demonstrations and armed resistance.
Due in no small part to the work of Mandela and President de Klerk, negotiations between Black and white South Africans prevailed: On April 27, 1994, South Africa held its first democratic elections. Mandela was inaugurated as the country's first Black president on May 10, 1994, at the age of 77, with de Klerk as his first deputy.
From 1994 until June 1999, President Mandela worked to bring about the transition from minority rule and apartheid to Black majority rule. He used the nation's enthusiasm for sports as a pivot point to promote reconciliation between white and Black people, encouraging Black South Africans to support the once-hated national rugby team.
In 1995, South Africa came to the world stage by hosting the Rugby World Cup, which brought further recognition and prestige to the young republic. That year Mandela was also awarded the Order of Merit.
During his presidency, Mandela also worked to protect South Africa's economy from collapse. Through his Reconstruction and Development Plan, the South African government funded the creation of jobs, housing and basic health care.
In 1996, Mandela signed into law a new constitution for the nation, establishing a strong central government based on majority rule, and guaranteeing both the rights of minorities and the freedom of expression.
Retirement and Later Career
By the 1999 general election, Mandela had retired from active politics. He continued to maintain a busy schedule, however, raising money to build schools and clinics in South Africa's rural heartland through his foundation, and serving as a mediator in Burundi's civil war.
Mandela was diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer in 2001. In June 2004, at the age of 85, he announced his formal retirement from public life and returned to his native village of Qunu.
The Elders
On July 18, 2007, Mandela and wife Graca Machel co-founded The Elders, a group of world leaders aiming to work both publicly and privately to find solutions to some of the world's toughest issues. The group included Desmond Tutu, Kofi Annan, Ela Bhatt, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Jimmy Carter, Li Zhaoxing, Mary Robinson and Muhammad Yunus.
The Elders' impact has spanned Asia, the Middle East and Africa, and their actions have included promoting peace and women's equality, demanding an end to atrocities, and supporting initiatives to address humanitarian crises and promote democracy.
In addition to advocating for peace and equality on both a national and global scale, in his later years, Mandela remained committed to the fight against AIDS. His son Makgatho died of the disease in 2005.
Relationship With Barack Obama
Mandela made his last public appearance at the final match of the World Cup in South Africa in 2010. He remained largely out of the spotlight in his later years, choosing to spend much of his time in his childhood community of Qunu, south of Johannesburg.
He did, however, visit with U.S. first lady Michelle Obama, wife of President Barack Obama, during her trip to South Africa in 2011. Barack Obama, while a junior senator from Illinois, also met with Mandela during his 2005 trip to the United States.
Mandela died on December 5, 2013, at the age of 95 in his home in Johannesburg, South Africa. After suffering a lung infection in January 2011, Mandela was briefly hospitalized in Johannesburg to undergo surgery for a stomach ailment in early 2012.
He was released after a few days, later returning to Qunu. Mandela would be hospitalized many times over the next several years — in December 2012, March 2013 and June 2013 — for further testing and medical treatment relating to his recurrent lung infection.
Following his June 2013 hospital visit, Machel, canceled a scheduled appearance in London to remain at her husband's side, and his daughter, Zenani Dlamini, flew back from Argentina to South Africa to be with her father.
Jacob Zuma, South Africa's president, issued a statement in response to public concern over Mandela's March 2013 health scare, asking for support in the form of prayer: "We appeal to the people of South Africa and the world to pray for our beloved Madiba and his family and to keep them in their thoughts," Zuma said.
On the day of Mandela’s death, Zuma released a statement speaking to Mandela's legacy: "Wherever we are in the country, wherever we are in the world, let us reaffirm his vision of a society ... in which none is exploited, oppressed or dispossessed by another," he said.
Movie and Books
In 1994, Mandela published his autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom, much of which he had secretly written while in prison. The book inspired the 2013 movie Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom.
He also published a number of books on his life and struggles, among them No Easy Walk to Freedom; Nelson Mandela: The Struggle Is My Life; and Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales.
Mandela Day
In 2009, Mandela's birthday (July 18) was declared Mandela Day, an international day to promote global peace and celebrate the South African leader's legacy. According to the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the annual event is meant to encourage citizens worldwide to give back the way that Mandela has throughout his lifetime.
A statement on the Nelson Mandela Foundation's website reads: "Mr. Mandela gave 67 years of his life fighting for the rights of humanity. All we are asking is that everyone gives 67 minutes of their time, whether it’s supporting your chosen charity or serving your local community." (source)
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interkomitet · 4 years
Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of the BRICS heads of state and government, held via videoconference
President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, President of Russia Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, President of China Xi Jinping and President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa exchanged views on the state and prospects of their five-sided cooperation, summed up the results of Russia’s Chairmanship of BRICS in 2020, discussed the most relevant issues on the international agenda, and compared notes in regard to the upcoming G20 summit to be held on November 21–22.
During the meeting, the leaders of the BRICS states heard reports from speakers who have been overseeing the work on each track of the association’s activity. Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev spoke about cooperation in the coronavirus pandemic response, in combating terrorism and cybercrime. President of the New Development Bank Marcos Troyjo cited the financial institution’s performance data and plans for next year. President of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Sergei Katyrin spoke about the Business Council events, while Chairman of VEB.RF Igor Shuvalov covered the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism. The report by Chair of the Board of Directors of Global Rus Trade Anna Nesterova addressed the establishment of the BRICS Women’s Business Alliance.
As a result of the consultations, the sides adopted the Moscow Declaration, which reflects the five states’ consolidated approach to the further development of the association, as well as the Strategy for the BRICS Economic Partnership until 2025 and the BRICS Anti-Terrorism Strategy.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Colleagues, friends, good afternoon.
I am happy to see you all and to welcome you at this summit.
Prime Minister Modi, Chairman Xi Jinping, President Ramaphosa, President Bolsonaro,
It is a pleasure to have this meeting with you today within the BRICS framework.
Before we get down to work, I would like to extend my birthday greetings to the President of the Republic of South Africa, Mr Ramaphosa, and wish him good health and every success in his endeavours in the interests of the friendly people of South Africa.
The topic chosen for today’s meeting is quite broad and covers matters that deal with expanding the strategic partnership between the BRICS countries for the sake of global stability and security, as well as fostering innovative growth of our economies. As usual, we will also discuss current international and regional matters in view of the upcoming G20 Summit, which is to take place very soon, on November 21 and 22. We will compare notes on the key aspects of the G20 agenda.
If there are no objections, colleagues, I would like to declare the 12th BRICS Summit open.
In keeping with the established procedure, allow me to be the first speaker at this meeting as the head of the state that has the current BRICS Chairmanship.
Friends, I would like to once again sincerely welcome you all and express my satisfaction with the fact that during the Russian Chairmanship the BRICS countries have proactively expanded their cooperation with one another in all the key areas, including politics, the economy and humanitarian affairs, despite the special conditions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
We have held 130 events, including some 25 ministerial meetings. Unfortunately, but naturally in this situation, many of them had to take place online.
Of course, our current priority is to coordinate collective BRICS measures to combat the pandemic, improve collaboration between our epidemiological services and protect the lives and health of our citizens.
By the way, the subject of medical cooperation is nothing new for BRICS. In this context, we are in a better situation, relatively speaking, than some other countries. Let me remind you that the Ufa Declaration we adopted five years ago included an agreement to work together to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, including – I would like to emphasise this – novel coronaviruses. Pursuant to that agreement, the BRICS countries created an early warning system for infectious disease outbreaks, which we could use during the COVID-19 pandemic. The BRICS countries promptly responded to the disease outbreak and took practical measures to combat the pandemic.
I would like to point out that the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) has signed agreements with our Indian and Brazilian partners on clinical tests of the Sputnik V vaccine and with pharmaceutical companies in China and India on the production of this vaccine not only for our own use, but also for third countries.
I believe that this is very important. There are Russian vaccines, and they are effective and safe. The next task is to launch their large-scale production. This is not a problem, but it is a matter facing us now. Of course, it is very important to join forces for the large-scale manufacturing of this product for the general public.
Incidentally, we have registered a second coronavirus vaccine in Russia, EpiVacCorona, and the third one is in the works. As I have already mentioned, we are ready to cooperate with our BRICS partners in their manufacturing and use.
We also believe it important to accelerate the establishment of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Centre, as we agreed at the Johannesburg summit two years ago at the initiative of our South African friends.
This year the pandemic forced each of our countries to take emergency measures to support national industries, finance and the social sphere, to revive their economies and return them to a trajectory of sustainable growth. This is the goal of the Strategy for BRICS Economic Partnership for the period until 2025, prepared for this summit.
The New Development Bank is in great demand in the current situation. The Bank has reserved $10 billion to combat the pandemic, while its overall portfolio of investment projects now exceeds $20 billion. As many as 62 large projects are already being implemented in the BRICS countries. Incidentally, a regional branch of the bank will soon open in Moscow to implement lending programmes across the Eurasian space.
I would also like to remind you that the BRICS countries have a special insurance tool in case of a crisis in the financial markets: the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement, with a $100 billion fund.
The BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism is important in the parties’ cooperation on credit and investment policy; this year, they have agreed on the rules and principles of responsible financing of development institutions within its framework.
The five countries are enhancing cooperation in science, technology, and innovation. The BRICS Network University is up and running; the parties have held the BRICSMATH competition for schoolchildren this year, along with contests for young scientists and innovators and their research projects.
Intensive contacts have been underway between our academic and scientific centres. Their coverage is truly impressive – from ocean and polar research to astronomy and artificial intelligence. Experts from the five countries carry out joint energy research: reports have been prepared on the projected development of the fuel and energy sectors in the BRICS countries until 2040.
The parties continue exchanges on the cultural and humanitarian tracks. The BRICS Film Festival was held online, as we agreed earlier, colleagues. The first ever meeting of ministers of sport was held, and resulted in a Memorandum of cooperation in physical culture and sport. The dialogue between the authorities responsible for tourism in our countries has been launched.
Colleagues, we are still facing a challenging global and regional security environment. International terrorism and drug trafficking continue to pose serious threats, and cybercrime has greatly expanded its reach.
We are witnessing dangerous destabilising trends in the Middle East and North Africa. The armed conflicts in Libya and Yemen are continuing. There is still a lot to be done to bring about a political settlement in Syria, and the risks of escalation persist in Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan, and in the Persian Gulf.
Furthermore, as you know, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict entered an acute phase in September. Russia went to great lengths to help stop the hostilities between our two friendly states and incite them to come to a compromise. Our mediation efforts paved the way to the November 9 agreement on a complete ceasefire and the deployment of a Russian peacekeeping force in Nagorno-Karabakh. All these provisions are set forth in the trilateral statement signed by the presidents of Russia and Azerbaijan, and the Prime Minister of Armenia.
Importantly, the parties have been complying with these agreements. Hostilities have stopped, and the situation is getting back to normal. This lays the groundwork for a lasting and comprehensive settlement that would be fair and would serve the interests of the peoples of both Armenia and Azerbaijan.
It is highly satisfying that the BRICS countries have been closely coordinating their efforts on current international and regional matters. A policy document, the BRICS Counter-Terrorism Strategy, has been drafted for this summit. The BRICS countries are expanding their cooperation on combating drug trafficking and corruption, as well as on international information security.
The BRICS High Representatives on National Security, heads of foreign ministries and our respective missions to the UN maintain regular contacts.
In the year of the 75th anniversary of Victory over Nazism in World War II, the BRICS countries have unanimously condemned the glorification of the Nazis and their henchmen and the attempts to revise the outcome of the war and to revive the ideology of aggression and intolerance.
Our countries consistently advocate constructive relations with other states, integration entities and international organisations, including in the proven BRICS Plus and BRICS Outreach formats. In our common opinion, this interaction should continue to build on the principles of respect for the UN Charter and the fundamental rules of international law such as sovereign equality of states, non-interference in internal affairs and peaceful settlement of disputes.
Colleagues, in connection with the G20 summit in Saudi Arabia on November 21–22, I would like to note that the BRICS countries’ approaches on most of the G20 agenda items are close or overlap. This concerns reforming key global institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organisation and the World Health Organisation.
With the BRICS countries’ direct contribution, a comprehensive package of G20 measures to overcome the impact of the pandemic has been put together. The main focus is on restoring global value chains and the openness of international trade. Russia’s initiative on the so-called green corridors free from wars and sanctions, primarily with regard to humanitarian supplies of food and medicine, is envisioned along the same lines.
Colleagues, in closing I would like to stress once again: Russia will always give priority attention to expanding cooperation between the BRICS states and strengthening our association’s positions in the international arena.
I would like to thank you for your friendly support and well-coordinated and effective interaction this year.
Thank you.
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redcarpetview · 5 years
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           DETROIT, MI (Wednesday, January 23, 2020) -- LENITA, Inc. in partnership with Nashville-based United Alliance Music Group is excited to announce the newest solo single "Feel Good," from two-time GRAMMY® Award winner Jacky Clark-Chisholm, of the legendary Clark Sisters. "Feel Good" is set to release Friday, February 7, 2020 and features the legendary GRAMMY® and Golden Globe winning and Oscar nominated singer-songwriter, actress, philanthropist and honorary Queen of Hip-Hop Soul Mary J. Blige. The forthcoming single is the first from Jacky Clark-Chisholm's own record label and this release has been an independent effort for quite some time.
        "Feel Good," which is produced by GRAMMY® Award winning producer Dominicke A. Polk also features a bonus track with multi-talented rapper and entertainer Tia P. (as seen on BET's 'The Next Big Thing") who co-wrote "Feel Good" along with emerging songwriters Tommy & J'Mel Johnson (TommyJay), Dante Bowden, David Bowden, and John Murray.
     "Feel Good" is Jacky Clark Chisholm's first solo record since 2018's My Season/On My Mind EP, nearly 13 years after her debut solo album Expectancy in 2005. "Feel Good" continues to gain traction at Gospel radio and within two weeks has peaked in the Top 50 on Billboard's Gospel Airplay chart. Key supporters include WCHB (Detroit), WFMV (Columbia, SC), WHUR (Washington, D.C), WOAD (Jackson, MS), and WJNJ (Jacksonville, FL) WGRI (Cincinnati, OH).
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      The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel     
      Lifetime Television is also set to premiere the highly anticipated The Clark Sisters: First Ladies of Gospel on Saturday, April 11 at 8pm ET/PT, which is executive produced by Mary J. Blige, Queen Latifah, and Missy Elliott and tells the story of the highs and lows of Jacky Clark-Chisholm and her sisters who are known as the top-selling female gospel group of all time.
       About Jacky Clark Chisholm:
    Jacky Clark Chisholm is a solo gospel artist, business-woman, educator, evangelist, and member of multiple GRAMMY® Award-winning legendary group, The Clark Sisters. With 16 albums, millions of sales to their credit and considered pioneers of contemporary gospel music for their crossover mainstream appeal and classic performances of "Is My Living In Vain? and "You Brought the Sunshine," The Clark Sisters are the highest-selling female gospel group in history. Chisholm earned an associate of Science degree in nursing, bachelors degree in Family Life Education and is a formidable leader in business. Jacky Clark Chisholm is a former spokesperson for the American Diabetes Association, serves now as Supervisor of Women for the Dominican Republic 2nd Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, Church of God in Christ Inc., former National Youth Choir Coordinator of the Church of God in Christ Inc. for over 16 years, and was a motivational speaker for fundraisers such as H.O.P.E. South Africa in Johannesburg, South Africa. She was an instructor for the American Red Cross before retiring in 2010.
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wespeakglobal · 2 years
(via Vusi Thembekwayo | Business Speaker | Black Dragon Investor)
We can start this introduction like they do on most websites. Vusi Thembekwayo is an acclaimed business mogul and global speaker. It is true. But that is not Vusi who now lives in Dubai.
Vusi is many things. From a maverick, a leadership genius, a petrol head, a familly man, a self-made millionaire to a dragon. Most importantly, Vusi is f%&king great…no scratch that, he’s f%$king AMAZING as Sir Bob Geldof once put it.
Business Mogul
So let’s begin… Vusi is a disruptor.
At 25 he ran a R400mn division in a R17bn multi-national and today is widely regarded as one of the most disruptive forces in venture capital in Africa. He was amongst the youngest directors of a listed company in South Africa and now serves on several boards.
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