#Budi N.D. Dharmawan
artefakpandemi · 1 year
Panggilan terbuka foto artefak pandemi
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Virus corona diketahui masuk ke Indonesia pada awal Maret 2020. Tidak lama kemudian, Badan Kesehatan Dunia menyatakan wabah ini sebagai pandemi global. Di tengah ketidaktahuan, masyarakat dilanda ketakutan, meski tidak sedikit pula yang sepertinya tidak ambil pusing.
Beragam reaksi dan siasat bermunculan, baik di ruang publik maupun ruang privat. Jejak-jejak dari penyesuaian yang dipaksa oleh pandemi itu tentu punya makna tersendiri, baik bagi kita semua secara kolektif, apalagi bagi mereka yang mengalaminya langsung atau punya pengalaman serupa.
Sekarang, benda-benda khas pandemi itu seperti berkurang relevansinya, seiring pandemi pun berangsur-angsur menurun tingkat kegawatannya. Proyek “Artefak Pandemi” ini merupakan upaya untuk mendokumentasikan kenampakan jejak-jejak dari benda-benda khas pandemi tersebut.
Proyek ini berawal dari keisengan Budi N.D. Dharmawan mengunggah ke Instagram foto jejak pandemi lewat beragam objek temuan yang dia lihat. Beberapa teman menunjukkan ketertarikan dengan ikut mengunggah foto dan mencolek Budi. Budi pun membuka proyek pribadi ini menjadi proyek kolektif, dengan cara pengumpulan foto lewat panggilan terbuka.
Foto-foto yang terkumpul akan diunggah secara berkala ke blog artefakpandemi.tumblr.com. Foto-foto yang terpilih akan (a) dicetak dan diterbitkan sebagai zine foto kolektif oleh Budi N.D. Dharmawan dan SOKONG! pada Juni 2023, serta (b) dipamerkan di Kelas Pagi Yogyakarta pada Juli 2023.
Ketentuan pengiriman foto:
Foto diambil selama pandemi, sejak Maret 2020 hingga April 2023.
Foto merupakan karya atau dokumentasi sendiri, bukan buatan orang lain ataupun jumputan dari internet.
Foto dapat direkam menggunakan kamera apa pun, termasuk kamera gawai, dengan perbandingan apa pun (2:3, 3:4, 1:1, 16:9, dsb.) dan format JPG.
Foto sebaiknya dikirim dengan ukuran asli dari kamera atau gawai, guna menjaga mutu gambar ketika dicetak untuk zine dan pameran.
Panggilan terbuka berlangsung hingga Minggu, 30 April 2023.
Silakan isi formulir dan kirim foto di bit.ly/formulirartefakpandemi.
Informasi selengkapnya di artefakpandemi.tumblr.com.
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fisipolartdays-blog · 7 years
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FISIPOL Art Days: Hari Kedua
Pada Rabu (27/9) lalu, rangkaian acara FISIPOL Art Days 2017 memasuki hari kedua. Pukul 10.00 WIB, bertempat di lantai 3 hingga 4 Gedung Mandiri FISIPOL UGM, pameran utama yang bertema “FUTURE LEAK: 5W + 1H ARE WE GOING?” sudah dapat dikunjungi, masih memberi kesempatan bagi pengunjung untuk menikmati 20 karya berbentuk seni rupa dan instalasi dari karya seniman tamu, antara lain Akiq A.W., Budi N.D. Dharmawan, Jompet Kuswidananto, dan Timoteus A. Kusno. Kali ini, menurut Tasya selaku Divisi Pameran, jumlah pengunjung yang diperkirakan hadir mencapai seratus orang.
Lebih lanjut, pengunjung juga dapat merefleksikan diri tidak hanya melalui karya fisik yang ditampilkan dalam pameran utama, namun juga melalui pengalaman dalam menikmati karya berbentuk penampilan slam poetry oleh Khansa Khalisa. Bertempat di lantai 3 Gedung Mandiri FISIPOL UGM, pada kesempatan ini representasi manusia di masa depan yang kian dipertakan nilai kemanusiaannya mencoba untuk disampaikan melalui dua buah karya puisi oleh Khansa Khalisa yang bertajuk The Butterfly with Steel Wings dan Footprint. “Melalui penampilan Khansa, pengunjung bisa datang dan merasakan experience dari karyanya, dan itu merupakan hal yang menarik,” ujar Tasya.
Selain menikmati karya seni pada pameran utama, pengunjung juga dapat mendatangi Pameran Zine oleh Indisczine Partij yang bertempat di Selasar Barat FISIPOL UGM. Kali ini, selain memamerkan berbagai produk zine oleh Indisczine Partij, pameran yang memiliki konsep mini library tersebut memberi kesempatan bagi pengunjung untuk turut mencoba membuat zine dengan aspirasi pribadi yang dimiliki. Melalui pameran ini, diharapkan khalayak menjadi lebih sadar akan eksistensi zine sebagai wadah aspirasi yang menarik untuk dieksplorasi.
Rangkaian acara terakhir pada hari kedua Fisipol Art Days 2017 adalah The Idea of Human yang bertempat di Selasar Barat FISIPOL UGM dan dimulai pukul 19.00 WIB. Melalui acara ini, pengunjung diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan diskusi tanpa interupsi melalui penyampaian aspirasi bebas tanpa membuka sesi pertanyaan. [Nada Celesta]
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posterseni · 8 years
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Diskusi Buku & Coaching Fotografi "Merekam Kisah Membuka Mata" . Fotografi merupakan salah satu seni yang rumit. Namun, belakangan ini fotografi malah menjadi hobi yang digandrungi oleh kaum muda. Kaum muda di sini tidak terbatas pada usia muda, tetapi semua orang yang masih memiliki jiwa dan semangat muda yang penuh gairah. Bahkan fotografi sudah menjadi perwujudan eksistensi para kaum muda di negeri ini dan dunia. . Acara ini dapat membantu kaum muda memahami foto sebagai salah satu bahasa visual dan bagaimana menentukan objek foto yang mampu berkisah dengan sendirinya. . Pembicara : - Seno Gumira Ajidarma (Penulis buku Kisah Mata, Rektor IKJ) - Kris Budiman (Budayawan, Kritikus Sastra, Dosen UGM) - Budi N.D. Dharmawan (Fotografer dokumenter, Stringer Fotografer National Geographic) @budinddharmawan . Kontribusi Peserta : Mahasiswa D3/S1 Rp 50.000 Mahasiswa S2/S3/Umum Rp 75.000 . Kamis, 9 Maret 2017 | 09.00 - 15.00 | Audiorium IFI/LIP Yogyakarta . Tempat pendaftaran : - @radiobuku - Kantor Galangpress Wiwiek 087854000006 / Anton 085273800627
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bytheriveroflove · 12 years
Riverscapes IN FLUX exhibition opening in Bangkok, 22 June 2012
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After Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, Riverscapes IN FLUX goes to the third city: Bangkok, Thailand. My work By the River of Love on display at g23 Art Gallery in Bangkok. (Photographs courtesy of Goethe-Institut Hanoi)
The exhibition opened on Friday, 22 June 2012, and all artwork will be on display until Sunday, 22 July 2012. If you are in Bangkok, please come to g23 Art Gallery third floor to view the exhibition. Address: Srinakharinwirot University, 114 Sukhumvit Soi 23, Wattana, Bangkok, Thailand.
From Bangkok, the exhibition will then travel to three other cities in Southeast Asia until the end of the year: Phnom Penh, Cambodia (October), Jakarta, Indonesia (December), and Manila, the Philippines (January).
See more photos and follow the updates of the Riverscapes IN FLUX project via its blog: http://blog.goethe.de/riverscapes/ and also via Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/riverscapes.influx.
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artefakpandemi · 2 years
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Budi N.D. Dharmawan. Yogyakarta, 24 Maret 2021.
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fisipolartdays-blog · 7 years
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FISIPOL Art Days 2017 Resmi Dibuka
Rangkaian FISIPOL Art Days 2017 telah dibuka pada Selasa (26/9) lalu. Acara dibuka dengan penampilan dari Forum Musik FISIPOL dan Teater Selasar di Selasar Barat FISIPOL UGM. Mengusung tema “Transisi”, kedua penampilan pembuka mengantarkan pengunjung untuk memaknai makna perpindahan. Bahkan, kali ini Teater Selasar menyajikan narasi perpindahan manusia ke masa depan dalam pementasan bertajuk Node. Teater Selasar berupaya menerjang narasi di ruang keseharian dalam zaman dan mempertanyakan dunia seperti apa yang dihidupi manusia.
Perpindahan peradaban manusia merupakan fokus yang ditonjolkan pada pelaksanaan FISIPOL Art Days tahun ini. Dalam sambutan Anas A.H. selaku ketua pelaksana dikatakan bahwa FISIPOL Art Days berupaya mengajak khalayak memahami perpindahan melalui berbagai karya dan kegiatan yang disajikan. Namun, sajian yang berada di dalam rangkaian acara tidak bersifat monolitik. “FISIPOL Art Days menjadi sarana proses bersama,” ujar Irham selaku dosen pembimbing pelaksanaan acara ini dalam sambutannya.
Pembukaan FISIPOL Art Days 2017 sekaligus membuka pameran utama yang bertema “FUTURE LEAK: 5W + 1H ARE WE GOING?”. Dalam pameran ini 20 karya submisi dan karya seniman tamu, yaitu Akiq A.W., Budi N.D. Dharmawan, Jompet Kuswidananto, dan Timoteus A. Kusno ditampilkan di penjuru lantai 3 hingga 4 Gedung Mandiri FISIPOL UGM. Karya yang ditampilkan di antaranya berbentuk seni rupa dan instalasi yang disajikan secara interaktif untuk memaknai perjalanan manusia ke masa depan.
Pengunjung dapat menikmati dan merefleksikan diri melalui berbagai karya futuristik di satu sisi dan erat dengan masa lalu di sisi lain. Dalam salah satu panel pameran pun mengakomodasi keingintahuan pengunjung mengenai masa depan melalui tarot. Terdapat proses dialogis antara seniman dan pengunjung melalui karya tersebut, bahkan sejak tahap pembuatan. “Pameran kali ini lebih seperti laboratorium daripada pameran,” ujar Titah A.W. kurator utama pameran.
Pameran utama akan hadir hingga penghujung FISIPOL Art Days 2017 pada 30 September 2017. Sepanjang pameran, penampilan slam poetry pun akan menemani. Selain pameran, untuk beberapa hari ke depan pengunjung dapat ikut serta dalam rangkaian acara lainnya.  Nantinya FISIPOL Art Days 2017 turut menggelar beberapa program lainnya, seperti pertunjukan dan diskusi film. [Selma Theofany]    
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bytheriveroflove · 12 years
Riverscapes IN FLUX exhibition opening in Ho Chi Minh City, 12 May 2012
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My work By the River of Love on display in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Photograph courtesy of Goethe-Institut Hanoi)
The second exhibition of Riverscapes IN FLUX, in which By the River of Love is a part of, opened at Cactus Contemporary Art in Ho Chi Minh City last week. All artwork will be on display until Saturday, 26 May 2012. If you are around, you can come to 17/12 Nguyen Huy Tuong, Ward 6, Binh Thanh District to see the exhibition.
Previously showed in Hanoi, the exhibition will then travel from Ho Chi Minh City to four other cities in Southeast Asia throughout the year: Bangkok, Thailand (June), Phnom Penh, Cambodia (September), Jakarta, Indonesia (November), and Manila, the Philippines (December).
See more photos of the opening in Ho Chi Minh City on the Riverscapes IN FLUX Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Riverscapes-INFLUX/124346684346163 — you can also check the blog to follow the updates from all participating artists: http://blog.goethe.de/riverscapes.
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bytheriveroflove · 12 years
Riverscapes IN FLUX exhibition opening in Hanoi, 12 April 2012
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My work By the River of Love on display in Hanoi, Vietnam. (Photographs courtesy of Goethe-Institut Hanoi)
The Riverscapes IN FLUX exhibition, in which By the River of Love is a part of, finally opened at the Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts in Hanoi last week. The opening was attended by all curators from the six participating countries and Vietnamese artists. All artwork will be on display until Sunday, 29 April 2012.
From Hanoi, the exhibition will then travel to five other cities in Southeast Asia throughout the year: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (May), Bangkok, Thailand (June), Phnom Penh, Cambodia (September), Jakarta, Indonesia (November), and Manila, the Philippines (December).
See more photos of the opening in Hanoi on the Riverscapes IN FLUX blog here: http://blog.goethe.de/riverscapes/archives/40-Exhibition-opening-in-Hanoi.html — you can also check the blog to follow the updates from all participating artists.
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Riverscapes IN FLUX online
The centralized blog of Riverscapes IN FLUX that includes all 17 artists and 6 curators from 6 Southeast Asian countries: Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Indonesia, and the Philippines, is now online. Riverscapes IN FLUX blog follows the artists’ working process and gives an insight on how the artworks evolve.
Check out the blog and follow the updates: http://blog.goethe.de/riverscapes/
Also check out the project's Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Riverscapes-INFLUX/124346684346163
The exhibition will open in Hanoi in April 2012 and tour the participating countries until December 2012.
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Wrapped, packed, shipped
As always, printing the photos was a challenge in terms of getting the colours, tones, contrast, brightness, and all the blah blah blah that you wanted, that you saw while editing them on screen, just right on paper. I had the print master made test prints twice until we decided that we were good to go. As the printing process was done, we soon prepared to wrap, pack, and ship the prints.
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Bubble-wrapping the prints.
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Making custom-sized box to contain the prints for shipment.
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Loading to send to Jakarta—will soon leave Indonesia for Hanoi, Vietnam.
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The Riverscapes IN FLUX project has recently been posted on the Goethe-Institut Hanoi's website here, though it only highlights the Vietnamese artists.
The exhibition will open on Thursday, 12 April 2012 at Goethe-Institut Hanoi (56–58 Nguyen Thai Hoc) and Vietnam Fine Arts Museum Hanoi (66 Nguyen Thai Hoc).
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Test print
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Making test prints before making the actual prints for the exhibition.
I have been exchanging emails with Indonesia’s curator (Ade Darmawan of Ruang Rupa, Jakarta) to discuss about the work since January through February. This March, the final 25 photos will form into prints and ship to Hanoi, Vietnam, where the Riverscapes IN FLUX exhibition will open in April.
I and other participating artists in Riverscapes IN FLUX project are all rushed to quickly materialize our projects, so that Goethe Institut Hanoi, as the organizer for the project, can soon start to prepare the exhibition.
Besides me, other participating artists from Indonesia are Achmad Krisgatha (Bandung), Mahardhika Yudha (Jakarta), and Wok the Rock (Yogyakarta).
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
By the River of Love by Rebecca Pan
Bengawan Solo river of love, behold Where the palms are swaying low and lovers get so enthralled
Bengawan Solo river of love we know Where my heart was set aglow when we loved not long ago
Nightingales softly singing, to a guitar is gently playing Moon and stars brightly shining, shining for you and I
In that moment divine you whispered you were mine And you vowed we’d never part down by the river of love
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Bengawan Solo by Gesang Martohartono
Bengawan Solo riwayatmu ini Sedari dulu jadi perhatian insani
Musim kemarau tak seberapa airmu Di musim hujan air meluap sampai jauh
Mata airmu dari Solo terkurung Gunung Seribu Air mengalir sampai jauh akhirnya ke laut
Itu perahu riwayatnya dulu Kaum pedagang selalu naik itu perahu
(Bengawan Solo this is your story From long ago you have caught people’s attention
In the dry season your water is not much In the rainy season water flows to far distances
Your water springs from Solo isolated by Gunung Seribu Water flows to far distances eventually to the sea
Those boats with their old stories The merchant folks had always sailed in those boats)
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Post-travel work
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Flood mark (upper) and mud mark (lower) from the 2007 flood at a wall of a house near Bengawan Solo in Cepu Distrik, Blora Regency, Central Java, 14 Dec 2011.
(Note: I put arrows to emphasize the marks.)
I am now still editing the photographs I took during the journey along Bengawan Solo last month. From all the photographs I took, I selected 85, from which I will still need to narrow down my selection.
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
January 2012 flooding
As I was finishing the project, Bengawan Solo was again flooded, due to heavy raining. The flash flood happened almost simultaneously in different areas. I decided to go back to Solo to have a look. The flood was not as bad as what happened in 2007, but still it flooded numerous parts of the city, especially riverside areas.
There were small children playing in the ankle-deep water with balloon floats or hollow plastic balls. There were bakso (meatball) vendors still selling in flooded areas. There were also office workers and school kids turning around, avoiding the flood, trying to find other ways to get home dry. Clearly the flood disrupted locals’ daily activities, though it had been anticipated, as it happens annually.
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bytheriveroflove · 13 years
Solo, Sukoharjo, and Wonogiri, Central Java, 21–22 Dec 2011
After one day rest at home in Yogyakarta, I headed back to Bengawan Solo, this time to Solo city. Like the first time, I rode my motorcycle again. But unlike the first time when I kept riding and only stopped at some spots, now I decided to walk around the neighbourhood near the river. I stayed at a hotel near to Bengawan Solo, so I wouldn’t have to walk too far.
I spotted a mural on a wall in Pucangsawit village, Jebres District, one of the worst flooded areas in Solo in 2007. Oddly enough, the mural depicts Bengawan Solo in perfect harmony with lush greenery, clouds hanging on the blue sky and the great Mount Lawu on the background. The paint colour has faded, though.
On other place, I saw remains of two houses by the riverside. The land had eroded. I thought the houses were collapsed due to the erosion. I decided to ask around to find out the real reason. I met a woman who was on her way to a nearby church for a gathering. She told me the houses were demolished to make way for levee construction. And anyway the houses were too close to the river.
The owners of the house had agreed to move to a new location prepared by the government of Solo City in Mojosongo District. The woman also told me that the eviction actually benefited them. The land where they built their houses were not officially theirs—they had no certificate. Now the government granted them a land with certifications stating them as the legal owners—for free.
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As I walked farther away along the river, I came upon an embankment where locals, young and old, men and women, hung out and enjoyed the afternoon breeze. I soon realized that it was actually a park. Some boys played football on one corner of the park with makeshift goalposts. Another group of boys played football on a volleyball court nearby, while other boys waited for their turn to play. Some other kids just rode their bicycles or strolled around.
I noticed a pole by the river, near the volleyball court. I came closer to look. It was a monument, erected in 2009 with support from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to commemorate major flooding events that had happened. A dragon sits on top of it. There were signs on the obelisk to mark the highest flood level. The highest mark was 1966, while right below it was 2007.
The next day, I headed to Sukoharjo and Wonogiri by motorcycle. As I crossed a bridge from Solo to Sukoharjo, I noticed colour differences in the water of Bengawan Solo, one part brown, other part bluish. I turned back, went under the bridge and tried to find a way to go nearer.
As I got to the riverside, I saw two boys fished in the river. As I photographed them, their parents came and called them home. I asked the parents what made the river water bluish. They said it was the batik dye from batik factories in Solo.
(Note: Batik is Javanese traditional cloth decorated with painstaking motifs made with wax, then dyed either using natural or chemical dye. In October 2009, UNESCO inscribed Indonesian batik as intangible heritage.)
I asked again whether it was harmful. They were not sure, but they told me they could still fish from the water, so it was probably not toxic. The father sometimes even pointed to me that there were catfish in the bluish water.
In Wonogiri, I visited Gajahmungkur multipurpose dam, the main water reservoir along Bengawan Solo. Built in the 1970s and started to operate in 1978, the dam was prepared to prevent major flooding to happen again, as in 1966. The dam was designed to function for a hundred years, but experts estimated it would not be so long due to heavy sedimentation.
There were people fished in the dam. As the sun set, I decided to join them and spend the rest of the day there, before going back to Yogyakarta.
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