#Buildings. A Car. The idea of life behind the exterior but no real proof.
silverhandy · 4 years
I saw the devil (in me) - chapter 6
Takemura doesn't believe in ghosts, not really, but a man driven to his limit might believe in just about anything. Trapped in a losing game and consumed by grief, he returns to Night City looking for closure. but ends up finding something much more.
ao3 I chapter 1 I chapter 2 I chapter 3 I chapter 4 I chapter 5
    When Takemura opened his eyes, he had no idea where he was, the apartment so foreign compared to what he was used to. The dissonance was almost enough to push the grogginess away from his mind, make the heaviness of his limbs less daunting as he looked around, taking in the surroundings. Right, he was at Viktor’s, must’ve dozed off at some point. At first, Takemura didn’t know what awoke him, other than the painful stiffness of his neck and shoulders but as his vision cleared, that, too, became apparent. Viktor was standing by the kitchen counter, motioning to take off his jacket, the snow that covered the material already melted and soaking into it, but froze halfway when he saw Takemura stir awake.
    “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake ya. Should’ve taken the bed, though.”
    “You did not wake me, I was just about to…” Takemura replied, motioning to get up, but what stopped him was a warning meow from the cat, still lying on his lap. It raised its head, clearly not amused by the disturbance. Viktor raised his eyebrows, a faint smile appearing on his lips as he grabbed himself a chair and sat down, leaving the jacket on the counter.
    “He likes you.”
    “Does he have a name?” Takemura asked as the cat stood up, clearly deciding it had had enough of its guest’s affections, and jumped to the floor in a swift motion, not even glancing at the two men.
    “Nibbles.” Viktor chuckled. “Before you ask, it was not my idea, but V’s. Judy...isn’t in the best place right now, said the cat reminds her of V too much, plus she’s leaving Night City for good anyway. Asked me to take care of it, so I took the little guy in.” he said, looking over at Nibbles, who jumped onto the counter, eyeing the bowls on the far corner of it and finally turning its gaze back to Viktor, disappointment clearly visible in its huge eyes. The ripperdoc shook his head slightly, a soft smile on his face as he engaged in a staring match with the cat, his eyes losing focus behind the tinted lenses as he got lost in thought. Takemura took the time to stretch, the aftereffects of a nap in such an uncomfortable position having stiffened his joints. He didn’t feel rested, more like he had been rather abruptly fished out of a tank filled with warm water. Then again, he didn’t think he knew what feeling rested felt like anymore.
    “A fine feline.” Takemura finally said, only to break the uncomfortable silence between them and to shake the doctor off whatever track of thought he found himself on. Viktor only hummed in acknowledgment, turning his gaze back to the other man.
    “Glad to see you settled in okay. It’s been slow at the clinic, so I thought I would drop by, just to grab something and see how you’re doin’ while I’m at it.”
    Takemura took a quick look at the little screen displaying the time, the digital numbers displayed on a small screen giving off a soft, blue glow. What he probably should have expected, what would have been just a moment of rest turned into a few hours and Takemura had already felt he had wasted enough time.
    “Thank you for the clothes,” he said, bowing his head slightly, as if his words weren’t enough to accent his appreciation. In reality, they really weren’t.
    Viktor waved his hand.
    “Don’t mention it. Figured you’d want to wear something that’d make you feel more...you.”
    Takemura let out a deep sigh. Viktor deserved more than half-truths and omissions. He owed him the truth, after everything the ripperdoc had done for him.
    “I was let go from the company.” Viktor raised his eyebrows at this sudden change of topic, but said nothing, allowing Takemura to carefully choose his words as he continued. “Completely and irrevocably. I refused to accept the consequences my actions have brought upon me and was punished for it.”
    “Letting you out alive was Saka’s idea of a parting gift?” Viktor asked, leaning back on the chair. Despite the calmness of his voice, Takemura could feel a hint of sarcasm, anger even, though it was not directed at him.
    “I would say it was the opposite. In their eyes, I did not take the chance to redeem my honor and have to live with that decision weighing down on me.”
    Viktor hummed and took off his glasses, wiping the lenses on the edge of his shirt. Even though Takemura never wore them, always having been equipped with cutting edge optics, a new set from time to time, long before it officially made its way into the wider market, he doubted cleaning the lenses like this was effective. It almost looked like Viktor was buying himself time to think about what he was about to say, though the silence didn’t last more than a few seconds.
    “And in your eyes?”
    The question took Takemura aback, summing up what he’d been thinking about in merely a few words. A rare thing it might be, an ability he never had, never needed back when his life was dictated by a clear set of rules and orders from people he accepted as his superiors, first in the military and then, later, by Saburo-dono’s side.
    “I...am not sure yet. I came all this way only to realize that what I fought my entire life to protect, to uphold might be little more than a vicious lie. It is hard to face, how replaceable I am. I had been selfish, enough to believe that after I cleared my name and helped Hanako-sama bring Yorinobu to justice, everything would be the same as before. How foolish of me! Before I knew it, the order of things I fought to help restore, one I have killed for, was distorted into something I could no longer recognize. And the scariest part,” Takemura hesitated for a moment, but it was too late to not finish his trail of thought, bare all his doubts to Viktor the way he would never dare to in front of someone else. “is that it might have always been like that. I was just too blind to notice.”
    “Must’ve felt like a rug was swept from under your feet. However painful it might seem, you are your own man now. You can forge your own path, and it’s only up to you if you see it as a blessing or a curse, but it does make a hell of a difference. Trust me,” Viktor said, a warm, knowing smile on his face. “I’ve been there.”
    Takemura felt curiosity rise in his chest, remembering the photo of Viktor from his Trauma days, but he didn’t want to push the other man, just as Viktor had not pushed him. As expected, the ripperdoc didn’t elaborate and Takemura didn’t ask him to. There was a time for everything and he felt it wasn’t it, not yet.
    “Thank you,” he said and stood up, walking to the chair to grab his coat and put it on. It wasn’t that late, he might still be able to catch Akiko at work, not that she ever left it. “I am going to meet with a netrunner, but will be back soon.”
    “A friend of yours?”
    “I would hesitate to call her a friend, but we did help each other. That account I mentioned, I set it up shortly before leaving the city. I never thought I would have to use it again, but as you say...better to be safe than sorry.”
    Viktor hummed in response. “Alright. Just watch your step out there, the snow is pretty nasty.”
    “I will. By the way,” Takemura turned around just as he was about to put his hand on a scanner to open the front door. “what did you do with that car? And the wakizashi?”
    “The sword? Still have it, but left it behind at the clinic. Do you need it back?”
    Takemura hesitated. Does he?
    “Not really.” he silently hoped he never will. “The car?”
    “Had to call in a favor to make it disappear. A real shame, it was quite a beauty. Your Arasaka buddies seem to have cleaned their own mess before NCPD caught a whiff.”
    “Of course. They always do.” and with that, he walked out.
    When he finally reached the less frequented part of Charter Hill, the little sunlight that managed to break through the dark, heavy clouds was long gone, giving way to street lights and neons tastefully implemented into the newly built, sleek looking buildings, even though right now they were obscured by the heavy snowfall that made Takemura regret he couldn't just drive there. Even the ever present neons and advertisements were more subtle, on par with the kind of life the people residing in the district were leading - moderately comfortable, a step up from Heywood, but still not high enough up the food chain to compare with those rich enough to reside in City Plaza. Takemura had eventually strayed off from the wide, open spaced pavements into a more dense area, navigating the increasingly narrow streets that exposed the true image of Charter Hill, the middleman district with nothing but a pretty exterior masking the rot that went too deep into Night City’s system to ever be truly hidden, revealing itself in various ways, from overworked corpos passed out the benches despite the grueling cold to the occasional bloodstain on the pavement, only partially obscured by fresh snow, one that the cleaners haven’t managed to scrub off yet. An organic proof of meaningless violence in a place that kept eating its own young and hopeful, entangling them in an endless web of favors and obligations, one that kept tightening and spreading all around the city. Even Takemura, on his first visit to Night City, out of money and resources, found himself entering the untold arrangement that kept the city ticking, indebting himself to people and indebting others for his sake just to keep himself afloat. Some of the favors he already cashed in, others he hoped he’ll never have to, but at least in this case he didn’t walk past the rusty gate to the netrunner’s basement with cautious distrust, as he did with so many others. Akiko was different, much more human despite the fact she interacted with the ghosts floating around the Net much more frequently than with regular humans. Despite that, she still had something that many have lost on lesser endeavors - a conscience and a heart to back it up.
    As he walked down the stairs, careful not to slip on the ice the water dripping from the roof has turned into, he pushed the heavy, metal door open, only a small name plaque an indicator of who might reside there. The doors closed behind him with a dull thud, one that almost made him jump as he walked further into the building, following the neon line on the floor, the only source of light in the otherwise completely dark corridor. Eventually, it widened into a large room, the netrunner the only person there. For a second, Takemura didn’t even see her until he turned his gaze to the server on the left side, one of many lining the walls. Before Takemura had a chance to announce his presence, the netrunner’s voice came, a bit muffled:
    “Yeah yeah, gimme a sec!” the woman muttered, her entire torso still hidden inside the jaws of the machine as she tinkered with its’ insides, balancing on one foot as she struggled to reach for the cable she needed.
    “No rush, Akiko,” he said, leaning on the doorframe, seemingly the only place in the entire room where he wouldn’t have to worry about tripping over or breaking something, the space was so densely covered with cables and spare parts spread all over the floor and running up, creeping up on the walls, some insulated with a dulled glow of tiny LEDs, basking the room in an unnatural, blue light. How the netrunner could work like this, Takemura had no idea.
    Upon hearing his voice, the woman jumped, hitting her head on the metal plate with an audible thud. Cursing under her breath, she finally emerged and turned to face him, rubbing the back of her head with a pained expression.
    “Takemura, you scared the shit out of me! Some warning would be nice,” she complained as she walked over around the partially disassembled netrunning chair to greet him, a smile on her face despite her seemingly cold tone. She looked different from the last time he’d seen her, her previously long, greying hair now cut short and dyed angry pink, reflecting the blue hues and creating strands of violet that danced around her face every time she moved her head.
    “I presume this means you have not expected me.”
    “After our last conversation? The only person I expected to see less was Saburo Arasaka himself. What brings you back to Nigh City? I thought you hated the place.” she said, stepping over a box of what looked like fried cyberdecks to grab a chair. “Here, take a seat, you look like you’re about to topple over.”
    Takemura sighed and reluctantly sat down, secretly grateful for the offer. The room was unpleasantly warm, servers towering one next to the other enough to bring the temperature up to a point where he had to shake off his coat.
    “I came to honor the memory of a friend and stayed to admire the scenery,” he said, his attempt at sarcasm met with Akiko’s expression softening. Takemura saw the way her eyes kept darting to his arm, bandage peeking out from the long sleeve of his shirt.
    “Shit, I’m so sorry. It was that merc that you worked with, right? I heard about what you guys pulled at the parade from a ‘runner friend of mine. With what came after, I thought you’d be back at Saburo’s side in Tokyo, so…”
    “Akiko-san, excuse me, but I did not come here to gossip.” he stopped her mid sentence, feeling a sudden need to cut this conversation short and get out of this warm, confined room into the biting cold of Charter Hill. The woman looked surprised at the retort.
    “O-of course. Whaddya need?”
    “That account I asked you to set up before I left. Is it still up?”
    This time, she scoffed.
    “‘Course it is. I have one of these beauties constantly pulling it in and out of the Net as we speak.” she pointed to one of the servers lining the wall. “Normally it would’ve cost you a ton of eddies to keep it buried as deep as it is, but I honor my debts. You helped me, now I’m helping you, no questions asked. Although…” she trailed off and crossed her arms. “I’d certainly appreciate it if you cared to share why the hell you need to cash that one in in the first place. Arasaka not paying as much as they did back in my day?”
    Takemura grunted. Of course, she, of all the people he got to know in this godforsaken city, wouldn’t let him off the hook that easily.
    “We had a disagreement of sorts, one that resulted in me being let go in a rather abrupt manner. I did not have much time to make preparations for such an event, hence I come to you. I need to get access to the deposit. Can you do that for me?”
    Akiko narrowed her eyes, clearly not expecting such honesty on Takemura’s part.
    “Well then,” she said, reaching for a port box propped up next to one of the many screens standing on the tabletop. “of course I can. Just jack in and I’m gonna walk you through it.”
    “I am afraid my personal link is out of commission for now. Is there any other way?”
    “Good luck getting around the city without one. You had a ripperdoc take a look?”
    “I did,” he replied, a bit annoyed at her pretentiousness. “Please Akiko, just focus. Is there any other way?”
    “I can put you through a neural port directly, but…”
    “You’d have to jump into the Net with me and to be frank, you don’t look like you’re at the top of your game. With no one keeping an eye on your biomon, I’m worried you could flatline on me.”
    “So I can either wait until my personal link can be fixed or come back here with a ripperdoc?
    “A tech savvy one at that. And someone you trust, considering what we’re doing here.”
    Takemura was silent for a few seconds, considering. Just a few months ago, he’d probably rush into it, not wanting to stall his progress any further, determined to keep things moving even if it would cost him later, but now, with the unexpected turn his life has taken, he wasn't so quick to act. If jumping into the Net was as risky as Akiko made it out to be, and he had every reason to trust her on that, pushing for it right now would be counterproductive. He thought about Viktor and how his work would go to waste if Takemura was to fry on the netrunner’s chair, so much effort on the ripperdoc’s part for nothing. Other than the need to pay Viktor off as soon as possible, even if only to make up for his kindness, since the doctor not only did not push Takemura to hurry but offered him a place to stay so casually, there was nothing rushing him. No time sensitive goal that required him to push himself far past his limits as he feared not only for his uncertain future, but for his very life. It felt odd, in a way.
    “Fine. I think I know just the right person.”
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x1musings · 5 years
“do you need a ride home?” + “your idea of fun always involves breaking the law.”
☆pairing: seungyoun x reader
☆request: #11 + #22 from 101 prompts by anon
☆genre: fluff
☆word count: 3.2k
☆a/n: nei not writing about a party challenge failed. i swear my last 4 one-shots all involve a party, which is hilarious considering i hate parties with a passion. anyway, sorry it’s late, but i hope you like my first seungyoun one-shot. be sure to reply, tag or send me asks with your reactions 😊 i want to read everything.
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your head is pounding, and you couldn’t tell if it was because of the music that was so loud that it pulsed through your body, or the one too many shots you were peer pressured into drinking. either way, the room felt like it was spinning, and you knew you had to get out of that room before you passed out or threw up. you get up, and stagger to the balcony, sighing with relief when you see that it was empty. you had stopped drinking about an hour ago, but you could still feel the effects of the alcohol coursing through your blood. you lean your head over the railing, taking in deep breaths of fresh air.
“woah, i don’t think you should be doing that. not in your current state.”
you feel warm hands on your bare shoulders, drawing you back. you turn slowly, raising an eyebrow when you see who’s holding you upright. cho seungyoun. you had heard many things about him - some good, few bad and most ridiculous - but you had never actually met him before. even though you had seen him in passing before, you had never seen him this close. and the rumours did his appearance no justice. sure, he had that cliché bad boy vibe to him with his leather jacket, fitted white tee and ripped jeans, but there was a boyish aura to him beneath the troublemaker exterior.  his semi-long black hair was pushed back, showcasing his eyes, which are usually somewhat covered by his hair. his eyes draw you in, the easy-going humour in the surface, but something darker below. his smile was equally as sinful as it was charming. the cold rings on his fingers contrasted with the warmth his hands were radiating into the skin of your shoulder. just looking at him, you knew there was more to him, than the rumours say. and you didn’t know if it’s because of the alcohol coursing through your blood, but you wanted to get to know everything about him.
seungyoun waved his hand in front of your face. you had been staring at him so intently, you hadn’t noticed he was talking to you.
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
he smirked, seemingly knowing that you were checking him out. “do you need a ride home? you look incredibly drunk right now, and i don’t think i should leave you alone.”
as much as drunk you wanted to get to know the real seungyoun, the growing sober part of you was sending warning signals throughout your body. you don’t know him well enough to trust him to take you home safely, it tells you.
“i…i don’t think i can go with you. i don’t know you.”
his smirk falls ever-so-slightly that you think you imagined it. “ah so you’ve heard the rumours about me, huh?”
“no, it’s not that,” you say quickly. “i just prefer someone that i know better.”
“well if you can find a sober person in there that you know better, then get them to take you home. but if you can’t, the offer still stands.”
you both knew that the chance of finding someone else who was sober was close to nil. most of your friends at the party lived either in the same building or in the other on-campus housing that was walking distance from this one, while you still lived with your parents. it was too late to catch the bus, and you didn’t trust yourself walking home, knowing your clumsy ass would somehow end up tripping and falling to your death. and to make matters worse, you had no cash on you and you phone had died two hours ago. if fate was pushing you towards seungyoun, it was doing a darn good job of giving you no other option.
“ok fine, but can i use your phone first? mine’s dead.”
he nodded, unlocking his phone and giving it to you. you log out of his facebook, and log into your account. opening your group chat, you send a quick message telling your friends that you were leaving and that seungyoun was taking you home. you send another message reassuring them that you would message them when you got home and charged your phone. you log out of your account and give him back his phone.
“all good?”
you nod, thanking him. you take a chance to actually see if he really was sober. he wasn’t swaying or slurring, but that didn’t mean he didn’t drink.
“why are you staring at me like that?” he asks, looking a little apprehensive.
“are you actually sober?” you ask, not hiding the suspicious tone in your voice.
“why would you come to a party and not drink at all?”
he leans in, caging you between his body and the railing behind you, and his sinful yet charming smile graces his lips again. “maybe because i wanted the chance to play prince charming for some drunken damsel.”
you roll your eyes and lean in to look him dead in the eye. “so, i’m just your unlucky target.”
he scoffs, “i wouldn’t call you unlucky, especially when i’m so kindly offering to drive you home.”
you were about to retort but someone had opened the balcony door, and the sound of the music made the pounding in your head return. you wince at the pain, surprised when you came to the realisation that the pain had disappeared while you had been talking to seungyoun.
“can you please take me away from here?” you ask, as you hold your head.
his eyes soften as he watches you cradle your head. “sure, let’s go. i just need to get something from the kitchen, so just wait outside for me.”
you nod, bracing yourself to walk through the loud apartment. you make your way through the crowd, quickly scanning to see if you could see any of your friends, so that you could tell them in person that you were leaving. but to your dismay, you couldn’t see any of them. you just hoped that they will see the messages you sent them before they panicked. though knowing them and their tendency to believe every rumour they hear, they would still panic after reading your messages, especially after the part where you tell them that you’re with cho seungyoun. the campus troublemaker.
you wait outside the front door, a safe distance from the music. it didn’t take long for seungyoun to leave the apartment and stand in front of you, holding out two bottles of water and a banana.
“this is for you. sorry i would have gotten you something else to eat, but this was all i could find.”
you heart swelled at his words. how did anyone actually believe that this boy was a big, bad troublemaker, especially after meeting him? he was a complete sweetheart. you thank him, as you take the banana and a water bottle from him. holding the other water bottle, he leads you to the elevator and then to his car.
“this is your ride?”
seungyoun paused as he opened the passenger door to let you in. “yeah, why?”
“nothing, i was half-expecting you to ride a motorcycle, and i was thinking of ways to avoid getting on it.”
he rolled his eyes as he gestured for you to get into the car. “i guess you believe all the rumours about me, huh?”
you brush past him and sit in the passenger seat. “not all of them, just a few that had proof to back it up.”
he closes the door and walks over to the driver’s seat. “like what?” he asks as he starts the engine.
“like the rumour that you were the one that beat the crap out of the headmaster’s kid. there were videos of that everywhere and everyone figured out it was you because of your tats.”
“he deserved it. the video only shows one half of the story,” seungyoun groaned, as he reversed out of the parking space and drove off. “where do you live?”
you sigh. you didn’t really want to go home while you were still drunk, knowing the lecture that would be waiting for you at home. “can we go somewhere else? i don’t want to go home right now.”
seungyoun smirked, “why? you don’t want your parents to see their goody-two-shoes daughter drunk?”
you scoff at his assumption. “what makes you think i’m a goody-two-shoes?”
“i’m not the only one who has rumours spread about them. our uni is small enough that everyone knows about you and all of your good-girl activities. like organising a big fundraiser for… what was it?”
“…the orphanage down the road.”
“oh yeah. noble cause.”
you roll your eyes at him, turning to stare outside. you watched the building blur as seungyoun sped through the empty road. you didn’t bother to tell him to slow down, knowing your words would just go through one ear and out the other.
“so, what’s the most ridiculous rumour that you’ve heard about yourself that’s false?” you ask, the curiosity eating at you. you had heard so many ridiculous rumours about him, but you couldn’t tell which were true and which were false.
“hmm, the one about me streaking through uni with a mask on. that was my friend, not me. i have standards, you know?”
you laugh, “oh do tell.”
he stopped at a red light, and turned to you, leaning close enough that you could see the mischievous glint in his eye. “the only time i take my clothes off in public is if i’m having sex with someone.”
for the first time in your life, you didn’t have a witty reply ready on the tip of your tongue. you wanted to blame the alcohol, but you knew it had less to do with that and more to do with seungyoun’s piercing gaze that threatened to unravel you. it was like he could read your every thought and feeling, and that scared you more than any of the rumours you had heard about him.  you quickly break your eye connection with him and turn back to the window.
he laughs to himself as he turns back to road ahead of him. he had wanted to get under your skin, ever since he first laid eyes on you. he had watched you during the party, the ever-composed girl that seemed to have her whole world under her control, even when she was completely drunk. or rather that was what you wanted everyone to think. he wanted to see the girl under the carefully constructed mask. and he had just seen his first glimpse of her.
when you composed yourself, you turned back to him. “so, where exactly are we going?”
his eyes lit up in a way that filled your stomach with dread. “i have an idea. it’ll be fun!”
you shake your head immediately. “your idea of fun always involves breaking the law.”
he huffed in indignation. “name one time i actually broke the law.”
“what about the time you decided to spray paint the wall near the law building? you can’t deny it, because i saw you get arrested with my own eyes.” you lean your elbow on the centre compartment and rested your head on your hand, looking at him with expectant eyes. let’s see you weasel your way out of this one, you think to yourself, unable to hide the smirk playing at your lips.
he took a second to look at you before turning back to the road. “ok, that one is true.” 
you grin to yourself, knowing he couldn’t see you, as you leaned back into your seat. “so, what’s your idea? let’s hear it before i say no.”
seungyoun smirked. “what makes you think you think i’ll tell you now? just wait and see.”
you continued to pester him for hints for the remainder of the ride, and he ignored every word you uttered, with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. you grumble to yourself about how he’s a massive asshole, loud enough that he could hear you. somehow, his grin widens as he parks the car.
“we’re here.” you glance outside to see that you had arrived at… the zoo?
you look at him with incredulous eyes. “you brought me to the zoo?”
“yes. have you ever been to the zoo after hours?”
“obviously not, because i’m a law-abiding citizen.”
“more like a boring citizen.” he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. he walks over to your side, and opens the door, urging you out with his eyes, but you shake your head and hold onto your seatbelt. “come on y/n, it’ll be fun. no children, no people. just us, the animals and nature.”
“and security guards who will throw us in jail when they find us trespassing.”
he leans over you and unbuckles your seatbelt. “don’t be such a baby. i’ve done this before, and i’ve never been arrested. just trust me, ok? i won’t put you in danger.”
he offers you his hand and waits for you to make up your mind. did you trust him? short answer: no, but you wanted to. you debated the pros and cons of going with him, and slowly the logical side of you lost out. you pull your hands away from the seatbelt and grab his hand. he grins as he pulls you out of the car. he closes the door softly and leads you to a wall. he boosts you up over the wall, and you help to pull him up with your limited upper body strength. seungyoun jumps down, and land softly on the grass below. you hesitate, knowing from past experience that your clumsy self would roll your ankle as you jump down.  
seungyoun spreads his arms out, whispering, “jump, i’ll catch you.”  
you jumped, closing your eyes as you braced yourself for the inevitable pain you were going to feel. 
“you ok there, y/n?” seungyoun’s soft voice made you open your eyes to see that he had caught you safely in his arms, cradling you against his chest.
it took you a second to shake yourself out of the daze you had fallen into and scramble to your feet. “yeah, i’m fine, thanks.” 
“ok, let’s go.” seungyoun grabs your hand and leads you towards the closest enclosure, which happened to be the giraffe enclosure. in the dark, it was hard to see the animals properly. you could barely make out the curled-up giraffes sleeping. 
“i can’t see anything, and all the animals are sleeping. so why do you even come here?” you whispered. the more you knew about him, the more confused you got. who is this boy? 
“it’s peaceful being here but there’s also that sense of danger that you’d get caught.” 
you roll your eyes. he was hiding something behind that tough guy act. “you can feel that same sense of danger if you break into any place, like an office building or a shopping centre. so why here specifically?” 
seungyoun stares back at you, and you wait to see if his mask slips. but before you could do anything, seungyoun whips his head to the side, before pulling you behind the big tree next to you. you are flush against seungyoun, one hand on his chest and the other on his arm to stabilize you. his arms are wrapped around your waist, holding you against his body. you could feel every one of his muscles under his thin shirt, and smell of his cologne overpowered your senses.  
“what happened?” you whisper to him. 
“i saw a light. i think it’s the security guard.” 
you groan softly, as you rest your head against his chest, feeling like you were going to throw up due to the dread and anxiety in your stomach. “we’re going to be arrested. we’re going to jail.” you whisper into his chest, not knowing if he could hear you at all.  
seungyoun leans in close, sending a shiver down your spine as you feel his breath on your ear. “we’re not going to get arrested. but even if we do, i have really good lawyers.” 
you lift your head to give him a glare, but when you noticed how close his face was to yours, all thoughts flew out of your head. you were struck at how handsome he was. sure, you had noticed how attractive he was before, but now in the moonlight, with the wind in his hair, soft smile on his lips and that vulnerable look in his eye, he had never looked better. so, this is what he looks like without his mask on.  
you lean up slightly, smiling as he inhales sharply, and press your lips against his softly. you pull away to see his reaction, but he pulls you back, and kisses you with more passion. you moan softly, still aware of your surroundings, and you snake your arms around his neck, raking your fingers through his hair. he groans into your mouth as you pull at his hair slightly, his fingers digging into your waist as he pulls you closer to him. the kiss was messy, but passionate, like you two couldn’t get enough of each other.  
after a while, seungyoun pulls away slowly, still holding you close to him.
“we should go before we get caught.” his voice sounded huskier than it had before, which made you smile at the knowledge that you could unravel him in the same way he unravelled you.  
“let’s go.”  
once you had checked that the coast was clear, you both made a dash towards the wall, and left the same way you had come in. as you walked to seungyoun’s car, you couldn’t help but giggle at the ridiculous adventure you had been on. 
before you could open the passenger seat, seungyoun turned you around and pushed you against the door. he held your face in hands gently, like he was afraid to break you, and planted a soft kiss on your kiss-swollen lips. 
he pulled away with a shy smile, asking, “so when’s our next date?” 
you raise an eyebrow at his assumption. “this wasn’t a date. dates with me always involve a meal.” 
“i gave you a banana.” 
“that’s not a meal, that’s a snack.”  
seungyoun laughed to himself. “ok fine. are you free tomorrow for dinner?” 
you couldn’t help the smile that graced your lips. “i might be, i’ll have to check my schedule.” 
seungyoun leans in close, so close you could feel his breath on your lips. “clear it. go on an actual date with me?” 
you didn’t have to think twice before answering. “ok.” 
after laying another soft kiss on your lips, seungyoun ushers you into the car. as he drives to your home, you think about the crazy night you had. when you first arrived at the party, you had expected the night to go exactly like every other night. little did you know, you would end up on a date with the campus troublemaker, who was nothing like the rumours had claimed. you smile as you intertwine your fingers with his. boy, were you glad that fate pushed you to seungyoun.  
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2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Release Date
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2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Release Date
2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Release Date –  When you’re a company that is as committed to all of the best stuff in daily life, you have a tendency to attend places where only a few should go to directly so you can make a point. Rolls-Royce has a reputation for having this sort of way of thinking when a deep-pocketed client handled the United Kingdom luxurious car maker and requested it to construct him a car like not one other, the company required. The outcome is this one-way design named the Rolls-Royce Sweptail.
2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Future
Underscoring the stage of changes linked to the Rolls-Royce Sweptail is the truth it took Rolls-Royce 4 years to complete the car. Because of this the consumer require took place at some time at the end of 2012 or earlier 2013. For a company that is used to developing one-off projects via its Bespoke personalization department program, the duration of time it had taken Rolls-Royce to build the Sweptail talks to how unique the model is. And like every real Rolls-Royce 1-away from, the Rolls-Royce Sweptail pulls inspiration from components within its sociable sphere, specifically luxury motoring and racing yachts. Set these things jointly, rely on in Rolls-Royce’s long and storied historical past in coach-constructing, and you get a car that’s a literal including the figurative description of what a masterclass in one-way auto creations needs to be.
2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Exterior And Interior
As exclusive as the entrance segment is, the Rolls-Royce Sweptail most distinctive external feature is located at the back exactly where the creativity associated with its title is there for the whole world to view. The vertical and imposing shoulder facial lines of the car are perfect Rolls-Royce design qualities, but the raked stern is at the again is as opposed to nearly anything we have found in the auto market, even from a company that is noted for its mentor-constructing skills. The whole effect of the design is visible from the rear where the roofline significantly tapers off with the two edges becoming drawn collectively as they technique the rear, eventually meeting at the idea of the trunk. The rationale behind this design is to focus on the nautical motivation behind the Sweptail. The last appropriate detail in the exterior of the Sweptail is the reappearance of the “08” identifier seated just below the Rolls-Royce logo design at the back. Apparently, Rolls-Royce milled those two figures from ingots of lightweight aluminum in advance-polishing these people to seem the way they appear. For the volume the manager paid to have this kind of details integrated, Rolls-Royce dutifully obligated, even if designed producing significant changes to the body that the company experienced by no means carried out its background.
Now let us proceed to the interior in which the changes from the Phantom Coupe to the Sweptail are just as important. First, the modified roofline of the car forced the company to improve the interior structure of the coupe. Fortunately, that had been all aspect of the strategy of the car’s manager, who wished to get clear of the rear segment completely and replace it with a custom wooden drawer of sorts with a middle of the shelf that’s lit up with a window lip, a finished hat shelf with suitcases side rails. All through the interior, Rolls-Royce used ready Macassar Ebony and wide open-pore Paldao, regarded as is one of the highest qualities and a lot preferred hardwood veneers in the world today. The use of both of these materials is offset by Moccasin and Dim Liven leathers, which include the chairs, armrests, and the best section of the minimal dashboard. If any person still doubts the stage of exclusivity connected to the Rolls-Royce Sweptail, then think about these capabilities – we’ve by no means viewed them all with each other in a single car interior, even during the aftermarket tuning world – as one more proof that validates the car’s 1-off standing. Discussing on the dashboard, Rolls-Royce claims it’s a single of the cleanest dashboards it is created. Press images of the Sweptail don’t expose nearly anything clean out of this portion of the car; the Uk car maker says that just one single control seems on the dashboard while the relax of the buttons and changes are “discreetly transferred.” We cannot see whereby these “relocations” occur, so may well as well consider Rollers’ phrase for doing it. The company does bring that the time clock it incorporated into the Sweptail’s interior has precision-machined titanium fingers and an encounter which had been handmade from the thinnest Macassar veneer. In reality, the use of titanium on the clock fingers extends all the method to the three palm-assembled instrument dials which have somehow been transformed into unique characteristics on their own.
Consider Rolls-Royce is finished with almost everything it is presently included with the interior of the car? Speculate again simply because, despite every exclusive and unique feature that we have currently thorough, the Rolls-Royce Sweptail comes along with the variation of experiencing Easter eggs inside its Easter chicken eggs. The first of those so-called surprises is a hand-built process located in the heart gaming console that deploys a container of champagne and a match of crystal sparkling wine flutes. Not content with that shock perspective, the proprietor of the Sweptail also possessed Rollers put in two identical panniers that are hidden in the outboard wall surfaces on either side of the interior. At a touch of an option, the panniers start exposing a pair of hand-made attaché cases that are the component of the total establish of baggage that the United Kingdom car maker produced specifically for the Sweptail.
2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Engine
The Rolls-Royce Sweptail’s feature is an individual item glass roof structure that tapers into the car’s fastback rear conclusion.It’s a design characteristic that governs the car’s silhouette. Rolls-Royce has not yet released technical specs of the car, but it’s thought to be according to the current generation Phantom platform, which implies some edition of the company’s 6.75-liter V-12 is more than likely lurking less than its long bonnet.
2018 Rolls-Royce Sweptail Price And Release Date
When Rolls-Royce dropped to offer any specific information on the client, they performed reveal that he is a “gourmet and collector of exclusive, a single away item including super-yachts and private aircraft.” The company also dropped to verify its exact importance, but records have listed the Sweptail at among $12,800,000 and $13,000,000.
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