#Building a Stellar Online Image: Harness the Power of an Online Reputation Management Company
skytrust8 · 1 year
Building a Stellar Online Image: Harness the Power of an Online Reputation Management Company
ilding a Stellar Online Image: Harness the Power of an Online Reputation Management Company
In the digital age, where online presence and reputation can make or break a business, the importance of maintaining a positive image cannot be overstated. This is where an Online Reputation Management (ORM) company like Skytrust comes into play. In this blog, we will explore the significance of ORM and why partnering with Skytrust is essential for safeguarding and enhancing your online reputation. Let's delve into the world of online reputation management!
Understanding Online Reputation Management: Online Reputation Management involves monitoring, analyzing, and influencing the online perception of individuals or businesses. It aims to proactively shape public opinion and mitigate any negative content or reviews that may harm a brand's image. ORM companies employ various strategies to build and maintain a favorable online reputation, ensuring that potential customers perceive the brand in a positive light.
Why Choose an Online Reputation Management Company? Partnering with a reputable ORM agency offers numerous benefits for businesses seeking to protect and enhance their online reputation. Here are a few key reasons:
Crisis Management: In times of crisis, having a dedicated ORM agency by your side is invaluable. Whether it's handling negative press, addressing customer complaints, or combating online attacks, a skilled ORM team knows how to navigate through turbulent times and minimize reputational damage. They employ proactive crisis management techniques to ensure a swift recovery and protect your brand's integrity.
Content Creation and Optimization: Creating and optimizing positive content is a cornerstone of effective ORM. ORM agencies specialize in crafting compelling and authoritative content that showcases your brand's strengths, achievements, and values. They strategically distribute this content across various platforms to enhance your online presence and push down any negative or irrelevant search results.
Review Management: Customer reviews have a significant impact on a brand's reputation. ORM agencies monitor and manage online reviews, promptly addressing customer feedback, and mitigating any potential negative impact. They employ proven techniques to encourage positive reviews and handle negative reviews in a constructive and professional manner.
Finding the Best ORM Agency: Profile Defenders When searching for the best ORM agency, consider the following factors:
Proven Track Record: Choose the best ORM agency with a proven track record of successfully managing and improving the online reputations of its clients. Look for case studies, testimonials, and reviews that highlight their ability to generate positive results and protect brands from reputational harm.
Comprehensive Services: Skytrust offers a comprehensive range of services, including online reputation monitoring, content creation and optimization, review management, crisis management, and brand protection. A holistic approach is essential to maintain a strong and positive online presence.
Conclusion: In the digital landscape, your online reputation holds tremendous value. By partnering with SkyTrust IT Solutions, you can safeguard and enhance your brand's image, effectively manage crises, and shape public perception in a positive way.
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zov911 · 3 months
Title: Guide to Successful Online Reputation Management for Canada's Manufacturing Leaders Introduction Online reputation management, eh? We sure bet you've heard this jargon bandied about quite a bit. But, as blokes at the helm of Canada's manufacturing industries, it is imperative to comprehend not just what it means, but also its importance in the present-day digital landscape. In this guide, we're going to address just that, so grab a Timmy's double-double and let's get started. Online Reputation Management: An Overview Just like you wouldn't want wrongful rumors about your esteemed firm floating around in the physical world, the digital realm requires the same vigilant and proactive approach. Online reputation management is essentially this: shaping, controlling and, when necessary, restoring your enterprise's image online. Significance and Role in the Manufacturing Industries Your online reputation is undoubtedly an invaluable asset. In an industry as competitive as Canada's manufacturing sector, where technology is evolving digitization is happening, a strong online reputation can offer a vital edge. Consumers, potential business partners, and even employees increasingly rely on online information to make decisions. The tidier your digital footprint is, the stronger your positioning. How to Effectively Manage Your Online Reputation 1. Monitor Your Brand Image Online: Become a digital detective. Use tools like Google Alerts to keep track of where your company is mentioned on the internet. This lets you stay ahead and tackle potential issues quickly. 2. Encourage Positive Reviews: Ensuring your business generates positive reviews is a crucial part of building a good online reputation. Encourage satisfied clients to leave a review on platforms like Google My Business. 3. Respond to Feedback: No one likes to be ghosted, eh? From constructive criticism to stellar reviews, ensure you acknowledge every piece of feedback your company receives online. This shows you value your customers' opinions. 4. Use SEO Strategically: Employ SEO best practices for your online content. Using relevant keywords in your website, blog posts, and social media improves your search engine visibility. 5. Harness the Power of Social Media: Don't underestimate the influence of social media platforms in shaping public perception. Share positive news and updates about your company, engage with your audience, and establish a strong brand image. 6. Showcase Your Expertise: Authoritative content is a cornerstone of successful reputation management. Publish expert opinion pieces, case studies, and whitepapers to reinforce industry leadership. 7. Crisis Management: When things go sideways, it’s crucial to act promptly and professionally. Address issues promptly, apologize when necessary, and take preventive steps to halt a repeat. In Closing Canada’s manufacturing industry is more than just a cog in the wheel of our economy; it's a powerhouse driving the nation forward. Online reputation management plays a critical role in bolstering this industry’s performance, painting a favourable digital picture, and reaching out to the right audience. If you play your cards right, the World Wide Web can be the wind beneath your enterprise's wings, taking your Canadian business soaring to unparalleled heights. Case Study: North-Wood Furniture’s Transformation Through Successful Online Reputation Management A perfect illustration of successful online reputation management is Canada's very own North-Wood Furniture, a leading manufacturer based in Ontario. This case study is a classic dynamite for seizing the potential of online reputation management, irrespective of business size or product. Background Established in 1970, North-Wood Furniture has crafted an indomitable reputation among distributors, wholesalers, and customers. However, with the rise of digital interaction, the company was faced with fluctuating online ratings and occasional negative reviews, impacting their image on an international scale.
Challenge Day-to-day product issues ensued into negative online reviews, which began affecting potential clientele. It became evident that North-Wood required an online reputation management strategy to manage online feedback effectively and enhance their digital footprint. The Road to Online Reputation Management Mastery Develop a Comprehensive Strategy – The company hired an online reputation management (ORM) team to monitor online reviews, social media platforms, and online discussions. A comprehensive ORM strategy was laid out, focusing on tracking their digital presence, responding to negative comments, promoting positive experiences, and regulating brand image consistency. Timely and Effective Responses – Instead of ignoring or deleting negative reviews, North-Wood started responding promptly with a strategic approach. They addressed customers' concerns while showing openness to improve. This direct engagement with customers improved their online ratings significantly across various platforms. Leverage Positive Reviews – Recognizing the power of positive customer experiences, the ORM strategy encouraged satisfied clients to share their experiences and images of their purchased products. Hosting reviews on their own website, requesting client testimonials, and maintaining strong social media accounts showcasing real-world product applications helped elevate their reputation online. ORM Metrics & Analytics – The team monitored key performance metrics, like ratings and review volumes, to ascertain their ORM strategy's effectiveness. Regular analysis and adjustments formed part of their ongoing strategy to ensure agility and adaptability in maintaining their online reputation. Conclusion: North-Wood Furniture enjoyed substantial online reputation improvement within six months, reflected in their growing sales and widespread customer recommendations. Their successful ORM campaign illustrates that the journey to reputation management is a continuous one, requiring diligence, consistent engagement, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. Advice for Canada's Manufacturing Leaders For other Canada's manufacturing leaders looking to replicate North-Wood's success, here's some actionable advice: 1. Be proactive: Regularly monitor and address online comments and reviews. Be open to criticism and act on it constructively. 2. Consistent branding: Your online presence, from your website to your social media accounts, should echo your company's core values, showing consistency. 3. Encourage positive reviews: Make it easy for satisfied customers to leave reviews. Highlight and share positive feedback to attract potential clients. 4. Regular Analysis and Update: Use ORM metrics to monitor your online reputation actively. Commit to regularly updating your strategy based on analysis findings. Your online reputation directly impacts your company's growth trajectory. Learn from the success story of North-Wood Furniture and prioritize online reputation management to thrive in today’s digital landscape. "Ready to take your manufacturing business to the next level? Protect and promote your online reputation today! Click here to learn more about our comprehensive strategies designed specifically for Canada's Manufacturing Leaders. Don't wait - secure your online reputation now!" Start Your Digital Transformation Now! "According to a study by Deloitte, 87% of companies believe reputation is their most significant risk area, and 40% already experienced a reputation‐related event. The Canadian Manufacturing sector, contributing to nearly 10% of the country's GDP, carries this risk as well, making Online Reputation Management an essential tool for success and growth."
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growfollow · 11 months
Protecting Your Brand: Managing Online Reputation with SMM
In today's digital landscape, a brand's online reputation has become its most valuable asset. Every tweet, review, and comment about your business can significantly impact how the world perceives it.
As consumers increasingly turn to social media platforms for information and recommendations, the power of these platforms in shaping a brand's image cannot be underestimated.
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Recognizing and leveraging the pivotal role that social media plays in crafting and maintaining a brand's reputation is essential for businesses seeking sustained success in the digital age. Whether you're a startup finding its voice or an established entity safeguarding its legacy, understanding and harnessing the dynamics of online reputation via social media is a game-changer.
Understanding Online Reputation
Online reputation refers to the collective perception of a brand or individual based on its digital presence, which includes reviews, comments, news, and other online content.
Impact of Feedback on a Brand's Image:
Positive feedback can propel a brand to stardom, fostering trust and increasing customer loyalty. In contrast, if not addressed promptly, negative feedback can tarnish a brand's image and erode consumer trust.
Real-World Examples:
Company A faced backlash for an ad campaign that many deemed insensitive. Their slow response exacerbated the situation, leading to a significant drop in sales.
Conversely, Company B received praise for its swift and sincere response to customer complaints, turning potential PR disasters into trust-building opportunities.
The Role of SMM (Social Media Marketing) in Reputation Management
Overview of SMM and Its Tools:
Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a dynamic strategy that leverages social platforms to promote products, services, and brands. Essential tools in the SMM arsenal include:
· Content scheduling platforms (like Hootsuite or Buffer).
· Analytics tools (like Google Analytics or Facebook Insights).
· Engagement tracking software.
Proactive Reputation Management with SMM:
Rather than waiting for a reputation crisis to hit, SMM allows brands to shape their image from the outset actively. Through consistent content sharing, real-time engagement, and audience analysis, businesses can anticipate concerns, respond to feedback, and create a positive brand narrative.
Benefits of Leveraging SMM for Reputation Management:
Immediate Response: SMM tools provide real-time insights, allowing brands to address concerns instantly.
Audience Insight: Analytics offer a deeper understanding of audience preferences, guiding more informed decisions.
Brand Narrative Control: With regular content posts, brands can control the story they wish to tell, emphasizing strengths and values.
Increased Loyalty: Engaging with audiences directly fosters trust and cultivates brand loyalty.
Key Strategies to Manage Reputation Using SMM
Navigating the vast world of social media requires strategy, precision, and an understanding of the unique dynamics of online interactions. Here's a deep dive into the critical strategies to harness the power of Social Media Marketing (SMM) for stellar reputation management:
Social Listening:
· What it is: Social listening involves monitoring mentions of your brand, competitors, and industry keywords across social media platforms.
· Why it's essential: By keeping an ear to the digital ground, brands can capture real-time sentiments, understanding what's being said and the context and emotions driving the conversations.
· Tools to use: Platforms like Brandwatch, Mention, or Awario can help automate the process and provide actionable insights.
Engaging with the Audience:
· What it is: Beyond merely posting content, engagement entails actively interacting with your Audience by responding to comments, joining conversations, or even initiating discussions.
· Why it's essential: Active engagement humanizes a brand. When businesses engage authentically, they build trust, resolve issues proactively, and create brand advocates.
· Tips for success: Address positive feedback with gratitude, and approach negative feedback as an opportunity for growth. A transparent, genuine response can turn a critic into an advocate.
Content Creation:
· What it is: Crafting and publishing relevant, high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.
· Why it's essential: Good content informs and shapes perceptions. It positions the brand as an authority in its niche and gives the brand a voice in the vast digital space.
· Best Practices: Use a mix of content types, from informative blog posts to engaging videos. Consistency is key – maintain a regular posting schedule and ensure the content aligns with the brand's voice and values.
Crisis Management:
· What it is: Preparing for and addressing potential PR crises or significant negative feedback that could harm the brand's reputation.
· Why it's essential: In the digital age, news travels fast. A minor issue can snowball into a significant crisis if not handled promptly and appropriately.
Steps to take:
Anticipation: Recognize potential issues before they become full-blown crises.
Preparation: Have a crisis management plan detailing roles, responsibilities, and action steps.
Response: Address the issue transparently, authentically, and swiftly on relevant platforms. Avoid defensive or dismissive stances.
Implementing these strategies effectively can protect a brand's reputation and transform its image, turning challenges into opportunities for growth and a more profound connection with its Audience.
Further Reading: Which SMM Panel is best in Bangladesh and why
Leveraging "GrowFollows" for Effective Reputation Management
Navigating the intricate landscape of online reputation can be daunting. Fortunately, platforms like "GrowFollows" come to the rescue, providing a suite of services tailored to bolster a brand's image through the power of SMM. Here's a breakdown of how "GrowFollows" can be a game-changer in your reputation management journey:
Comprehensive SMM Panel Services:
· What they are: A collection of tools and services designed to optimize your social media efforts, from increasing followers to boosting engagement.
· Why they're essential: These tools can give brands a competitive edge by amplifying their online presence and ensuring consistent engagement with their target audience.
Real-Time Analytics and Insights:
· What they are: Detailed metrics about your brand's performance across different social platforms, capturing everything from engagement rates to sentiment analysis.
· Why they're essential: By understanding what works and doesn't, brands can fine-tune their strategies, ensuring that their content resonates and engagement efforts yield results.
Customizable Engagement Tools:
· What they are: Tools allowing brands to automate and customize interactions, ensuring the audience feels valued and heard.
· Why they're essential: Personalized engagement drives loyalty. By making your audience feel seen and appreciated, you're not just retaining customers but turning them into brand advocates.
Crisis Alert Systems:
· What they are: Real-time monitoring tools that alert brands to potential reputation threats, from negative reviews to unfavorable mentions.
· Why they're essential: Early detection is half the battle won. By identifying and addressing issues head-on, brands can avoid PR disasters and protect their image.
Training and Support:
· What it is: Expert guidance and round-the-clock support from the "GrowFollows" team, ensuring that brands harness the platform's potential to the fullest.
· Why it's essential: The digital landscape is ever-evolving. With expert guidance, brands can stay ahead of the curve, leveraging the latest trends and best practices for maximum impact.
Learn More: Importance Of SMM Panel For Growing Social Media
In the digital age, where conversations happen at lightning speed and brand perceptions can shift overnight, managing one's online reputation is not just beneficial; it's imperative. Social Media Marketing (SMM) stands at the forefront of this endeavor, offering brands the tools and strategies to proactively shape their narrative, engage authentically with their audience, and address concerns in real time.
Your brand's reputation is an intangible asset that holds tangible results. From trust to loyalty, from brand advocacy to conversions, it all hinges on how you're perceived in the digital world.
Don't leave your online reputation to chance. Ensure it's nurtured, protected, and leveraged for growth with a partner who understands its intricacies. Let "GrowFollow" be your guiding hand in this journey, providing you with the expertise, tools, and support to make your brand shine online. Embrace the future of reputation management with "GrowFollows" today.
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wearehivemindq · 1 year
Unraveling Success: Top PR Firms in Dubai and the Power of PR Agency Dubai
In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where competition is fierce and opportunities abound, establishing and maintaining a stellar reputation is vital for businesses seeking to thrive. Enter the world of Public Relations (PR), a strategic communication discipline that bridges the gap between organizations and their target audience. As Dubai emerges as a global business hub, the need for effective PR has skyrocketed. In this article, we explore the top PR firms Dubai and the significant role they play in shaping the city's business landscape.
I. The Essence of PR in Dubai:
Dubai, renowned for its opulence, innovation, and diverse cultural landscape, attracts a diverse range of businesses from various industries. In this fast-paced environment, PR firms in Dubai act as the catalyst that propels companies towards success. From brand positioning and reputation management to crisis communication and media relations, PR agencies play a multifaceted role in navigating the dynamic market.
II. Top PR Firms in Dubai:
XYZ Communications: With a track record of creating impactful PR campaigns, XYZ Communications has established itself as a premier PR firm in Dubai. The agency's creative approach, strategic insights, and data-driven campaigns have earned it a reputation for delivering measurable results. Specializing in luxury brands, technology, and hospitality sectors, XYZ Communications has successfully carved a niche for itself in the competitive PR landscape.
ABC Publicity: ABC Publicity stands tall as one of Dubai's leading PR agencies, renowned for its innovative solutions and client-centric approach. Their expertise spans across a wide range of industries, including real estate, finance, and lifestyle. Whether it's fostering media relations or executing influencer marketing strategies, ABC Publicity's holistic approach ensures comprehensive brand exposure.
PR Masters: PR Masters has emerged as a rising star among Dubai's PR firms, offering integrated communication solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of its clients. With a focus on startups and SMEs, PR Masters has helped numerous emerging businesses establish a robust market presence through creative storytelling and cutting-edge digital PR tactics.
III. The Power of PR Agency Dubai:
Elevating Brand Visibility: In Dubai's crowded marketplace, standing out from the competition is no easy feat. A reliable PR agency can harness the power of media exposure, digital marketing, and events to elevate a brand's visibility and ensure it resonates with the target audience.
Building Trust and Credibility: Trust is a priceless commodity in the business world, and PR agencies excel at building and maintaining it. By crafting compelling narratives, managing reputation, and fostering transparent communication, PR firms can help companies establish themselves as credible and trustworthy entities.
Crisis Management: In times of crisis, a skilled PR agency can be a lifesaver. From handling negative publicity to managing online reputation, PR experts navigate companies through challenging situations, mitigating damage and preserving their image.
In the fast-paced and competitive business landscape of Dubai, PR firms have emerged as indispensable allies for companies seeking to thrive and succeed. With their strategic acumen, creative prowess, and ability to shape narratives, top PR firms in Dubai and the power of PR agency Dubai continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the emirate's ever-evolving business ecosystem. By harnessing the power of communication, these PR agencies help brands carve a lasting impression in the hearts and minds of consumers, ultimately steering them towards unprecedented success.
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saastrac · 4 years
ProveSource – Social Proof Marketing Platform
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When people provide us with information, we may be unsure whether what we have told is true or not. We hence seek not only evidence but also reasoning that will give us sufficient cause to conclude that the original information is true.
We humans need proof.
A proof is a logical argument that establishes, beyond any doubt, that something is true.
ProveSource is a social proof marketing platform that goes with the psychological concept to help businesses win the trust of the customers and prospects and enhance the online experience.
Hit the Play button to listen to this Podcast.
Several types of businesses such as SaaS, eCommerce, and retail do use this amazing platform to add social proof to their apps and websites in order to manage and influence the user buying decision and leverage the rate of sales. A few top names which integrated with this platform are WordPress, BigCommerce, Magneta, and Squarespace.
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With ProveSource, the businesses, on the one hand, will be able to double their conversions as well as make people trust them. Users will be able to see what other people are purchasing and their comments about the products and services. When people see this, they develop a sense of trust and loyalty towards that particular business.
How Does It Work?
When this platform created, the mission was to assist businesses to harness the power of social proof by making use of data such as sales and traffic, to provide your business with a base of trust, and a positive feel. To start using this platform, you need to join it first.
Make an account by following their simple procedure that needs email and secret key password. The procedure will take 30 seconds to finish.
Install ProveSource snippets into your website. These snippets assist the ProveSource to simply collect data about the organizations, business, and push notifications to prospects.
You can create notifications as per your needs and requirements. You can also customize images, colors, display rules, timing, and localization. Take complete control over your notifications.
ProveSource utilizes the bits and different devices to accumulate significant data, for example, leads, impressions, and clicks to drive traffic. Also, the analytics will help users to get the real picture of how your business is running in the market.
The next big thing in the digital marketing space will be Social proof because every organization needs to build trust and authority among people.
On a daily basis, ProveSource pushes – 20 million notifications. As per the recent reports, the companies using this platform have reposted to have a 17.4% rise in their conversions.
Advantages of using ProveSource –
1. Its user-intuitive dashboard
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This social proof marketing platform’s dashboard is simple to understand, clean, and super intuitive. From this space, users can have a track on the notifications created, its status, and its launch date. If the user wants to have a look at how these notifications look to the prospects, he can easily view through the dashboard. This place helps users to focus on their motives and manages all the tasks tactfully.
2. Highlighting the activities of customers
This platform helps users to highlight the activities such as their recently purchased products and their reviews for the services or products they purchased.
3. Track conversions
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This feature helps users to highlight, capture, and monitor conversions that are credible and verified. Using webhooks and web forms, users can measure and track conversions.
4. Create notifications
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Using this feature, users can create and launch notifications. Also, they can customize them accordingly and set the rules, how the notifications will appear, and at what time it should display on the screen.
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5. Stream option
If we talk about building trust, a picture works best. This platform allows you to add the customer’s image and inform users about who purchased the products/services recently. It results in creating a sense of trust among the prospects.
6. Multilanguage
This platform provides users with a multi-linguistic feature. It contains more than 15 languages, which are – French, English, Hindi, Vietnam, Danish, Norwegian, Bengali, Hebrew, and others.
For Whom?
ProveSource is for the operators and businesses who want to get their store a busy place feeling and for the one who wants to double up their conversions and wants their traffic to grow. The notifications by prove source will make your visitors feel that they are in the real place where other people are also live and are shopping just like them.
Provesource notifications help people to understand and develop faith in you.
Technical Details
Supported devices
iPhone or iPad
Supported Languages
Pricing Plans
Cloud Hosted
Customer Type
Installation is very easy
This social proof marketing platform helps its prospects to build confidence.
The free plan offered is not time bounded
For both desktop and mobile devices, the notifications work.
The dashboard is easily manageable and simple to understand
Turns the cold visitors to fans so easily
No special knowledge, tech skills required
Helps to show your service or company legitimate
The templates are easy to edit and are attractive
ProveSource advanced plans are costly. If a user wants to enjoy other features offered by this platform, he/she needs to purchase higher plans.
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Low pricing is what keeps the users stick to this incredible social proof marketing platform. Provesource’s main aim is to make sure that every business could afford them and make use to double their conversions and drive traffic. They have also expanded their pricing plans.
One thing that attracts users is the free plan offered by this platform. Although it comes with limitations – 1000 monthly visits and slower support, then also it is great to look at this platform, test it, and know how it actually works.
Once tested, if you like the platform, you can move forward and buy other plans offered by it.
1K monthly unique visitors
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Removable branding
Great support
$19/monthly – billed monthly
$16/month – billed yearly
Unlimited notifications
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Removable branding
Great support
$49/monthly – billed monthly
$42/month – billed yearly
Unlimited notifications
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Custom branding
Stellar support
$99/monthly – billed monthly
$84/month – billed yearly
Unlimited notifications
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Custom branding
$166/month –  billed yearly
$199/month  –  billed monthly
500K Monthly Unique Visitors Unlimited notifications
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Custom branding
$829/month – billed yearly
$995/month –  billed monthly
Zillion Monthly Unique Visitors Unlimited notifications
Unlimited impressions
Includes all features
Custom branding
Dedicated support agent
Final Take
Social proof is one of the excellent and powerful ways to double conversions and drive traffic because it acts as a signal that your brand is worthy and reputable to their business.
Are you looking for a tool to get a trial in social proof experimenting then, ProveSource is certainly the best and incredible tool in the market. It has really got exciting features, and the pricing plans are also the lowest and reasonable. If you are a newbie then you should go for a free trial.
Originally Published on: SaaS Trac 
About the Author :
SaasTrac is one of the trusted places where users can find reviews on different Saas Products, Software, and Platforms. Our major goal is to let users know the detailed and the most helpful information possible about every product — the good, the bad, and the ugly in the SaaS space. 
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Why advocacy marketing must be in your marketing strategy
Who would you trust more – a friend, or a marketer? Someone with genuine experience of a product, or a company representative who’s paid to make you invest?
If you chose the second option for either of those questions, either:
You’ve worked in marketing so long you’ve started to believe your own myth.
You’ve worked in marketing so long that all your friends are also marketers.
If, however, you chose the first option, well done – you’ve grasped the fundamental idea of advocacy marketing.
That said, there’s more to it than this – and that’s what we’ll be covering today. This article will look at the whats, wheres, whys and hows of advocacy marketing, as well as examples of businesses that have already harnessed its awesome power.
What is advocacy marketing?
Advocacy marketing involves getting people outside your sales and marketing teams to spread the word about your company and its services.
But who are these wonderful people? Among the most common advocates are:
These are your super fans. Among your existing customer pool, there will be some particularly contented individuals who are willing to lend their voices to your marketing efforts. Your job is to identify, nurture and empower them to do this effectively (more on this later).
Customer advocacy marketing is closely tied with two concepts you’re likely to have already encountered:
User generated content – This could be images, videos, text or audio created by users and uploaded to digital platforms (usually social media).
Influencer marketing – Endorsements from individuals with highly invested social media followings is another way that brands seek to get their message out there in a seemingly organic manner. The market size for influencer marketing is predicted to top $8 billion in 2020, according to Hubspot.
#Influencermarketing has a mixed reputation these days as it proves unsuccessful for some, yet wildly successful for others. So is it right for your industry? https://t.co/GEZqTdZC6j pic.twitter.com/YbNyWcUEpZ
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 10 January 2019
Your employees are another valuable resource when it comes to expanding the digital reach of your business.
Chances are, staff are already active across a number of social platforms, so why not encourage them to use their personal profiles to share and engage with your content?
There are several reasons why employees make such good advocates:
They might already be doing it – Popular business platform LinkedIn has shown that employees are 70 per cent more likely to engage with company updates than the average user. With a little encouragement you may be able to make this practice more widespread and effective.
Word of mouth is powerful – Employees who share examples of great company work, or who speak positively about your company could end up benefiting your bottom line. In fact, 91 per cent of B2B buyers base their purchasing decisions on word-of-mouth, according to Incite Group.
It reinforces team spirit – Asking your team to use social media wisely in support of the organisation not only shows trust, but also serves to heighten the idea of a team effort to improve sales.
Should your staff be using LinkedIn profiles? It might seem odd to encourage social media use at work, but it could have a lot of benefits for you and them! https://t.co/o2iyoiuZiZ pic.twitter.com/reT7j2VZfT
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 8 November 2018
Another important one for B2B brands is partner advocacy.
What better way to demonstrate that you’re a great organisation to do business with than glowing testimonials from those who have already had the experience?
According to social media expert Neil Schaffer, partner advocates can influence purchasing decisions among their network, and aid in bolstering the reputation of your brand in its market.
Where does advocacy marketing happen?
Now we’ve established who you can look to as brand advocates, it’s important to understand some of the platforms you can use
Social media
What doesn’t happen on social media these days? In Australia, over 88 per cent of people have a social media profile, with 34 per cent checking in over five times a day (Yellow Social Media Report 2018).
The same study showed that 43 per cent of respondents had posted an online review or blog, an average of six posts in the last year. Gaining some control over how your brand is seen on social is key to ensuring that positive messages outweigh any negatives ones.
Through referral packages
Motoring giant Tesla found a great way to tap into loyal customers in order to draw in more business.
The scheme meant that both the referred person and the referrer would get a US$1,000 discount on a new order, and the existing customer would gain access to buy a limited model usually not available to the public (the first person to do so even got the vehicle for free!).
Blogs and review sites
An advocate doesn’t have to simply champion a product or service. If you’re creating great quality content that other bloggers want to refer to on their sites, this all helps build towards an image of your company as a thought-leading industry expert.
The days of quantity over quality in terms of #socialmedia posting are over. Today, your content needs to hit the mark every time. Here’s why. https://t.co/qwxWMfziox pic.twitter.com/2J1lHjIPcw
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 25 February 2019
Why is advocacy marketing important?
Okay, knowledge consumed, but why should you care?
Since the internet became a thing, marketers have benefitted from a plethora of new ways to engage with and sell to their target markets.
However, there are two sides to the coin of greater brand-consumer communication, and two significant issues have arisen in this context from a business point of view:
Consumers have much greater research capabilities: Today’s shoppers have access to huge amounts of info about you, and your rivals, through the click of a mouse. According to Deloitte, 81 per cent of people read reviews and check ratings when researching their purchasing options.
Death by a thousand adverts: I’m not here to trash talk digital advertising, a well executed campaign can yield great results. However, a constant bombardment of not-so-subtle sales pitches can get old fast. This is borne out in a statistic from LinkedIn showing that 92 per cent of consumers trust peers over advertising when making a purchasing decision.
What do both of these trends teach us?
Authenticity is of vital importance to today’s shoppers. They want to hear from people who’ve had real life experience with a business and/or its products and services before investing their own dollars.
…and this is where advocacy marketing comes in. Remember those cringe-inducing TV ads where ‘totally unsuspecting customers’ are picked to support the commercial’s message? Advocacy marketing is that, but real.
Properly harnessed, it’s a way of saying to your customers, “Don’t believe me? Ask them”.
Influencer marketing has positively exploded in the age of #socialmedia - so will this new avenue for reaching a younger audience survive the new year? https://t.co/3A5e1cZU9G pic.twitter.com/rc2aiNEtzE
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 18 December 2018
If this isn’t enough to convince you of advocacy marketing’s value, I’ve thrown in some additional reasons for good measure:
It’s cost effective
Sure, if you go down the route of offering cash incentives to promote advocacy activities, you’ll end up spending a bit – but is there anything easier and cheaper than your customers growing brand awareness for you?
This is particularly relevant today, as the cost of acquiring new customers has increased by more than 50 per cent in the last five years, says Hubspot.
If you’re good enough to make pre-existing customers want to shout about your business, chances are you’ll be able to retain a new buyer once they’ve converted. Advocacy marketing simply helps them reach this point, at minimal cost to you!
It can increase brand loyalty
Attracting advocates (as you’ll see below) involves a careful nurturing process.
Of course, the end goal is to create an army of proud supporters, but – if this fails – is time spent engaging with customers really a waste?  
Research from Deloitte shows that prospects referred by other loyal customers have a 37 per cent higher retention rate.  
It helps you reach more people
Data from IAB in 2017 revealed that one in four Australians use ad blockers.
Adding this to Facebook’s 2018 algorithm shift that favours “meaningful interactions” from family and friends over brand content, it may seem difficult to get your message out there.
Here again, advocates and influencers provide an answer. These individuals don’t only humanise your brand for other humans, but do the same in the eyes of the various algorithms we live to please. This allows you to bypass the filters and market in a genuine and organic way.
How to attract marketing advocates
Sadly, brand ambassadors don’t grow on trees, and you’ll need a well thought-through strategy if you’re to harness the power of advocacy marketing.
In the interests of fairness, we’ll give an example of how to attract marketing advocates for B2C companies (consumer advocates) and for B2B companies (employee advocates).
Attracting consumer advocates
Step one: Find the right candidates
Your own data is the place to go for identifying brand advocates. In this hunt, be sure to check out:
Social media – Look for signals including likes, mentions, shares, retweets, comments and reviews.
Review sites – While the temptation is to only engage with those who’ve posted stellar reviews (and you definitely should talk to these people!), don’t write off people who aren’t so happy. Successful resolution to a complainant’s problem could also result in a new ambassador.
Customer relationship management systems – CRMs are ideal for singling out long-term customers who are likely to have good knowledge of and experience with the brand.
Step two: Engage them
If your customers are going to promote your brand, they need to know (and buy into) what sets you apart from the competition.
This is where producing great content is crucial. You need to provide them with real value, demonstrating that you understand both their interests and pain points in a way, that will stimulate engagement.
As well as hopefully sharing this content on social media or blogs, this material should help them develop a sense of affinity with your business, and remember you above the competition.
Patagonia is one brand that’s proved particularly adept at forging connections with its customers. Its environmental activism has struck a chord with responsible millennial shoppers, creating legions of loyal advocates.  
Step three: Nurture them
As well as creating a great product and compelling content, you need to care for your customers.
According to Deloitte Australia, a customer’s experience of a brand holds the same importance as financial rewards when it comes securing their loyalty.
A good experience can mean offering touchpoints across several channels, and going above and beyond to show customers are valued. The latter could involve publicly displaying their achievements, or making reference to them in a blog or newsletter.
You also need to keep them up to speed with your latest offerings. Insider information on new products, or invitations to exclusives, serves your purposes and gives them the appreciation they deserve.
Attracting employee advocates
Step 1: Take the lead
Hopefully you know the physical location of your staff, but you still need to find the best ambassadorial candidates and inspire them into action.
LinkedIn says a great way to start this process is leading by example. Start by identifying members of your executive team who already have a substantial social presence. This shouldn’t be hard – according to Weber Shandwick, 89 per cent of global executives have personal social media accounts.
With never-ending updates and newcomers to the market, it’s never easy to choose which #social platforms to target. Here’s where to direct your #content in 2019. https://t.co/Gv80jS3fQS pic.twitter.com/HdkW9sep1q
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 12 February 2019
These people can then start sharing brand content among their network, laying the groundwork for employees to follow suit.
Step 2: Ensure they know the benefits
You may wish to incentivise employee advocacy through rewards such as:
Monetary prizes or gifts.
Access to Premium accounts on LinkedIn.
Additional upskilling programmes.
Public recognition – for example, social media posts acknowledging advocates’ contributions.
It’s also well worth reminding employees that, by sharing interesting content on their profiles, they have the opportunity to grow their personal brand too.
Step 3: Make it easy
While your chosen brand advocates are probably savvy when it comes to their own social accounts, they might need a helping hand to properly promote your brand.
The assistance you can provide includes:
Tips for optimising their profile – this could include a LinkedIn template with important info on the company.
When to post for maximum engagement.
What combinations of content to share on different platforms
The types of language to use in posts.
Step 4: Make the workplace social
Most employee contracts today include a section discouraging social media use during work hours.
If this includes you, it’s time to make a change. Ensure your employees know you’re more than okay with their social media use, and encourage staff to connect with each other on platforms such as LinkedIn.
As well as making for a better connected workplace, this means that you have a better chance of employees sharing content posted by your advocates, giving you an even greater reach.
You know you should be using #socialmedia #analytics - what you don’t know is how. Here’s our guide to finding, creating and then using social media #personas. https://t.co/PVvAAg5kpc pic.twitter.com/jUQtT0ZJXJ
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 14 February 2019
Examples of successful advocacy marketing
We’ll finish off by looking at a few firms who’ve got hit the bullseye with advocacy marketing:
Apple (consumer advocacy)
Love or hate Apple, their ‘Shot on iPone’ campaign is a prime example of how customer advocacy can provide authentic advertising, at minimal expense.
In the competition, contestants are invited to share images taken on their iPhone on social media, under a predefined hashtag. Apple then chooses the ones they like most and displays them on billboards.
Customer engagement – tick. Cheap advertising – tick. Job’s a good’un.  
ANZ (employee advocacy)
Banking is important, but be honest – does content marketing produced by your bank fill you with excitement? My guess is no, no it does not.
Well, this is exactly the problem ANZ encountered when engaging with current and potential customers. To tackle this, they realised they had to amend their workplace culture regarding social media.
Instead of discouraging staff from using social sites, they introduced LinkedIn Elevate.
This tool presents staff with a pool of pre-approved content that will provide value to customers, making it the perfect tool for employee advocacy.
Through employee advocacy, ANZ were able to gain four times more followers for their official LinkedIn page.
According to Influencer Marketing Hub, this move paid serious dividends for ANZ. The introduction of LinkedIn Elevate saw staff sharing six times more frequently, and led to four times more followers for the bank’s official LinkedIn page.
What’s more, employee connections also grew four times faster than usual – demonstrating the benefits of employee advocacy to staff. Win-win!
Cisco (consumer advocacy)
Technology conglomerate Cisco delivers an advocacy masterclass with their Cisco Champions program.
This is an ongoing initiative that originated when the business discovered they had heaps of advocates who enjoyed demonstrating their skills as networkers.
Brand affinity can be a force multiplier for your marketing strategy. It can reduce the costs of your campaigns and get you ahead of the competition at decision time. Here are 6 ways content marketing can boost your brand affinity. https://t.co/1vOg42rdT9 pic.twitter.com/ZEvVRgBHJg
— Castleford Media (@castlefordmedia) 24 October 2018
Through the Champions program, Cisco encouraged advocates to discuss the business on social channels and personal networks. In return, they offered their ambassadors more networking opportunities, and chances to improve their IT capabilities.
Among the incentivising tactics Cisco adopted were:
Creating the #CiscoChat hashtag on Twitter.
Inviting influencers to produce content for Cisco’s weekly podcast and blog.
Inviting advocates to appear on the business’ Engineers Unplugged videos.
Early access to new products.
Invitations to exclusive events.
Opportunities to discuss technology topics with the company’s senior engineers.
4. MasterCard (employee advocacy)
MasterCard first hopped on the employee advocacy bandwagon back in 2013. They realised that their 7,500 strong workforce could be mobilised to share content across their personal Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn profiles.
The company took the smart step of including staff in the creation of social media guidelines.. This has clear benefits for leaders keen to keep control, but also meant staff weren’t put off through a fear of breaking protocols.
Laterly, MasterCard have created the MasterCard Employee Ambassador Program to work closely with 400 of its employees who promote brand content across Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
from http://bit.ly/2GgIZhq
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