bunyyo · 3 months
Sometimes I think back to that day
The day we first met
And I wonder would I still be alive if we never met
What do you mean?
I reply taking in a breath
What could she mean by it?
Did I really change her life that much
Yeah I mean I don’t think id want to live in a life without you
But that doesn't mean you wouldn't have found someone worth living for
Yeah I guess you are right
There is a silence between us for just a moment
It almost felt peaceful but I could tell she wanted to say more
She always played with her hands when she wanted to speak more
And right now she was
But I didn’t want to force her to say it
So I waited
Id wait for as long as she needed till she was prepared
She takes a breath in before responding
I wouldn't want to live for anyone else you know?
A chuckle escaped my lips
If it helps I wouldn't want to marry anyone else
Huh? You’re not even going to say you wouldn't live for anyone else? Even if it was a lie?
I don't lie to you and i'm not going to start now
There is a pause
I cant promise you if you weren't around I wouldn't live for someone else
Id live for my family or for my dog but not someone as important as you
You said you wouldnt live for someone else
But I would have
I wanted to tell you something as important as yours was
Cause it's true
I wouldn't marry anyone else if you weren't around
She laughs
Her laugh as if the gods themselves came down and blessed her with the perfect smile
As if the angels themselves are singing when she laughs
What I would give to hear it all the time
She responds
You know for being a year older than me you do have an innocent look on love
What do you mean?
I can't explain it you just always look as if you
I think back on that moment all the time
The moment where I was so sure we would be together forever
The moment that I knew for the first time in my life that I was making the right choice
I wasn't second guessing myself or even doubting
Because I knew you would be there
I thought that wasn’t a lie
I thought we promised to be together forever
Just like in our vow
Though I supposed we promised
Till death does us part
But even I wouldn't let that stop me from loving you
So now I sit here wondering Eloise?
Did you mean what you said?
Because right now its feels like I was the reason you died
That if we never met you would still be here
Maybe it's my fault for holding you too tight?
Maybe it's my fault for not letting you go when you wanted
But you have to understand Eloise I loved you more than life itself
But you loved life more than you loved me
Im sorry it had to end this way
And i'm sorry I wasn’t as innocent as you thought
And I wish I was sorry for what I did to you
But you have to understand
You left me with no choice
And now I know you can’t leave me
Ill keep our promise and never leave you
I will take care of your grave till the day i part this life
Please forgive me my dear Eloise
Forever yours,
AN: this is something that is clearly not fleshed out and something I ran out of ideas for. It was originally written for a competition that my friend and I had that we stopped doing. I'd love any feedback on this too and thank you for reading it if you do!
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