wnewsguru · 1 year
दिल्ली जाने वाली बस फ्लाईओवर पर गिरी, 20 से ज्यादा यात्री हुए घायल
गाज़ियाबाद में दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण हादसा उत्तर प्रदेश में दिल्ली-मेरठ के हाईवे पर गुरूवार को एक बड़ा हादसा हुआ है। गाज़ियाबाद के हवाई रेस्टुरेंट के सामने बस फ्लाई ओवर से निचे गिर गयी। इस हादसे में करीब 20 लोग घायल हुए है। शुरुआती जानकारी के मुताबिक बताया जा रहा है, की बस दिल्ली की तरफ़ से एक्सप्रेस … Read more
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cosmosaii · 6 months
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nerospaceart · 1 month
Cyn : Do You Think Killing Me Save Everyone You Poor Fool Of Scrap For Processor
Thad :
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evilrwbyfan · 6 months
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anyway i dont see people draw khan with the buscrash trio that much so
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mileymint · 5 months
What if I started shipping J and Thad
Would it b called Buscrash
Or like Superbowl bc both sports and businesses profit off it
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Little Lies 19
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Warnings: this fic includes grey/dark content including dubcon, and other potential triggering elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Your boss throws your comfortably dull life into chaos. (Boss AU)
Characters: Loki
Note: I’m start to mellow out on the covid buscrash that is my life right now.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. Thanks to everyone who reads this one and thank you for all your energy.<3
Love you all like the Gingerbread Man loves gumdrop buttons. Take care. 💖
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The alarm gives you a start as you snort out of sleep. You fling your arm out blindly as you reach for your phone, eyes still closed as you're held down by some unseen weight. You turn the screen over and squint at it through a bleary fog, hitting dismiss as you let drop to the mattress.
"Fuck," you mutter, searching for the strength to get up.
You drag your hand over the duvet and stop short as you meet an unexpected obstacle. You lift your head and look down at Loki's long arm wrapped around you. As you shift, your leg is kept in place by his as it's hooked around your ankle. Your heart leaps as you turn your head slowly.
"Morning, darling," his voice gristles with sleep as he brings his hand up to cradle your face.
Before his lips can meet yours, you shove away his hand and sit up. The blanket slips and you catch it before it can expose your nudity. What the fuck?
"Woah, what– what happened?" You put the heel of your hand to your temple as you hug the top of the blanket, "I…"
You squeeze your eyes shut and remember. His head between your legs, fuzzy flashes of your bodies intermingled, lusty groans and the friction of skin. It blends together like a dream.
Loki rolls onto his back and you punch his shoulder, "what the hell did you do?"
"Me?" He blinks at you as he waves your fist away, pushing himself up on a shoulder, "darling, it wasn't only me."
"I… I can't remember, I took two pills. You know I did," you snarl, "you… you've just been waiting for this, haven't you?"
You quickly turn your back to him and let the blanket fall away. He's apparently seen it all and you're too angry to think. You stand and a pang shoots up from your sole. You collapse as you cry out in agony.
"Fuck!" You slap your hand on the floor. How did you forget about your dumb, stupid foot?
You hear him behind you as the bed jostles beneath him. He scoops you up with his arms under yours and leads you back to the edge of the bed. You cross an arm over your chest and put another hand over your pelvis, trying to shield your nudity as his dangles out shamelessly.
"Please, you'll hurt yourself," his hand lingers on your shoulder and you shrug him off. You stare at the wall as his figure looms, his muscled torso tempting your gaze.
"I'm gonna hurt you," you snap, "I cant believe you–"
"I thought… I thought you wanted it, darling." He sits beside you, leaning on his hand as he rests it just beside you, "you were rather intent upon it. Several times in fact," he pauses to bow down and kiss your shoulder irritatingly, "how could I say no with you coming at me like some wild cat–"
"Stop," you command, "my god."
You drop your head into your hands and sigh. You can't believe it. Well, you can but you don't want to. But you feel it. That heavy hollowness that comes after.
You peek over at him as you keep your head in your hands. He's smirking. Smug and unashamed. Your anger sparks.
"I need to shower," you declare, "as much as I need you away from me."
"Darling, we both know it was inevitable and I must say, I did enjoy seeing you uninhibited. If only you allowed yourself more often to–"
"Bring me my crutches and I won't beat you with them," you bark, "I swear, Loki, I wasn't like this before. I was… under control. I was calm but you just drive me friggin crazy."
"I'm flattered," he winks and you shake your head, opening and closing your hand before him as you think to claw his taunting grin.
"Crutches, now," you order, "we have stuff to do. So let's forget about this and just get going."
He stands and slowly makes his way to your crutches, grasping them as he turns back to you, "you may try to forget but I won't. I couldn't if I tried."
"Ughhh," you drag out the syllable as he approaches and you snatch the crutches and haul yourself up. His eyes openly rove your body as you do, "I hate you."
"Perhaps, but you love what I do to you," he snickers and you pivot away from him. As you pass, he flicks his knuckles across your ass, "and I must say, I rather like the view."
You swallow a growl as you cross the room. Never again. You don't care if your foot hurts, you're not taking any more pills.
You watch the machine spurt dark coffee into a tall mug, leaning on the counter intently. Dressed but still feeling exposed, you focus on the small things as that big thing hovers in your conscience. Loki doesn't help as his sly remarks aren't as subtle as he believes. The air of knowing, of victory fuels your irritation
You hear him come down the stairs as you tap your fingers impatiently. You glower. All this time he has this overpriced brewer and you were running around to the cafe at his beck and call. This man…
"Oh, wonderful, coffee," he nears and you give a pointed look.
"My coffee," you insist, "I'm on light duties… my foot."
"Ah," he turns and puts his hand flat to the counter, "I see. Well, I don't mind keeping you off your feet."
"Loki," you tut, "please, I don't have the energy. We have a new property today–"
"Mmm, I love it when you talk business," he leans in and stretches his other hand across the back of your skirt, "we don't have to be there until noon. Let's take the morning off."
"Let's not," you push his wrist away and take your mug, sidling over with it.
"Darling," he pinches your ass sharply and you yelp, "how can I resist with you in green."
You swat him away again and look down at your blouse, the emerald green striped with white and thin strips of black. He chuckles and goes for it again.
"Shall I start announcing myself more clearly?" Frigga interjects as she marches in, "truly, Loki, did I not raise you with manners?”
"Mother? We didn't hear the door."
"I rang the bell several times. I got no answer so I let myself in," she says curtly as Odin slouches in casually behind her.
"I'll have to have that looked at," Loki says as you turn, lifting your cast to lean on the counter as you drink your coffee.
"Oh, dear, you do forget what it is to be young and in love," Odin reaches over and taps Frigga's rear. She gasps and flutters her lashes at him. He laughs heartily and gives his son a smirk.
You hide behind the brim, you see where Loki gets it from.
"Well, to what do we owe this interruption?" Loki asks as he turns to the machine, "coffee? Mother, tea?"
"I'll have a breakfast tea," Frigga declares, "and I've come to sort out some wedding details."
You furrow your brow. Now?
"I suppose we could cancel the morning at the agency," Loki says dully, but you suspect his disappointment isn't about missed work.
"Dear," Odin nears you, "allow me."
He offers his arm gallantly, "let us get settled as your beloved prepares the refreshments."
Loki glances over from the corner of his eye but says nothing. You almost want to smirk at his demotion to barista. Instead, you repress the bemusement and accept Odin's help, dreading the discussion of nuptials but eager to enjoy your coffee.
Frigga has a whole scrapbook, as if it were her own wedding. A harbinger of the battles to come. You sit with dregs of your coffee, longing already for another.
"I've had some ideas put together," she explains, "you must understand, surely Loki did mention, that we must abide by some traditions. I know they mean nothing to you but they are everything for the Odinson name."
"Mother," Loki girds as his gaze ventures away from your necklace for once, though you suspect it isn't the jewelry distracting him.
"I am only making her aware, but it seems it's you that requires a reminder of propriety as late," Frigga reproaches.
Loki's brow raise and his lips twitch. You glance at Frigga, for once not the target of her ire, it feels odd. 
"I understand," you interject, "I'm sure we can compromise."
"Compromise? No, there are certain details which cannot be negotiated. Firstly, you must marry in Asgard."
"Asgard?" You and Loki bluster in unison, sharing a look of surprise, both of your mirrored reaction and the demand set forth.
"There hasn't been an Odinson wedding outside Asgard since our raiders were sailing to the shores of Britain," she insists, "even distant cousins marry accordingly."
"Mother, it's hardly practical. The agency."
"Yes, well how many times have I suggested you relocate. Realty in Asgard is booming, as a tourist attraction, you would do better in leasing to visitors and the like."
"Mother, I am not moving to Asgard," Loki counters harshly, "and my marriage is not an excuse for you to revive this argument."
"He has his own life," Odin says softly, "respect that. He even has a new name."
"Father, please," Loki stretches his fingers in exasperation as he shows his palms then furls them tightly, "is everything I do a slight? Shall I stop breathing the air in fear I might impinge upon your own oxygen."
"It is not what I meant," Odin extends a thick finger.
"Whether or not you decide to ever honour your lineage is your burden to bear" Frigga dismisses, "but on the wedding, I will not bend."
"Mm, and I suppose I know your next demand," Loki sneers.
"We've not yet settled this one," Frigga scoffs.
"Thor will not be in attendance," Loki turns to his mother, sat across from you as he shares the sofa with her, "you can't even presume to request that I allow that."
"He is your brother–"
"He kissed my fiancee!" Loki stands abruptly and Frigga's mouth falls open. Odin hardly seems surprised as he gives a long exhale and curses. His outburst even takes you off guard. "The very day I announced our proposal. But no, your golden child must've had good reason for once more trespassing upon my affections."
"Okay, okay," you put your mug down with a clink, "let's just back up, alright?"
"No, I will not move forward pretending that my brother is unaccountable for his offenses against me. First Sif, now her, and I should let him stand at my wedding?"
"It isn't up to your emotions, it is tradition–"
"Not my tradition," Loki wags a finger as he talks down to his mother, his sleek figure towering over her, "would you also like to witness the consummation?"
"Do not be crass," Frigga retorts.
"Well? It is a tradition, is it not? Oh, perhaps the king should get first night–"
"Loki," Frigga whines shrilly, "you are being ridiculous."
"Yes, you are," you pipe up, "please, just hear her out."
Loki whips around, an affronted look as he clenches his jaw in your direction. He tugs on the knot of his tie, tidying it as his cheek tics and he sits. He grips his knee as he glares at you.
"Finally, some sense," Frigga remarks, "he is your brother and he must be present, as your sister will too. In Asgard."
Loki sits back and frames his chin, dragging his fingers down his cheeks. His leg sways as his eyes cling to yours.
"What do you think?" He relents as he drops his hand. 
You teeter on the edge of the seat and fiddle with your ring, "I think that if we agree to these terms, that the rest of the wedding will be entirely up to our determinations."
"Oh, darling, but you must wear the crown of Odinson lilies–" Frigga begins.
"That's…fair," Loki says, "those are two big wins for you mother and we will surrender nothing else."
"Now, wife, I think that is diplomatic," Odin comments, "a bride should have every right to choose her own attire."
Frigga rolls her eyes. You want to just shrink into nothing. You don't care about the wedding but you also aren't going to pander to her every whim. Hadn't you done that with Loki for years?
"Or we can go to the court house, I now see the merit in that suggestion, darling," Loki dares to smirk.
"The court house?!" Frigga decries.
Loki chuckles and Frigga turns red.
"Now, son, don't get your mother worked up," Odin reprimands.
"You have our terms," Loki crosses his arms.
"We have them but there is one other matter," Frigga sniffs, "a prenup."
You want to snort but you restrain your derision. You see through her trick, that she means to humiliate you again. To remind you of your status.
"Done. We've already met with a lawyer," you lie. Loki looks at you curiously, forehead rippling, "trust me, I do not have any need of your son's money. Why Frigga, how could you assume I want anything but his love?"
Confusion mars Loki's face as his eyes round. 
"In fact, I had to convince him," you say tritely, "like pulling teeth but really, I'm protecting myself. I tend to prefer my independence."
Frigga looks equally as stunned as you resist laughing in her face. You've had it with being their little toy, you're putting your foot down, even if you can't literally.
"Now I know that you think I have some predatory thirst for your family prestige but I couldn't give a… fig," you keep from swearing, "I am not as vapid as all that. I don't base my personal worth on material or clout."
She blinks, pale as if she could faint.
"So, are we agreed because I could really use another coffee," you sigh. 
"Coffee," Loki stands, "yes, I'd say another round is in order."
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dazzling-raven · 6 months
I've seen a lot of art of the buscrash trio over on Twitter, and it's just got me thinking about that one scene from Mean Girls where Regina George got hit by the bus. I haven't even seen mean girls and my brain is already giving me ideas 💀
Mabye I should go give it a watch
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cyber333izzie · 4 months
i NEED people to talk about the buscrash trio more
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rhodeybugg · 6 months
[Cracks back]
Im gonna sleep on this and let you guys decide. Which one of the poster designs in my lineup would you all [the murder drones fandom] want the most for me to get done and up in my shop?
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It was kinda shocking that Fangs dies in a Buscrash but even before they revealed his Demise I was wondering if they might put him on the Plane with Buddy Holly to die in the Crash.
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creativemedianews · 1 month
A bus disaster in Iran killed at least 28 Pakistani pilgrims
A bus disaster in Iran killed at least 28 Pakistani pilgrims #Arbaeen #buscrash #drivererror #faultybrakes #Iran
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cosmosaii · 6 months
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nerospaceart · 2 months
Murder Drones Ep 8 When Thad Unceremoniously Killed Off
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abogadosaccidentes · 1 year
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Abogados de Accidentes de Autobús en Los Angeles y todo California
Representamos a Personas Lesionadas en Casos de Accidentes de Autobús: 🚍 Autobuses Escolar 🚍 Autobús Chárter 🚍 Autobuses Iglesia 🚍 Autobuses Turísticos 🚍 Autobuses Privados 🚍 Autobuses Públicos 🚍 Autobús MTA 🚍 Autobuses Gubernamentales
Nuestra firma de abogados de accidentes de autobús se asegura de que nuestros clientes reciban la mejor representación legal y la máxima compensación.
¿Lesionado? llama a Los Abogados de Accidentes para conocer sus opciones legales. Hablamos español y no cobramos hasta ganar el caso. ☎️ (844)844-1844 #Abogados #Accidentes #AbogadoLesiones #AbogadosAccidentes #AccidentesBus #TrialAttorneys #MTABus #CaliforniaLawyers #BusAccident #Injuries #AbogadosDeAccidentes #PersonalInjury #AbogadosLatinos #CaliforniaAttorney #Compensation #AccidentesdeAutobus #Lawfirm #BusAccidentes #AbogadosCalifornia #BusLawyers #AttorneyAtLaw #CaliforniaAttorney #CaliforniaLawFirm #BusCrash #BusAttorney #PersonalInjuryLawyer #PersonalInjuryAttorney #TrialLawyers
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#Breaking: At least ten wedding guests #killed in #buscrash in #NewSouthWales, #Australia.
At least ten wedding guests killed in bus crash in New South Wales, Australia. Find more: https://t.co/8xyWy2cBPY pic.twitter.com/rxDE3p6taV — Sky News (@SkyNews) June 12, 2023 Source: Twitter
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propicsmedia · 2 years
CHRISTMAS EVE BUS CRASH SENDS 53 TO HOSPITALS from ProPics Canada Media Ltd on Vimeo.
Bus Crash on Hwy 97c in British Columbia. #prayers #News #bcstorms #drivebc #Bus #Crash #codeorange #buscrash #Kelowna #Merritt #Canada #majorcrash #emergencies #roadconditions #majorincident
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